Kent Madin contemplates his dead reputation after six years of lying to innocent people around the world about being a Mongolian Consul, to deceive and defraud them in his career as a criminal Cyberstalker. It seems highly appropriate that the world’s most prolific Troll and Cyberstalker should be appointed as ‘Consul for the Rockies’ by one of the world’s most corrupt countries. But that’s Kent Madin, whose career as an immensely energetic stalker and fraud, apparently endorsed by a national Government, has finally come to an end. While Kent Madin continues to this day to abuse the trust his former Mongolian sponsors placed in him, by using ‘Mongolian Consul’ on all his social media, pretending to everyone that he is still an actual Consul, the truth is that Mongolia quietly cancelled this privilege SIX YEARS AGO, in 2014. Mongolia cancelled Kent Madin as Consul when they discovered he was up to his neck in an international criminal enterprise, and is today known to the FBI and Police in five countries. Today he remains wanted for questioning in Australia for Cyberstalking and making a death threat (6 years jail).
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