FebEdi ti on’ s ChemEbyt es THE Or igi nof Chemical Engi neeri ng THE Ocean Ranger MYTHvs REALI TY 1 Art icl eby VSLShreya 2 PRODUCES Themostcommonr beengr eet edwi t esponset hwhenIt ol hatI dpeopl 've eI 2.Deodor ant : wasmaj or ingi nchemi calengi neer i ng wast hat" Chemi calengi neer ing?I sn' tit Skippingabat h,applyingadeodor ant justchemi stry?"Asaf reshman, I andr ushi ngt ocl assfor m ever yhosteli te' s respondedvaguel y,citingchemi cal stapler emi niscences( wear en'tcrying, engi neer ingwasmer el ychemi cal youar e) . Spr aydeodor antsar eusually processdevel opment .Thatonl y emul sions, witht heaqueousphase compl icatedmat ters,sincet omany, a consistingoft heact i vei ngredients chemi calengi neermer elyseemedt obe (bactericidalonesl i kepar abenand alaw- abidi ng, wat ered-downver sionof tri closan, forinst ance)and Wal terW hi tef rom Br eaki ngBad. W hen sweet -smel li ngessent ialoi lsint heoil quizzedabouti t spr acticalappl icat ions, I phase. Incaseofant i per spir ant s, mer elyr epeat edt hef ormeri ndi fferent alumi nium zi rconium wor ds, albei tconvi ncingl y(aski l lIpi cked tetrachlorohydr exglycine( aformul ated upf rom wr iti ngl oadsofCTs)butf elt salt )bl ockst hes weatpor esinourbody hollow l ater .Aft ermont hsof andpr event ss weatr elease. soul-sear chi ng, Ifinal lybeganr eal izing thepr esenceofchemi calengi neer ingi n ourdai lylives.Soher e'sal istofobj ect s thatweusei ndai l yl i fe, whi chst and testimonyt ot heomni presenceand omni pot enceofchemi calengi neer ing. 1 .Toot hpast e Haven'tweal lwonderedwhet hera toothpasteissoli dorliqui d?Tur nsout,i t isaBingham flui dwithvariabl eviscosi ty, whichr equir esacer t ainamountofshear str esstoflow. Henceweneedt osqueeze thetubef orthetoothpast et opeekout ! 3.Food Rightf rom thef ertili zersusedt ocul tivat e grainstopr oduci ngusef ulby-pr oduct s, chemi calengi neer ingpl aysacr ucialrole i nt hef oodi ndust ry.Evendur i ngf ood processingandmanuf actureofFMCG goodssuchbi scuits,chips,beer , chocolat esandsal t,achemi calengi neer i sr equiredt oident ifythemostki net i call y andt her modynami call yef ficientpr ocess, perform opt imizationt oext ractthe maxi mum amountofyi eldfrom t he providedr aw mat erial . 3 5.Medi cine Thechemi cal-phar maceut icalnexusi s oneoft hemostevi dentexampl esof Chemi calengi neer ingt hatonecanr elat e to,i never ydayl i fe. W hilechemi stsstudy andcomeupwi t hdr ugpr oduct i onand deli verymechani smsonl ab- scale, chemi calengi neer simpr oviseand implementt hepr ocessonani ndust r ial scal e.Inever ymanuf actur ingi ndust r y, chemi calengi neer scallt heshot son processdesi gn,equi pmentsel ectionand design(beitr eactor s,valvesoreven 4.Fuel humbl efit andeconomi ti ngs) cs. ,indust rialplantdesi gn From of fshoreoper at i onst oonshor e processingofpet r oleum, fr om desi gning aviationandr ocketf ueltor enewabl e ener gy,chemi calengi neeringconcept s suchascat alyticcracki ng,separati onand refini ng,CO2capt ureandsequest rati on areusedandchemi calengi neersar e inti mat el yi nvol vedint heextracti on, pur i ficat ionandpr oduct ionoffuelsand alsoinmaxi mi zingef ficiencyineachof thosest eps. Inshort,sci enti stsconcept uali zegr eat thi ngsandchemi calengineersactually mat eri ali zethem int heeasiest, safest andmosteconomi cwaypossi ble.The presenceofChemi calengineeri ng, li ke Thanos, i sinevi tableandast heItal ian quot egoes,CercaTrova(SeekandYou shallfind). Art icl eby Sri divya 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2
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