WE ARE BINGO 1. CUT squares below along the dotted lines to separate. 2. Place squares on your bingo card in any order and ATTACH. 3. Write your name (legibly) on the top of your card. 4. Find the SHOW US YOUR CARD post on the JTS Warriors Page and POST A PICTURE OF YOUR CARD In the comments OR bring it to the center and we’ll post it there for you. 5. Starting 7/15, we will call out 1 square a day in the 8:15am class and post it to our center FB page the same morning. Mark off your squares as they’re called out to get a bingo. Show us your bingo and collect your prize*! (*while supplies last) Dance Strength Flip Interval Fusion Mixx 60 Fusion Fusion Interval Express FUN Fusion Core Strike PUSH- MUSCLE CARDIO PLIE’S STRETCH UPS THERAPY MUSIC HIP CHASSE’ TRIPLET SHAKES CRUNCHES PLANKS SKIPS LUNGES KNEE LIFTS
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