Yonker‘ Free Pre‘‘ SUNDAY MARCH 15, 2020 - BRIAN HARROD PUBLISHER Yonkers’ Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins told Democratic senators in a call earlier in the day to expect the unexpected and to be prepared to take action on a fiscal plan by the end of the week. Yonkers Majority both Brooklyn Democrats, tested of flavored vaping products and clos- positive for COVID-19. ing the rape intoxication loophole. Leader Says There is a strong fear that the leg- This is causing senators to tell islative session potentially could be majority leader Andrea Stewart- Coronavirus Is suspended, as coronavirus cases surge Cousins that policy should be han- and New York State is now register- dled separately, as the coronavirus Accelerating ing two COVID-19 deaths this week. outbreak unfolds in the state. Already the Coronavirus has The state faces a projected $6 bil- Budget Talks prompted the Yonkers City Coun- lion budget deficit and Gov. Cuomo By BRIAN HARROD cil to cancel hearings and committee last week asked Comptroller Thomas meetings, as an employee in Mayor DiNapoli to revisit the state’s revenue Mike Spano’s communication’s office projections in light of the market im- has tested positive for the virus. pact of the coronavirus. In a conference call Andrea Governor Andrew Cuomo has Some left-leaning legislators want Stewart-Cousins says that NYS bud- basically not commented much on to raise revenues by upping taxes on get negotiations move quickly to “an- the impacts on budget negotiations, the state’s wealthiest residents. ticipate future issues were going to saying last week that his emer- They note that the Federal have to deal with." gency response efforts have been “all- Corona Bill gives NYS the lowest Majority Leader Andrea Stewart- consuming” . level of reimbursement rate at 50%. Cousins and Assembly Speaker Carl But, Governor Cuomo’s bud- Other states get 75%. Heastie (D-Bronx) were planning on get contains a multitude of policy Privately Andrea Stewart- releasing their one-house budget pro- changes like the controversial crim- Cousins is telling her democratic posals by Wednesday and begin nego- inal justice and bail reform amend- state caucus that Chuck Schumer tiations with the governor just ahead ments. and Kirsten Gillibrand are not fight- of the April 1 budget deadline Governor Cuomo’s policy-packed ing hard enough for New York. But now there’s a real sense that $178 billion fiscal proposal, submitted The governor has said he told this needs to get done this week, espe- in January, calls for the legalization of Schumer’s office that the bill “short cially since, Assembly members He- recreational marijuana, the banning changes New York.” lene Weinstein and Charles Barron,
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