E-FILED 2021 MAR 5 2:53 PM STORY - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR STORY COUNTY This Complaint and Affidavit is to be: Filed with Court Clerk (cc: CA) Agency Case Number: 20005048 Submitted to County Attorney Arrest Date: Filed with JCO - Defendant is a Juvenile THE STATE OF IOWA VS. OFFENDER Last First Middle Suffix WILLIAMS TRENTON LAMAR Address City State Zip Code AMES IA 50014 DL# State DL Class DL Endorsements DL Restrictions IA 0 Date of Birth Gender Race Ethnicity 05/05/1991 MALE BLACK - B NOT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN - N Height Weight Eye Color Hair Color 6' 03" 180 LBS BROWN - BRO BLACK - BLK OFFENSE State County Local Code Section Crime Description Speed in Zone 711.3 ROBBERY 2ND DEGREE Class Serious P.I. Fatal Accident Civil Damage Assessment Other FELC Location Type 20 - RESIDENCE/HOME Literal Description 145 HYLAND AVE. Address City State Zip Code 145 HYLAND AVE. AMES IA 50014 Is Date and Time of Incident Known? Incident Date or Low Range Upper Date Range Incident Time or Low Range Upper Time Range YES 11/21/2020 07:42 STATUS OF OFFENDER/JUVENILE TAKEN INTO CUSTODY CUSTODY SUMMONS TO APPEAR (Citation Issued) WARRANT REQUESTED NO CONTACT ORDER RELEASED TO REQUESTED PARENT/GUARDIAN NARRATIVE Narrative of Offense Committed On or about the above stated date and time, the Defendant did commit robbery in the second degree against the victim, with the intent to commit a theft, commit one or more of the following acts to assist or further the commission of the intended theft or the person's escape from the scene thereof with or without the stolen property and purposely inflict or attempt to inflict serious injury: 1. Commit an assault upon another. 2. Threaten another with or purposely put another in fear of immediate serious injury. 3. Threaten to commit immediately any forcible felony. AFFIDAVIT STATE OF IOWA, STORY COUNTY I, the undersigned, being duly sworn, state that all facts contained in this Complaint and Affidavit, known by me or told to me by other reliable persons form the basis for my belief that the defendant committed this crime State all facts and persons relied upon supporting elements of alleged crime On November 21, 2020 the victim was alone in her residence when the defendant entered her locked apartment. The victim did not know the defendant, and the defendant did not have permission to be in the victim's apartment. The defendant was wearing a gray ski mask and gloves. The defendant approached the victim and grabbed her by the throat. The defendant then demanded money from the victim. The victim attempted to defend herself, but was thrown to the ground. Bodily injury was caused to both the victim's neck and legs. The defendant was later identified as a suspect and a search warrant was completed at his residence. A gray ski mask and lock picking set were located in the defendant's apartment. A search warrant was completed for the defendant's phone and his Google account. It was discovered that the defendant had been taking photos/videos inside the victim's apartment while she was away during the early morning hours of November 4, 2020. Printed At AMES POLICE DEPARTMENT 3/5/2021 2:52 PM Page 1 of 2 Form #: 20005048 E-FILED 2021 MAR 5 2:53 PM STORY - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT KOEPPING, MITCHELL 312 Signature of Complainant or Officer, Officer Name & Number GENERAL PROBABLE CAUSE Defendant Implicated 02 - CAUGHT IN ACT, 07 - IDENTIFIED BY WITNESSES, 11 - POSSESSION Operating Motor Vehicle in County Other Physical Evidence Attempted To Inflict Injury STATE OF IOWA, STORY COUNTY Subscribed and sworn to before me by the person(s) signing the Complaint and Affidavit(s) on 03/05/2021 Notary Name SHARI L BERENDS Signature of Verifying Party Commission Number 753147 My Commission Expires 06/06/2023 Peace Officer Notary Prosecuting Attorney Printed At AMES POLICE DEPARTMENT 3/5/2021 2:52 PM Page 2 of 2 Form #: 20005048
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