FRONTIER CONFLICT AND THE NATIVE MOUNTED POLICE IN QUEENSLAND Yillbong (aka Millbong Jemmy) [Associated individual] Default Name Yillbong (aka Millbong Jemmy) Role/status/position Aboriginal person Notes/comments Turrbal man, known as Millbong Jemmy by Europeans. Was caught taking our from the mill at the early convict depot in Brisbane by Constable William Thompson, who he attempted to stab; Thompson in turn beat him with a stave. He was alleged to have been involved in the murder of Andrew Gregor and Mary Shannon at Pine River in 1846. Yillbong was shot by two sawyers on Doboy Creek in order to gain the reward for his capture. "One of them was well-known as "Millbong Jemmy." Now this man's native name was really "Yilbung"— pronounced in English, "Yilbong." He rst put in an appearance at the missionary station at Nundah. (Nundah means "chain of waterholes.") Jemmy was taken in hand with some others to be converted. He got on very well for a good while; could say the Lord's Prayer, and the missionaries thought him a model. He had only one eye, this "Millbong Jemmy," having had the other burnt when a child, but he used it well, and always kept it open and on the lookout. His name—"Yilbung"—meant "one-eye."" (Petrie 1904:166) Documents 7 entries Title Text File Tools Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General BRISBANE CIRCUIT COURT.—… Moggy Moggy, Advertiser, 6 December 1851, p2 an aboriginal native, was indicted for the wilful murder of William Bowler, by spearing him, at the Pine River, on the 21st September, 1847. Bowler, James Smith, and William Walter, three sawyers, were at work near the Pine River on that day, when a lot of blacks, who had frequently been about them, acting in a friendly manner, attacked them, and speared Bowler so much that although Smith and him escaped together, Bowler died six days after in the Brisbane hospital ; Smith positively identi ed the prisoner as one of those blacks, and said he saw him spear Bowler ; prisoner now said his name was Make-i'-light, to which form the indictment was altered. An interpreter named James Dans, who had been fourteen years among the blacks, and knew prisoner as Make-i'-light, deposed to the di culty of distinguishing one black from another. Guilty ; sentenced to death, the Judge being unable to hold out any hope of mercy in that place… Moreton Bay Courier, 13 November 1847, p2 LATEST FROM LONDON. THE NIGGERS' PROTECTION ASSOCIATION. BY the Ærial Machine's Mail we have received a report of the proceedings of the above-named Society at their last meeting in London, Mr. Alder-man Tallow in the chair. The worthy Alderman brie y explained the objects of the Society, which were to a ord protection and assistance to those persons who incurred the disapprobation of illiberal individuals by shedding human blood. At present the operations of the Society were con ned to the Aboriginal Blacks of the British Colonies, but many sensible men were of opinion that the same assistance should be extended to white men who were similarly unfortunate. The barbarous slaughter of the celebrated Sawney Bean and his family must have often excited the sympathy of his hearers ; and even their own times had witnessed a similar sacri ce in Title Text File Tools the persons of Messrs. Bishop and Williams (hear, hear). That rm had transacted an extensive business in London, and the unfortunate partners might have lived to this hour if they had possessed the countenance of that Society. But he would not agitate the question at present, as the means of the Society were limited, and every body must admit that the poor blacks ought to be attended to before the whites (hear). He should therefore call upon the meeting to proceed to business. Dr. Glossy rose to move the rst resolution. Far removed, as they all were, by unanimous consent of themselves, from the frailties incidental to common humanity, they must be horror-stricken at the revelations he was about to make. But the fearful truths with which he should electrify his hearers would give them more cause to be thankful that they, were not like other men (hear, hear). He had received private letters from a friend holding a responsible situation at Moreton Bay, an island about fty miles to the westward of Sydney, in the distant colony of Australia : those letters teemed with accounts of the cruelties perpetrated by the white settlers upon the harmless natives of that island. The rst case he should refer to was that of Mille Bon James (or "Jemmy," as he was disparagingly called by the colonists). This young man was the son of a Chief,—in other words a member of the Blood Royal in the island of Moreton Bay (hear, hear). It was well known to his hearers that Australia had been one of England's proudest conquests during the last war, and that its original possessors were the French. It was doubtless from one of their descendants that this young Prince received his name. He must inform the meeting that, from a peculiarity in the language of the Australian Aborigines, they could only judge of the positive, comparative, or superlative by numbers : the word "narang," with them, signi ed a cypher, and was Title Text File Tools expressive of positively nothing ; "coborne," meant one hundred, and was generally used as the comparative, while "Bolennty," which denoted one thousand (their highest number), meant, also, the superlative in anything else. He therefore concluded that the name of "Mille Bon" (or one thousand good) was bestowed as being most intelligible to the natives—the greater number of whom had doubtless acquired a smattering of French—and thus the correct translation of "MILLE BON JEMMY," was "EXTREMELY GOOD JAMES." Such titles as "The Good"—"The Bold"—and "The Wise," had been often bestowed upon the sovereigns of Europe, and the plain conclusion must be that Mille Bon Jemmy was a good and virtuous Prince. In drawing this conclusion it might, perhaps, be possible that he was wrong (cries of "No, No."). Well then, since he had satis ed the meeting upon that point, he would at once inform them that the amiable, the benevolent, and, he had no doubt, the accomplished MILLE BON, had been shot to death by the whites of Moreton Bay. (Great sensation.) Yes ! it was too true ; this virtuous youth had been ruthlessly destroyed, and his royal body was brought to town on a common bullock-dray ! And what was his crime? What act in the life of this ino ensive creature could have called for such a punishment? Perhaps his hearers were not aware that Moreton Bay boasted a newspaper, called "The Geelong Advertiser." In that paper it was stated that the hapless su erer had made himself dangerous to the whites ; but he (Dr. G.) held in his hand a number of "The Oldest Newspaper in the Australasian Colonies," and it was there declared that the poor blacks had committed no o ence, save a mere "execution of vengeance, according to the customs of the people" ! (Cries of "Shame, shame.") Ay, shame indeed—shame to those tyrannical exterminators of venerable national usages, who, under the mask of expediency, would Title Text File Tools resent, punish, and abolish those beautiful ebullitions of nature, those sublime exempli cations of character which alone remained, like the Temples of Mexico, to shadow forth the past greatness of a once mighty people (immense cheering). He would next call their attention to the case of MARGARET MARGARET, or as the colonists, in their vulgarity, chose to call him, "Moggy Moggy." This gentleman, for such he believed was his rank, had been the dearest friend of the unfortunate Mille Bon James— and, because he had faithfully followed the fortunes of his chieftian, because he had participated in his dangers, and shared in the spoils of the vanquished, as became an a ectionate friend and a loyal subject—he was now a proscribed outlaw in the land of his fore-fathers ; and the government of the colony—that paternal government which for so long a period had extended universal toleration to the natives had now so far forgotten itself as to permit the issue of a warrant for his apprehension. (Loud weeping.) But there was yet a resource for this persecuted o cer ; his habits were those of a soldier, and he could subsist upon the indigenous animals, and natural productions of his native sod. They had all heard of the Bunyip, a gigantic animal abounding in the neighbourhood of Sydney, and which was the favourite food of the natives : in Moreton Bay existed a still larger species of this animal, which was there called the Bunya Bunya ; and, at certain seasons of the year, the tribes assembled for the purpose of hunting them. There was also what is called the Australian Grub, which he had no doubt was a very luxurious fruit, as that great traveller Sir Thomas Mitchell had seen the natives eagerly cutting them from the trees. The name of this fruit would not appear strange to his hearers when he informed them that vulgar persons, such as formed the white population of Title Text File Tools Moreton Bay, made use of the term "Grub" indiscriminately to denote anything to eat. By these means Margaret Margaret might indeed support life for a time, but he was compelled to absent himself from the bosom of his family, and seek a refuge amongst the mountains. Lost to him for the present were those daily incursions so dear to the heart of a warrior, and which had shed a halo around the earlier years of his life : no more could he lead the dark-eyed daughters of his native land through the mazes of the festive corobboree, or pass his hours of peace in those gentle attentions to the sex for which the Australian Aborigines were so famous ; but, by the cruelty of the whites, a warrior and a gentleman had become a fugitive and a vagabond. (Loud cheers.) The resolution with which he (Dr. G.) was entrusted proposed a present to the families of the two gentlemen he had named. [HERE SEVERAL MEMBERS RETIRED.] Something substantial must be done for those a icted families. (Murmurs of disapprobation.) He did not propose a money vote. (Hear, hear.) He believed that an o er of that description would be indelicate. (Cheers.) What he asked for was merely an expression of sympathy on the part of that Society. (Enthusiastic cheering.) He would now read the address, and move that this meeting do adopt it. The worthy Doctor then read the following address :—"The members of this Society, cordially sympathising with Mille Bon Jemmy, and Moggy Moggy, desire now to present their families with this expression of their sentiments." Dr. Glossy sat down amidst an uproar of applause. Mr. Fig Muggins took great pleasure in seconding the resolution. After the eloquent speech of his friend the Doctor, little remained for him to say. The eloquence of that speech was its least recommendation. They might all declaim, they might all be poetical on so sublime a subject, but few could bring to their Title Text File Tools assistance the great fund of information with which Dr. Glossy had sup-ported his motion that day. For his own part, he was unworthy to follow such a leader, but having a near relation who was at present located in some part of Moreton Bay, he was enabled to furnish the meeting with some particulars respecting the natives which the Doctor had omitted. He had heard it stated that the aborigines of Australia were in a state of the deepest human degradation, but he knew the contrary. He had received from his son an original war song, called "Coreenda Braiaa," which had been written and set to music by a respectable old native called Ngaythun. Of the beauties of this composition he would enable them all to judge, as he had made himself master of it, and would sing it to them now if they pleased. (Hear, hear.) [Mr. Fig Muggins then sang the song called " Coreenda Braiaa," accompanying himself on an inkstand and a ruler, and perform-ing at the same time the appropriate war dance. The exhibition was received with great applause, after which Mr. Muggins proceeded.] He would now ask the meeting if a people boasting a musician like Ngaythun did not deserve their best assistance ? (Hear, hear.) But it was not only in music that they excelled. The natives of Moreton Bay were exceedingly skilful in capturing the turtle which were found in the lakes of that island —this alone should be a su cient recommendation to the Society. (" Hear, hear," from Alderman Tallow.) As a proof of their attachment to their own customs, and their horror of litigation, he would mention one circumstance, communicated to him by his son's letter. Two Lawyers had at- tempted to establish themselves on the Pine,— a stream so called from the number of pine apples growing upon its banks, it was a tributary of the Murrumbidgee, a large river which discharged it-self into the Derwent, at Port Essington. How did the deep-thinking Title Text File Tools natives behave to those troublesome persons who intruded upon their territories ? They slew them !—not in their beds— not in a moment when it might be expected that they were most harmless—no !—his son's letter distinctly stated that "two Lawyers were killed while they were at work." That is to say, they were in the very act of endeavouring to create law suits by sowing dissensions amongst the natives, when they met their just punishment. (A voice— "Humbug.") He did not know who it was that made that observation—perhaps it was the gentle-man with the beard and the tweed coat, whom he saw on the reporters' seat. He had before heard some expressions of feeling from that person dur-ng the speech of his friend Dr. Glossy—a speech displaying such extensive historical and geographical knowledge, as could rarely be found in a London citizen. (A convulsive grin from the bearded man.) He (Mr Muggins) would not be put down by laughter ; perhaps the gentleman was an Australian squatter—nothing more probable—for he had heard from the most respectable authority— his own grandmother—that those individuals were compelled by the Government to wear beards, in order to distinguish them from civilised beings. If he was indeed one of those unhappy persons, he (Mr. Muggins) could tell him that he had no business there, but had better return to his bark hut and his corn-meal damper. (Loud groans, during which the person with the beard lled his pipe.) Mr. Muggins having cordially seconded the motion, took his seat. A question was addressed to him by the bearded man, having reference to his mother's knowledge of his absence from home ; but Mr. M. declined to answer it. The motion was then put and carried. The following votes were next hastily proposed, and carried unanimously, viz :— A vote of thanks to the chairman. A vote of thanks to themselves, and Title Text File Tools A vote of censure on the bearded man ; after which the meeting hurriedly adjourned to the Guildhall Co ee-house. The bearded man gathered up his papers and departed. HE WAS OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENT. Moreton Bay Courier, 2 January 1847, p2 To the Editor of the Moreton Bay Courier. SIR—In your paper of the 26th instant is an extract from a letter published in the Sydney Chronicle, professing to be from some party at Moreton Bay, as follows :—" Some parties went out last week into the bush, and red at a crowd of blacks in their camp, hoping to shoot one of those for whom a reward is o ered, as the murderer of Mr. Gregor. They brought in one black, Millbong Jemmy, quite dead, having driven three balls through him, and they received the reward. I have heard it whispered that the blacks have been shot in all directions, and that some persons in authority are conniving at it." I do not know who the writer is, or with whom he corresponds in Sydney, but I will venture to give them through your columns some more in-formation, since it is but just and fair that all the evidence should be produced in a case which the writer says "calls for Protection for the Aborigines." The black, Millbong Jemmy, whose fate excites so much of the writer's sympathy, has long been known in this district ; and the following are a few facts from his personal history :— In 1832, he, with several others, attacked two men belonging to a boat's crew, and after beating them severely, proceeded to roast them on the re. The return of the Commandant and the remainder of the crew fortunately saved the lives of the men, but they were both in the Hospital for nearly twelve months, and never fully recovered. About seven years ago, he broke open the Government Mill, to steal our, and being caught in the act by Mr. Thomson, the Acting Title Text File Tools Chief Constable, he stabbed him (Mr. Thomson) in the chest with a knife. He attacked the Government Station at Eagle Farm, and since the district has been opened, has repeatedly threatened the lives of Mr. Westaway and family, who now reside there. At the death of Mr. Gregor and his servant, Millbong Jemmy was the most active of the murderers, as is proved by the depositions on which Government issued a notice o ering rewards for his apprehension. On the day preceding his death, he with a large party of armed blacks committed several robberies on parties residing at Breakfast Creek ; and cross-ing the river to avoid pursuit, accidentally met with a boat in Doughboy Creek, containing three men, whom they attacked, and in defending them-selves one of the crew was accidentally shot by his comrade, who was handing him a gun. The next morning Millbong Jemmy and his party went to the hut of some sawyers, and with threats demanded provisions and tobacco. Fortunately, assistance arrived at the time, and attempts were made to capture him- he being engaged in an unlawful and violent act, and a proclaimed murderer. In this one of the men was severely hurt, and the sawyers in self-defence had recourse to re-arms ; when, as is truly stated by the writer in the Sydney Chronicle, he was shot with three balls. He was immediately brought to the settlement, but died on the road. His body was subsequently placed in the same room with that of the victim of his attack on the boat on the evening before. An inquest was held on both the same day. With the opinions of the writer of the letter, I have nothing to do. Thought is free ; but I beg you " Look now upon this picture, and on this." It can be no excuse for him that he did not know all the facts connected with this black's murderous career, and which I have related Title Text File Tools above. The circumstances connected with his history for the two months preceding his death, were too notorious to be unknown to any inhabitant of Brisbane ; and of themselves furnished in equity a justi cation for his apprehension, as in law, they had provided a warrant. I do not know to whom this " ami des noirs" refers in his statement, " of the persons in authority conniving at shooting the blacks," but this gratuitous assertion is a stab in the dark, and is characteristic of one who expends all his sympathy on the murderer, while he has no tear for the victim. It is matter of history that those who gured most during the French Revolution under the epithet which 1 have ventured to apply here, dipped their own hands deepest in their country's blood-and shall it be any excuse for him or them to plead that they were actuated by the best intentions, and warmest philanthropy ? I beg to tell this writer in parting, that it is not by the suppression of facts or the substitution of falsehood, that the cause of the aborigines will be best served, but by treating them justly according to the maxims of international law, which is the only law save that of nature which is applicable to their case. All attempts to apply to a people, utterly unacquainted with our institutions, the details of English common law and Acts of Parliament, will produce more legal injustice and su ering than the course I have adverted to-a consequence which all good men would wish to avoid. ANTI-HUMBUG. Moreton Bay Courier, 24 October 1846, p2 HORRIBLE MURDERS BY THE BLACKS.—It is our melancholy duty to record the particulars of two of the most brutal cases of murder that perhaps ever occurred in this part of the colony, and which were perpetrated by the natives on the Pine River, on the morning, of Sunday last. The victims are Mr. Andrew Title Text File Tools Gregor, a settler, and Mary Shannon, his hired servant. It appears that the unfortunate gentleman sent four blacks named Jemmy, Millbong Jemmy, Dick Ben, and Jackey into the bush to cut bark, on the morning in question. During their absence about twenty other blacks came to the hut, and were driven away by Mr. Gregor. About an hour after, the four blacks returned, and the others subsequently joined them. The murderous work then commenced. Dick Ben and Jackey went to the stock-yard, where Mr. Gregor was inspecting some bark, and struck him on the back of the head with their waddies, and quickly deprived him of life. A native named Moggy Moggy and Millbong Jemmy then attacked the poor unfortunate woman while she was standing in front of the hut, and killed her by striking her on the neck and head with similar weapons. While this was taking place near the hut, the husband of the woman was at a water-hole, about two hundred yards distant, and on hearing screams he immediately proceeded towards the house, when he was attacked by the blacks, who threw their spears at him. On account of the great number of natives about the premises, he had taken the precaution of carrying a gun with him, and red it at one of the blacks. He then ran away in the direction of Captain Gri n's station, pursued for about a mile by one of the wretches, who appeared determined, if possible, to take his life. Fortunately, he happened to meet Mr. W. Haly, about four miles o , who on being informed of the fate of Mr. Gregor, immediately galloped back to Captain Gri n's station, and reported the circumstances. Captain Gri n's three sons instantly armed themselves, and accompanied by Mr. Haly proceeded to Mr. Gregor's station, where they found two of the blacks lling their "dillies" with our. The scoundrels then made o for the scrub, pursued by the horsemen, one of whom attempted to arrest their ight by ring at them, but they both managed to Title Text File Tools reach the scrub. On returning to the hut, they found Shannon's three children standing at the door, and on asking for Mr. Gregor, the eldest girl made answer, " Oh, he is dead." She was then asked where her mother was, when she replied, " Oh, she is dead too," and pointed out the places where the bodies were lying. The party then placed them on some bark, and removed them to the hut. The head and face of Mr. Gregor were covered with blood; the left eye had been driven from the orbit, and there were numberless fractures of the skull, more particularly one on the left side, extending from the orbit to behind the ear, and another on the right side, through which the brain protruded. The head and face of the murdered woman were also covered with blood, and on the left side there was a large open wound extending from near the orbit to behind the ear, exposing the brain, which appeared to have been in icted by a tomahawk. It is painful to add that she was far advanced in pregnancy. As soon as intelligence of the murders reached Brisbane, the Police Magistrate, accompanied by Dr. Ballow, immediately proceeded to the spot, and held an inquisition on the bodies, when the foregoing facts were deposed by the witnesses. From the evidence of a black boy, named Ralph William Bow, it appears he had overheard the blacks say, two days before the murders were committed, that they would " numcull" (kill) Gregor, white woman, and the children, because they would not give them food. He communicated what they had said to Mr. Gregor. Another black, named "Constable," who had been living with Mr. Gregor, and who left the station two days previous to the occurrence, had also told the boy " that the blacks would kill Mr. Gregor," which was also communicated to him. At the time these murders were being committed, the boy was on horseback on the opposite side of the Creek, and witnessed the whole of the dreadful proceedings, but did not attempt to run away. Title Text File Tools The black named Dick Ben had always been well treated, and had been in the habit of bringing sh to the hut. On Wednesday, one of the blacks named Jackey, who, as we have already stated, was one of the murderers of Mr. Gregor, and who had taken a letter to him from his brother, the Rev. J. Gregor, on the previous Thursday, was seen in the town. As soon as he was recognised a hue and cry was raised, and a number of persons, including the Chief Constable, started o in pursuit. The villain, however, managed to elude the grasp of the whites that came up with him, notwithstanding that he was held by the hair of his head, while others laid hold of him by the arms and legs. He struggled so violently that they were completely exhausted by the e orts made to secure him, and at length he e ected his escape. The deplorable fate of Mr. Gregor and his hapless servant has caused the greatest excitement ; and the enormity of the crime has given rise to feelings of execration against the natives, which will not soon be allayed. It seems scarcely necessary, after these facts, to impress upon the Government the pressing necessity for increasing the mounted police force in the squatting districts. At the present time life and property are entirely at the mercy of ruthless savages, who require to be promptly checked in their destructive career. It is the bounden duty of Government, in this exigency, to take decisive measures against them. The matter will not brook delay. On Monday, Dr. Simpson, the Commissioner of Crown Lands, and two mounted policemen went in pursuit of the blacks, but it is feared that, owing to the scrubby character of the country, his e orts to capture them will not be successful. We would strongly recommend that the Government should o er a handsome reward for their apprehension. [Since the above was in type, we have learned that one of the blacks, named "Constable," Title Text File Tools who was present with the others, has been captured, and placed in the Lock-up.] Moreton Bay Courier, 26 December 1846, p2 [2] PROTECTION OF THE ABORIGINES.-The follow- ing is an extract from a private letter from More-ton Bay :—"Some parties went out last week into the bush, and red at a crowd of blacks in their camp, hoping to shoot one of those for whom a reward is o ered, as the murderer of Mr. Gregor. They brought in one black, Millbong Jemmy, quite dead, having driven three balls through him, and they received the reward. I have heard it whispered that the blacks have been shot in all directions, and that some persons in authority are conniving at it. The Government ought to give the aborigines some protection, else they will be soon swept away in this district. The Moreton Bay Courier advocates their utter destruction ! !" —Sydney Chronicle.—[Who this veracious cor-respondent ( anguis in herba ) may be, we know not, neither do we care; we are quite certain, however, that " he is a butcher of the truth, and an assassin of facts." When we tell this man that we hate liars, we hope he will believe us.—ED. M. B. C. ] Title Text File Tools Moreton Bay Courier, 7 November 1846, p2 A BLACK MURDERER SHOT.—Our pen has been so often employed this week in recording the loss of life among the white population, the death of one of whom, at least, is to be attributed to the outrages of the blacks, that we have something like satisfaction in informing our readers the hand of retributive justice has reached one of its victims—and that one no minor o ender against the laws which bind society together. Millbong Jemmy, the principal in no less than ve murders within a comparatively short space of time, was killed yesterday morning. It appears that this horrible villain accompanied by a number of other blacks, after driving Mr. Richards away from his station at Eagle Farm on Wednesday, and nding himself hotly pursued, retreated across the river to Doboy Creek on the same evening. Yesterday morning, he appeared at the hut on the creek occupied by some sawyers, and demanded rations, which were given to him. Not being satis ed, he asked for more, and on being refused, attempted to rush the hut. At this critical moment, one of the sawyers and a bullock driver happened to return to the hut, when a contest commenced. Millbong Jemmy, armed with a waddie, struck one of the sawyers on the arm, and made him retreat to the hut. The party then brought his gun, and shot him on the spot, two balls having penetrated the brain. He survived upwards of two hours. The other blacks, on seeing their ringleader fall, instantly decamped, and made for the scrubs. The body of the black was brought on the dray to Brisbane the same morning, when an inquiry took place before the Police Magistrate. A clearer case of justi able homicide we never before heard, and it is to be hoped that the death of this native will teach the others a lesson which they will not soon forget. Our limited space precludes us from furnishing minor details. North Australian, Ipswich and General THE NATIVE POLICE REPORT Advertiser, 26 July 1861, p2 Title Text File Tools We have now before us the Report of the Select Committee, appointed by the Legislative Assembly, to enquire into the organisation and management of this fores, and also as to the possibility of adopting any measures for the amelioration of the present condition of the aborigines. The report is a very voluminous one, containing no less than 167 folios of foolscap. Much valuable information has been obtained by the committee during the course of the enquiry, and their proceedings will be read with much more than the usual amount of interest created by such documents, by all philanthropists or others who feel an interest in the aboriginal race of this colony. We feel con dent that those who peruse the evidence appended to this report will come to the conclusion that Dr. CHALLINOR did good service to the country by the publication of the Fassifern enquiry. The attention of the Press and the public were awakened, and other similar occurrences which might have passed without observation or remark, but for the awakening of that attention, were brought to light. Although it is possible that some of the statements which from time to time gained currency may have been somewhat exaggerated, the evidence which has been taken is quite su cient to prove that wanton outrage has been committed by the Native Police, and that it was high time that a re- organization of the force took place. The Committee have met with some unseemly obstructions in their enquiry by the refusal of attendance of those who had been foremost in making charges against the Native Police force. If they declined to give that evidence which might have thrown more light on the proceedings of the force than has yet been brought forward, and through, the withholding of that evidence the Committee are prevented from arriving at a correct conclusion, none will be so much to blame as those who have failed in the performance of what we consider to be Title Text File Tools a public duty. These persons must blame themselves only, if through their neglect of this duty they have prevented justice being done and a thorough reorganization of the force taking place. There is only one other view of the conduct of these persons to be taken, and that is that, they are unable to substantiate the charges they have made — We here wish it distinctly to be understood that we include both charges made against the Native Police, and charges made against the aborigines.— This is the general impression which remains upon the minds of all intelligent men who have considered the question, and which must continue to be attached to their conduct, until steps have been taken by them to substantiate their statements. The conduct of those persons contrasts most strongly with that of Dr CHALLINOR, who, whilst fully aware of the dislike and ill-will which his proceedings were to produce, did not shrink from performing what he conceived to be a public duty at all risks. Without committing ourselves to a full approval of all the acts of the Doctor in this matter, we yet feel satis ed that it was only by some such bold and determined course as that adopted by him that interest could be created, which resulted in the appointment of this committee. It is scarcely possible within the compass of a newspaper article to review the whole of the evidence taken before the Committee. We shall, however, endeavour to put our readers in possession of the most prominent features of the proceedings, and make a few comments thereon. We nd Lieut. WHEELER, in his examination, de nes the term "dispersing the blacks" as " ring at them." He says, "I gave strict orders not to shoot any gins. It is only some times when in the dark, that a gin is mistaken for a blackfellow, or might be wounded inadvertently." He further states that he considers it right to re upon them in that way, "if they are the right mob." He allows the black troopers to go out of his sight for half an Title Text File Tools hour, having previously received orders to disperse a certain tribe ; and he does not consider it indiscriminate slaughter,—because there were only two blacks shot. He further acknowledges to the shooting of a gin in his own presence, but "that was a mistake." The only evidence, for this foray on the Telemon blacks, were the letters which he had received from the squatters in the neighbourhood, com-plaining of depredations committed by the tribe, and he knew it was the same mob, because he had "followed their tracks for a fortnight." Very circumstantial evidence, indeed ! especially when it is taken into consideration that they were camped in the same scrub with the Dugandan blacks, and that he used considerable exertion to get the latter away, "so that they might not get shot." Amazing discrimination on the part of Lieut. WHEELER! After performing this exploit, we had this hero journeying to a new eld, "following up the same track" to Fassifern, where he acknowledges that two blacks were killed, and that he himself was present on the occasion. The unfortunates, in this instance, were sacri ced because he had received a letter from HARDIE, "stating that a mob of blacks had been threatening him, and that he coud not get rid of them." He saw nothing himself, for he "could not waste time to see whether a cow or a bullock was killed." Excellent reasoning this. It was not necessary to take any trouble to ascertain the truth of the charges of depredation, or who were the perpetrators; a much better and easier mode of settling the di culty being to shoot indiscriminately any blackfellow who might come within guushot range! No wonder that the blacks are now everywhere much quieter in Lieut. WHEELER's district. He says : — "We have driven them almost entirely away from the Logan; they generally go to the islands in the Bay, over the dividing range, to the boiling-down Title Text File Tools establishments, and to the townships." No wonder at their disappearance, after the description of the means adopted to disperse them; there ought, however, have been an addition to the last piece of evidence, and that should be — the rest are shot. It would appear, from this evidence, that the most e ectual means of relieving the squat-ters from annoyance is to drive the blacks from their runs — shooting a few as a warning to the rest — depriving them of the means of obtaining their usual food, and sending them into the neighbourhood of the towns to feed on the refuse of the boiling-down establishments, and, as a matter of course, obtain a more extended eld for committing their depredations. On a second examination, Lieut. WHEELER informs the Committee that the Commandant of the force has never issued any written or printed instructions, that he never interferes with anything he (Lieut. WHEELER) does — that the latter acts upon his own discretion and upon his own responsibility —that he acts upon the letters he receives from squatters — that he thinks it right to pursue a tribe for a month — that he does "not think they can understand anything else except shooting them !" There are discrepancies in Lieut. WHEELER's evidence which appear strange to us, and which must have escaped the attention of the committee. We place before our readers the following : — 10. In those particular cases which the Chairman alluded to the other day at Fassifern and Dugandan, had you any warrant to apprehend any particular man in that tribe? I had old warrants for several blacks that live about there; there is one out against Cranky Charlie, who committed a rape upon a girl many years ago; and I had an old warrant for a boy of the name of Johnny One-eye (Millbong Jemmy) for trying to commit a rape at the Peak Mountains. Title Text File Tools 25. (By Mr. GORE). Do you ever receive warrants against black fellows guilty of o ences? Very few, I have received two. 30. Don't you think it would be much better that the warrants for this part or the country should remain in your possession, so that you might be able to execute them as occasion o ers? I have got copies— a copy is su cient— the originals are kept in the o ce. 31. Do you know of a great many being in existence for various o enders? Only of two or three Mr. Sneyd would know more about the matter. I know of one for Nelson, and for Millbong Jemmie. 57. But has your attention been attracted to no blacks that have been reported to have committed a rape at Moongrah? Yes, I believe two—Cracky Charlie and Millbong Jemmy—are reported as the blackfellows who committed this rape. 35. In the course of patrolling in that neighbour-hood, if you saw those men, would you think it your duty to apprehend or shoot them? I would not apprehend nor them, as there is no war-rant out against them, and the thing was hushed up. In questions number 10 two blacks are mentioned by name as having warrants out against them, which warrants are in Lieut. WHEELER's possession ; again, in number 31, one of the same names is mentioned, yet, in reply to questions 97 and 98, where the names of both the o enders are repeated, we are told that no warrant is out against them, and therefore they would neither be apprehended, nor shot, if they were met with by Lieut. WHEELER on patrol. Were such evidence as this to come before a jury, it would be looked upon with great suspicion, and might even lead to unpleasant consequences to the individual giving such evidence. We shall now make a few extracts from the evidence of Mr. SHERIDAN, Collector of Customs at Maryborough, which fully corroborate the statements made by us in this journal on the 16th of April last, and fully prove Title Text File Tools the statements made by the northern journals respecting the conduct of Lieut. BLIGH. Mr. SHERIDAN gives the following account of the circumstances: — 63. Will you state the circumstances as you saw them? Well, I think it was between seven and eight in the morning, on 2nd of February, 1861. I heard a tremendous noise; I was at breakfast at the time, and looked out and saw the Native Police in pursuit of blacks; some of the blacks at that time were swimming in the river, some running along the land, one of whom ran through my own verandah, pursued by a single trooper of the Native Police. I made enquiry of the persons present as to the cause of the disturbance, and they said that a warrant was out against one of the blacks. I took no more notice of the matter, but, about two minutes after, I heard some shots as the blacks turned round the corner of the house; almost simultaneously with this, immediately in front of my house, where I was residing, there was a number of blacks in the water, and there was a boat pursuing them; some were captured and taken into the boat, and others swam under the public wharf for some time. A considerable number of white people were congregated about the place, and the Native Police o cer, with, I think, some of the Native Police, and some white persons also, were in a boat. Two of the black men, who were either under the wharf or in a boat. — I won't be certain, because the crowd was so great.— dived from under the wharf or swam o the boat, and a moment after several shots were red from the boat and the bank at them, — in all, one might presume some forty or fty shots. 64. By the Native Police? Yes: I saw the Native Police o cer, myself, re four or ve shots, and I eventually saw the black man at whom he red sink, — raise up his hand and sink ; that was the last that was ever seen of him. Mr. SHERIDAN saw one black shot and another Title Text File Tools wounded; he goes on to state, in reply to the inquiry if he was aware that the blacks had been committing depredations in the neighbourhood, and that a warrant was out against them, that he subsequently knew of a warrant being out against one named DARKIE, and that he had seen the other working in a store in town a few days before. He further states that he felt certain the blacks shot by Lieut. BLIGH might have been taken without resorting to shooting — that there could have been no di culty in reaching them. Im reply to the enquiry as to the cannibalism of the natives, Mr. SHERIDAN says : — I saw them have a man roasted for the purpose of eating him, in the town of Maryborough. The man alluded to in this case was one of the men shot by the Native Police — was skinned, and being roasted in the presence of white people, who did or would not interfere until I came there; even a constable told me he did not consider it his duty to interfere, although he was aware of what was going on; this occurred within the town of Maryborough. In reply to Mr. FITZSIMMONS, Mr. SHERIDAN says there were about half a dozen blacks appeared to be pursued, and then — 183. Did many of these get on land across the river, or where did they go to? They plunged into the river, as I think I said: or some ran away without going into it. I only know of four blacks that were accounted for: one was shot in the town, another was shot in the river, another was wounded in the river, and another taken prisoner and paraded through the town. I have never seen him since. 185. Was the lieutenant of the Native Police Force on land, or in the boat? In the boat, and he red ve or six shots during the time. To the best of my knowledge, I saw him re four shots, 186. You stated, in your evidence, that there was a warrant for one of these blacks of many Title Text File Tools years' standing? It came out in evidence—it was asserted at the Police-o ce. 187. What was the crime of which he was guilty ? The original crime was stealing tobacco from Mr. Palmer. He ran a way, was pursued and captured, tried, and sentenced to six months' imprisonment in Sydney Gaol ; he was placed on board the steamer Waratah, to be taken to Sydney. She sailed to the Bar, but returned, as I am informed, through stress of weather. The black is represented as having been su ering from a loathsome disease, and the sailors would not have him on board — they broke his chains and let him go. During time he was about town there was no further notice taken of him, till the day that he was shot; he was an escaped prisoner. 194. At the lime of the investigation was there no cause assigned in the Court — did not you, as a magistrate, ask for some? The cause assigned was the apprehension of an escaped prisoner. I believe that the law is, that if an escaped prisoner cannot otherwise be apprehended, he may be shot. If no other evidence had been forthcoming than that which we have here referred to, there would have been quite su cient ground for the enquiry which has just taken place; but when we nd these statements corroborated in the main facts by Lieut. BLIGH's own evidence, there is more occasion than ever for pursuing the subject through aIl its hearings. We also nd that several of the o cers have been guilty of intoxication, and un t for their duty; so that the committee would have had great di culty in arriving at any less severe conclusion than they have done. We consider that they have been extremely lenient in their report, and we shall not be surprised if the House reject it for this amongst other reasons that occur to us, the omissions or negligence of the servants of the public being passed over with little or no notice. Take, for example, the evidence of Mr. JOHN McDONNELL respecting Title Text File Tools the distribution of stores and cloth-ing to the police force, who says that the distribution ought to take place at the commencement of the year, but no distribution has yet taken place during the present year, and thus accounts for it:— 27. How comes the clothing not to have been distributed? On the recommendation of Mr Manning and myself, it was procured from the store-keeper of New South Wales—he had a large supply on hand — and it was considered more expeditious and economical to get the supply from him, as all the goods were ready there, and had been some six or eight months ; up to this present time, however, none of the clothing has been receired, and within the last few days. I drew the attention of the principal under secretary to the fact, and he promised to re-mind the storekeeper of Nev South Wales, and get the things as quickly as possible. It is somewhat amusing to notice the naviete of this witness, as recorded in reply to Mr. WATTS :— 66. By Mr. Watts : Do you not think it your duty to look out very sharp after the supplies for the Native Police? Yes. From the evidence of this witness, it appears that the troopers have had to nd their own ammunition as best they could, and that they have been placed in circumstances where they might have required to travel 300 miles before they could obtain a supply ! One piece of information is supplied by this witness which will be new to many of our readers : — 70. Do you not think that the Native Police Force is almost useless without su cient ammunition? Certainly; but this colony has been in a peculiar condition with regard to stores; there have been no stores to fall back on, and it has been impossible to get ammunition. We were not before aware that the circumstances of this colony were so peculiar as to prevent its tradesmen from supplying any article of clothing or ammunition Title Text File Tools that the force might require. This gentleman is evidently no ordinary individual, but has his own peculiar specialities, and doubtless this is one of them. He cannot, however, tell whether it would be advantageous to send supplies of our, tea, and sugar to the di erent depots. "He had not looked into that question !" There has evidently, been a great deal of neglect to the management of the a airs of the force, and, as usual, no one is to blame. We have no doubt, however, that the members of the Assembly will insist on having some better security for a more e cient management for the future, and that those o cers who have exceeded or neglected their duty shall be dis- missed from the service, and replaced by others, whose quali cations shall have been tested before their appointment. We have not given this report a tithe of the ventilation it deserves, and we have purposely abstained from entering upon any discussion of the theories propounded for the amelioration of the condition of the natives, and the other questions therewith connected, as each branch of the enquiry ought to have separate treatment. We may, however, give each portion of the subject our attention on another occasion. We feel satis ed, however, that we have herein shown that the cry which has been rained against the Native Police Force was not with-out su cient cause, and that it was high time that the representatives of the people stepped in to prevent the perpetration of such outrages. Events 3 entries Event name Day and Year Nature of Description Tools month event Attack on Europeans/others 16 1847 Attack on "THE LATE MURDER.—The - William Waller, James September Europeans/others unfortunate man Boller, who was Smith and William Boller, speared by the aborigines at the Pine River Event name Day and Year Nature of Description Tools (August/September 1847) month event Pine River on the 11th instant, and conveyed to the Hospital, died there in great agony on Tuesday last. It appeared from a post mortem examination which was held on the body, that the poor fellow had received six spear wounds, one of which had penetrated the abdomen three fences deep, and was the immediate cause of death. Morti cation took place on the previous Friday, when the medical gentleman, Dr. Ballow and Dr. Cannan, who had paid every attention to him, gave up all hopes of his recovery. We understand that the deceased was a quiet ino ensive man, and died, much regretted by his fellow workmen. We have no wish to be considered idle alarmists, but we must say, that unless some steps are taken for the capture of the murderers of this man, we may expect that other atrocities will be committed by the " poor blacks," as certain philanthropic gentlemen, who know little or nothing of the peculiarities of the Australian savage, designate a race of beings, possessing all the worst passions of man, with scarcely any of his redeeming qualities." (Moreton Bay Courier, 25 September 1847, p2) 'MORETON BAY. SEPTEMBER. 21.— This district has again been the scene of other diabolical murders by the blacks, and within half a dozen miles of the spot where the unfortunate Mr. Gregor, and his servant Mary Shannon, met a Event name Day and Year Nature of Description Tools month event similar untimely fate by the hands of the same reckless wretches—the uno ending parties in this instance are a few peaceable sawyers, who for some time past have been carrying on their avocations in a cedar scrub on the banks of the Pine River, about twenty miles fro… this township. Two of the men were at work at the time of the attack at their saw-pit, the other unfortunate man being at the hut preparing their food, and the whole quite unprepared, and unconscious of any attack from the natives, who they considered were on friendly terms with them; but repeated acts of cruelty on the part of these wretches only tend to prove that their cowardly attacks are only made when their victims are thrown entirely o their guard. So soon as the intelligence reached Brisbane on the evening of the 10th instant that the outrage had been committed, Captain Wickham, the Police Magistrate, with Dr. Ballow, started at an early hour next morning to Captain Gri n's station on the Pine, were the survivors had found refuge, and the annexed evidence was obtained,—the poor fellow Boller was subsequently brought into Brisbane, and placed in the hospital, where every attention has been paid to him, but the numerous wounds he has received in various parts of his body render his case very precarious. Whiteside, Pine River. 11th September, 1847 Event name Day and Year Nature of Description Tools month event James Smith, free by servitude, being duly sworn, deposed—I have been employed cutting cedar on the Pine River about two months, yesterday I was at the saw pits with William Boller and William Waller about eleven o'clock in the morning we were attacked by a party of blacks, I saw about a dozen of them, but I heard more close at hand; the rst we knew of their being near was a shower of spears. My mate, Boller, fell o the log in consequence of a wound from a spear in the sboulder, the blacks then rustled towards the pit, four of them throw spears at me, but I fortunately avoided them; I endearoured to get out of the pit, but was knocked down by a blow from a waddy, I lay some time in the pit, I fancy the blacks thought I was dead, as they did not interfere with me again until I attempted to get out of the pit, I succeeded in getting out, and was making my way to the hut when I received a second blow from a waddy on the left side of my face, I do not know the name of the black who struck me, but was told by some of the blacks at Mr Gri ns station that his name was Dandable. When I got to the hut I found Boller sitting with the gun on his knees, I said to him why don't you shoot that blackfellow who has just thrown a waddy at me? he replied, that his eyesight had left him, that he was speared all over, and was unable to use the gun, I took the piece from him, he said he had put a ball into each barrel. I spoke to the blacks, Event name Day and Year Nature of Description Tools month event and in their own language asked them what their grievance was, that if they wanted victuals they could have it without injuring us. They made some reply which I did not understand, I then presented the gun at them; they then threw three spears at me, but did not hit me. I said to Boller, for God's sake make the best of your way out of the scrub, as I see they are determined to take our lives, while I was saying this, one of the blacks threw a waddy and struck me a severe blow on the left hand, which rendered it useless. I then backed out of the scrub, with Boller in front of me, and keeping the gun pointed at the natives as long as they followed us, they did not follow us out of the scrub, but rushed back, as I suppose, to plunder the hut, when we got out of the scrub Boller fell down exhausted, after about two hours exertion I succeeded in reaching the huts of Mr Gri ns head station with Boller, a distance of about a mile and a half. During the whole transaction I never saw Waller; he had been left at the hut to cook, I fancied that he had run away when the blacks approached, and had escaped, it was not until his body was found this morning that I knew he had been killed by the blacks. We never had any misunderstanding with the blacks, I have been nearly ve years cutting timber, and never was molested by the blacks before. William Boller who was present Event name Day and Year Nature of Description Tools month event during the examination of Smith, but in too exhausted a state to give evidence, swears to the truth of the statement, made by Smith, he states that he saw nothing of Waller, the deceased. John Gri n, being duly sworn, deposed, that yesterday, about one o'clock, he saw a man (James Smith) at the door of the hut, covered with blood; he informed me that the blacks had attacked him, and speared his mate he asked me to go with him to assist his mate to the hut, as he was to much exhausted that he could not walk, I went with him, and with the assistance of one of our men brought the man to the hut; it was William Boller, who now lies su ering from his wounds. Smith told me that there was another of their party, but he did not know what had become of him I immediately set o on horseback, accompanied by two others, we seached all about in the neighbourhood of the sawpits, but could not nd him I returned in the evening, and this morning went out again with two white men and three blacks, we searched about for a length of time. At last I saw a dog coming towards us, I sent one of the blacks in the direction which the dog carne from, he had not gone ten yards before he called out that the man was there, and was dead. I then went towards the place, and saw the body in a sitting posture, with his back against the branch of a tree. With the Event name Day and Year Nature of Description Tools month event assistance of the whites and blacks who were with me, I got the body out of the scrub, and placed it on some timber, and carried it up to the station. The body now before us is the same. I knew the man by sight, but not his name, he had been about three months sawing timber in the scrub, about a mile and a half distant from this station. I have just learnt that the poor fellow Boller, who was so severely speared by the, blacks, died last night in the hospital, (morti cation having taken place, which precluded all hopes of recovery), soon after his being admitted, making the sixth victim within a very short time waylaid and murdered by the blacks. One blackfellow called Kipper was apprehended yesterday, he is one of the rascals that was at the scene of murder a few hours before the attack, and no doubt participated in the plunder, but I fear nothing can be done with him. He, will no doubt be sent to Sydney, where, as a matter of course, after a few days detention in the convict barracks, he will be dismissed with a pair of blankets and a free passage to Moreton Bay.' (Sydney Morning Herald, 28 September 1847, p2) "... his [Waller's] lifeless body among the branches of a tree which had lately been felled, and, to which they had been attracted by observing a dog belonging to the deceased going in that direction. He was found in a sitting Event name Day and Year Nature of Description Tools month event posture, with, his back against the branches. Dr. Cannan examined the body, and found several slight wounds on the legs, one in the left breast which did not penetrate into the chest, and one deep wound in the neck which, in his opinion, was the cause of death, the jugular vein being wounded, and, fatal haemorrhage the consequence. The wounds were all in icted by the same kind of weapon, and such as would be caused by the spears of the natives." (Moreton Bay Courier, 18 September 1847, p2) "In the hut he found Boller, sitting and leaning forward, with a gun on his knees, and witness asked him why he did not shoot the black who had struck him, but he replied that he was speared all over, and had lost his sight ... Witness followed Boller along the path, backwards, keeping the gun presented towards the blacks. Saw Dundalli and other blacks then rush into the hut, open a bin there, and take out a bag with some sugar and another with our. Witness succeeded in getting Boller through the scrub, when he fell down, but was nally helped on to Mr. Gri n's station, where he was put to bed. Witness then, with ve or six others, returned to the but to search for Waller, whom he had last seen about ten minutes before the attack, but they could not nd him. Next day the search was resumed by Mr. Gri n and others, and the dead body of Waller was found lying in the head of a felled tree, with a spear sticking in the Event name Day and Year Nature of Description Tools month event neck. They brought the body to the station, when witness saw the wound on the neck. Boller was conveyed to Brisbane Hospital, where he died in a few days afterward." (Moreton Bay Courier, 3 June 1854, p2) "It was about the spring of that year when witness was sawing in the brush there, William Boller being on the top of the pit, and the witness beneath. Waller was employed at the time in cooking their dinner, in front of the hut door. Suddenly Boller let the saw fall towards witness, without guiding it, and on looking up to ascertain the cause, saw Boller leap o the log and make o , and observed that the pit was surrounded by blacks, all armed with spears, waddies, or boomerangs. He tried to get out of the pit, but the prisoner Dundalli, whom he distinctly recognised, threw a paddamallon stick at him, which struck him on the head and stunned him. On recovery he again made a rush and got out of the pit, making his way towards the hut, but received another blow, on the face, from a waddy, which knocked out some of his teeth. He did not know the black who struck him this time. In the hut he found Boller, sitting and leaning forward, with a gun on his knees, and witness asked him why he did not shoot the black who had struck him, but he replied that he was speared all over, and had lost his sight. Witness then urged him to Event name Day and Year Nature of Description Tools month event endeavour to escape, and accordingly he got up and staggered along the pathway. Witness took the gun, and nding that it was improperly loaded, did not attempt to snap the lock, but kept it presented towards the blacks, to intimidate them, as they were throwing spears at the hut. He asked them why they had made the attack, and the prisoner Dundalli came from be-hind a tree, with some spears in his hand, and said something which witness did not understand. Witness followed Boller along the path, back-wards, keeping the gun presented towards the blacks. Saw Dundalli and other blacks then rush into the hut, open a bin there, and take out a bag with some sugar and another with our. Witness succeeded in getting Boller through the scrub, when he fell down, but was nally helped on to Mr. Gri n's station, where he was put to bed. Witness then, with ve or six others, returned to the but to search for Waller, whom he had last seen about ten minutes before the attack, but they could not nd him. Next day the search was resumed by Mr. Gri n and others, and the dead body of Waller was found lying in the head of a felled tree, with a spear sticking in the neck. They brought the body to the station, when witness saw the wound on the neck. Boller was conveyed to Brisbane Hospital, where he died in a few days afterward." (Moreton Bay Courier, 3 June 1854, p2) Event name Day and Year Nature of Description Tools month event "COMMITTAL OF MOGGY-MOGGY, ALIAS MICKALOI, FOR MURDER.— On Monday last the aboriginal native charged with the murder of the two sawyers at the Pine River, as mentioned in our last, was brought before Messrs. Ferriter and Duncan, at the gaol, when the following evidence was taken: — James Smith, being sworn, deposed that he had known the prisoner before the court for the last seven years. Always knew him by the name of "Moggy-Moggy" until the time of Mr. Gregor's murder, shortly after which prisoner came to witness at Bulimba, and witness called him by the name of Moggy- Moggy. The prisoner replied that "that was a 'wadly' (bad) name, and he had thrown it away, his name then being 'Ohongalee.'" After the prisoner went away at that time witness remarked to his mate, (Joseph Liddeard), that it was a pity they could not take the black, as he was charged with Mr. Gregor's murder. The next time he saw prisoner was something more than four years ago, at the Pine River. He and about sixteen other blacks came to witness on a Sunday afternoon, when the two other men with whom he was sawing were absent. Witness gave one of the blacks a pot of tea, and addressed prisoner by the name of Moggy-Moggy, when he replied that he had told him before not to call him by that name, as he had "thrown it away." When the other two men returned, witness cautioned them to be on their Event name Day and Year Nature of Description Tools month event guard, as the mob of blacks around were not to be trusted; and he stated that he felt convinced prisoner had been concerned in the murder of Mr. Gregor, in consequence of his having changed his name. The blacks remained about three days, when they left, and continued to come to them again occasionally. About a fortnight afterwards prisoner and three more blacks came to them half-an-hour before sunset, and one of them asked where the gins were. One of witness's mates, called "Nobbler" [William Waller], replied that he knew nothing of the gins, and, after prisoner had o ered witness a bandicoot, he and the other blacks again left. It was next morning that the blacks attacked them, and committed the murders. It was about eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Witness was sawing in the pit, and William Bowler on the top, when the latter let go the saw, and witness, looking out, saw him making towards the hut. Saw the prisoner before the court throw a spear at Bowler, which pierced him in the shoulder. Witness strove to get out of the pit, when a block struck him on the head with a waddy, and he fell back insensible. When he recovered he jumped out of the pit. He then received another blow from a waddy across the jaw. He succeeded, however, in making his way to the hut, where he saw Bowler sitting on a bin in which provisions were kept. Saw no more blows in icted upon him, but Event name Day and Year Nature of Description Tools month event witness himself received a blow on the hand from a black named Dundalli, while in the hut. Witness urged Bowler to attempt to escape, and witness would stand by him. They ran away for some distance, when Bowler fell from the e ect of his wounds. Witness protected him with a gun, and, taking him on his back, succeeded after some time in carrying him to within sight of Mr. Gri n's station. Bowler was conveyed to the hospital at Brisbane, where he died in four days afterwards. The murdered body of the other man was not found till next morning. He had a spear wound in the pith of the neck. Witness did not know his name, but he was called "Bill" or "Nobbler." He was employed as a labourer for witness and Bowler. An inquest was held by Captain Wickham, and witness gave evidence. Thinks he mentioned the name of Moggy-Moggy then, but is not sure. Knows that he mentioned Dundalli. Captain Wickham asked Bowler at the inquest if he was sensible, and if he (witness) had given a correct statement, and Bowler replied, yes. [The prisoner, on being asked to question the witness, proceeded, to talk with considerable volubility in broken English, stating that his name was not Moggy-Moggy, but Mickaloi; and that the blacks who committed the murders at the Pine River were several others, whom he named. The only name we could catch was Dundalli]. Dr. Cannan, who had examined the bodies, was present; Event name Day and Year Nature of Description Tools month event but as he had given evidence at the in-quest, the Magistrates seemed to think it unnecessary to examine him again, and the prisoner was committed to take his trial for the murder at the next Circuit Court, to be holden at Brisbane on the 10th of November. The witness James Smith, was bound over to prosecute." (Moreton Bay Courier, 6 September 1851, p2). Attack on Aboriginal people November 1846 Attack on 'Another black, one of the actual - Yillbong (Millbong Aboriginal people murderers of that gentleman, Jemmy), Doboy Creek named "Millbong Jemmy," was, on (November 1846) the 6th instant, shot dead by a sawyer employed cutting timber on a creek a few miles from Brisbane; the daring scoundrel had, with a number of other blacks, been for several days previous levying contributions from the small settlers about Brisbane; but being driven across the river by some white people, they went to the hut of some sawyers at Doboy Creek, and demanded something to eat from the man in charge of the hut; but not being satis ed with what was given them, Millbong Jemmy tried to get into the hut, and struck the man with a waddy on the arm; fortunately two other white men came up at the time, and drove the blacks away, Milbong Jemmy getting, in his retreat, a bullet through the brain; the body was very properly brought into the settlement, and identi ed as Millbong Jemmy, for whose apprehension a warrant was out, and a reward of £10, upon capture, subscribed by the townsfolk, who Event name Day and Year Nature of Description Tools month event have very promptly come forward and collected £50 for the apprehension of the four known murderers of Mr. Gregor. A large number of blacks have been for some days past collecting from all quarters, to attend a "pallen pallen" ( ght) in this neighbourhood, who will no doubt, before they separate, commit some fresh acts of outrage upon the property or persons of the residents. The mounted policemen, under Dr. Simpson, have been unceasing in their e orts to capture the blacks for whom the warrants have been issued.' (Sydney Morning Herald, 30 November 1846, p2) "PROTECTION OF THE ABORIGINES.-The follow-ing is an extract from a private letter from More-ton Bay :—"Some parties went out last week into the bush, and red at a crowd of blacks in their camp, hoping to shoot one of those for whom a reward is o ered, as the murderer of Mr. Gregor. They brought in one black, Millbong Jemmy, quite dead, having driven three balls through him, and they received the reward. I have heard it whispered that the blacks have been shot in all directions, and that some persons in authority are conniving at it. The Government ought to give the aborigines some protection, else they will be soon swept away in this district. The Moreton Bay Courier advocates their utter destruction ! !" —Sydney Chronicle.
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