Kai Locomotion Documentation Animation Modifiers : (Requires Root Motion in the animation) Distance And Rotation Matching Modifier is used to extract the root motion displacement and rotation in the animation. By default, it will not only create a curve if there’s displacement or rotation. This works great when used in bulk. Animation to ignore: are used mainly for loops so you don’t extract the distance curve since it’s not needed. Distance Curve Type: 1. Start Distance Curve is from 0 to the total distance traveled in the animation as a positive value. 2. Stop Distance Curve is from total distance traveled in the animation to 0 as a negative value. 3. Pivot Distance Curve is from a negative value to 0 at pivot location, and from the distance traveled after it as a positive value (this is used to define where you should split the pivot animation (more on that down). Automated Synch Markers Modifier: places a sync marker every time a foot crosses the root bone. Uses root motion in the animation to determine the direction of the movement but you can override the direction if it seems off or you have no root motion by default it is forward. Override Direction Substrings: List of substrings that if the animation name contains it, the root motion direction will be ignored and will default to forward (this is useful for pivots because sometimes the root rotation can change the direction and give wrong results). Speed Animation Modifier: Extracts the root speed per frame in animation or the average speed over the length of the animations (useful for loops). Copy Curves Animation Modifier: Used to easily copy curves from one animation to another, or multiple others. Copy Default Mask Curves: if ticked, it will copy the curves in the Default Mask Curves list of names. This is by default the mask curves used in the overlay system. Paragon_CurveFix Animation Modifier: this modifier is used to make changes to paragon curve values to make them work with the system (this is done so it’s easier to have a universal setup and more intuitive for you to work with) ❖ Standing Locomotion Data Asset: Fill in the Data Asset with the appropriate animations and add them to the animation blueprint with a gameplay tag. (Found in Animation Blueprint Class Default) ❖ Overlay Data Asset All animation used in the overlay will be used as single frame animation (first frame) for the pose. Mask Curves: The overlay animations need to have overlay curves on the body part that you want to blend in. Mask- [Bone Name] Curve is used to determine how much of a bone or body part (spine, arms legs) is going to get the pose of the overlay animation. No curve or a curve with a value of 0 means no overlay. A value of 1 means fully use overlay pose. Mask- [Bone Name]-Add Curve is how much of the overlay is additive meaning it is used to determine how much of the movement in the original animation is kept, IF the body part or bone is overlayed. Example: If you use an overlay pose with mask _ArmR curve at 1 and the mask _ArmR _Add curve is 0 you will have a fully overlayed right arm but it will not be moving. ❖ Minimum Requirements for the System to Work: I. Animations: Minimum is 4 Directional Loops, 4 Directional Strafe Starts, 4 Directional Stops. Fill In Every Gait if you don’t have different animation, you can use the same ones (As I Do in the Demo Data Assets with Paragon) II. Curves: (All default curve names can be changes in the class default of the animation blueprint) Requires • Automatic Curves Distance Curves in Start and Stop, pre pivot and post pivot animations. Rotation Curve in Rotation Starts and Pivots, Spins and Turn in Place animations. Speed Animation Curve in Loops • Manual Curves (Without Animation Modifiers) facefwd curve in strafe left and right loops, if you are running facing forward curve value is 1 (usually strafe right) if you are backpaddling value is 0 (usually strafe left). Landing Curve in Land Recovery Additive animation, starts from 0 and is 1 when the landing (crunch) has ended. (Look at demo data assets) First Step Curve (DisableSpeedWarping Curve) in starts and post pivots. The curve starts from 0 and end at 1 when the first step end. I personally like setting the 1 value when the foot that started moving first in the animation touches the ground. (Orientation warping will not work without this curve). I also recommend adding the Foot Lock Curve to stops and non-additive landing animation when feet can be fully locked to get better motion switching when you are in these states, by default it works when in idle state. (Use Constant Interpolation between values in the animation curve editor) Pivot Animations have to be split in 2. using the distance and rotation matching on a pivot animation will give a pivot distance curve (Paragon Animation already have them). You split at the frame where distance is equal 0. Pre pivot starts with negative value ends with 0, Post pivot starts with 0 and ends with a positive value.
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