“California Love” I n the year of 1992, I took my degree of Culinary Arts from University of California and proceeded to work part time until I was able to afford a French themed café near Stockton boulevard. I figured that with numerous colleges and universities surrounding the place, students would love to replace their cheap ramen and coca cola diet with decent European food and fine coffee. My friend Daniel was kind enough to let me work at his record selling store for the summer. It was the age of Digital music and labels have started to promote and sell their music through online platforms and this drove store owners into a corner. I felt somewhat of a nuisance to Daniel because most owners had downsized their staff due to the crisis. Despite this Daniel doesn’t seem to mind since he and I were confidants through high school. We decided to move out of at freshmen year of college and have been sharing an apartment at 100 bicentennial circle, Phoenix Compound. The land owner of our apartment, Mister “Soe Tun” is a 52-year-old immigrant who relocated to the states in the 70s. Back in school days, my family dinner was never devoid of Mister Tun’s struggle stories. Mom always used to say that Soe had the work ethic of an ant and a bee combined. He would get up at 5:30 in the morning and deliver newspaper for 7 blocks every day. From the spare change profit, he saved up for a trolley and started selling popsicles. From popsicles to owning ice cream stores and to real estate, he had rose up to a miniature local tycoon level. It seemed that canicular weather of northern California favored him. Nevertheless, what one owns in work ethic, he lacks in leniency. Mister Tun says that rent cannot be paid later than the 1st day of every month or he will have the room sealed. In case of these impetuses, it is my wish that me and Daniel will be free from this brawl shortly. On the morning of Friday June 6th, I realized that it was my 21st birthday. Celebration of friends and family is what ravaged my thoughts but It was evident to me that I did not possess such means of pleasure. Per customary, we would buy a bottle of whisky and consume with bread at home. However, after closing up the shop in the evening Daniel tapped me on the shoulder and said “hey ready for some change for dinner. Perhaps oriental? Let it be my treat since it’s your birthday” the thought of spice loaded Asian food filled me up with joy. I replied with excitement “yes please”. Dan chuckled and said “let us try out the newly opened Korean fried chicken joint on grove street” We peddled our bicycles as fast as we could with out stomachs growling on the way. The joint had a unique decoration of wooden chairs and a yellow painted wall. I took my place at the corner of the store in the pouring rain. Daniel: “honey mustard, Soy garlic and spicy wings. All boneless. Two boxes each please. And a six pack” Richard “Dan, Isn’t that too much?” Daniel “well, we are celebrating, aren’t we?” As we rode back home, I spoke to Dan Richard: “You ever thought of opening a restaurant like this by yourself? My intention is to buy a land at Stockton boulevard and set up a café. My uncle Jim knows how to build small houses. He will surely help” Daniel: “what about the store?” Richard: “what about it? sell it.” Realizing I had over stepped.. Richard: “my apologies, I understand it must be difficult decision” Daniel: “Not necessary my friend. You are correct. A business conversion has also been in my mind these days. Only thing stopping me is my sentiment for the records and of course a different way of living” Richard: “Well, Dan if I win the lottery and bought that land would you be willing to go 50-50 on the profits and co-manage the place?” Daniel: “I’d be glad” As we reached the compound, we were greeted by the nightguard Tony with his hand waving in the air. He shouted Tony: “You boys are home at 7pm on a Friday night? There is a Chinese circus by the Wyvern Boys at helm street. Magic, Stunts and dinner can be outright exhilarating for a lady.” he giggled. Richard “No can do sir, spent the dime on dinner” Tony: “that’s too bad” Richard: “you know what have some of these boneless wings we got it from a new joint near grove street” Tony “Oh Lads, Are you sure? It would distress me to worsen your night with hunger” Daniel: “Yes, we are. Here, take some of mine too” he said as he took out a box each from 3 flavors and I did the same. Tony: “God bless you, Good lads. You have made little ted and Daisy very happy as well. They have been yearning for a chicken dinner these day’s Daniel: “it is a token for keeping the place safe tony. Have a great night” As we climbed the stairs of our room, I felt warmth in my heart as I have done something good for today. This must be the way I cope with my dull life. I lack from happiness so I try to inflict onto others. I am sure that Daniel felt a certain joy knowing we provided for Tony’s family tonight. As we reached our rooms, I changed into a comfortable night trouser and told dan” turn on the tv law and order is on NBC tonight” Daniel: “ahh, Crime drama and beer. Perfect pair” I adjusted my movie couch and sat down. Daniel “these garlic wings are phenomenal. I cannot think of anything else right now” says as he devoured the boneless nutrient. During the commercial, I wandered around my thoughts. How it would like to have a pet? A cat? A parrot? No, a dog. Loyal, affectionate and courageous. I’ve always wanted a dog. Only if I could afford one, I wouldn’t hesitate. Daniel: “you know Richie, me and Emily are going to Missouri this weekend. She wants me to meet her parents?” Richard: “are you serious? That’s such a great news. This is like taking a new step. How’d you guys got over the fight last week? You know she’s not going to stand for your reefer smell” Daniel: “Well I don’t like when she snores but there is agree to disagree in relationships. I’m glad we let it out. We wouldn’t be here without that burst. After all, empathy is the glue that hold every love together” Richard: “glad to hear you speaking Shakespearean again my friend” A phone call interrupts our conversation. Helen “Richard! My sweet sweet boy. Happy birthday!” Richard: “Thank you grandma, how are you?” Helen: “Oh I’m doing all right. physical therapy works wonders. Its healing fast” Richard: “oh yeah? And who’s helping you?” Helen: “never mind that. Can you come over tomorrow morning? I’ve got something for you. You’ll like it” Richard: “Awn, you don’t have to. But yes, I’ll be there. You want me to pick up those apple pies?” Helen: “honey! you know me” Beep. Phone call ends. Richard: “Dan? Let me drive you to Em’s place tomorrow I got to go to grandmas in the morning I want Emily to have some pies too” Daniel: “Thanks man. She’s going to love it” Saturday morning I arrived grandma’s house. The front yard is surrounded by the white fence and some orchids. The red mailbox is slightly tilted from the damage of wind and rain over the years. Helens favorite furball greeted me with eagerness. “meow” I petted James and knocked on the door A lady opens it She must be in her 20s. her eyes are blue to the peak. Her hair is brunette and undone but she does it into a tail and let it fall on one side of her chest. She wears a white hand knitted sweater on top of a dim yellow top with strings that reveals shoulders. Her beauty stunned me and I completely forgot to state my business. We exchanged eye contacts and there was a brief moment of awkwardness when we both were not silent. After that she giggles and said Julie: “You must be Richard. Hi, I’m Julia. call me Julie” Richard: “yes and you are.?” Julie: “we used to be neighbors. My brother Michael used to work for Helen” Richard: “wait no way, you’re Julie the bully destroyer? How long has it been? 15 years? You must have saved Daniel hundreds of lunch money when we were kids” Julie: “hmm hee-hee yeah” Richard: “It’s so nice to meet you. It’s great. You’re so tall now” Julie: “well you’re taller. Ha-ha” Richard: “I love seeing you. I mean it’s good… Its normal. Ha. I uhmn. Do you work here now?” Julie: “I’m learning how to grow orchids from Helen and helping her with the injury” Richard: “Oh yeah. It’s great. I mean not the injury of course. You’re great.” Julie: “ha-ha You’re still funny I guess” Helen: “Is that you Richard? My boy” Richard: “Yes! grandma I brought those pies” Helen: “You remember Julie, don’t you? You used to talk about her all the time. He he” Julie: “I’ll leave you guys alone and make some tuna sandwich” Richard: “Yeah. Cool. Uh huh. They’re my favorite.” Helen: “I thought you hated fish” Julie chuckles as I dragged grandma to kitchen by her arms Richard: “okay grandma how’s the back?” Helen: “Listen carefully, Richard. I have been waiting this day for so long. This is going to change your life but don’t freak out just yet. When your grandpa died back in 1982, the insurance company paid out a little over a million. I had spent over 300 thousand renovating the house and my medicine. The rest of 800 grand were invested equally in McDonalds and Coca Cola” Richard: “HOLY SMOKES” Helen: “Now listen. I haven’t and won’t cash out but the interest’s dividends are enough for you to spend whatever you want. Maybe that café on Stockton including the land. This is was Sophie’s wish. She didn’t want you to be spoiled with all this money. She was worried you would end up like Russ in the streets dropping out of college and shooting up that poison in your arms” Richard: “I’m speechless” After a while. Richard: “well I guess that’s mom for sure. I’m glad it panned out this way grandma. She’s right. I would have spent the money on a lot of non-sense. I just wish she could have seen me grown up” Helen: “Me too honey. Me too” Richard: “There is one thing grandma I must help Daniel get out of his debt. But I promise you this. In 2 months, best café in all of Sacramento will open!”
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