Alpha version 0.8 Rules and controls author Marcin4001 August 2021 1. Control - Pause menu on / off - Map window on / off - Exit the NPC dialogue menu RMB LMB LMB- use the current cursor mode RMB - change cursor mode 2. Cursor modes in the game window • First mode: Movement - the indicated field is free, you can go to it - indicated field is occupied by an item, NPC or enemy • Second mode: Use - you cannot use an item on the map - you can pick up an item or use a stove or open chests / closet / bookcase or use a bed - you can talk to this NPC - you can repair the device or damage it • Third mode: Checking - after clicking in the black console (upper left corner of the GUI) a detailed description or a short note about the item - default cursor, the item on the map has no description 3. Cursor mode in Inventory • Mode one: Use - use an item from your inventory • Second mode: Throw away - throw away all items from the given inventory slot • Third mode: Checking - displaying the description of items in the black console 4. Cursor mode after opening the chest / wardrobe / rack • Mode one: Take / insert one item - put in the crate or take out one copy of the item • Second mode: Take / insert all copies of the item -put in the crate or remove all copies of the item • Third mode: Checking See Cursor Mode in Inventory, item 3 5. Store cursor mode • Mode one: Buy / Sell one item - buy or sell one copy of the item • Second mode: Take / insert all copies of the item - buy or sell all copies of an item • Third mode: Checking See Cursor Mode in Inventory, item 3 6. The HUD of the game 1 - Console window that displays information from the game 2 - Inventory 3 - Irradiation status indicator light. 4 - Poison status indicator light 5 - A button that opens the Perk list. 6 - Display of experience points and level 7 - Health bar 8 - A button that opens the Quest Log. 9 - A button that opens the Map 10 - Button to open the Pause Menu. 11 - Game time display 12 - Change weapon to "Fist" (default weapon) 13 - Escape from combat undiscovered location player position discovered location 7. Tips • Poisoning can be healed with beer or antidote • Only Rad Killer heals the radiation level • Most houses close at 9 pm and open at 6 am • Clinics, hotels, border guard's house and own house are not locked at night
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