- - -----=-r'I PROVINCE OF KENT Rivermead Lodge No. 8278 OLuns£!t atinn OL£trmuny The Masonic Hall CromweU Avenue, Bromley Friday, 3rd: October, 1969 at 3.00 p.m, PROVINCE OF KENT * Rivermead Lodge No. 8278 * CEnnstrtatilln Friday, 3rd October, 1969 * LUNCHEON AT 1.0 p.m. The Masonic Hall CromweU A venue, Bromley PROVINCE OF KENT * CONSECRATION OF Rivermead Lodge, No. 8278 at The Masonic Hall Cromwell Avenue, Bromley by The Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master, The Rt. Hon. The Lord Cornwallis, K.C.v.O., K.B.E., M.C., Past Grand Warden Assisted by The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. SYDNEY ERNEST DAY, I.P., Past Grand Sword Br. The Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, W.Bro. Sir JAMES EDWARD THOMSON RITCHIE, Bart., T.D., Past Grand Deacon W.Bro. Lt.-Col. Sir DOUGLAS PERCY IGGULDEN, C.B.E., D.S.O., T.D., Past Grand Deacon. W.Bro. Rev. Canon PETER CHURTON COLLINS, B.D., Past Grand Deacon W.Bro. FREDERICK WILLIAM FRIDAY, Past Grand Deacon W ..Bro. John Frederick Spalding, M.Sc., 1.P. Prov.S.G.W. W.Bro. Frederick Victor Robert Giles Prov.J.G.W. W.Bro. The Ven. Archdeacon Lawrence Winston Harland Prov.G.Chap. M.B.E., M.A., Q.Ch. W.Bro. Rev. Leonard John Barmby Prov.G.Chap. W ..Bro. Guy Patrick Rudgard, I.P., P.A.G.D.C. Prov.G.Treas. W.Bro. Francis George Victor Lovell, I.P., P.G.D .. Prov.G.Sec. W.Bro. John Charles Hickman Twallin, M.A., P.D.G.D.C. Proy.G.D.C. W.Bro. Cyril Maddison-Roberts, I.P., P.A.G.D.C. Prov..D.G.D.C. W.Bro. William Henry Craig, P.A.G.D.C. Prov.Asst.G.Sec. W.Bro. Gilbert Edmund Lloydlangston Prov.G.Org:-' W.Bro. Hector Edward Dallas Prov.G.Purst. W.Bro. Lewis William Alfred Draper, P.P.S ..G.D. Prov.G.Tyler. 2 ORDER OF PROCEDURE 1. At 2.45 p.m. the Consecrating Officers, Grand Lodge Officers and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers will assemble in the Ante-Room. All sign the Attendance Book before entering the Lodge Room. 2. The Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master, having entered in procession with the Provincial Grand Officers, takes the Chair and appoints his Officers. 3. The Lodge is opened in the Three Degrees. 4. @F£tting 1fhpnn Hail Eternal, by whose aid May our work begun in Thee, All created things were made, Ever blest with order be; Heaven and earth Thy vast design, And may we when labours cease Hear us, Architect Divine. Part in harmony and peace. By Thy glorious Majesty, By the trust we place in Thee By the badge and mystic sign, Hear us, Architect Divine. So mote it be. 5. The Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master IS saluted in antient form. 6. The Consecrating Officer addresses the Brethren on the motive of the Meeting, ami calls upon the Provincial Grand Chaplain to give the 7. 8. Chant (Onllles): •• So mote it be." 9. The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies addresses the Consecrating Officer. 10. The Consecrating Officer replies and gives directions. 3 11. The Founders of the New Lodge are arranged in order. 12. The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies reads the Warrant. 13. The Consecrating Officer enquires of the petitioning Brethren if they approve of the Officers named in the Warrant. 14. The Petitioners signify their approval in Masonic form. 15. }.n @ratiolt On the Nature and Principles of the Institution, by the Provincial Grand Chaplain. 16. }.ntiJrttt Behold, how good and joyful a thing it is, Brethren to dwelJ together in Unity. It is like the precious ointment upon the head that ran down unto the beard, even unto Aaron's beard, and went down to the skirts of his clothing. It is like the dew of Hermon, which fell upon the hill of Zion: For there the Lord promised His blessing, and life for evermore. So mote it be. 17. ihbiration ~ral1tr (First Portion) 18. Chant (Omnes): •• So mote it be." 19. Musical Response: Glory be to Thee, 0 God. 20. The Brethren turn towards the East whilst the Consecrating Officer pronounces '(!I;br jJniJoratiOlt 21. (Omnes):" So mote it be." 22. The Provincial Grand Chaplain reads 11 Chron. Chap. i~ verses 1 to 16. ;../ l3. The Consecrating Officer directs the Lodge Board to be uncovered. 4 (EiJe QI,onse.cratiolt During which the elements of Consecration are carried round the Lodge. 24. The Provincial Grand Chaplain reads Psalm lxxii, verse 16. 25. The Brethren sing- When once of old in Israel, Our early Brethren wrought with toil, 1ehovah 's blessing on them fell In showers of Corn, and Wine, and Oil. 26. The Consecrating Officer scatters Corn-the symbol of Plenty and Abundance. 27. Musical Response: Glory be to God on High. 28. The Provincial Grand Chaplain reads Nehemiah Chap. x, verse 39. 29. The Brethren sing- When there a shrine to Him alone They built, with worship sin to foil, On threshold and on Corner-stone, They poured out Corn, and Wine, and Oil. 30. The Consecrating Officer pours Wine-the symbol of Joy and Cheerfulness. 31. Musical Response: Glory be to God on High. 32. The Provincial Grand Chaplain reads Exodus, Chap. xxx, verses 25 and 26. 33. The Brethren sing- And we have come, fraternal bands With joy and pride, and prosperous spoil, To honour Him by votive hands, With streams of Corn, and Wine, and Oil. 34. The Consecrating Officer pours Oil-the symbol of Peace and Unanimity. 35. Musical Response: Glory be to God on High. 36. The Founders are arranged in order. 5 37. The Provincial Grand Chaplain reads Leviticus, Chap. ii, verse 13. 38. The Brethren sing- Now o'er our work this salt we shower, Emblem of Thy conservant power: And may Thy presence, Lord, we pray, Keep this our Temple from decay. 39. The Consecrating Officer sprinkles Salt-the symbol of Fidelity and Friendship. 40. Musical Response: Glory be to God on High. 41. ~be QJ;anzcrrnting <IDffiur iltbicnf£z the J£ougc. 42. Anthem. God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. For the Father seeketh such to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. 43. The Provincial Grand Chaplain takes the Censer round the Lodge. 44. IDeaication 'mIrer (Second Portion) 45. Chant (Omnes): •• So mote it be." 46. The Founders are arranged in order. 47. ~be (!i;OltZI'Crating <!lHfiur QJ;llnstifuhs tlre ~llage. 48. Chant (Omnes): •• So mote it be." 49. Antbem. 0, how amiable are Thy Dwellings, Thou Lord of Hosts. My soul hath a desire and longing to enter the Courts of the Lord, my heart and my flesh rejoice in the living God; Blessed are they that dwell in Thy House, they will always be praising Thee. Hallelujah! tantriarcbal ~lessing. SO. Chant (Omnes): •• So mote it be." 6 Lodge Business Installation of W.Bro. LESLlE "&OLAND KENNETH GREGORY, by The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V ..W.Bro. SYDNEY ERNEST DAY, l.P., Past Grand Sword .Br. Investiture of Wardens Designate. Election of Treasurer. Election of Tyler, Appointment and Investiture of Officers. Election of Representative on Provincial Charity Committee Adoption of By-Laws as recommended by the Founders. Vote of thanks to Consecrating Officers. Election of Honorary Members. Propositions for Initiation and Joining Members. To close the Lodge. Closing Hymn Now the evening shadows closing, Warn from toil to peaceful rest, Mystic arts and rites reposing, Sacred in each fai thful breast. God of Light, Whose love unceasing Doth to all Thy works extend, Crown our Order with Thy blessing, Build, sustain us to the end. Humbly now we bow before Thee, Grateful for Thine aid divine; Everlasting power and glory, Mighty Architect, be Thine. So mote it be. The Lodge shall meet at the Westwood Masonic Centre, Bellegrove Road, Welling, Kent, and shall hold Regular Meetings on the Fourth Tuesday in January, March, May and November, and at such hour as the Master shall direct. (Installation November). 7 FOUNDERS W.Bro. Charles William Froud W.Bro. E. H. Mussett W.Bro. Ralph Hilton W.Bro. Leslie Roland Kenneth Gregory W.Bro. Frederick George Holdstock W.Bro. Samuel John Edmonds Bro. David Clifford Watkins Bro. Brian Edward Herschell Bro. Harry Jennings Bro. Charles Christopher Holdstock Bro. Lawrence Henry Wadham Bro .. Percy Henry Johnson Bro. Robert William Noble Bro. Norman P. Cuthbert Bro. Albert Robert Barrett 8 RIVERMEAD LODGE No. 8278 W.M. ... W.Bro. Leslie Roland Kenneth Gregory, P.P.A.G .Reg., P.Z. LP.M. W.Bro. Ralph Hilton, P.P.G.Stwd. OFFICERS S.W. Bro. Charles Christopher Holdstock LW. Bro. Percy Henry Johnson Chaplain W.Bro. E. H. Mussett, P.P.A.G.D.C.(HeI'tford). Treasurer W. Bro. Frederick George Holdstock Secretary Bro. Harry Jennings D.C. W.BI'o. Charles William Froud, P.A.G.St.B., P.Z .., L.G.C.R. S.D. Bro. Brian Edward Herschell J.D. Bro. Lawrence Henry Wadham A.D.e. ... W.Bro. Samuel John Edmonds, L.G.R., P.Z. Almoner Bro. Norman P. Cuthbert I.G.. Bro. Robert Williarn Noble Steward Bro. David Clifford Watkins Steward Bra .. Albert Robert Barrett Tyler W.Bro. A. E. Eldridge, P.P.A.G.D.C., P.Z. 9 MENU Soup Smoked Salmon Saddle of Lamb Boiled and Saute Potatoes Garden Peas, Runner Beans Carrots Fresh Fruit Salad and Fresh Cream Cheese and Biscuits Coffee For these and all Thy mercies given, We bless and praise Thy Name, 0 Lord; May we receive them with thanksgiving, Ever trusting in Thy word; ./ To Thee alone be honour, glory, Now and henceforth for evermore.-Amen· 10 Toasts The Queen and the Craft. The Most Worshipful The Grand Master, His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, G.C.M.C .• C.C.v.O., A.D.'C. The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, The Right Honourable the Earl Cadogan, M.C., D.L. The Right Worshipful Assistant Grand Master, Maj. Gen. Sir Allan H. S. Adair, Bt., K.C.v.O., C.B.• D.S.O.. M.C., D.L. The Right Worshipful Assistant Grand Master, Frank William Radford Douzlas, and the rest of the Grand Officers. Present and Past The Right Worshipful The Provincial Grand Master, The Right Hon. the Lord Cornwall is, K.C.V.O., K.B.E.• M.C. Past Grand Warden. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Very Worshipful Brother Sydney Ernest Day, ].P .• Past Grand Sword Br. The Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, and the Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge, Present and Past. The Founders of the Rivermead Lodge. 11
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