Top Questions J James At what point in Trias' development process do you 1 expect marketing to begin? Will this be months or years? (edited) P Pond It’s said that Eth 2.0 will reach 100K tps. Does 2 Ethereum (and other chains) still need Trias’s -1 layer? What are the Trias roles to the crypto space? J James Will Trias tokens be used to pay for gas on every 3 transaction across the entire network? M Mir You are targeting a long process as a project and you 4 do not make pricing. What are the reasons for this? Are you doing this consciously? or conditions? Anonymous 5 What happened to the Mitsubishi Partnership? F Fan Bang 6 When will third party devs get to build on Trias? B Bordo why is trias not yet in the metaverse section of kucoin. 7 and why is the suply not updated on coinmarketcap and other sites J James Are there plans to move the core Trias team out of 8 China or will it only be the ecoprojects that operate from elsewhere? Anonymous Mr Anbang, when will there be many CEX listings for 9 trias? Anonymous Is there a public mainnet for trias? Or it just for eco 10 projects? F Question Fan Bang 2 weeks ago 15 Waiting for a CEX since year in review 2020 medium 11 article, when will it happen? E ELM 2 weeks ago 15 What is the point of owning Trias coin? Will scarcity be 12 created by fees in Trias in each eco project? Trias will gain value in what way ? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 14 Will Trias be more active on its social media accounts? 13 The lack of interaction with the Trias community is very concerning ... E ELM 2 weeks ago 13 If China comes into conflict, will you still be allowed to 14 work with us Europeans or Americans? Do you plan to go to a freer country in the crypto aspect ?when? J James 2 weeks ago 11 As Triathon will test and launch every ecoproject, does 15 this mean Triathon users will be able to buy into the ITOs of every ecoproject with GEON? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 10 If Trias intends to burn tokens through revenue, how 16 long will this process last? Is there a specific amount of supply you want to reach ? E ELM 2 weeks ago 10 Aren't you afraid with the increasing speed of the crypto 17 world, that other projects will reach 100k TPS, ZkRollup etc before you? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 10 Your partner $UNO have released updates in video 18 format. This is appealing to normal non tech people. Have you considered this medium for monthly updates F Fan Bang 2 weeks ago 8 When will there ever be a decentralized and open 19 available dashboard for the mystical Kucoin Crosschain Bridge? With 17 mil trias over 3 chains this is a must Anonymous 2 weeks ago 8 The team have mentioned that token price does not 20 concern them as revenue is available outside, so what drive is there for team to increase value? A Alfonso 2 weeks ago 8 Can we have some prove about your probably 21 partnership with Mitsubishi? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 7 How far are you in the process of listing Trias on 22 another exchange O Osman yıldız 2 weeks ago 7 Are you considering listing on any stock exchange, why 23 is marketing not given importance? F Fan Bang 2 weeks ago 6 When will the Dungeon get a functionality in Triathon? 24 January is 7.5 months ago E ELM 2 weeks ago 6 Why Trias has such a low market cap despite the amazing technology? many other projects have a larger 25 market cap. Do you lack a partner, investors (Mitsubishi?) Anonymous 2 weeks ago 6 What are the biggest challenges the trias (and 26 ecosystem projects) teams face in Q3 and do you expect they will put any delays in the roadmap? D Duke 2 weeks ago 6 What recent progress has been made with Octa/Trias 27 on establishing enterprise partnerships that have real- world applications and use cases? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 5 Please can you explain Resa (Reversible Swap 28 Auction). Is it an Auction? Is it to and from Trias? Will trias be burnt as previously stated? T Trias shark 2 weeks ago 5 When real concrete work and mainnet? How long it 29 takes to start the trias branch in uk ? When new listings? When token burn ? E ELM 2 weeks ago 5 The low supply won't be a problem when you decide to 30 make Trias more accessible on the other CEX? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 5 Social media is more active for eco projects than for 31 the main trias team, most don't even mention trias. Can this be improved? (edited) A Amir Khan 2 weeks ago 5 Can you provide an insight on the Mitsubishi 32 partnership? D Duke 2 weeks ago 5 When do you envision final completion of the trias 33 mainnet happening? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 4 Will Tusima serve as a Layer 2 for the Ethereum 34 blockchain or for the Trias blockchain itself D DB 2 weeks ago 4 Although some of our members have contacted CMC and obtained information showing how to do it by the 35 Trias team, why is coinmarketcap supply info not updated? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 3 Will all the Trias Eco projects chain be tested by Triathon and Triathon users get these chains 36 coins/tokens via Geon from ITO's or rewards by testing. (edited) Anonymous 2 weeks ago 3 What is the purpose or any developments orlf 37 partnerships with companies such as Uno. They don't seem to list trias as a partner on their site T Trias shark 2 weeks ago 3 38 When updates for trias info on all sites ? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 3 Why do we get stories about E from the trias team.This feels 39 like an attempt to fill an awkward silence, rather than true team progression.No one wants stories Anonymous 2 weeks ago 3 40 Max,Totol supply 10M is it true? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 3 It was said Trias will be used as a governance token for eco 41 projects etc.So far we so no evidence of this. There is no voting at all let alone powered by trias Anonymous 2 weeks ago 3 Will we be able to stake trias to obtain other ecoproject tokens indefinitely? Or will they be temporary and 42 limited staking, like 1 month time limited staking? Limit amount? (edited) D David David 2 weeks ago 3 43 When will London office be open? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 3 Will Trias mainnet 4.0 allow smart contracts such as 44 sending, recieving and staking? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 3 45 How many time will take to develop all 7 ecoprojects? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 2 You are building (one of) the biggest projects in crypto. 46 Since it takes time to build it, do you adjust your plans along the way to keep up with new tech? D DB 2 weeks ago 2 I know the max supply is 10m but could you clarify why 47 there was a supply increase on HECO due to dynamic bridging? Why did you need that amount of increase? O Osman yıldız 2 weeks ago 2 We trust the project, your team is working hard. Don't 48 you think that not marketing the project refutes the whole thesis? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 1 49 When will trias use for transfer money? Q Quester 2 weeks ago 1 Do you have partners with important names in the 50 sector? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 1 When will Triathon be fully operational? So far, people 51 have been buying ships but not getting rewarded. V vonrumble 2 weeks ago 1 The community want Trias to get out there. Is there 52 consideration for CEX listings? Or are we way off that still? C CH23 2 weeks ago 1 53 When marketing ? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 1 love coin marketcap to be updated also more information when marketing is planned and geon is 54 planned to be listed on exchanges this year and trias shuld also Anonymous 2 weeks ago 1 Why is it so hard for Trias to be listed on Binance 55 Exchange? We have been asking for this for years. Get it listed already! L LukeP 2 weeks ago 1 56 When will Trias begin to implement marketing? S Steve 2 weeks ago 1 57 Can I know how long will this project exist? H Heptuple 2 weeks ago 1 There are many grammatical errors in announcements made by Triathon, Trias, etc. Why not hire someone 58 who knows native english to proofread announcements? Anonymous 2 weeks ago 1 Can Trias be one of macro market cap in the near 59 Future 2/3 years Anonymous 2 days ago 1 What happened with Divina? Dissappeared from the 60 roadmap and we didn't get any information about it.
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