Province of Kent ERDEMONT LODGE OF ROYAL ARK MARINERS I No 1894 CONSECRATION CEREMONY I Dartford Masonic Hall, West Hill, Dartford DA1 2HJ Monday 29th October 2012 at 5:00 pm Province of Kent The Provincial Grand Master R.W. Bro ROGER HENRY HARLEY CROUCHER Assisted by The Deputy Provincial Grand Master W. Bro. Peter David Williams, RAMGR The Assistant Provincial Grand Masters W. Bro. David John Green, RAMGR W. Bro. Archibald lain Torrance, RAMGR and the remaining Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge. The Erdemont Craft Lodge was consecrated in April 1943. By the date of its 70th Anniversary therefore we will have achieved the full set of Erdemont Craft, Chapter, Mark and RAM. Something of which everyone, whether or not members of all four orders, can be justifiably proud. The name 'Erdemont' derives from the Anglo-Saxon, place name for the hill where St Paulinus Church now stands - 'Eard Mount'; therefore just as our Great Patriarch Noah, stationed his Ark on Mount Ararat, so do we hope that our new Ark, anchored on Eard Mount will flourish and prosper within the happy Erdemont family and companions, from which it has been created. To celebrate the consecration and to further enhance the connection with the Craft lodge, a pedestal drape which will be used for the first time today. THE PRINCIPAL OFFICERS OF THE LODGE Worshipful Commander W Bro Tom Quinn Immediate Past Commander W Bro Roy L Cockburn Senior Warden W Bro Joe 0 J Cole Junior Warden W Bro Nicholas W J Letherby -3- QCon~tttation ~ntbem The Brethren assemble in the temple at 4.45 pm 1. The Consecrating Officer enters, accompanied by the Assisting Officers; he Eternal Wisdom, Whose decree Eternal Strength whose mighty hand Made light to dawn and darkness flee. Hath framed the sky, the sea, the land, appoints his Officers and opens a Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners lllumine Thou our earthly sight, Without Thee vain were mortal skill Make us indeed the Sons of Light Make strong our hearts to work Thy will. 2. QCbe$pening ~pmn External Beauty who has blessed J 2 The works Thy hands in order dressed Will your anchor hold in the storms of life, It will firmly hold in the straits offear, Make us Thy loveliness 10 know When the clouds unfold their wings of strife? When the breakers have told the reef is near; And bear Thy Image here below When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain. Though the tempest rave and the wild winds blow, So mote if be. Will your anchor drift or firm remain? Not an angry wave shall our Ark o'erflow. 9. :mebitation ~rllper (First Part) We have an anchor that keeps the soul We have all anchor that keeps the soul Steadfast and sure while the billows roll. Steadfast and sure while the billows 1'0/1, Fastened to the Rock which cannot move, Fastened /0 'he Rock which cannot move, Chant (Omnes) - So mote it be. Grounded firm in our Supreme Commander's love. Grounded firm tn 0111' Supreme Commanders love The Brethren turn towards the East 3 It will surely hold in the floods of death, When the waters cold chill our latest breath; On the rising tide if can never fail, 10. QCbe~nboca:tion While our hopes abide within the veil. Chant (Omnes) - So mote it be. We have an anchor that keeps the soul 11. The Chaplain reads Genesis Chapter VI verses 14-22 Steadfast and sure while the billows roll, Fastened to the Rock which cannot move, Grounded firm in our Supreme Commander's love. 12. The Lodge Board is uncovered. 3. The Consecrating Officer addresses the Brethren on the object of the The Consecrating Officer and Wardens carry the Elements of Meeting and calls upon the Chaplain for prayer. Consecration three times around the Lodge, halting in the East after each perambulation. 4. QCbe$pening ~raper Chant (Omnes) - So mote it be. 13. QCbejfir~t QI:irtuit 5. The Director of Ceremonies addresses the Consecrating Officer. Before the First Circuit the Chaplain reads Psalm LXXII verse 16 The Consecrating Officer replies and gives directions 6. The Petitioners are arranged in order in the East The Brethren sing: - When once of old in Israel Our early Brethren wrought with toil 7. The Warrant is read. The Consecrating Officer enquires of the Petitioners Jehovah's blessing on themfell if they approve of the Officers named in the Warrant. In showers of Corn and Wine and Oil The Petitioners signify their approval by the sign of F. The Consecrating Officer scatters Com - the Emblem of Abundance and Plenty. 8. QCbe$ration by the Chaplain on the Nature and Purpose of the Institution. Musical Response - Glory be to God on high -4- -5- 14. 'Ql;be~econb QCircuit I!lntbem Disposer Supreme, and judge 0/ the earth, A 11honour and praise, dominion and might Before the Second Circuit the Chaplain reads Nehemiah Chapter X Who chooseth for Thine the weak and poor, Thou Great Overseer, we render to Thee. To/rail earthen vessels and things of no worth" Who round us hath shed Thine own marvellous light, Verse 39 Entrusting Thy riches which aye shall endure. And calls us/ram darkness Thy glory to see. So mote it be. The Brethren sing:- When there a shrine to Him alone 18. The Chaplain perambulates the Lodge three times, censing. They built, with worship sin to foil On threshold and on corner stone 1 19. IlBtbitation fjraptr (Second Part) They poured out Corn and Wine and Oil jl Chant (Omnes) - So mote it be. The Consecrating Officer pours Wine - the Emblem of Joy and Gladness. The Petitioners are arranged in order in the West Musical Response - Glory be to God on high 20. ~bt QConSttrating efftter QConSttrattS the '1Lobgt 15. 'Ql;be'Ol:birb QCircuit Chant (Omnes) - So mote it be. Before the Third Circuit the Chaplain reads Exodus Chapter XXX Verses 25-26 21. fjatrtartbal ~tntbiction The Brethren sing:- And we have come, fraternal bands, With joy and pride and prosperous spoil Chant (Omnes) - So mote it be. To honour Him by votive hands J!nstallation With streams of Corn and Wine and Oil. 22. Presentation and Installation of the Commander Designate (Board of The Consecrating Officer sprinkles Oil - the Emblem of Peace and Harmony. . Installed Commanders) Musical Response - Glory be to God on high 23. The Commander is saluted, proclaimed and presented with the Warrant of the Lodge. The Petitioners are arranged in order around the Lodge Board 24. The Commander will appoint and invest the First Officers of the Lodge 25. The Address (to the Commander.) 16. 'Ql;bejfourtb QCirtuit 26. The Lodge Bye-Laws will be approved 27. The Election of the Consecrating Officers as Honorary Members. Before the Fourth Circuit the Chaplain reads Leviticus Chapter Il Verse 13 28. The Consecrating Officer and his Consecrating Officers will retire in procession The Brethren sing:- Now 0 'er our work this salt we shower, 29. General Lodge Business Emblem of thy conservant power: 30. To close the Lodge. And may Thy presence, Lord, we pray, QClosing ~pmn Keep this our Temple from decay. Lord our Creator, strong to save, Omnipotent, in love and power The Consecrating Officer perambulating alone strews salt - the Emblem Whose arm hath bound the restless wave. Our brethren shield in danger's hour; of Fidelity, Hospitality and Everlasting Friendship Who bids 'I the mighty ocean deep From rock and and foe, Musical Response - Glory be to God on high Its own appointed limits keep: Protect them wheresoe'er they go; o hear us when we cry to Thee Thus evermore shall rise to Thee For those in peril on the sea. Glad hymns of praise from land and sea. 17. 'Ql;be QCon~tttattng ~ffiter iBebitate~ tbe Llbge ~bt ~ational mntbtm 3 1. The Recession. -6- -7- ~---------------------------------rf --------------------------.------- The Queen Melon with Parma Ham ***** ** The Most Worshipful Grand Master, His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent, GCVO Homemade Steak and Kidney Pudding ***** Roast Potatoes The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master, Benjamin Addy Mixed Vegetables The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Michael Edward Herbert ** The Right Worshipful Assistant Grand Master Herbert Keith Emmerson And members of the Grand Master's Royal Ark Council Lemon Meringue Pie and Cream ***** ** The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master R.W. Bro. Roger Henry Harley Croucher Cheese & Biscuits ***** The Holders of Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank ** ***** The Deputy Provincial Grand Master Coffee or Tea and Mints W. Bro. Peter David Williams, RAMGR The Assistant Provincial Grand Masters ** W. Bro. David John Green, RAMGR W. Bro. Archibald lain Torrance, RAMGR And the Holders of Red and White Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank Wine ***** The Worshipful Commander ** ***** Port or Brandy The Provincial Grand Officers and Honoured Guests ***** The Warder's Toast -8- -9- FOUNDERS AND FIRST OFFICERS Worshipful Commander W Bro Tom Quinn Immediate Past Commander W Bro Roy L Cockburn Senior Warden W Bro Joe 0 J Cole Junior Warden W Bro Nicholas W J Letherby Chaplain W Bro Jeremy Gaskell, Treasurer W Bro Neil Smith Scribe W Bro David Stiff Director of Ceremonies W Bro Alan Wondzinski Almoner W Bro Robert Hammond Charity Steward W Bro lan Gallehawk Senior Deacon Bro David Purser Junior Deacon Bro Peter R M Reader Asst. Scribe W Bro Alan Meyer Asst. Director of Ceremonies W Bro Stephen Rozier Guardian W Bro Derek Sweeting Stewards W Bro Frank Powell W Bro Peter J C Brooker Bro Anthony Bainbridge Warder W Bro Robert Hammond Founders W Bro John Bangerter W Bro WaIter Freeman W Bro Michael Ingram, W Bro Kevin Murphy W Bro Michael Plant Acknowledgements The founders would like to express their sincere thanks to W Bro Brian Meeres for his gift of the Working Tools, to the members of the Friendship from Service Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No1313 for their donation of the Wardens' Sceptres and to W Bro John lngram for making and donating the Lodge Triangle and the shaft for the Worshipful Commander's Sceptre.
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