Webclass Notes from Craig Marty’s Webclass ________________________________________ “Here’s how you can reach your business goals whilst WHILE STILL spending more time with your kids everyday…. Whilst you’re doing it. Whilst you’re growing your business.” I have two questions for you… 1. Do you want to double your business? 2. Do you need just another few clients a month? The goods news is that the process is the same to achieve either of those things. Isn’t that good news? BUT I’M NOT HERE TO JUST MAKE BIG PROMISES TO GET YOUR EXCITED - That’s now how I do things. The best news is that doing it the way I’ll show will mean you can spend more of your spare time with: ● Your kids ● Your Family ● Your partner ● Your friends ● By yourself relaxing ● OR HOWEVER YOU WISH TO SPEND YOUR NEWLY FOUND FREE TIME! I WANT TO FIRST WARN YOU THAT: a) I’m not about to jump around and pretend to be all excited, like I’ve had 12 red bulls. And… b) I’m not going to start showing you pictures of me next to my lamborghinis… Because I don’t have any I want to first warn you that I’m not about to jump around and pretend to be all excited, like I’ve had 12 red bulls. I’m not going to start showing you pictures of me next to my lamborghinis… Here’s NOT a picture of me NOT getting in my lamborghini… Yes… the lamborghini image is meant to be a joke. And here are some more… I’m not about to show you pictures of me shaking hands with celebs (pretending that I “know them”).. What’s really funny is that, “gurus” who do that… they pay big $$ just to get a photo taken with someone famous - JUST SO they can show you and pretend they are important too… Seriously… Here are some examples I found online: ● Donald Trump $10,000 in 2011 ● Richard Brandon $2,999 and up. ● Robert Kiyosaki $2,000 and up. ● Arnold Zchwagenner: $3,500 (or $20,000 to be 1 of 20 people who sat down at the same table, had dinner, got a photo and then never saw him again). ● Grant Cardone: $20,000 (included seats at the event too). But general admission tickets were $497. ● Rolling Stones: $35,000 (long time ago, but people paid it!) ● And just for fun: Justin Bieber $3,000 It’s just silly, right? Wouldn’t it be better to invest that money in your business? Yes, I think so too. NOW, FIRST THINGS FIRST…. ➔ Earnings disclaimer: I am not promising you that by the end of this presentation that you will start making more money. ➔ I’ll also say that I’m not promising that after you go to sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow, there will not magically be more money in our bank account. ➔ Can we agree that there is no such thing as a magical money machine? Yes? Ok.. great. When I Got Started In 2004, The Only Thing I Wanted to do Was Replace My Annual Salary of $45,000 ● But I failed at launching my own business over 10 times. ● I made $20 - $40 here and there by referring other people's products for a commission… ○ But I never did it consistently. It took me years to figure this stuff out. If you've been trying to learn this stuff too but haven’t been able to “crack the code”... IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT! Take a look at this… Google search “weight loss” and you will find 1.5 billion results!! And now google search “internet marketing”.... That’s over 3 BILLION results! - DOUBLE “Weight Loss” ‘Weight loss’ is centuries old! ‘Internet marketing’ is only about 25 years old…… But there is double the amount of info on it. As you can see, if you haven’t been able to filter all the crap from the real info… it’s not your fault.! Is it safe to summarise that business owners want… 1. More customers / sales / profit. And also… 2. To do less “work” to get the things in #1 BUT I’m not saying business owners want “something for nothing”. Us business owners just want to work smarter, and to be rewarded for it (and still reach our goals). Is that fair? No one sets out in business with the goal of working 70 hours per week! What most are missing is a map to get them from where they are now.. To where they want to be. My goal here is to show you: ● How you can get more customers flowing into your business. That’s it. That’s what the Customer Mountain Map is all about. Do you need any marketing, sales (or even business) experience for this? No. Just a little bit about me: ● Craig Marty ● Doesn’t like pictures. ● Father ● Husband ● Business Owner ● Marketer My time, energy, money, focus is now invested into my family and my business which fuels this life that we have. No lamborghinis for me ;) Business (& Life) Wasn’t Always So Easy In 2004 I discovered that “being your own boss” was possible! (I was a late bloomer). I’d work my day job from 9 - 5pm, then I’d get home and sit in front of the laptop all night until 2am (and all across the weekend too) - trying to do it! In 2011 I got laid off from my corporate career. Wife (girlfriend at the time) and I moved back to Australia from overseas where I was sent for work with my corporate employer. I had a home loan, bills, obligations and now I had… ….no job. “Luckily” this was before kids because I don’t know if I would have made it otherwise. So I was kind of pushed into taking the plunge with self-employment. 2004 - 2011 I had been learning everything I could about having a business, marketing, getting sales and “living the dream”. I had tried everything… ...and I had FAILED at it all too! But when I got laid off, it was time to put everything together and take some serious action. Even back then there was too much information… ● Email lists. ● SEO. ● Google Adsense. ● Affiliate marketing. ● Selling stuff on eBay. Early days = sinking in ideas and information. ...Not being able to execute on anything. I tried all the list of things I mentioned above, and much more and other variations of the same thing - I won’t bore you with them all. I Wasted (or “Invested”) Years and $100,000+ Trying To Figure It All Out - Now you can save yourself the trouble. What Actually Works While I was reading, watching and learning everything I could for years, I realised that there were some common things that the “pros” kept talking about. One of the common things or “rules” I kept hearing was that… “You gotta have a database!” . And others put it like this: “You gotta have an email list! I have always believed that when a handful of smart people all say the same thing, that’s something you should listen to. Agreed? So I started learning how to do this and went deep into that rabbit hole. Afterall… When a big corporation (like Facebook) buys another big company (like WhatsApp) for $16 BILLION dollars… X They are NOT buying the technology, because they could rebuild it themselves easily enough. √ They are buying the list of customers that the business already has. Just as I was getting good at having prospects / leads / future customers enter their email address on my website for more info…. ...something changed (or so it seemed). It was about 2008 or so and now every woman, man and their cousins were saying… “You gotta be on the first page of Google!” Does that sound familiar? So what did I do…? I started to learn everything I could about SEO (search engine optimisation) and climbing the rankings and getting my websites to the first page of Google). Even though I believed I had to learn it, I also felt like I had hit a big brick wall, and was back at square 1. Luckily or unluckily for me (depending on how you look at it)... Lots of things gained popularity during this time… ● Affiliate marketing. ● Google Ads ● Clickbank ● Ebay Stores ● And countless other stuff... (this was before Facebook Ads got big but as you know - that soon followed and became the next elephant in the room). I was just trying to stay on top of everything “I had to know”. There were some common themes sprinkled throughout all of these different ways to work for yourself and live that “laptop lifestyle” everyone was talking about. What Could Go Wrong? No matter if it was eBay stores or email database marketing, there were a handful of themes that kept floating back to the top. It’s the… “Before you do this, make sure you do that”, type of things. And also… “When you’re selling something to someone, make sure you have already done A , B and C. “ (For example). I only noticed these things because other people kept talking about them - so don’t give me any credit. Sometimes it was direct, sometimes it was indirect, but: The principles always came back to these 5 things in way or another: 1. Getting the right audience. 2. Bringing them into your database. 3. Build trust. 4. Utilise the best (but basic) tools. 5. Know how to ask them to buy (the right way). There’s other subtopics of course but they all roll back up into these main principles. Now I had put these pieces together, I wanted to try my next big idea but also apply all of these marketing and sales principles. This time, something was different.. Every other time I felt like I was just making a swing and hoping I’d hit a home run. But this time felt different.. I could feel and see the different pieces of my marketing campaign / ads / business idea (whatever you want to call it) kind of working together. ...there were sales coming in! But more importantly I had some systems set up to capture more sales in the days and weeks after the first few came in quickly. After years of learning, trying and failing, can you imagine how excited I was? Yes I was excited but that quickly turned to worry of.. “What if it was just a fluke or a once-off?” I was thinking: ● I’d had some small wins in the past. ● What if this was just another one. Of course not every marketing campaign I ran after that was a home run. But I now had more of a foundation of knowledge and understanding. I now had a system I could work from and tweak and mould over the coming months and years - that’s exactly what I did! Soon I had the chance to test it in different industries - it worked. As time went on I also tested it in… ● Singapore ● Australia ● USA ● Dubai ● Philippines ● And Others. IT WORKED! (Admission: That’s not a real picture of me :) But that’s how it felt). We Got to a Stage Where My Wife (then girlfriend) & I Could... ● Go watch a movie during the day on a Tuesday - and have some lunch. ● Stay at home all day on a Monday and watch a TV series (on DVD - no Netflix back then). ● Do a 2-3 week road trip up the east coast of Australia. ● Take and enjoy more holidays in general. I don’t like photos - but my wife surely does. So here’s one of us in Vanuatu - sorry, I can’t remember the name of the resort. But What’s Most Important Now Is.. Being able to spend lots of waking hours every day at home with our growing family. ● No more 65+ hours a week. ● No more working for someone else. ● Commuting to work 3+ hours a day is a distant memory. ● Having family time every morning.. ○ Every day. ○ Every evening. ○ And several long weekends every month! Here’s 1 picture I do like: Me and my son saying “good night to Mr Sun” as we called it. Both I nor my wife work “full time” hours any more. But I Made A LOT Of Mistakes Along The Way In the early part of my career, I was $110,000 down trying and learning everything - with no kids, a full time job, and years of trial and error… this figure mounted up slowly over several years. When I calculated it one day - it hurt! But that’s why we’re here: You can learn everything I know and leapfrog all the mistakes. I’m about to share with you… These are the 3 “Secrets” that I use EVERY DAY! Here’s Secret #1: How to Get 83% More Customers WIthout Doing Any Extra Work or Chasing. After I found all the pieces to this puzzle, I put them together and over the years have moulded them into a process I call… “The Customer Mountain Map”. When I Got Started, I Only Wanted To.. Provide for my girlfriend (future wife) and future kids and family. When things didn’t work… ● I doubted myself, my ability and what I was capable of. ● I failed… A LOT! My First Proper Business Was… ● Building websites for other small businesses. But I couldn’t build websites… ...it’s just throughout the years of trying to have websites built (for all my “great business ideas”), I could see the issues small businesses faced. I learned how to outsource and get websites built fast and affordably! I must have had 60-70 websites built for myself in the early years (lots of ideas, time, money and energy “invested” to learn this marketing and business world!) I’d learned the principles and simply applied what is now called my Customer Mountain Map - but back then it was more of a “master list” of things I did. I’ll highlight and name the main steps as I call them today.. Here’s what I did… Checkpoint 0: Choose the best customers. (Not just any customer). (“50% of the job is having the right audience” - Legend and Godfather of modern day marketing Dan Kennedy says). Checkpoint 1: Get their attention. (Customers won’t know you exist until you get their attention - but get it with something that is the precursor (the pre-step) to what you’re selling). Checkpoint 2: Give them what they wanted. (It’s often more important to know what they need and how to provide it). Checkpoint 3: Help Them Understand It More. (Very few customers buy right away when you get their attention - more buy later… so work with those people too to get more sales later). There’s several studies that back this up, the underlying truth is that… “More People Buy Months Later - Than Those Who Do During Week 1” (Craig shares a case-study of this on the webclass; 52% of customers who inquired about ‘faucets’ did actually buy a faucet in the next 18 months that followed). But You Must Have a Plan (a ‘simple plan’) In Place To Capture All These Paying Customers. ● The large majority of businesses get this wrong. ○ They think they need to endlessly hound people until they become their customers. ● It should really only take you a couple of hours a week. ○ That’s right - no chasing anyone! This means there is NO MORE OF this kinda stuff: “...oh hi, this is Sarah I’m just touching base.” And the last checkpoint is: Checkpoint 4: When Customers Pay You. ● Obviously this is the good part. ○ The better the earlier checkpoints, the more customers will get to #4. ● More people will come to you and say they’re ready to be your customer. ○ That’s a lot better isn’t it? Remember: ➔ Very few people buy on day 1 / or even during week 2. ➔ 85% of the customers that do buy, will take up to 18 months. ➔ You do NOT have to wait 18 months, you’ll still get the early and quick sales too (like the average business does). ➔ Doubling business comes from customers who become ready after 3 months (for example). Secret #2: 10 Boxes To Tick Every Time You Launch a Marketing Campaign. ...it’s not as complicated as you may think. Who remembers their first mobile phone? Mine was a Nokia 3310. Once you learned where all the ringtones and those things were in the ‘Menu’ - it was easy to use. But at first, it took time to find anything! Just like your iPhone or Android smartphone today… Even when you upgrade the menu and different options are pretty much the same. Once you’ve learnt it, you look like a pro navigating your way through the settings. And Do You Remember Learning To Drive? Especially if you had to change the gears manually too… I know i thought I’d NEVER get it all going at the same time. GEARS > BREAK > GAS > INDICATE > MIRRORS > SPEED LIMIT ! “How could ANYONE keep track of all those things!?” …...but one day: Everything just clicks. You’re cruising down the road, honking the horn at your friends as you pass! Marketing and winning customers for a business is a lot like driving; it’s difficult at first but when you get it, everything clicks. We All Face Defining Moments in Our Lives.. My corporate career ended when I got “laid off” / “let go” from my employer. “Thanks for your years or hard work - but goodbye!” (Or something like that). I started learning and trying to figure out HOW to be self employed years before I was forced to jump in the deep end (when I got laid off). Like I said, I’d tried it all.. I’d had some small wins, but nothing that could replace my income and actually be secure. When I was laid off, I had a decision to make… As you can probably guess now…. I decided to start my own business. Countless hours went into me trying to launch my own first business idea. And I was doing the classic thing of counting my money before I made it! “If i invest $100 into Ads, and get a $600 website project back.. That’s a 6x return! Ok, sweet! So I can reinvest that money, spend $600 in Ads and make back $3,600! EASY!” All of a sudden, I’m imagining the mansion I’ll live in and the nice car that will be in the driveway. Have you ever done that? Long story short: ● My first attempt failed / flopped / crashed into the ground. ○ My first $100 in Ads didn’t work. ○ So I kept trying until it was $1,000 in Ads and ZERO dollars in sales… I’ve saved you the painful details, but I was ready to give up. When Launching My Own Business - I Made the Same Critical ( and “Newbie” ) Errors As the Average Joe. It took me a full night of exhaustion and self-pity for me to wake up, somewhat with a clear head and find my old notes and relearn what I had already found to be true with attracting and winning customers. Remember the principles? The masterlist? I spoke about them earlier. In my excitement and tunnel vision of starting my own business I got caught up with the stuff that doesn’t matter, and had forgotten about the principles that DO matter. I’d completely forget about them. - Through a twist of fate and a bit of luck, I found my handwritten notes about these things again the morning after my big failed “launch”. My mood changed from: “I failed”. to... “If I didn’t even include these principles - well of course I failed!” So…. I went back to the drawing board! It only took an hour or more, and I was back ready for Attempt #2. Before hitting the “go button” so to speak, i remember thinking… “If this isn’t everything that’s needed to attract and win customers, well…. I guess I just don’t know.” That was a sobering thought - but luckily it turns out I wasn’t crazy. $1,000 - turned into - $4,100 ● Relief is an understatement. ● I didn’t have to start searching for a job. ● No nervous job interviews! ● I made it work! My Customer Mountain system worked (the principles) and I repeated the process. Over the years I used the same system in several different industries. For example: 1. Loan applications. 2. Holiday packages 3. Women’s health. 4. Online qualifications (e-Learning) 5. And others. I had no background in all of these industries, especially in the women’s health arena! But I didn’t and you don’t need to really know the product itself inside out just to market it. It was all very much confusing at first - very confusing! But now I can assure you that it’s NOT a puzzle! -- Secret #3: Multiple Mountains: How I Get Paid 9x To Do The Same 1 Job. It’s like this: After a while, my business was up and running and I realised that I had kind of just created a new job for myself… My problem was: a) If I wasn’t working, I wasn't getting paid. And: b) My earning potential had a cap of how many hours I could work in the week. Does that make sense? Yes, there was more flexibility. I could have Tuesday morning off if I wanted, but I quickly realised that I would have to make that up again soon after. I was chatting to a friend of mine on Skype who was already in business for himself and doing internet business too… He was pretty much making fun of me for still pretty much having a job, working an hour, and getting paid for an hour - although he was right I didn’t like hearing it at the time. Anyway… He gave me a simple yet powerful idea that was: “Create something that can make money WITHOUT you.” ● It took a while to sink in. ● I realised I’d have to say NO to some jobs, so I could work on something like this. It would be like this: ● Zero $ now… But... ● More $$$$ later! A big decision for me at the time. This is just my example, it would be different for you… But I created 1 website that was more of a template, that I could easily copy and duplicate several times over… ...just changing the logo, main words and other things like that. I created a website just 1 time.. ...and then I can sell it again and again without only really needing to do about 10% of the work. Craig shared an example of a game of golf he got from Tony Robbins. It shows how powerful something can be when it keeps giving you a financial benefit when you don’t actually have to do any (or much) work.. Imagine you and I went to play a game of golf and we agreed that to make it interesting we would bet $0.10 per each of the 18 holes in golf. After the first hole is complete we decide to make it interesting and agree to double the amount every single hole. So therefore: ● The 2nd hole is a $0.20 bet. ● The 3rd hole is a $0.40 bet. ● The 4th hole is a $0.80 bet. ...and so on. You may think well how bad could this get ? Even if you are terrible at golf - this won’t cost too much… Well you can work this out with a piece of paper and pen later because you probably won’t believe me when i say that the 18th hole is going to cost you… $13,107.20 if you lose! I know it sounds wrong but believe me - it’s right. You can double $0.10 eighteen times later for yourself. Getting paid over and over again for the same 1 thing is GREAT for business. It won’t be exactly the same for every business but get some help and get something like this created and for sale in your business. There’s an old story from India (I think) about a King who challenges a servant to a game of chess. The King says: “If you beat me in chess, you can have anything you want”. The servant responds: “Sir, if I win I would like 1 grain of rice for the first square, 2 grains of rice for the second square and then double the rice grains with every other square on the chess board.” The King agrees… The King loses... And when they calculated the servants winnings, they discovered this clever servant was owed a total of: 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 grains of rice ! ! I had to google this number to find out how to read it! ● The “18” bit of that number is: “18 quin-tillion”. ● And the “446” section is “446 quadrillion”. That’s a lot of rice. Of course I imagine you are not in the rice business and neither am I. This is simply a story to demonstrate what happens when something ‘keeps giving’ somewhat automatically. Sound good? Let’s do a quick recap.. Secret #1: Yes some people buy right away, but the large majority of sales your business should be enjoying come later. “83% of customers purchased 3 months AFTER their inquiry”. This requires smart follow up and the right communications. Knowing that ONLY 15% of people buy within 3 months, do you think you have an opportunity to get more customers than what you do now? Yes! Secret #2: There’s 10 things that you should do to have the best possible chance of attracting and winning customers from your marketing efforts. It doesn’t have to be a guessing game. I used to call these the “principles” and my “masterlist”. But I now call them “The Map Foundations”. Would you have a better chance at getting results if you were sure to tick every box before going live? Yes, of course! Secret #3: Working for clients and getting jobs done can be harder than working as an employee for someone else's business. Would having something you could sell with little or no extra effort from your side be a good thing to have in your business? Yes of course, right !? So Let Me Ask You A Question… Are you excited by what you have just read? But are you not sure of what to do next? I totally understand. You see, I only had a limited time to cover AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE on the webclass and here in these short notes too! I’ve tried to cover as much as possible during this time. But is it ok if I offer you something special right now? A few years ago I asked myself: “What ‘s the best possible help and service I could give to business owners WITHOUT them needing to hire me full time… so that they can get the customer and sales numbers they’ve always wanted?” So… Can I offer you what I created for my clients that answers that very question? Ok.. so here’s what you’re getting: This is the Customer Mountain Program. This is a hand held program that I’ll be walking you through, so you can: ● Get the customer numbers and sales you’ve always wanted. ● Finally understand and see what’s been missing. ● Practically set and forget it and just maintain it with a couple of hours a week. ● A marketing campaign for your business that is as close to “evergreen” as possible. (It’s not uncommon that something might need updating once a year or so). ● More predictable results and sales. ● More down time in your business now you’re not chasing every sale, so you can work on further improving your business so it generally operates better. ● Extra time at home every day and week to spend the time where you want to. (Be that with kids, partners, family or however you’d rather spend it!) ● Introduce more products, more services or branch out with other products, services or other businesses all together! But On Top Of All This, You Can Also Get Rid Of: ● Other marketing that’s simply not working. (What are you paying for right now that you can’t even pin a sale back to?) ● Expensive software that you’ve never used. (Expensive software that’s more complicated than useful sounds great - but it doesn’t actually bring in sales). ● Any consulting or marketing fee’s that you can’t tie revenue and sales back to. ● The soul destroying and time consuming “following up”. (The Customer Mountain Program shows how to do this properly with just a couple of hours a week NO MATTER HOW MANY CUSTOMERS you have to follow up with). ● Goodbye to tyre kickers. (You’ll have a process that let’s customers come to you when they’re ready - that sounds better, doesn’t it?). Sound Good? Here’s What It Did For Me... The Customer Mountain Map gave me: 1. Gave me a customer winning system. 2. Freed me from the corporate world once and for all. These two things above are the BIG DOMINOS that pushed over all my other worries and issues too… ● Money worries. ● Being worried about my future wife and family having to ‘settle for less’... ● Having to work for someone else. ● Stuck in corporate prison 40 hours a week (usually more). ● And every other issue in my life that money can solve. AND For YOU, It’s Also About Skipping My Mistakes! ● I spent years learning everything needed about attracting customers, winning customers, positioning a product or service and so on. (Now you can get a several year head start! Literally just skip it). ● I launched over 100 “ideas” and campaigns to learn what doesn’t work (Now you can jump straight to ‘what does work’ - that’s much easier, believe me!) Now, you might be thinking… Something along the lines of: 1. “I’ve heard all this before…” 2. “Seems like a lot of work!” 3. “This won’t work for my business / or my industry”. 4. “My business isn’t live yet, how could this work for me?” 5. “I’m already doing all the things you’ve mentioned!” And to this I always tell people… a) Yes you probably have heard and you might be doing some or part of it. (But if you’re not getting the sales and results you expect - well, something is missing and solving the puzzle is my favorite part!) b) If you need people to give you money / choose you / follow you / etc… then this is for you. Here’s What You’re Getting… ● Customer Mountain Program (Valued at $9,000) (but you’re not paying $9,000) ● This is my powerful but easy program that walks business owners (or anyone responsible for the marketing and sales) through how to create a Customer Mountain for their business. ● I have filtered out all the junk, fluff, nonsense that doesn’t work and isn’t needed. (some of) What We’ll Do Is... In short: ● We’re building a system that gets you more customers. ○ How does that sound? ○ That’s the simple, one sentence description, but you get A LOT more that we’ll cover in a moment. Plus: ■ The background why and how the Customer Mountain Map works, so you can understand it in depth and use it again and again. Sound good? BUT Who Does This Work For? This is the other question I get. In short: ● There is not a business type this does not work for. ● If it turns out that your business is the first this can’t work for - I’m also going to provide a money back guarantee with this, so don’t worry. So let me assure you again: 1. This works for all business types. 2. Even if you haven’t started your business yet - the Customer Mountain Program is perfect to use to launch your business. So… What Else Do You Need? You’re already getting the Customer Mountain Program… ...but I want to give you everything possible to help make this a success for YOU. So with the Customer Mountain Program, you’re also getting.. ● Weekly live support, question and answer (consultation) calls with me. ● Have a question? Want my feedback? Just want to check you’re on the right track? (That’s what these weekly calls are for!) People pay me $500 for a one hour consultation. But you’ll get the same thing weekly, without having to pay anything extra. Sound good?
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