EMERGENCY CONTACT LEASE ADDENDUM In the event of an emergency during the term of the lease beginning ___________________________ (the “Lease”), I hereby allow the landlord to contact my Emergency Contact as listed on my Rental Application. In the event of my death or if I become seriously ill or incarcerated during the term of the Lease, my Emergency Contact is permitted to: 1. Access my rental unit, as described in the Lease, at a reasonable time and in the presence of the landlord; 2. Remove any of my personal property; and 3. Accept a refund of my security deposit, less any lawful deductions, as described in the Lease. Resident (1) Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________ Name (Print): ____________________________________ Resident (2) Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________ Name (Print): ____________________________________ Resident (3) Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________ Name (Print): ____________________________________ Resident (4) Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________ Name (Print): ____________________________________ In order to change your Emergency Contact or add an additional Emergency Contact, please come into the Property Office to fill out the section below. Resident (1) Emergency Contact’s Information: Name: _______________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Circle one: New Contact Additional Contact Resident (2) Emergency Contact’s Information: Name: _______________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ _________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Circle one: New Contact Additional Contact Resident (3) Emergency Contact’s Information: Name: _______________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Circle one: New Contact Additional Contact Resident (4) Emergency Contact’s Information: Name: _______________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Circle one: New Contact Additional Contact Pet Policy We welcome pets at Arcadia Grove Apartments. The initial pet fee is as follows: There is a non-refundable pet fee of $250.00 per pet at move in. There is a monthly pet fee of $30 per pet. No more than two (2) pets per apartment. Initial Pet Fee is non-refundable and do not transfer from apartment to apartment. Pets may be dogs, cats or birds as outlined below. We do not accept Pit Bull, German Shepard, Rottweiler, Wolf Dog, or any mix of these breeds. Property staff reserve the exclusive right to make final determination as to dog breed. Pets allowed without fees: small birds, turtles, hamsters, guinea pigs, fish aquariums that are five (5) gallons or less. Note that fees are required on large birds, including but not limited to: Parrots, Cockatiels, Sun Conures, or other birds often let out of cages. The following pets are not authorized at Arcadia Grove Apartments: snakes, lizards, sugar glider, flying squirrels, chinchillas, ferrets, reptiles, amphibians, rodents, or venomous animals of any kinds. The following are the owner’s requirements: Pets must be inoculated, proof of age, all deposits and fees must be paid on or before the date the resident takes possession of the apartment, and a separate addendum is to be completed and signed, and is considered as part of the Lease Agreement. Unauthorized pets found in your apartment home will be subject to a $500 unauthorized pet fee, a non- refundable pet deposit, and a $30 monthly pet rent up until the date the lessee registers the pets and pays the required pet fee/deposit. Arcadia Grove Apartments complies with all fair housing requirements. Valid Service and/or Support Animals are not considered pets, and are not subject to this policy. At Arcadia Grove Apartments we are “pet friendly” and want to meet these important members of your family. Please bring your pet to the office for an “interview”. We like to meet and get to know all our residents, even our four-footed ones!! I have read and understand Arcadia Grove Apartment’s Pet Policy. Resident: _________________________Date:___________ Resident: _________________________Date:___________ We reserve the right to deny any pet application based on the breed, size, and/or behavior of the animal. 1324 Lafayette Ave| Kalamazoo, MI 49006 | 269-343-1457 | ArcadiaGroveApartments.com Key Fob Receipt I/ We, ______________________________________________________________ (Tenant/Tenants), of Unit # __________________ hereby acknowledge receipt of the following keys and/or cards on ____________________________ date. Key/Card Number Received ☐ Apartment Key 1 ☐ Mailbox Key 1 ☐ Bedroom Key 1 ☐ Amenity Key Card 1 ☐ Resident Parking Pass 1 I/ We do agree to return the Keys to the management office upon move-out. If the Keys are not returned or the Keys are defaced or damaged, I/ We fully understand that we are responsible to Landlord for the replacement cost of such Keys. I/We acknowledge and agree that the following costs are reasonable for the replacement of the Keys: $5.00 per apartment door key $150.00 per amenity key card $5.00 per mailbox key $75.00 per resident parking pass $5.00 per bedroom key ___________________ ___________ Resident Signature Date ___________________ ___________ Landlord Signature Date Informed Consent, Release and Waiver of Liability I, the undersigned, acknowledge that I have voluntarily elected to use the Bronco Club Apartments Tanning Bed and surrounding premises (“Tanning Bed”), owned and operated by MIMG CL XVI Arcadia Grove, LLC and Monarch Investment & Management Group, LLC (collectively, “Arcadia Grove”). I hereby agree to the following: Ask your Doctor: It is strongly recommended that you check with your doctor or medical professional before using the Tanning Bed. Overexposure risks: As with natural sunlight, overexposure can cause eye and skin injury and allergic reactions. Repeated overexposure may cause photo-aging of the skin, dryness, wrinkling and in some instances skin cancer. We recommend that you do not tan outdoors on days you are tanning indoors, that you do not tan if you currently have a sunburn and that you tan only once in a 24-hour-period at most. Be aware that if you do not develop a tan outdoors, you are unlikely to tan from the use of any tanning device. You will not be allowed to exceed the maximum allowable time posted on the Tanning Bed. Medications and Lotions: Certain medications, lotions and other products may cause your skin to be more sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) rays. Check the posted list of drugs and products known to increase the photosensitivity of the skin. Check with your physician or pharmacist if you are unsure about any medications you are taking or if you have had a problem with indoor or outdoor tanning in the past. Wear protective eyewear: Failure to wear protective eyewear may result in severe burns or long-term injury to the eyes. ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I have read the contents of this consent form carefully and state that I am not aware of any medical condition or other reason that would prohibit me from tanning. I have been given adequate instructions for the proper use of the tanning equipment. I understand the scope, nature, and extent of the risks involved in using a tanning device, and I understand that these risks include, but are not limited to, overexposure, burns, medication and lotion reactions, dryness, wrinkling, cancer, damage to the eyes, and equipment malfunction. I agree that Bronco Club is not responsible for these and other risks and that I will use the Tanning Bed at my own risk and voluntarily, freely and expressly choose to incur all risks associated with using the Tanning Bed. RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY: I hereby release Arcadia Grove and all of its owners, officers, managers, employees, successors, consultants, agents and assigns (collectively, the “Releasees”), from any and all liabilities, claims, demands or causes of action whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss, personal injury or death while upon the premises, whether resulting from the negligence and/or fault of any of the Releasees, or from any other cause. I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold the Releasees harmless for any damage, loss, personal injury or death caused by or resulting from my use of the Tanning Bed. I have carefully read this Release and Waiver of Liability, and fully understand its contents. I am aware that I give up substantial legal rights by signing the Agreement, and I am signing the Agreement voluntarily. This Agreement shall be legally binding on me, my estate, heirs, assigns, legal guardians, and personal representatives. ________________________________________ Signature Print Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________________________ CONSUMERS ENERGY CONFIRMATION NUMBER: _____________________________________________________________________ VEHICLE REGISTRATION INFORMATION: MAKE: ________________________________________________________________________ MODEL: _______________________________________________________________________ COLOR: ________________________________________________________________________ YEAR: _________________________________________________________________________ LICENSE PLATE NUMBER: _________________________________________________________ VISTOR PARKING 1324 Lafayette Ave. Kalamazoo, MI 49006 P (269) 743-3188 www.arcadiagroveapartments.com RESIDENT PROFILE FORM PERSONAL INFORMATION: Name: ________________________________________________________ Today's Date: _______________ Expected Move-In Date: _______________ Email Address: ______________ Telephone Number: __________________ College: ___________________ Instagram Handle: ____________________ Work: ____________________ DO YOU HAVE PREFERRED ROOMMATES: Please list any preferred roommates names: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ PERSONAL QUESTIONS: Please select one from each category. Children: Pets: A. I have a child age 3 or younger who will be living A. I plan on bringing a pet with me. B. I don't mind living with pets B. I do not have any C. I do not want to live with pets children (anyone under the age of 18) who will be D. I have a documented allergy to living with me, but I am _________________________. willing to live in an apartment with a child age 3 or (Documentation required from physician.) younger C. I do not have any Are you a smoker? children (anyone under the age of 18) who will be A. Yes living with me, and I am not B. No willing to live in an apartment with a child age 3 or younger Do you prefer a roommate Yes No No Preference of the same sex? By Signing below, I affirm that all answers as stated above are true and correct. I understand that I will be matched based upon my preferences, but that all roommate situations require compromise and good communication. Arcadia Grove makes no warranty on roommate matches. Failure to get along with roommates will not be grounds to terminate the Lease Contract. This document is part of the complete Lease Contract. Falsification of information can result in termination of your rights of occupancy, but will not release you from all mandatory obligations associated with this Contract Signature Date Though all preferences listed above will be considered for all roommate matches, no preferences are guaranteed. Arcadia Grove does business in accordance with Federal Fair Housing Law and the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988. It is illegal to discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, marital status or student status. We look forward to welcoming you home!
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