ICOI Community Report - 2nd Qtr 2022 Income Statement Quran Aim Academy Institute Operations TOTAL Total Income $ 18,178 $ 25,296 $ 468,586 $ 512,061 Expenses $0 $0 $0 $0 Charitable Contributions $0 $0 $ 461 $ 461 Payroll & Benefits $ 19,995 $ 22,172 $ 158,616 $ 200,783 Janitorial $0 $0 $ 28,535 $ 28,535 Repair and Maintenance $0 $0 $ 5,959 $ 5,959 Printing & Copying $0 $0 $ 1,513 $ 1,513 License and Permits $0 $0 $ 357 $ 357 Utilities $0 $0 $ 8,935 $ 8,935 Security $0 $0 $ 35,500 $ 35,500 Bank Charges $ 408 $ 583 $ 7,654 $ 8,645 Equipment Rental $0 $0 $ 320 $ 320 Food $0 $0 $ 39,650 $ 39,650 Supplies $0 $0 $ 17,274 $ 17,274 Parking Fees $0 $0 $ 193 $ 193 Outside computer services $0 $0 $ 1,254 $ 1,254 Misc Expenses $0 $0 $ 6,507 $ 6,507 Social Committee $0 $0 $ 200 $ 200 Insurance $0 $0 $ 83 $ 83 Event Planning $0 $0 $ 10,117 $ 10,117 Weekend School Expenses $ 8,720 $0 $0 $ 8,720 Tax $0 $0 $ 2,779 $ 2,779 Furniture and Equipment $0 $0 $ 14,719 $ 14,719 Technology $0 $0 $ 6,590 $ 6,590 Guest Speakers Program $0 $0 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Total Expenses $ 29,123 $ 22,755 $ 349,717 $ 401,594 Net Income -$ 10,944 $ 2,541 $ 118,870 $ 110,467 Financials ● Overall, the Masjid had a surplus of $110k during the 2nd Qtr of this year, which fell during Ramadan. ● Endowment Fund stood at $3.6 million as of June 30, 2022 ● Please help us by becoming a recurring donor of $100 or more a month. https://icoi.kindful.com/ 2 Truman, Irvine, CA 92620 ■ t 949.786.ICOI (4264) ■ [email protected] ■ www.icoi.net Federal Tax ID: 33-0992506 Religious ● Blessed to experience another Ramadan in person with nightly Tarawih prayers and brief religious reminders ● Capped off this holy month with a presentation from Br. Ahmad Sidky called Journey to the Hereafter ● Hosted joint Eid Prayers with Rahma Center, over 7,000 people in attendance. ● Community members received regular spiritual counseling through our Religious Director, Sh. Mustafa Umar. The top 5 topics he addressed in June were 1. marriage problems/divorce rules, 2. premarital advice, 3. queries about LGBTQ, 4. personal development/spirituality advice, and 5. children related issues. ○ Most fiqh issues are asked via Whatsapp group and individual emails. Community Engagement ● ICOI is excited to welcome our new Youth Program Director, Sr. Hasna El-Nounou. We are confident that with her experience and energy she will do great work! ● Held a successful Interfaith Iftar with over 80 people in attendance. ● Held a successful Eid Carnival attended by over 2,000 people. ● We resumed our monthly Friday Family Nights with a khatirah from Sh. Mustafa Umar, a puppet show and story time for the little ones, an outdoor movie for the older children and game night for the teens. ● Our annual Meet Your Muslim Neighbor event was held on June 25th. Our non-Muslim neighbors were treated to a tour of the masjid, and a talk by Sh. Mustafa, followed by Q&A. Education ● AIM Academy Sunday School - Aside from providing Islamic studies and Quranic Studies AIM academy helps to build community and create lifelong friendships with extracurricular activities. Highlights of the year include, 1. Beginning of Ramadan celebration with arts and crafts and Ice Cream truck, 2. Taking part and giving back to the community by attending a local food distribution with Sabil USA, 3. Celebrating Eid Al-Fitr and end of the year by taking 110 kids to Knotts berry farm and celebrating learning and living as a Muslim. ● More - Special mention should be made of our dear brothers, Abu Kareem, Nabil Houri and Nabil Jalal. The former two have been facilitating the men’s Qur’an halaqah for brothers in the musallah every day after Fajr since 2004; and the latter teaches a youth Qur’an Halaqah for boys in the musallah on weekend mornings after Fajr. May Allah Ta’aala grant them all that is good in this life and the next. Ameen. Community Assistance | Your Zakat and Sadaqah at Work ● 83 Rent, and 4 utility checks issued to qualified families. ● Purchased 6 refurbished cars to refugee/needy families. ● 17 individuals were helped with zakat/direct assistance ● 6 clients helped with car repairs, registration and insurance ● 5 clients were provided lodging 2 Truman, Irvine, CA 92620 ■ t 949.786.ICOI (4264) ■ [email protected] ■ www.icoi.net Federal Tax ID: 33-0992506 ● 23 individuals were provided professional counseling ● 4 Educational grants/scholarships awarded ● 1 person helped with dental bills ● Zakat Al Fitr distribution benefiting over 300 families/individuals with a total cost of approx. $55k ● Feeding in the Inland Empire with total cost of $10,538 ● Eidul-Adha Zakat distribution benefiting over 300 families/individuals with a total cost of approx. $55k ● Massive clothing drive to poor families in Mexico filling one truck and half a large van Youth Group ● The ICOI Youth Group held highly attended weekly events covering all areas of interest for our Middle and High school students. Our youth enjoyed a Watch Party Game Night with a live stream NBA Finals game and in person activities, a Family Fun Night featuring a family friendly movie screening for Middle and High school youth and a puppet show for toddlers and infants, as well as a fun day at Boomers filled with mini golf and rides! Our Mission Facilitate the practice, education, and dissemination of information about Islam in the United States of America. The sources of Islam are the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah (the non-controversially relayed tradition of Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon him). Our Vision Establish an Islamic Community Environment based on the model of the community of the Prophet (PBUH), to exemplify the best of character by contributing to the neighborhoods in which we live, through intense attention to the spiritual, educational, and material needs of our unified community, in a transparent, inclusive, and equitable manner. Five Basic Functions of a Masjid Below are what we believe to be the five main functions of a masjid. 1. Establish regular prayers in congregation 2. Cultivate a learning culture 3. Implement the concept of umma by bringing community together through various events 4. Help the needy 5. Invite prospective Muslims to Islam 2 Truman, Irvine, CA 92620 ■ t 949.786.ICOI (4264) ■ [email protected] ■ www.icoi.net Federal Tax ID: 33-0992506
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