Federation of Gay Games - Gay Games 11 Hong Kong 2022 Funding Support Program Application Questions [This document is NOT the application and is for reference ONLY. You must submit your application online through the Federation of Gay Games website.] Personal information 1. First Name (Legal) [Free Text] 2. Last Name (Legal) [Free Text] 3. Preferred Name / Alias [Free Text] 4. Email Address [Free Text] 5. Phone Number (Please add country/area code) [Free Text] 6. Do you have regular access to the Internet? a. Yes b. No 7. What is your preferred method of communication? a. Email b. WhatsApp c. WeChat d. Facebook Messenger e. Via a third person f. Other 8. For your preferred method of communication, what is the associated address/ID/contact details? If you selected “other,” please specify the method, too: [Free Text] 9. Date of Birth [Date Selector] 10. City / Region of Current Residence [Free Text] 11. Country / Region/ Territory of Primary Residence [Dropdown Menu] 12. Nationality #1 (select all nationalities of which you are a citizen) [Dropdown Menu] 13. Nationality #2 (select all nationalities of which you are a citizen) [Dropdown Menu] 14. Gender a. Cisgender Female b. Cisgender Male c. Gender Non-binary d. Transgender Female e. Transgender Male f. Intersex g. Other 15. Preferred pronouns [Free Text] 16. Sexual Orientation a. Asexual b. Bisexual c. Gay/Lesbian d. Heterosexual e. Pansexual f. Other g. Prefer not to disclose 17. Are you out / open about your sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression? a. Yes - to everyone b. Yes - but only to several individuals c. No - it is unsafe / criminalised to be out / open in my home country d. No - other reasons 18. Preferred Language for Communication with GGHK [Dropdown Menu - EN, CN Sim, CN Tr, SP] 19. Emergency Contact Name [Free Text] 20. Emergency Contact’s relationship with you [Free Text] 21. Emergency Contact Phone Number (include country code) 22. Emergency Contact Email Address 23. Social Media Handles (if available) Facebook link: [Free Text] Instagram handle: [@Free Text] Twitter Handle: [@Free Text] Weibo Handle: [@Free Text] TikTok Handle: [@Free Text] Your Participation of the Gay Games 24. Do you plan to participate as part of a team or a group? a. I plan to participate as an individual in a non-team event. b. I plan to participate with my group / teammates (Note that each member in need of funding support will need to submit their own application) c. I would like to be assigned to a group or team by GGHK d. Not sure at this time 25. What sport(s) and/or arts and cultural event(s) are you planning to register to play at GGHK? (See full list at: https://gghk2022.com/en/program/sports/ and https://gghk2022.com/en/program/program-arts-culture/) [Free Text] 26. [If Q20 = b] What is your team’s name? [Free Text] 27. [If Q20 = b] How many members of your team are expected to apply for the GGHK Funding Support Program? [Number Only] [Add dependency to option b and ask for team name - ask if team has other external sponsors] 28. Have you ever participated in Gay Games before? a. Yes b. No 29. Which of the following items would you necessarily need support with? (Please only indicate your absolutely required items as GGHK has limited resources and wishes to support as many candidates as possible.) a. Transportation to and return from Hong Kong b. Transportation within Hong Kong c. Accommodation in Hong Kong d. Gay Games 11 Hong Kong 2022 participation and event registration fees e. Equipment rental, please specify: [Free Text] Background Information The GGHK Funding Support Program seeks to recognize challenges applicants might face and provide assistance to those that face them. It would help us if you can answer the next series of questions. 30. Challenges a. HIV b. Cancer c. Visually Impaired d. Hearing/Speech Challenges e. Mobility/Dexterity Challenges f. Other 31. Employment Status a. Employed full-time b. Employed part-time c. Unemployed d. Retired e. Student 32. What is your household annual income (in USD)? (Include your immediate household’s revenue from employment, pension, loans, scholarships, investments, bank interest, rental income, etc. Click here for currency conversion: https://www.xe.com/) [Number Only] 33. How much does your household have in savings and investments (in USD)? [Number Only] 34. How many people are there in your household? [Number Only] 35. [If Q20=b] You previously mentioned that you will be participating as part of a team. Does your team receive any sponsorship? a. Yes - please specify annual amount in USD: [Number Only] b. Yes - value-in-kind gifts only c. No 36. Short Essays The following questions will help us get to know you better and may serve as a draft when you set up your candidate profile / crowdfunding appeal with us. You may answer in your language of choice. (This is not limited to the preferred language you previously selected.) Word counts are suggested for roman languages. a. Please tell us a bit more about yourself. You may write about your role within your community, the sports and/or arts and cultural activities that you do, your aspirations, what/who motivates you the most. [Free Text; Min 150 words] b. Why do you wish to participate in Gay Games 11 Hong Kong 2022? [Free Text; Min 150 words] c. Please describe how you wish to make a difference for your local LGBTQ+ community when you return home after Gay Games 11 Hong Kong 2022. [Free Text; Min 150 words] Supporting Materials File Upload 37. Proof of Identity Please provide a copy of your ID. This could be your national ID, passport, resident permit, driver’s license, etc. [Upload File] 38. Proof of Income Please provide a copy of your proof of income. This could be your bank statement, an employer letter, or any other documentary evidence that you deem appropriate. [Upload File] 39. Personal Reference Please provide the name and contact details of a personal reference. This individual might be asked to speak about your contribution to the community around you / your character / your sports and/or cultural engagement, etc.] Name [Free Text] Email [Free Text] Phone Number [Free Text] 40. What is the above person’s relationship with you? 41. Please upload a letter of reference from the individual above. This letter should explain why you are a good candidate to participate in GGHK 2022 and why you need funding assistance. [Upload File] Declaration of Understanding and Requirements 42. If admitted into the GGHK Funding Support Program as a candidate, I understand that: ● I must set up a crowdfunding appeal - the GGHK Funding Support Program team will provide guidance and assistance ● Fund raised through my crowdfunding appeal belong to general GGHK Funding Support Program fund ● The GGHK Funding Support Program Committee will allocate the general GGHK Funding Support Program fund, at its sole discretion, in value-in-kind gifts to support the fulfillment of fundraising targets of individual applicants (including me) on a case-by-case basis. Fulfillment is not guaranteed. [Single Choice] Yes 43. If admitted to the GGHK Funding Support Program as a recipient, I understand that: ● Fulfillment of GGHK Funding Support Program will be in the form of value-in-kind gifts ● I am responsible for obtaining and paying for a valid travel document and a travel visa/permit, if required ● I must travel to Hong Kong on or before 10 November 2022, if residing outside of Hong Kong ● I must attend the orientation session on 11 November 2022 ● I must attend the debriefing session on 19 November 2022 ● I must participate in my registered events ● I must depart Hong Kong on or after 20 November 2022, if residing outside of Hong Kong ● I must complete the post-event survey [Single Choice] Yes 44. By completing and submitting this application, I declare that I have read the terms and conditions (https://pdfhost.io/v/MmiX8wAq4_FGGGGHK2022_Funding_Support_Progra m_TC_Legal_150121pdf.pdf) in full and agree to the terms and conditions. By completing and submitting this application, I declare that all responses and data are correct and true. I understand that any discrepancies or false representations will result in immediate rejection of my application for Funding Support. a. Yes b. No [Submit Button]
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