PSYCHOELECTRONIC THREATS TO DEMOCRACY Author: Mojmír Babáček (copyright reserved - this book or parts of it may not be sold without the consent of the author) CONTENT 1) History - Scandal in the US and electrical control of brain activity 2) Electrical functioning of the human brain 3) Scientific experiments and patents - electromagnetic effects on animal and human organisms 4) US military documents on the development of electromagnetic weapons 5) The nervous system works similarly to a radio receiver and transmitter 6) Secret arms races 7) A subdued scandal in the USSR 8) Igor Smirnov's device and control of ideas 9) A secret conference organized by the US National Laboratory in Los Alamos 10) The Russian SURA system and the American HAARP system and the possibility of a global effect on the human nervous system 11) In 1997, the United States began thinking about creating a system of totalitarian world government based on the use of remote control technology for human brains. 12) European reaction to building the American HAARP system 13) Russian reaction to building the HAARP system 14) The book by Vladimír Lopatin and Vladimír Cygankov 15) Decision of the Security Committee of the Russian State Duma 16) US bill banning the deployment of weapons in space 17) Russia has decided to keep psychotronic weapons 18) Are psychotronic weapons used? 19) Are there psychotronic weapons based on unknown physical principles? 20) Efforts to ban remote control of the human nervous system HISTORY - US SCANDAL AND ELECTRIC BRAIN CONTROL When the US Secret Service began work on the Artichoke project in 1951, they set the following goals, among other things: "Can we get information from a person against their will and without their knowledge? ... Can we control a human being enough to obey our orders against your will and even contrary to such basic laws of nature as the instinct of self-preservation? (1) “. This research has been kept as secret as possible from the beginning. The New York Times quoted another CIA report in 1977 as saying, "Many phases of research into the control of human behavior require a high degree of secrecy. The professional reputation of researchers employed outside the Agency is jeopardized because the objectives of such research are considered immoral or illegal by the general public '(2). The US press was the result of a scandal caused by the abuse of patients at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal in the second half of the 1950s. Without being informed, they were used to experiment with drugs and various drastic psychological methods, inspired by the subtle torture of prisoners forced to confess before the Soviet trials of the 1930s and 1950s. Among other things, they were locked in complete isolation, where they were deprived of the possibility of sensory perception. Staying without external stimuli has devastating effects on the human psyche. When the CIA concluded in 1972 that the hospital's former patients could be prosecuted, it tried to prevent the scandal by ordering the destruction of all records of the MKULTRA project, which involved torturing patients at the Montreal hospital. In addition to damaging her reputation, she was also threatened with disclosure of other subprojects on which she was working on the MKULTRA project. However, the order to destroy the records was not executed consistently. In 1989, Gordon Thomas published a book on the CIA's research entitled "The Road to Madness - The True Story of CIA's Secret Research on Brain Control and Medical Abuse" (3), which was also based on information made public by the financial records of the MKULTRA project were not destroyed. This is how the world learned about experiments that used electrical brain stimulation to remotely control dogs, Scientific experiments with electrical brain stimulation have yielded remarkable results that have given the CIA much more hope of controlling human behavior than using chemicals such as drugs. Signals in the nerve fibers of the brain and the whole body take place as weak electrical impulses, which are transferred by chemical reactions as they pass from one fiber to another. This opens the way to both chemical and electrical control of brain activity. As early as the 1930s, WR Hess introduced thin wires into the brains of animals, electrodes into which he let oscillations of a weak electric current. The result was reactions similar to those that normally evoke sensory sensations or events taking place in the body. In 1987, the American author John Ranelagh published a book entitled "The Agency, the Rise and Fall of the CIA" (4), where he quoted a report on the progress of work on subproject 94 of the MKULTRA project from 1960: "The initial biological research on the techniques and deployment of brain centers necessary to influence and control animals has been completed." A memorandum to the director of the CIA in April 1961 already stated: "At present, we think that we are not far from making a mistake of a prototype system that can be used to guide dogs along certain routes in the field that are under the supervision of the operator ... Dr. (name deleted) begins work to use our knowledge to develop the Agency's future tools in the general areas of influencing human behavior, indirect rewarding of subjects and tools for interrogation. " A memorandum to the director of the CIA in April 1961 already stated: "At present, we think that we are not far from making a mistake of a prototype system that can be used to guide dogs along certain routes in the field that are under the supervision of the operator ... Dr. (name deleted) begins work to use our knowledge to develop the Agency's future tools in the general areas of influencing human behavior, indirect rewarding of subjects and tools for interrogation. " A memorandum to the director of the CIA in April 1961 already stated: "At present, we think that we are not far from making a mistake of a prototype system that can be used to guide dogs along certain routes in the field that are under the supervision of the operator ... Dr. (name deleted) begins work to use our knowledge to develop the Agency's future tools in the general areas of influencing human behavior, indirect rewarding of subjects and tools for interrogation. " In 1969, Jose Delgado, a Spanish professor of physiology at the time at Yale's top American university, published a book, "Physical Brain Control, Towards a Psychocivilized Society," (5) summarizing research by scientists working in the field of electrical brain stimulation. At that time, scientists had already managed to map the relationship of various places in the brain to the activities, functions and feelings of humans and animals. The bull hummed a hundred times with a hundred electrical impulses to a given point in his brain. Irritation of the locomotor center in the cat's brain with 1.2 milliampere electric shocks caused the cat to raise its hind leg above the floor, at 1.5 milliamper to raise its leg about 4 cm, at 1.8 milliamp to the top, and at 2 milliamperes. leg even during the jump and turned out badly. When the experimenters asked a man who was stimulated to bend his arm to straighten it, said, "I think your electricity is stronger than my will." The electrical stimulation of the brain centers affected the rhythm of breathing, the heartbeat (which was also stopped), the excretion of gastric juices, the function of most intestines and the size of the eye dolls. Frowning, eye and mouth opening, chewing, yawning, sleep, dizziness, excretion and epileptic seizures were induced. The transmission of electrical impulses to the brain centers also evoked purposeful behavior. When the sleeping cat was induced, she performed it only mechanically, but when awake she was looking for something to lick. functions of most intestines and the size of the eye dolls. Frowning, eye and mouth opening, chewing, yawning, sleep, dizziness, excretion and epileptic seizures were induced. The transmission of electrical impulses to the brain centers also evoked purposeful behavior. When the sleeping cat was induced, she performed it only mechanically, but when awake she was looking for something to lick. functions of most intestines and the size of the eye dolls. Frowning, eye and mouth opening, chewing, yawning, sleep, dizziness, excretion and epileptic seizures were induced. The transmission of electrical impulses to the brain centers also evoked purposeful behavior. When the sleeping cat was induced, she performed it only mechanically, but when awake she was looking for something to lick. When electrical stimulation of the brain was directed to more superior brain centers, whole complexes of movements were induced. The stimulated monkey got up from the food and began to walk, sitting down to eat again whenever the stimulation began and whenever it was interrupted. Another monkey repeated the same sequence of activities 20,000 times. Stimulating places in the brain where emotions and feelings are concentrated has led to decisions. A passive, depressed woman, stimulated by a rage center, tore a piece of paper, then said, "I wanted to get up and tear. I didn't control myself. " Anxiety was caused in the same way, and its strength could be controlled by turning a knob that controlled the intensity of the electric current. The monkey's maternal behavior towards her newborn was also stopped. Patients offered marriage to therapists by encouraging pleasure centers. When the limbic system in the brain was stimulated, patients lost their alertness, lost sight and ability to think. They often began to undress or grope and did not remember it after the stimulation. The fact that it is easy to connect human inventions to living organisms is documented by an experiment in which electrodes were placed in the cat's inner ear and connected to an amplifier and speakers. The cat's inner ear then acted as a microphone, and words came from the speakers, whispered into the cat's ear. John Stanton Yeomans, in his 1990 book The Basics of Brain Stimulation (6), described the opposite procedure, where the visual perceptions of Braille, which they had learned to read, were transmitted via electrodes to the brain's center of vision of the blind. John Stanton Yeomans wrote in the book that electrical stimulation of the brain can trigger hundreds of reactions, including complex thoughts. In 2016, scientists were able to change the memory of mice by sending signals to the brain through electrodes. They were able to turn on and off memories in their brains that evoked fear in them and changed negative emotional memories into positive ones and vice versa (107). Jose Delgado gained world fame by standing up against a bull with a small black box and first infuriating him enough to attack him, and when he ran almost to him, he stopped him by pressing the other button. At the end of his book, he wrote: “The hope that the new power gained by behavioral science will be limited to scientists or some charitable elite is aroused by neither the ancient nor the recent past .... control of hazel behavior will move forward rapidly, both in methodology and in the possibilities of use ’. He himself suggested the use of this new knowledge to create a "psychocivilized society." Gordona Thomas used interviews with former CIA staff to obtain information for his book, in addition to documents released under the Freedom of Information Act. He learned that at the end of June 1972, the head of the CIA's research department was excited to tell its director that a long-term answer had been found to the problem of controlling the human brain, that electrical stimulation of the human brain was key not only to controlling the individual but to creating a "psychocivilized society." to a world where every emotion, feeling, desire, can be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain (7). However, such a vision could not be based on the insertion of electrodes into the brain. According to Gordon Thomas, the CIA developed the so-called Schwitzgebel device as early as 1972. The antenna was a so-called "transmitter-behavior enhancer", attached to a belt, which received signals from the radio module, transmitted them to the brain and sent back signals from the brain. The signal flow was controlled and reported via a computer. The device was able to record all physiological and neurological signs in humans up to 400 m away. During President Reagan's reign, the future use of the device with greater range to monitor released prisoners was reportedly considered. But this was definitely not about inserting electrodes into the brain. Schwitzgebel's device apparently picked up electromagnetic waves emanating from the brain as a result of its activity and sent waves into it to correct its activity. People, In 1995, the son of US Congressman Nick Begich and journalist Jeane Manning published a book on the US HAARP antenna system (22). They quoted in it as a report on a conference convened in 1986 by the US Attorney General, issued by the US National Institute of Justice. Among other things, the report wrote: “Participants also discussed the use of different wavelengths and forms of electromagnetic energy as non-lethal weapons. Extensive preliminary research has been carried out in this area ... One participant in the conference stated that scientific knowledge of human physiology has reached such a level that it will soon be possible to hit specific physiological systems with specific frequencies of electromagnetic radiation to achieve much finer and more accurately calculable effects than which have so far been achieved by photographic stimulation '(9). The idea that electromagnetic radiation can achieve the same effects as electrical brain stimulation is frightening because it means that any person can be attacked and deprived of their freedom of choice at any time or even killed at a distance by electromagnetic energy. Let's see how high the probability is that such attacks are feasible. ELECTRICAL FUNCTIONING OF THE HUMAN BRAIN Everyone today knows that an electroencephalograph captures major brain frequencies that change as a person sleeps or watches or concentrates on a job. The changes in neuronal polarization that the electroencephalograph detects on the skin surface are caused by the activity of neurons in the brain. However, the electroencephalograph only captures the frequency that currently predominates in overall brain activity. When nerve impulses, which repeat less than four times per second, predominate in the activity of neurons, mainly on the surface of the brain, the electroencephalograph captures the frequency of 4 Herz and the person sleeps. When a person closes his eyes and does nothing, the electroencephalograph captures frequencies from 8 to 13 Herz and the man rests, while concentrating on some activity, frequencies from 14 to 40 Herz predominate in the brain. We said that the electroencephalograph captures the activity of neurons in the brain. The source of changes in the polarization of neurons that the electroencephalograph captures are the membranes of neurons. During nerve excitation on them, the electrical voltage changes between their inner and outer surface. Inside neurons is a fluid in which particles move that have either received or delivered an electron and therefore have either a positive or negative charge. These particles are called ions, and the liquid filled with them is called an electrolyte. The change in tension between the membrane surfaces of neurons occurs by the transfer of positively charged ions from the membrane surface, where a positive charge predominates, to the inner part of the membrane, where a negative charge predominates. During nerve excitation, a flow of negatively charged ions spreads across the neuron, which can cause further nerve excitations on the membranes of other neurons. In 2014, Chinese researchers Shuo Li, Sucheng Li, Anwar, Shahzad, Fa Tian, Weixin Lu and Bo Hou published an experiment in the Academic Journal, in which they emphasized the importance of their experiment in studying “the interaction between electromagnetic waves and biological tissues that have high water content and significant ion concentration ". They used saline for the experiment. The salt has the chemical name NaCl and therefore contains chlorine and sodium atoms. The ions of both of these atoms play an important role in inducing nerve impulses. The experiment showed that this electrolyte is conductive for microwaves (76). Thus, if microwaves, pulsed at the frequency of nerve activity, penetrate into the "electrolyte" in the nerve fibers, there will be axon membranes in the nervous system, which have a controlling function in the nervous system and react to a change in electrical voltage by causing nerve impulses Thus, the "electrolyte" in the nerve fibers, if the waves penetrate it, will act as an antenna. This was confirmed in its study on the sensitivity of the human body to electromagnetic radiation, published on the Internet, by the American organization MCS America, which fights environmental pollution. Her study states: “The body can receive a signal and convert it into electrical currents just like the antenna of a radio receiver or a mobile phone. These currents are carried by ions flowing through living tissues and veins… When these currents strike cell membranes that are normally electrically charged, they try to vibrate at the same time as the current ”(77). SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS AND PATENTS - ELECTROMAGNETIC ACTION ON ANIMAL AND HUMAN ORGANISMS Microwaves have been decided by scientists who have begun to study the effects of electromagnetic radiation on human and animal organisms for their experiments. Evidence of the effects of electromagnetic signals on individual neurons was published in 1975 by H. Wachtel in the journal "The Chronicles of the New York Academy of Sciences." This entire volume of more than 500 pages is dedicated to the conference on "Biological effects of non- ionizing radiation". The opening speech at the conference was given by Captain Paul Tyler, who was the Director of Electromagnetic Research of the US Navy from 1970 to 1977. Among other things, in his speech, he persuaded scientists to add psychologists to their research teams. In H. Wachtel's experiment, microwaves induced the activity of individual neurons (10). Robert Becker, in the book "Crossing Currents", cites the work of A. Liboff, according to which it is possible to stop the process of cell division by electromagnetic radiation when the two cells separate (17). Microwaves also managed to influence the basic brain rhythms, which are captured by an electroencephalograph. Many scientists have repeated the same experiment in which microwaves caused a desynchronization of basal rhythm in the brain in dogs, cats, rabbits, rats and frogs (11). The 1981 World Health Organization publication on the effects of microwaves on living organisms (16) provides a number of examples of the effects of this radiation on the secretion of internal glands, blood chemistry, genetics, the development of organisms and animal behavior. The publication states that the first studies on the effects of these frequencies on humans were conducted in the 1950s in Poland, Czechoslovakia and the USSR. The research was conducted in clinics and in the industrial work environment, and its authors (Baranski, Czerski, Marha, Presman) concluded that microwaves can cause headaches, physical weakness, dizziness, unbalanced mood, confusion and insomnia in humans. In his 1968 book "Electromagnetic Fields and Wildlife" (23), Russian academic AS Presman cited S. Turlygin's 1937 experiment in which microwaves evoked feelings of drowsiness and weakness in humans. Ross Adey, one of the most respected experts on the effects of electromagnetic signals on the brain, who refuses to talk about the military research in which he is involved (he admitted this during his visit to the Czech Republic), published in 1974 the results of 147 microwave microwaves. MHz, pulsed at 6-10 Hz, and 450 MHz microwaves pulsed at 16 Hz increased calcium excretion from nerve cells (25). The experiment was then repeated by different scientists with results in which the effective pulse frequencies differed only according to the different intensity of the Earth's magnetic field at the locations where the experiments were performed. Robert Becker, who has twice been nominated for the Nobel Prize for his work in this field, wrote in his book "The Electric Body, Electromagnetism and the Fundamentals of Life" (20) that Ross Adey publicly expressed his expectations, that this loss of calcium should make it impossible for people to concentrate on complex tasks, cause sleep disorders and otherwise change the functioning of the brain. British scientist Andrew Goldsworthy warned, in a study published on the Internet, that calcium leaching from neurons and thus reduced ability to concentrate, due to excessive activity of neurons, can, among other problems, cause radiation from mobile telephone networks The ability of electromagnetic signals to overcome the effects of drugs or chemicals in the brain is evidenced by Mc Affee's experiment of 1961, 1962 and 1971, in which irradiation of rat heads with microwaves led to their awakening from anesthesia after five minutes. His experiment was quoted in 1978 by James C. Lin in his book "Hearing Effects of Mirrors and Applications." At a conference on "Emerging Electromagnetic Medicine" in 1990, B. Servantie presented his 1984 experiment, in which he found that rats exposed to microwaves pulsed at 500 Hz for 10 to 15 days were significantly more resistant to paralyzing curare toxins. (12). US military researchers have also focused on the interaction of chemicals and electrical currents in the brain caused by microwaves. A 1982 report on US Air Force biotechnology, quoted in a book by Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, (22) states: “Using relatively low levels of radio frequency radiation, it may be possible to expose large military assemblies to extremely dispersed amounts of biological or chemical radiation. substances to which the non-irradiated population would be immune ’. Thus, the report apparently assumed that radiofrequency radiation could amplify the action of chemical or biological agents in the body. Allen Frey's knowledge, written in Robert Becker's book The Electric Body, that electromagnetic radiation can weaken the brain-blood barrier that prevents toxins from entering the brain, could also be used to make this assumption. In 1985, Captain Paul Tyler told the editor of OMNI: "Many things that can be done chemically can probably be done electromagnetically. With the right electromagnetic field, you could produce the same effects as psychoactive drugs ”(21). It was probably based on the work of English Dr. Patterson, whom he spoke about in his lecture at the conference on Emerging Electromagnetic Medicine. Dr. Patterson used a cranial electrical stimulator that was fully programmed and automated for various groups of drugs, their combinations, and longer-term withdrawal syndromes such as depression and insomnia. Russian academician Presman, in his book Electromagnetic Fields and Living Nature, expressed the theory that electromagnetic signals have "informational significance" for living matter. He wrote: "A signal carrying information only causes a redistribution of energy in the system, it controls the processes that take place in it." He suggested that it is possible to achieve the same effects by electromagnetic radiation as by electrical stimulation of the brain. Jose Delgado also focused on the electromagnetic control of brain activities in his further work. In 1985, Kathleen McAuliffe, editor of OMNI magazine, showed in his laboratory in Spain, where he returned from working in the United States, how he can put electromagnetic signals to put him to sleep or wake up a monkey or calm a fish in the middle of a fight (21). In his book, AS Presman also presents the development of scientific knowledge about the induction of visual hallucinations by electromagnetic radiation. As early as 1893, the Frenchman D'Arsonval (24) noticed that the effect of an electromagnetic field can give a person the impression of a flash of light. In the following years, a number of other scientists came to the same conclusion. In 1960, T. Jaski caused microwaves to cause simple visual hallucinations in humans. (24) In 1985, American scientists William Van Bise and Elisabeth Rauscher applied this technology to the host of the American television station CNN on television. In 1961, American scientist Allan H. Frey published the results of experiments with transmitting sounds to the brain via microwaves at a distance of up to several hundred meters. These sounds were heard by both healthy and deaf people. The sounds heard - buzzing, ticking, hissing or knocking - varied as the transmitter parameters changed - especially the frequency of the transmitted pulses and the duration of the individual pulses. Commenting on A. Frey's experiment, he wrote that by further changing the parameters of the transmitter, he evoked in people the sensation of a sharp blow to the head or a feeling of tingling (27). His experiment was then repeated by a number of other scientists with the same results. WA Guy, JC Lin, CK Chou and D. Christensen published an experiment in 1975 in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, in which they extended this experiment to include an experiment with cats. The cats were put to sleep, paralyzed with medication, and connected to a respirator. When their nervous systems were sterilized in this way, the electrodes recorded the reactions of the neurons in their brain to normal sounds and "electromagnetic" sounds. These reactions coincided and disappeared when the connection between the cochlea and the rest of the brain was broken (29). Thus, the "electromagnetic" sounds probably evoked reactions in the so-called head neuron in the cochlea of the cat. After these discoveries, the US military and secret services realized their possible military and civilian uses, and further research in this field was kept secret. The publication of a more advanced attempt to send "electromagnetic" sounds to the brain was only inadvertently made. In an article on the effect of microwaves on the behavior of living beings in American Psychologist in 1975, Don R. Justesen used the results of an experiment told by telephone by his colleague JC Sharp, who was working on a US Navy military project called Pandora, which was officially designed to radio frequency research, which was broadcast to the US Embassy in Moscow from the 1960s to the 1980s. In his article, Don R. Justesen wrote that Joseph C. The fact that the system of microwave speech transmission to the brain was later perfected is evidenced by a document that appeared in 1997 on the website of the US Department of the Environment. The site described the project "Communication through microwave hearing effect" as a "revolutionary technology that offers radio frequency communication with low probability of capture" and stated that "the feasibility of the system was confirmed using both low-intensity laboratory systems and high-performance transmitters “(149). In January 2007, the topic even appeared in the US government newspaper Washington Post, which wrote in the article Games with the Brain (79) that in 2002 the US Air Force Research Laboratory patented technology that allows words to be transmitted to the brain via microwaves and that requests under the Freedom of Information Act, it was revealed that the patent was based on experiments with humans in which scientists, in 1994, transmitted difficult-to-understand sentences to human heads. According to the Washington Post, the research continued until at least 2002 and is subject to the State Secrecy Act. US MILITARY DOCUMENTS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTROMATGNET WEAPONS In 1986, the US Air Force published the book "The Low-Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology" (19). In a preface, then-Congressman Newt Gingrich wrote: "The United States is on the brink of dramatic change in its ability to cope with a low-intensity conflict ... This book is a serious effort to ensure that our understanding and management of the low-intensity conflict is easier, more comprehensible and more effective ". The chapter on the "electromagnetic spectrum of low-intensity conflict" was written by Captain Paul Tyler. At the beginning of the chapter, he quotes the "Final Report on Biotechnology Research Requirements for Aeronautical Systems up to 2000", published in 1982: "Currently available data suggest that specifically generated RF fields may pose powerful and revolutionary threats to military personnel. .. the growing understanding of the brain as an electrically mediated organ has suggested a high probability that forced electromagnetic fields can disrupt purposeful behavior and may be able to control and interrogate such behavior. In addition, the passage of 100 milliamperes through the myocardium can lead to cardiac arrest and death ... A rapidly scanning system can provide the ability to stun or kill in a large area. The efficiency of the system will be a function of the waveform, Robert Becker published a report in the book Cross Currents from the Walter J. Reed Army Microwave Research Department. The report discusses the effects of pulsed microwaves on the nervous system and describes the breakdown of the test program, which began in 1986. It was broken down as follows: 1) Quick numbing effects 2) Fast stimulation with auditory effects 3) Obstruction at work - retention effects 4) Effects on stimulus-driven behavior The report translates the conclusion: "Microwave pulses probably connect to the central nervous system and induce stimulation similar to electrical stimulation ...". Robert Becker cited the "Biolelectromagnetics Society Newsletter" as a January and February issue in 1989. Robert Becker lost scientific research grants as a result of his testimony against the US construction of a 90 Hz submarine communications antenna and his publications. indicating the possibility of controlling the activity of the human brain by pulsed microwaves. Nick Begich and Jeanne Maning quoted the same US Air Force report as Paul Tyler in "Angels don't play this HAARP" and said that radio frequency weapons research was divided into three areas: 1) Pulsed effects of radiofrequency radiation on living organisms - this research was to begin in 1980 and to be completed in 1995. 2) Mechanisms of the effect of radiofrequency radiation on living organisms - this research was to take place from 1980 to 1997 3) Phenomena imposed by radiofrequency radiation - this research was planned from 1986 to 2010 (22). In the mid-1990s, the second volume of the "Final Reports on Biotechnological Research Requirements for Aeronautical Systems by the Year 2000" was published. In this volume, it was stated that work on research into the effects of radiofrequency radiation is proceeding according to plan or in advance. The last project from the first volume was written in the second volume: While the original attention should be focused on the degradation of human abilities ... further work should focus on the possibilities of controlling and interrogating mental functions using externally applied fields. " This was a very complicated plan to transfer ideas between two or more brains. Although some documents on US military research into the effects of electromagnetic waves on the human brain are publicly available, the findings are seldom published in the US media. Most recently, in January 2007, The Washington Post published an article, Mind Games, in which it published a 2002 U.S. Air Force experiment attempting to send difficult-to-understand sentences to microwaves in human brains (79). It is possible that the intent of these publications is to prepare the publication in such a way as to ensure that the American public will ultimately accept the use of these funds by the American secret services. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM WORKS LIKE A RADIO RECEIVER AND TRANSMITTER In his contribution to Newt Gingrich's book, Paul Tyler wrote that the effectiveness of a system acting on the human nervous system will be "a function of waveform, field strength, pulse width, repetition rate, and carrier frequency." It is well known that information within the brain is transmitted by the number and frequency of nerve impulses, with the intensity of sensation usually corresponding to the intensity of an electric current. Another phenomenon that is widely accepted in the modern scientific literature is the synchronization of the frequencies of transmission of nerve impulses in different parts of the brain in response to stimuli that become important in the brain. Per E. Roland of the Brain Research Laboratory at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, described in 1993, his book Brain Activation (35), how he monitored the influx of blood that brings nutrients to areas of the brain that are currently in operation. and found out that in response to various stimuli, columns of active neurons form in the brain. During their study, he came to the conclusion that according to the layout of these columns, he is able to determine what kind of ideas one is currently dealing with. He then wondered whether the neurons in these so-called metabolic columns have the same electrophysiological properties, or in other words, whether the activity of the neurons in these columns takes place at the same frequencies of nerve impulses. As early as 1981, Schopman and Stryker wrote that "in the cat's visual cortex, the metabolic columns corresponded to electrophysiologically defined columns in which neurons had an orientation specificity for the stimulus used" and, conversely, that "metabolic columns appeared only in those parts of the cortex where neurons electrophysiologically defined functional properties related to the stimulus' (37). Walter J. Freeman, who had been studying the electrical activity of the brain for decades by simultaneously inserting a number of microelectrodes into different parts of the brain, confirmed that the same frequency of nerve impulses was transmitted. In the book "Mass Action in the Nervous System". nervous system) hypothesized that transmissions in the brain "take place at a certain characteristic frequency and that reception occurs in systems ... tuned to that frequency" (38). From the point of view of the effects of transmitted electromagnetic waves on the activity of the human brain, in 1982, in a lecture at a symposium entitled Coherent Excitation in Biological Systems (39), H. Frohlich from the Department of Physics at the University of Liverpool stated: To sum it all up, then each of our perceptions, feelings or thoughts in the brain has its electromagnetically defined form. Thus, all events in the brain take place as specific frequencies or sequences of frequencies of electrical impulses, which according to Faraday's laws cause electromagnetic waves, and these events in the brain can also be induced synthetically, by a suitably coded electromagnetic signal. In the experiments of Allan Frey and W. Guy, the electromagnetic signals initially probably hit the snails in the brain and from there spread to other parts of the brain, replacing normal auditory perceptions. There was also a feeling of a sharp blow to the head or a feeling of tingling. The electromagnetic signal replaced the nerve excitement in the brain, which would be caused by a sharp blow to the head or an influx of blood into the depressed blood vessels. The changed parameters of the transmitter caused that the areas of reception of electromagnetic signals in the brain have changed and the synchronization in their activity has caused a feeling of a sharp blow to the head or tingling. Captain Paul Tyler's remark that normal breathing is possible only at certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation and not at others was related to the same phenomenon. When we think of the attempt to send whispered words to the speakers through the cat's inner ear, it is clear that the human nervous system is comparable to a radio transmitter or receiver. If we want to achieve a certain response, we only need to know the technical parameters of the "receiver" and send a signal to which the receiver is "tuned", similar to when tuning a radio receiver select the frequency at which its internal circuits will resonate and we hear the selected station. I Jose Delgado, who moved from the United States to a Spanish laboratory, switched from electrical stimulation of the brain to stimulation with radiofrequency signals. This time, however, the only time his attempts were made public was an interview with OMNI journalist Kathleen Mc Auliff, a friend of Robert Becker, whom R. Becker had instructed Jose Delgado before asking in Spain. One of the prepared questions was whether, in addition to frequencies, other parameters of the transmitter also play a role. But Jose Delgado did not answer most of the prepared questions. The frequency, as it is at least written in a document of the US Air Force, is not the only parameter of the transmitter that needs to be set. Waveform, electric current intensity, pulse width, and carrier frequency also frequently appear in published scientific research. In his contribution on the electromagnetic spectrum of low-intensity conflict, Captain Paul Tyler cited scientific work that provided evidence that the biological effects of millimeter waves depend on the frequency used and concluded: “Thanks to the many parameters at play and the obvious specificities. each parameter, it is possible to prescribe a specific response. The ability to have this kind of flexibility gives the user a huge choice of options. It makes it possible to secure the necessary response, whether in a conventional or unconventional war. " Captain Tyler did not disclose the results of secret military research, on the basis of which he could only present a similar conclusion. Captain Tyler often attended scientific conferences on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on human and animal organisms, but he always lectured there on the research of other scientists. This is not common at scientific conferences. On the other hand, it is understandable that he could not publish the results of secret research that scientists conducted for the US military. If it seems to the reader that the range of frequencies in which the human nervous system operates (mostly up to 100 Hz) is too small for such a wide range of possibilities, Paul Tyler wrote in his article that, according to unconfirmed reports, 0.01 Hz can make a difference, which causes a different reaction. In an interview with Kathleen Mc Auliff and OMNI magazine in 1985, Jose Delgado said that electromagnetic signals that cause reactions in the brain produce several hundred times less electrical current than would be needed to cause nerve excitation. How is it possible that these signals still affect the brain? Captain Tyler answered this question as follows: "internal electromagnetic fields play a key role in a large number of biological functions including ... information transmission and storage, especially in the central nervous system" this leads to a quantum mechanical understanding of nerve signal transmission through the synapse that is induced not only electrically, but also by the action of electromagnetic waves coming from surrounding neurons and perineuronal cells. This is also the view of Ross Adey, which also supports it by measuring electromagnetic waves in the percellular fluid and in the glia using microelectrodes (40). Thus, if electromagnetic oscillations play an important role in the transmission of information within the brain, this explains why electromagnetic signals coming from outside affect the activity of the brain. Back in 1983, at a conference on "Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems" (41), scientists only expressed theories about how these signals actually penetrate living tissue and how they propagate there. Ross Adey himself admits in the introduction to the book on this conference that theoretical explanations lag behind successful attempts. It is perhaps appropriate to add that, according to scientists, nonlinear wave mechanics works in the brain and that the brain does not respond to signals that do not contain biological information. that electromagnetic oscillations play an important role in the transmission of information inside the brain, this explains why the activity of the brain is affected by electromagnetic signals coming from outside. Back in 1983, at a conference on "Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems" (41), scientists only expressed theories about how these signals actually penetrate living tissue and how they propagate there. Ross Adey himself admits in the introduction to the book on this conference that theoretical explanations lag behind successful attempts. It is perhaps appropriate to add that, according to scientists, nonlinear wave mechanics works in the brain and that the brain does not respond to signals that do not contain biological information. that electromagnetic oscillations play an important role in the transmission of information inside the brain, this explains why the activity of the brain is affected by electromagnetic signals coming from outside. Back in 1983, at a conference on "Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems" (41), scientists only expressed theories about how these signals actually penetrate living tissue and how they propagate there. Ross Adey himself admits in the introduction to the book on this conference that theoretical explanations lag behind successful attempts. It is perhaps appropriate to add that, according to scientists, nonlinear wave mechanics works in the brain and that the brain does not respond to signals that do not contain biological information. Back in 1983, at a conference on "Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems" (41), scientists only expressed theories about how these signals actually penetrate living tissue and how they propagate there. Ross Adey himself admits in the introduction to the book on this conference that theoretical explanations lag behind successful attempts. It is perhaps appropriate to add that, according to scientists, nonlinear wave mechanics works in the brain and that the brain does not respond to signals that do not contain biological information. Back in 1983, at a conference on "Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems" (41), scientists only expressed theories about how these signals actually penetrate living tissue and how they propagate there. Ross Adey himself admits in the introduction to the book on this conference that theoretical explanations lag behind successful attempts. It is perhaps appropriate to add that, according to scientists, nonlinear wave mechanics works in the brain and that the brain does not respond to signals that do not contain biological information. SECRET ARMS IN ARMS Robert Becker in the 1984 book "The Electric Body" was probably the first American to publish the presence of a Soviet so-called psychoactive signal in the United States. According to him, the signal appeared on the air on the day of the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the USA, July 4, 1976. Robert Becker wrote that the signal is constantly between 3.26 and 17.54 MHz and is pulsed in several pulses per second. Its source was allegedly traced at a huge transmitter near Kiev. Robert Becker is not entirely sure of the effects of the signal, but writes that "the available evidence suggests that it is a multi-purpose broadcast that combines communication with submarines with an experimental attack on the American nation." Officially, the Russian signal was never decrypted, nor was the signal sent to the US Embassy in Moscow from the 1960s to the 1980s, although the US Navy had set up a Pandora research project to analyze it. Robert Becker also mentioned possible American retaliation. He wrote about the American reporter Stefan Rednip, who claimed in 1978 that he had received documents stolen by the CIA, which "proved the existence of Operation Pique, which involved reflecting radio signals from the ionosphere to affect people's mental functions in selected areas, including Eastern European nuclear installations. As we will see later, the American HAARP system fulfilled this prediction. In his book "The CIA and the Control of the Psyche - Finding a Manchurian Candidate" (45), John Marks quoted one CIA researcher from the MKULTRA project as saying: "Until 1976, the rest of the world did not ask the kind of questions we faced in 1965 ... Everywhere he was afraid that we would create a super soldier who would carry out orders without thinking like a kamikaze. " It is difficult to estimate which power had an advantage in this area in 1976 and which has it today. Certainly, since the emergence of the Russian signal in the United States, a number of articles have appeared in the American press, including Russian state secrets relating to the development or production of devices affecting the human psyche. In the Soviet press, reports suggesting American research into the effects of microwaves (but at the time it could have been thermal effects based on the principle of a microwave oven) appeared only in the early 1960s. According to information that I could not fully verify, the article "Microwaves that change the psyche, the Soviets study the invisible ray" was published in the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner in November 1976. The article read: "A recently declassified intelligence report from the Ministry of Defense says - Extensive Soviet microwave research could lead to the development of methods that cause deodorization of human behavior, nervous disorders or even heart attacks." Another article on the subject was written by John B. Alexandr, the later director of the US National Laboratory in Los Alamos, in 1980 for the US military review magazine (46). He wrote in it: "There are weapons that affect the abilities of the brain ... whose deadly ability has already been demonstrated. The ability to heal or cause illness can be transmitted remotely, causing illness or death for no apparent reason ... This ability could allow agents to program without realizing it. ” In his notes, JB Alexander refers to unclassified US Department of Defense intelligence documents on Soviet research. He wrote about American research that research projects funded by the US government were not published. In 1985, the American television station CNN broadcast a program about Russian electromagnetic weapons (47). The first part of the show talked about a focused ultra-high-intensity radar beam capable of boiling people or shutting down computers and electronic intelligence and communications equipment, and Soviet tests for radiofrequency weapons capable of causing explosions on the scale of nuclear explosions but without radiation. . US military experts have argued that the Soviets have an advantage over the US in this field. The second part of the show talked about Russian research into the control of the human brain with radiofrequency weapons. Despite the fact that it has been said from the beginning that the USSR has an advantage in this area, American scientists have generally communicated their own knowledge. E.g. Jose Delgado said: "Any function in the brain - emotions, intellect, personality - could perhaps be altered by this ... technology." In addition, instead of a U.S. Navy employee who wanted to remain anonymous, the actor spoke briefly about what Captain Tyler had said, an interview with OMNI magazine, Kathleen McAuliffe about replacing drugs with electromagnetic signals, and what Captain Tyler wrote in his book Conflict. low intensity and modern technology ". In a sequel, William Van Bise and Elisabeth Rauscher, known for working on an electromagnetic pacemaker, demonstrated on the moderator of the program, the induction of visual hallucinations by radiofrequency signals - the moderator with a blindfold saw a hyperbola and then a spike that television viewers could see on the screen of W. Van Bise's device. Van Bise and E. Rauscher claimed that they had built the device on the basis of data from the Russian scientific literature. However, Robert Becker writes in his book "Cross Currents" that this device is an invention of these two scientists. It is also hard to believe that such a guide could be found in the Russian scientific literature when this research was kept secret in Russia. In the continuation of this program, CNN may have published for the first time in the US media the presence of a Russian "psychoactive" signal in the USA (CNN, which is broadcast abroad, but was watched by only 4% of the American population). Robert Becker, so as not to scare the audience, Contrary to what he wrote about the signal in his book, he said of the signal that it should have a beneficial effect on the animals. In conclusion, they claimed the actor who represented Captain Tyler and Dr. Fraser of the US Air Force that they were working on US projects for radiofrequency weapons that act on the brain, but that work on the projects was stopped. So American viewers didn't have to worry about the US government ever being able to use them. However, US military projects, cited in one of the previous chapters, proved that this statement was not true. but that work on the projects was stopped. So American viewers didn't have to worry about the US government ever being able to use them. However, US military projects, cited in one of the previous chapters, proved that this statement was not true. but that work on the projects was stopped. So American viewers didn't have to worry about the US government ever being able to use them. However, US military projects, cited in one of the previous chapters, proved that this statement was not true. In April 1993, the Russian daily Izvestiya (48) wrote that Russia had declassified an electromagnetic weapon capable of destroying any object in the atmosphere "whether a rocket ... a plane or another meteorite-type artificial or real celestial body", one of the weapons spoke in the first part of CNN. On the eve of the meeting between Presidents Boris Yeltsin and Bill Clinton, Russia offered to build the facility together, with the proviso that it would be cheaper than the same American project. The American HAARP system, which will still be discussed here and which, as we shall see, raised concerns in Russian politicians, was not named here. According to information made available by the US military intelligence service to the American magazine Enquirer, microwave strokes were caused in frogs in Russia (the same experiments were performed, according to R. Becker by Allan Frey) and in people headaches, fatigue, menstrual disorders, dizziness, irritability, tension, lethargy, insomnia, depression and inability to concentrate (49). According to a report by peace activist Kim Beely, women who blocked the US military base Greenhom Common in Great Britain at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s suffered from headaches, lethargy, menstrual bleeding outside the usual period, temporary paralysis, poor speech coordination, dizziness, anorexia, retinal bleeding, sleep disorders, inability to concentrate (experimented with Ross Adey), disorientation, memory loss, irritability and panic in situations which did not cause panic (I underlined the same difficulties, because the question is whether the Americans gained access to secret Soviet materials). Their visitors suffered from the same difficulties during the visits. Ten times higher values of radio frequency radiation were measured in the vicinity of the base than is usual for military equipment of this type. In the late 1990s, the American newspaper The Washington Post wrote: "The armed forces and intelligence organizations are concerned that Russians are apparently working to develop extrasensory abilities ... they are succeeding in influencing people's actions, changing their feelings and health, and causing them to become unconscious. and even kill them ... Soviet experiments force the recipient to restlessness, associated with shortness of breath and a feeling of a crushing blow to the head ”(50). In 1989, fugitive Russian KGB officer Nikolai Chochlov told the American journalist Collinsychology Laboratory in Aan Bernardino, "The USSR has reached a crucial stage of development comparable to the situation of nuclear research in the 1930s." His statement was quoted by the Italian magazine Panorama and later by the Russian Komsomol Truth. The Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda (50) responded to an article by the Washington Post in the context of the weakening of Russian central power during the Gorbachev era. He launched a search for facts that could justify him and wanted to publish his results in a series of articles. In the first article from November 14, 1990 "Zombie program is a bluff or? ...", the candidate of technical sciences A. Ochatrin said that the "enslavement machine" can in principle be constructed and that it is possible that work on its construction is being worked on. But then the Russian authorities apparently intervened, and in an article dated January 25, 1991, the director of the Research Institute of Higher Nerve Activity and Neurology of the Soviet Academy of Sciences PV Smirnov told Komsomol's truth that electrical signals can change a person's mood but not break his self- control. scientists with electrical brain stimulation, which he described in his book Jose Delgado). Asked if it would be possible to achieve any effects of the electromagnetic field on the brain, Smirnov replied that he did not know anything like that. (51) HOLIDAY SCANDAL IN THE USSR However, with the attempted coup against Mikhail Gorbachev, the situation in Russia has changed. During the coup, General Kobec warned the advocate of Russia's White House, where future Russian President Boris Yeltsin had taken refuge, against the use of "psychotronic weapons" and, shortly after the coup was suppressed, on August 27, 1991, the Komsomol Truth published in the article in Kiev ”(53) statement by Viktor Sedlecki, Vice President of the League of Independent Soviet Scientists. In it, Viktor Sedlecki stated: “As an expert and legal entity, I declare: serial (and this is very serious) production of psychotronic biogenerators and their tests have begun in Kiev. I can't say that the Kiev generators were used during the coup ... However, the fact that they were used is obvious to me. What are psychotronic generators? It's an electronic device which causes the effect of controlled control in the human body. In particular, it acts on the left and right hemispheres of the cortex of the main brain. The US Zombie 5 project is based on this. Similar work is being carried out in the Soviet Union (partly in Kiev at the Institute for Materials Conductivity Research) ... Why did the system fail in the days of the coup? The coup plotters, who had no experience with him, did not know that in order to achieve the necessary reaction, they could not allow the "processed" soldiers to mix with the crowd on the street. " After the publication of this statement, journalists from the Komsomol Truth tried to verify it. In an article from September 9, 1991, "Reports that they had attacked our psyche have not been confirmed. Meanwhile ”(Sluchi talked about what they put on our psyche. Poka) (52), they wrote that when they were looking for Viktor Sedlecký, V. Trefilov, director of the Kiev Institute for Materials Conductivity Research, told them, where Viktor Sedlecki was employed, that after the publication he suddenly left somewhere in Kiev and when he will return, it is not known and that their institute has no psychotronic generators (it is curious that if Viktor Sedleckij was brought to justice for revealing a state secret, it would be his the statement was confirmed and the state secret would thus be definitively disclosed). The director of another Kiev institute, the interdisciplinary scientific-engineering center "Natural Resources" A. Krasjanenko, told reporters that he knew in the USSR at least 10 teams that are able to assemble such a device and that their institute also has a device capable of developing in humans. stress, lethargy, illness or intensify his desires. He added, however, that in order to completely control a person, it would be necessary to compile a very complex computer program and a strong apartment, which their institute does not have. Journalists thus kept state secrets, but the fact that these weapons were used in a critical political situation in the demoratic system justified them not to let the issue of their existence fall asleep immediately. Three weeks later, on September 27, 1991, Komsomolskaya Pravda published an article entitled "Psychic Weapon Not Found, But 500 Million Spent" (55 million found, "55) in which parts of the project to develop these weapons were published. provided by a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences E. Alexandrov. The project wrote about "remote medicobiological action on troops and the population by torsional radiation, remote psychophysical action on troops and the population by torsional radiation." These tasks were assigned to the Vent Center, which was set up by the State Council for Science and Technology. The Vent Center was funded by the Ministry of Defense, and according to its director, A. Akimov, half a billion Soviet rubles were spent on research, including contributions from the Military-Industrial Commission to the USSR and KGB Ministerial Cabinet. There were 26 scientific institutes under the auspices of the Vent Center, but above all the Kiev Institute for Materials Conductivity Research, which employed Viktor Sedlecki and whose director denied that their institute had psychotronic generators. The list of institutes working on the research was the result of a search by journalist O. Volkov from Nězavisimoj gazeta. This information was also confirmed by the Trud daily in an article from April 10, 1992. He found the amount of half a billion rubles confirmed in a decree of the Committee on Science and Technology of the USSR of July 4, 1991. including contributions from the Military-Industrial Commission at the Ministerial Cabinet of the USSR and the KGB, spent half a billion Soviet rubles. There were 26 scientific institutes under the auspices of the Vent Center, but above all the Kiev Institute for Materials Conductivity Research, which employed Viktor Sedlecki and whose director denied that their institute had psychotronic generators. The list of institutes working on the research was the result of a search by journalist O. Volkov from Nězavisimoj gazeta. This information was also confirmed by the Trud daily in an article from April 10, 1992. He found the amount of half a billion rubles confirmed in a decree of the Committee on Science and Technology of the USSR of July 4, 1991. including contributions from the Military-Industrial Commission at the Ministerial Cabinet of the USSR and the KGB, spent half a billion Soviet rubles. There were 26 scientific institutes under the auspices of the Vent Center, but above all the Kiev Institute for Materials Conductivity Research, which employed Viktor Sedlecki and whose director denied that their institute had psychotronic generators. The list of institutes working on the research was the result of a search by journalist O. Volkov from Nězavisimoj gazeta. This information was also confirmed by the Trud daily in an article from April 10, 1992. He found the amount of half a billion rubles confirmed in a decree of the Committee on Science and Technology of the USSR of July 4, 1991. in which Viktor Sedlecki was employed and whose director denied that their institute had psychotronic generators. The list of institutes working on the research was the result of a search by journalist O. Volkov from Nězavisimoj gazeta. This information was also confirmed by the Trud daily in an article from April 10, 1992. He found the amount of half a billion rubles confirmed in a decree of the Committee on Science and Technology of the USSR of July 4, 1991. in which Viktor Sedlecki was employed and whose director denied that their institute had psychotronic generators. The list of institutes working on the research was the result of a search by journalist O. Volkov from Nězavisimoj gazeta. This information was also confirmed by the Trud daily in an article from April 10, 1992. He found the amount of half a billion rubles confirmed in a decree of the Committee on Science and Technology of the USSR of July 4, 1991. The scandal began to take on another dimension when Komsomolskaya Pravda published two articles on October 19 and November 30 about a former Soviet KGB colonel who complained that he had been exposed to psychotronic generators and whose case had been referred to the Russian prosecutor's office. She asked the Russian security minister for an explanation during the investigation. In response to these publications, 400 other people contacted Komsomol Truth who believed they were affected by the technology (89). In June 1992, Komsomolskaya Pravda published an article entitled 'Buy a neighbor surveillance device' (101), in which Viktor Sedlecký's statement was broadly upheld. It published a letter from a group of directors of Russian scientific institutions to Russian President Boris Yeltsin and the world's democratic institutions, demanding that the use of psychotronic generators as weapons be banned. In the letter, they wrote: “20 years ago, when we started working on the problem of ultra- high-frequency therapy, there was a consensus among us that we would not use discoveries in this field to the detriment of humanity. General Kobec's warning that OMON (Russian Counter- Terrorism Police) has psychotronic generators proves that psychotronic generators have already been designed. If they fall into the hands of people with bad intentions, they may be due to its ability to suppress human free will, more dangerous than an atomic bomb. " In addition, the Komsomol Truth published the results of radiofrequency measurements in 10 Moscow families, who complained that their mental activity and physical condition were affected by electromagnetic radiation. Intensive, directed electromagnetic radiation was measured by experts in all ten families. In this article, Komsomolskaya Pravda even wrote that "the effects of microwave radiation on human behavior (the creation of biorobots)" were on the list of topics in 1990 that were not allowed to be published in the Russian press. Sometime around that time, all the Russian media also reported that a "strange" antenna had been discovered in the office of the new Russian president, Boris Yeltsin, and that "experts had concluded that it had been placed there, The Russian daily Pravda published an article on the topic of remote control of human brains on November 30, 1992. In it, the director of the Vent Center, A. Akimov, said that "thanks to experimental work, everything needed to produce factory prototypes is already available" and that "torsion fields ... are ... able to transmit information over all obstacles" (105). In this case, however, he was not talking about electromagnetic energy, but probably about secret new discoveries in physics. After all, in the first article in the Russian press on this topic, A. Ochatrin spoke in Komsomol Truth about "lepton fields", which also penetrated all obstacles. When the author of this article tried to get his book on lepton fields through acquaintances from Ukraine, they told him that they had been told that the book was secret. In a crisis political situation and with the persistence of Gorbachev's policy of "openness", when the democracy of Russian society was ahead of the West, journalists apparently once again allowed themselves to approach the revelation of a deeply hidden state secret. However, we will return to this topic in detail only in the last of this series of articles. In the following years, Russian journalists continued their efforts to find out the truth about the existence of psychotronic generators. The Russian daily Trud set up a "Phenomenon" commission to find out if these weapons are used in Russia. In 1993, the Russian government also showed a surprising willingness to cooperate when Colonel General Vladimir Nikitovich Abramov and Marshal of the Russian Air Force Yevgeny Yakovlevich Savicki handed over to the Phenomenon Commission documents about the Radiospanek and the experiment with him in 1973 at military garrison in Novosibirsk, which was put to sleep by this facility. The documents were the seal of the Institute of Radio Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and included a lecture on an experiment in the Laboratory of Bioelectronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences entitled "Effects on biological objects through modulated electronic impulses". The scheme of the Radiospánek device also included a microwave generator. The documents were signed by academician UB Kobzarev and doctor of sciences EE Godik (103). The fact that the Russian government was willing to release to the public information about the possibility of electromagnetic radiation affecting the human psyche raises the question again whether it had another technology in reserve that could be used for the same purposes. Igor Vinokurov and Georgiy Gurtova also wrote about the publication of the Radiospánek project in the book "Psychotronic War, from Myths to Reality", published in 1993. Russian politician Vladimir Lopatin, who will be discussed later, wrote about them in his book "Psychotronic War and Russia's Security" (89) that they "conducted research full of inventions in the field of psychotronic weapons." Gurtovoj and Vinokurov wrote that they spoke with the author of the invention, Ivan Antonovich, who refused to publish his full name (probably because he was not carried by a Russian mafia and did not want to get the device from him), but told them that a number of successful experiments had been performed with the device. , both on the authors of the invention and on the soldiers from the military unit, and that the device could be adapted to heal people or transmit information directly to their brains, that it could affect the population of a city of 100 square kilometers and that current technology would allow it to be placed on a satellite and reach even larger areas. He also expressed the view that there should be open international cooperation between scientists in this field and that laws should be introduced everywhere to prohibit the use of the results of this research against people. But so that neither he nor the authors of the book should be held responsible for the disclosure of state secrets, the author of the invention concluded with Igor Vinokurov and Georgi Gurt, that his invention never progressed beyond the first attempts because the Russian Committee for Inventions and Discoveries postponed its verification "with justification, that it is unbelievable ”(103). that there should be open international cooperation between scientists in this field and that laws should be introduced everywhere to prohibit the use of the results of such research against people. But so that neither he nor the authors of the book should be held responsible for the disclosure of state secrets, the author of the invention concluded with Igor Vinokurov and Georgi Gurt, that his invention never progressed beyond the first attempts, because the Russian Committee for Inventions and Discoveries postponed its verification "with justification, that it is unbelievable ”(103). that there should be open international cooperation between scientists in this field and that laws should be introduced everywhere to prohibit the use of the results of such research against people. But so that neither he nor the authors of the book should be held responsible for the disclosure of state secrets, the author of the invention concluded with Igor Vinokurov and Georgi Gurt, that his invention never progressed beyond the first attempts, because the Russian Committee for Inventions and Discoveries postponed its verification "with justification, that it is unbelievable ”(103). In 1994, journalists lost interest in the topic of remote control of the human nervous system. Apparently under pressure from Russian authorities. However, the weekly Argumenty i Fakty also published an article entitled 'Brain Breakers' (Mozgolomy) (104), in which he described the filming of a Russian television program about psychotronic weapons, which was soon stopped without explanation. During the filming, the journalist sat in front of a psychotronic generator and described his feelings after turning it on: "I stop seeing clearly. I can't concentrate… my eyelids are heavy… something is suffocating my brain…" Device designer, doctor of medical sciences Jakov Rudakov said about the device able to work even in a hall full of people, that it can be used to sleep or induce hallucinations, and that this procedure is technically called neurolinguistic programming. In the next part of the show, filmed on Russian television, the journalist had voluntary subject of the experiment, subject to "coding". It was supposed to be that an activity would be programmed into his brain, which he would perform when he heard some unusual combination of words such as "blue chamomile". As an example of such a programmed activity, the weekly stated that the test subject might have to jump out of the window. The results of this experiment were not published in the weekly "Aktuality i Fakty". Robert Becker wrote in the book "Body Electric" about JF Schapitz's 1974 experiment, which was published at the request of the Freedom of Information Act. JF Schapitz introduced him: "This experiment will show how the spoken word of the hypnotist can also be transmitted by electromagnetic energy directly to the subconscious parts of the human brain ... without the person exposed to such influence being able to consciously control the storage of information." In the experiment, the volunteers had to answer 100 questions, both light and very technical, and then electromagnetic answers to questions they could not answer, bad answers to questions that answered well, and forgetting other correct answers were to be sent to their brains. After 14 days, they had to drop the test. The results of this experiment were not published either. In both cases, it was apparently a matter of transmitting speech, converted to ultrasonic frequencies, to the brain via pulsed microwaves. Ulltrasound is perceived by the brain, but one is not aware of these perceptions because one does not hear them. The weekly Argumenty i Fakty also wrote about the possibility of transmitting human speech to the brain via microwaves: “The radioacoustic effect of microwaves has long been known: If the beam of a microwave generator is directed at a human being and modulated by a human voice, then the subject will hear words, pronounced at a fairly great distance from him. The effect will be as if he heard the words 'right in his brain' ". The last paragraphs appear to describe the technology used to "wash the brains" of OMON's Russian anti-terrorist police when they were to occupy the building that Boris Yeltsin had taken refuge in during the coup against Mikhail Gorbachev. The weekly Argumenty i Fakty returned to the topic of neurolinguistic programming once again in 1998 in the article "Versii killer of General Rochlin" (Versii ubijstva generala Rochlin) (106). At that time, Russian General Lev Rochlin organized military protests against the reform of the Russian army, which was a de facto challenge to Russian state power, and bypassed the editors of Russian dailies and sought protection from them by telling them that he could be assassinated in the coming weeks. He told the editors of the weekly Argumenty i Fakty: "Either they will organize a car accident, or it will happen during a drink, or a domestic quarrel will end up." Shortly afterwards, his wife shot him in his sleep. Other Russian newspapers at the time reported that Rochlina had been shot dead by his wife after a quiet telephone conversation with his girlfriend. If she was neurolinguistically programmed and responded to a sequence of words, In the article "Brain Breakers", the weekly quoted a former deputy director of the Russian scientific and production company Energia, who told its editors that a device had been constructed as early as 1989 that, if placed in orbit around the Earth, could correct population behavior in the area. the size of the Russian Krasnoyarsk Krai. Viktor Sedleckij added that similar problems were studied at the Kiev Institute of Conductivity of Materials. Anatoly Ochatrin, who was the first to be addressed by Komsomolskaya Pravda, also provided information for the article when, in 1990, she decided to publish a series of articles on technologies for controlling human behavior. Arguments and Facts wrote about him, that he was the director of the Laboratory of Microleptonic Technologies and that he designed a number of biogenerators and that one of them is able to remotely tune into the biological characteristics of a human being and deliver substances mixed into a special capsule to the target organism via microleptonic streams. Again, they provided information that technologies other than pulsed microwaves could be used to induce electrical currents in the human nervous system. At that time, at least the electromagnetic type of these weapons remained to be completely declassified in Russia in order to recognize their use on humans and to pass a law banning their use. However, the large Western media avoided publishing this information from Russia (apparently so as not to discuss their ban in the West), which was probably why Russia had not yet completed the matter, as a ban on these weapons would disadvantaged in a possible war with the West. As we will see, the United States was working on the idea of using these weapons to rule the world. IGOR SMIRNOVA DEVICE AND IDEA CONTROL In the United States, the silence about open Russian publications on electronic human brain control was broken only once, when the use of one of these devices in American political life was considered. These considerations occurred during the siege of a ranch in Waco, Texas, where members of the David Koresh religious sect barricaded themselves. Between 1993 and 1994, the American weekly newspapers Defense Electronics (56), Newsweek (57) and Village Voice (58) published information that Igor Smirnov of the Moscow Medical Academy demonstrated a device that was able to store thoughts in the subconscious. people and thus control their actions. According to these reports, the FBI was considering using this device against David Koresh. As we will see, Americans had their own plans for these technologies, and they certainly did not want to admit that they had them, too. Rather, they tested whether they would succeed in imposing a ban on their use in Russia, which could lead to Russia not being able to use them in the next possible war with the United States. On March 8, 1994, the Russian daily Pravda responded to an article in Village Voice entitled "Mind control in Waco" with the article "Science of Crowd Control" (59), in which he wrote that Village Voice brought " sensational message ”that the Russians are able to control human action by forcing thoughts on people on a subconscious level. 14 days later, the weekly Moskovskije Novosti (60) published a long article about Igor Smirnov, in which he wrote that Igor Smirnov used a device for therapeutic purposes, which sends noise into human ears, which contain questions which, even though one cannot hear them, his brain perceives and responds to them. The electroencephalograph then transmits the respondent's brain responses to a computer, which evaluates them. In this way, Igor Smirnov performs a very fast psychoanalysis, on the basis of which he then, again through noise, this time attached to a music recording, it sends advice to the brains of its patients, which patients obey and treat them. Igor Smirnov and Moskovskije Novosti therefore only admitted to the use of ultrasound messages, which have long been known to influence human thinking and action, and in many countries their use is prohibited, at least for advertising purposes. Asked by the editor of Moskovské Novosti, if he could arrange for people to vote for Rucký in the elections, Igor Smirnov replied: "Basically, this is a solvable task. And not hard. But uninteresting. " He spoke of his time at Waco: "I suggested encoding the voices of children and families inviting suicides home into the noise of police car engines (the building was surrounded by them)." He added that the FBI withdrew from his solution when he gave her only a 70% guarantee of success. An article in Defense Electronics, entitled "Intelligence Agencies Look at Russian Mind Control Technology", which was the first in a series of American articles as early as July 1993, coincided with I. Smirnov's account. half a year later, February 7, 1994, but Newsweek wrote in the article "Soon Phasors Will Be Set to Stun" (Soon Phasers on Stun): "The technique uses inaudible transmissions that could convince Koresh that he could hear the voice of God in his head." Suppose that by "inaudibility" the author meant that no one else would hear God's voice, and that even David Koresh would hear it only in his head. In that case, it would probably be a transmission to his brain of the "voice of God" by pulsed microwaves. Half a year later, in August 1994, Newsweek published an interview with Igor Smirnov in an article entitled "You Will Read This Story" (61), in the introduction of which he wrote that the FBI had sought advice from Smirnov during events in He described Waca and the proposed solution as follows: The FBI wanted to "subconsciously send messages from their family members to the building via telephone line to the building. For David Koresh ... the FBI wanted to use a special voice: the voice of God, which was to be embodied by the venerable actor Charlton Heston ". In this case, the voices of their family members, transcoded into ultrasonic frequencies, would be electromagnetically transmitted to the brains of the sect's members (an antenna would serve as a antenna), and David Koresh would hear in his head a microwave transmission of the voice of God performed by actor Charlton Heston. Moskovskije Novosti quoted Igor Smirnov in his article: “Don't forget to specify our goals - to heal and teach - in your slanderous note. And don't attribute other, inhumane ones to us. " In an article in Defense Electronics, a participant in meetings with I. Smirnov was quoted as saying: "The intelligence services were very interested (in meetings) because Smirnov had been following for years" and "because we know that there is evidence that Soviet military special forces used this technology during the conflict in Afghanistan ". In October 1994, the weekly Moskovskije Novosti published an article entitled "The Immortal Weapon" (62) on American non-lethal weapons, which read: "In 1994, the FBI investigated the possibility of using immortal technology against fanatic sect leader David Koresh. The FBI then informed the Russians of a technique that allowed it to send subconscious signals to Koresh. In this way, the FBI wanted to take on the role of the voice of God. " The author of the article stated that he wrote it according to American and French sources. It is possible that these sentences were intended as a warning to Americans that even Russians could divulge their state secrets (for the sake of completeness, I add that according to an article in Defense Electronics, the American company Psychtechnologies Corp. of Richmond, Virginia bought the rights to American production of Smirnov apparatus). SECRET CONFERENCE ORGANIZED BY THE AMERICAN NATIONAL LABORATORY IN LOS ALAMOS In a democratic world, nothing that does not appear on the mass media will become a reality. The information that appears in the under-read media is not becoming a reality for politicians. Thus, in December 1993, the December issue of the little-read American bimonthly Microwave News (65) reported that a secret conference sponsored by the American National Laboratory in Los Alamos was held at Johns Hopkins University in November of that year. , focused on the use of so - called non - lethal weapons. The director of the non-lethal programs the National Laboratory worked on at the time was John B. Alexander, who published an article in the Military Review in 1980, entitled "A New Mental Battlefield: Irradiate Me, Spock ”(The New Mental Battlefield: Beam me up, Spock - Spock is a character from the Star Trek series who, before his death, connected his brain to the brain of another scientist and passed on to him his essence, which was later reincarnated) (46). He wrote in the article that who would be the first to succeed in technology affecting the human psyche "would gain a significant advantage over his opponent, an advantage comparable to being the sole owner of an atomic weapon." Radio Hop radiation research was also carried out at Johns Hopkins University, where the secret conference took place - Samuel Koslov, who was the leader of the aforementioned Pandora project of the US Navy, where he repeatedly repeated the attempt to cloud rabbits. which, before her death, connected her brain with the brain of another scientist and passed on to him her essence, which was later reincarnated) (46). He wrote in the article that who would be the first to succeed in technology affecting the human psyche "would gain a significant advantage over his opponent, an advantage comparable to being the sole owner of an atomic weapon." Radio Hop radiation research was also carried out at Johns Hopkins University, where the secret conference took place - Samuel Koslov, who was the leader of the aforementioned Pandora project of the US Navy, where he repeatedly repeated the attempt to cloud rabbits. which, before her death, connected her brain with the brain of another scientist and passed on to him her essence, which was later reincarnated) (46). He wrote in the article that who would be the first to succeed in technology affecting the human psyche "would gain a significant advantage over his opponent, an advantage comparable to being the sole owner of an atomic weapon." Radio Hop radiation research was also carried out at Johns Hopkins University, where the secret conference took place - Samuel Koslov, who was the leader of the aforementioned Pandora project of the US Navy, where he repeatedly repeated the attempt to cloud rabbits. acting on the human psyche, "will gain a significant advantage over its adversary, an advantage comparable to being the sole owner of an atomic weapon." Radio Hop radiation research was also carried out at Johns Hopkins University, where the secret conference took place - Samuel Koslov, who was the leader of the aforementioned Pandora project of the US Navy, where he repeatedly repeated the attempt to cloud rabbits. acting on the human psyche, "will gain a significant advantage over its adversary, an advantage comparable to being the sole owner of an atomic weapon." Radio Hop radiation research was also carried out at Johns Hopkins University, where the secret conference took place - Samuel Koslov, who was the leader of the aforementioned Pandora project of the US Navy, where he repeatedly repeated the attempt to cloud rabbits. An invitation to a conference hosted by the US National Laboratory in Los Alamos stated: “The purpose of this conference is to bring together industry, government and academia to unleash the potential of immortal defense and to define requirements so that those involved in defense can find methods of cooperation on the concept of immortal defense. Industry in particular will benefit from a more accurate understanding of the requirements and pressures associated with immortal defense technology. All participants will have the opportunity to understand the new perspective in international relations. " On Wednesday, January 17, 1993, a lecture entitled "Radiofrequency weapons, a very attractive non-lethal option" was on the conference program, and at 11:10 a lecture entitled "Application of electromagnetic fields of extra-low frequency to non-lethal weapons" was to follow. Clay Easterly, who gave the first lecture, told Microwave News that since the conference was secret, he could not talk about the specific effects of electromagnetic fields, but admitted that they were effects on humans. From the title of the second lecture, it could be concluded that scientists have verified that humans are also affected by electromagnetic waves, which are transmitted at frequencies in which the human brain operates, ie mostly one to one hundred Herz. The magazine commented on the first lecture that on the basis of non-classified information it is not possible to assess whether this attractive option had already been used and added that, according to unconfirmed reports, it had been used against peace activists at the US military base Greenhom Common in Great Britain (65). If the production of "psychotronic biogenerators" had not yet taken place in the USA before this conference, it had to take place after it. Work on the development of these weapons has certainly continued at a great pace. In 2001, a clear report on the planned new weapons appeared on the website of the Directorate of Directed Energy of the US Air Force Research Laboratory. The report stated: “The long-term challenges of Controlled Effects focus on the development of technology in three main areas. The goal of the Calculated Global Force Projection is to use electromagnetic and other unconventional force capabilities against equipment and military technology to achieve strategic, tactical, and lethal and non-lethal force projections worldwide. Controlled personal effects explore technologies that could make selected adversaries think and act according to our needs. The goal of Dominant Remote Control is the remote control of enemy vehicles, sensors, communications and information systems and their manipulation for military purposes'. The controlled personal effects were elaborated as follows: "By deceiving the senses, it may be possible to create synthetic images or holograms to confuse an individual's visual perception, or similarly confuse his senses of hearing, taste, touch, or smell." The use of these new weapon systems was written: "Military commanders want to have effects that are deadly or non-deadly and can be either concentrated in one place or dispersed. In general, if it is possible to immediately target an energy point at any target in the world and then quickly follow up on this warning with different levels of effects, the military commander will have unmatched operational flexibility and response ”(82). "By deceiving the senses, it may be possible to create synthetic images or holograms to confuse an individual's visual perception, or similarly confuse his senses of hearing, taste, touch, or smell." The use of these new weapon systems was written: "Military commanders want to have effects that are deadly or non-deadly and can be either concentrated in one place or dispersed. In general, if it is possible to immediately target an energy point at any target in the world and then quickly follow up on this warning with different levels of effects, the military commander will have unmatched operational flexibility and response ”(82). "By deceiving the senses, it may be possible to create synthetic images or holograms to confuse an individual's visual perception, or similarly confuse his senses of hearing, taste, touch, or smell." The use of these new weapon systems was written: "Military commanders want to have effects that are deadly or non-deadly and can be either concentrated in one place or dispersed. In general, if it is possible to immediately target an energy point at any target in the world and then quickly follow up on this warning with different levels of effects, the military commander will have unmatched operational flexibility and response ”(82). The use of these new weapon systems was written: "Military commanders want to have effects that are deadly or non-deadly and can be either concentrated in one place or dispersed. In general, if it is possible to immediately target an energy point at any target in the world and then quickly follow up on this warning with different levels of effects, the military commander will have unmatched operational flexibility and response ”(82). The use of these new weapon systems was written: "Military commanders want to have effects that are deadly or non-deadly and can be either concentrated in one place or dispersed. In general, if it is possible to immediately target an energy point at any target in the world and then quickly follow up on this warning with different levels of effects, the military commander will have unmatched operational flexibility and response ”(82). This report, which was available to the public, described these weapons as futurological weapons. Probably so that this information does not provoke outrage and spread, and so that the American public does not begin to demand that these weapons be banned. As early as 1998, however, Timothy L. Thomas wrote in the quarterly of the American Military College entitled Parameters, in the article "The Mind Has no Firewall Against PSI Warfare and Thought Control" (83) that "according to Russian television, strategic missile forces have begun training against extrasensory perception" and that "the time has come to ask why it seems like we are ignoring the operators of our systems ... this is a weakness in the military equipment of any nation ... the point is to protect against signals or to change signals, waves and impulses, which can affect the basics of data processing systems, computers or people ". Weapon systems that could be used to make strategic missile operators "think and act according to our needs" already existed. Defense only needs to be built against truly existing systems. THE RUSSIAN SURA SYSTEM AND THE AMERICAN HAARP SYSTEM AND THE POSSIBILITY OF GLOBAL ACTION ON THE HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM In 1992, the Independent Moscow Institute of Foreign Policy published an article in the weekly Stolica, the "MC-ultra program" (referring to the published CIA program on human will control from the 1960s, cited at the beginning of this series), in which Viktor Sedlecki reported that the development of a completely new radar system began in the USSR in 1982 to control any place on the globe, and that this device could be used to create a "psychotronic field for brain control." He did not say specifically what the project was, but it could be the Sura system (84), which was built in 1981 in the Soviet Union near the city of Nizhny Novgorod in central Russia. Its construction was funded by the Soviet Ministry of Defense and later taken over by the Scientific Research Institute of Radiophysics. The official website says that the system is designed to explore the universe, the atmosphere, the earth's crust and the propagation of radio waves. In more detail, it is intended, among other things, to investigate the laws of induction of artificial turbulence and artificial electromagnetic radiation of ionospheric plasma in various wavelength ranges, by the action of high-energy radio waves. The system is also to be used for low frequency transmission, which affects electric currents in the ionosphere. It operates at frequencies from 4.5 to 9.3 megahertz, which are produced by three transmitters, and electromagnetic waves are transmitted to the ionosphere by a system of 144 antennas, spread over an area of 300 by 300 meters (9 hectares). The maximum power of the system is 190 megawatts. Thus, this system can cause alternating electric currents and thus electromagnetic waves in the ionosphere by pulsing the transmitted waves, which can hit large areas of the planet and, if pulsed at the frequencies of human brain activity, could affect entire populations, provided that the extra long waves thus generated hit and perceived the brain. Theoretically, the brain is too small an antenna to detect waves tens of thousands of kilometers long. However, some scientists have speculated that life on Earth has evolved since its inception in an environment of extra long electromagnetic waves, caused mainly by the planet-wide propagation of lightning (about 2,000 storms occur on the planet at any given moment) and therefore may be sensitive. The frequencies of these waves range from 3 to 60 Hz and it is worth considering the extent to which the fundamental frequencies of the nervous activity of living organisms have evolved in relation to these frequencies, in which life has moved on Earth since its inception. In that case, the nervous system of living beings would react to extra long waves. Scientists who study the effects of extra long electromagnetic waves on the human body do not deny this effect, but wonder whether, for example, waves of 50 or 60 Hz that emit electrical lines are intense enough to cause cancer in the human body, or leukemia. The reaction of the European Union and Russia to building the American HAARP system was confirmed by these scientific findings. The Sura system includes a receiving device for capturing electromagnetic waves in the range from 0.01 Herze to 10 Khz, ie in the range of activity of the human nervous system. Launched in 1981, the Sura system was not the source of the "psychoactive" signals that had been intercepted in the United States since 1976. This was Duga Chernobyl-2's radar. After the end of the Cold War, Russia stopped transmitting Duga radar and explained its use as part of its anti-missile system. The transmission system was located near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, from where it apparently drew energy. Its transmission was pulsed at 10 Hz, and if it were able to change the pulsation frequency by one-hundredth of a Herze, it could manipulate human brain activity. It differed from the Sura system in that its assembly could not be used to induce electromagnetic waves in the ionosphere and possibly in that the pulsation could not be changed by one hundredth of a Herze. The US HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) system was decided in 1990 and began construction in 1993 and was completed in 2007. The system was built in Alaska near the North Magnetic Pole. . The construction was funded by the Naval Research Office of the US Navy and the US Air Force Research Laboratory. The system is arranged similarly to the Russian one, only in it there are 180 antennas instead of 144 antennas, spread over an area of 13 hectares instead of 9 hectares. It uses frequencies from 2.7 to 10 megahertz and has an output of 3.6 megawatts. However, its performance, when focused on one place in the ionosphere, can, up to a thousandfold, due to the use of energy by the ion-charged ionosphere. However, the same is true for the Russian Sura system. One of the basic features of the system is that it is able to heat the ionosphere and thus change its height. As the height of the ionosphere changes, waves from it bounce back to Earth, making it possible to direct this electromagnetic radiation to different areas of the planet. According to official information from the US government, the HAARP system is also intended for scientific research into the ionosphere. However, too many facts indicate that it was also built for military purposes. In addition to being funded by the US Air Force and Navy, Bernard J. Eastlund's Basic Patent (No. 4,686,605) provided that, in addition to ionosphere research, it could have a number of other uses. He anticipated that the system could be used to destroy missile guidance systems and electronic aircraft control anywhere in the atmosphere, to disrupt all communication systems anywhere on the planet and at the same time use its broadcast as the only functioning communication system. According to another patent, the HAARP system was supposed to be able to disable all electronic systems in large areas of the globe. Other patents provided the ability to control the weather by changing the direction of winds in the Earth's upper atmosphere and creating or filling ozone holes, others to determine if an incoming missile was carrying a nuclear charge and causing explosions the size of nuclear bomb explosions that would not cause radiation. In 1995, the US government suspended funding for the project until the military added a so-called tomography- penetrating country. In this application, the HAARP system was to be able, using extranex frequency waves, to search for underground mineral deposits, but also tunnels, covers, factories and other underground installations. At the end of February 1995, the authors of the book "Angels Don't Play the Harp" (HAARP stands for harp) were then-HAARP Director Heckscher, who told them that for ground-penetrating tomography, the HAARP system would use frequencies between 12 and 20 Herz or perhaps 1 Hz ( 22). Again, he had to raise the question of whether the use of the HAARP system was also planned to control brain activity. Assuming that the "movement" of the ionosphere is used to transmit brain signals, the brain activity of entire populations could be affected if these waves act on their brain. In addition, the HAARP system, like the Sura system, is able to pulse transmissions from one hundredth of a Herze and is therefore probably able to change the pulsation by hundredths of a Herze. Recall that Paul Tyler wrote, that one hundredth of a Herze can mean a difference in the effects of electromagnetic waves on the activity of the human nervous system and cause different nerve reactions. Recall also that Paul Tyler spoke of the possibility of stopping the activity of the human heart, which was tested on frogs by scientists experimenting with electrical stimulation of the brain. Thus, the HAARP system, like the Sura system, could be used to exterminate the population of large areas of the planet at the speed of light, provided that extra long frequencies affect the activity of the human brain. It is not possible to use any electromagnetic shielding against extra long waves and they penetrate deep into the water and the earth's crust. which was tested on frogs by scientists experimenting with electrical brain stimulation. Thus, the HAARP system, like the Sura system, could be used to exterminate the population of large areas of the planet at the speed of light, provided that extra long frequencies affect the activity of the human brain. It is not possible to use any electromagnetic shielding against extra long waves and they penetrate deep into the water and the earth's crust. which was tested on frogs by scientists experimenting with electrical brain stimulation. Thus, the HAARP system, like the Sura system, could be used to exterminate the population of large areas of the planet at the speed of light, provided that extra long frequencies affect the activity of the human brain. It is not possible to use any electromagnetic shielding against extra long waves and they penetrate deep into the water and the earth's crust. The first test of the HAARP system took place in 1994, and in 1995 Professor Michael Persinger of the University of Laurentia, Canada, published an article in the journal Perception and Motor Skills entitled "On the ability to enter every human brain directly by electromagnetic induction of basic algorithms." “(On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorythms”) (43). In his lecture at the Conference on Emerging Electromagnetic Medicine (15), Captain Paul Tyler mentioned the experiment of Proferor Persinger, in which he exposed students to electromagnetic waves pulsed at a frequency of 5 Hz, which caused them to lose sweating, dry mouth, stomach pain. and an increased state of relaxation. According to independent researcher David Guyatt, Professor Persinger participated in the US Army's "Sleeping Beauty" project, which focused on the development of electromagnetic weapons that affect brain function for use on the battlefield (118). Professor Persinger's lecture can be found on the Internet, in which he described experiments with the influence of a magnetic field on telepathic abilities. In an article in Perception and Motor Skills, he discussed the possibilities of bridging the frequency differences in the activity of individual brains and concluded: “Over the last two decades ... potential has emerged that was unlikely, but which is now definitely real. This potential is the technical ability to directly affect most of the approximately 6 billion brains of the human species without being mediated by sensory modalities, by generating neural information within the physical medium, in which all members of the species are immersed ... reducing the risk of inappropriate use of these technologies requires an open discussion of their real applicability and implications, both in science and in public ”. It is hard to doubt that Michael Persinger (like atomic scientists Robert Oppenheimer or Andrei Sakharov) was aware of his share of responsibility for making human brain remote control technology accessible, and the eventual massacre of entire populations to power structures (as we already know from Russia, Michael Persinger was not the only scientist who was aware of this responsibility) and tried, especially after the first tests of the HAARP system, to provoke a public discussion about them. Unfortunately, he found understanding only in a little-read professional magazine. The big media probably looked for the topic of remote control of human brain activity in something similar to the list of topics that must not be written about in the media, on which this topic was in 1990 in the USSR. In 1995, the United States Department of Defense issued a directive establishing a Steering Committee on Immortal Weapons, requiring it, inter alia, to 'issue security and secrecy instructions on non-lethal weapons programs'. (74) IN 1997, THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TOTALITY WORLD GOVERNMENT SYSTEM BASED ON THE USE OF HUMAN BRAIN REMOTE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY BEGINED IN THE USA In 1983, Samuel Koslov gave a closing speech at a conference on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems, in which he said that the conference proved that external electric fields are the key to cell control, that this discovery will have enormous social, economic and military implications. and suggested that the scientists present write to the President of the United States a letter similar to the one he wrote after the first successful attempt to split the atomic nucleus in 1939 by Albert Einstein to the American President Roosevelt (41). In essence, this confirmed the view of John B. Alexander, who wrote in 1980 that those who can use knowledge of the electromagnetic functioning of the human nervous system to remotely control the activity of human brains will gain the same superiority over potential opponents as the owner of an atomic weapon. The book "Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War" (71), published in 1997 by the Institute of Strategic Studies at the US Military College, was based on this perspective of a revolutionary event in science. Because it was an American state secret, the book could not openly tell readers what kind of technological revolution it was. The authors were also well aware that the use of this technology was contrary to the basic democratic values of American society, and therefore argued that a moral and political revolution should be carried out first in order for a war revolution to take place. They understood well that American society would not be easily accessible to moral and political revolution, They did not postpone the implementation of the project and therefore placed their scenario until the year 2000. It was based on the increase of terrorism, drug trafficking and crime. Given that the major terrorist attacks against the United States took place in 2001, and one who is well versed in the activities of the US intelligence services before these attacks can hardly doubt that the US secret services deliberately enabled these attacks and probably (152), we must ask ourselves whether these attacks, followed by an attack on the privacy of American citizens and an attack on the sovereignty of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria (the attack on Iraq was justified by falsified information), were not part of the implementation. of this scenario. The script writes: "The president was thus open to the use of the kind of psychotechnology that formed the core of the revolution in warfare ... technology changed the way force was used, things like personal courage became useless ...". Thus, the new technology brought a new method of acting on the adversary's psyche rather than arousing the fear of death in it, and allowed its operators to act on the adversary without direct contact with them, in which they would risk their own lives. "We needed to rethink the moral restraints that prevented us from manipulating the brains of domestic and foreign enemies.... Through continuous efforts and a very sophisticated awareness campaign, the old-fashioned notions of privacy and national sovereignty were changed." ... Almost all the allies with their old-fashioned armies, formed before, before the revolution in warfare took place, they proved to be a burden rather than an aid ... “. The whole scenario was therefore aimed at creating a new global totalitarian system, subordinate to the US government. It was to be implemented as follows: "All over the world, those who could support the uprising were found using a general integrated database. They were categorized as 'possible' or 'active', and a sophisticated computer simulation of personality was created and focused on each one individually. ” Considering that in 2016, scientists were already able to manipulate the memory of mice, change their memories and store false memories in their memory (107), it is clear that the way to total manipulation of the human personality is already wide open. to create a new global totalitarian system, subordinate to the US government. It was to be implemented as follows: "All over the world, those who could support the uprising were found using a general integrated database. They were categorized as 'possible' or 'active', and a sophisticated computer simulation of personality was created and focused on each one individually. ” Considering that in 2016, scientists were already able to manipulate the memory of mice, change their memories and store false memories in their memory (107), it is clear that the way to total manipulation of the human personality is already wide open. to create a new global totalitarian system, subordinate to the US government. It was to be implemented as follows: "All over the world, those who could support the uprising were found using a general integrated database. They were categorized as 'possible' or 'active', and a sophisticated computer simulation of personality was created and focused on each one individually. ” Considering that in 2016, scientists were already able to manipulate the memory of mice, change their memories and store false memories in their memory (107), it is clear that the way to total manipulation of the human personality is already wide open. They were categorized as 'possible' or 'active', and a sophisticated computer simulation of personality was created and focused on each one individually. ” Considering that in 2016, scientists were already able to manipulate the memory of mice, change their memories and store false memories in their memory (107), it is clear that the way to total manipulation of the human personality is already wide open. They were categorized as 'possible' or 'active', and a sophisticated computer simulation of personality was created and focused on each one individually. ” Considering that in 2016, scientists were already able to manipulate the memory of mice, change their memories and store false memories in their memory (107), it is clear that the way to total manipulation of the human personality is already wide open. It has been known that the NSA has been searching for potential US enemies in world communications for decades and is also eavesdropping on world politicians. Theoretically, she could find her way to their brains through their mobile connections and GPS. If the weapons that could remotely control the human nervous system remained secret, anyone who wanted to defend themselves against "computer simulation of personality" would end up in a psychiatric hospital without being able to prove that they were subjected to the effects of these weapons. A 1995 directive from the US Department of National Defense, which established the Steering Committee for Non-Lethal Weapons, stated: "The term adversary is used above in the broadest sense and includes those we wish to stop." This attitude has been confirmed by the FBI in recent years, when conducting investigations against various opposition groups such as terrorist investigations. Thus, moving towards totalitarian government is not entirely foreign to American democracy. (74) At the end of the book, the authors returned to a more sober view of the development of the situation. They acknowledged that the American public and the American government did not have to opt for this revolution, but warned that even if these resources were used only in exceptional cases, with their increasing use, "as profound a change as revolution". In his article in the book "The Conflict of Low Intensity and Modern Technology," Captain Paul Tyler envisioned that remote control technology for human brain activity could also be used to "control the crowd." But if this technolodie were to be used against demonstrators, it would also be a step on the road to a totalitarian system. It is not clear whether the people, in the conversations after the demonstration, would realize the strange change in their intentions. If this did not happen and no action is taken, The authors of the book on the revolution in warfare concluded their analysis: "Whether we choose revolution or evolution, change will take place." At the same time, they realized that this new "psychotechnology" would also reach the black market and begin to be used by corporate and criminal organizations. It should be added that the authors do not state that remote control of human nervous system activity allows even very difficult to prove murder and in the current situation actually murder unprovable, because there is no law establishing a service that would search for "psychoactive signals" and their sources and punish their users. If the reader believes that this scenario has nothing to do with the reality in which he lives and therefore there is nothing to worry about, Igor Smirnov, both in an interview with Newsweek and in an interview with Moskovski Novosti (less openly here), admitted that from him his device is trying to get the Russian mafia. That the Russian Government did not take this lightly is evidenced by the fact that there is a law in Russia that prohibits the use of 'psychotronic weapons' by private organizations. (69) That the concept of a revolution in warfare was not a concept that grew only in the US Army Institute for Strategic Studies was suggested by Secretary of Defense Paul G. Kaminsky, who told the US National Security Committee in 1996: "Space forces play a central role in the coming revolution in warfare, thanks to its unique ability to gather, transmit and disseminate information ”(72). It is difficult to doubt that these words related to the ability of the American HAARP system to act on the human nervous system. EUROPEAN RESPONSE TO BUILDING THE US HAARP SYSTEM The European Union and Russia have taken the threat of the HAARP system, as well as the intent of the US Strategic Military Institute, seriously. The annual meeting of the French National Committee for Bioethics was held in Paris in January 1998, and its chairman, Jean-Pierre Changeux, a neurologist at the Pastelur Institute in Paris, said: “Advances in brain research are opening up a huge space for invasion of privacy. Although the equipment needed is still highly specialized, it will become commonly available and usable at a distance… This will pave the way for such evils as an attack on personal freedom, control of human behavior and brainwashing. This is far from a concern of the scientific imagination, a serious risk to society '. (73) At the same meeting, researcher from the French Atomic Energy Commission Denis Le Bihan said "we can almost read human thoughts". Unlike the Russian Sura system, which was built in the communist system and there was no chance that anyone would oppose its construction, the building of the HAARP system was written by the son of US Senator Nick Begich, together with journalist Jeane Manning (22). possible military uses of this system. Surprisingly, because the European Union was used to not opposing American power, the European Parliament responded to the publication of the book and invited Nick Begich to testify about building the HAARP system. The results of his testimony were included in European Parliament resolution A4-0005 / 1999 of 28 January 1999 on environmental protection and security and foreign policy (86). In a resolution, the European Parliament called on the European Union to to bring new non-lethal technologies and weapons strategies into international conventions, he identified the launch of the HAARP system as a matter of global concern due to its far-reaching impact on the environment. called for its legal, environmental and ethical implications to be reviewed by an independent international body before further research and testing, and regretted that the US government had not sent any representative to the HAARP hearing to testify to the risks it posed; for the environment and public health. In paragraph 27, the resolution explicitly called for the conclusion of an international agreement establishing a "global ban on the development and deployment of weapons that could allow any form of manipulation of human beings". The STOA Panel did not carry out this research, but in June 2000 it published a study on Crowd Control Technologies (87), which also cited the originally proposed text of a European Parliament resolution. It calls for an mezinárodní international agreement on a global ban on research and development ’aimed at using knowledge of the chemical, electrical, acoustic vibration and other functions of the human brain to develop weapons that could allow the manipulation of human beings, including a ban on any current or possible deployment. such systems ’. The word "current" clearly refers to the commissioning of the HAARP system. The STOA report also states: "In October 1999, NATO announced a new policy of non-lethal weapons and their inclusion in Allied armaments." This actually explains why the European Union has not taken further action against the "manipulation of human beings" and why STOA has not examined the risks associated with HAARP. Apparently, under American pressure, the European Union agreed to make these weapons part of NATO's arsenal. Nevertheless, the STOA report stated that "the most controversial 'non-lethal' crowd control weapons ... proposed by the United States are so-called radiofrequency or directional energy weapons that can allegedly manipulate human behavior in many unusual ways", that "the greatest concern systems that can directly interact with the human nervous system "and that" research carried out so far in both the US and Russia, it can be divided into two related areas: individual brain control and crowd control. However, the study avoided publishing secret European research and referred only to the work of Nick Begich and the author of this article (notes 354 and 356). Nevertheless, the report states that the US military admits that the development of these weapons is in the prototyping stage and that "in 1996, the non-lethal instruments identified by the US military included" directed energy systems "and" radiofrequency weapons "(p. Xlvi). The directed energy system was further defined in the notes to the document as "a directed energy system designed to interfere with human brain activity at the level of the nerve synapse with the same radio frequencies" (the internet address of the document has changed many times and this note is missing in the latest published version). control of individual brains and control of the crowd. However, the study avoided publishing secret European research and referred only to the work of Nick Begich and the author of this article (notes 354 and 356). Nevertheless, the report states that the US military admits that the development of these weapons is in the prototyping stage and that "in 1996, the non-lethal instruments identified by the US military included" directed energy systems "and" radiofrequency weapons "(p. Xlvi). The directed energy system was further defined in the notes to the document as "a directed energy system designed to interfere with human brain activity at the level of the nerve synapse with the same radio frequencies" (the internet address of the document has changed many times and this note is missing in the latest published version). control of individual brains and control of the crowd. However, the study avoided publishing secret European research and referred only to the work of Nick Begich and the author of this article (notes 354 and 356). Nevertheless, the report states that the US military admits that the development of these weapons is in the prototyping stage and that "in 1996, the non-lethal instruments identified by the US military included" directed energy systems "and" radiofrequency weapons "(p. Xlvi). The directed energy system was further defined in the notes to the document as "a directed energy system designed to interfere with human brain activity at the level of the nerve synapse with the same radio frequencies" (the internet address of the document has changed many times and this note is missing in the latest published version). However, the study avoided publishing secret European research and referred only to the work of Nick Begich and the author of this article (notes 354 and 356). Nevertheless, the report states that the US military admits that the development of these weapons is in the prototyping stage and that "in 1996, the non-lethal instruments identified by the US military included" directed energy systems "and" radiofrequency weapons "(p. Xlvi). The directed energy system was further defined in the notes to the document as "a directed energy system designed to interfere with human brain activity at the level of the nerve synapse with the same radio frequencies" (the internet address of the document has changed many times and this note is missing in the latest published version). However, the study avoided publishing secret European research and referred only to the work of Nick Begich and the author of this article (notes 354 and 356). Nevertheless, the report states that the US military admits that the development of these weapons is in the prototype stage and that "in 1996, the non-lethal tools identified by the US military included směr directed energy systems' and 'radio frequency weapons' (p. Xlvi). The directed energy system was further defined in the notes to the document as "a directed energy system designed to interfere with human brain activity at the level of the nerve synapse with the same radio frequencies" (the internet address of the document has changed many times and this note is missing in the latest published version). that the US military admits that the development of these weapons is in the prototype stage and that "in 1996, the non-lethal instruments identified by the US military included… directed energy systems' and 'radio frequency weapons' (p. xlvi). The directed energy system was further defined in the notes to the document as "a directed energy system designed to interfere with human brain activity at the level of the nerve synapse with the same radio frequencies" (the internet address of the document has changed many times and this note is missing in the latest published version). that the US military admits that the development of these weapons is in the prototype stage and that "in 1996, the non-lethal instruments identified by the US military included… directed energy systems' and 'radio frequency weapons' (p. xlvi). The directed energy system was further defined in the notes to the document as "a directed energy system designed to interfere with human brain activity at the level of the nerve synapse with the same radio frequencies" (the internet address of the document has changed many times and this note is missing in the latest published version). The European Union's response to the building of the American HAARP system thus apparently gave way to the American conviction that ownership of human brain remote control technologies could still be useful for the United States to definitively subjugate Russia. RUSSIAN RESPONSE TO BUILDING THE HAARP SYSTEM Russia was well aware that the HAARP system was aimed mainly at him, and his reaction looked accordingly. In February 2000, the Russian daily Segodna published an article entitled "Drivers of the Psychotronic Apocalypse" (88), in which it was reported that in 1996 staff from the Russian government intelligence agency FAPSI reported that the effect of using information weapons was comparable to weapons of mass destruction and drafted a report entitled "Information weapon as a threat to Russia's national security". Agency director Alexander Starovojtov said: "The information 'attack' threatens to decommission all electronic systems involved in the management of the country, its army, government infrastructure, etc. Transport and energy systems (including nuclear systems) will be disrupted. The army and navy will not be able to respond to the attack. The leaders of the country will not be able to get the necessary information, make and implement any decision. " The article, most of which was devoted to psychotronic weapons, added: “It must be acknowledged that our potential enemy gives us every reason to speak of a psychotronic or psychic weapon as a fact that we must consider real. The point is that the immortal weapon being developed in Los Alamos is, according to the Russian military classification, closely linked to the so-called 'information weapon' ... such a weapon is capable of acting not only on enemy soldiers ... but on the entire population Earth". Given the threats posed, it is difficult to doubt that the article related to the commissioning of the US HAARP system. The Russian State Duma and then the Inter- Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States responded to FAPSI information by calling on the UN, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the European Council in 1997 to conclude an international convention banning information warfare and the circulation of information. weapons. According to the Segodna daily, the issue was discussed with UN Secretary-General Kofi Anan in March 1998, and the Russian initiative was included on the agenda of the UN General Assembly. The initiative apparently did not end up on the agenda because the US either vetoed it or refused to join the convention. The groundbreaking initiative for this proposal was formulated by Vladimír Lopatin, who will be talking about it right away. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the European Council with a proposal to conclude an international convention banning information warfare and the circulation of information weapons. According to the Segodna daily, the issue was discussed with UN Secretary- General Kofi Anan in March 1998, and the Russian initiative was included on the agenda of the UN General Assembly. The initiative apparently did not end up on the agenda because the US either vetoed it or refused to join the convention. The groundbreaking initiative for this proposal was formulated by Vladimír Lopatin, who will be talking about it right away. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the European Council with a proposal to conclude an international convention banning information warfare and the circulation of information weapons. According to the Segodna daily, the issue was discussed with UN Secretary-General Kofi Anan in March 1998, and the Russian initiative was included on the agenda of the UN General Assembly. The initiative apparently did not end up on the agenda because the US either vetoed it or refused to join the convention. The groundbreaking initiative for this proposal was formulated by Vladimír Lopatin, who will be talking about it right away. According to the Segodna daily, the issue was discussed with UN Secretary-General Kofi Anan in March 1998, and the Russian initiative was included on the agenda of the UN General Assembly. The initiative apparently did not end up on the agenda because the US either vetoed it or refused to join the convention. The groundbreaking initiative for this proposal was formulated by Vladimír Lopatin, who will be talking about it right away. According to the Segodna daily, the issue was discussed with UN Secretary-General Kofi Anan in March 1998, and the Russian initiative was included on the agenda of the UN General Assembly. The initiative apparently did not end up on the agenda because the US either vetoed it or refused to join the convention. The groundbreaking initiative for this proposal was formulated by Vladimír Lopatin, who will be talking about it right away. The daily Segodňa, in the mentioned article, wrote mainly about "mysterious information- psychological" means, which are capable of harming health, causing death or "blocking subconscious freedom of human will, causing loss of political, cultural and other self-identification of human beings" and even cause the "destruction of the indivisible information and spiritual space of the Russian Federation". Under the article, the daily Segodňa gave an overview of weapons affecting the human psyche, which it received from the Russian Ministry of Defense. In addition to the ultrasonic and microwave weapons, it also contains a "psychotronic weapon", "based on so- called bioenergy" which is, in addition to the ability to "transmit information between people" and telekinesis, also capable of acting on communication and electronic systems. The article also wrote that a third bill had been submitted to the Russian State Duma since 1990 to protect the population from "disarmament" and mental health damage. The first bill was entitled "On the psychosphere" and drafted by MP Viktor Plujichin, the second bill was entitled "On ensuring the energy and information well-being of the population" and was drafted by the State Duma Committee on Ecology and the third draft, "On information-psychological security", submitted in 2000 by Vladimír Lopatin, Member of the State Duma. The first two bills were only debated by deputies, but not by voting, and in the latter case the debates were taking place and the deputies understood during them that "the enemy that threatens the Russians in this area is terrible and powerful." However, the newspaper wrote that it was not yet clear how secret government agencies would treat him. BOOK OF VLADIMÍR LOPATIN AND VLADIMÍR CYGANKOV Vladimír Lopatin was a lawyer by education and achieved the title of candidate of legal sciences. From September 1990 to November 1992, he was the First Deputy Chairman of the Government Committee of the Russian Federation for Social Security and Cooperation of the USSR Ministry of Defense with the KGB (Soviet State Police). In 1992, he resigned from the rank of colonel of the Soviet army in protest against the military policy pursued. As a result of this decision, he was transferred to the position of Deputy Head of Administration of the Volgograd Region, from where he was fired, pointing to abuse of power and corruption in this body. In the end, he obtained criminal proceedings against the head of the Volgograd region administration. In 1995, he was elected a member of the Russian State Duma for the Volgograd Region and became a chairman of the State Duma Subcommittee on Information Security Legislation of the State Duma Committee and in the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Independent States a member of the Commission on Defense and Security, Fight against Organized Crime and corruption. He was also a member of the Interdepartmental Commission for Information Security of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. He therefore definitely had an overview of Russian defense technology and in the book that will be discussed, he referred several times to the content of the negotiations of these bodies. In 1990, he visited the United States and met with then-Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney. The content of their interview was not published, but given Lopatin's many years of efforts to ban psychotronic weapons, it is hard not to believe that he wanted to use this interview to to persuade the US government for the US to join Russia's efforts to ban these weapons internationally. According to the Chinese agency Xinhua, he was invited to the USA by the research institute Global Outlook (Global Outlook) and introduced him as "the leader of a new kind of Soviet dissidents." In 1999, together with Russian scientist Vladimir Cygankov, he published a book entitled "Psychotronic Weapons and the Security of Russia" (Psichotronnoje oružije i bezopasnosť Rossiji) (89). Vladimir Cygankov graduated in radio engineering and later focused on bionics and neurocybernetics and became a designer of neurocomputers used in the defense, aerospace and missile industries. In addition to the book, he wrote that his Embryon neurocomputer could be used as a generator and torsion radiation detector, also usable for remote brain control. He was a member-correspondent of the International Academy of Informatization and in previous years he wrote the book "Living Universe", in which he also discussed the problems of psychotronics. Already in the introduction, the authors wrote: “A psychotronic weapon has simply become a 'sour apple' or a 'stuck chip' for the common people, politicians, government officials, executives of power structures and their administrations, industrialists and traders, the government and the president, which is it amazes and sometimes irritates ". As we know, in the early 1990s, psychotronic weapons in Russia, unlike in the West, were a fairly common topic in the press and could not be completely ignored. In 1995, the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences even developed the Concept of Information Psychological Security of Russia. The authors of the book did not deny the possibility of using electromagnetic radiation to act on the human brain, but from the beginning mentioned as the most important technology used in psychotronic weapons technology based on quantum mechanical research of parapsychological phenomena such as telepathy, telekinesis or clairvoyance. They wrote that this technology can be used to violently influence at a distance not only on the activity of the individual's brain or the brains of the whole mass of people, plants, animals and food, but also on weapons, production and technological processes and strategic systems that can be excluded from function. According to them, the principle of operation of this technology on humans is "remote control of the structure of the internal distribution of electrons and their spins in the organism and tuning of the thresholds of the symbol organs for super-sensitive signal reception." From an electromagnetic point of view, there is no doubt that changes in the arrangement of spins can cause electric currents in the body. Among the effects of psychotronic weapons on attacked living objects were the effects on the system of perception, the locomotor system, the decision-making system, the destruction of the psyche and killing. According to them, the discovery of the physical principles of parapsychological phenomena led to the construction of a number of "means that can be used to achieve greedy goals, such as means of violence, assault, subordination and blackmail." The range of action could be regulated from 1 km to the entire planetary range, and according to them, it has already been proven that psychotronic weapons are more effective than thermonuclear weapons. They listed the genetic apparatus of cells (chromosomes, mitochondria, DNA and RNA molecules), cell fluids, as targets of psychotronic weapons. Lopatin and Cygankov wrote about Russian research that the All-Union Committee on Energy Information Exchange was established in 1988 in the USSR, the Committee on Human Ecology and Energy Informatics was established in Russia, and the Soviet Institute for Science and Technology established the Vent Institute for Science and Technology. due to spin-torsion fields on living organisms and the human brain. According to them, the development and production of torsion generators took place at the Ukrainian Institute for Materials Conductivity Research (which Viktor Sedleckij also spoke about). At the Moscow Institute of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, AF Ochatrin (which has also been mentioned several times) developed the theory of leptonic fields and constructed generators for their radiation and studied their effect on living organisms. The authors also listed some of the 30 countries that worked on the development of psychotronic weapons - the USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Japan, China, Vitenam, Israel, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Russia and Ukraine. that is, mostly NATO and Warsaw Pact member states. During his work in the security commissions of the Russian Federation and the USSR, Vladimir Lopatin undoubtedly had access to intelligence information from the Russian secret services on the development of military technologies in NATO countries. Russian intelligence services knew about the development of psychotronic weapons in the states of the former Warsaw Pact from the time when these researches were carried out under the supervision of the Soviet Union. The authors of the book stated that in the USA, at the time of writing, more than 150 organizations have already worked on parapsychological and bioenergy research, which have already built systems, in which the connection between man and computer made it possible to control the human intellect and insert information into people's subconscious that led them to fulfill the set tasks. They stated that these weapons can be used for violence against people and their effects overcome the effects of nuclear weapons, and their use therefore poses a real danger to the Russian state and a real possibility of the outbreak of psychotronic war. They wrote that "in fact, it is already going on, without declaring war, secretly" and that the potential enemy "is the most insidious and capable of the most horrific unexpected acts." that these weapons can be used for violence against people and their effects overcome the effects of nuclear weapons and their use therefore poses a real danger to the Russian state and a real possibility of the outbreak of psychotronic war. They wrote that "in fact, it is already going on, without declaring war, secretly" and that the potential enemy "is the most insidious and capable of the most horrific unexpected acts." that these weapons can be used for violence against people and their effects overcome the effects of nuclear weapons and their use therefore poses a real danger to the Russian state and a real possibility of the outbreak of psychotronic war. They wrote that "in fact, it is already going on, without declaring war, secretly" and that the potential enemy "is the most insidious and capable of the most horrific unexpected acts." This logically meant the need to build a defense against these weapons. In a chapter entitled "State Defense Initiative and Armaments Concepts," they called for the creation of a "Presidential Interdisciplinary Organizational Structure such as the Directorate of Psychotronic Armaments and a" brain trust "similar to that in the United States during World War II under President Roosevelt. and the manufacture of the atomic bomb. In addition to the development of psychotronic weapons and basic research in the field of physical laws, enabling parapsychological phenomena, the center was to focus on the development of "defenses against the effects of psychotronic weapons according to the types and groups of these weapons." However, they described the declassification of the existence of psychotronic weapons as the main means of defense against psychotronic war, because their effects can be "global, universal, noospheric" and thus offend all of humanity. At the state level, they feared the "construction and use… of control centers for people and devices" and the subsequent "creation of bio-automata- robots". They wrote: "Secrecy leads to the acceleration of arms races. Secrecy is, first and foremost, securing cruel rule over people, the possibility of keeping them in check, a way to tie up their creative spread, to make them biorobots. " The declassification of psychotronic weapons was to be followed by a global ban on their use, ie the conclusion of an international agreement banning their development and the destruction of existing stockpiles under the supervision of international controllers. Further research into the discovered laws of physics, controlling parapsychological phenomena, with an exclusive focus on the development of means that could serve the benefit of humanity, should, according to their ideas, take place at the international level. However, this would only be possible if the struggle for power in international politics was replaced by a more democratic approach to problem solving. Vladimir Lopatin, as a lawyer, also stated in the book the basic principles that should be introduced into the Russian legal system. With regard to broadcasts to Russia from abroad, he suggested that state bodies be set up to "detect (psychotronic radiation) in order to ensure control of potential sources of threats and continuous monitoring of their activities and degree of danger". The regulation of the use of these weapons within Russia was quoted from a decision of the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, in response to numerous complaints from the Moscow Committee on Housing Ecology. He also presented to the prosecutor's office the results of a survey of 10 Moscow families who complained that they were exposed to psychotronic weapons, during which unusually high values of electromagnetic radiation were measured in their apartments. In its decision, the Moscow Prosecutor's Office wrote: "The submitted documents show that the basic need is to establish legal control over research in this area. There are no laws related to this problem. Because the prosecutor's office is not able to ensure the defense of rights in any way. " Vladimír Lopatin therefore advocated the opinion that the defense of human rights must also be ensured in the area of "special means acting on the human psyche". In his vision, this area was to be subject to a state monopoly, which was to be under civilian supervision, which was to be exercised through parliament, courts and prosecutors' offices. Bodies should also be set up to carry out "psychoecological expertise" at the request of the government or citizens. People for whom this expertise would prove a "destructive information effect" on their psyche, which would cause them a distorted perception of reality, medical assistance should be provided on the basis of the newly introduced laws, and the new law should also provide for their compensation. Vladimir Lopatin thus indirectly admitted that experiments were being carried out by Russian government agencies on Russian people who were not informed about them. Thus, Russia was basically preparing for an international ban on psychotronic weapons, including the preparation of a law that would prohibit their use by Russian government agencies. However, because the USA refused to join the international ban and gained the European Union on its side, Lopatin's bill "On Information-Psychological Security" was not voted on in the end. In September 2000, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Russian Information Security Doctrine (92), which included among the types of threats to Russia's information security "threats to constitutional rights and freedoms ... of citizens in the field of spiritual life ... and individual, group and social consciousness "and the threat of" illegal use of special means affecting individual, group and social consciousness ". In the part devoted to methods of ensuring information security, work was planned on "special legal and organizational mechanisms of unacceptability of illegal information-psychological effects on social consciousness" and in the part devoted to defense the development of defenses against "diverse-subversive activities of foreign government intelligence services". DECISION OF THE RUSSIAN STATE DUMES SECURITY COMMITTEE In November 2000, Vladimir Lopatin's efforts were at least a small success when the Security Committee of the Russian State Duma issued a decision (94) recommending that deputies vote on an amendment to the Russian Arms Act. In its reasoning, the committee wrote: “The achievements of current science and technology predetermine the development of information and psychophysiological technologies that make it possible to produce means and methods of covert remote action on the psyche and physiology of a person or a group of people. There is a wide range of means available, capable of changing a person's way of thinking in a guaranteed way, programming his behavior, disrupting the adequacy of his reactions and artificially causing addiction syndrome. " Among these means, he listed audiovisual means, the effects of which are known from brain stimulating devices, and the effects of ultrasound and infrasound on the human psyche and body system. Another such technology was mentioned by the committee as "the effects of high-frequency radiation" that can "disrupt the perception of reality", cause "fatigue, nausea, headaches, can destroy the heart, brain, central nervous system." He named "telephone networks, sewers and hot water pipes, television and fire alarms" as means that could be used to transmit such waves. He continued: "Practically all over the world, work on 'methods of covert action on the human psyche' is considered a priority and is becoming one of the most important technologies of the 21st century" (this was confirmed when overthrow of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, surrounded by Honduran military police in Brazil). embassy in Honduras, he complained, that he was subjected to 'electronic microwave bombardment' causing 'headaches and organic destabilization', and when asked by Democracy Now journalist Amy Goodman if he knew that the Honduran army had such weapons at its disposal, he said yes (93 )). The Security Committee of the Russian State Duma recommended that the Russian State Duma (Parliament) approve the amendment of the Russian Arms Act to ban the sale of "civilian and service weapons and other items whose destructive effect is based on the use of electromagnetic radiation, infrasound radiation and ultrasonic radiation."In 2002, the Russian State Duma passed an amendment to the Weapons Act (108), which banned the circulation of ultrasonic, infrasound and electromagnetic devices whose parameters exceeded the permitted values. Thus, the law forbade citizens from using weapons that affect the human psyche and body system, but did not prohibit the government. In 2003, a Russian weekly newspaper with a national reach, "Arguments and Facts", interviewed the initiator of the amendment, Sergei Voroshilov, in which he said: "A new, shocking situation has arisen: there is a new kind of crime against which people have no defense. it ignores this problem… until now, no department or department has been created in the executive branch to deal with this type of crime. " Russia's last public attempt at an international ban on the use of weapons controlling the human nervous system was an article published in the English version of the Russian daily Pravda on July 14, 2001. The article was entitled "From Russia with Love, the Shocking Threat of Satellite Tracking". Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance) (95) and was signed by "John Fleming in the USA" (Ian Fleming's famous book "From Russia with Love" was known worldwide - it is very likely that the author was in fact Russian). The article wrote: “A spy satellite can track a person's every move, even when the target is in the apartment or deep inside the building, or travels quickly in a car on the highway and in any weather (cloudy, rain, storm). There is no place on earth to hide. Three satellites are enough to detect the whole world. Addition, that they can monitor every person's action and transmit data about it to computers on Earth, the shocking capabilities of the satellite also include reading a person's thoughts, recording his conversations, manipulating electronic devices, and physically attacking a person with a laser beam. " The author emphasized that this was not a futuristic scenario, but a contemporary reality, and concluded the article: "I believe that spy satellites began to read minds - or rather began to allow them to read mind-focused targets - sometime in the early 1990s. Some satellites do allow you to read a person's thoughts from space. " Even with this publication, the Western press did not allow itself to provoke a reaction, or rather it was not allowed to do so, and no discussion of an international ban took place again. the shocking capabilities of the satellite also include reading a person's thoughts, recording his conversations, manipulating electronic devices, and physically attacking a person with a laser beam. " The author emphasized that this was not a futuristic scenario, but a contemporary reality, and concluded the article: "I believe that spy satellites began to read minds - or rather began to allow them to read mind-focused targets - sometime in the early 1990s. Some satellites do allow you to read a person's thoughts from space. " Even with this publication, the Western press did not allow itself to provoke a reaction, or rather it was not allowed to do so, and no discussion of an international ban took place again. the shocking capabilities of the satellite also include reading a person's thoughts, recording his conversations, manipulating electronic devices, and physically attacking a person with a laser beam. " The author emphasized that this was not a futuristic scenario, but a contemporary reality, and concluded the article: "I believe that spy satellites began to read minds - or rather began to allow them to read mind-focused targets - sometime in the early 1990s. Some satellites do allow you to read a person's thoughts from space. " Even with this publication, the Western press did not allow itself to provoke a reaction, or rather it was not allowed to do so, and no discussion of an international ban took place again. that this is not a futuristic scenario, but a current reality, and the article concluded: “I believe that spy satellites began to read minds — or rather, began to allow them to read mind-focused targets — sometime in the early 1990s. Some satellites do allow you to read a person's thoughts from space. " Even with this publication, the Western press did not allow itself to provoke a reaction, or rather it was not allowed to do so, and no discussion of an international ban took place again. that this is not a futuristic scenario, but a current reality, and the article concluded: “I believe that spy satellites began to read minds — or rather, began to allow them to read mind-focused targets — sometime in the early 1990s. Some satellites do allow you to read a person's thoughts from space. " Even with this publication, the Western press did not allow itself to provoke a reaction, or rather it was not allowed to do so, and no discussion of an international ban took place again. Ian Fleming's findings are supported by the findings of the independent Chinese television station New Tang Dynasty Television, according to which in 2008 a Chinese publishing house publishing books in the field of scientific medicine published the book "Secrets of Biological Electromagnetic Waves Revealed" by Jiang Han Zheng and Juan Xin Zhou. In the book, Juan Xin Zhou wrote that he performed experiments on his classmate, in which he amplified his brain waves, thus increasing his intake and conductivity, and in this way he was able to read his thoughts, resp. to record in his own brain anything that his classmate perceived or thought. According to this book, no microchip implants were needed to capture brain waves / (apart from the electroencephalograph, doctors now routinely capture brain waves with a magnetoencephalograph - a patent can be found at the US Patent Office, with the use of which brain waves would be detected by radar on the basis of their interaction with radar waves - note. author). Chinese independent television concluded this part of the show with the words: "With the development of electronics, it is now possible to remotely amplify and receive the subject's brainwaves" (150). US PROPOSAL FOR A LAW PROHIBITING THE SPACE OF WEAPONS IN SPACE The richest Americans and the corporations that determine the policy of the American state had no interest at all in banning ranged weapons on the human psyche. On the contrary, at that time they hoped that they would definitely control the world, even with the use of these weapons. The 2000 US military document "Rebuilding America's Defenses" (96), published by the Bush administration's "Project for a New American Century," states: "There is general agreement that information and other new technology… creates a dynamic that may jeopardize America's ability to exercise its dominant military power.Potential rivals such as China are eager to take advantage of these transformational technologies widely, while enemies such as Iran, Even in the American Congress, however, there was one member of parliament who felt responsible not only to the American ruling elites, but also to all the people who inhabit this planet. It was Denis Kucinich. Vladimir Lopatin, when Russia failed to enforce an international ban on information weapons, his party apparently did not register as a candidate in the next election, and in the following years he worked for the Russian Prosecutor General's Office. He probably reconciled with corruption there. Denis Kucinich criticized the US attack on Iraq. He said he would have preferred to invite Iraq to a debate on world security before the invasion, and eventually (unsuccessfully) in Congress suggested that Geroge Bush and Dick Cheney be charged with the invasion. Earlier, on October 2, 2001, he presented a bill to the US Congress called the Space Preservation Act (97), which called on the US president to to work to ban the deployment of weapons in space, because the universe should "serve all mankind." Among other things, the bill named the following weapons, the deployment of which in space should be prohibited: for III. weapons "directing a source of energy (including molecular or atomic energy, beams of subatomic particles, electromagnetic radiation, plasma, or very low frequency radiation, or extremely low frequency radiation" to an object. For IV. "Any other unacknowledged or underdeveloped weapons , causing death or injury, or damaging or destroying a person (or biological life, physical health, mental health, or physical and economic well - being of a person) "using" systems located on land, sea or space, using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sound, laser or other energy, that this bill, especially following the terrorist attacks carried out in the United States on September 11, 2001 (most likely with the consent and assistance of the US Secret Service, in order to open the way for the US military to Iraq - see Kosmas Publishing House, three months later, in January 2002, Denise Kucinich presented a new bill banning the deployment of weapons in space, in which they were defined as one of the types of weapons. weapons that would direct energy to a specific object or person. In the end, this bill was not voted on either. In order to open the way for Iraq to the US military (see Kosmas, "9/11 Attacks and the Secret Service - Thoughtful Fraud"), he had no hope of success in the US Congress, and three months later, in January 2002, Dennis Kucinich a bill banning the deployment of weapons in space, in which only weapons that would direct energy to a specific object or person were defined as one of the types of these weapons. In the end, this bill was not voted on either. In order to open the way for Iraq to the US military (see Kosmas, "9/11 Attacks and the Secret Service - Thoughtful Fraud"), he had no hope of success in the US Congress, and three months later, in January 2002, Dennis Kucinich a bill banning the deployment of weapons in space, in which only weapons that would direct energy to a specific object or person were defined as one of the types of these weapons. In the end, this bill was not voted on either. which would direct energy to a specific object or person. In the end, this bill was not voted on either. which would direct energy to a specific object or person. In the end, this bill was not voted on either. Although Dennis Kucinich represented the state of Ohio at the US Congress, he apparently had many friends in the University of California, Berkeley. In September 2002, Berkeley City Council passed a ban on the placement of weapons in space in the space above the city, using the law presented by Dennis Kucinich in the US Congress. One city councilor explained that the council had decided on the ban in the hopes of helping to spark an international debate on the subject. Following the example of the city of Berkeley, the ban was passed by city councils in a number of Canadian cities. Later in 2005, Dennis Kucinich responded to California's Berkeley Daily Planet in an article entitled "Commentary: 2002 Berkeley Resolution Sweeps Through Canada" (Commentary: The Berkeley Resolution of 2002 flew through Canada) (98) to the question of whether there really are weapons that allow remote control of human brain activity, that these weapons really exist and that "people who have these weapons under control have a deadly serious intention to use them unless we stop arming in space." As in Russia, at least in some countries, politicians in the United States feared that weapons that could remotely control the human nervous system could fall into the hands of criminals or mafias. As in Russia, in some federal states - Michigan in 2003 (111), Massachusetts in 2004 (112) and Maine in 2005 (113) - laws were passed banning the production, sale and use of electrical and electromagnetic weapons. The fact that these are precisely weapons enabling the mass killing of people at a distance is evidenced by the sentences that go to life imprisonment from the age of 15, as is the case with weapons of mass destruction. However, as in Russia, these laws do not care to protect citizens against the use of these weapons by government agencies and do not allow citizens to turn to government agencies for help when they feel Following the 9/11 attacks in the United States and the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which set as one of its basic objectives to prevent the United States from irrevocably in its quest for world domination, publications on the existence of a new type of weapons of mass destruction disappeared from the world press. Only in 2007 did the American daily The Washington Post publish an article (79) in which it wrote that the US Air Force had already tested a device that made it possible to transmit to human brains via microwaves a misunderstanding sentence. It is possible that this publication was caused by the rapid increase in the number of people in the United States under George W. Bush who complained that they had been experimenting with brain control devices. Otherwise, there were occasional TV shows featuring people who had the same complaints and the moderators of the programs did not rule out the possibility that these people were not mentally ill. Only inconspicuously did they prepare the public for the fact that it might sometimes learn that these weapons actually exist. RUSSIA HAS DECIDED TO KEEP PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS The already mentioned statement of the project Project for the New American Century (96) stated: "Is the United States determined to shape a new century in favor of American principles and interests? ... we need to take responsibility for America's unique role in protecting and expanding an international order that benefits our security, our prosperity, and our principles." It marked a centuries-old American effort to achieve a superior position in the world and to use it so that profits from all over the world went mainly to the USA.The United States used the 9/11 attacks to occupy oil-rich Iraq and in the following years sought a way to obtain authorization to occupy oil-rich Iran. They were mainly prevented from doing so by Russia, which relied on the Shanghai Cooperation and Chinese Support Organization. To get rid of Russian competition in world politics, the United States has developed a missile defense. Assuming that Russian atomic bombs do not fly over US territory, the US could stop fearing clashes between US troops and Russians and, thanks to NATO's military superiority, gain a free hand to subdue all African forces, whether militarily or diplomatically and economically. states and eventually undermined China's economic development and independence by making its industry dependent on oil supplies from the Arab world, which would be controlled by the United States. The first phase of US missile defense construction was completed in 2011, and Russia responded by failing to attend G8 talks with its President, Vladimir Putin. Russia has come to the conclusion that after the completion of the US anti-missile system in 2018, its nuclear arsenal will no longer be a real threat to the United States, and Russia will lose the ability to oppose the United States in conquering the world and will eventually submit to them. It was therefore decided to threaten the United States with the use of previously classified weapons. that after the completion of the US anti-missile system in 2018, its nuclear arsenal will cease to be a real threat to the United States and Russia will lose the ability to oppose the United States in conquering the world and will eventually be subjugated to them. It was therefore decided to threaten the United States with the use of previously classified weapons. that after the completion of the US anti-missile system in 2018, its nuclear arsenal will cease to be a real threat to the United States and Russia will lose the ability to oppose the United States in conquering the world and will eventually be subjugated to them. It was therefore decided to threaten the United States with the use of previously classified weapons. In 2012, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Rogozin said in a speech at the opening of a conference on "The role of the military-industrial complex in modernizing the country and society" that in addition to traditional weapons, combat systems operating on new physical principles will be put into operation. It was certainly not clear from this statement whether these were weapons whose operation would be based on the use of the discovery of torsional or leptonic fields. In March 2012, the Russian state news agency Ria Novosti published part of a conversation between the then Russian Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov and the then Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin. In an interview, Serdyukov told Putin: "The development of new weapons, based on new physical principles, weapons using directed energy, geophysical weapons, weapons using wave energy, The world media has responded to the mention of the possible beginning of the open use of weapons to remotely control the human nervous system and human brain by publishing Allen H. Frey's scientific experiments, published in 1961, using electromagnetic waves to transmit individual sounds to the human brain, but avoiding any mention of intensive scientific research in this area around the world. Only the Colombian newspaper El Spectador published an article entitled 'Putin on the road to psychotronic war' (Putin, hacia la guerra psicotrónica) (114), which acknowledged the full range of remote control options for the human nervous system, including HAARP, and the British Daily Mail wrote in article "Putin targets foes with 'zombie' rifle that attacks the victim's central nervous system" gun that attack victims' central nervous system) (115) that electromagnetic weapons research has been conducted undercover in the United States and Russia since the 1950s and has shown that “low-frequency waves or rays can affect brain cells, alter psychological states, and to enable the transmission of impulses and commands directly into people's thought processes… to control the behavior of victims or even to drive them to suicide ”. If the Daily Mail got a fine for that, we probably won't know right away. change psychological states and allow the transmission of impulses and commands directly into people's thought processes… control the behavior of victims or even drive them to suicide ”. If the Daily Mail got a fine for that, we probably won't know right away. change psychological states and allow the transmission of impulses and commands directly into people's thought processes… control the behavior of victims or even drive them to suicide ”. If the Daily Mail got a fine for that, we probably won't know right away. The West has therefore again decided to conceal the existence of these weapons. Indeed, if he published the full range of possibilities for psychotronic weapons, it would provoke such public opposition that there would be nothing left but to ban these weapons, at least in the West. However, if Russia were persuaded to agree to an international ban on the development, production and use of these weapons for a change, this would mean that the United States, once its missile defense system was completed, would achieve irreversible military dominance in the world. The West therefore seems to have chosen a very strange way to ask Russia if it would agree to psychotronic disarmament. In January 2013, the author of this article published an article "Psychotronic and electromagnetic weapons, remote control of the human nervous system" on the internationally read Global Research server. This article was taken over by the Irish news server News Beacon Ireland, and this publication was referenced on 22 January 2013 by the UN information page, on which the UN lists the world's most important articles published last day. When the same article, entitled "How do we see a ban on psychotronic weapons?", Was published in Indymedia in the United Kingdom and the United States, links appeared on information sites not only at the United Nations but also at the United Nations. as well as the European Parliament and the US Department of the Environment (so that information about the existence of these weapons is not disseminated to the general public, the distribution of these articles was blocked at the same time on Facebook and Twitter). The author of the articles then published the same article on Russian Indymedia on January 29, and a link to this article reappeared on all three information sites a day later. One week later, on February 7, 2013, the same author published an article in Indymedia, "Ban of psychotronic weapons now depends on Russia and China," and links to information appeared again on information sites. UN, the European Parliament and the US Department of the Environment (the full sequence of these events is recorded on YouTube at upload_owner ). The top authorities in the Western world have thus indicated to Russia and China that they are ready to negotiate a ban on these weapons. Otherwise, it is not possible to explain the publication of these links on sites that do not normally link to online publications. But Russia was well aware that since the end of the Cold War, the United States had been seeking nothing more than to gain absolute military supremacy over it, and so to subjugate it, and therefore apparently did not respond to this urging (in this context, it was probably not accidental). that on March 11, 2013, five weeks after the publication of these articles on the aforementioned information pages, Chinese Army General Li Juan was eagerly asked by the Chinese media if the Chinese government was working on synthetic human mind control projects. "I can't tell you anything about it."). On the contrary, when the struggle between the West and Russia for Ukraine culminated, Vladimir Putin reminded the West of this weapon when he told the Russian state agency Ria Novosti in December 2014 that Russia could use non-standard solutions to ensure the country's defenses. "There is no doubt about that - Russia has options and non-standard solutions. We talked a lot about this topic (continuing to build a strategic US missile defense). I will not go into details now, I will say only one thing: we do not intend to enter financially demanding arms races, but at the same time we are determined to reliably and guaranteedly secure our country's defenses in new conditions, "said Putin. to point out non-standard solutions for the protection of the country's security, «Vladimír Putin: Vladimir Putin did not talk about what non-standard weapons he meant this time. So he was certainly not interested in declassifying them. He thus confirmed the crisis that the world had gotten into thanks to America's desire to gain global control over it. Technologies that are able to exterminate large masses of the planet's inhabitants at the speed of light, technologies that are able to destroy people's basic, natural relationship with the world, based on an authentic perception of the environment in which they live and forming their own worldviews based on this experience, and to eliminate the development of society based on the freedom of thought of the citizens of the world exist without people knowing about them and can be used at any time. It turns out that if democracy is to prevail in the world, it cannot be undermined by the desire of one state for absolute domination in the world. The only effective way how to prevent the rapid growth of scientific knowledge (remember that both the European Union and the United States have spent billions on brain research in recent years) is not ultimately used against people or even to ruin human life on Earth so that democracies stop competing military power, which currently means that the United States should stop building military bases on the border with Russia and relocating its fleets near the Chinese coast. The threat to states, especially democratic ones, of military power certainly does not indicate democratic intentions. It must be clear to every judge that sooner or later China will have to accept democracy as its political system, as a result of its economic development. On the contrary, it is the American pressure on both Russia and China that which is hampering democratic development in these countries. Self-defense forces them to "unite" their citizens in resistance to American pressure. But even American pressure cannot be explained by the US working on a project of world democracy. The Czech public also has experience that even though 70 percent of the Czech population did not agree with the American invasion of Iraq, which was in conflict with international law, all major Czech media supported it. In the case of the state media, this was due to an order of the Czech government that wanted to satisfy its "allies" and, in the case of other media, probably due to the influence of multinational financial groups with decisive American influence, from which the owners of these media borrowed money. So the US has so far succeeded in organizing the functioning of "world democracy" for its benefit, but it creates the risk that humanity will not eventually make the enormous scientific progress it has made. At the very least, European states should realize that if the United States achieves a unique position of power in the world, it will use it to its advantage and to the detriment of its "allies." As we will see in the Chinese independent television program on psychotronic weapons, there is no difference between Chinese, Russian and American democracy on the issue of these weapons. By concealing the existence of these weapons, they all lead to their own destruction. there is no difference between Chinese, Russian and American democracy when it comes to these weapons. By concealing the existence of these weapons, they all lead to their own destruction. there is no difference between Chinese, Russian and American democracy when it comes to these weapons. By concealing the existence of these weapons, they all lead to their own destruction. ARE PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS USED? Although international conventions prohibit conducting experiments on humans without their explicit consent, we have seen that in the MK-Ultra program, the CIA used psychiatric hospitals for experiments who had no idea about its experiments. Similar soldiers were American soldiers, who were sent to watch the first experimental explosions of an atomic bomb in the USA. The military and intelligence services have never resisted in history the temptation to test the effectiveness of new weapons on people who were not prepared for it. Iraq was first charged with the anthrax attacks that followed the 9/11 attacks, but in the end it turned out that the knowledge and equipment to produce the powder used in the second wave of the attacks did not have a scientist who eventually charged with the charges. committed suicide, but the Batelle laboratory, which was used by the CIA (151). After all, Vladimir Lopatin indirectly admitted the testing of psychotronic weapons on unsuspecting people in Russia. Independent English publicist and researcher David G. Guyatt, in a lecture prepared for the symposium "The Medical Profession and the Effects of Weapons," quoted a US Department of Defense medical engineer as saying in a CNN program in 1989 that "microwaves and other modalities were regularly used against the Palestinians' (118). This was confirmed in December 2001 by Ben-Israel, director of Israeli military research and development, who was just stepping down when he told Defense News that his headquarters "tested various scientific and phenomenological fields - including brain control - to prevent and deter terrorism. activity "and clarified that these were" brain control methods, many of which were developed by the military and security agencies of the former Soviet Union '(119). Of course, he could not say in the American newspapers that they were trying secret American weapons. Ben-Israel also claimed that the use of these devices had not been very successful. But if Ben-Israel said what concrete results Israel had achieved, it would have to provoke self-defense reactions in readers and the public could demand a ban. of these weapons. That his allegation of a failed psychotronic weapon test was not true by Ben-Israel is evidenced by a 1986. The trial in West Berlin of two Palestinian terrorists, Ahmed Hasi and FarukSalameh, attacked an Arab club in the city with a bomb. The New York Trimes wrote in an article of November 18, 1986, “Berlin Terror Trial Starts; Syria Implicated '(the Berlin terrorist process begins; Syria is implied) (121) that German investigators detained terrorists on the basis of type from the British intelligence service, but had no evidence against them. During the interrogations, however, they both confessed to the attack and also admitted that the attack was in fact organized by Syria, which delivered a bomb to them through its embassy in East Berlin, and they also admitted that that the deputy commander of the intelligence service of the Syrian Air Force gave them instruction on the handling of the bomb. The judge also noted that such confessions are not common among terrorists. At the same time, it was very important for the West to prove the Syrian government's involvement in the terrorist attacks of the occupied Palestinians. Following the trial, the European Union imposed sanctions on Syria based on the confessions of terrorists, and Germany withdrew from lending $ 73 million to Syria at low interest. After such proof, Syria had to stop government support for terrorism. On November 18, 1986, the German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote in the article "Im Namen Allahs und mit gebalter Faust" (In the name of Allah and with a clenched fist) that Ahmed Hasi denied his previous confessions on the day the trial began and when the judge lost patience and read to him relevant passages from the investigation file, which contained his confessions, he said that he remembered that he had made some confessions, but that he did not remember their contents, because at that time "he was not entirely sane." Hasi then rose from his post, made it clear that he wanted to make an official statement, and then, in a passionate speech, accused democratic Germany of torturing him in prison. The second accused, Faruk Salameh, who said in court that he had made his confessions at a time when he was "not entirely himself", confirmed at his request that he had also been tortured during pre-trial detention. Hasi then explained that the torture consisted of voices being sent to their cells that paralyzed their brains and forced them to confess to crimes they had never committed. Judge Hasi replied that his cell had been searched at Hasi's written request and no votes had been found. Hasi therefore clarified that these were waves of voices sending secret services directly to his head. He then turned to the audience and said that the man who had discovered that the Earth was round had been burned, but in the end it turned out that he was right, just as he is right now. When asked by the judge if he heard the voices during the trial, he said no. Hasi was also examined by a neurologist, who confirmed that he was able to go to court. (66) It is possible that similar methods were used on some prisoners held at the US military base Guantanamo. Several prisoners complained of auditory and visual hallucinations. We have already mentioned that the American magazine Defense Electronics wrote that there was evidence that the Soviet Union used "psychotronic" training for soldiers in Afghanistan to participate in operations that required the use of cruelty. This method was apparently also used in the preparation of the unit, which was to attack Yeltsin's "White House" during the coup against Mikhail Gorbachev, although in this case, according to Viktor Sedlecki, the operation failed due to the inexperience of the operators. It is appropriate to ask who is the experience of operators who are to operate in wars or civilian emergencies, and the answer is that they will destroy the lives of unsuspecting people, for whom they usually try to control their behavior. Friends and partners to whom people with disabilities confide in their problems start to think of them as fools and break up with them, they usually lose their jobs and often end up in psychiatric hospitals. One lady in the Czech Republic got there only because she told a doctor in the hospital who was unable to make her diagnosis that someone was attacking her with electromagnetic waves. Another man was on the verge of suicide several times and lost his job and his family. There was a voice in his head as he was on the verge of his strength, urging him to confess to everything. A certain man in Canada had the same experience. In her list of experiences, Natalie from France wrote:"I was fired after being exposed to a doctor's assessment that I was incapable of any work… In the meantime, brain control did everything to discredit me in other people's eyes and to be considered mentally by my family, friends and colleagues. sick. They even forced me to write an article for the media ... I have no idea of my own, I have no memory, I am not able to concentrate. I sleep two hours a day, sometimes three and a half. Other people talk to me instead. Sometimes I feel like foreign thoughts are being sent to my brain ... I can't talk alone anymore. Other people do that for me. The only thing I can choose is whether or not I say what they send me ... They send me pain, so I can't even rest… I have been tortured for five years, they have prevented me from living for five years. They take pleasure in humiliating me sexually, in humiliating me intellectually, In Japan, at the beginning of his experience, a man saw two police officers in his brain. It later happened to him that while working in the garden, he saw a television show about gardening in his brain (124). The Yao Duo in China often acts against its will. For example, he cried for a while at the funeral and then started laughing. When he closes his eyes at night, images of sex and murder appear in his brain. At the best hospital in Shenzhen province, a doctor put an integrated circuit the size of a pack of cigarettes in front of his eyes and asked him to close his eyes. As he closed them, an image of the integrated circuit appeared in his head, with a crystalline shape and numbers on it. He saw them as if his eyes were open. The doctor told him that the integrated circuit sends image signals to his brain, and that if he sees them well, his brain waves are fine and healthy (91). In the case of the Jao Duo, it explained how it was possible that when he closed his eyes and wanted to sleep, he could see the paintings. In the second part of a series on brain control (122), Chinese psychologist said in China's New Tang Dynasty Television's "Civic Forum" "Civic Forum" program: "When you talk to a mentally ill patient, it immediately makes you feel that you are not mentally fine ”. However, people who claim to have a remote effect on their nervous system "express themselves very clearly - write blogs that clearly describe their problems." The television also told the story of Li Chun Zea, who complained to the National Security Agency in Heng Yang for 15 years, during which he lost all his personal property, by telephone, mail and personally delivered letters. After 15 years on March 10, 2009, the head of a local agency officially acknowledged that he was a victim of persecution by controlling his brain and promised to compensate him for his losses. He told him: "Your problem has finally come to an end. Give me one month. " After a month, however, Lí could sleep better and otherwise nothing changed. He called the head of the local National Security Agency again, and he replied, "That's really cruel," but he couldn't help him. The moderator of independent Chinese television summed up his findings from conversations with these people as follows: "In all their experiences, there is a common feature -" Someone reads their thoughts and knows what they think. Then their brains are flooded with voices and also images. Thus they are controlled and forced to do actions they would not otherwise have planned. These people gradually lose control of themselves, as if they were robots, controlled and manipulated by external forces. Li Chun Ze knew about about a thousand people who gave their names to a Chinese organization of people affected in this way. After a month, however, Lí could sleep better and otherwise nothing changed. He called the head of the local National Security Agency again, and he replied, "That's really cruel," but he couldn't help him. The moderator of independent Chinese television summed up his findings from conversations with these people as follows: "In all their experiences, there is a common feature -" Someone reads their thoughts and knows what they think. Then their brains are flooded with voices and also images. Thus they are controlled and forced to do actions they would not otherwise have planned. These people gradually lose control of themselves, as if they were robots, controlled and manipulated by external forces. Li Chun Ze knew about about a thousand people who gave their names to a Chinese organization of people affected in this way. After a month, however, Lí could sleep better and otherwise nothing changed. He called the head of the local National Security Agency again, and he replied, "That's really cruel," but he couldn't help him. The moderator of independent Chinese television summed up his findings from conversations with these people as follows: "In all their experiences, there is a common feature -" Someone reads their thoughts and knows what they think. Then their brains are flooded with voices and also images. Thus they are controlled and forced to do actions they would not otherwise have planned. These people gradually lose control of themselves, as if they were robots, controlled and manipulated by external forces. Li Chun Ze knew about about a thousand people who gave their names to a Chinese organization of people affected in this way. The moderator of independent Chinese television summed up his findings from conversations with these people as follows: "In all their experiences, there is a common feature -" Someone reads their thoughts and knows what they think. Then their brains are flooded with voices and also images. Thus they are controlled and forced to do actions they would not otherwise have planned. These people gradually lose control of themselves, as if they were robots, controlled and manipulated by external forces. Li Chun Ze knew about about a thousand people who gave their names to a Chinese organization of people affected in this way. The moderator of independent Chinese television summed up his findings from conversations with these people as follows: "In all their experiences, there is a common feature -" Someone reads their thoughts and knows what they think. Then their brains are flooded with voices and also images. Thus they are controlled and forced to do actions they would not otherwise have planned. These people gradually lose control of themselves, as if they were robots, controlled and manipulated by external forces. Li Chun Ze knew about about a thousand people who gave their names to a Chinese organization of people affected in this way. as if they were robots, controlled and manipulated by external forces. Li Chun Ze knew about about a thousand people who gave their names to a Chinese organization of people affected in this way. as if they were robots, controlled and manipulated by external forces. Li Chun Ze knew about about a thousand people who gave their names to a Chinese organization of people affected in this way. The number of people complaining about such attacks around the world is constantly rising. About ten years ago, the Japanese organization of these people had about 200 members. In 2016, she had 400 and was contacted by 1,522 people (19 of whom died) (124). About 10 years ago, the director of the American organization Mind Justice claimed that she had been contacted by about two and a half thousand people. Derrick Robinson, until recently chairman of the new US organization "Citizens Against Harmfull Technology" (Citizens Against Malicious Technology - CAHT - wrote that 4 to five thousand people participate in the activities of the organization. On June 10, 2016, The New York Times published an article about people who claim to be subjected to such attacks "United States of Paranoia: They See Gangs of Stalkers" (153). The article said: "The community, which according to conservative estimates has over 10,000 members, has grown since the 9/11 attacks."(Recall that the Institute of Strategic Studies of the US Military College predicted that the rise of terrorism would persuade the US president to accept the use of "new psychotechnology" and that at the same time, according to available information, the US government probably knew about the preparations for these attacks. dust from the World Trade Center has been found at a ratio of one to a thousand remnants of normally unavailable explosives, and that "this advanced explosive, which uses nanotechnology to make it, is only available to sophisticated military laboratories" (148). must know that psychotronic weapons are on a list of topics that must not be written about in the American press, then it is clear that the aim of this article was to confuse the American publicand not allow the growing number of people who complain of being victims of psychotronic attacks to explain the existence of psychotronic weapons. Judging by the 400 letters Komsomolskaya Pravda received when it published an article on the problems of this type of former KGB colonel, there could have been over 2,000 people in Russia in the early 1990s trained by highly qualified operators, and today perhaps as many as reaches 10,000. The Russians, who feel victims of these attacks, wrote letters to the Russian president, the Russian prime minister, the Russian prosecutor general and filed lawsuits in Russian courts without achieving any results. Finally, they brought an action before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. He registered their lawsuit on March 11, 2010. (127). They have not received any further news from him since In the USA, 275 people who worked with CAHT completed questionnaires, which resulted in a statistical survey. According to the survey, 48.5% of them were unemployed and 24% were employed. Only 10% of them lived in marriage. 34% graduated from university and 28% said they had gone through psychiatric hospitals. 17% believed that they had been the target of attacks due to their police or social activities. 77% claimed to have been the target of attacks after 1991, 49% said the attack was permanent, 77% believed they were the target of remote electronic attacks, 47% suffered from lack of sleep, 34% suffered from burning sensations, 31% experienced physical movements that occurred against their will, 43 percent were whistling in their ears, 30% had
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