TERMS OF PARTICIPATION IN ARTA 3rd SCALE MODEL SHOW 2022 A. PARTICIPATION A1. The right to participate in the ARTA 3rd SCALE MODEL SHOW (exhibition-competition of static modeling) organized by the Club of Modelers of Arta is offered to all who wish to participate; either they are members of the association or not. A1a. At the discretion of the participant is the choice to participate in the exhibition (out of competition) or in the competitive part of SHOW. A1b. The Organizing Committee (O.C) has the right not to accept exhibits that offend the common sense, that insult human dignity, or do not comply with the rules of the competition A2. For the members of the Arta Model Club (who have paid membership) the participation is free. For non-members the fee is set at 5 Euros / exhibit with a maximum charge of 10 Euros per person. (for example, if someone wants to bring 5 models, the cost is 10 euros) For the classes Young & Junior (under 18 years) the participation is free. A3. Models that were purchased ready-made (e.g. die-cast,) or did not require any modeling work, are automatically placed out of competition. A4. It is reminded that for the registration of models, each exhibitor or the competing modeler must have read and agreed with the terms and conditions of the competition. Any exhibit that does not agree with what is stated in the notice, will not be accepted even if it has been registered electronically. B. PRE-REGISTRATION B1. The electronic pre-registration of the exhibits in the exhibition - competition is mandatory B1a. The electronic pre-registration platform will open on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 B2. Participants must submit the electronic pre-registration form at https://bit.ly/A3SMS- REGISTRATIONS-2022 or at [email protected] no later than the evening of Monday 16 May 2022 at 23:59 B3. Models that are not pre-registered will not be accepted. B4. The pre-registration requires information of the exhibit, the scale, the category, the class and the kit manufacturing company. Any scratchbuild adjustments or improvements can be noted in the comments. C. DELIVERY - RECEIPT OF MODELS C1. The collection of the models will start on Friday, May 20, 2022 between 12:00 and 21.00 C1a. For the participants from other cities, an exception will be made on Saturday, May 20, 2022, only after consultation and with the agreement of the Organising Committee. Models must have been electronically pre-registered. C2 The return of models to the owners will take place on Sunday 22 May between 16.30 and 20.00 C2a. After the expiration of the deadline, the Organising Committee bears no responsibility for the safekeeping of the exhibits that were not received. C3. From the moment the available space of the exhibition is totally occupied, no participation will be accepted. C4. During the placement of the exhibits on the benches, a free perimeter zone of at least five (5) centimeters wide will be maintained, for the best presentation of the exhibits. C5. In order to be able to serve as many modelers as possible and due to space, the maximum dimensions of an exhibit or its base are set at 50x50 cm. The Organizing Committee (OE) reserves the right to accept or decline constructions with larger dimensions as long as the available space allows it. In such cases, timely information of the OE is required, prior to the exhibition. The price for the participation of exhibits with larger dimensions than the maximum accepted (50x50 cm) is set at 5 € per exhibit (valid only for non- members) D OPENING HOURS Δ1. The opening hours of the exhibition are as follows. Friday May 20th 2022 from 12.00 to 21.00 Saturday May 21st 2022 from 09.00 to 21.00 Evaluation of the jury from15.30 until the end of the day Sunday May 22nd 2022 from 09.00 to 17.00 Return of exhibits from 16.00 to 20.00 Lottery draw at 15.00 Award ceremony Sunday 22/5/2022 at 16.00 E. JUDICIAL COMMITTEE (concerning the competition part) E1. The operation of the Judicial Committee (J.C.) is coordinated by Chief Judge Papoulakos Ioannis. E2. Judges of the competition are renowned and awarded modelers each with specialization in their subject. E2a. The names of J.C. will be posted on the Club's website before the competition. E2b. There will be a special table in the space with creations of the Judges. E3. The J.C. will commence the evaluation of the models on Saturday 22/5/2022 at 15.30pm and finish at the end of day. E3a. After its completion the evaluation is final and no change will be accepted. E4. At the end of the evaluation of the models, a special sticker will be placed on the tab that accompanies each model with the obtained distinction. E5. The J.C. members are strictly out of competition in any category. E6. The J.C. does NOT include members of the Arta Model Club’s association. F. CATEGORIES - CLASSES The Classes in ARTA 3rd SCALE MODEL SHOW are the following: A) JUNIORS (up to 12 years old) B) YOUNG (12-17 years old) C) ADULTS / STANDARD D) EXPERIENCED / MASTER F1a. The inclusion in the above classes is done at the registration of the participant and can be changed during the pre-registration of the exhibits. Upon its expiration no change will be accepted. F2. Participating in the EXPERIENCED / MASTER class, the participant automatically accepts the strictest evaluation terms of the exhibit. F3. the ARTA Categories 3rd Scale Model Show are as follows: 101 - AIRCRAFT UP TO 1/48 (PROPELLER) 102 - AIRCRAFT 1/72 AND SMALLER (PROPELLER) 103 - AIRCRAFT UP TO 1/48 (JET) 104 - AIRCRAFT 1/72 AND SMALLER (JET) 201 - HELICOTERS UP TO 1/48 202 - HELICOPTERS 1/72 AND SMALLER 301 - WHEELED MILITARY VEHICLES UP TO 1/35 302 - WHEELED MILITARY VEHICLES 1/48 AND SMALLER 303 - TRACKED MILITARY VEHICLES UP TO 1/35 304 - TRACKED MILITARY VEHICLES 1/48 AND SMALLER 401 - MILITARY DIORAMAS 402 - AVIATION DIORAMAS 403 - CIVILIAN DIORAMAS 501 - SAILING SHIPS 502 - MOTORIZED SHIPS 503 - SUBMARINES 601 - CIVILIAN VEHICLES 602 - CIVILIAN AIRPLANES & HELLICOPTERS 701 - HISTORICAL FIGURES 702 - BUSTS 703 - VIGNETTES 704 - FANTASY FIGURES 801 - FANTASY (ALL SUBJECTS) 901 - SCRATCHBUILT OR EXTENDED CONVERSIONS 1001 ΔΙΑΦΟΡΑ - SUBJECTS THAT DON’T BELONG TO ANY AFOREMENTIONED CATEGORY 1101 JUNIORS Ζ. AWARDS Ζ1. Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals as well as Commendations are awarded in each category and class (Master or Standard). Z2. Special Awards A) Best Of Show B) Best Greek Theme C) Public Award D) Best Exhibition Award per category E) SIG 1 Operation Desert Storm F) SIG 2 110 years since the first flight in Hellenic sky G) Award “Captain(I) Anastasios Balatsoukas” for the best exhibit of the Hellenic Air Force. Z3. Other prizes can be given by the sponsors, the sponsors of the exhibition and the attending clubs at their discretion. Z3a. All models (competing or not) can also participate in these awards Z4 All exhibits in the Juniors category will be awarded HOTELS - RESERVATIONS The Hotels are: A) "Kronos" in the city center (contact Matos Georgios (tel: +306949114911, email: [email protected]) for details and reservations at this hotel.) B) The Hotel ‘Arta Palace’ C) The Byzantine Hotel MISCELLANEOUS During the ARTA 3rd SCALE MODEL SHOW there will be a lottery with a prize draw that will take place on Sunday 22/05/2022 at 15.00 before the awards ceremony. The following seminars will take place: a) Armor Weathering by Ruben Gonzalez (AK Interactive) b) Painting Figures in Oils by Alexandre Cortina Bonastre (Alexandros Models) Smoking, consumption of food and beverages of any kind and pets are strictly forbidden in the exhibition areas. It is forbidden to lean on the tables, touch the exhibits and leave personal items on them. Everyone is allowed to take photos of the exhibits. Camera straps must be around the wrist or on the neck in order to avoid damage to the exhibits. Entering the space automatically means acceptance of the operating conditions of the event. The Arta Modeling Club reserves the right to make available the photographic material whenever requested, to post it on the club's website as well as on its social media accounts.
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