Adding SEQU – Old Quito Airport to the PMDG Database (ex. PMDG MD11) There are three steps to be done regarding to PMDG aircrafts, and you have to do it again after every Navigraph / NavData Update or Re-installation: 1) Edit the file Airports.dat (found in Flight Simulator 9\FMCWP\NavData) to add the following line: (be sure to save the file after in the same type *.dat, not saving as *.txt or anything else) SEQU -0.141111 -78.488611 2) Edit the file wpNavAPT.txt (found in Flight Simulator 9\FMCWP\NavData) to add the following lines: MARISCAL SUCRE INTL-OLD SEQU17 10236171 -0.127178 -78.490286000.0017109217 MARISCAL SUCRE INTL-OLD SEQU35 10236351 -0.155150 -78.486058110.5035109175 3) Paste the SEQU.txt into SIDSTARS folder (Download: ) Before copying and pasting the SEQU.txt inside SIDSTARS folder, make sure your SIDSTARS folder does not contain a newer SEQU.txt file, with more recent procedures, before overwriting it, because I think the SEQU.txt provided by Aerosoft is a bit outdated related to February 2013, when the airport was closed forever. This worked for me, it might work for you too, no guarantees. Cheers, A Captain’s Diary. Donations: Twitch: Youtube: Facebook: Instagram: Messenger:
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