pg. 1 ACTIVITY BOOK Have fun creating a new character and making awesome advent ures for them to explore. pg. 2 R oblox is an amazing ga me to play, but i t would not even be he re if someone did not create this awesome i dea in the first place. I magination is a power fu l tool and we are going to use ours to create a wonderful new character and world for your R oblox character to explore. Once completed this activity sheet cou ld be transferred to R oblo x Studio and cr eated into a real ga me! First of all lets find out some informatio n about you, to begin a R oblox accou nt we have to register as a user Lets find out what you l ook like ! Draw a picture of yourself NAME: ____________________________________________ AGE: _______ CREATE A PASSW ORD : _____________________________ pg. 3 CREATING Y OUR CHARACTER Roblox cannot be played without a new amazing character! Lets get creating and answer the questions at the bottom. Lets get to know your character ! N AME: ___________________________________________ AGE: ________ ABILITIES: ___________________________________________________ _ __ FA VOURITE FOOD: ______________________________________________ FAVOURITE COLOUR: ____________________ ________________________ TIPS: ADD HAIR, CLOTHES A ND COLOUR TO CREATE YOU R VERY OWN ROBLOX CHARACTER U SE THIS BOX TO ADD AN ACCESS OR Y SUCH AS A WEAPON OR UNIQU E ITEM pg. 4 Great job making your c haracter ! (you can always add more information on an extra piece o f paper if needed) The next activity is goi ng to be taking your character into the world o f Roblox , creating a new place for them to expl ore. Lets buckle up and get ready! F irst of all what wi ll your new place be called? _____________________________________________________________ Where is your world set ? ( for example is it in ou ter space, earth, a new planet ?) ________________________________________________________ _______________________________ What type of worl d are you creating? ( is this an O bby ? S urv ival? S andbox? ) _______________________________________________________________________________________ I s there a theme to you r world ? (fashio n, shooting, social or spooky are some ex amples) ___________________________ ____________________________________________________________ pg. 5 USE THIS PAGE TO DRAW WHAT YOUR WORLD LOOKS LIKE pg. 6 Fan tastic work ! You have created a new character and an amazing new world for them t o explore You could always add friends for your character to hang out with and different worlds for them to explore . Keep using you r imagination