Starting line-up Substitute Opp = Opponent Pts = Points scored Atts = Attempts nn = Captain L = Libero Name game jury president: ............................................................... Signature: .......................................................................................... Non scoring Skills Dig Set Reception Success - Faults # Attempts Excellent Total Atts No Name 28 96 Total Team 8 17 9 SAAVEDRA Zhydryx 7 23 4 DE GUZMAN Bryce 19 117 Total Team 14 81 3 CACAO Ariel 42 85 Total Team 21 32 4 DE GUZMAN Bryce 12 25 5 TALISAYAN Jerold Excellent Total Atts No Name 27 102 Total Team 12 23 18 PRUDENCIADO Van Tracy 6 20 13 YBANEZ Josh 18 125 Total Team 18 111 17 COLINARES Ennius Gwen 44 80 Total Team 18 28 13 YBANEZ Josh 16 38 1 DE VEGA Rey Miguel Best Scorer 21 65 9 SAAVEDRA Zhydryx 21 69 13 YBANEZ Josh Scoring Skills Spike Block Serve Opp. error Total Won Pts Total Atts No Name 53 133 Total Team 21 40 9 SAAVEDRA Zhydryx 13 30 15 DELICANA Andrei 7 66 Total Team 3 18 10 MENDOZA Lirick 2 11 15 DELICANA Andrei 1 91 Total Team 1 15 14 BUGAOAN Martin 29 Total Team 90 290 Total Team Won Pts Total Atts No Name 57 135 Total Team 18 47 13 YBANEZ Josh 14 33 1 DE VEGA Rey Miguel 10 56 Total Team 4 8 1 DE VEGA Rey Miguel 3 14 10 FLOR Rainier 4 94 Total Team 1 2 3 YAMANAKA Ryuichi Isaiah 1 15 10 FLOR Rainier 25 Total Team 96 285 Total Team TEAMS AND PLAYERS PERFORMANCES FEU • FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY 1 2 3 4 5 Pts 2 CODILLA Jomel 3 CACAO Ariel 4 DE GUZMAN Bryce L 5 TALISAYAN Jerold 8 SABANAL Reymond 9 SAAVEDRA Zhydryx 10 MENDOZA Lirick 11 GARRIEDO Judi 12 CEJALES Jacob L 14 BUGAOAN Martin 15 DELICANA Andrei 16 ABUNIAWAN Jefferson 17 MARTINEZ Benny 18 ADECIR Glen L L L L L L L L 1 1 7 21 6 9 15 1 Coach: Assistant: ORCULLO Eddieson MANALON F./ DULAY R. UST • UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS 1 2 3 4 5 Pts 1 DE VEGA Rey Miguel 3 YAMANAKA Ryuichi Isaiah 6 DEDOROY John Emmanuel Jr. 8 BORRA Lawrence 10 FLOR Rainier 11 PRUDENCIADO Nathaniel L 13 YBANEZ Josh 14 VALERA Trevor 15 UMANDAL Sherwin 16 COLINARES Edlyn Paul 17 COLINARES Ennius Gwen 18 PRUDENCIADO Van Tracy L 21 CATAP Neil 23 LARDIZABAL Patrick John L L L L L 18 1 13 21 10 8 Coach: Assistant: MAMON Odjie MAPE B/ ESTEBAN C Referees: MATIMATICO Herbert (NR) & EUSEBIO Erlindo (NR) UST FEU 1 3 21 25 25 21 25 22 25 22 96 90 Teams Sets 1 2 3 4 5 Total Set duration 0:28 0:27 0:29 0:28 1:52 Match: Spectators: Date: City: Hall: 30 470 9/20/2023 Manila Paco Arena Match duration: Start: 17:23 End: 19:24 Total: 2:01 VIS, version 1.96 (Build 586, 16 pools), © 1992-2013 FIVB 9/20/2023 19:27 Page 1 VOLLEYBALL • Match result V-LEAGUE MEN 2023 Semi-Finals (1 vs 4)