A Comprehensive List of the Most Popular Social Media Sites The world has changed a lot since the days of My Space and Friendster. These days, social networking sites sites are everywhere. So many, in fact, that it can be hard to keep track of them all. This list lists some of the most popular and widely used social media sites today so that you can add them to your repertoire or even get started using them if you haven't already! A Comprehensive List of the Most Popular Social Media Sites Facebook social media platform allows its users to create profiles where they can share photos, videos or status updates with friends or family members who have also signed up for Facebook accounts as well as communicate through private messaging features. Users can also join groups based on shared interests such as sports teams or charities which allows them to interact with other like-minded individuals from around the globe! A Comprehensive List of the Most Popular Social Media Sites Instagram Instagram is a photo and video-sharing popular social media platforms . It was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, both former employees of Facebook. In 2012, Instagram was purchased by Facebook for $1 billion USD in cash and stock. A Comprehensive List of the Most Popular Social Media Sites LinkedIn LinkedIn is a social media websites for business professionals. It's a great place to network with other professionals and find jobs, clients, or partners. LinkedIn is the best place to look for work--and if you're not already on it, you should be! A Comprehensive List of the Most Popular Social Media Sites Get in Touch Visit Website - https://www.kaisanba.com/