Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 1 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 Site Name Date of PM Owner Mascom/ Orange/ BTC / BOFINET / Police Generator site Yes / No NMC Reference Time In NMC Contact Time Out PM Cycle No Region Meter Number Meter Reading 14.5.1. Schedule No.1: Shelter, site & Security DESCRIPT ION DONE CONTRACTOR REMARK MASCOM REMARK Equipment Room Check enclosure / room is secure and lock not tampered. Repair if required Check enclosure/room air-tightness, especially around A/C frame. Reseal if required Check painting of walls/floor of room. Advice if repainting required Check for satisfactory condition and secure all notices. Advice if replacement required Check and clear exits of all obstructions Clean interior Site area and surrounds Check container foundation slab/rooftop plinth for structural integrity. Grout & patch- up non-structural cracks. Advice if major structural works required Check around container for integrity of terrace embankment. Backfill, compact & restore to original state. Advice if replacement concrete retaining blocks required. Check around site fencing for integrity of retaining walls. Backfill, compact & restore to original state. Advice if replacement concrete retaining blocks required Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 2 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 Check are a within fenced - in site for fill and evenness. Even out and advice if additional material needed. Check stone chip layer within fenced - in site for fill and evenness. Even out and advice if additional material needed Ensure all manhole covers are in place. Advice if replacement required Check painting of steel palisade and / or diamond mesh fence. Touch - up wherever required. Advice if overall repainting required Check all terminations for electric fence wiring, check electric supp lies etc. Repair where necessary Check and oil access gate hinges and locking mechanisms. Advice if replacement required Clean the exterior and remove all grass and weeds, Clear and cart way to spoil Clean the exterior and remove all grass and weeds from the vicinity of the site and dump at a nearby damping site Check for any spillages around the site (If there are any spillages, clean and clear spillage. If major spillage, report immediately to responsible engineer Check if the bound wall valve is closed at all time appropriately Security Check and oil all alloy locks, Advice if replacement required Check razor wire for satisfactory condition. Arrange, secure & restore to original state. Advice if replacement required Functional tests Check operation of electric fence. Repair if necessary 14.5.2. Schedule No. 2: Antenna support structure Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 3 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 DESCRIPTION DONE CONTRACTOR REMARK MASCOM REMARK Tower Check tower foundation, anchors and hold - down bolts for satisfactory condition. Remove rust, apply paint/grease etc. Advice if major structural works required Check all tower nuts, bolts, and anchors are in satisfactory condition. Remove rust, apply paint/grease etc. Advice if replacement required Check painting of tower, and steel lattice members. Touch - up wherever required. Advice if overall repainting required Check camouflaging palm fronds, leaves, husks and cladding intact. Refit loose items and advice if replacement req uired Check climbing & feeder ladders are in satisfactory condition. Tighten all bolts and secure. Touch-up painting wherever required. Advice if overall repainting required Check caged climbing & winch mechanisms are in satisfactory condition. Tighten all fixings and secure. Touch-up painting wherever required. Advice if replacement required Check antenna mounting poles & brackets are in satisfactory condition. Tighten all fixings and secure. Touch-up painting wherever required. Advice if replacement required Lightning arrestors & aircraft waning lights Check air termination finials. Tighten all fixings and secure. Advice if replacement required Check bonding between down conductor with tower spike. Tighten all fixings and secure. Replace if required Check discontinuities in the down conductors. Tighten all fixings and secure. Replace if required Check bonding between down conductor/structure with earth electrodes. Tighten all fixings and secure. Replace if required Look for corrosion or abnormal discolouration of exposed copper installation. Advice Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 4 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 if replacement required Check all warning labels are in satisfactory condition and secured. Secure labels. Advice if replacement required Check aircraft warning lights brackets for satisfactory physical condition. Tighten all fixings, grease and secure Check warning light wiring and junction boxes for satisfactory condition. Tighten all terminals Replace defective aircraft na vigational warning light lamps as required Functional tests Check operation of aircraft navigational warning lights. Repair if necessary Check operation of caged climbing winch mechanisms. Repair if necessary 14.5.3. Schedule No. 3: Power Supply & Distribution DESCRIPTION DONE CONTRACTOR REMARK MASCOM REMARK Cabling Checks cables are secured to cable ways. Secure wherever necessary Check and secure all cable labeling. Advice if replacement required Check f or mechanical holding and secure all cable glanding Inspect insulation of cables for damage or signs of overheating and make good sheathing wherever necessary LV Distribution equipment Clean exterior and interior of the switchboard Ensure DB covers and inner panel close properly. Secure Check all labels for presence, satisfactory condition and security. Secure labels, Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 5 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 Advice if replacement required Check for evidence of dust or contamination on insulation surfaces a nd for signs of discolouration due to overheating . Take corrective actions Check and tighten all busbars connections and wiring terminals, clean contacts Ensure protective shrouds are in place. Secure Check and tighten all earth connec tions to earth bar Earthing Checks and secure earthing cables to cable ways/ways Check and secure all earthing cable labeling. Advice if replacement required Check and secure all protective earth conductors. Tighten all fixings Check bonding between conductors and earthing network. Tighten all fixings and secure. Replace if required Functional tests Test and record insulation values for cables (Megger test). Remove terminations and retest if necessary. Rectify defects Test and record earth continuity (protective earth) system. Reterminate if necessary. Advice on replacement parts Check operation of all MCBs and MCCBs. Advice if replacement required Check ampere rating of protective devices, test and record loads being compatible with ratings. Advice if replacement required Check operation of contactors and timers, Repair including replacement coils Check operation of automatic change over system. Repair including replacement coils Check and record load currents and compare with previously measured results. Take corrective actions and advice on replacement parts Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 6 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 Check and record earth measurements at all electrodes and compare with the commissioning readings 14.5.4. Schedule No. 4: Lightning & General purpose power DESCRIPTION DONE CONTRACTOR REMARK MASCOM REMARK General Luminaires Check luminaires for defective lamps and replace as required Clean luminaires and signs including diffusers/cont rollers and reflectors Check for satisfactory condition and secure fixing of switches, contactors, photo- electric switches and timers Check and tighten all wiring terminals Emergency lighting Check emergency luminaries for defective lamps and replace as required Check and tighten all wiring terminals General purpose power Check all socket outlets for evidence of damage and for signs of discoloration due to overheating and take corrective action as necessary Check for satisfactory condition and secure fixing of power supplies isolators Check for satisfactory condition and repair defects on wiring to AC plant Check wiring cables and terminations and tighten all terminals Functional te sts Check for correct operation of lighting circuits. Rectify defects. Advice if replacement required Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 7 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 Checks luminaires and signs for satisfactory operation. Rectify defects. Advice if replacement required Check that emergency luminair es are functioning correctly. Rectify defects. Advice if replacement required Check RCDs for satisfactory operation. Rectify defects. Advice if replacement required Check switches, contactors, photo - electric switches and timers for satisfacto ry operation. Rectify defects. Advice if replacement required After each maintenance check, ensure that the lamps connected to normal and standby circuits operate correctly. Rectify defect Check and record earth loop impedance of ring circuits and compare the results with commissioning results. Defects to be rectified 14.5.5. Schedule No. 5: Cableways DESCRIPTION DONE CONTRACTOR REMARK MASCOM REMARK Clean all cable ways Check whether all cable tray covers are in place. Secur e. Advice if replacement required Check for bonding between sections of cable ways for continuity. Tighten all fixings and secure. Replace connections if required Check all labels for presence, satisfactory condition and security. Secure labe ls. Advice if replacement required Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 8 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 Check whether all manholes are in satisfactory condition. Clean interiors and cableways Check and ensure all manhole covers are in place Check and secure all protective earth conductors. Tighten all f ixings Check all protective earth conductors are in satisfactory condition and secured Functional tests Test and record earth continuity (protective earth) system. Re - terminate if necessary. Advice on replacement parts 14.5.6. Schedule No. 6: Electronic monitoring & alarm systems DESCRIPTION DONE CONTRACTOR REMARK MASCOM REMARK Alarm monitoring and control system - general checkups and repairs. Check and tighten all wiring terminals at individual monitoring equipment. Check and secure door limit switch, tighten wiring terminals. Check and clean P.I.R sensor. Check and clean fire alarm detector. Check and clean mains phase monitor contacts. Check and clean generator supply monitor relay and contacts. Check and clean rectifier monitor relay and contacts. Check and clean air - conditioning unit relay and contacts. Check and clean aviation light unit relay and contacts. Check all wiring and termination at Krone conn ection unit, tighten terminals. Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 9 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 Functional tests Measure and confirm voltages at points recommended by unit manufacturer. Take corrective actions as necessary. Check alarm operation of door limit switch, adjust position for proper oper ation. Rectify defects. Advise if replacement required. Check operation of P.I.R sensor. Rectify defects. Advise if replacement required. Check operation of fire alarm detector. Rectify defects. Advise if replacement required. Check op eration of mains phase monitor replay. Rectify defects. Advise if replacement required. Check operation of generator supply monitor relay and contacts. Rectify defects. Advise if replacement required. Check operation of rectifier monitor relay and contacts. Rectify defects. Advise if replacement required. Check operation of air-conditioning unit relay and contacts. Rectify defects. Advise if replacement required. Check operation of aviation light unit relay and contacts. Rectify defects. Advise if replacement required. After each maintenance check, ensure return to normal operation. 14.5.7. Schedule No. 7: Rectifier unit and battery back-up DESCRIPTION DONE CONTRACTOR REMARK MASCOM REMARK Rectifier unit c/w batter y back - up - general cleaning. Check all external and internal cabinets if excessive dust formation. Clean as necessary. Take corrective actions to reduce recurrence. Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 10 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 Check paintwork for damage or corrosion. Touch up paint. Advise if repaintin g necessary. Check security of door fastenings and locks. Repair. Advise if replacement required. Inspect insulation of cables for damage or signs of overheating and make good. Check internal equipment for damage or signs of overheatin g. Repair as required. Check battery contacts, clean and smear petroleum jelly. Clean shrouds. Check and tighten battery terminations. Apply torque as per the battery manufacture specifications Check for satisfactory condition and secu re all notices. Functional tests Measure and record specific gravity of battery electrolyte and top up if necessary. Measure and record the internal resistance of each battery Record the battery Ah rating and number of battery banks Check and record the last mains failure and mains restoration dates and times Record the duration of the mains failure Check and record the battery charging current setting Record the number of operational rectifier modules Measure and record the load of each rectifier module Record the total rectifier load Measure and record Mains loads Measure and record all battery voltages. Advise if replacement required. Check operation of battery charging system and ensure no excessive charging of the batteries. Measure and record charging voltages. Repair as required. Check all relays and contacts for proper operation. Repair as necessary including Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 11 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 replacement contacts. Measure and confirm power supply voltages. Rectify as necessary. Measure and confirm output supply voltages. Rectify as necessary. Check ammeter and voltmeter for correct operation. Advise if replacement required. Check operation of inverter shutdown on low battery voltage. Rep air as necessary. Check operation of maintenance by - pass switch. Repair as necessary. Check indicator lamps for satisfactory operation. Repair as necessary. Check alarm annunciations for satisfactory operation. Repair as necessary, Check operation of monitoring and control functions. Repair as necessary. Check for interlock system for satisfactory operation. Repair as necessary. After each maintenance check, ensure return to normal operation. 14.5.8. Schedule No. 8: Air-conditioning Plant Make Serial Number Capacity/Size Aircon 1 Aircon 2 DESCRIPTION DONE CONTRACTOR REMARK MASCOM REMARK Unit casing Check for satisfactory condition and secure exterior and interior of casing and securi ty cages. Clean interior and exterior of air - conditioning casing. Motors Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 12 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 Check air - conditioner motors for any undue noise or vibration. Take corrective actions. Check bearings for satisfactory condition. Lubricate if required. Check for satisfactory condition and secure conduit and cable entries. Check cables for satisfactory condition, secure and clean all terminals. Check terminal cover gasket for satisfactory condition. Renew if required. Check and keep free of obstructions motor ventilation slots. Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 13 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 Electrical starter Check for satisfactory condition and secure starter to base properly. Align. Evaporator fan Clean interior and exterior of fan casing. Check fan is r unning without undue noise or vibration. Take corrective actions. Check fan/motor/drive for satisfactory condition and security. Lubricate if required. Check belt/drive for satisfactory condition and correct tension. Align and tighten. Check fan motor blades for satisfactory condition and security. Repair. Filters Clean elements and check for satisfactory condition. Replace if required. Evaporator coils Check coil fins for damage. Repair as necessary. Clean and comb fins where necessary. Check and clean condensate tray and drains. Check hot gas by-pass for correct part load operation (where applicable). Rectify as necessary. Check and secure flexible connections. Check for refrigerant leaks. Brace/rectify as necessary. Check and test operation of controls. Rectify as necessary. Check and clean condensate drip tray. Check and clean condensate drains and ensure tray is primed (where applicable). Compr essor/Condenser fans/ Condenser core Check for undue noise or vibration. Take corrective actions. Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 14 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 Condenser coil to be brushed clean of loose dirt, dust, etc. Check coil fins for damage. Comb as required. Check for satisfactory c ondition and secure condenser fan/motor/drive. Rectify as necessary. Check and secure flexible connections. Check and keep free of obstructions condenser fan discharge. Check for satisfactory operation and secure crankcase. Chec k system for refrigerant and oil leaks. Brace. Rectify as necessary. Check system operation change. Rectify as necessary. Check fan and motor bearing and lubricate if necessary. Check and test operation of controls and safety devices. Rectify as necessary. Ensure all electrical connections are secure. Tighten all terminals. Inspect cable insulation and make good as necessary. Inspect liquid line filters, clean and replace as necessary. Check oil level through sight glass and top up as necessary. Functional tests Test, record and adjust as necessary High Pressure Cut Out. Test, record and adjust as necessary Low Pressure Cut Out. Test, record and adjust as necessary Low Temperature Cut Out. Test, record and adjust as necessary Oil Pressure Cut Out. Measure and record ambient and room temperatures. Rectify as necessary, if not within ± 2°C from set design values. Check refrigerant pressure. Re - gas if required. Check filter manometer reading. Replace if required. Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 15 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 Check and record off - coil db/supply air temperature. Rectify as necessary. Measure fan speed. Rectify as necessary. Advise if replacement required. Check motor running current. Re ctify as necessary. Record compressor suction and discharge pressures. Rectify as necessary. Check and record compressor running current. Rectify as necessary. Advise if replacement required. Check starter mechanism for correct operati on. Rectify as necessary. Advise if replacement required. Carry out insulation resistance tests on supply cables. Advise if replacement required. Carry out earth continuity and resistance tests. Tighten terminals/re-terminate. Advise if replacement required. Extra - over for ACTIVE - COOLING Equipment Check for satisfactory condition and secure indoor fan coil unit. Check cooling oil and drain pan for dirt/dust accumulation and clean as necessary. Check cooling air relief valves for air accumulation and rectify as necessary. Check and clean condensate drains and keep clear. Check and ensure water level in tank is at recommended level above steel pipe-coils (to prevent excess to waste during ice making process). Check carel controller for proper operation and rectify as necessary. Check refrigeration condensers coil is free of dirt/dust accumulation and clean as necessary. Check and record running currents of compressor, pumps and fan motors. Rectify as necessary. Advise if replacement required. Check and record voltages for compressor, pumps and fan motors. Rectify as necessary. Advise if replacement parts required. Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 16 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 14.5.9. Schedule No. 9: RF Antenna & Feeder cabling DESCR IPTION DONE CONTRACTOR REMARK MASCOM REMARK Check integrity of all antennae sealing kits. Advise if replacement required. Check all antennae feeder - earthing connections. Tighten connections. Advise if replacement required. Check bonding betw een feeder earthing conductors and earthing network. Rectify. Check and secure all earthing cable labeling. Advise if replacement required. Check and secure all protective earth conductors. Tighten all fixings. Check bonding between conductors and earthing network. Tighten all fixings and secure. Replace if required. Functional tests Test and record earth continuity (protective earth) system. Re-terminate if necessary. Advise on replacement parts. Test and record antennae sweep results in the presence of the Employer's representatives.(On request & only due to possible faults) 14.5.10. Schedule No. 10: Environmental Requirements - Aspects and Impacts DESCRIPTION DONE CONTRACTOR REMARK MASCOM REMARK Check av ailability and adequacy of spillage kit on site where generator power plant is installed. Advice if replacement is required. Check for any oil and diesel spillages, record if any and use spillage kit where necessary. If there are major s pillages, re port immediately to Mascom Senior Engineers Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 17 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 Check for any Damaged to bunding, report immediately to Mascom Senior Engineers Check for any Environmental Pollution, report immediately to Mascom Senior Engineers Check for any potential soil erosion in the site access road, if any report to Mascom Senior Engineers Check for litter on the site Surroundings and dispose them accordingly in line with Mascom environmental requirements. Note: Any Environmental Pollution or Incidents reported on the Mascom Corrective Action System MEASUREMENT REPORTS - Battery Voltage Readings Description of Battery : BANK 1 Battery 1 Battery 2 Battery 3 Battery 4 Make and Model Serial No. After disconnecting load and source 0 mins w/load & without charging source 15 mins w/load & without charging source 30 mins w/load & without charging source 1hr w/load & without charging source 1.5hr w/load & without charging source 2hr w/load & without charging source Description of Battery : BANK 2 Battery 1 Battery 2 Battery 3 Battery 4 Make and Model Serial No. After disconnecting load and source 0 mins w/load & without charging source Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 18 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 15 mins w/load & without charging source 30 mins w/load & without charging source 1hr w/load & without charging source 1.5hr w/load & without charging source 2hr w/load & without charging source Description of Battery : BANK 3 Battery 1 Battery 2 Battery 3 Battery 4 Make and Model Serial No After disconnecting load and source 0 mins w/load & without charging source 15 mins w/load & without charging source 30 mins w/load & without charging source 1hr w/load & without charging source 1.5hr w/load & without charging source 2hr w/load & without charging source Description of Battery : BANK 4 Battery 1 Battery 2 Battery 3 Battery 4 Make and Model Serial No. After disconnecting load and source 0 mins w/load & without charging source 15 mins w/load & without charging source 30 mins w/load & without charging source 1hr w/load & without charging source 1.5hr w/load & without charging source Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 19 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 2hr w/load & without charging source Note: If there are more than 16 batteries present please use back of this sheet for recording readings for additional batteries Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Description Total Load current L1 L2 L3 Aircon 1 Load current Fan Compressor Total Aircon. 2 Load current Fan Compressor Total Mains voltage L1 L2 L3 Earth continuity readings In (Ohm) Reading Tower Leg Ladder Fence Shelter earth bar Site Earth bar Mains Earth Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Rectifier Module Contractor Rep. Initials Mascom Rep. Initials 20 MAINTENANCE OF GSM CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORK RADIO BASE STATION SITES Document No. Date of Revision 17 May 2021 Rectifier Make ALARMS SIMULATIONS& REPORT External Alarm Active: Before Entry Simulation: Responding/Not Responding Active: After Closing Comments DOOR/BUGLAR MOVEMENT AIRCON 1 AIRCON 2 HIGH TEMPERATURE MAINS FAILURE RECTIFIER MODULE FAILURE RECTIFIER SYSTEM FAULT AVIATION/AIRCRAFT WARNING LIGHTS FIRE AND SMOKE Validation Remarks