Bluebook citation style: the complete guide Bluebook is one of the books that creates dread and frustration for law students. It is a style manual used within the United States for the citation of legal documents. It is now in its 2oth edition, needless to say, it is bulky and thick. Amongst the man y citation styles, this is the most challenging one for law students and every essay writer , However, we are presenting the salient points that are helpful in a citation. In Bluebook two types of citations are required: Footnotes Footnotes contain bibliographic information. A superscript number in the in - text citation corresponds to the footnote, at the bottom of the page. Bibliography Like bibliographies in APA and MLA style, bibliographies in Bluebook contain a categorized list o f all the sources. It contains all the information regarding the consulted sources. Given the difficult nature of Bluebook citation, students may consult a college essay writing service for help for the fir st time, yet it is always rewarding to do it by yourself. General Guideline for Bluebook Referencing Footnotes should be closed with a full stop and write my paper service provider appears after the relevant pu nctuation in the text. If the cited information is enclosed inside a bracket then the footnote should be before the closing bracket. For the separation of two different sources in the footnote, a semicolon should be used. When referencing a source that ha s already been cited or that is identical to the previous one, then provide a cross citation in brackets that will direct the reader to the first citation. For instance, in the example below the second citation has been abridged by reference to the first one that appeared in the 4th footnote, with a ‘supra note’ i.e. First citation: James Smith, the Basics of Law . (2021) Subsequent citation: Smith, supra note 4 If the citation is following right after the first citation then just write the id i.e. First c itation: James Smith, the Basics of Law, (2021) Directly following: Id Guidelines for Bibliography The bibliography section should be categorized like: • Table of legislation It should include all legislation, treat ies, conventions, and statutory instruments. These all should be arranged in alphabetical order as per the first word of the title. • Bibliography of all secondary sources It should include an alphabetical list of all the secondary sources. It is a lmost the same as the footnotes yet it differs in the author’s name i.e. Footnote: James Smith (first name followed by the second name) Bibliography: Smith James (Second name followed by the first name) • Table of cases This section contains all the cited cases arranged alphabetically as per the first significant word. Referencing Guidelines • Cases The order goes in this way. Party name followed by second part name with a comma, followed by volume, reporter, and page followed by courter year in brackets i.e. Legal v. United States, 212 Supp. 3d (A. Mass. 2021) • United States Legislation First is the title followed by th e code abbreviation, followed by section number, followed by the date of code edition I.e. 12 U.S.E. 401(e) (3)(e)(iii) 2021 • Books with a single author First comes the name of the author followed by the title, followed by edition and year of public ation i.e. Mathews James, Forest Law , (2 ed. Oxford University Press, 2021) • Books with three authors The names of the authors are divided by the ampersand symbol, & i.e. John Ryan, James Stephen & David French, Mayson, Paper on Company Law (7 ed. 2 021) • Books with four authors The name of the first author is followed by the word 'et al.' then the title, edition, and year of publication i.e. Ryan Root et al., Principles of Ethics (3 ed. 2020) This blog intends to present the simplest and easy way of Bluebook citation so that you may not need to pay to write my essay for me to get your citation done for you. If you follow these simple steps you can be a master by yourself. useful resources 10 Interesting Point Considerations for Your College Impromptu Speech How to buy model college application essays cheaply online: Top online sources 10 things an expert paper writer will fix in your thesis Finish your thesis within a month: select a specialist ace today 10 things an expert thesis writer will fix in your structure