1 10 MENDOZA Lirick 3 4 7 14 0.75 1 15 DELICANA Andrei 3 5 2 10 0.75 3 9 SAAVEDRA Zhydryx 2 - 3 5 0.50 3 3 CACAO Ariel 2 2 4 8 0.50 3 5 TALISAYAN Jerold 2 2 3 7 0.50 6 14 BUGAOAN Martin 1 4 11 16 0.25 - 2 CODILLA Jomel - - - - - 4 DE GUZMAN Bryce - - - - - 8 SABANAL Reymond - - - - - 11 GARRIEDO Judi - - - - - 16 ABUNIAWAN Jefferson - - - - - 17 MARTINEZ Benny - - - - - 18 ADECIR Glen - - - - - - - - Others Total Team 13 17 30 60 3.25 Block Avg. by set Rk No Name Kill Blocks Faults Rebounds Total Attempts Note 1 5 TALISAYAN Jerold 11 3 8 22 50.00 2 9 SAAVEDRA Zhydryx 16 5 15 36 44.44 3 15 DELICANA Andrei 7 3 13 23 30.43 - 14 BUGAOAN Martin 5 1 9 15 - 10 MENDOZA Lirick 9 - 2 11 - 3 CACAO Ariel 4 1 6 11 - 4 DE GUZMAN Bryce - - 2 2 - 2 CODILLA Jomel - 1 1 2 - 11 GARRIEDO Judi 1 - - 1 - 8 SABANAL Reymond - - - - - 16 ABUNIAWAN Jefferson - - - - - 17 MARTINEZ Benny - - - - - 18 ADECIR Glen - - - - - - - - Others Total Team 53 14 56 123 43.09 Spike Limit: 15.00% Succ. % Rk No Name Spikes Faults Shots Total Attempts Note FEU • FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY FEU UPH 1 3 25 22 23 25 25 16 25 16 98 79 Teams Sets 1 2 3 4 5 Total Set duration 0:25 0:31 0:23 0:23 1:42 Match: Spectators: Date: City: Hall: 13 243 8/30/2023 Manila Paco Arena Match duration: Start: 10:00 End: 11:52 Total: 1:52 VIS, version 1.96 (Build 586, 16 pools), © 1992-2013 FIVB 8/30/2023 11:58 Page 1/6 VOLLEYBALL • Match players ranking V-LEAGUE MEN 2023 Preliminaries 1 3 CACAO Ariel 5 5 6 16 1.25 2 9 SAAVEDRA Zhydryx 4 3 6 13 1.00 2 4 DE GUZMAN Bryce 4 7 6 17 1.00 2 5 TALISAYAN Jerold 4 7 6 17 1.00 2 15 DELICANA Andrei 4 5 3 12 1.00 6 14 BUGAOAN Martin 1 1 6 8 0.25 6 18 ADECIR Glen 1 2 1 4 0.25 - 2 CODILLA Jomel - - - - - 8 SABANAL Reymond - - - - - 11 GARRIEDO Judi - - - - - 16 ABUNIAWAN Jefferson - - - - - 17 MARTINEZ Benny - - - - - 10 MENDOZA Lirick - 4 2 6 - - - - Others Total Team 23 34 36 93 5.75 Dig Avg. by set Rk No Name Digs Faults Receptions Total Attempts Note Team Opponent errors & Team faults 26 - 26 1 9 SAAVEDRA Zhydryx 2 3 15 20 0.50 2 3 CACAO Ariel 1 - 13 14 0.25 2 5 TALISAYAN Jerold 1 1 17 19 0.25 2 15 DELICANA Andrei 1 1 14 16 0.25 2 10 MENDOZA Lirick 1 1 12 14 0.25 - 2 CODILLA Jomel - - - - - 4 DE GUZMAN Bryce - - - - - 8 SABANAL Reymond - - - - - 11 GARRIEDO Judi - - - - - 16 ABUNIAWAN Jefferson - - 1 1 - 17 MARTINEZ Benny - - - - - 18 ADECIR Glen - - - - - 14 BUGAOAN Martin - 1 12 13 - - - - Others Total Team 6 7 84 97 1.50 Serve Avg. by set Rk No Name Aces Faults Serve Hits Total Attempts Note FEU • FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY FEU UPH 1 3 25 22 23 25 25 16 25 16 98 79 Teams Sets 1 2 3 4 5 Total Set duration 0:25 0:31 0:23 0:23 1:42 Match: Spectators: Date: City: Hall: 13 243 8/30/2023 Manila Paco Arena Match duration: Start: 10:00 End: 11:52 Total: 1:52 VIS, version 1.96 (Build 586, 16 pools), © 1992-2013 FIVB 8/30/2023 11:58 Page 2/6 VOLLEYBALL • Match players ranking V-LEAGUE MEN 2023 Preliminaries 1 5 TALISAYAN Jerold 13 3 12 28 35.71 - 4 DE GUZMAN Bryce 8 - 9 17 - 15 DELICANA Andrei 5 1 10 16 - 10 MENDOZA Lirick 1 - 2 3 - 2 CODILLA Jomel 1 - 1 2 - 14 BUGAOAN Martin - - 1 1 - 3 CACAO Ariel - - - - - 8 SABANAL Reymond - - - - - 9 SAAVEDRA Zhydryx - - - - - 11 GARRIEDO Judi - - - - - 16 ABUNIAWAN Jefferson - - - - - 17 MARTINEZ Benny - - - - - 18 ADECIR Glen - 1 2 3 - - - - Others Total Team 28 5 37 70 32.86 Reception Limit: 25.00% Eff. % Rk No Name Excellents Faults Serve Receptions Total Attempts Note 1 3 CACAO Ariel 17 1 65 83 4.25 - 2 CODILLA Jomel - - - - - 4 DE GUZMAN Bryce - - 7 7 - 5 TALISAYAN Jerold - - 5 5 - 8 SABANAL Reymond - - - - - 9 SAAVEDRA Zhydryx - - - - - 10 MENDOZA Lirick - - 2 2 - 11 GARRIEDO Judi - - - - - 14 BUGAOAN Martin - - 1 1 - 16 ABUNIAWAN Jefferson - - - - - 17 MARTINEZ Benny - - 1 1 - 18 ADECIR Glen - - - - - 15 DELICANA Andrei - 1 - 1 - - - - Others Total Team 17 2 81 100 4.25 Set Avg. by set Rk No Name Running Sets Faults Still Sets Total Attempts Note FEU • FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY FEU UPH 1 3 25 22 23 25 25 16 25 16 98 79 Teams Sets 1 2 3 4 5 Total Set duration 0:25 0:31 0:23 0:23 1:42 Match: Spectators: Date: City: Hall: 13 243 8/30/2023 Manila Paco Arena Match duration: Start: 10:00 End: 11:52 Total: 1:52 VIS, version 1.96 (Build 586, 16 pools), © 1992-2013 FIVB 8/30/2023 11:58 Page 3/6 VOLLEYBALL • Match players ranking V-LEAGUE MEN 2023 Preliminaries 1 5 MEDALLA Micheal 3 2 10 15 0.75 2 2 MARAPOC Jefferson 2 - 3 5 0.50 2 19 TABUGA Kobe 2 2 1 5 0.50 - 4 TEODORO Paul - - - - - 9 CODENIERA Sean Archer - - - - - 12 LITUANIA John Exequel - - - - - 13 GELOGO Kylle - - - - - 15 ARROZADO Dexter - - 1 1 - 18 PEPITO John Philip - - - - - 6 ANDARE KC - 1 5 6 - 16 ROSOS Kirth - 1 4 5 - 1 MATEO Klint - 1 1 2 - 11 ENARCISO John Christian - 3 3 6 - 10 RAMIREZ Leo - 1 - 1 - - - - Others Total Team 7 11 28 46 1.75 Block Avg. by set Rk No Name Kill Blocks Faults Rebounds Total Attempts Note 1 1 MATEO Klint 12 5 7 24 50.00 2 19 TABUGA Kobe 6 3 12 21 28.57 3 2 MARAPOC Jefferson 8 6 15 29 27.59 - 15 ARROZADO Dexter 6 2 4 12 - 6 ANDARE KC 5 1 5 11 - 5 MEDALLA Micheal 6 2 3 11 - 11 ENARCISO John Christian - - 8 8 - 9 CODENIERA Sean Archer 3 2 2 7 - 10 RAMIREZ Leo - - 4 4 - 16 ROSOS Kirth 1 - 1 2 - 18 PEPITO John Philip - - 1 1 - 4 TEODORO Paul - - - - - 12 LITUANIA John Exequel - - - - - 13 GELOGO Kylle - - - - - - - - Others Total Team 47 21 62 130 36.15 Spike Limit: 15.00% Succ. % Rk No Name Spikes Faults Shots Total Attempts Note UPH • UNIVERSITY OF PERPETUAL HELP FEU UPH 1 3 25 22 23 25 25 16 25 16 98 79 Teams Sets 1 2 3 4 5 Total Set duration 0:25 0:31 0:23 0:23 1:42 Match: Spectators: Date: City: Hall: 13 243 8/30/2023 Manila Paco Arena Match duration: Start: 10:00 End: 11:52 Total: 1:52 VIS, version 1.96 (Build 586, 16 pools), © 1992-2013 FIVB 8/30/2023 11:58 Page 4/6 VOLLEYBALL • Match players ranking V-LEAGUE MEN 2023 Preliminaries 1 18 PEPITO John Philip 12 12 8 32 3.00 2 1 MATEO Klint 2 7 6 15 0.50 2 19 TABUGA Kobe 2 5 3 10 0.50 2 11 ENARCISO John Christian 2 8 5 15 0.50 2 15 ARROZADO Dexter 2 7 4 13 0.50 2 2 MARAPOC Jefferson 2 6 3 11 0.50 7 9 CODENIERA Sean Archer 1 - - 1 0.25 - 10 RAMIREZ Leo - - - - - 12 LITUANIA John Exequel - - - - - 13 GELOGO Kylle - - - - - 16 ROSOS Kirth - - 1 1 - 6 ANDARE KC - 2 3 5 - 5 MEDALLA Micheal - 2 2 4 - 4 TEODORO Paul - 1 - 1 - - - - Others Total Team 23 50 35 108 5.75 Dig Avg. by set Rk No Name Digs Faults Receptions Total Attempts Note Team Opponent errors & Team faults 20 - 20 1 11 ENARCISO John Christian 2 2 20 24 0.50 2 19 TABUGA Kobe 1 1 7 9 0.25 2 5 MEDALLA Micheal 1 2 8 11 0.25 2 1 MATEO Klint 1 3 7 11 0.25 - 4 TEODORO Paul - - - - - 6 ANDARE KC - - 8 8 - 9 CODENIERA Sean Archer - - - - - 10 RAMIREZ Leo - - - - - 12 LITUANIA John Exequel - - - - - 13 GELOGO Kylle - - - - - 16 ROSOS Kirth - - 2 2 - 18 PEPITO John Philip - - - - - 2 MARAPOC Jefferson - 1 11 12 - 15 ARROZADO Dexter - 1 2 3 - - - - Others Total Team 5 10 65 80 1.25 Serve Avg. by set Rk No Name Aces Faults Serve Hits Total Attempts Note UPH • UNIVERSITY OF PERPETUAL HELP FEU UPH 1 3 25 22 23 25 25 16 25 16 98 79 Teams Sets 1 2 3 4 5 Total Set duration 0:25 0:31 0:23 0:23 1:42 Match: Spectators: Date: City: Hall: 13 243 8/30/2023 Manila Paco Arena Match duration: Start: 10:00 End: 11:52 Total: 1:52 VIS, version 1.96 (Build 586, 16 pools), © 1992-2013 FIVB 8/30/2023 11:58 Page 5/6 VOLLEYBALL • Match players ranking V-LEAGUE MEN 2023 Preliminaries 1 18 PEPITO John Philip 15 3 17 35 34.29 2 2 MARAPOC Jefferson 4 2 17 23 8.70 - 15 ARROZADO Dexter 2 - 10 12 - 19 TABUGA Kobe 4 - 8 12 - 4 TEODORO Paul - - 3 3 - 1 MATEO Klint 1 - 1 2 - 5 MEDALLA Micheal - - 1 1 - 10 RAMIREZ Leo - - 1 1 - 11 ENARCISO John Christian - - 1 1 - 6 ANDARE KC - - - - - 9 CODENIERA Sean Archer - - - - - 12 LITUANIA John Exequel - - - - - 13 GELOGO Kylle - - - - - 16 ROSOS Kirth - - - - - - - - Others Total Team 26 5 59 90 23.33 Reception Limit: 25.00% Eff. % Rk No Name Excellents Faults Serve Receptions Total Attempts Note 1 11 ENARCISO John Christian 11 1 70 82 2.75 2 1 MATEO Klint 3 - 20 23 0.75 - 2 MARAPOC Jefferson - - - - - 4 TEODORO Paul - - 1 1 - 5 MEDALLA Micheal - - 2 2 - 6 ANDARE KC - - - - - 9 CODENIERA Sean Archer - - - - - 10 RAMIREZ Leo - - 1 1 - 12 LITUANIA John Exequel - - - - - 13 GELOGO Kylle - - - - - 15 ARROZADO Dexter - - 1 1 - 16 ROSOS Kirth - - - - - 18 PEPITO John Philip - - 5 5 - 19 TABUGA Kobe - - 4 4 - - - - Others Total Team 14 1 104 119 3.50 Set Avg. by set Rk No Name Running Sets Faults Still Sets Total Attempts Note UPH • UNIVERSITY OF PERPETUAL HELP FEU UPH 1 3 25 22 23 25 25 16 25 16 98 79 Teams Sets 1 2 3 4 5 Total Set duration 0:25 0:31 0:23 0:23 1:42 Match: Spectators: Date: City: Hall: 13 243 8/30/2023 Manila Paco Arena Match duration: Start: 10:00 End: 11:52 Total: 1:52 VIS, version 1.96 (Build 586, 16 pools), © 1992-2013 FIVB 8/30/2023 11:58 Page 6/6 VOLLEYBALL • Match players ranking V-LEAGUE MEN 2023 Preliminaries