St. Petersburg Police Department Incident/Investigation Report Case Number: 2021-020937 Report Type: STALKING COMPLAINT Incident Information Date/Time Reported Date/Time From Date/Time To Officer 06/04/2021 13:26 01/01/2020 13:26 06/04/2021 13:26 ------------------------------- Incident Location 1560 Central Av, St Petersburg, FL 33705 Case Status: INACTIVE Case Disposition: Incident Report Dissemination ¨ State Attorney ¨ CASA Other: Charges Charge Type Description Statute UCR ¨ Att 1 State AGG STALKING - HARASS CYBERSTALK CRED THREAT TO PERSON 784.048(3) 13C þ Com Alcohol, Drugs or Computers Used Location Type Premises Entered Forced Entry Weapons ¨ Alcohol ¨ Drugs ¨ Computers CYBERSPACE ¨ Yes þ No 1. Entry Exit Criminal Activity 2. NONE/ UNKNOWN 3. Bias Motivation Bias Target Bias Circumstances Hate Group Victims Seq. # Type Injuries Residency Status Ethnicity 1 INDIVIDUAL None Name(Last, First, M) Race Sex DOB Age HATLEY, BRENT L W M 06/17/1971 49 Address Cell Phone: (727) 667-6588 Home Phone 1560 CENTRAL AV APT. 373, ST PETERSBURG, FL 33705 Employer Name/Address Business Phone Victim of Crimes Height Weight Hair Eyes Place of Birth Occupation 1 220 BLD BRO Missing Person/Runaway Notes Page 1 of 15 LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, HONOR Print Date: 07/15/2021 09:48:52 St. Petersburg Police Department Incident/Investigation Report Case Number: 2021-020937 Report Type: STALKING COMPLAINT Related Name Relationships HATLEY, KATELYN is STRANGER to WALDROUPE, KIMBERLY G HATLEY, KATELYN is STRANGER to MITCHELL, RAYMOND JOSEPH HATLEY, KATELYN is STRANGER to CROWLEY, PATRICK MICHAEL HATLEY, KATELYN is STRANGER to 2021-020937, UNKNOWN HATLEY, KATELYN is STRANGER to LEVINE, ANDREW E HATLEY, KATELYN is STRANGER to NAKEV, LANA HATLEY, KATELYN is STRANGER to JORDAN, AARON A HATLEY, BRENT L is STRANGER to WALDROUPE, KIMBERLY G HATLEY, BRENT L is STRANGER to MITCHELL, RAYMOND JOSEPH HATLEY, BRENT L is STRANGER to 2021-020937, UNKNOWN HATLEY, BRENT L is STRANGER to CROWLEY, PATRICK MICHAEL HATLEY, BRENT L is STRANGER to LEVINE, ANDREW E HATLEY, BRENT L is STRANGER to NAKEV, LANA HATLEY, BRENT L is STRANGER to JORDAN, AARON A Incident Report Narrative SYNOPSIS: ========= This report is in reference to a late reported cyberstalking where for the past year and a half victim, Brent Hatley, who is a public figure has been receiving threats and having his and his wife`s personal information posted on public websites by three different suspects. Brent decided to make a report now due to a possibility of a swatting call being called at his residence in St. Pete. He also expressed that he is afraid for his wife`s and his safety due to some recent threats from same suspect threatening to cause bodily harm. CRIME SCENE: ============ Gaming platform Twich, YouTube, Reddit and Google. VICTIM, BRENT HATLEY`S, STATEMENTS: ================================= Brent wanted to report possibility of swatting calls being made to his residence at 1560 Central Ave Apt 373. He told me his wife and he are both public figures. He used to work for Bubba the Love Sponge and Howard Stern radio shows. Today he has his own show which he hosts on Twich, Youtube and Reddit. He explained that in this kind of business there are fans that like you and others that take things too serious. In his case there are three individuals, Andrew Levine, Patrick Crowley and Ray Mitchell who have been continuously harassing his wife and him via various Page 2 of 15 LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, HONOR Print Date: 07/15/2021 09:48:52 St. Petersburg Police Department Incident/Investigation Report Case Number: 2021-020937 Report Type: STALKING COMPLAINT Incident Report Narrative social media websites. Brent said he also received some threatening emails where they are threatening to cause bodily hard to him by asking people on social media sites to beat him up. He was mostly concerned of a swatting call being called to his apartment. He said he is aware of swatting cases where police ended up shooting someone and he did not want that to happen. When asked if he would be able to meet so I can obtain more information, he said he was working at the time but is willing to meet with me next week. Brent advised me he had collected emails and other paperwork related to these threats and harassment. He said he will put everything together and provide me with it when we meet next week. DETECITVE`S ACTIONS AND OBSERVATIONS: ==================================== Sergeant-------------advised me of a possible cyberstalking case involving complainant Brent Hatley. Sergeant provided me with Brent`s phone number and asked that I speak with him. I called Brent who provided me with above statements. He was unable to meet today but offered to meet with me next week. I informed him I will be in training on June 7th and 8th so we agreed to meet on June 9th at 11am. I sent him a photo of my business card and work cell phone number in case he needed to speak with me. I advised him to call 911 in case of an emergency or for any non-emergency matters to call 727-893-7780. I contacted Brandy Ball asking her to add caution notes to Brent`s residence. I did not have much information on suspects beside their names and possible location. Andrew Levine is from Ocala, Ray Mitchell from Saint Pete, and Patrick Crowley goes between Feathersound and Alabama. I looked up Ray Mitchell and found one individual in Clearwater. At this time it is unknown if this individual is the suspect in the case. I would have to obtain more information from Mr. Hatley next week. I also looked up Andrew in Ocala and found one individual Andrew E Levine. At this time, it is unknown if this individual is the supect in the case. I will obtain more informaiton from Mr. Hatley next week. No further action taken. EOR Incident Report Continuation Page 3 of 15 LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, HONOR Print Date: 07/15/2021 09:48:52 St. Petersburg Police Department Supplemental Report Case Number: 2021-020937 Report Type: STALKING COMPLAINT Supplement Information Supplement Date Supplement Type Supplement Officer 06/15/2021 13:39:39 FOLLOW UP ------------------------------- Contact Name Case Status: INACTIVE Case Disposition: Victims Seq. # Type Injuries Residency Status Ethnicity 1 INDIVIDUAL None Name(Last, First, M) Race Sex DOB Age HATLEY, BRENT L W M 06/17/1971 49 Address Cell Phone: (727) 667-6588 Home Phone 1560 CENTRAL AV APT. 373, ST PETERSBURG, FL 33705 Employer Name/Address Business Phone Victim of Crimes Height Weight Hair Eyes Place of Birth Occupation 1 220 BLD BRO Missing Person/Runaway Notes Seq. # Type Injuries Residency Status Ethnicity 2 INDIVIDUAL None Resident Non-Hispanic Name(Last, First, M) Race Sex DOB Age HATLEY, KATELYN W F 12/18/1985 35 Address Cell Phone: (727) 667-6580 Home Phone 1560 CENTRAL AV APT. 373, ST PETERSBURG, FL 33705 Employer Name/Address Business Phone HATLEY SHOW Victim of Crimes Height Weight Hair Eyes Place of Birth Occupation 1 0 PRODUCER Missing Person/Runaway Notes Page 4 of 15 LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, HONOR Print Date: 07/15/2021 09:48:52 St. Petersburg Police Department Supplemental Report Case Number: 2021-020937 Report Type: STALKING COMPLAINT Suspects Seq. # Type Name(Last, First, M) 1 INDIVIDUAL WALDROUPE, KIMBERLY G AKA Race Sex DOB Age Height Weight W F 05/29/1986 35 Address Cell Phone: Home Phone 3646 TUCKERTON DR, LAND O LAKES, FL 34638 (727) 808-0366 Employer Name/Address Occupation: Business Phone Scars, Marks, Tatoos or other distinguishing features Physical Characteristics Suspect Details and Notes Seq. # Type Name(Last, First, M) 2 INDIVIDUAL MITCHELL, RAYMOND JOSEPH AKA Race Sex DOB Age Height Weight W M 09/22/1983 37 Address Cell Phone: Home Phone 1845 17TH AV N APT. B, ST PETERSBURG, FL 33704 (727) 220-8364 Employer Name/Address Occupation: Business Phone Scars, Marks, Tatoos or other distinguishing features Physical Characteristics Suspect Details and Notes Page 5 of 15 LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, HONOR Print Date: 07/15/2021 09:48:52 St. Petersburg Police Department Supplemental Report Case Number: 2021-020937 Report Type: STALKING COMPLAINT Seq. # Type Name(Last, First, M) 3 INDIVIDUAL 2021-020937, UNKNOWN AKA Race Sex DOB Age Height Weight W F Address Cell Phone: Home Phone Employer Name/Address Occupation: Business Phone Scars, Marks, Tatoos or other distinguishing features Physical Characteristics Suspect Details and Notes Seq. # Type Name(Last, First, M) 4 INDIVIDUAL CROWLEY, PATRICK MICHAEL AKA Race Sex DOB Age Height Weight W M 03/29/1980 41 Address Cell Phone: Home Phone UNKNOWN Employer Name/Address Occupation: Business Phone Scars, Marks, Tatoos or other distinguishing features Physical Characteristics Suspect Details and Notes Page 6 of 15 LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, HONOR Print Date: 07/15/2021 09:48:52 St. Petersburg Police Department Supplemental Report Case Number: 2021-020937 Report Type: STALKING COMPLAINT Seq. # Type Name(Last, First, M) 5 INDIVIDUAL LEVINE, ANDREW E AKA Race Sex DOB Age Height Weight W M 05/30/1978 43 Address Cell Phone: (718) 219-3363 Home Phone 5908 NW 27TH PL, OCALA, FL 34482 Employer Name/Address Occupation: Business Phone Scars, Marks, Tatoos or other distinguishing features Physical Characteristics Suspect Details and Notes Seq. # Type Name(Last, First, M) 6 INDIVIDUAL NAKEV, LANA AKA Race Sex DOB Age Height Weight W F Address Cell Phone: (773) 294-9574 Home Phone (312) 213-8811 Employer Name/Address Occupation: Business Phone Scars, Marks, Tatoos or other distinguishing features Physical Characteristics Suspect Details and Notes Page 7 of 15 LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, HONOR Print Date: 07/15/2021 09:48:52 St. Petersburg Police Department Supplemental Report Case Number: 2021-020937 Report Type: STALKING COMPLAINT Seq. # Type Name(Last, First, M) 7 INDIVIDUAL JORDAN, AARON A AKA Race Sex DOB Age Height Weight W M Address Cell Phone: (724) 378-4178 Home Phone ROCHESTER, PA (724) 513-3127 Employer Name/Address Occupation: Business Phone Scars, Marks, Tatoos or other distinguishing features Physical Characteristics Suspect Details and Notes Supplement Narrative Detective--------------- Intelligence Unit NARRATIVE: ========== On June 9th I met with Brent and Katelyn Hatley at Saint Petersburg Police headquarters. Hatleys wanted to report a group of fans for written threats to kill or do bodily injury, cyber stalking, theft, and harassing phone calls. Brent Hatley explained he use to work on Bubba the Love Sponge Radio show and then on Howard Stern Show before deciding to start his own podcast. Brent told me he started his own podcast about a year ago which is when harassing started. It escaladed recently when they began to receive death threats. Brent continued explaining he runs his podcast on Twich, live streaming platform for gamers. This is a subscription based podcast. Some of the anger that comes from their fans is from him leaving Howard Stern Show. Other negative comments are about their lifestyle. They went on to explain they are swingers which is what most of their podcast topics are based on. Some of the fans get personally attached and others get easily offended. Brent said they reported these individuals to Twich and Reddit but they have done nothing about it. When asked what made things escalade recently, Katelyn responded they were not sure. She went on to say she may have said something in one of their recent podcast that some of the fans took personally. In their podcast they were referring to a group of people who constantly make negative comments and threats as someone with aspergers. She continued by saying she actually said "ass burgers." She said one of the fan`s girlfriend who goes by the screen name Kimberzz responded by saying she would find Katelyn down town and beat her up. Katelyn said she believes Kimberzz may have a child with aspergers and therefore found Katelyn`s comments offensive. Katelyn went on to say that she is now terrified of going downtown with her husband. She knows that Kimberzz and her boyfriend live in Saint Pete and she is afraid of running into them downtown. Both Katelyn and Brent informed me they have plenty of evidence to support above listed charges. Katelyn also informed me she has several phone numbers that have been calling her constantly. She believes this is harassing because every time she answers the phone, person on the other end does not say anything. She said she uses her personal cell phone as a business phone as well. She said she has onlyfans page where individuals subscribe to see her naked photos. One of the fans threatened to steal her photos and report them on another site. She continued by saying that the same individuals that have been talking negatively about them and threatening them, have posted their home address and phone number for others to see. I then asked them to provide me with each subjects` name and explanation of how they are involved. Page 8 of 15 LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, HONOR Print Date: 07/15/2021 09:48:52 St. Petersburg Police Department Supplemental Report Case Number: 2021-020937 Report Type: STALKING COMPLAINT Supplement Narrative They provided me with a file for Kimberly Grace Waldroupe who, according to them, goes by the screen name Kimberzzz. They provided me with Kimberly`s phone as 727-271-3365, an address of 3646 Tuckerton Dr, Land O Lakes, FL 34638 obtained from They told me Kimberly is a girlfriend of Raymond J Michell whose screen name is Xellios, AKA Church of Xellios. In the file provided for Kimberly there are copies of comments made by Kimberly on Reddit. Katelyn said Kimberly is the one who threatened to beat her up and this threat could be found in the screen shots provided as evidence. I reviewed several pages of comments made by several individuals. I found the comment Kimberly was referring to as threatening. This comment was made on June 2, 2021 and it states: "I am dying to run into her in St. Pete. She`s going to be the one on her hands and knees after I knock her off her high horse. I have never been arrested and the thought of being confined gives me anxiety, but I would smile so fucking big in that mug shot and I would own that shit like a badge of honor. Hearing her use autism as an insult and doing her smug "oh did I offend you" bullshitlike yes, yes you did offend me, let me run into you so I can show you how much, Cunt. Sorry lol rant over." Next file was on Raymond J Mitchell, alleged screen name Xellios, AKA Church of Xellios. Hatleys provided Raymond`s phone number as 727-271-0733 and 727-502-0599 obtained from They informed me he lives in Saint Petersburg. In the screen shots of comments between Xellios and other individuals, on unknown date he posted a long comment where he talks about coming up with a plan to bootleg stream both Hatley`s Twich show and Patreon Show without contributing to their viewer count. Next file was on unknown individual who goes by the screen name Whoop. After reviewing screenshots of messages between Whoop and other individuals in the group, I did not see any threats being made by Whoop. However, she did respond to Kimberzzz`s comments about fighting Kimberly that she would support her 100% and that she would back her up in a fight. There is another comment she wrote stating "`ball busting" I/d like to bust his head against a wall. What a waste of a man." These comments were possibly made on June 8, 2021 and it is unknown who she is referring to. Next file was on Patrick Michael Crowley who, according to Hatleys, goes by the screen name Sketchy Press, AKA Sketchy. Brent told me Patrick was a fan of Bubba the Love Sponge show. He has been following Brent since he was part of that show. He began harassing him in November of 2020. He also has his own podcase called Sketchy Press where he spends most of the time talking negatively about Hatleys. Brent believes Patrick is responsible for sending many spam emails to his email. To support this acclaim, he provided screen shot of a comment Sketchy wrote on unknown date stating: "it would be a damn shame if [email protected] got registered for a shit lot of spam." Next file was on Andrew E Levine who goes by the screen name Machred. Hatleys claim Andrew has been threatening them via emails, Reddit and Discord for the past two months. According to Hatleys, Andrew wrote to them that he wanted to fight Brent. To support this claim, Brent provided a copy of a comment directed to Brent and posted by Machred on February 19, 2021. In this comment Machred wrote that people on Reddit don`t hate him because of jealousy but because of the "obvious lies" Bort tells people. He continued listing other reasons. Toward the end of the comment, machred wrote "All this and more is why people like myself want to fight you. Not out of jealousy. Quite frankly, your comebacks are that of a junior high school kid. No, I want to fight you to known some humility into you. And I`m not talking about at an mma gym that`s scheduled and headgear a red, etcI`m talking about a street fight." (for complete comment refer to attachments). On unknown date machred posted a comment to June 3, 2021 Brett Hatley recap saying: "Unfortunately, I didn`t make the offenders list. I still want to fight Brent and yell at his swine wife in person." In the same messaging section Xellios83 posted a comment that he possibly wrote to Brent saying that if the police come to him he will show them a footage of him publicly challenging people to fight him, which is what machred responded to. Next file was on screen name Doodle who Hatleys believe is Lana S Nakiev from Chicago, IL. They provided a phone number for her as 312-213-8811 and 773-294-9574 obtained from Katelyn told me Doodle became recently involved in the chat where others talks negatively about them. Page 9 of 15 LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, HONOR Print Date: 07/15/2021 09:48:52 St. Petersburg Police Department Supplemental Report Case Number: 2021-020937 Report Type: STALKING COMPLAINT Supplement Narrative Next file was on Fartlyn who they believe is Aaron A Jordan. They provided me with his phone number as 724-513-3127 and 724-378-4178 which was obtained from They claim Fartlyn is the one making harassing phone calls to them. When they answer the phone the person on the other side does not say anything. They provided a following list of phone numbers as numbers linked to harassing phone calls: 770-239-0419 727-657-4257 775-447-1797 727-387-5776 262-328-8957 727-439-4329 727-572-8522 727-313-8134 Hatleys told me that all the doxing, multiple spam emails, multiple people expressing a want to fight them, and harassing phone calls have created substantial emotional distress to both. They told me their business has been affected as well due to these individuals doxing their business partners because of a dislike for Hatleys. I advised them I would have to review all the files they provided me and get do my own research on the relationship between the above individuals and Hatleys. Meanwhile, I advised them to seek an injunction against these individuals and to consult with their Attorney. I provided them with a case number and took no further action. All the material provided by the Hatleys as evidence was added to this report. EOR Page 10 of 15 LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, HONOR Print Date: 07/15/2021 09:48:52 St. Petersburg Police Department Supplemental Report Case Number: 2021-020937 Report Type: STALKING COMPLAINT Supplement Information Supplement Date Supplement Type Supplement Officer 06/24/2021 10:22:59 FOLLOW UP ------------------------------- Contact Name Case Status: INACTIVE Case Disposition: Supplement Narrative Detective--------------- Intelligence Unit FOLLOW UP: ============ On June 11th Detective ----------- and I responded to Raymond Mitchell`s residence located at 1845 17 Ave N #B, Saint Petersburg FL, in an attempt to make contact with him and obtain his statements. No one came to the door, so I left my business card for him to call me. We then responded to 1900 Pelican Landing Blvd 1014, Clearwater, FL which is an address on Patrick Crowley`s Florida License. We spoke with a resident who told us Patrick does not reside there. I contacted Condo Association asking them to confirm this and spoke with Tony who is the president of the condo association. Tony confirmed that Patrick does not live at that location and they did not have any other addresses for him. Later in the day, I received a voicemail from Raymond. I called him back and we agreed to meet on Monday June 14th. Detective--------------and I responded to his residence on June 14th. We identified ourselves and informed him of the accusation made against him and several other individuals he communicates with online. I asked him to explain from the beginning how this all started. RAYMOND MOTCHELL`S STATEMENTS: =============================== Raymond told us he began listening Bubba the Love Sponge thirteen years ago when Brent Hatley was on the show with Bubba. He became a big fan. Hatley then moves to New York and began working on Howard Stern show. Brent and his wife became famous and recognized for their lifestyle. Brent left Howard Stern show to work on his own. His wife and him now host a show where they talk about their drug use and swinging. He follows their podcast through Amazon prime. He told me a lot of people hate Hatley and they would admit to that. He and some other followers with same opinions about Hatley`s began meeting in a private group Raymond created on June 1st. The group is called heavymetalandorgies. The group consists of Bubba the Love Sponge fans, Howard Stern fans and others. There are 17 people in the group. Raymond admitted to never meeting these individuals in person. He confirmed his screen name in the group is Xellios. In one of Hatley`s recent podcasts they addressed the group by referring to them as someone with aspergers and called them "retards." Raymond told this to his girlfriend, Kimberly Waldroupe, who goes by the screen name Kimberzzz. He continued by saying she had nothing to do with Hatleys until they made that comment. He explained that his girlfriend has a son with aspergers. She found it offensive that they were making fun on their podcast about people with mental illness. She then joined online heavymetalandorgies group and made a comment how she was dying to run into Katelyn in St. Pete and would knock her of her high horse. Raymond said his girlfriend did not mean to threaten her. She was just ranting. He said he did not want anything bad to happen to anyone. He agreed that the conversation the group was having went little too far. Raymond explained that heavymetalandorgies group is a private Discord chat. He said there must have been someone in the group that shared with Hatleys what was being said. He said the comments group members were making were never intended for Hatleys to see. Raymond claimed that as they call out Hatleys for their lies and inappropriate comments on their show, Hatleys call them out during their podcasts. He claims that Page 11 of 15 LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, HONOR Print Date: 07/15/2021 09:48:52 St. Petersburg Police Department Supplemental Report Case Number: 2021-020937 Report Type: STALKING COMPLAINT Supplement Narrative Hatleys said all kinds of hateful stuff about him and his family in one of their podcasts. He claims Brent Hatley is a provocateur and has said all kinds of hateful things about people from their private group. Raymond continued by giving an example when Brent talked about them on podcast as someone sitting in their mom`s basement hiding behind a keyboard. Brent apparently also stated on his podcast that he would fight them. A heavymetalandorgies group member (Andrew) responded to that comment by telling Brent that people hated him because of the statements he makes on his podcast. Andrew also said, "that`s why I would fight you." Raymond said he used to be a fan of Hatleys until they made negative and inappropriate comment about people with mental illness. He does not want to fight them or have anything to do with them. He said he knows they live downtown St. Pete. He believes they are paranoid because they use drugs. He said he is done with talking about Hatleys online. He did not want it to escalade things. This concluded the interview with Raymond. Later in the evening I was contacted by Brent Hatley who forwarded me several screen shots of false statements Raymond was making in a public chat. Detective----------and I met with Brent the following morning. I explained to him that I can not dictate what other people say or write on public social media due to their First Amendment rights. I advised him that the case is being worked and as of right now I do not have enough evidence to file criminal charges against anyone. I advised him I will speak with everyone involved, explain his concerns to them, and ask them to stop. I asked him how he got access to the comments that were made in a private group? He said his followers infiltrated the group and would send him screen shots of all the negative comments being said about his wife and him. he claims he never asked anyone to do anything. He said he blocked all the individuals from that private group on his podcast. His wife and him went to get a temporary injunction but it was denied. They have a court date set to obtain a permanent injunction for June 22 at 3pm. His attorney will argue all the facts why an injunction should be granted. He expresses that he was concerned Raymond`s negative opinion and comments were adding fuel to the fire. He was concerned that a follower of Raymond`s might be so obsessed and believe all the negativity being shared by the group about Hatleys that they would act out on it. He said he is most concerned about his wife`s safety due to multiple people encouraging Raymond`s girlfriend to beat her up. From is experience as a public figure he has experienced and has ex-coworkers who experienced stalking by some fans who become obsessed with them. He is afraid that this group with their negativity might encourage obsessed fans to act out. He would like them to stop harassing them. After speaking with Brent, Detective---------- and I went to Raymond`s residence to share Brent`s concerns with him. When he saw us, he stated he knew why we were there. He admitted to "ranting" online in a chat about us coming to talk to him the day before. He said he was sorry and should not have done that. He though Hatley`s were wasting Police time by filing false police report. After explaining Brent`s and our concerns to Raymond, he agreed that continuous and intentional picking on Hatleys could make another person act out. He said he will immediately stop making any public or private comments about them, because he does not want anything bad to happen. He said he did not think that someone else might act out and do something to them due to all negativity being shared about them. He said it all began as a game but now he sees why Hatleys are concerned. I informed Brent of this and took no further action. EOR Page 12 of 15 LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, HONOR Print Date: 07/15/2021 09:48:52 St. Petersburg Police Department Supplemental Report Case Number: 2021-020937 Report Type: STALKING COMPLAINT Supplement Information Supplement Date Supplement Type Supplement Officer 06/25/2021 14:07:06 FOLLOW UP ------------------------------- Contact Name Case Status: INACTIVE Case Disposition: Supplement Narrative Detective--------------- Intelligence Unit FOLLOW UP: =========== On 6/24/2021 I followed up with Brent Hatley to check if they were granted an injunction during their court date that took place on 6/22/21. Brent informed me an injunction was not granted. He also informed me that he received an email from Ray apologizing and saying he will leave them alone. Furthermore, he told me they decided to end Twitch show because it has gone too far and was not worth the risk. He believed things have calmed down after the announcement was made about their show ending. He wrote that`s all they wanted and that they are doing everything in their power not to inflame the situation any more. He asked that I still contact other individuals involved, because they want harassment to stop. Later he provided me with a phone number 229-518-6462 stating this number has been calling his wife repeatedly. ANDREW E LEVINE`S STATEMENTS (SCREEN NAME MARCHRED): (This interview was conducted over the phone.) ====================================================== Andrew told me he used to listen Howard Stern show and that`s how he learned about Brent Hatley. He continued following Brent as a fan when he left Howard Stern show and started his own show on Twitch. There were others who watched his show whom Andrew became friends with online. He said he thinks Brent`s Twitch show was bad. Brent would talk about how tough he is and how he was a Marine. Other followers began cracking jokes about him and his wife. Andrew and several others with same opinions about Hatleys began meeting on Discord where they would talk "shit" about them. He said this was not meant to hurt anyone. He said Brent would call them out on his live show and talk trash about them. They went back and forth. He admitted to sending an email to Brent where he said he would fight Brent. The email was a response to a comment Brent made on his podcast about how he would fight anyone who talks bad about them. Andrew said he is aware that Police spoke with Ray. He said he gave his phone number to Ray to give to Detectives. Andrew said he is aware that they all acted "childish." He said they stopped everything after finding out Police report was made. He said no one wants to hurt Hatleys. He said other public figures have followers who like them and other who do not. He said they are simply a group of people who do not agree with Hatleys, but no one wants any harm to come to them. Andrew was cooperative and offered to help in any way he could. KIMBERLY WALDROUPE (KIMBERZZZ): ================================ I called Kimberly several times and left a message for her to call me back. As of writing of this report, she has not returned my phone calls. PATRICK MICHAEL CROWLEY (SKETCHY PRESS): Page 13 of 15 LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, HONOR Print Date: 07/15/2021 09:48:52 St. Petersburg Police Department Supplemental Report Case Number: 2021-020937 Report Type: STALKING COMPLAINT Supplement Narrative (This interview was conducted over the phone.) ========================================= Patrick told me this all started approximately in December of 2020 when he made a podcast about Brent`s Twitch show. Patrick said he simply just made fun of Brent`s show that`s all. He denied ever threatening him, calling him or his wife, or sending spam emails. Since December Patrick has made several podcasts about Brent`s show. His last podcast was approximately three months ago. At one point, Brent threatened him with legal action but then found out everything Patrick was doing was legal. Patrick said he even interviewed Brent for his show. He said Brent should know that things like this happen in this kind of business. He said Brent blows everything out of proportion. He does not like it when people talk negative about him. He has been in show business for years and should be used to this. Patrick admitted to being a part of online group where several individuals would meet online and discuss Brent and his show. He explained that he joined the group late and was not part of any threats toward Hatleys. Patrick was asked if he ever intentionally followed, called or harassed Hatleys in any way? He responded by saying he never did. He said he lives in Arizona. He believes that most members of the online group live out of state. He denied ever coming to Saint Pete to stalk or make any kid of contact with Hatleys. Patrick was cooperative and offered to help in any way he could. AARON JORDAN: (This interview was conducted over the phone.) ==================================== Aaron told me he became involved after watching Brent`s show few times. He never threatened him or his wife. He said he was embarrassed that it came to this and would detach himself from what has been happening. He said he believes Hatleys are making accusations over nothing because their drug use makes them paranoid. Aaron was apologetic about being a part of any discussions about Hatleys. I asked him if his screen names were Fartlyn and turkeynecksumbitch, which was provided to me by Hatleys? He said those were not his screen names and that they probably have him confused with someone else. He said his screen name is "zizoujube." Aaron was cooperative and offered to help any way he can. I took no further action. EOR Page 14 of 15 LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, HONOR Print Date: 07/15/2021 09:48:52 St. Petersburg Police Department Supplemental Report Case Number: 2021-020937 Report Type: STALKING COMPLAINT Supplement Information Supplement Date Supplement Type Supplement Officer 06/30/2021 14:29:07 FOLLOW UP ------------------------------- Contact Name Case Status: INACTIVE Case Disposition: Supplement Narrative Detective--------------- Intelligence Unit FOLLOW UP: =========== Brent Hatley provided me with list of phone numbers calling his wife, Katelyn Hatley. Brent believes these numbers are associated to the group of people he claims were responsible for harassing and cyberstalking them. Detective------------- assisted me by looking up these phone number and contacting them. She provided me with following information: 229-518-6462 - VOIP number/ scam related and not ported 770-239-0419 - MCI Metro number / busy signal upon callback 727-657-4257 - possible owner Gianluca Quatraro with an address in Georgia / no answer on call back 775-447-1797 - scam and robocall 727-387-5776- Inteliquent / disconnected number 262-328-8957 - called back and found out its Auto warranty service 727-439-4329 - not ported 727-572-8522 - not ported 727-313-8134 - possibly belongs to Donnie Ray Brown, phone was out of service when called On 6/30/21 Brent sent me a message stating it has been mostly quiet except for Katelyn still getting repeated phone calls from 229-518-6462. I searched this number and it appears to be scam related. This information will be provided to Brent Hatley. I took no further action. EOR Page 15 of 15 LOYALTY, INTEGRITY, HONOR Print Date: 07/15/2021 09:48:52
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