Copy____of_____Copies JFHQ-Texas Camp Mabry, Austin TX 13JAN2022 Annex E (Personnel) to OPORD 21-3508 (Operation Lone Star) 1. Situation. See Base Order. 2. Mission. See Base Order. 3. Execution. a. Concept of Personnel Support. HR support maximizes effectiveness of the total force by anticipating, manning, and sustaining military operations. TMD-J1 manages strength accountability reporting per Annex R (Reports) through PEMS, assists with generation of personnel cost estimates, and coordinates other personnel actions with Major Subordinate Commands and Military Component respective Personnel Directorates throughout Operation Lone Star (OLS). Advise Major Subordinate Commands (MSCs) or Wing with administrative JRSOI guidance and recommended activities at home station. b. Administration. (1) The following record updates and actions will be completed at JRSOI or with homestation unit prior to release to JTF-LS duty location. See attached JRSOI checklist, Appendix 1 Tab A. (a) Service Members (SMs) will legibly and accurately complete the State Form 74-176 for Direct Deposit for State Active Duty. See Annex E, Appendix 2 for SM 74- 176 and Instructions. (b) SMs will update changes in BAH dependent status with supporting documents (birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc.) if not current in IPERMS (TXARNG), PRDA (TXANG), or service system of record (TXSG). (c) SMs will update home mailing address and phone number with supporting documents if not current in system of record. SMs requiring update to home mailing address must provide two source documents for proof of address. Examples include electric bill, lease agreement etc. (d) SMs will update DD Form 93 and SGLV or equivalent in system of record. (e) SMs will update Digital MDay Unit Alert Roster in eLSP and validate .mil email, personal email, and mobile phone number. (f) SMs will update MILCONNECT in both personal contact info and work contact info tabs; work info tab will be updated to reflect Organization: ARNG and State: TX). (g) SMs will complete DD Form 2875, AUP, and Cyber Awareness Course (certificate dated within one year) if RCAS access is required. (h) SMs will complete OCIE showdown and ensure CIF orders are placed by homestation Supply NCO or JRSOI for any packing list equipment shortages. (2) The following record updates and actions will be completed at JRSOI or with homestation unit prior to release to JTF-LS duty location if possible. For extenuating circumstances, the following will be completed NLT 48 hours after arrival at JTF-LS duty location. See attached JRSOI checklist, Appendix 1 Tab A. (a) Medical screening, to include COVID vaccination and pregnancy test opportunity, and immunizations and prescription review. (b) Background check to include qualifications to possess firearms and ammunition (Lautenburg Amendment). JTF-LS CSM is the review and approval authority for background checks. (c) SMs will be input in PEMS in appropriate mission and unit and with accurate entitlements. (d) SMs will update Digital OLS Unit Alert Roster in eLSP and validate .mil email, personal email, and mobile phone number. (e) SMs will receive briefings concerning information regarding NGAT Life Insurance options, TRICARE Reserve Select health insurance options, and pay information. (3) SAD PEMS (Personnel Emergency Management System) is the system of record for accountability and pay processing. (a) JTF-LS J1 will ensure personnel are accounted for accurately and reported NLT 1400 daily to JOC and JFHQ J1. JTF-LS will upload the PERSTAT to the JTF-LS J1 Teams site NLT 1400 daily and ensure JFHQ J1 and JPOC access to the LS Teams site. (add link) (b) JTF-LS J1, TXANG A1 and TXSG T1 will ensure personnel are accounted for accurately and validated in PEMS daily throughout mission requirement. JFHQ J1 will report the validation status daily on the following day, uploading the report to the JTF-LS J1 TEAMS site. E-2 (c) JTF-LS J1 will assign a primary and alternate PEMS operator per PEMS UIC (PEMS limitation requires that a UIC not exceed 110 personnel) and ensure PEMS operators are trained, have adequate time daily to complete required tasks, and enforce accurate PERSTAT reporting to support accurate PEMS input. (d) The only authorized SAD pay order are the orders published via PEMs with the J1 signature block. (e) PEMS Smartbook TBP. See Appendix 10-TBP. (4) TXARNG Soldiers assigned to JTF-LS will be temporaily assigned (Attached) to JTF-LS units in IPPS-A. JTF-LS will assume ADCON of assigned TXARNG Soldiers. JTF-LS will be primarily responsible for completing administrative actions with the support of the organic unit as necessary. (a) Enlisted personnel actions requests will be submitted to EPM through the TMD J1 PAR Tracker. (b) Officer personnel actions requests will be submitted to OPM through the TMD J1 PAR Tracker. (c) System requests will be processed through HR Systems at [email protected]. (5) TXARNG Soldiers will be evaluated in EES by JTF-LS. JTF-LS will produce a rating scheme for MSC concurrence and exceptions must be coordinated between JTF- LS and MSCs. JTF duty descriptions will include language referencing JTF task organization and size (i.e., CO task organized as a BN JTF). MSCs will complete Change of Rater evaluations effective when the Soldier enters SAD status. (6) TXANG and TXSG SMs will remain ADCON to organic unit. JTF-LS may submit Letters of Input to support JTF-LS rating schemes and key developmental assignment credit to the SM and organic chain of command. (7) SMs involuntarily mobilized for SAD have a maximum obligation of 365 days unless mission needs deem the SM no longer necessary or able to complete service. (8) Dwell time is defined as a period of time that SMs will not be involuntarily mobilized for long-term SAD. SMs, regardless of dwell time and/or prior mobilization type, are NOT exempt from being mobilized for a short-term civil support response. SMs may volunteer to waive dwell and mobilize for long-term SAD. The table below establishes earned dwell time based on the type and length of a prior mobilization. E-3 Mobilization type Dwell Consecutive T10/T32/SAD for more than 270 days 12 months RSPs / New Officers upon completion of IET 12 months T10 accessions with no break in service 24 months Prior Service with break in service 0 days (a) The first General Officer in the chain of command is the approval authority for any exceptions to the above dwell timelines. c. Personnel Criteria (1) FTUS AGRs are eligible and will mobilize on SAD when directed with organic mobilized unit. (2) FTUS technicians are eligible with approved requests through their full time supervisor and J-Staff directorate for concurrence. Requests will be sent to the J1 HRO for final determination. Technicians on SAD orders for more than 30 days will submit a Leave Without Pay Not to Exceed Packet. This will include an SF 52, Election Form, and a copy of SAD orders. See appendices 16, 17, 18.Technicians receive service credit for retirement, reduction in force, and annual leave accrual for up to a maximum of 179 days of non-pay time per year. (3) Joint Counter Drug Task Force - Texas (JCDTF-TX) personnel are excluded from voluntary or involuntary mobilization without Counterdrug Commander approval. (4) Recruiting and Retention Comand (RRC) personnel, FTUS or ADOS, are excluded from voluntary or involuntary mobilization without RRC Commander approval. (5) RRC Recruit Sustainment Personnel (RSP) warriors or Airmen in Student Flight who have not completed basic training and AIT are excluded from voluntary or involuntary mobilization. (6) SMs with an ETS or MRD within 90 days from start of SAD order are excluded from involuntary mobilization. SMs who choose to volunteer must End of Mission (EOM) NLT 60 days prior to their scheduled ETS or MRD/MSD. (7) Cadets enrolled in the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) or a member of the TXARNG Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) are excluded from voluntary or involuntary mobilization. Exceptions to this policy should be in writing through the TXARNG Recruiting and Retention Commander, the TMD J1, to the TAG. E-4 (8) SMs with adverse actions flags, to include Lautenberg violations, are ineligible for SAD missions. SMs found to have an open investigation, civil or military, will be ineligible for mission, subject to JTF-LS Commander’s review and approval based on individual circumstances. SMs with administrative flags such as HT/WT or APFT are eligible to support SAD. TXARNG Soldiers with flags B,D,I,J,K,F,N,P,T are eligible for SAD. (9) SMs who are Border Patrol Agents and DPS officers are excluded from voluntary mobilization. (10) Pregnant SMs are excluded from involuntarily mobilization up to 12 months post-partum. SMs are eligible to volunteer and waive the 12 months. (11) SMs with a MOSQ identifier of 09R, 09S, and 09W are excluded from involuntary mobilization. (12) SMs with MRC of 3 & 4 are eligible for voluntary and involuntary mobilization. (13) SMs with an approved Retirement Request (BDE/ Wing Commander/Chief of Staff Approval) uploaded to the J1 OPM/EPM PAR Tracker and within 180 days from retirement date are excluded from involuntary mobilization. Note: Exceptions to this policy must be submitted through organic chain of command with supporting documentation for justification. SMs who choose to volunteer must EOM NLT 60 days prior to scheduled retirement date. (14) SMs with an approved TAG Release with an effective date within 30 days are excluded from voluntary and involuntary mobilization (T10, Conditional Release DA 368, IST, IRR). (15) SMs assigned to a Deployment Manning Document (DMD) for T10 mobilization may submit an EOM request through JTF-LS. JTF-LS and MSCs/Wings will coordinate to ensure SMs are available for all required SRPs and training prior to T10 mobilization. d. TXARNG Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) Title 32 (1) IAW U.S.C. 32 Code, Active Guard and Reserve Program may support or execute homeland defense activities performed by the National Guard. (2) AGRs assigned to JTF-LS will request Format 400 “Field Duty” orders through local G1/J1 office to JFHQ J1 AGR Services upon notification of assigned duty. Orders will reflect reporting instructions, temporary duty locations and entitlements and should be published prior to AGR report date. E-5 (a) JTF-LS J1 will report all assigned AGRs monthly to JFHQ J1 AGR Services. Report will include DOD ID, start date, task force, temporary duty location with city and zip code, and EOM date. Duty location changes and EOM prior to initial order end date require coordination with JFHQ J1 AGR Services for a new published field order. (b)AGRs assigned to JTF-LS can submit request for Family Separation Allowance (FSA). Field duty orders will reflect payment of FSA as authorized. AGRs will submit DD Form 1561 to AGR Services and a copy of field orders to [email protected] following 30th day on orders. See Appendix 6. (c) Changes to Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) is not authorized. (d) Supplemental and Special Pay associated with SAD are not authorized for AGRs (i.e., Hazardous Duty Pay, Imminent Danger Pay, economic hardship, etc.) (e) AGRs assigned with field orders are authorized one POV round trip mileage and travel per diem from duty station on first and last day of DTS authorization regardless of the number of trips. AGRs are required to create an authorization in DTS for issue of 1610 and authorization of funds NLT five (5) days following receipt of field duty orders. AGRs will submit DTS authorizations at 179 day increments or EOM. Updated field orders are required as supporting documentation in DTS for change in temporary duty location or EOM dates. AGRs will receive incidentals only throughout the duration of the travel authorization. Full per diem is not authorized, lodging and meals are provided through the JLOC. (f) AGRs NOT assigned to JTF-LS may travel with input in PEMS in an unpaid “AGR / present” status under the PEMS MSC Support UIC in order to coordinate lodging through the JTF-LS JVB or JLOC. A listing of PEMS POCs can be requested at [email protected]. Meals and transportation will be requested through DTS. e. Hardship, End of Mission (EOM), and Replacement Operations. (1) Hardship Exemptions. TMD defines hardships as temporary in nature, and causing extreme impact to personal readiness. SMs will submit hardship exemptions through organic chain of command. The individual SM RECLAMA process is delegated to each MSC/Wing for administration and oversight. The RECLAMA process only applies to the MSCs/Wings assigned personnel prior to movement into JOA. Upon movement into JOA all SMs are OPCON to JTF-LS and must utilize the EOM process through the JTF-LS chain of command. (2) End of Mission (EOM) and Request For Fill (RFF). JFHQ conducts routine and efficient replacement of JTF-LS personnel. N-day references the day the SM reports to JRSOI. Replacement Operations will address JTF projected EOMs and E-6 requested fills, as well as specific component or MSC requests for EOM / swap utilizing the RFF report, Appendix 20. (a) NLT N-38, JTF-LS and MSCs/HQ TXANG A1X/TXSG T1 will identify potential EOMs minimum of the following 90 days and submit to JFHQ J1 IAW the schedule below and Request For Fill (RFF) report, Appendix 20. (MS TEAMS< TMD J1 MILPO/JPOC< OPERATION LONE STAR Documents< Request for Fill) JTF-LS / JFHQ J1 JTF-LS / MSCs FRAGORD Tentative JRSOI date MSCs disseminates suspense for published w/ MSC suspense for for staffing non- replacement RFF concurrence requirements 14JAN22 15JAN22 18JAN22 19JAN22 21FEB22 – 25FEB22 18FEB22 19FEB22 22FEB22 23FEB22 28MAR22 – 01APR22 15MAR22 16MAR22 19MAR22 20MAR22 25APR22 – 29APR22 13APR22 14APR22 17APR22 18APR22 23MAY22 – 27MAY22 17MAY22 18MAY22 21MAY22 22MAY22 27JUN22 – 01JUL22 (1) NLT N-37, JFHQ J1 will disseminate potential EOMs and RFF to the MSCs/HQ TXANG A1X/TXSG T1 and JTF-LS for concurrence. (2) NLT N-34, MSCs/HQ TXANG A1X/TXSG T1 and JTF-LS will submit any non-concurrence to the JFHQ J1 and BPT discuss and finalize during the weekly OLS JPOC call. If coordination cannot be reached regarding non-concurrence for the replacement request, the decision will be passed back to JFHQ J1 for staff analysis and then will be submitted for a decision from TAG. (MS TEAMS< TMD J1 MILPO/JPOC< OPERATION LONE STAR Documents< Request for Fill<NON-CONCUR) (3) NLT N-33, JFHQ J3 will publish FRAGORD tasking MSCs to provide personnel replacements for associated JRSOI date. (4) NLT N-30, SMs receive notification of OLS mobilization and report date for JRSOI. (b) TXANG Personnel Replacement Process. TXANG replacement operations are further defined below and remain aligned to meet all requirements and suspenses listed in para 2a 1-4 above. (1) 432 AEG will identify members needing to EOM and request replacement from HQTXANG/A3. (2) HQTXANG/A3 will coordinate with wings for "one for one" swap. E-7 (3) Once a replacement has been identified by the corresponding wing, HQTXANG/A3 will pass replacement request and information to JFHQ J1. If the wing non-concurs or is unable to provide a replacement, it will be processed as a hardship EOM with no replacement. JFHQ analysis for all TXANG members will include DJ3-Air. (c) EOM Disciplinary. For EOMs as a result of disciplinary issues, JTF-LS will EOM SM as the result of unlawful conduct. JTF-LS will complete TCMJ actions and route EOM notification to JFHQ J1 in the RFF report. JFHQ J1 will route notification to MSCs /Wing. MSC/Wing will initiate backfill process. (d) Any key leadership position or low-density MOS position may require an emergency fill outside of the stated process. JTF-LS will coordinate with JFHQ J1 for emergency RFF. (d) JTF-LS will submit the EOM consolidated roster by the 20 th of each month to JFHQ J1. (MS TEAMS< TMD J1 MILPO/JPOC< OPERATION LONE STAR Documents< EOM) (e) SMs with approved EOM requests by the JTF-LS Commander will out- process through JTF-LS per policy and internal processes. Prior to SM release from JTF-LS, JTF will verify administrative actions for records updates, closeout evaluations or letters of input, awards, pay review, medical review, and OCIE showdown have been conducted. f. Pay and Allowances. (1) State Active Duty Pay. Activation for Civil Support, DSCA events that are State or domestic no-notice events, where the State Operations Center (SOC), on behalf of the Governor of Texas, requests TMD for assistance to Civil Authorities, are paid IAW State Active Duty pay tables. SAD pay processing is done via PEMS and CAPPS system. For PEMS Smartbook/SOP and pamphlet see appendices 10 and 14. (2) JTF-LS and TXANG / TXSG component headquarters are responsible for all pay submissions submitted accurately and timely in PEMS. (3) The TAG has authorized Supplemental and Special Pay for TXARNG and TXANG serving on OLS State Active Duty (SAD) orders as outlined below. (a) Hardship Duty Pay-Tempo (HDP-T). Regardless of duty location, $500 per month paid quarterly. HDP-T recognizes extended or excessive amounts of time outside of a SM’s permanent duty station. SMs are authorized HDP-T on a monthly basis after serving one day of that month on SAD OLS orders. (b) Imminent Danger Pay (IDP). Based on duty location, $225 per month paid quarterly. Duty location must be within the JOA and assignment in PEMS must be E-8 TF West, TF Engineer, TF Center, TF Sustainment, TF East, TF South, or JTF-LS HQ. IDP is paid to SMs who are subject to the threat of physical harm or imminent danger of border operations. SMs are authorized IDP on a monthly basis after serving one day of that month on SAD OLS orders in eligible duty location and assignment in PEMS. SMs serving at Camp Mabry, JRSOI, or homestation sites assigned as support in PEMS are not eligible for IDP. (1) HDP-T and IDP will be paid on a quarterly basis. The first distribution of these payments (SEP21-NOV21) will take place during the first week of DEC21. The second distribution (DEC21-FEB22) will take place the first week of MAR22. The third distribution (MAR22-MAY22) will take place the first week of JUN 22. The fourth distribution (JUN22-AUG22) will take place the first week of SEP22. (c) Aviation Hazardous Duty Pay (HDIP). Approval required, $33 per day paid as part of daily pay. SMs must provide documentation of authorized Aviation Incentive Pay and be serving on OLS SAD orders. JFHQ SAO and TXANG A1 will approve documentation and route to JFHQ J1 for concurrence. (d) Medical Board Certified Pay (BCP). Approval required, $500 per month paid as part of daily pay. SMs must provide documentation of their certification by the appropriate Specialty Examining Board or a Board Certification Equivalency and be serving on OLS SAD orders. Office of the Joint Surgeon will approve documentation and route to JFHQ J1 for concurrence. (e) Supplemental Duty Pay for Economic Hardship. Economic Hardship can be requested by SMs that receive less income due to SAD mobilization. Economic hardship pay requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis and are subject to availability of funds IAW Texas Government Code § 437.220. Supporting documentation will include but is not limited to 1) previous year W2 or Schedule C (Form 1040) for business owners; 2) minimum of three months of pay stubs (or equivalent based on nature of compensation); 3) company policy on military leave and compensation when on military orders, if applicable; 4) company policy on bonus structure, if applicable; 5) S8 validated calculation of eligible SAD pay for three months, to include HDP-T/IDP or other SAD pay entitlements, and 6) justification memorandum with concurrence from first O6 in chain of command. See Appendix 19 Template justification memo. SAD Pay Executive Council will approve packet and route to JFHQ J1. (4) TXSG Supplemental Pay. The TAG has authorized Supplemental Pay for TXSG serving on OLS State Active Duty (SAD) orders as outlined below. (f) All TXSG serving on OLS SAD orders are eligible for Supplemental Pay NTE $25 per day. Supplemental Pay requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis and are subject to the availability of funds IAW Texas Government Code § 437.220. Supporting documentation will include but is not limited to 1) W2 and 2) justification memorandum with concurrence from Brigade Commander. See Appendix E-9 13 TXSG Supplemental Pay Memo. SAD Pay Executive Council will approve packet and route to JFHQ J1. (5) TCMJ Section 15 Fines. TBP (6) AT/IDT Pay. Organic units are responsible for AT/IDT pay for SMs mobilized on SAD until such time that the SM is temporarily assigned to JTF-LS in the system of record (i.e. IPPS-A for TXARNG). (7) All PEMS operators will place SMs in a pass status when IDT is performed. J1 SAD Support Team will monitor PEMS for the SAD pass status during IDT weekends. JTF-LS and MSCs will publish IDT schedules and will ensure PEMS operators have accurate accountability for PEMS input. JTF-LS and MSCs will provide a memorandum with enclosure of PERSTAT or TPCs to validate IDT attendance so ADCON unit can process IDT pay. Airmen will conduct IDT in conjunction with their respective Wing IDT schedule and RUTAs by exception only in coordination with Wing leadership. TXANG’s TF South will publish a memorandum to validate IDT attendance so organic unit’s CSSs can input IDT pay in AROWS. g. Leave and Relief Policy. (1) Leave is not received during SAD. Commanders have authority to authorize passes that have no impact on mission requirements. (2) Technician Leave. Full-time technicians, if mobilized under SAD during their regularly scheduled duty hours must decide what status they will be in, when to utilize leave, and how much. (a) Technicians on SAD orders for more than 30 days will submit a Leave Without Pay Not to Exceed Packet. This will include an SF 52, Election Form, and a copy of SAD orders. See appendices 16, 17, 18.Technicians receive service credit for retirement, reduction in force, and annual leave accrual for up to a maximum of 179 days of non-pay time per year. (b) If mobilized under SAD, the Technician can utilize Personal Leave Without Pay (LWOP), Leave Annual (LA), Time Off Award, or Compensation Time Earned. Technicians in LWOP status after 80 hours will not accrue leave, their Service Computation Date (SCD) start date will move to the right after 179 days of LWOP. If a Technician utilizes leave while on SAD the SCD window will restart the day after final leave. The Technician will then have an additional 179 days before SCD would shift to the right. See appendix 16. (3) Leave for AGRs will be managed through Leave Tracker at Commander’s discretion. E-10 h. Pass. SMs serving on SAD are allowed off duty passes, at the Commander’s discretion, in the same manner that full-time state employees have regular days off. As state employees, SMs are not prohibited from other off duty employment to include federal employment required to maintain military membership. Commanders will, when practicable and when mission requirements allow, provide a duty pass for TMD members to attend inactive IDT and AT on non-duty days in order to meet federal requirements. If a TMD member cannot be released for IDT or AT the Commander will make all efforts to allow the member to split train. Rules for granting a duty pass are noted below: (1) A short, non-chargeable authorized absence from place of duty during normal off duty hours is a pass. Non-duty periods of absence, other than the established or normal duty hours are considered as a pass period, to include official holidays. For example, a pass might extend from Friday after duty until the beginning of duty on the following Tuesday. (2) The unit commander to include Task Force or designated representative is the approval authority. TXANG pass dates must be coordinated with and approved by the Air Expeditionary Group (AEG) chain of command. (3) SMs remain available for duty and are subject to recall to support mission requirements during normal off duty hours and authorized pass periods. (4) Passes may be authorized for up to four (4) days for reasons other than military duty. Passes may be authorized for up to five (5) days for for military duty (i.e. IDT, AT, School, etc.) requirements. (5) SMs conducting T32 duties such as IDT or AT will be placed in either SAD pass or AT status in PEMS. This is a legal requirement. Pay systems are auditable and SMs who receive pay as a result of being coded ‘present’ in MUPS or AROWS while NOT in SAD pass or AT status are subject to pay recoupment. A PEMS pass, AT, IDT, or not present status removes a SM from an active SAD status. (6) Example of Status in PEMs. EXAMPLE OF STATUS AND PASSES PEMS Duty Duty Status Status SAD Pay Regular Duty Day SAD Present Paid 5 Days or Less IDT T32 IDT / SAD Pass Paid 5 Days or Less Annual Training T32 AT / SAD Pass Paid 6-14 Days T32 (AT, school orders) T32 AT Unpaid 15 Days or greater T32 (AT, school orders) T32 EOM Unpaid E-11 4 Days or greater personal requirement SAD Not Present Unpaid i. Medical. See Annex Q (TBP) for specific medical guidance. (1) Medical Benefits. Units document and report all medical issues IAW the appropriate duty pay status, SAD or T32, at the time of serious illness or injury. (2) Medical Documentation Actions. See Annex Q (TBP) and (See Annex E, Appendix 6 - State Workman’s Compensation Packet) for injuries sustained while on SAD status. Delay of administrative action can have adverse impacts on TMD members. See Annex E, Appendix 12 - Workman’s Compensation Pamphlet for information regarding workman’s compensation. (3) Insurance. For a comparison of insurance available see Appendix 18. Technician Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB). Employees may elect to terminate enrollment or continue for no more than 365 days in a non-pay status. Should an employee elect to continue coverage, they may elect to pay the employee share of the premiums directly to DFAS or incur a debt which will be withheld from his/her pay upon returning to duty. The government contribution continues while the employee is in a non-pay status. Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) coverage continues for 12 months in a non-pay status at no cost to the employee. See appendix 16. j. Red Cross Notification and Coordination for Additional Services. (1) Components ensure all OICs make their personnel aware that family emergencies will be communicated to the Red Cross first at (877) 272-7337. (See Appendix 11 - American Red Cross Message). (2) SMs whose significant others give birth will have a Red Cross message sent to the JOC, JOC will notify designated TF; and the member will be sent home on PASS (Coded in PEMS) for 4-7 days (including travel time to HOR and to AO). In the event there is a medical emergency that would require the member to remain home longer than the 7 days, medical documentation will be submitted through TF S1 channels for review and approval of extended pass or termination from orders, with a future date to return to duty. k. Awards and Decorations. TMD members participating in Civil Support, DSCA missions may be eligible for State outlined below and in (See Annex E, Appendix 6 - Awards Guidance - TBP): (1) Texas Service Medals. All recommendations for Texas service medals are completed and submitted for approval IAW NGTX Regulation 1-07 State Military Awards. E-12 (2) Texas Achievement Medals. All recommendations for achievement medals are completed and submitted for approval IAW NGTX Regulation 1-07 State Military Awards. l. Casualty Operations and Casualty Reporting. Task Forces will submit casualty information in accordance with their published Component’s Standard Operating Procedures and route Serious Incident Report/ Commanders Critical Incident Report (SIR/CCIR) through command channels to the Joint Operations Center. Task Forces will contact the State Casualty Office within 1 hour at 512-782-6688 and [email protected]. (See Annex E, Appendix 7 - Death Benefits for Service Members Killed on SAD). m. Legal. (1) Reemployment Rights. Each member receives a copy of the TMD Re- Employment Rights, Employer Letter, and individual orders to forward to their employer. If a copy of the Member’s individual orders are not able to be provided at the beginning of the mission, provide the member with the TAG Employer Memo. Individual orders are published and distributed to members prior to EOM. (See Annex E, Appendix 5 - TMD Re-Employment Rights). (2) AWOL. Whether voluntary or involuntary, SMs are required to report to their duty location unless formally excused by the chain of command. Commanders can issue arrest warrants to apprehend AWOL SMs. (a) SMs unaccounted for and in the AWOL recovery process will be marked as "Not Present" in PEMs. A "Not Present" status in PEMs will result in "No Pay" for the day. If later determined the SM was not AWOL, PEMs operators will correct the days in PEMs with a "Present" code. If the determination is made after the pay cycle closes that the SM was not AWOL, a supplemental pay request will be submitted to the J1 Finance/SAD team to correct the affected dates. n. Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) policies. The SHARP program is implemented IAW DoDI 6495.02, AFI 90-6001, and AR 600-20, during Civil Support, DSCA missions at all times. Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) is contacted for component requirements as well as a list of currently trained individuals at 512-782-5593. The TMD Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) provides direct support through the J1. DOD Safe Helpline can be reached at 877-995- 5247. To report sexual assault incidents, Soldiers and leaders call the 24-hour Crisis Hotline at 512-422-4941. Airmen will report sexual assault incidents directly with their organic unit’s SARC (136AW Mrs. Ashunta Murphy at 817-852-3005; 147ATKW Ms. Rhonda Franklin at 281-840-0355; and 149FW Ms. Kimberly Rodriguez at 210-364- 9499). Components establish procedures to ensure timely notification of the SARC, and component support from organic units for all TMD units and Task Forces while mobilized Civil Support or DSCA missions. E-13 o. Religious Support. Religious services for the operational area are coordinated by the State Chaplains Office. Leaders ensure Soldiers and Airmen are afforded the opportunity to attend religious services and have access to local religious support as much as operational timelines allow. p. Behavioral Health/ Substance Abuse. Services are available to SMs 24 hours a day seven days a week. Confidential referrals Substance Abuse: 512-782-6091, Behavioral Health Hotline: 512-228-2334, TMD Counseling Hotline: 512-782-5069. For other urgent needs, please call the Veterans Crisis Line at 800-273-8255. q. Equal Employment Opportunity. Any aggrieved individual, covered by (NGR 600-22/ANGI 36-3) (see the applicability paragraph), who believes that he or she has been illegally discriminated against due to race, color, national origin, religion, gender (including sexual harassment) or reprisal for having engaged in a protected equal opportunity activity, in a matter subject to the control of the NG, may file an individual complaint of discrimination. The State EEO representative can be reached at 512-782- 5510 and more information can be found at 4. Administration and Logistics. See Base Order. 5. Command and Control. See Base Order. Authentication: TRACY R. NORRIS Major General, TXARNG Adjutant General Appendixes Appendix 1 – JRSOI and R JRSOI Checklists SAD_(JRSOI Checklist) V9.xlsx Tab A – JRSOI Checklist RSOI Checklist locations – Camp Swift.pdf Tab B – JRSOI Map CP Swift E-14 Annex E_Appendix 1_Tab C_ OLS Packing List.docx Tab C – JRSOI Packing List Tab D – Reverse JRSOI Checklist – TBP Soldier & Family Readiness Specialists.pdf Tab F - Family Readiness Support/ID Card POCs Annex E_Appendix 2_Direct deposit form 74-176.pdf Appendix 2 – State Direct Deposit Authorization Form 74-176 and Instructions Appendix 3 – Awards Guidance –TBP Annex E_Appendix_4_JMD Business Rules.docx Appendix 4 – JMD Business Rules Annex E_Appendix_5_(TMD Re-Employment Rights USERRA).docx Appendix 5 – TMD Re-employment Rights USERRA–TBP Annex E_Appendix 6_DD 1561.pdf Appendix 6 – DD Form 1561 Appendix 7 – Death Benefits for Service Members on SAD – TBP Annex E_Appendix 8_TAG Employer Letter-OLS.pdf Appendix 8 - TAG Employer Memorandum E-15 TMD State Active Duty (SAD) Benefits.pdf Appendix 9 – Blue Sheet State Active Duty Benefits and Entitlements Appendix 10 – PEMS Smartbook/SOP TBP Annex E_Appendix_11_Red Cross Message.docx Appendix 11 – American Red Cross Message Instructions Annex E_Appendix 12_Workman's Compensation Information.pdf Appendix 12 – Workman’s Compensation Information TXSG Supplemental Pay.docx Appendix 13 - TXSG Supplemental Pay Memo SAD_PAY_Pamphlet v16.pdf Appendix 14 – SAD Pay Pamphlet v16 Techician Effects of Going on SAD Info Paper.pdf Appendix 15 – Technician Effects of Going on SAD TX Revised 10-22-21 Tech Election Form and Benefits.pdf Appendix 16 – Technician Election Form and Benefits SF 52 Leave Without Pay.pdf Appendix 17 – Technician SF 52 E-16 Insurance_Compariso n_12.16.21.pdf Appendix 18 – Insurance Comparison TXNG Economic Hardship Justification.docx Appendix 19 – TXNG Economic Hardship Justification Annex E_Appendix20_RFF .xlsx Appendix 20 – Request For Fill Report Glossary AEG Air Expeditionary Group AGR Active Guard Reserve AROWS Air Reserve Orders Writing System AT Annual Training AWOL Absent Without Leave BCP (Medical) Board Certified Pay CCIR Commanders Critical Information Requirement CDR Commander CSS Command Support Staff DFAS Defense Finance Accounting Service DOD Department of Defense DODID Department of Defense Identification Number DPS Department of Public Safety DSCA Defense Security Cooperation Agency EEO Equal Employment Opportunity ETS Expiration Term of Service FEGLI Federal Employees Group Life Insurance FEHB Federal Employee Health Benefits FSA Family Separation Allowance FTUS Full Time Unit Support HDIP (Aviation) Hazardous Duty Pay HDP-T Hardship Duty Pay - Tempo IAW In Accordance With IDP Imminent Danger Pay IDT Inactive Duty Training IRR Individual Ready Reserve IST Interservice Transfer E-17 JFHQ Joint Forces Headquarters JLOC Joint Logistics Operations Center JPOC Joint Personnel Operations Center JRSOI Joint Reception Staging Onward Movement and Integration JCDTF- TX Joint Counter Drug Task Force - Texas JTF-LS Joint Task Force Lone Star LA Leave Annual LWOP Leave Without Pay MRC Medical Readiness Classification MRD Mandatory Removal Date MSC Major Subordinate Command MSD Mandatory Seperation Date NCOIC Non-Commissioned Officer-In-Charge NG National Guard NTE Not To Exceed OIC Officer-In-Charge OLS Operation Lone Star OPCON Operational Control PEMS Personnel and Emergency Management System RNCO Readiness Non-Commissioned Officer RRC Recruiting and Retention RSOI Reception Staging Onward Movement and Integration RUTA Rescheduled Unit Training Assembly SHARP Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention SIR Serious Incident Report SOC Special Operations Command TAG The Adjutant General TBD To Be Determined TBP To Be Prepared TF Task Force TMD Texas Military Department Wing CC Wing Commander E-18
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