To day Wewi l lbel oo kin gatt hei de aofMr .an dMr s. H owt heya ffe cth ome s,p rop ert ie san dth ere al it ie song rou nd! S tar ti ngwi thas tor y: Ar oun d2009Iwa sinL ago sfo raf ri en d'sf ath erb uri al . Al th oug hIkno wth ema np ers ona ll ybe for eheg aveu pth egh ost .Is tay edi nth ei rho usef ort hef ir stt ime wh enIwen ttoLa gos . S oin2009wewe ntf ort heb uri al . Aft ert hewho lethi ng ,theguyb egg edmetost aybac ksi nc ewea res ti llexp ect in gWAECresu lt( my th ir dWAECorso) .S oIs tay edb ackatLa gosf ora lmo st7mon ths .Thed r amastar tedamo nthaf ter th emanwasb uri ed ! Ire membe reds ome onec amet oil eiwe( sc hoo l)t oca llmea ndmyf ri en dth ent hataf ig hti sha ppe ni ngi n t hei rhou se! Wer ush edd ownh omeo nl ytos eeh isu ncl ese ndi ngh ismu mpa cki ng ! L ikes eri ou sl y? Wet hou ghti twa saj okei ni ti al l yun ti lth ema tte rwa sge tti ngs eri ou s! Th eywer es p eak in go n dola ngua ge(if on)Ica nspe aktha tlang uagev erywe lls oIwast heo nete ll i ngt he wo manmos to fwha ttheyaresay ingsi nc eshei sfro mAb e oku ta.Lu cki l yIhea reg babu tca n'tf lo wwel l i nit. L ikep la yli kej oke ,th isma tte rwe ntt oco urta ndt hec our tde man dedf ort hema n'sp rop ert ie s. P le asep aya tte nti onh ere ! Th ema nne xto fki nwa sth atmyf ri en d'su ncl e. Th eho usea ndl an ddo cume ntswa sonMra ndMr sxx xxx .(wi th hel dre aln ame ). Al ljo in tac cou ntwa sonMra ndMr sxx xxx Ev ery thi ngo nmra ndMr sxx x. Nowi l l ! Th eo n lythi ngthatbr oug htmy fr i enda ndh iss i ste rst oth efi l m wa sad ocu men tth ema nwr otea nd me nti onhi schi l dre n'sn amea l on e. Wa sth isma nde li be rat eab outt hi s? No ! Th etwi s t! Dur i ngth ec o urt 'scas e,theman 'sfami l ybrou ghtawo ma nan dcl ai medt heb abyi nhe rha ndb el on gst o th ei rbr oth erandth atshei sth eMr si nal lth ed o cume nts ! Th atwa sth een d! Th ewo manl ef tth eho usea ndh erc hi ld ren ! Ti l lda te,Is pok ewi tht heg uyt oda ybe for eta kin gth isc la ssb eca useIwa nte dtou seh iss tor y. Th ewo manh adt oma rryo neAl ha jil i ket hat ,th ech il dr ena rej us tth ered oi ngn oth in g! Th ema n'sf ami l yto oko vert hei rfa the r'sp rop ert ie swh il eth eywe rea li ve ! Ikno wwea r enottodepe ndo nou rpa ren t'sp rop ert ie s.Bu tno ttoap oi ntt haty ourf ath erwi l ldi ean d yo uwilln owbemi se rab le ! Th eho usei satO riO kef ort hos eth atk nowI kot unv erywe ll . Th isg uyi sli vi ngi non ero omwi thh iss i ste ratI di mu Ah ous eofo ver7f la ts! C any ous eeh owc raz yth ati s ? Gu ys; Th isl i fei sco mpl i cat ed,Id on'th aved oub tfo rmyp art nero rfa mil y,b utt hen ; L etu sdowh ati sne ces sar y. Wh eny oup la ntoh aveaj oi ntp rop ert y Ev era ske dwh yisMra ndMr sxx x? Ta kef ori ns tan ce, Ima rri edMa ri am,It hi nki t'sb ett erwep uti tli ket hi s; Th isl an dbe lo ngst oMrDu roj aye ol aPh il i pan dMr sMa ri amDu roj aye ol a.Wi tha lls i gna tur esa tta che d. Wec an'ta ffo rdt obec are fre epl ea se. L etmep utt hato nho lda nds ayt hi s, *b efo reaj oi nta cco unt * Ia mto tal l yag ain sti tun le ssi tisf ors pec ia lpr oj ec ts. L ike ,wewa ntt obu yac ar,b ui ldah ous e,c hi ld ren 'ss cho olf ees ,ho li da y,t rav elo ute tc. Ap artf romt hatIc an'tr unaj oi nta cco untwi tha nyo ne! I fyo une edmo ney ,Iwi l lgi vey ou.Id on'th avet imef orj oi nta cco unt . The nwhe nyo uar epu tti ngh ead sto get hert oru naj oi nta cco unt ,pl ea seg uys ,do n'tg ofo rMra ndMr s st uff . L etb othn ame sbewe lls pel tou t.An yon eca nbeMr s. Ia mno tsa yin gyo urh usb andi sch eat in gors o.Ia mon lyg ivi ngy ouwi s domt oli vet hi sco mpl exl i fe. No wla di esl i st ent ome ,Ify ouh avemo neya ndy ouwa ntt oin ves t. AsaNi ge ri ant hatk nowsc ul tu re,k in dl yse eky ourh usb and 'so pi ni ona ndi nv esti nyo urn ame . Do n'td oito nMr sDu roj aye ol a,d oito nyo urn ame .it 'sy ouro wnb usi ne ssn otmi ne ! Ik nowt hi sso unds tr ang e.I tsi nv est men tgu ysn otf ami l yaf fai r s. Idon 'th a vei np uti nmywi fe 'sb usi ne sst hans upp ort in ghe ran dpu tmo ney .An yot hert hi ng sit 'so nhe r no tme . MrDu roj aye ol aist heh usb andn ott hei nv est or!Goa ndd oyo uri nv est men tiny ourn ame . Ih aves eenama nla ycl ai mont hewo man 'si nv est men tal lbe cau seh isn amea ppe arso nth edo cume nt,y es! Th ela dyu sedMr sxx xx S eemst hatMr ssy ndr omed oes n'ta ll owy ous eec le arl y! AmIt eac hi ngd is uni tya tho me?No pe! *b efo rea nyj oi ntb usi ne ss* Ama nwi l lne verd oan yin ves tme nto nawo man 'sn amen oma tte rho wst ron gth elo vei s ! S ola di esd oyo urt hi ng .Th isa spe cti sve ryt ri ck y. L etu sass umeth ela dyi se a rni ng mo rethantheg uya ndt heyp la ngo in gin toj oi ntb usi ne ss,a sa c ons ul ta nt;Ial way sha veh ead ach ea tthi sju nct io n. Be cau seIwil las k,wh a tist hesh ari ngfor mul a?Mo stt ime swh atIwi l lhe ari sth is ;wea ref ami l y,we wi l lhand lei t.bu ll sh it !Y o uwo n'th andl eit !. S ti llu si ngmyMa ri ama sex amp le : S oMa ri ame arn sth anmea nds hes ai dba byl et 'si nv esti nre ale sta te,o kayd ear . Th ebe stwa ytod oiti sth is ; Ha veas e par ateac cou ntt hatca rrybo thna mesands i gna tur es.L etu skn owwh ati sco min gin .Th enh ave asha ri ngfor mul a,it 'sbu si ne ssnotf ami lyaf fai r s. S owewi l lhaveanage ntth atde al swi ththat . Ev ery mo nth , 70% o fth ein comeg oest oMa ri am's a cco untb eca usesh edr opp edmo rea nd30% g oestome . ADPwo n'tt hi sca usei s sue sath ome ? Noi two n't . Th emo veme ntama nca n'th and let hi sre al it ybewe aryo fhi m! Bewe ary ! O rifal ad yca n'th and lel i fer eal i ti es ,bewe aryo fhe r! *Ne xt:* O ncey oug aveb ir thk in dl ych ang eal lyo urn exto fki ntoy ourc hi ld ren .Doi timme di at el yyo uga veb ir th. Ih avemyr eas onsf ort hat . I nco ncl us io n, Mra ndMr sisn otb ad,b uta lwa ysma kes urei t'sa llwe lld efi ne d. Ma kes ureb usi ne ssi sou tsi def ami l y. Ma kes ure ,yo ukn owy ours tan donv eryma tte rs . Do n'tass umei t'so urc arwh eny ouc le arl ysa w MrDu roj aye ol aont her ece ip t.Y ouc anb uyy our son yo urna me. Wr i ti ng*wi l l *isn ots amet hi nga s*wa it in gfo rde ath * I tsr eal i tyo fli fe ! An dpl ea se,wr i tey ourwi l limme di at el yaf terma rri age . Wr i tei tan dsa yth epr ope rti esb el on gtos oan dso . Y oua ndy ourwi fea nds hei sli ab let ota keo veri fyo udi eory out akeo veri tsh edi es . Wh enb abi ese nte rup dat eth ewi l lan din cl ud ehi morh er. Ia mno tsa yin gyo uar edy ings oon ,Ia mon lys ayi ng ; Y ouwo n'tb eab let ose eyo urwi feo nst ree taf tery ourd eat h. *p le aseh aveo ffl i ned ai rywh erey ouwr i tet hi ng sdo wnp le ase * Th isi sisv eryi mpo rta ntp le ase P ass wor ds, C ode s, Ke yse tc. Wr i tet hemo ffl i ne I tsv eryi mpo rta nt. Th anky ou. © ADPf orRGA. P rop osa l P rop osa lasi tso und s,l ets ayi npr oj ec torb usi ne ss; I sth eid eao fse ndi ngy ourb esta chi ev eme ntt oac omp anyo rin di vi du alt oga int hei rtr usta ndF avo r. F ori ns tan ce; Ac omp anyp utu pana dve rti s eme ntf ors ome onet osu ppl yth emf urn it ure . I nmyp rop osa l, Iwi l lha vep ri ce s, Ex per i enc e, Ma chi ne ry, Et c. Iwi l lma kes ureIs endf orwa rdt hi ng sth atc anma kemes tan dou tan dwi nth epr oj ec t. S oal s oinr el at io nsh ip ; Wh eny oua res end in gpr opo sal ,yo uar epu tti ngf orwa rdy ourb esta nde xpe ri en ce. Ag oodp rop osa lwi l lgol i ket hi s; Myn amei sADP ,It rad efo rexa ndc ryp toc urr enc yfo ral i vi ng . At eaml ea dofp hi dc on( ani nv est men tan dco nsu lt in gfi r m). Ifi ni sh edfr omf ede ralu ni ve rs it yoft ech nol og yak urewh ereIo bta in edBs can dMS cinAg ri cre sou rce e con omi cs . Iwo rko nl in ewi thDi gi vi l leNi ge ri aan dvi s itt hec omp anyo ncee ver yth reemo nth sinL ago s. Ih avei nt ere sti nyo uan dIwi l lbeg ladi fwec anwo rkt hi ng sou tto war dsma rri age . Th ati sane xamp leo fho wpr opo sala res ent . Y our sca nco mei nad if fer entwa ybu tso met hi ng sar eimp ort ant : 1.Wh aty oud ofo ral i vi ng , 2.Wh erey ouwo rka tpr ese nt, 3.Y ourp aste duc ati on alb ack gro und , 4.Wh aty ouwa ntf romt hel ad y, 5.Th epl an syo uha vea hea d. L etu sst opa llt hi sno nse nsep rop osa lth atg oest hus ; We ll ,Ij us tli key ou,l ets eeh owi tgo es. I two n'tg oan ywh ere ,itwi l lgot ohe ll ! S osi s ter s, Wh ens ome onei spr opo si ng ,pa yat ten ti ont oth oset hi ng s. Th eya rev eryi mpo rta nt.I t'sap rop osa l. Th egu ysh oul dpr ese nth isb est . Y oua ret ryi ngt owi nso meo ne' she arth ere ! Y oud on'twi nhe artb yse ei ngh owi tgo es. Ar el at io nsh ipt hatwi l lle adt oma rri ageo rso mewh erewi l lsh ows i gnf romt heb egi nn in g. Y ouwi l lse eth ese ri ou sne ssf romo nse t. Man yat i mes ,whe nag uys ayal ad yisr ej ec ti ngt hem,a si dep ers ona lis sue s,t heg uy'sp rop osa liswe ak an dlac kmeri t. I fyo uha veg oodp rop osa lth ela dywi l lre aso nyo uev eni fsh ewi l lsa ynoo npe rso nalr eas ons . Ma nyg uysh asb eeni nso meo neDM f oro ver7mo nth sno w,t heyh aven ots endr eas ona bl epr opo sal . P rop osa lth atwi l lsh akes ome oned aug hte r'sh ear t. Nol ad ywi l lse eth aty ouh avep la nan dwo n'tr eas onwi thy ou. Doy ouk nowh owt ose nds ol idp rop osa l? Go odd ay An dtor ece iv in gpr opo sal ! J ustwe ig hwh ath epr ese ntt oyo uan dch ecko utt hos eth in gsIme nti on eda bov e. Th ank s. © ADP ,fo rRGA. Wh ysh oul dyo uha ves ex?! Al oto fto pi csh asb eend oneo nth isp la tfo rmr ega rdi ngs ex. F roms oci ala ngl e, Tor el ig io usa ngl e, Tome di ca lan gl e. To day ,wes hou ldl oo kati tfr oma not hera ngl e. I fIwa ntt oha ves exi sth erea nyt hi ngIs hou lda skmy sel f? Wh ydoIn eedt oha ves ex? Ih aves ai dbe for eth at; S exi sana cti vi ti esb etwe ent woma tur epe opl eth atc anh and ler esp ons i bil i ti es ! Th eis sueo fse xino urs oci et yto dayc ann otb eov ere mph asi ze dbe cau sei tal way sap pea rbe for eus . Y ourg ir lfr i endc amet ovi s it,y oub othc an'tk eepo n,y ouh aves ex! Y ouwe ntt oac lu bon eth in gle adt oan oth er,s exh app ens ! Y oub othwe ntt ore adt oge the r,y oul an dedi nhi spl ac e,s exh app ens ! H eisy ourf ri en dan don ewa yort heo the rse xha ppe ns! Et c. Bu tth en, Th erei sawa ywh ena llt hes eth in gsh app enst hatl ad ie sex clu det hems el ve sfr omt hewh ol eth in g! An dth ati swh yyo ual way she art hep hra se _"H eus edme "_ Wh ydowea lwa ysh avet hatp hra se? Be cau sese xju sth appe nedbet wee nso meo net hatp rep are dtoh aves exf orwh ats exi san dso meo net hat at tac heds ext oan oth erthi ng ! Ge tth atc le ar,Ia lwa ysa dvi s e; Wh eny ouwa ntt oha ves ex,d oitf ort hep le asu reo fit . Ma kes urey ouu nde rst andwh aty ouwa ntt odoa nde nj oyi t,f ort hep le asu rei nv ol ve d. We lls omemi gh tsa y,Id oitf orl ov e. Id idn ot,b eca useh ewa ntsi t. Id idn ot,b eca useh epr ess uri ze dme . Al lth ata rel amee xcu ses ! I fhewa ntsi tan dyo udo n'twa nti t,i tsh oul dne verh app en. Bo tho fyo uar ego in gin tos ome thi ng ,sou nde rst andwh aty oua reg oi ngi nt o. Th emo sts tup ido nei s ; Ig aveh ims exb eca useh esa idh ewi l lma rryme . Th ati sdu mb! I fyo uth in kyo uca nho okama ndo wnb eca useo fse xyo umu stb eve ryd umb ! Noma nst aysi nan yre la ti on shi pbe cau seo fse x! Th eys taywh ent heywa ntt ost ay! Th esea rec rea tur est hatc ang ets exf roma nywh erea ndi tmi gh tne verb oth erst hem! S oit'smo reimp ort antt oha vet hes exb ase dont hef actt haty ourb odyc rav efo rpl ea sur ean dyo u c hoo setos ati s fyit. Y ourb odywa nts exa ndy oug avei tth ede si re. Th ati sal l ! Wi tht hi sun der st and in g,y ouwi l lev enh aveab ett erc ont rolo vert heb ody ! O rkn owh owt opr ote cty our sel fmo re. Wh ent ous eaC D, Wh ent ota ked rug s, Wh ent oab sta in . Bec aus eyo urb o dywa sno tju sts acr i fic edo nth eal ta rofs exb eca useo fon epr omi s eth atmi gh tne ver co metopa ss! Whyp eop lefee luse da l waysboi l sd o wnt othefac tt h atwhe ntheywerei nlo ve,a llt heyd owa sne ver fo rth eple asu reofit ,b utfo rt h ema n yp r omi se st h eydon 'tund ers tan d. I t'sb ett ern ott ogi veo utwh aty ouk nowwi l lpa iny ou! I t'sb ett er. S owh ymu sty ouh aves ex? H aves exb eca usey ouwa ntt osa ti sf yyo urs exu ald esi r ewi tht hep ers ono fyo urc hoi ce . H aves exb eca usey ouc ant aker esp ons i bil i tyo fth eou tco mes . H aves exb eca usey ouwa nti tan dyo ukn owwh aty oua red oi ng . H aves exb eca usei t'swh aty ouwa ntt odo . I fth esh ip sar edo wn,y ouwi l lkn owy oud idi tfo rth epl ea sur eofi t,n oto nth epr emi s eof ma ni pu la ti ont hata lwa ysc omea spr omi s e! Th ank s. © ADP ,fo rRGA. O ralS ex Ap ol ogi est oal lsi ng lemenandla di esher e,s avet hi ste ach in gti l lyo urma rri ageo rti l lwh eny our a nce sto rswil lsa y"mysonord augh ter ,doit"! Tos tar twi th , Iwa ntu sal ltok nowt hats exi sani mpo rta nt,e sse nti al ,cr i ti ca lan dge rma neb usi ne ssi nma rri age ! Asama tte roff act , Id osa yth is( se xsh oul dbed is cus sedi nsa mel en gtha nde ner gya sho li ne ssa nd ri gh teo usn ess ) I sth ati mpo rta nt! F ort hes ere aso ns, Wenee dtok nowh owo rtowh ate xte ntc anweg otos ati s fyo urp art ner( si nc eth ati sth een dpo in tof s ex) . S ati s fac ti onh asb eco meo nei mpo rta ntt opi csof ara ndt hati swh yweh aved rug sfo rpe ni sen la rge men t, v ir gi na lti gh ten in get c. Al lth esea ret owa rdss ati s fac ti on ! L etmef ir std ebu nks ome thi ng ! Th erea res eve rala rgu men tsa bou tth emo ralo rsp ir i tua lac cep tab il i tyo for als ex. We ll ,Iwon'tg oin toal ltha t,butth en,ib el ie vea nyt hi ngt hats ati s fymyp art ners hou ldb eok aywi th me ,s oig owit hse lfa ppr ai salo fit . Wh ati sor als ex? O rals exisus in gy ou rmo u thtoto uchaman 'spen iso rwoman'sv agi na .Le tsa y,at ouc hinp ri vat epa rt t hatdo esno tinvo lv et h et wop ri va tepar tsc omi nginc ont act . Weha vedi ff ere nttyp esofth isa cti on ,t he yin cl ud es;ama nus i ngh ismo utha rou ndal ad y'sv agi naa nda l ad yusi ngh ermout ha r oun daman'spen is .Etc . Myf ocu swi l lbeo nth eset wof ort hes akeo fth isc la ss. Do in gan yoft hi sco meswi that ech ni qu e. L ikemyf ri en dJo lawi l lal way ssa y,d on’td oiti fyo udo n'tk nowh owi t'sb ei ngd one ! P le ased on'td oit ! Asgo od,pl ea sur abl eandl ove lyt hes eth in gsa re,t heyc anc aus eda nge r,i r ri ta ti ona ndp rob le mino ne's se xli fei fnotpr ope rl yhan dl e. Wh atmu sty oud oify ouwa ntt ore cei veh eado rbl owj ob? Ma kes urey ourl owe rpa rti scl ea n,f reef romo dor s,r ash es,e tc. Makesur eit'spro per l y mana gedan dwel lpr ese nte d. An ysme llc anc aus eir ri ta ti on . Av oi dus i nga ny ch emi ca ldownth erebef ores ex,itc anbeatu rnoff ! Ta kea wayh ai rsa rou ndt hatp la ce,n otc oolf ort hej ob.Ben eata ndf res h. Th eab ovea rev eryi mpo rta ntp le ase . Be for eIt al kab outh owt odoi t,p le ased on'td oth efo ll owi ngwh eng ivi ngh eado rbl owj ob: Ne vere nga gey ourt eet h,p le ased on't .Ne vers pl it ,to tal l yav oi dyo urs al iv aco min gou t. Do n'tp uti tiny ourmo utha ndr ano utt osp li t,d on't ! Do n'ts topa lo ngt hel i net ore cei vec al lso rdoa nyt hi ng ,do n't ! H owi sitd one ? S tar ti ngwi thme n; F oru sme n, Ma kes urey out al kab outt hi ng sth atwi l lma key oug uysc onn ect ,he remo ti on sar ene ede dint hi sbu si ne ss. Al l owh erb einh erb estp osi ti ona ndr el ax. S tar twi thf ore pl ay,d on'tj us tsh ooky ourh eadi nhe rle gs! S tar twi ths oftk is si ng ,an dle tyo urh and sbeo nth ebr eas t(n ip pl ees pec ia ll y) Dot hi sfo rawh il ean dal l owh ert ost imu la tea ndb eint her i ghtmo od. Wh eny oun oti ce dac ti vat io n,y ouc ank is she rdo wnt hel an e,f romh eadt oto ean dla ps. Ge ntl yco mec lo sert oth eva gin aan dst artt hej ob. St artwi thy ourt ong ueo nth ecl i tor i s,a sifad ogi sli ck in gwa ter .St artg ent lya ndd oitl i keas l ow mot io n! Th eni nc rea set het emp ogr adu al ly ,do n'tu set eet hpl ea se,a voi dth ata nds al iv a. Wh eny ous ens eth ere spo nset henl ety ourmo uthmo vet oot herp art sasy ouma keh erwa ntmo re. P aya t ten ti ont ohe rre spo nsea ndh ows her eac tan dse ewh eres heh avet heh ig hes tre act io nth enf ocu s t her e. Dur i ngthi sper i od,y o umigh tseeh ermo an,t ryi ngt ofo ldy ourh eadi ns id ehe r,o rdo in gli kee art hwo rm th atco mesincon tac twit hsal t. Ass hemo vest ocl i max ,sh emi gh tsq ui rto rpo urs ome thi ngi nyo urf ace ,pl ea seb eari twi thj oy. Towo menn ow; S is tert hi sish owt oha ndl ebl owj ob: S tar twi thk is si nga swe ll ,go odk is si ngo fth een ti reb ody . Ac ti vat eth ema nbys uck in ghi sbr eas t,t hi sta kess ki ll ,not eet hpl ea se! O nceh eiso nl in e,t heny ouc ang odo wnl ow. P le asef acet hec apf ir st ,ye sth eca p,t hati swh eret hewi r esa re,s ucki tge ntl yan dso ftl y. Ge ntl yswa ll owt hee nti r epe ni san ddoi tso ftl y. Not eet hpl ea se,c ont in uet hep roc essa ndwa tchh isr eac ti on s. P le ase ,do n'tp utt het est ic le siny ourmo uthp le ase ,ify oua ren otap ro! Wewo n'tb eun for tun atei nli feo ! Bu tify ouk nowh owt oha ndl eitt henp uti tiny ourmo uth . Du ri ngt hatp roc ess ,pl ea sed on'ts nee ze,d on'tt al kan dpa yma ximu mat ten ti on . V eryi mpo rta nt! O rbe tte rst il lju stk is siti fyo udo n'tk nowh owt osu ckt est ic le s. S omer eac ti on syo umi gh tse edu ri ngt hi spe ri od ; h emigh tc um,thi sca nha ppe ntosomeandi td oe snoth app ent oso me.P le asewi th dra wify ouwi l lge t i r ri ta tedimmed ia tel yyo use ehise ner gyle veli nc rea si ng. S hemig htp o uran ythi ngo nyo urf ace ,att hi spo in t,s hei sno the rse lfa ndt hee nj oyme ntc anma keh er p oura nyth in go nyo u. Di ff ere nts oun dsc anh app enwh ic hisn orma l. An dab nor malr eac ti on sca nta kep la ce,d on'two rr yisp arto fwh atc ome swi the nj oyme nto for als ex. O rals exh el psl ad ie sbe tte res pec ia ll yine nj oyi ngs ex. Asaman ,ifyo udon'tl as t,or alse xcanhe lpy oud oth ema gica nds ti llb eok ayb eca usewi thh ead , yo umi gh tt a keh erf artha nwha ty o urpe ni swi l ldo ! H oweve r,thi sth in gnee dsp r act ic ean dIs ugg esty ous tar twi ths exd ol lors ex ma chi ne stoh el pyo u u nde rst andh owth eyar ed o ne. O rdi s cuswi thy ourwi fea ndp rac ti cet oge the rti l lyo uge titr i ght . O rse eJo laf orf urt hert eac hi ng . Th ank s.Th ati sth een dfo rto day © ADP ,fo rRGA. H OMETRAI NI NGANDC HIL DUP BRI NGI NG. It'sobvi ou smanyNige ri ansarerai s edb a dl y ,sowes ho ul dn otexp ectmuchfro mt he mi nter mso f r ai si ngo th ers .Th es oci et yt od ayisar efl ec ti ono fwhatwasr a is edath o me.F r oma bu se,tos t upi di ty a nda l l .S otomakeab et tersoc ie ty,itbecamepara mou ntf o ry ou ngp e opl ewhoh a vet h ea mb it io no f g etti ngma r ri edtound ers tan daf ewthi ngsabouthometra in in ga ndhowt orai seac hi l d. Th isisvery g erman eino r dertor ai seap ro perch il dthatwon'tbeap r obl emforsoc ie tyinthelo ngrun. Iwo n'tb eta lki nga bou tth ebi ol og yas pec tofr ai si ngac hi ld ,th oug hImi gh tdr agt hati n. My sp eec hwi l lbea rou ndt hee mot io nalb al an cea ndp syc hol og yef fec tofwh atwed oan dsa ytoo ur ch il d( re n). H owitcanmakeo rma rt hem,Ho wi tca nmaket hemb eco mebet terv ers i onso fth ems el ve s,H owy ou c anhel pth emg r owpr ope rl yinwhatt heydoandh owt heyd othi ng s. Th iswi l lbemyf ocu s( es ): 1.Ne verEv erC omp areTh emWi thAn yon e. MrAl oyah ass ai dso met hi ngi nth isl i nes omemo nth sag obu tIwi l lli ket opi cki tfr omwh ereh est opp ed. S tor yti me,En jo yit: Whe nIwa sinp r imar ys ch ool ,pri marythre es p eci fi cal l y.It hi nkIremembe rt h iseven tb e caus ei twas v erys i gn if ic ant .Att ha tp oi ntwhenthe ywe resha ri ngg i ftforbestst ude nts ,b es td r ess ed,mo s tn e at, o vera l lbest ,b estinE ng li sh ,b es tinma the mati cs , Etc. Id i dnotcol le cta n ythi ng . Therewa sthi s p arti cu la rladythatwonalmos t5a ward sa n dh e rmu mstayscl os et omi neinthemarke t.Wh enweg otto t hema rk eta f terthewh o lethi ng,itwa sthetal ko ft h ev i l lagesq uar et ha td ay . My mu m wasnot a roun ds otheheatofthet a lkwasmuchonme .Wh e nmymu mc ameback,shesawmyc ount ena nceand a skedthepeop learou ndwh oIfoug htwith .( Ifi ghtal o t,t h at'swhytheywerebusytal ki ngt ha tit's o nl ya gi di(s tubb orn nes s)thatIhave ,Iwo nnoth in g). Mymum ma deas imp leandpro fou ndsta temen tthatday.S hesai d;L e aveh imal one ,h ewonJes usan d on eda yh ewil lbeap as toran dwintheworl d.Thepeo pl ewer eshoc kedandt heys tar tedl au ghi ng .It h in k i twasattha tp o in tsomeo fmyfri en dsstar tedc al li ngmepa sto r. Al tho ughIdidn otg r abhe rmes sag ev e rywel lbutthe ns o met hi ngwa sv e rycl ea r;Igo tmyb as ean dmy ba seishapp ywithwhoIam.Whenwegotho met h atday,mumspo kewit hmeandch al le ngemet opu t mor ee f for tbec aus eshekne wIwasnotanol od o( d ul la rd) . P ri maryfou rc a me, Ib eata llo fth em. Ti l lpr i mar ysi x, Id idn otl ea vef ir stp osi ti on( 1st )tot hi rd p osi ti on( 3rd ). WHY?S o meo nerefu sestoco mpa reme .S hejus tb r ough to u tt h elio ninmeandtheatt it udeha sa l ways be enther et i l lnow.Evenmydaddo esn 'tcompar eu swit ha ny one .Mymu m wi l lnev er.S h ewil lrat her ch al le ngeyouwit hhers el formydadc hal l eng ey ouwit hh i mse lf . Thebes ther owec anpres enttoo urch il dr enisou rse lv es,noto neMrJin adu ’ssonord aug hter .Notyo ur fr ie nd’schi ld ren .S to pt h rowi ngt hi schi l dre nt oun nece ssa ryco mpe ti ti on .S t opp utt in gpr ess ureont hemto bewhothe ya r en o t.S TO PI TTO DAY. Tha tladyiss ti llwi thh e rmumi ntha tma r ketse ll i ngp epp er(pl ea sethi sisnottos hamehe r) .An dImo ved ontohavi ngmyma s ter sdegr ee.t h atishowli fewor ks.Eventheguyt h atfi ni sh edfi rs tmo s tofthe ti mesthe n,di dn otfin is hseco ndar ys c hoo l.Istha tno te n oug hless on?ThenWhyAreYouCompa ri ngYo ur Chi l d( ren )?Imag inet h ep er sony o ua rec o mpa ri ngyourchi l d wit he nd edu pa dru ga dd ic to rol os ho (P ros ti tu te) ,sowh atthe n?Wh a t? Ta lkt oyo urc hi ld (r en)wi thb ree di ngc omp eti ti ons pi ri tinh imo rhe r,Al l owt hemb ewh oth eya rea ndn ot wh ats ome onei s .Ih opet hi spa rti sve ryc le ar. 2.S pen dti met oli s tent oyo urc hi ld ren . Wea r einaf a stwo r l dn ow,ever yoneisgoi ngcraz y.Noo n es e emst oevencar ea gai n.Imagi nea ba nkertha tleav eshomea r oun d6:30am,c o mesbackby7:30p m(i fy ouarenotinLago s,i fi t'sLagos i s1a m) . Thi sk ee psrepe ati ngits el fd a il y. Th enwe e kendhejumpsoutlook in gf orwhowi l ldep osi t.O n Su nday,heispre pari ngforMond ayagai n.Iwa nttoaskuss o meth in g..Wh yarewee venwork in gi nthe fi rs tp l ac e?F o rwh atpur pos e?It'sver yb adtolos et h er e aso nf o rt h eh u stl ealo ngt h el i neofhus tli ng . Manywil lle avethatjobonedayandreal i sethe yd on 'th a veah ome.L e arntocrea tetimetoli ste na nd sp endti mewithyourchi l dre n.Evenifit 's30mi nu tesad a y. Li st entot h em,ar e capoft h ei rd ayinscho ol ,t h at'swhenyouwi llk nowifthete ach erta psherb um -bum,ift h eh ou semai dist r yi ngo n en ons ens ewiththem.L e ty o urweeke ndbeforyourf amil y.Ta ke th emo utandpl aywi ththe m.Ma ywo rkn o td es tr oyy ou rhome.All owthe mt a lktoyou,si tdownan d l i sten ,a skthe mq uest io ns,noti ceanyc h ange s,b e for ey oura is esomeevi lpeo pl eathome.Li s tentoth em no wo rtheywon'tli ste nt oyoulat er!. 3.Gi veTh emP ri vac y. Iwi llspe ndsometimeher e.Af ri capare ntsar ev e rypoorwit ht h is .Ib egy o uinGo d'sname,Ify o u ar et oente ry o urc h il dr enroom,k no cka n ds e ekthei rper mis si onbefor eg o in gi n .Th i swi l lall owt h emto ha verespe ctforothe rs’ pri vacy .Th eywil lkno wt ha teveryt hi nginli feisnotbyf o rce .Th eywillkn ow th atpermi ssi oni sn ee dedtoe nte ro t her s’ li fe.Thatwil lhel py o un ottorais ear api st.Be c ause ,t h e mor ey oujustfor cey o urs el fo nt h em,t h emo r et h eywa n tt ofor cet h emse lv eso noth e r s.Th e ywo n 't kn owwh atitmean swh enawo mansaysno,bec aus ethei rownn owasnotres pec tedwheng r owi ngu p . KNO CK. S taya n da s ki fyo us h oul dcomein.Iftheans werisno,neverinyou rli fef orc eyour sel finunl es sy o u s ens ed a ngerth atneed stob eres cued .L e tt h ec h il dseenoa sas i gntha tth eysho ul dstopwhenoth ers s ayn o .Wh enthe ys aymumo rdadIwa n tt obea l on ef o rn ow,le tt h embe .S t opbehav in glik eo n e i ns ecu revampi re .Don'trai seano the ry oup le ase .Ra i seab e tte ry ou 4.H elpTh emBu il dAGo odS el fEs tee mAn dPr i de. Pe opl ea l way ss ayIams t ubbo rna n dId on'tb e g.H on est lyspeak in gIk n ow wher eitc o mesf r om. I h aven e versee nmyd adbeganyonebefo reoveranyth in g( u nl esshema d eami sta kea n ds a ys o rry) .My d add oe sn'tbor ro w,Mymu mdon'tborr owto o .Th eyhavethi sselfres pec tt h atIlovesomuch.Th e y d on'thavemuchbutth esel festeemandpri deisther e.Y o un e edt ohel py o urchi l dre ninthi sa r ea.Also , n everal lo wt he ml o okin fer i ortoo th ers .Asp ooraswewe rethen ,mymu md i da l lhe rb e sttob esur eI a ppea rn e a ti nscho ol ,makessu reIb el on gt owheremyma t esa r e. Ano the rt h in gist owatc hh o wy outa lktot h eminpubl icandi np r i vate .Id o n'tkn owh o wt oexp la inth is wel lbutIk n owita l waysaffe ctth emp s ych olo gi ca ll ywh enthe yg r owu ptoapoi nttha tt h eywil lal ways l ookinf eri ortoo t her s. Thi shasac o nne cti onwit hn umbe r1 t o pi c.Ify o uc o mpa rey o urchi l d( re n)wit h ot her s,itredu cesthe irse lfest eemwhi chcanmakethe mh avein fer i ori tyco mpl exfor eve r. 5.Al l owTh emToKn owTh eTr uthEa rl yInL if e. Ire membe ras to ry,I'mnots urei fAy a nfeOl uwawil lsti l lreme mberduri ngoursec ond arysch oold ays. Amot hertol dherdaugh tert hati fshesl eep swit hama nbefo remarri age ,s hewil ldi e… Theladylat er s l eptwi thag uywhenwewe r einSS1anddidn otd i e… Smil es .Tilldat e,S hedi dn otbel i eveany thi ng h ermumsays .Th a tmo th ergr ewupan o tor io ushu manb e in g.S hewasinmyg a ngthen.Wet hech il dr en o fsch ool4!.Whyt h elie ?Forwha t?Whoa r eyoudece iv in g? Areyoua wa rethatnomatte rwh a ty oudo,yourch il dr enwil lhaveacc esstomor einf orma ti onthanyou do ?C ommon,tel lthe mt h er e al ityandadv is ethemonwhatt odo .S to pt e ll i ngl ie s.Don'tbri ngthemup sc ari ngthemwit hh e avenan dh el l .Theywil ldeb unktho sebul ls hi tonedayandfac ey o uwiththe ori es .S t op te ll i ngt h em wha tisn otav ail ab le .Te l lthe m whatisha ppe ni nganda l l owt h emtofacethetru thearl yin l if e. 6.C rea teTi meF orTh emToL ear nOt herTh in gs. Pl eas e,d o n'tt a key o urc h il dr entos u mmerc l ass .I t sr u bbi sh!!!! Don 'ta l l owy ou rc h il dr eng r owu p wi ths c hoolal one . Duri ngt h eh ol i days , All owt he mp layplen tyb a ll ,v i si tp l ace s,lear nc od in g,l e arn key boar d,l e arnfore xt ra di ng( t hatonef ormy chi ld ren ),learns ax (my k id s) ,l ea rncooki ng , watch ed ucat io nalmovi esandpl ayg a mes.Maket h ei rh o li da yp er io dat imet oseeoth erthi ngsofl if e.Allo wt he m behuman sn o trobot s.Irepea t,n e vertak et he mt osummersch ool.Never .!! 7.Al way sMa keTh emS eeF ami l yFi r st. Al lo wt hemtoe attog eth er,s p eakwithon ea no the ra thome,putth ei de ao ffa mil yfi rstinthe m. WhenIwa sgro win gu p,Iwashe dmys is ter 'scl ot hes ,t oo kc a reoft h em,alwaysh adthe irb ack.Toda y, th eya pp earasmywe akn ess ..Th esetofpeo pl eIc an 'tsayn oto .It hi nktheid eatha twasimpu tedin mewa s“F ami lyFir st ”.An dIaminput ti ngtha tinmyh ome. I nSu mma ry, Bec l ose rtoyou rchi ld rent hanyourjob ,b eav ai lab lewh enthe yn ee dy ou ,beread yt obeagood ex a mpl ea n drol emode lt oyou rchi ld ren . Whenyouarea go odp a ren t,y o uwil lrai segoo dch il dr en. Remember ,wha ty o urai seist here fl ect io no fwhoyo ua r ean dwhaty o uk n ow.Fa mil yfir st . Th anky ouf ory ourt ime . © ADP ,fo rRGA. WH ATREAL LYMATTERS !! Y est erd aya tar oun d10p m,Iwassi tti ngdownwithmyd ai r ya ndlap top .Is witc ho f ft h eg e ner ato r an dp utitonagai n,smil es .Ic an 'treal l yf i gureout2020.Asama t teroff a ctIa ml o stinmany th oug hts .Ic ou ldnotevenfi gur eoutwh atn e edstobed on e.Ma yb eIh avetoomanyt h in gsinmyh ea d. Ar oun d1a m,av oi cecameandsai d"Ju stli vea n ds u rvi veboy".Seemsmya nce sto rsspoketome.Th a t wasi t.J us tli ve,Ithi nkthatisth ere alpla n.L i veandothert hi ngswil lcomeinplac e.S oIsta rte dt h e pl anal loveragai nwit h"Wh atDoIDoToL ive ???".Be f oreIwasd o nea r oun d3a m,Ic ou ldfi gur eo u t man yo th erthi ng s.! Appl yth istore la ti on shi p,Inthelon gr u n,whatre al lymatte rs?Att h ee n dwhatmatt erswil lbe,ama n orwoma ny o ucanspe ndt h er e stofy o urli fewi th .Mo stofthetimewhenweju mpint or el at io nshi p,we l eavebe hi ndwhatre al lyma t ter sandf o cusonwh atwillfa dea wayorwhatcanfad ea way.Tak eyo ur mum'sp ic tur eof30y ear sa g oa n dc o mpar ehert on o w.Th atsho ul dt e lly ouhowyou rf ut urel ook.! Th erea reb asi cth in gsIa lwa ysc hec k. 1.C ant hi sma npr ovi def ort hef ami l y? 2.I sher ead ytoa ctu al lyl ea dmeo n? Tome ,t h osearet het hi ng sthatrea ll yma t ter sbe for ewep u tothe rth in gsi n.Tob ec and idwi thy ou, h ei gh t,br eas t,v o ic eet c.mi ghta ctua ll yf r eakyou,b utreme mbert heymi ghtn eve rla staf teral l . F our(4)year sb a ck,ifIh a veprop ose dt oanyofyouher e,y ouwil lab useme.Iwa srou ghandt i r ed, e spe ci al lywhenIc a meb ac kf r omk a tsi naDamil ol asa wt hepi ctu res .Myc o lo urcomb in ati onwaserro r,my h eadwasli ket h att h in gi nL o rdoft h er i ng s.Mye ye bal llo oksli kead ru m.Id on 'tlikemyse lfwhenI s eethos epic tur esIs wea r.Al lIhav et he nwa smybra inandski ll s.Noth in gg o odloo kin g.O n lybrai nand s ki ll s,not hi ngmore.Butn ow,y o urjud gemen to fmewi llbedi ffe ren t. Idi dnotsta rtli kethi s.Io n cetol dy o ut h atal a dysa id"ADP ,g oandwor ko nyo urs el fandbl ow, whe ny o uhavemone yc o meb a ck".Temisai dthattome,Iwasha ppysh esai ditandItoo kt h ata dvic e wi thjoy .Y ea rsla ter ,s h ec a meb a ckt oaskmef o r#5, 000,Idi dnotgi veherth emo n ey.To day, al lherj udg emen twaswrong,shewasre all ywrong . S omyd e ar,yo urbo yfr i endca n'tc omb in ec o lo rs ,g i veh imtimeandhel phi m wo rko nit .Hedo esn ot k nowh owt owa lk,h el ph i mout .Hedoes n'thav ebigc hes t,int rod ucehi mtotheg ym.On cey ous ee wha tma t ter sinama no rawo ma n,k i nd lyhe lpthe ma chi ev et heseco nda ry.F o cusont hepri mar yg oa l fi r st.Til ldat eIa msti l lroug h,Id o n'tcar eabo utclo the s.Nap e rso ndeyshou tf o rmyheadsaymakeI dr esswel l .!Ic anwea ra n ythi ng ,Namo ne yId e yf i nd.Iwilladvi ceyouaga in ,F ocu sonwha tma t ter s. Bec aus etimecanch ang ea nyman,anyo necanc han geg u ys,a ny onecan. Toth oseo fy o upe ndi ngsomeo nepr opo salbe caus eth eg uylo oksl ik ee l eg bede( chi mpa nze e),L etmea sk y o u .Doest hi sguyh aspro spec t?Ish es o und ?I sheh ard wor ki ng?Ifyes ,t h in kagai n. Mos tf i neboy,n afu ckbo ythembe.O s hi omo len of i nebu tmone ysp eaks .Th el ad yisno tac tua ll ythe pr obl em mos tt i mes .Doy o useetho sepan elofJud ascal l edfr i end s,es pec ia ll ythemos tug lyo ne,tho se ar et h ep e opl ey o usho ul dpu tinfi repra yer s. © ADP ,fo rRGA. GETTI NGAMI LLI ONAI RE’SATTENTI ON. Man yo fush avepo orap pro ach ,e s pec ia ll ywh e nwea r et r yi ngt og etc lo sertot hepe opl eofc a li be rs . Reme mberth eyd on'tn eedyo u,y o uneedthem!.Th erear esomeb asi cfac tstha tmus tbesett le dinyour he art: 1.Mi l l ion ai re sdo n'th avet ime , 2.Th eyd on'tg ivea tte nti ont owh atwo n'tg ivet hemr etu rn( s) , 3.Th eyl oo kfo rpr ofi tina llme eti ng s, 4.Th eyv al uet ime , 5.Th eyp ref ert hei rcy cle , 6.Th eya rea lla bou tbu si ne ss, 7.Th eyl ov eso met hi ngb ri efa ndy etd eta il ed , 8.Th eyd on'ts eekf orf ri en dsh ipb utp art ner sh ip , 9.Th eyl ov ecl as san dsu bst anc e. Ha vin gt hi sund ers tan di ngsho ul dh e lpustok no wh o wt oappr oachmil l i ona ir es .WhenIsaymi ll i ona ir es ,I mea np e opl ethatarebus yespe ci al lybus i nes sme n .Ime ani nf lu ent ialpe opl e,Imeanp eop let hath aveab a se th eycontr ol .It'sap o orth in gt ogotopeop lein boxandb es a yin g: H isir ,H o wi smada m? H opeyo uha vee ate n.H owi swo rks i r?H owa rey ourc hi ld ren ? Wh ati syo ur b usi ne ssa boutal lth at?Wh at? Tho seques ti onssh oul dbeas kedwhe nthemano rwoma nisa tho mewi thy ou.Wh oha sti mef ora llt hat no nse nse ?P eo pl earebus y.Howdoyouap pro achth em? Goo da f ter noo ns i r .Myn amei sADP,Iamt hele ade rofP HI DCON.Myc omp anydea lswit hinve stme ntan d Itho ugh to fprop osi ngthi sbus i nes st oyo ub ec aus eIk no wi twil lben efi ty o ua n dy ou rc o mpan y.I fyo u do n'tmind , Iwi l lsen dy ouad e tai l edpro pos alonh o w weo pe rat ea n dwh atthebenef it sa r e. Iwi ll ap pre ci atei fy oudro py ou remai lwi thmesothatIcansen dt h emt oyou rma i l .Thanks ADP P HIDC ONTe amL ead er. N.B:( Tha t’si fyo uar eme eti ngo nl in e). Bu tifi t'sp hys i calme eti ng ,Dot hef ol lo win g. 1.N e veri ny ou rli fefi xyou rf i r stmee ti ngo nt heroa d!L o okf orav er yg o odandexp ens iv eh o tel ,bo ok ap l ac ea n di n vi tehi mt odi nn er.Aladyd i dthi sformea ta lau saikej a,shenee dedmy ser vi ce,sh e bo okedad i nn erwit hmea tChi ne sere sta ura nt,ver ye xp ens i vea ndc l as si c.Ther eandthenshegotva lu e fo rt h atfro mme . 2. Makei tst ri ct lybus i nes sme et in g : Wh enyoumeett hem, makei tpu rel ybu si ne ssme eti ng . Af ter co ncl us io nyo ucanbr in ginpe rso nalstu ffs .Buta tfir st ,Bus in essonl y. 3.Ti meth eme e ti ng: On ceamil l i ona ir eseetha ty o udo n'th av ere spe ctf ort imet heyt endt osl ow do wnfr omyou .Timet heme eti ng ,on ehourd in ner .L e titb e1ho ur!. 4.Ma kes ureh eg o tv a lu efo rth eti mes pen twi thy ou:O nceami l l ion ai res ens eth att heyc ang etmo re fr omy out heyco meclo ser . Re membe rIu s edthewor d"mil l io nai re "t oca ptu repeopl ethatcanhe lpy ou.Lear nt ova lu ethe ma nd makesu rey o uresp ectt hei rpe rso n. Don 'tju sttel lp e opl et omeetyoua to n eb u ss t opfori mpo rta nt st uff .Do n 'tjus td oan yho wonwh ats appwh enspea kin gwi t hp e opl eth atmat ter s.It'sgo odyouknow th at. Whe nlook in gu pt omil l i ona ir es,t heyc ansn uby o u,the yca nev ens hou taty ou,t heyc anma key ouma d. Bu tt h en,don 'tgi veupandke epmo vi ngaft erthe m. Iwi l lro undu pwi ths i mpl eex amp le . Le t'ssayyouwan ttob einADPcir cl e,Everydayyouke epsend in gme;H o wareyous i r?Ho wisyou r wi fe?Howthi sandth at?..,WellIwil lke epanswe ri ngyo ub u tt h entru stme,Iwo n'tpa yth atde si re d at ten ti onco mpar edtoso meonewhosen dsmeq u al it yd e al san dinfo rmat io n A mon thago,Ag uysen tmeap ro pos al .I twasad ea lIc ou ldnotrej ect . Is awtheval ueandI i mmed ia tel yd r agh i mint omyc i rc le .S omeo nefromheres entmes o mea g ri cul tu ralstu ffsaweekago,I c oul dn 'treje ctthedeal .Thet r uthistha t,y oucan 'ten tersomeci rc leifyoudon'tbri ngval ueo nthe t abl e.Theeasi es twa ytobre akintoamill i ona ir ecir cl eist oc o mewithav al uethe yc an 'trej ec t. Andthebestandfas tes twa ytobec omeami l li on ai reistob ei nmi l l i o n ai reci rc le .I fdan gotegra nty o u 30mwillhewanttosi twithyoua gai nt o morr ow?Mosttimeswh enwec o mpl ai npeop lear en o tloo kin gf o r us ,I tjus th a ppe nsth atthesamep eopl eareinsomepeo pl eDM wa i ti ngf o rres pon se.Ithi nkhumanbei ng s nat ura ll ymo v et o war dswher etheyc anb e nef itmor et h anwh e reth eywillbeth eh o st.It sli feIg u ess !. © ADP ,fo rRGA. L ANDI NGY OURF IRS TMI LLI ONWI THE-C OMMERC E. Ia mdo in gth isi npr epa ri ngt hef ewt hatwi l lta ket hi sad van tag etol an dth ei rfi r stmi l l ioni n2020. L et'ss tar tbyd efi ni ngwh atC omme rcei s . C ommer ceissi mpl yb u yin gandsel li ng ..It'sassi mpl ea sth at.Youbuyan dyousel lthe nmakepr ofi tor l os s,eit herwayy ouarest il lin vol vedi nc o mmerc e. Ni ger i as e llpe tro le umtoAmer i caa n dbuy sc h oco la te f romEngl and .Ama nbuyst omato esfro mKa d unaandsel latOsog bo.AmanbuysweedatWar rian ds e ll a tAb u ja,it 'scommer ce.Al larein vol ve dincommer ce. Nowt a lki ngabou te-commer ce,thetwi stisthe"e"b ehi ndi t.Thatchan gesthemeani ngalit tl e.It mean sc omme rcenowtur nst oel ect ron icc ommer ce.Itme ansyo udon'thavetot r avelfr om Kad unato Warr ibefor ey o ud oi t.Itme a nsitcanh appe no nyo urp hon eorla ptop .Itme a nsy o uc a nk n ow wha tis hap pen in ga tNige ri apo rtf r omy o urroo m,Itmeansyo uca nb ei nAkur ea n dg e tg o odsfro mC h in at osel l . Be for ewemo veo n,t her eiso nep ri mar ypr i nci pl eyo umu stu nde rst and . Co mmerc eisaboutbu yin ga n ds e ll i ng.E-co mmer cei sa b outbuyi nga nds e ll i ngu s i ngyou rph oneo rlapt op. Th ereisa gene ralmi sta kef r omp e opl edoi nge-c ommer ce. Weth ink “it'sthei deao fb u yin gj u st an yth in g.S t opthathab it .Ma ki ngmil l io nswi the-c ommer cehasaskil l .Iwi llop eny oure yestoitnow an dhowy o uc a nd oi t. E-c omme rcei sab outt hre eth in gs: 1.Se arc hi ngp hys i calp rod uct sth ats ol vep rob le msf orp eop leo rhe lpt hemg etc lo sert oth ei rde si re smo stl y fr omChi na . 2.Bu yin gth epr odu cta tth elo wes tco stp oss i ble . 3.U si ngag eni usma rke ti ngme tho dtos el lth emf orag oodRO I. Rea dthi sth reet hi ng s,wr i teth emd o wn,memo ri sethe m.O ncey ouf ai lina nyo fth eset hre e,y oure - co mmer cewo n'tb esucc ess ful .Quot emea n ywhe re!. Iwi l lth ene xpl ai non eaf tert heo the r: 1.Sear chi ngforaprod ucttha ts o lv esap ro bl emorh e lpp eop legetcl os ertothei rd e si res:Thisisali ttl e ha rdandit'snot .It'sallabo uto b ser vat io n.Letmeg i vey o uag oo de xa mpl e.L adi esspe ndal o to n be aut y,t he ywa n tt oapp earacc ept abl eint h esoci et y,theywanttolookcl ass i cy etwithche apmoney. I fy o uc ansol vethi syouwil lma k emi l l io ns.Let 'ss a yy o uh a vea c ces st oac ompa nyt h atsel lsor ig in al ha irandit 'schea p.Ig i vey ouju st6mo n thst oma keyoufi rstmi ll io n.L e t'ss a yy oucanhel ppeopl e ge tprodu ctsth atwil lmakethe ml o sewe i gh t,inaf ewmon thsyouwi llmakemil l i ons. Letmee xpl ai nf u rth er,ther eisap r oduc tc al l edy o nipear l .Th i sprod uctclea nsvagi na,dealwit hitc hi ng vag ina , s mel l in gv agi naetc.Ih a veseenpeo pl ema keal i vi ngsel l in gt h isprod uct.Twoo fthe ma reher e. The reisa no the rp ro ductcal l edb a reli ft. Th ispro ducthel psy o uwe a rs omec l ot heswit houtbraandsti ll pa ckageyourb o obyp o in ti ngt othewol rd.Someon eb ou ghtac arsel l i ngt hi s.An o the rp r odu ctcal ledna no sc ree ng ua rd.Ib ough tt h isfro mo neofmys tude nts ,t hescr eenguar dp ro tec tsphon ef r oms c ratc hi ngor br eaki ng.S o meonep a idscho olfeesfr oms el l in gt hi s. Al lt h ep r odu ctsme n ti onedabov eh assomet hi ngin co mmon;It'seit hertheyhel ppeop leso lv eap robl emorh e lpthe mg etcl ose rt othei rdre ams. L et'sbrea ki tdo wnf ur the r, whe np e opl eseeap rod uctthats ol vesthe irpro bl ems, mo sttimest hey d on'tcar ea bo utth ep r ic e.T ha tiswhyy ouwi llse ep e opl edoi ngol os hoforIp hon eo rhu manh a ir .H u man d esi re sa r ea l wayss tro nga n dt hati swhaty o us h oul dcapi tal i zeon .O th erpro duc tsinc lu desli mmin gbel t, s tomac hbel t,s o mepan ti esthathel pfatpeo pl eloo ks l i me tc . U set woa ppr oac hes: A.Ei th erl oo kfo rpe opl e'sp rob le man dlo okf orap rod uctt hatwi l lso lv eit O r B.L ookf orap rod ucta nds eekwh ati twi l lso lv e. 2.Bu yi ngThePro duc tsAttheLowe stPr i ces:Iwi l lgi vey ou3s i teswh erey ouc ang ets omeo fth e pr odu ctsandmor eforlowp ri cepo ssi bl e. H ereIwi l lta lka bou tth oses i tes . We ha ve Al ib aba , Al i exp res s, Tabo a,J D.c om, ma jor l yfo rel ec tro ni cs ,168 8.c om. P ers ona ll y Iu se al i exp res sand1688.Ius edJDo n ce. WhatId oi st h is ,Iwi l lch eckthepr odu cto utona l i exp res sa n dg ol ookfori to n1688.Mo s tti mesit's ch eape ra t1688. S oal wayslo okforwhe retheprod uctische ape ra n dg e ti tth ere. Re memb era sa Ni ger ian ,y oucan'tmakepu rch asedi r ect lyon1688,youneedaC h in esepe rso ntoh e lpyoudothat .My co mpanyDig ivi l l eg o tyoucov ere do nt hat . 3.U seane ffe cti vema rke ti ngs tr ate gie st osell:I fyous a vemyn umbe ra n dv i ew mys t atus ,a tt end my cla sse s, watchmy Y o uTubev i de os,b yn ow market in gs hou ldnotb ey ourpro bl em. It a lka b out mar k e ti nga l mostever yd ay. Att i mes,y oumightneedtos el lsomet h in gsp h ysi cal l ya n da tt i messel l on li ne.Buta nyo ney o uc hoos e,a l wayst a rgetlarg ea ud ie nce.H o wd oIme an?Wh a tIa ms a yin gi sthi s , as sumi ngIwa n tt osellinFUTA,t het o talpopul at io ni saro und25,000s t ude nts .Is hou ldmakeu pmy mi ndt h att h ispro duc twi l lbes ol dtoa tleas t5,000s t ude ntsont h iscampu s.S owhatdoId o ?Iwi l luse al lme d iu mt or ea chou ttot hem.As s umi ngIs o ldap ro ductof1000n ai rato5,000p eop lethatis5 mi ll i on.Ke epsayi ngIt'sn o tp oss i bleorIt'snote as y.P over tyise a syr i ght ?Wh atify o ut ar getyour ch urchormo s que?Wha tify o ut arge ty ourcommuni ty ?Ih a ven ev erma demone yi nanyeasywa y .My fi rs tmi l l io nd oe sn o tc omee as y.Ima delo sse s,s uf fer ,e nte rh e llandcomeb a ck.AllIama fte rish o w toendpover tya sfara sthema t terisle git . ADPb al ls . No w,r unt hi sth in gasp rop erb usi ne ss. A.St artwi thh ugeaudi en ce.Fi tn ess ,b ab ie s(moms ),s ex,wo men 'sf ash io n,s ki nca re,e qui pme ntse tc. Ma kesur eyo uraud ie ncei sv e ryl ar gea n dwide, B.L ookf orc hal l eng esp eop leg avei nth atma rke t, C .Fi ndp rod uct sth ats ol vet hem, D.Ge tita tle astp oss i blec ost , E. C rea teamar ket in gchan nelwit hco nsi s ten cy,F ace boo k,I G, Y ouTu be, Go ogl e, Bl og s,Twi tt ere tc.I wi l lsugg estI Gan dFBf o ras ta rt. F .Se llt oth em, G.S el ltot hema gai n. Y oucaneve ntaketh isb usi ne sstoan oth erl eve lbycar vi ngabr andn ame .Lo okf orc omp ani est hatc an c ust omi zet hepro duc tso nyourbra ndn ameandmakei tun iq ue. No wta keap en,wr i tei tdo wna spa rto fyo ur2020g oal s ,wi tht hos eti psy ouwi l lbef in e. O naf i na lnote,youc ansel loth erthi ng sli keb a gs,sho esetc .Butthen,itmig htbeas l ow wa yt o ma kin g mil l io nsa n dital way sr eq ui resbi gc a pi tal . Ise llsho esandi tre q ui re sc a pi tal . Mo stofwh a tI me nti on ede ar li erdoe snotreq ui re muc hc ap it al .Y oucank i cksta rt wi tha slo wa s#15,000 or #20,000. Forexa mpl e,50ofNanoscr eenguar dd o esn 'twei gh2kgan de a chissol dfor#1,500andabo veinthe mark et.Ifyoucandothema t hsy o uwi l lse ethepro fi t. Ma kes u rey o ugoforsomet hi ngli ghtand he lp ful .Isaw ache mic als omed aysago ,l i keaspr ay,Itre move scarstai nsa ndscr atc hesi nseco nds .I mi ghtlo okin toth atforne xty ea r. © ADP ,fo rRGA.
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