4 Conclusion All studied sensors offer high accuracy. Their respective drawbacks are shown in Table III. Although magnetometers are viable for indoor and outdoor parking spots, they are too expensive to feasibly deploy on a city-wide scale. Ultrasonic sensors are significantly less expensive, but are constrained to indoor deployment. The vision based-approach in [6] has no additional scalability costs. Although it is not viable for indoor parking facilities with low ceilings, it can feasibly monitor a city’s outdoor parking stock by making use of the extensive existing CCTV networks of many cities. The time-to-operation of all three types of sensors is too minimal to realistically delay operation. As seen in Table III, both proximity sensors have efficiency score of 1 vehicle/sensor, whereas cameras have significantly higher efficiency of 10-65 vehicles/sensor. The bottleneck for the camera efficiency is the number of parking spots typically visible in CCTV footage, not the visual recognition software. TABLE III Summary on accuracy, scalability and efficiency findings for each type sensor type studied The ultrasonic sensor is clearly more scalable than the magnetometer, with equivalent accuracy and efficiency, however it is constrained to indoor application. Furthermore, the advantages of the camera significantly outweighs its trivial drawbacks. It is significantly more efficient and scalable than its proximity counterparts, with comparable accuracy. It is however constrained to outdoor application. As such, this study suggests that the most feasible city-wide parking monitoring solution would leverage two distinct sensor types to account for differing parking environments. For indoor parking facilities, ultrasonic sensors are best suited. 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