Operation Steganography Flag In this thread, I will teach anons how to embed secret messages into Gay Pride Flags. If you're interested in learning about steganography (the practice of hiding a secret message in plain view), get in here! If you're tired of the 24/7 promotion of LGBTQ+XYZ lifestyles and want to push back with humor and irony, get in here! “Operation Steganography Flag” will teach you how to co-opt the very symbol of the gay pride movement – their rainbow-colored flag – and use it for your own nefarious purposes. Pic related is one example of this. On the surface, it looks like a Gay Pride Flag. But look deeper into the HEX color values embedded in the flag. For each color in the flag, simply discard any “00” or “FF” values, and whatever remains is the HEX code for a letter, number or symbol in your secret message. > 47 72 6F 6F 6D 72 > G r o o m r “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 1 Background On May 27, 2022, someone on /pol/ suggested: “It would be a good idea to create a [steganographic] ‘pride flag’ generator so [we] can communicate covert messages…on places like twitter…” He mentioned that something like this had already been done over a decade ago with "The Free Speech Flag". https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/379868393/#379875775 The creator of “The Free Speech Flag” combined HEX values from a cryptographic key (a so-called “illegal number”) into HEX color codes to make a colored flag. Computer-savvy users in possession of the flag could reverse engineer the HEX color codes to obtain the cryptographic key; with this key, they could (illegally) copy HD DVDs and Blu-ray Discs. https://archive.ph/ceN62 After reading about this project, I wondered whether I could do something similar within the color constraints of the LGBTQ+ Gay Pride Flag. More than anything, I wanted a system that was easy for normies to grok (without any of the computer science complexities that are part of many steganographic approaches to embedding secret messages in images). “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 2 Early Observations I studied the HEX color codes in the baseline Gay Pride Flag and saw that several color bars contained the HEX codes “00” and/or “FF” as shown in pic related. If I could come up with a simple mechanism for expressing the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo in which each color bar used exactly two combinations of “00” and/or “FF”, then it would be trivially easy to reserve the third HEX value in the color bar for a secret letter, number or symbol. “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 3 A Workable Solution After some experimentation, I came up with a workable solution. Using this system, anons need only do the following to decode the secret character in a color bar: 1. Get the 6-digit HEX color code for a given color bar 2. Strip off / discard any pairs of codes that are either “00” or “FF” 3. Whatever remains is the HEX value for the secret character 4. Look up the HEX value in a character table 5. Rinse & repeat for all the other color bars in the flag Pic related shows the basic system I've developed for rendering a facsimile Gay Pride Flag in which each color bar has a reserved spot for a single secret character (in this example, for the secret letter “X” which is equivalent to the HEX code '58'). Infographic: Spoofing the Gay Pride Flag “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 4 Solution Details The unique HEX color code pattern for each of the core and alternate Gay Pride Flag colors is shown adjacent to each color bar. There are a total of 12 unique patterns. The two dots in each pattern are placeholders for the HEX code you can use for your secret letter, number or symbol. The example below is for the color red. |FF00..| => To embed the capital letter “X”, replace the 2 dots “..” with HEX value [58] Note that there are three distinct groups of colors that emerged from my experiments: 1. Core colors that roughly correspond to the six colors in the baseline Gay Pride Flag 2. Two alternate colors for green, and one each for light blue and magenta that can be used on an as-needed basis (more details to follow) 3. Two unused colors for dark red and dark blue; these colors are too dark to be used on a Gay Pride Flag Anecdote: The secret letter “X” in the Gay Pride Flag Template infographic is an oblique reference to Edgar Allen Poe's short story “X-ing a Paragrab” https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/X-ing_a_Paragrab “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 5 HEX Color Code Primer There are many sites on the Internet that describe HEX color codes, such as: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors Below is a short summary for anons who are not programmers. • HEX color codes use hexadecimal values to describe the red, green, and blue (or RGB) components of a color • HEX codes can represent decimal values in the range of 0 to 255 • Since each color component can have one of 256 different values, there are a total of 256 x 256 x 256 (or 16.7 million) colors available • The smallest HEX value is “00” – for colors, this represents the absence of a color component • The largest HEX value is “FF” – for colors, this represents a fully saturated color component • HEX color code values on websites always begin with the "#" pound (or hash) character • The HEX color code for: o pure black is: #000000 – black means there are NO colors in any channel o pure white is: #FFFFFF – white means ALL color channels are fully saturated o pure red is: #FF0000 o pure neon green is: #00FF00 o pure blue is: #0000FF The website https://encycolorpedia.com/00ff00 lets you play around with different HEX color values – just change the six digits at the end of the URL. “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 6 Character Table for HEX Codes Pic related shows the HEX codes for the letters A-Z and a-z, the numbers 0-9, as well as a variety of special characters (like punctuation symbols) you might want to use in your own flag. There are also two special characters that anons can use: the 'SPACE' [20] character to add a space between words; and the 'DEL' key [7F] to pad out short words. “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 7 Special Note: Words Shorter than 6 Characters, and Using Spaces in Messages To embed a word or message that is less than 6 characters, you need to pad out your message with placeholder values at the end of the word or phrase. Pic related is an example of this. The secret word embedded in the flag is “Pedos” which is a 5-character word. To account for the 6th color bar in the flag, the HEX value for the 'DEL' key [7F] has been used to render the indigo-colored bar (#7F00FF). Similarly, to embed a space character in your message, you can use the HEX value [20] for this purpose. Be sure to experiment with both the [7F] and the [20] HEX codes to see which value gives you the best color match. However, when decoding these values, simply replace these HEX codes with a space (for 20) or with nothing (for 7F). > pic related: Pedos Flag “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 8 Special Note: Words Longer than 6 Characters To create secret messages longer than 6 characters, you need to add a color bar at the end of the flag for each extra character. In pic related, I have used the magenta bar (#FF..FF) for the 7th character, but there are other alternate colors available (including 2 different shades of green and a light shade of blue). Experiment to see which ones work best for your secret message. Keep in mind that if you add additional color bars to your fake Gay Pride Flag, it will be easier for SJWs to identify your flag as a spoof. > pic related: Groomer Flag “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 9 HTML Template File Anons wishing to generate their own Steganographic LBGTQ+ Flags can use the following HTML code as a template. Pic related is a snapshot of an HTML template for generating a “Pedos” Flag (padded out with a 'DEL' [F7] key at the end). Type in the code from pic related, then save the file as 'steg-flag-template-1.htm' The CSS selectors in this HTML file support 6-bar & 7-bar flags, with additional support for a 2:3 aspect ratio (this is the default) and a 1:2 aspect ratio. To create a 7-bar flag, replace the CSS class 'bars6' with 'bars7' “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 10 Examples: Hitler, Nazis, Donald, Racist & Nigger Flags The next five example flags all contain loaded trigger words that have become bloated with meaning due to deliberate overuse and hyperbole. For more than 6 years, the public has been told “Trump is literally Hitler!”, “Trump is worse than Hitler!”, “All Trump supporters are Nazis!” and white people are inherently racists. The public has also been told that while it's OK for black people – especially black rappers and entertainers – to constantly refer to themselves as 'niggers', it is NOT OK for white people to use this language. I reject this faulty line of reasoning and doublespeak and have therefore chosen to feature these five trigger words as secret messages in “Operation Steganography Flag”. For 6 years, I have had to listen to Libtards, SJWs, and BLM thugs calling me (or people like me) a fascist, a Nazi, and a racist. It's about time that I return the favor by using their own words against them, secretly hidden inside their precious flag. > pic related: Hitler Flag > pic related: Nazis Flag “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 11 > pic related: Donald Flag > pic related: Racist Flag > pic related: Nigger Flag “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 12 Tips & Tricks Sometimes, when assembling a spoofed flag, one or more color bars will either be too dark or too light to look believable. If this happens, consider swapping in one of the alternate colors or even substituting, say, magenta for the indigo bar. There are also two alternate flavors of lime green that you could substitute for the dark green bar. However, as already noted, if you use non-standard color bars in your Gay Pride Flag, it will be easier for SJWs to identify your flag as a spoof. A simple workaround for some flags is to replace uppercase letters with lowercase ones (or vice versa). For example, the abbreviation “NAMbLA” (the infamous North American Man-boy Love Association) actually renders better when spelled as “nambla”. Random 6-Letter Flags > pic related: Tranny Flag > pic related: Pepe! Flag “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 13 Spoofing the Progress Rainbow Flag The notes and instructions in this thread relate to the original Gay Pride Flag, but there's another popular variant of this flag called the “Progress Rainbow Flag” that also includes the colors white, pink, light blue, brown, and black in a triangle along the left-hand side of the flag. Anons wishing to spoof this variant can combine the encoding rules for the Gay Pride Flag with the instructions from pic related below. Notes: • All rules for the Core Baseline Colors in the original Gay Pride Flag still apply • The values for white (#FFFFFF) and black (#000000) may NOT be changed, and cannot be used to embed secret characters • The value for the pink bar is a saturated magenta (#FF..FF), rather than the muted pink in the Progress Rainbow Flag • The value for the light blue bar (#..FFFF) is one of the alternate colors for the Gay Pride Flag • The value for brown (#..3300) introduces a new unchangeable HEX code [33] to the mix (#..3300) – this value needs to be stripped out during decoding (along with “00” and “FF”) • The Progress Rainbow Flag gives anons a total of nine (9) slots for embedding secret characters Infographic: Spoofing the Progress Rainbow Flag “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 14 Alternatives: OK, Groomer! And Ping Pong Pizza Flags Since this project was, in part, inspired by “The Free Speech Flag” project, I created a completely different version of a steganographic flag using the HEX codes for the term: > OK, Groomer! > 4F 4B 2C 20 47 72 6F 6F 6D 65 72 21 > O K , G r o o m e r ! To decode this flag, simply extract the HEX values for each color, taking everything “as is” and discarding nothing. Concatenate everything from left to right or from top to bottom depending on the orientation of the flag. These flags can contain many more characters (even short sentences), but unfortunately all the colors will be in the same range of grays, blues, purples, and army greens. If you spot a shill on 4chan defending groomers, you can simply post the “OK, Groomer!” flag from pic related to respond non-verbally to the shill. Here’s another example of a flag using this mechanism that spells “Ping Pong Pizza”. “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 15 Cryptographic Hash The SHA512 hash fragment for “Operation Steganography Flag” is 'D5680F37'. If there is ever the need to prove provenance for this operation, I will provide the human-readable cryptographic key that was used to generate 'D5680F37' (which are the first 8 characters of the full 128-character SHA512 hash). “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 16 Parting Thoughts for The Haters Critics and naysayers might ask themselves: “Why did this anon waste all his time dreaming up and documenting a mechanism to trigger members of the LGBTQ+ community by making spoofed and fake Gay Pride Flags with hidden messages? Doesn't he have better things to do?” First, how I spend my free time is MY business, not yours. Second, I am strong believer in letting individuals organize their own lives in whatever way they see fit. If, for example, a biological male wants to surgically remove his penis and lead his life pretending to be a woman, that's his business, not mine. But I will not march in HIS parade, and I will not 'celebrate' his uniqueness. Similarly, I refuse to play the pronoun game. LGBTQ+ individuals are free to call themselves whatever they want. But don't start telling ME what words I can or cannot use; or, indeed, what words I MUST use. “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 17 (Don’t) Let Them Eat Pizza It's one thing for members of the LGBTQ+XYZ community to want to lead their lives in their own way; it's another thing altogether when, for example, a transgendered adult tries to normalize, encourage and even promote behavior that many people (including anons, normies, non-NPCs, and even some members of the LGB community) consider to be aberrant and degenerate – things like self-mutilation, gender fluidity, or the grooming of underage children who are too young to know the difference between what is natural and what is against nature. And so, in the middle of Pride Month when I am being inundated with rainbow flags from {{theMedia}}, {{advertisers}}, {{socialMediaGiants}} and {{thePowersThatBe}}, I decided to spend my free time creating an easy mechanism for anons and like-minded people to co-opt {{their}} symbol (in true 4chan style) and turn it against {{them}} by hiding contrarian messages in plain sight...for the lulz. > pic related: Pizza Flag “Operation Steganography Flag” Page 18
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