Caleb Lesa Presents... The High-Ticket Close Script from “Scale with Sales” (want help with sales? Click me) Intro - Setting the Frame Please Watch Video for Voice Tone Example: HEY ____ My names _____ Lovely to meet ya.. How’s your morning/afternoon been? My role today is quite simple, it’s to figure out where you are now and where you want to be 12 months from now and assess whether or not you’re a fit for our program… cool? if you’re not fit for us right now I’ll let you know and we’ll part as friends and if you are a fit we’ll talk about the next steps from here, sound good? Couple of quick house-keeping bits and pieces first, just letting you know in advance we’ll be asking some pretty thought provoking questions and we’ll be on the phone for about 45 minutes is that okay with you? Phase 1: Build Future Logic Out Wonderful tell me a little about what’s going on in your business at the moment.. Okay let's look at Business Goals - Clients / Revenue / Anything else 12 months from now? (Start expanding the logic to other areas of life) If these things started growing do you think they’d have an impact on other areas of your life, perhaps relationship or health? What about travel… say we double your revenue and free up more time? (Ultistion + Acknowledge) Tell me more? / How so? / Got it / Okay that sounds awesome Phase 2: Associate Emotion (Softener Prime) Okay so we’ve nailed the logic it’s actually less common to talk about emotions on these calls BUT it’s important to talk about it so we can best serve you - If you achieved all those goals… what would that mean to you? / How would that feel? What would that be like for you? (Ultistion + Acknowledge) Tell me more? / How so? / Got it / Okay awesome Want help with your sales? >>click here<< to find out more about Scale with sales Caleb Lesa Presents... The High-Ticket Close Script from “Scale with Sales” (want help with sales? Click me) Phase 3: The Switch to Negative Consequences (Softener Prime) Hey so this is going to sound like a strange question but it’s important to get really clear on why this is important to you... What’s on the line if you DON’T achieve this? Prime 2 (if they still don’t get there) Hey so I know I'm probably labouring the point here and these questions might even seem a little strange but without them we truly can’t figure out whether or not we can help you… What’s like look like if you stay stuck here… Really? (Ultistion + Acknowledge) Tell me more? / How so? / Got it / Okay Phase 4: Building Logical Consequence + Pain ey this might not be the case for you, but what we’ve found in some (Prescription Primes) H of the clients we’ve worked with is that they eventually reach a form of [INSERT COMMON PROBLEM] does this resonate? (Ultistion + Acknowledge) Tell me more? / How so? / How Specifically is it playing out for you? / Got it / Okay that sucks (Softener Prime) Again this isn’t the case for everyone but in a lot of the clients we’ve found that they didn’t have the [INSERT COMMON PROBLEM]… does this resonate? Do you mind sharing a little how that’s playing out for you in your business? Or how NOT solving this problem could affect different areas of your life? (Ultistion + Acknowledge) Tell me more? / How so? / How Specifically is it playing out for you? / Got it / Okay that sucks etc Phase 5: Building Emotional Pain (Prescription Primes) Might not be the case for you but few of the clients who’ve applied for this program have suggested that these problems have left them feeling [INSERT COMMON PROBLEM]… does that resonate? (Ultistion + Acknowledge) Tell me more? / How so? / Has that ever played out for you? Got it / Okay that sucks Want help with your sales? >>click here<< to find out more about Scale with sales Caleb Lesa Presents... The High-Ticket Close Script from “Scale with Sales” (want help with sales? Click me) (Softener Prime) Okay so the next questions are probably going to feel a little strange to try on, but the only reason why I’m asking is so that we can be CRYSTAL clear that we can actually help your business… how do you imagine you’d feel if your business stayed stuck in this same place for the next 2-3 years? Do you think it would be possible if you felt this way it would affect any other areas of your life like relationships or health? (Ultistion + Acknowledge) Tell me more? / How so? / Got it / Okay that sucks Phase 6: Amplify + Build the Pain Stack (Softener Prime) Okay so the next questions you’ve probably not thought of, and your first response is likely to be “I’ll never let that happen” and your mind won’t want to go there but these answers are even more critical on getting clear on why the change is important to you.. (here we need to tie together the logical and emotional pain and amplify with time) Let’s say none of the above changes because “if nothing changes, then nothing changes” how do you think you’d be or be coping with another 2-3 years of this? And how specifically would it affect relationship / money / health etc Phase 7: The Pain Bomb (here we summarise ALL Pain and ask a DOOZY question) (Softener Prime) Okay so let's just take a moment to take stock… in Summary ABC emotion and ABC logic seem to be the greatest problems have we got that right? Okay one final question before we move on… it’s very unlikely that it would ever get this bad but let's just wave a magic wand and pretend it would… if ABC and XYZ were happening how specifically is that a problem for you? (Acknowledge) yep got it, that definitely would suck… (pause for a moment to let pain boom go off) Want help with your sales? >>click here<< to find out more about Scale with sales Caleb Lesa Presents... The High-Ticket Close Script from “Scale with Sales” (want help with sales? Click me) Phase 8: The Future Pace (summarise all the goodies from phase 1 and reconfirm pleasure - want to end on a high) Okay so let’s change gears abit, thank you for being so honest with me - before we mentioned that ABC were the business goals and you mentioned that you’d feel XYZ and it would affect XYZ areas of life Is that correct? Okay wonderful… Let’s fast forward 5 years from now and these things are all firing for you, you’ve got the ABC logic and ABC emotion - What would that ultimately mean to you? / Why is that so important to you? And 5 years from now what would be happening in the relationship / money / travel / investments / health (expand on these categories - paint a vision) (Ultistion + Acknowledge) Tell me more? / How so? / Anything else? Got it / Okay that sounds awesome Phase 9: Reverse Qualification + Close (hey begin to sell themselves to you, kill objections time + competition + give your offer) Okay so we’ve got a good idea of where you’re at right now and where you want to be before we get into the “logistics” of how we can help, tell us a little about how you perceive we can help? Yep we can do that, anything else? Okay great.. Summarize… Did we miss anything? Two Wonderful thank you! We’ve got that in spades, final questions now… 1) why now? (Acknowledge) yep got it 2) why us? (Acknowledge) yep got it thank you Okay can I share with you a little about the next steps? Wonderful here’s what I suggest.. Want help with your sales? >>click here<< to find out more about Scale with sales
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