NEVER FORGET Never Forget: the 2,958 innocent dead: 2,606 in the towers, 246 on four planes, 125 at the Pentagon, and 414 first responders. Also, more than 6,000 others were injured. Never Forget: Defense Secretary Rumsfeld reported $2,300,000,000,000 was missing on September 10th. Never Forget: The day after he mentioned the misplaced $2.3 trillion, the Office of Naval Intelligence at the Pentagon was impacted, right in very the location where the finance computers were housed. Never Forget: Of 125 killed in the Pentagon, more than 100 were accountants or budget analysts. Never Forget: Larry Silverstein acquired the entire WTC lease in 2000 with a $15 million bid. Three months after he bought a $3.5 billion insurance policy against terrorist attack, both towers were hit. Silverstein collected over $4.6 billion, since each hit was ruled a separate incident. Never Forget: The scientists and physicists at BYU found Thermite in every dust sample tested. (Thermite is an incendiary used in building demolition for its steel-melting ability.) Never Forget: Molten metal burned at ground zero for days after the towers collapsed. Never Forget: The Salomon Bros Bldg, a 47 story, steel-beam structure (aka WTC7) collapsed at 5:20 PM. Officials said a growing office fire was the cause. The BBC, Fox News, and CNN all misreported WTC7 to have fallen before it actually did. Never Forget: Even said that stage two of WTC7’s collapse was at “gravitational acceleration (free fall) for 2.25 seconds.” Never Forget: NORAD was running two (2) drills on 9/11: Vigilant Guardian and Vigilant Warrior. One drill scrambled jets all over the country, the other drill simulated a hijacked plane hitting a skyscraper, making it impossible for pilots to know what was what. Never Forget: The controller of the Pentagon's budget was Dov Zakheim. He was also the CEO of Systems Planning Corporation which made Flight Termination Systems (a hardware/software combination that allows a plane to be commandeered and controlled remotely.) Never Forget: The crying bloody firemen talking about the “bombs in the the lobby.” Further Research:
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