RON SHAHAR: The crews are driving their vehicles from the alpine Jahorina Ski Resort in Bosnia and Herzegovina 400 kilometres to Dubrovnik, the picturesque port city of Croatia. RON SHAHAR: Shira and Firass, who have not yet completed the Roadblock mission- FIRASS: If you do not want to, that's fine. SHIRA: I can not. FIRASS: So no problem. RON SHAHAR: -Are left behind at the ski resort. RON SHAHAR: Pundak and Moti are now the first to cross the border into Croatia. PUNDAK: You must drive to Dubrovnik, the picturesque port city in Croatia. PUNDAK AND MOTI, CURRENTLY IN FIRST PLACE MOTI: Here's this brown sign. PUNDAK: Up ahead, Dubrovnik. PUNDAK: I know some girls from Croatia. MOTI: In exchange for peace I will also introduce you to Lithuania. PUNDAK: Why are you laughing? Seriously, they once wanted to introduce me to two brides from here. MOTI: Obviously, come to the conclusion that your situation is human. ANAELLE: Stunning. AKIVA: Wow. ANAELLE: There are no such things. ANAELLE AND AKIVA, CURRENTLY IN SECOND PLACE ANAELLE: What a thrill it is to be in a place like this, because it's a pleasant surprise. AKIVA: To look and say, "How great are your works, O God?" ANAELLE: Exactly. TOM AND ADELE, CURRENTLY IN THIRD PLACE TOM: Just a pleasure, it is supreme happiness to look at the car and see these two righteous here and that I am safely following them. The supreme and private providence and with all its power probably wanted this all-too-great holiness to bring me together with Akiva and make our way to the gold mine together. ANAELLE/AKIVA + BGM: I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help C-AKIVA: I feel in a dream, pinch me, maybe I'll wake up. C-ANAELLE: We are not familiar with these landscapes, we are just excited about it. C-AKIVA: We're a waste of time. C-ANAELLE: This is not something our eyes are used to seeing. We were just amazed that God is simply the most amazing painter in the world, as if there is none. ANAELLE/AKIVA + BGM: Here the keeper of Israel will neither fall asleep nor sleep AKIVA: Here Shosha, Dubrovnik another 92 kilometers. Excellent. TOM; I said, I'm going to say hello to Dovani Roso. Dovani Roso is Croatian. I'm a big fan of his. Dubrovnik, we are coming. MOTI: Dubrovnik, turn right. C-MOTI: We drove a good few hours, two, three hours, until we reached our destination. There was a beautiful road, really such a picturesque landscape. C-PUNDAK: Picturesque town, picturesque town, come on, enough already. C-MOTI: Truly a picturesque town. That's how it was written in the hint. MOTI: I see the flags, it's called football. PUNDAK: Sport Centre. Skip PUNDAK AND MOTI, CURRENTLY IN FIRST PLACE PUNDAK: Detour. Football or Basketball? RON SHAHAR: A Detour task is a choice between two possible tasks, each with advantages and disadvantages. At the current Detour the choice is between football and basketball, two sports that have spawned international Croatian stars. RON SHAHAR: In Football, the couples will have to step into the shoes of the Croatian football stars, but also into the shoes of the cheerleaders. One of the couple will try to score goals by hitting three targets located inside the goal. At the same time he will be encouraged by his partner accompanied by the local cheerleaders. When the kicker hits three goals, they will switch roles. Only after scoring six goals will they be able to get the next hint. RON SHAHAR: In Basketball, the couple will have to play two against two with the stars of the young Croatian national team, two guys who start and do not end. In order to reach the height of the basket and have a fair fight against the rising Croats, the couples will have to use accessories such as a trampoline, a ladder, a shopping cart and also a chair. Everything to score a basket in front of: Buric, Dulic, Nucic, Kucic, and Ducic. Only after they manage to score twenty baskets, ten each, in front of the Croatian giants will they get the next hint. PUNDAK: We go to Football. PUNDAK: What a thing. MOTI: Hoppa, what chicks. PUNDAK: What a thing. Skip PUNDAK: That's my favorite part, Moti. C-PUNDAK: We chose Football, we wanted to see some cheerleaders, that's the truth. MOTI: Dude, what's going on here? This is the closest you will ever get to two girls simultaneously together at once. PUNDAK: Hands, what fun, what a thing. MOTI: You'll have a hard time, Idan. PUNDAK: What a thing. C-PUNDAK: We decided he would start shooting the football first, because he would finish it off quickly, and then I would be encouraged. Skip PUNDAK: Listen, this is a 15-year-old, I want to die. C-PUNDAK: The idea was that I had to constantly encourage so that Moti could kick. It'll bring girls. Moti, how do I look like that? C-MOTI: No. C-PUNDAK: I also think a lot of guys at home liked to see it. I've been out. C-MOTI: Why do you love so much, you know, why do you care so much about the community? I'm dying to know. Skip C-PUNDAK?: Each in turn had to score on three targets in the goal. MOTI: Buena, it's hard, you will not succeed. PUNDAK: I'm sure I will not succeed if you do not succeed. PUNDAK: I'm closer to cheerleaders than to football, bro. Skip PUNDAK: Tom will kill us here, you know. ADELE: Mami, it’s football! TOM: Walla, my domain, that we may not know from impurity. The Creator of the world sends me such things in the middle of the day that we will not know of impurity. My domain. ANAELLE: Oh, he's a champion at it, Tom takes it for a walk. AKIVA: Let's give a quick head and come back. ANAELLE AND AKIVA, CURRENTLY IN SECOND PLACE ANAELLE: Detour. AKIVA: Detour. Excellent. TOM AND ADELE, CURRENTLY IN THIRD PLACE TOM: Football, my life. ADELE: Football. AKIVA: Football. TOM: Ya Walli, a few chicks. All my life I have dreamed of being in this situation. AKIVA: The first player in the Croatian national team with a tassel. ANAELLE: Cute. ADELE: Come on, Tom, Tom! TOM: Sing like this, Adele, Adele. ADELE: What? AKIVA: Come on, Tom, you're overtaking Moti and Idan. C-PUNDAK: Tom is more like someone's imitating a bastard, a footballer. Than an actual footballer. Skip C-PUNDAK: It's like someone came, it's Asi Cohen coming, did an imitation. And you're trying to say, you say, wait a minute ... C-MOTI: Is this the imitation? This is actually real? C-PUNDAK: Do you play it? ADELE: Give me a T! TOM: ?????? (And as they performed great knows.) ADELE: Give me an O! O! Give me an M! M! What comes out? Tom! ANAELLE: The nation of Israel lives, hey! (repeated) C-AKIVA: There were a bunch of cheerleading girls doing that with pompoms. At first I did not think what I was doing with it, I just put my hands like that, covering my eyes, not looking at anything. I crossed them as fast as I could. AKIVA: Shosha, after that, when I swap with you, it will not look modest. ANAELLE: Will stand four amot. C-AKIVA: How will I look? I'll stand between these two cheerleaders with a cap and a tassel, they're half dressed, half not, doing so with the pompoms, with my tassels, with the kippah, it does not ... it does not look serious. C-ANAELLE: Cute. I love him, he's cute. AKIVA: I do not want to encourage them, it is not modest. Skip ANAELLE: We’re going to do Basketball. Skip C-ANAELLE: I think every human being should take care of himself. There is something like that that we say is written in the Torah, "There is no guardian for lions," I mean, no one is immune. There is no person in the world who can say, to me this will not happen. Every human being has to take care of himself. I take care of myself, Akiva takes care of himself, we take care of each other. FIRASS: Last time. SHIRA: I have no hands. FIRASS: You have hands. SHIRA: I have no hands, I have no hands. FIRASS: You have hands, they are not cold. SHIRA: I have no hands. C-FIRASS: After three hours of trying the skiing Shira is already in not the best condition. FIRASS: Hey, what’s wrong? FIRASS: Look at me, my words. My words, my words, my words. Go on, go on, lift yourself up, lift yourself up. March on your own, yes. It's important to me that you get back to yourself. DOCTOR: Do not get excited, do not get excited, slowly. C-FIRASS: A doctor from the site came to check on Shira. Low blood pressure. FIRASS: Is the pressure low? Skip C-FIRASS: The doctor vetoed her not to go up again because her blood pressure was already very low. DOCTOR: Temperature. C-FIRASS: And we were given a one-hour penalty before we could embark on the next mission. SHIRA: The only thing I do not want to disappoint is just Firass. FIRASS: You do not disappoint me, you have nothing to worry about. SHIRA: Because he left everything and stopped everything and rejected a lot of things and canceled a lot of things and gave up a lot of things in order to come here with me, to come and be here with me. It was my dream. SHIRA: Firass is the love of my life, so like ... if he's happy for me, if he's happy, then I'm automatically happy. FIRASS: But why are you crying? SHIRA: And if he's sad, I can not function. FIRASS: But I'm not sad, you know I'm not sad. Right? On the contrary, I'm proud of you. You've never skied before, so you have nothing ... what to apologize for here and think you're disappointing me because you are not. THE ROAD TO DUBROVNIK OREN: Dubrovnik. ALON H.: Ah, beautiful. OREN: Yes, there is signage. ALON H.: We have another Yield, Oren. OREN: Did you see how we were delayed? C-OREN: So we are traveling at this point and we have no idea. After all, there is no sense where you are in the race, and we know that a Yield is waiting for us, which is a 20-minute delay near the finish point. We travel with a feeling that we are probably in one of the last places. C-ALON H.: I'm already packed, ready, I already have a concluding sentence to tell Ron Shahar, how it happened to us. C-OREN: No, you planned to go to the airport. C-ALON H.: Oh, I said for my part, you can already cut to the airport, cut, go home. As if this is the black situation- C-OREN: Too bad for the Pit Stop mat. C-ALON H.: Pity the trauma of Alon and Oren on the mat. ALON H.: Oren and Alon, for you the race for a million is over. Came back home miserable on a night flight on a connection from Croatia. HEN: I want to tell you that I'm back in the mood. ALON A.: Baby. I knew he would come back to you. HEN: My self-confidence returned. C-ALON A.: This is the first time since the start of the race that we have not been delayed. We were just kicking ass. After all, we compete like everyone else and do the regular track and not a track for American ninjas that has to do 70 missions. HEN: It's like a painting, the place, it's just stunning. C-HEN: What landscapes, what places, what a simple and perfect life. HEN; No, I'm dead, look at the chickens in the coops. C-HEN: Sometimes less is more, it's unbelievable. HEN: Well, I'm in favor of returning here for vacation, Aloni, just so you know. C-HEN: I said to Alon, Alon, look, here for sure a house costs much less than in Israel, I have no problem moving here. We will sit here, you will cultivate the land, I will raise children, I will make food from the vegetable garden that you will prepare for us. C-ALON A.: What exactly does it mean to work the land? C-HEN: You know, cultivating the flowers, maybe selling some fruit, a simple life. C-ALON A.: Selling fruit is a great plan. Selling fruit and living in Bosnia, no problem. HEN: I keep getting excited, you know. C-HEN: I- C-ALON A.: I do not see the world in the pink way you see it, but on the kippak, that's why I married you, that I'll connect us back to a little less pink reality. Skip ALON H.: Why is he driving so slowly for me? Fuck. C-OREN: On the whole matter of stress, that we are not sure where we are and we feel we are in the last places ... C-ALON H.: A cork. C-OREN: We're stuck in a traffic jam. C-ALON H.: What is this cork. C-OREN: Now a traffic jam in Europe, whoever experienced it once, - C-ALON H.: God. C-OREN: This may take several hours. C-ALON H.: We're talking about hundreds of cars. It's not a traffic jam like in the country, it's standing and it's one road. C-OREN: This is one road that can not be taken down, there are no alternatives. ALON H.: No, we're stuck here. ALON A.: What happened there? Skip OREN: There seems to have been an accident here. Severe accident. It seems to me that the main victims will be us, who are stuck here in this traffic jam. Extremely disturbing. I do not know at what pace they will open the road. ALON A.: Here, police arrive. HEN: Arriving police, there was probably an accident. Maybe it was Pundak and Moti. ALON A.: God forbid, only nothing happened to them, but I wish the car burned down. Skip MOTI: Come on, come on, come on. ADELE: Come on, Tom…Tom, you're making a fuss, Tom. Tom… TOM: What am I doing, my mother, what am I doing? ADELE: I'm all dying, what’s wrong with you? Come on, Tom, I'm going to die. ADELE: My whole body hurts, God. It’s tough to be a cheerleader, yes? Okay… C-TOM: I'm a footballer, and it's really hard to put that into this thing. I will bring players from my team, they will not succeed. ADELE: El el, hapoel! C-TOM: And she's driving me crazy because I hear her say, 'What a scumbag, you're a footballer. C-ADELE: But I said it with a laugh, to encourage you, not to tease you. ADELE: You're making a fuss about yourself. Come on, Tom. TOM: What is this? Well. Skip ADELE: They're already laughing at you, God. Skip C-PUNDAK: The truth I enjoyed seeing you is encouraging. MOTI: Now do somersault, somersault, somersault. Do somersault! C-PUNDAK: I enjoyed seeing her on the left as well. C-MOTI: How is she 15? C-PUNDAK: 15 years old, what is it? She looks 30 years old. MOTI: I-dan…Listen, you're so stupid. PUNDAK: We're, it seems to me, another hour here. Skip MOTI: Where are you kicking? C-PUNDAK: I was terribly afraid of this task because I have no clue about football... C-MOTI: And basketball, and tennis, and in anything that has to do with a child between the ages of 12 and 18 who has done in life, Idan has nothing to do with it. Skip MOTI: Airplane, airplane! PUNDAK: Do I know you? ADELE: Come on, Tom. Come on, Tom. TOM: You can put on these shoes, it's these basketball shoes, you can not put on. C-TOM: I'm telling you this as a footballer who is really ... (it was) very difficult. ADELE: What’s wrong with you, you? TOM: Do not know what it is, it's these sneakers. C-TOM: First of all, you do not have soccer shoes there, they only give you basketball shoes. Basketball shoes are an unintentional thing. ADELE: Come on…Tom!!!! TOM; It's impossible with these shoes, you do not understand? ADELE: What no... don't make me up now that it's a shoe problem, okay? TOM: So what's the problem, me? ADELE: Yes. TOM: I'm telling you, it's impossible with these shoes. ADELE: Ah, yes, yes. Sure. Skip C-PUNDAK: Wait, if I'm a football player, I'll go out with models. C-MOTI: Right. C-PUNDAK: Well, a bombshell. ADELE: Mami, Pundak and Moti have succeeded and you have not, what’s wrong with you? C-PUNDAK: Sounds oriental, women earring in ... C-MOTI: Diamond. C-PUNDAK: Diamond earring. C-MOTI: Walk, I love you. C-PUNDAK: Made a face. ADELE: Come on, Tom. Skip PUNDAK AND MOTI, CURRENTLY IN FIRST PLACE PUNDAK: You must attend a particularly sweet event. RON SHAHAR: The crews must now attend a particularly sweet event. In the spirit of Dubrovnik's annual Cremeschnitte Festival. Crews must now reach the Dubrovnik Old Town pedestrian zone. Here, as is the custom of the Croatian festival, each of them will have to eat a cumulative kilo and a half of creamy cake rich in whipped cream and all this with the help of the mouth only. No hands.The average Croatian preys on cremeschnitte cakes as if there is no tomorrow. The eight Israeli couples will have to prove that they can too, much more and faster. Only when they finish will they get the next hint from the waitress. MOTI: What is the problem with eating whipped cream? Idan, it's not a problem to do that for whipped cream. PUNDAK: Buena bro, we haven’t eaten anything in days. R-ANAELLE: Only after you manage to score at least ten baskets against the tall Croats… Skip R-ANAELLE: Will you get the following hint. AKIVA: Need to use all kinds of accessories. ANAELLE: Bring, bring the ladder. AKIVA: With the ladder. ANAELLE: I've never played basketball in my life. ANAELLE: Ho, mamma mia. Then, it seems to me, the retribution should be said. Wow, how tall he is. ANAELLE: Wow, that's hard, Shoshi. C-AKIVA: You play against the players of the Croatian national team, only I miss these giants to score ten baskets I, ten baskets it can take hours. ANAELLE: Yes, Shoshi! AKIVA: Come on, second accessory. The chair, onwards. C-ANAELLE: We had to use all the accessories that were there. Filled ladder, but chair, trampoline, supermarket cart. AKIVA: Do, do more. ANAELLE: Okay. AKIVA: Push more. ANAELLE: Come on, Shoshi, we have twenty baskets. Two on me, God bless. THE ROAD TO CROATIA BAR: Cox, get on the map, mami. INNA: Bar. BAR: If I had turned right now we would have returned to Sarajevo. INNA: Bar, I try to reset on the map as much as possible. Do not tell me, to stay on the map, like what... I need a person to stop and explain to me. C-BAR: We do the tasks themselves excellently. The thing is that in navigation neither I nor Inna is strong, it is a thing to know, we are not ashamed of it. C-INNA: I'm not "not strong", I just do not know how to navigate. INNA: No, I have to sort of make sure we're in the right direction. BAR: We are in the direction. C-BAR: Inna was anxious that she knew she was not... C-INNA: I was not anxious. INNA: I'm not sure we're in the right direction. BAR: I'm telling you we're in the right direction, Inna. C-BAR: Why are you so nervous about it? C-INNA: I'm not really nervous, just like I was not anxious. It sounded awfully sharp, anxiety, it was not anxiety. C-BAR: Okay. So I have no other word to say, what were you stressed about in the maps? C-INNA: Yes. C-BAR: Okay. INNA: Barbie, calm down, everything's fine. BAR: I'm very calm. INNA: Yes, no, don’t know. OSNAT: Dubrovnik. C-OSNAT: The journey was very long. This is a place you do not know and you need to keep an eye on a traffic light, all kinds of signage and that. OSNAT: Want to drive? CARMIT: No. C-CARMIT: And you, yes, you offered me the choice to replace you, but I felt what it was tired and said, I do not take a risk on this road. OSNAT: It's hard for me, I can not do everything alone. CARMIT: You do not do everything alone, we are constantly doing tasks together. OSNAT: Most things I do alone. CARMIT: What you can do, if I can, I will do, if I can not, I will not do. OSNAT: Fine. CARMIT: I never said no with anything I could do, and you did not do all the tasks alone, sorry. OSNAT: The Roadblock missions you can not do, so I do. CARMIT: True, if it's something difficult. OSNAT: I ask you, do you want to drive? Can you drive. you tell me, no, I can not. CARMIT: Fine. OSNAT: So I drive. No, but I feel like I'm not getting firgun from you. C?-OSNAT: I've done all three Roadblocks already, three missions one after the other, will answer what, you will never say, well done to you, thanks to you, you did it right. CARMIT: Note, only you have something to say, I have nothing to say. Why? THE WAY TO CROATIA ALON A.: This bottleneck is killing us, Hen. HEN: We saw Oren and that. ALON A.: Oren and Alon here five or six cars in front of us. C-ALON A.: We identified that Alon and Oren are in front of us. ALON A.: Go. C-ALON A.: We decided to go down to see what was going on, to sniff. ALON A.: Alon. C-ALON H.: Suddenly Hen and Alon, apparently our so-called biggest enemies, come running to me. ALON H.: Are there people after you? HEN: There are three more. ALON A.: Obviously, what is this? ALON H.: Three more pairs. Oh, I was sure as an idiot I'm flying back to the country. C-ALON H.: What's in line, as if I had won the lottery, a feeling, a revealed stone. Suddenly adrenaline comes back, we are again in the game. OREN: I have an idea, we'll get in as TV crews, I got to the point with the camera behind me, Alon, get in the car, if you want, join us, that's what I'm going to do. Yossi, take the camera out the window, we're moving around, Alon, come in. ALON H.: Like it's a TV show. OREN; Come on in, TV show. C-OREN: I dropped the token. I said, if we already have a camera on us, we will bypass the whole queue and say we are a TV crew and that's how we'll cross the cork. C-ALON H.: Now not just a TV team, the race flag is red and yellow. As Oren said, we are a photography team from Spain. Skip OREN: Come, meeting, meeting, go, go ahead, I'll go. Go, meeting, meeting. HEN: Buena, what cannons they are, what cannons they are. Skip C-ALON H.: Not only did they let us pass, the cops clear the way, the camera crew arrives, the camera crew from Spain, the two camera crews will film the event. ALON A.: Mami, they played them, Alon and Oren, with that idea. HEN; How smart they are, how they think. C-ALON H.: It was a crazy segment, we could’ve gotten stuck there for three or four hours, it's again it's the initiative, it's the creativity, it's the thinking outside the box. And if he had to make me a medical doctor and do CPR and mouth-to-mouth, he would also send me, it’s all for the mission. ALON H.: I hope this road will not open in the next three hours. And the couples sleep tonight not in Mostar but back in Jahorina. FIRASS AND SHIRA, CURRENTLY IN LAST PLACE FIRASS: You must drive to Dubrovnik. FIRASS: Go. R-FIRASS: Please note, on the way you must pass the exposure board located at the Mostar Bridge in Bosnia. SHIRA: We are currently in last place. I'm a little disappointed in myself, my body betrayed me, just like that. FIRASS: Nothing happened, really. We'll try to fix it now, we'll try to close the gaps, lift your head up, anything can happen in this game. SHIRA: Anything can happen. FIRASS: Really. TOM; Are you sure you want to do this task? ADELE: Yes, I will do it. Come on, Tom. Skip TOM; It's hard, it's not easy. ADELE: Come on, Tom. TOM: It was hard for you here. ADELE: If I do it in three seconds, it will be a leak to you, Tom. TOM; You're not doing it for another two years. ADELE: Yes? We will see. TOM; Leave you. Well, come on, come on, let's go there. ADELE: I'm not going to the basket, it's against a bunch of giants, is that what you want? TOM: Let's go there. Well, leave. ADELE: No, no, no, I'll do it, what's the problem? C-TOM; I told Adele in the middle of the mission, let's cut it, it's a waste of time. C-ADELE: I was sure I could make these goals, I said... C-TOM: Adele, as usual, does not like to listen to me sometimes. TOM: Adele, you will not succeed, come to Basketball. ADELE: I'll succeed, Mami, I'll succeed. TOM: Why are you arguing with me all the time? ADELE: He's terrible ... you know ... all the time. ADELE: Tom… TOM: Come, come. Too bad about our time, too bad. CHEERLEADER: Where are you going? ADELE: To the basketball. TOM: Come on, come on, you're wasting time, you're arguing with me all the time, you're arguing with me all the time. ADELE: Stop shouting. Skip C-TOM: We spent about an extra half hour there, in fact who would have believed that in our category we would be delayed so much. TOM: But I ask you, I’m.... Footballer, if I do not succeed, how will you succeed, how? ADELE: You're a goalkeeper, you're not a footballer. TOM: It's basketball shoes, size 46, can not put with it for another two years a goal, so you want to tell me, what shame he does, what it is, I want to show you that I can, why? Come on, everyone's coming, come on. ANAELLE: Come on. ANAELLE: Shosha, agh. AKIVA: Sorry. Throw it, do not panic. AKIVA: Good. ANAELLE: Yes!!!! ADELE: Tom, come on, come on. TOM: You have to score ten baskets and I ten baskets, that's twenty baskets, you know what that is? ADELE: Twenty baskets? TOM: I told you, you do not read clues. No, no, impossible so you do not want to read the clues. Skip C-ADELE: We get to the mission, we catch guys like that. ADELE: My mother, he's really tall. C-ADELE: What is this? C-TOM: Frightful. C-ADELE: What is this? TOM: Look, my friend, Iverson. ADELE: Iverson Alec. Ay, Tom! Skip ADELE: Mami, what do you think you are? C-TOM: No, believe me, I'm a great basketball player, in the neighborhood and it's straight pick me, I'm a huge player. ADELE: Tom, you're not a basketball player, do you not understand that you're not a basketball player? C-TOM: I started to get excited about them, they halt me with blocks every two meters. ADELE: Tom, what’s wrong with you, mami, well. C-ADELE: I thought, Tom was very tall, I suddenly realize, such a tiny Tom next to them. ADELE: What is this? The name will save, what is this? TOM: Well, what? ANAELLE: Mother, it moves. Wait. AKIVA: Sho-sha, Sho-sha! C-AKIVA: The success in basketball was thanks to Anaelle who was very good and very sharp and was very ... C-ANAELLE: No, Shoshi, you were good too. Skip C-AKIVA: You get positive reinforcement. C-ANAELLE: Thanks, honey. C-AKIVA: Two kisses, not positive reinforcement. Skip ADELE: I can not believe they overtook us. ANAELLE AND AKIVA, CURRENTLY IN SECOND PLACE AKIVA: You have to eat a kilo and a half ... ANAELLE: The name will save. AKIVA: Of cremeschnitte cake rich in dough and sugar and especially a lot of whipped cream. PUNDAK: We are always first but never finish the job. If Akiva overtakes us now, I do not know what. ANAELLE: Does everyone eat a few cakes? AKIVA: Five rather large slices. ANAELLE: Oh, that's not a problem. AKIVA: It's a kilo and a half, it's a lot. MOTI: You're there bro, running, not letting go. Run head straight inside the cakes. MOTI: Let’s go. PUNDAK: Come on, go. MOTI: What beauty, eh? MOTI: Buena, really beautiful here, the old town. PUNDAK: Yes. MOTI: Hello. PUNDAK: We'll tick it off. Skip PUNDAK AND MOTI, CURRENTLY IN FIRST PLACE C-MOTI: We arrived at the cafe and met our waitress. Skip C-MOTI: Katrina, what a thing, eh? C-PUNDAK: Dude, I'm taking her for two weeks for spinning, making her something outrageous. PUNDAK: Come on, tie our hands, come on. KATRINA: Okay. PUNDAK: Should she tie us together? Skip Dude, that's nonsense. Good luck. To success. MOTI: Fox, no? C-PUNDAK?: Everyone had to eat five huge cakes. PUNDAK: Tasty, no? C-PUNDAK: I've never eaten ... I've not eaten cakes either. C-MOTI: No, of course you don’t eat… C-PUNDAK: I eat cakes? C-MOTI: At events you do not go into the kitchen every moment eating a different cake, telling me, Yoo, how delicious, Buena, it's delicious too. C-PUNDAK: No. PUNDAK: Delicious, I’d murder for this. C-PUNDAK: I have never, ever, ever eaten such a cake. Not in my life, because I'm sporty. PUNDAK: Tasty, no? MOTI: Tasty, yes, we are only the first. PUNDAK: We what it is only in the first, we are at the apex of the first. ALON H.: Here is the Sport Ski Centre. Our biggest enemies are close to our asses, OREN: And we brought them here with us. ALON H.: And we brought them here. HEN: Here are the race flags! ALON AND OREN, CURRENTLY IN FOURTH PLACE ALON AND HEN, CURRENTLY IN FIFTH PLACE HEN: Football or Basketball? ALON A.: Basketball. ALON H.: Come on, Basketball. ADELE: Climb the ladder, I'll just throw to you. ALON H.: Oren, look at them. C-ALON H.: They're what's high, like, it's inhuman, it's such huge Pisa towers, mountains, man, they raise their hand, you can not pass the ball at all. Hilarious skip ALON H.: Not from that far, no. Up close, up close. Oren, they do not ... come close. OREN: They do not let me get close. ALON H.: Obviously. OREN: Maccabi Tel Aviv! ALON H.: Why here? Come here already. OREN: We’re really bad, right? ALON A.: They all look like Goliath. HEN: Give us, give us, give us, he's small. C-HEN: We got to the basketball court, I see some handsome, tall players. HEN: You’re small but you’re good Alon. C-ALON A.: That's not what you're supposed to say. HEN: Alon, you’re short. C-HEN: And he, like some dumbass, begins to annoy them, to walk with them as if in a segment, head to head. Alon, you can not even on them, they're professional players. HEN: Oh Alon, really? ALON A.: What's going on? HEN: What a shame. HEN: Alon! ALON A.: What will I do? HEN: What’s wrong with you? ALON A.: I'm not going. I'm bad at basketball. HEN: Wow, what a shame! C-ALON A.: In basketball I am dark, not good at this game, do not like this game. ALON A.: God help me. Skip ALON A.: Thank god! Skip ALON H.: Take it. Here, here, here! ALON H.: Why are you laughing? Concentrate already, I can not ... No, I can not understand ... OREN: Let us enjoy, what is there? C-ALON H.: He came to enjoy, that's his mantra. On the one hand, victory, victory, victory, on the other hand, he came to enjoy. He's with the humor, and I just want to concentrate on the task and finish it. ALON H.: Leave, leave.... OREN: You made them laugh. C-ALON H.: It was impossible to calm him down, I am a lawyer and Maccabi Tel Aviv, I am nervous, I want to, because in the background I see Tom. Skip C-ALON H.: Which for me is an opportunity, a portfolio, to go through them, to overtake them. For the first time I suddenly see them in this segment. Skip ALON H.: I almost flew, well… ALON H.: Can't you see me falling? What are you kicking? Dumb, we're in competition. Skip ADELE: What happened? TOM: What happened? You're in a hurry with the clues. C-TOM; I finish the task drained, of all water, I come to move on, but I'm told to do it again. TOM: I did not understand the clues, did you understand the clues? I did not read them again, you once again pressured me- ADELE: Every one, every one of us ... TOM: Well. ADELE: Needs to use each of these things at least once. C-TOM: We understood that all the accessories had to be used, that it was the cart, that it was the ladder ... C-ADELE: I knew it but what, I just forgot it while in the madness of the game, forgetting things like that. C-TOM: True but if I also knew, then if you forgot, maybe I would not forget? TOM; I did not understand the clues because you do not let me read them, I do not know what is going on there. ADELE: But I explained to you. So go read, go. TOM: Come here, come here. I'm telling you, let's read the clues, I do not know, no and just said. As if you were underestimating me all the time. TOM: No, I'm broken, I'm broken. I can not like that, I can not give ten baskets and then they will tell me to read the clues, what is this thing? Skip ALON A.: Throw to me, Hen, here. Skip BASKETBALL PLAYER: We see. Skip C-HEN: I, first of all, played basketball when I was little in my past, I was at Hapoel Giv’atayim, so I knew how to score a little. ALON A.: Well done. HEN: Yes! Skip ALON H.: Take it, Oren. Give, give and go. ALON A.: We're finished. HEN: Thank you very much! Skip ALON AND OREN, CURRENTLY IN THIRD PLACE ALON H.: Fine, we got around them, those idiots. TOM: Need to read the clues two hundred times. ADELE: Pretty much already, you crazy, stop. Calm yourself already. TOM: Go get me the ball once. Skip ALON H.: Yoo, what good is it that he takes us. OREN: Sure, what is it? What a crazy time saver, this thing. Skip OREN: Quiet, well. ALON H.: What do I care, he will think what he wants, as long as he will bring me to the cremeschnitte. ALON AND HEN, CURRENTLY IN FOURTH PLACE HEN: Drive slowly, I beg you, Alon. I can stress you out, my mother. ALON A.: Hen, say what, you want me not to drive like that? HEN: But I'm stressed ... you're terribly stressing me out. ALON A.: I'm not doing anything, what do you want? HEN: Atonement for your life. ALON A.: Relax. ALON A.: That I will not go? What, do you want me to just roll along in neutral? OSNAT: Dubrovnik. Carmit, I dedicate a song to you, wholeheartedly. OSNAT: A woman who builds, a woman who destroys. Why are you angry again? C-OSNAT: We had our arguments. Each one said what she said, we hearted things out, we arranged what needed to be sorted out. C-CARMIT: If we want to continue together we must whitewash things. C-OSNAT: One knows the other, the weaknesses of the other. C-CARMIT: True, true. C-OSNAT: These are things that do not happen on a daily basis, only in such a situation. C-CARMIT: Right. R-FIRASS: You have to go through the exposure board located on the Mostar Bridge in Bosnia. FIRASS: There's no one and it's green. SHIRA: No one Yielded us. FIRASS: No one Yielded us. Come on, come on, come on. FIRASS AND SHIRA, CURRENTLY IN LAST PLACE SHIRA: Our goal now. mami, is to catch up. Hope for the best. FIRASS: Hope for the best and see where the other couples are. Hopefully one of them made a mistake along the way and has now arrived in Norway. SHIRA: Norway? FIRASS: To give us a chance. Skip INNA: What? What did you understand? BAR: Did you understand? INNA: No. BAR: I hope it is not easy for everyone to get there, that way we are at least not the only ones. BAR: Can you help us? Dubrovnik, how much? Skip INNA: What? 100 kilometres?! BAR: Mother. INNA: Come on Bar, go. Go fast. BAR: Ugh how I hate this. INNA: Bar, but you have to relax. BAR: I'm trying, really. INNA: Really try. PUNDAK: Ugh, how I totally hurt my stomach in another section. C-PUNDAK: The first cake was a spin, the second cake too ... we survived but then it fills up and you feel your stomach and you feel it here, in your throat, and you want to die. PUNDAK: Listen dude, it’s a nightmare. C-MOTI: Came in and thought he was a confectioner. I'm what ... cremeschnitte, I love it, I'm eating it. C-PUNDAK: Did I say I liked cremeschnitte? I said it was over, it's disgusting. C-MOTI: No problem, he says. I'm eating it in a second, he says. PUNDAK: Ugh, what a nightmare mission. Good enough. enough. MOTI: Eat already. PUNDAK: Enough, how much is possible? AKIVA: Wow, how beautiful here. Shosha look. ANAELLE: Here here here. Come on. ANAELLE AND AKIVA, CURRENTLY IN SECOND PLACE MOTI: Sho-sha. ANAELLE: Sho-sha. PUNDAK: Akiva, this is a nuclear holocaust. AKIVA: Blessed are you, O Lord, King of the world, in all kinds of foods. ANAELLE: Amen. MOTI: Oops, oops, I can not see it. You know? C-ANAELLE: We started eating the first slice and we already had a hard time because the slices are heavy. C-AKIVA: Like this glue I remember we would throw on the ceiling and it would stick like that ... that's how it feels to me. C-ANAELLE: Yes. This is how it is inside the stomach. It infects and does not come out. ANAELLE: Lord have mercy. C-ANAELLE: I'm really, like four teaspoons is already too much, like really. Very very very difficult. C-AKIVA: Let's say one piece is already like a family dish. PUNDAK: Dude I can not even look at this anymore. I'm getting sick of looking at it. C-MOTI: I suffered greatly in this task. C-PUNDAK: No, but but but but I finally felt the intimacy between me and Moti as he let me wipe myself on him. C-MOTI: I did to him like that, wiped Idan. C-MOTI: He wiped too many times, that's when I suspected. Here I said ... C-PUNDAK: Moti, I have known you for twenty years and you laughed at me for the first time. C-MOTI: Here I suspected, I said… PUNDAK: You're really dumb. ADELE: Your turn, come on, come on, throw it. Last one, well. Skip TOM: What an unnecessary delay. TOM AND ADELE, CURRENTLY IN FIFTH PLACE C-TOM: This issue in basketball has so much delayed us. Two couples overtook us because of it. TOM: Every task you tell me "I know what to do, I know what to do. Come on." And that's why we're disqualified- ADELE: Drive straight. I want to get on a mission, I do not care what you say. TOM; What nerves I am, God. What nerves. I have a fever in my body, I have ... I'm shaking, my body is shaking. I do not know where I am at all. C-TOM:Here I was really upset. I went a little crazy more than usual. TOM: Everyone bypassed us because of your nonsense. A person wants to read, wants to read it. Do not let him read, do not let him. Yelling at him. What is the name of the place? What's its name? ADELE: Gradska Kavana. Skip TOM: Talk to him, I can not speak!!!!! ADELE: No, it’s okay, you can go. TOM: Sorry. TOM; I'm so upset I'm with you here, God, I'm so upset about this. Do not want to do anything, just want to annoy me. Skip ALON AND OREN, CURRENTLY IN THIRD PLACE AKIVA: Well done honey, well done to you. OREN: Come on. *bleats* C-ALON H.: We got to the cremeschnitte, I was happy to see Moti standing ... the whole thing was about to vomit, Moti and Idan. Akiva and Anaelle, we arrived as the third team. C-OREN: Yes. C-ALON H.: Again a feeling of ... C-OREN: We realised that once again- C-ALON H.: Reduction, we reduced, it ... C-OREN: Reducing the gap. C-ALON H.: Feels awfully good. C-ALON H.: It was tasty. The first defeat. Not beyond that. C-ALON H.: Satiety, only comes after twenty minutes. So as much as you push at first, satiety does not play a role in the first twenty minutes. OREN: Very good. OREN: You are great you are, you are a king, unbelievable. ALON H.: How do I do it? Pushes a lot, drinks, sucks, fills the mouth, that's the way. OREN: He’s the man! C-ALON H.: I put my head in ... I sucked, it got into my mouth. I felt the cremeschnitte, going all the way in here. C-ALON H.: Maybe a fifth plate I sucked ... and then I started from there to digest that I ... like that, all of that. ALON H.: A little too sweet. AKIVA: I have reached the stage. That it's hard to put in already. MOTI: The Harels are about to finish there. C-PUNDAK: You see the brothers, like two predators, like this ... C-MOTI: Like that, they dismantled it in ten minutes, wait ... twenty minutes they were done. C-PUNDAK: Then we realised that if we did not finish it, they would overtake us. Skip C-ALON H.: A kilo and a half of cremeschnitte. C-OREN: Each. C-ALON H.: Each. I repeat — a kilo and a half of cremeschnitte. OREN: You are amazing, you are a king. King! C-ALON H.: It's mass, it's mass. It's out of your ears. Last bite. C-MOTI: There was a stage where one, last piece was left, that we had a hard time, I even helped him, I helped him come and ... with my chin I actually pushed it out for him. C-PUNDAK: It was really romantic. C-PUNDAK: Stunning. What a help to others. C-MOTI: Here I suspected again. MOTI: Go in with your head. One bite and you do it. ALON H.: I'm done with mine. MOTI: One polish and we’re off. MOTI: Yes! Yes! ANAELLE: Come on go already. ALON H.: Come on finish, pumping, pumping, let's go already. We have a delay of another twenty minutes. Skip PUNDAK AND MOTI, CURRENTLY IN FIRST PLACE MOTI: You have to climb the old city wall in Dubrovnik which rises to a great height. RON SHAHAR: Couples must now climb the old city wall in Dubrovnik, a wall that surrounds the city and rises to a height of twelve metres. On the wall are marked three sections, and only the gatekeeper can approve passage into each one. One of the couple will have to climb the wall, while the other will collect gold coins from the passers-by, in order to pay the gatekeeper. For every five coins he manages to raise, the guard will allow his partner to climb another section of the wall. When they reach the top of the wall with the gold coins, they will have to bury the gold coins in the treasure chest. In return they will receive the following hint. C-PUNDAK: After these cakes I felt bad. C-MOTI: Yes, yes. C-PUNDAK: Just bad. C-MOTI: The truth is she also looks bad. C-PUNDAK: I lost it, I lost. C-MOTI: Oh, even now you look bad. ALON H.: Finish it clean, we overtook Akiva, we are second place. OREN: Complete! ALON H.: “Complete”, he has a mental illness. ANAELLE: Here they are finished, their name will be erased. Skip ALON AND OREN, CURRENTLY IN SECOND PLACE ALON H.: You must climb the wall of the old city. ALON H.: Me or you? OREN: You collect, well who's good with people? ALON H.: Good. Oh bad for me. SHIRA: Chul, you realise Bar and Inna are behind us, right? FIRASS: Yes, of course. SHIRA: Note that you're not letting them get past you at all first, okay? C-FIRASS: As the journey goes on we suddenly see Bar and Inna. C-SHIRA: Who left the ski resort an hour and a half before us. SHIRA: And they're right on our tail, Chul, put gas, mami. C-FIRASS: Hoppa, here comes salvation. C-SHIRA: The path was reopened. C-FIRASS: Yes, the energies are returning. INNA: Just unbelievable, we went out, we were in the lead, we meet Shira, well, what? A slap in the face. SHIRA: Mami. FIRASS: What? SHIRA: Do you know what our problem is? FIRASS: That we are from the stamps. SHIRA: No. That we despair and say that this time it is really the end of the world and then what happens? This is not it. FIRASS: No, I've stolen, I … SHIRA: Mami, it's knocking you out of this racing mind. FIRASS: Literally. SHIRA: I'm telling you. INNA: Oof, oof, oof, I do not want to be last place again and we are probably last place now. INNA: What is this, most likely, we will be in last place. FIRASS: Here, here, Dubrovnik. R-MOTI: You have to climb the old city wall in Dubrovnik which rises to a great height. While the spouse climbs on the other to collect gold coins from the passers-by. MOTI: Hello. PUNDAK AND MOTI, CURRENTLY IN FIRST PLACE PUNDAK: Okay, I'll go up now. MOTI: Okay. PUNDAK: I ate so many cakes, I'm dead. C-MOTI: We reached the walls that surround Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik is an amazing city, especially the old city, the walls, where we slept, where the fool climbed a wall and barely managed to climb. Skip MOTI: Why are you stingy? C-MOTI: He was harnessed up, had to actually climb the wall. C-PUNDAK: Grab on the wall. C-MOTI: The highest. We looked, we saw it was an eternity, as if it never ended. C-MOTI: But he could only do that after I raised money. Skip C-MOTI: I had to collect three sets of five coins at a time. Skip ALON H.: The Harel brothers have arrived. OREN: Yoo, how scary it is, Idan. PUNDAK: Scary, missile, tell him. ALON H.: War, war… ALON AND OREN, CURRENTLY IN SECOND PLACE C-OREN: I tied up to climb and Alon went ... C-ALON H.: And I must mention, us with a kilo and a half here of cremeschnitte, up to here the cremeschnitte was inside us. Skip MOTI: No, I do not get along with men, I need women. C-PUNDAK: Moti knows how to collect money from people, in the past he was a beggar. C-MOTI: Really… Skip C-MOTI: I get along a little with girls, a little laughter, a little happening, a little teasing. Skip C-MOTI?: Everything will be alright. Skip MOTI: Idan, ascend. C-MOTI: Each time Idan went up one floor, there were actually three floors to go up. C-MOTI: And I kept raising money. Skip C-PUNDAK: The truth is that I thought it would be simpler but it was actually a nightmare, the climb was a nightmare because you hung like that and it was hard, it was exhausting. Skip C-ALON H.: I was solid in this task, I was quiet in a way like this... one on one. Skip C-ALON H.: I've forced it into a scene from an Arab movie. ALON H.: I point, Oren hangs there. OREN; Come on, Alon! Skip MOTI: Come on, Idan. OREN; How much did you bring? ALON H.: I brought in about forty dollars, I collected. Skip MOTI: Forward, onward, all the respect, Idan, all the respect, bro, all the respect. Skip ALON H.: Rise, rise, already with the cremeschnitte. What is it, difficult? OREN: Yes. C-OREN; I had a hard time, I was very very exhausted in terms of, I am an adult, I am no longer a child. Most of the guys here are twenty years younger than us. ALON H.: Yoo, it looks tough. ALON H.: Come on, Oren, come on, come on. Akiva is also on the way. MOTI: Ascend to the end, ascend to the end. PUNDAK: I need to rest. MOTI: Go up already. PUNDAK: Shut the fuck up. It's missile difficult, you idiot. ALON H.: Beautiful, beautiful. Last ten steps, jump. OREN: Shut up, Alon, well, that does not help me. MOTI: Idan, are you okay, bro? PUNDAK: Yes. MOTI: Come on, forwards. ALON H.: Come on, come on, three, two, one, up, excellent. OREN; Shut up, Alon. ALON H.: Three. OREN: Alon. ALON H.: Yes. OREN: Shut up. MOTI: Come on, Idan, come on, congratulations. C-PUNDAK: If we were not with the cremeschnitte I might have climbed even faster. MOTI: Idan, yes, well done, well done, my brother. PUNDAK AND MOTI, CURRENTLY IN FIRST PLACE MOTI: You should look for the most famous lady in Dubrovnik. RON SHAHAR: Couples must now find the most famous lady in Dubrovnik, Lady Pee-Pee. To the Lady Pee-Pee fountain, the statue and the legend, the couple will now come and have to sip from its waters as a virtue for success, strength and blessing. The couple the other crews chose to Yield today will have to wait here, at the Yielded position, before I can receive him at the finish position located up the stairs next to Lady Peepee, atop Minceta Tower. Here, in front of the red-tiled roofs of the Old City, tonight the couples will be greeted by the star of the Croatian national team that every Israeli knows, Dovani Roso. The couple who come here last may find themselves out of the race. Skip MOTI: Hurry, the pair that comes last may find themselves out of the race. ALON H.: Another drop flying from here, we also have a Yield, I remind you, come on. ALON H.: Beautiful. Skip ALON H.: Did you have a hard time? OREN: At the end, very difficult. ALON H.: Ole!!! ALON AND OREN, CURRENTLY IN SECOND PLACE ALON H.: This is also the fourth end point of the race. Be careful,the Yield awaits you. We're getting Yielded here now. OSNAT: Wow, wow, what should we do on this pitch? OSNAT AND CARMIT, CURRENTLY IN SIXTH PLACE CARMIT: Basketball. OSNAT: Your mother, where did you come to me now? C-OSNAT: What rolls there were. And I only reach him up to the navel. C-OSNAT: I said, how will I manage to do this thing will answer? How can I move, when he only raises his hand he reaches the basket, blocked my basket. CARMIT: Look at them both like flags. OSNAT: Ali, Ali, in your mother you are geriatrics, come on, let me give you a hand. CARMIT: Wait. OSNAT: Geriatric, what an old woman. Skip CARMIT: Oof, the cart moves. CARMIT: Are you normal? OSNAT: Yes!!! CARMIT: We will not succeed in this, it is difficult. OSNAT: Yoo, in your mother, what's going on? CARMIT: It seems to me they are having fun. OSNAT: Thank you, thank you. OSNAT AND CARMIT, CURRENTLY IN SIXTH PLACE OSNAT: You must attend a particularly sweet event. CARMIT: No food, there cakes. ALON AND HEN, CURRENTLY IN FOURTH PLACE Skip C-HEN: Yoo, what fun, sitting on the sidewalk in the old town and we have cake and coffee.
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