2022 Season Poster WESTSIDE MENS SOCCER CAPITAL HIGH SCHOOL BRUIN BOYS Westside Men’s Soccer parent group for the Capital High Bruin Boys creates a poster each year with our team photo, game schedule, and local business sponsors. The poster allows us to broadcast our program and sponsors to the community, while the funds help support the program through equipment purchases that include balls, nets, cones, pinnies, game uniforms, warm-ups, and other equipment necessary to the team. Your contribution helps community members know the value you see in supporting local youth activities and would be greatly appreciated! Cost of Sponsorship is $100 The posters are printed in full color are distributed around Helena – and one will be delivered to you! Please fill in your business name as you would like it to appear on the poster: _____________________________________________________________________ Your Name & Contact #: ________________________________________________ CHS Player / Person requesting sponsorship: ________________________________ If you have any questions, please contact Chris Mast [email protected] or (406) 461-5399 Please make checks payable to: Westside Men’s Soccer c/o Courtney McAdams 381 Alfalfa Road Helena, MT 59602 OR Venmo: Capital High Men’s Soccer (@westsidemenssoccer) THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Payment deadline: Thursday, September 1
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