This book is soldfor informationalpurposesonly. Neither the author nor the publisherwill be held accountablefor the useor misuseof the inforrnationcontainedin this book CONTENTS Hydroponiclleroin: IIow To Grow Opium Poppies Without Soil O 1998by"RobertNeil Bunch Introduction............. .....................1 Ail rights reserved.No part of this book may be ChapterOne... ....... .......................5 reproducedor storedin anyform whatsoeverwithout the History Of The Poppy,Opium And Heroin Usage prior writtenconsentof the publisher.Reviewsrnayquote ChapterTwo.......... ......................11 brief passageswithout the written consentof the publisher WamingTo Would-BeGrowers aslongaspropercreditis given. ChapterThree ...........2t Publlshed by: The OpiumPoppy FS BookCompany ChapterFour......... .....................29 P.O.Box 417457 OverviewOf Hydroponics Sacramento,CA95841 ChapterFive.......... .....................55 1-916,771-4203 FromSeedTo Weed Email: [email protected] Web ChapterSix..... ....... .....................61 OptimalHarvestParameters ChapterSeven ...........67 CreationOf Medicinal And Recreationalhoducts From Exudedl,atex ChapterEi9ht........ .....................77 Dosages, Addiction,PotentialDangers ChapterNine......... .....................85 Glossary Introduction l 1 INTRODUCTION Heroin (her'o-in) n. 1, rccreationalnarcotic that is sp- thesized from morphine extracted from the opium poppy; highly addictive;cortrnon street nanps include: chinawhite, H, horse,junk, skag,srnackand suicide.2, King of drugs. Casualheroinuseis not only on th upswingagaituit is now chic and quasi-sociallyacceptableto sport the lithe body, dark sunkeneyes and withdrawn posture of the corunon streetaddict. Supernndelsstnrt the catwalk with gauntfranps and heavilyshadowedeyes,afrernativerock music giants axen't giants unlesstbey have been in tbe Betty Ford Clinic at leastonce,andevenhigh-fashionrno- gul Calvin Klein bombardsthe generalpopulacewith teb- vision advertisenpntswhich boast sickly teenagerswho look like theyhavebeenon a week-longbender. With the influx of the cbarest smackthe Unitd States has ever seenflowing into a haff-dozenna]x port ciths, anyonewho is'coof is t"Hng a rfoleon the whe huse. The drug war has donc litth, if any damage to tb 600,00Gpoud worHwid,eheroindemand.The demandin Hydroponic Heroin Introduction How To Grow Opium Poppies Without Soil 3 the United Statesalonerangesfrom 20,000 to 30,000 pure occasionalweekenduser soar to heightsneverbeforeex- pounds (average 454,000,000 initial uncut doses at 25 perienced. mg!), and showsno sign of decline. Becauseof the tolerancefactor,theffiequent'thipper" The reasonwhy smackhasbecomeAmerica's next drug will get ashigh, if not higher,thanthe most needle-tracked "epidemic" is clear: potent, unadulteratedproduct is hit- crusty wanderingthe back alleysof the Big Apple. If the ting the street, and the outdated necessityof intravenous unbelievershould debatethe massivecreativity factor of injection hasbeeneliminated.Heroin in the '70s contained heroin, sonp notableaddictsfor the rebuttal include:en- 7-l5%opure product, and it took some regular usageto thony Kiedis (Red Hot Chili Peppers),Scott Weiland become addicted. Now that supply greatly exceeds de- (Stone Temple Pilots), I-ayne Staley (Alice in Chains), mand, streei-leveljunk can register up to 97Vopure! This Brad Nowell (Sublfurrc),Jimi Hendrix, JanisJoplin, John level of purity allows more aestheticdly correct methods Belushi and Robert Downey Jr., all creative geniusesin of ingestion such as smoking and snorting. Numerous us- their own right. ers have reverted to snorting, for a dose as small as half a To digestall of the governmentand nrediapropaganda, grirm can be lethal to a non-tolerantindividual. one would think that all usersdie minutesafter their first With the increasedpurity conrcs the increasedpotential dose.This is, as usual tafty far from the truth. Hospital for addiction,and no one is exempt from the psychological recordsshow that the majority of junkies die from bogus dependenceheroin creates. Even though estimates state horse, impurities used to cut the srmck, infections and that only 25-40Voof usersare physicallydependent,if you malnutrition,rather than hot loads (a street term used to know someone who has ever gotten a good dose, you describe sudden,unforeseenincreasesin purity of the know it is clear that a profound psychological addiction heroininjectedby inravenoususers). can occur within secondsafter the line is gone or the For someonewho would like to achievethis statewith- tourniquet is removed.If the tolerant user attemptsto quit, out the fear of overdosing,inrpurities,or coming down, he can be assuredof a prolonged (at least four months) there is anothereasily attained drug that is much more withdrawal which will be more rnentally debilitating and pleasant(puking can be circumvented)and saferthan her- painful than any form of tortue rnankind might draw from oin - its grandparent,opium. the darkestrecessesof its collective mind. This book is gearedtoward the opiate-dependent as well With all of this said, one might wonder why anyone asthe inexperienced recreationaldrug userwho would like would even attempt to try heroin. The reason is quite to havehis own stashof l$OVopure opiumlatex,nnrphine simple: in the correct atmosphere,dosage and frequency, a hydrochloride,or, in the caseof the chemicallyinclined, heroin buzz is one of life's great rewards. The intense srnack.The text following the introductionwill guide the surge in creativity, euphoria, and relaxation can make the HydroPonic Heroin Clupter One History Of fhc PopW, OpiwnAnd Heroin Usage How To Grow Opium PoppiesWithout Soil reader through all of the steps necessaryto maintain a year-roundcrop of hydroponicopium poppies,therebl of..iog the grower the exclusiverights to the free and pureopiateof his choice. Readthe text asif your life dependedon it (it does),es- ChapterOne peciallythe chapteron dosagesand ingestion.When your fittt ctop hasbeenharvestedandyou are experiencingthe OF THEPOPPY, HfSTORY warm opiaterush,know that you havejoined an elite club' Membersinclude: Inrd Byron, Coleridge,CharlesDick- oPlut-tfrA/D ens,BelaLugosi,EdgarAllen Poe,Mary Shelly,Thomas de Quinceyand Mao 7*Jrong.You are in excellentcom- HERofNUSAqE pany for creativity, astral-planeexploring, and higher- No plant in history has causedas much adversity,lry consciousness brain reformattingvia nreditation'Keep in and grief as the opium poppy (Greek opos =juice). First mind, however,that you are riding the most majesticand cultivated on the shores of the Mediterranean by unbreakable horseon theplanet.Make swe that your reins prehistoricman, texts regardingthis plant did not appear arekept tight; otherwise,it will ride you. until the Greels praisedthe poppy 500 yearsbefore the birth of Christ. J-r S^t qROW Hip'pocrateswasthe first physicianto exploreits haling abilities,and Hornersangpraisesof the poppy in his epic, the Odyssey.tThe dnrg willl 'lull all pain and anger,and bring forgetfulnessof every sorrow." Obviously,Horner chokeddown a doseor two! The opium poppy next reachedChinesernanuscriptsin 700 AD. Chineseand East Indian doctors regardedthe plant as a generalcure-all For the following 700 yearsin the east, rnan and poppy lived in relative harmony.The plant was picked for its 'lniraculous" s@ds and rarely abuseduntil a slick Chineseman in the 15th century discoveredthat if the capsulewas slicedwithin a ten-day period following the fall of the petals, a wonderful thing Hydroponic Heroin Chapter One How To Grow Opium Poppies Without Soil History Of The Poppy, Opium And Heroin Usage happened - opium! This is where the easy balance InL773, the opium trade was madeglobal by the British between man and poppy dissolves. Arrpd with a powerful East India Company.The British traded the Patna opium drug and having little access to addiction treatment from India to the other Asians for their porcelains,silks, information, Eastern man had unknowingly siarted the and spices.They used theseproducts to make a fortune in opium ball rolling towards the remaining civilized world. Europe and the Americas. The Chinese Emperor once Two hundred years after this rnornentousoccasion, most again enforced the banning of opium by forbidding of the East, including India and Persia, abused the opiate exportationof Chinesesilver, and the British respondedby in the form of a recreational drink, or by sinply eating it. waging two all-out wars. These two famous altercations The stage was now set for Western man to swoop down were known as the Opium Wars. By the end of the second and make a large scale comrnercial venture from the ever- war (1860), therewer€ at least 10,000,000opium addicts increasing demand. in China, consuming80Voof.the world's opium supply. The Portuguese were the first to transport and market In the Western world, opium had madb itself known Indian opium to the Chinese. It was the Dutch seafarers, through numerous "snake oils" and legitimate medical however, that hooked the Asians and SoutheastAsians by remedies.Since the public self-medicatedat that tirne, the introducing them to smoking the raw latex. Until this opiate strangleholdtook Europe by storm. point, the bad taste and slow absorption of opium into the The "Big M," or morphine, was first extractedfrom the stomach prevented profound addiction. Now that the opium latex in the early 19th century. After some"clinicall' opium could be snpked and the effects could be felt ingestions, the chemist soon named the addictive white immediately, demand for the pungent black product powder morphine, after the god of dreams, Morpheus. skyrocketed. By the mid-l7th century, over 50 tons of Morphine has always played a role in armed conflict, due opium were flowing into Asia by boat. Eventually, the fazz to its immediate analgesic properties. During the Civil (the Ernperor Yung Chen) became concerned about the War, both the North and South grew opium poppies to addictioq death and "shriveling of the facial features," and treat wounded soldiers, as morphine shortages were laid down the law on opium - total prohibition on the conrmon. product, sales, and srnoking dens. This lasted about two Seeking a non-addictive alternative to morphine, C.R. minutes, as the Asian people had already developed a Wright first synthesizedheroin in 1874. He tested the sophisticated taste for ttre sweet poppy-resin snpke. The heroin on stray dogs in his laboratory, and much to his Emperor countered this by placing tariffs on imported amazenrcnt,it worked better than morphine and in much opiurn, hoping this would drive up the price, but to no smaller doses. After killing several dogs, and s[saning up avail; the Chinesehad to get their smoke on at any price. copious amounts of dog vomit, Wright stopped his research. Hydroponic Heroin Chapter One Horv To Grow Opium PoppiesVYithout Soil History Of The Poppy, OpiumAnd Heroin Usage Not daunted by Wright's outcomes, Tbe Bayer smugglersand of courss, the Italian Mafia. Such seedy Corryany (yes, like the children's aspirin) turned out tbe characterstook advantageof the high demandto make new pain killer in bulk, advertisingit as a cure for all that fortunesby smugglingheroininto the US. ails. It cured many people (of sobriety), and imitators After the SecondWorld War, the crinp familieswere so rusbed to meet the awesonp demand of the 'hon- scatteredthat the imports into the US fell to new lows. addictive"' reliever.The harshlifestylesalmng the lower Add to this the fact that antidrug propagandawas classeswho worked in agriculturalfields accountedfor tbe rampant,and it is easyto seewhy Arneric4 at that point, rnailrity of users, as their gueling labor bd to chronic had its lowest opiate addiction percentageever. The pains and rheumatoid artbritis. The redications were numbershad droppedfrom arounda quarter of a million cheaperthan beer (and rnore powerful), and one could before 1923,to only 20,000after the war. purcha$ea dozenor sodark bottlesfor a dime. A few yearsafter the war, a syntheticheroin substitute This heydaycam to a grinding halt in the 1890s,as was createdfor recovery.In 1964, Doctors Dole and I Arerican and European doctors' offices became Nyswander discovered the chemical forrnula that was increasingly ovenun by sufrering addicts and dytng I children More children were dying of lethal doses of opiatesin their nostrumsthan all other tlpes of poisonings supposedto cure the addict. It boasteda lower intensity high that had a longer plateau,and was not detrinrentalto the user's well-being. This drug, unfortunately,hooked cornbined!In responseto tbe incrcasedpublic awareness, everyonewho cane acrossit, and many now had two tbe Unitd States passed an act requiring medicine addictions:heroinAND methadone! coryanies to cite ingredientsand their amountson tbe Never fear, the pandemiclove for opiates is never- lI labels of tbeh products. This causedthe coryanies to endingand thereis little chancefor a cornpletecure, save reducethe amountsof opiatesin their remediesby up to for abstinence.This is backedby the fact that in the '70s, 75%. heroin addiction had surpassedits all-tfure high and the In 1914, Congresspassed the Harrison Act, which numberof addictsnumberednearlyhalf a million. banned the sale of narcotics without a doctor's The numberof addictsin the US now is estimatedto be prescription"So many doctors were dealing for profit, between 500-700,000, with 95,000 in retbadone however,rhat the governrcnt had to stop it coryletely. treatmenL So in 1923, after 400 years of hardcoreabuse,the US Obviously, this plant and its by-productscan make a bannedall nucotics. penon feel pretty good. If the profound addictioncreated This efrectivelymade all Pharmacistspushers,started by opiatescan survive, die and regenemteover a 1,000' tbe war on drugsandpavedthe way for the DEA The ban year period, it would seemthat humansare genetically also created a market for underworld dntg dealers, IlydroPonic Heroin ChapterTwo How To Grow Opium PoppiesWithout Soil Warning To Would-BeGrowers 10 1t predisposedto be hooked. Can it be that man evolved with the poppy, never to be seParated? ChapterTwo wARNfNqTo qROWERS wouLD-BE The opium poppy is in a legal class by itself when it conrcsto propagation.In sonreareasof the United States, it is treated as a normally occurring noxious weed, and no trouble would result if it appearedto be growing wild in a backyard garden. In sonp areas,however, all steps must be taken to eradicatethe poppy, lest the hapless,unknow- ing landowner fall under the heel of local and state gov- erffnent. The smart ihing to do would be to write your local council or agriculture agency and ask for a list of Examples of hybridization in an open garden. banned plants and weeds, and take it from there. If you Notice shade and patterning differences. live in a rural area with plenty of farmers and rednecks, you could probably plant the poppies in your front yard amidst similarly sized weeds and no one would never even suspectthat they were a psychotropicspecies.Poppiesare legal to grow in most of Europe, including England, but Canada's government does not tolerate it at all - yet. Speciesof poppy that are semilegal to grow in the US: Papaverargemone,bracteaturn, dubiunL hybridiurL orien- tale, pilosun, radicaturn, rhoeas, spicatum and walpolei. These are known as field poppies and are much smaller and yield considerably less potent gum (if any) than the Hydroponic Heroin ClnpterTwo How To Grow Opium PoppiesWithout Soil Warning To Would-Be Growers t2 13 more famous Indochinese, Persian, Turkish and Yugo- (2) Offense and punishnrcnt.- Every person who slavic somniferumvarieties. contravenessubsection(l) is guilty of an indictableof- The best way to get around this legal snafu is to grow fenseandliableto inprisonmentfor a term not exceed- the little devils insidewhere pryrng eyescan't see,but with ing sevenyears. this tactic comes a much more serious offense and pun- ishment:conspiracyto manufacturemorphine,a Schedule (3) Destructionof plant.- The Minister may causeto II narcotic. If you are foolish enough to get caught with a be destroyedany growing plant of opium poppy or basenrent-fu[ be prepared to do a life sentencewithout marihuanacultivatedotherwisethan under authorityof parole, as the fuzz will more than likely slap a narcotics and in accordancewith a licenseissuedunderthe rego- trafficking charge on you. For this reasorL it is best to lations. grow a small"year-roundcrop than take the chanceon one hugehaul. Uprooted plants and sevenyears in a Canadianprison If the goverilnent createsa stink in your nose, and you may soundbad, but it's nothing conpared to the punish- are pro-anarchy,growing poppies is probably not the best rrcnt rEted out for growing enough plants to prove a way to give Uncle Sam the bird. Growing marijuana or 'qtrafficking"charge.Traffickinglegallynreansto rnanufac- mush,roomswould be a better deal should you get caught. ture, se[ give, administer,transport,send deliver or dis- To give you an idea of how serious the punishnrentsare tribute Papaver somnifemm or its constituent phenan- for Papaver somniferum propagation, take a look at some threne(activenarcotics)alkaloids. of the punishmentswhen caught in North America. This is what the Canadian Pharmacy I-egislation has to R.S.,1985,c. 27 (1stSupp.),s. 197. say about getting caught with the "dreaded poppy" (this applies only to the somniferum species): a. (1) Tratrcking. - No personshall traffic in a narcotic or any substance representedor held out by the person R.S.,c. N-1, s. 5. to be a narcotic. 6.(1) Cultivation of opium poppy or marihuana.- No (2) Possession for purposeof trafficking. - No per- person shall cultivate opium poppy or nurihuana ex- son shall have in his possessionany narcotic for the cept under the authority of, and in accordancewith, a purposeof traffrcking. license issued to the person under the regulations. Hydroponic Heroin Chapter Two How To Grow Opium PoppiesWithout Soil Warning To Would-BeGrowers T4 15 (3) Offenseand punishment.- Every personwho naloxone,and naltrexone,and their respectivesalts, contravenessubsection(l) or (2) is guiltyof an indict- but includingthefollowing: ableoffenceandliableto be imprisonedfor life. (i) Raw opium;(ii) opiumextracts;(iii) opiumfluid; (iv) powderedopium; (v) granulatedopium; (vi) P+"t-vl'tt^z*Afu q*ruL"e Olp;u,rr- tinctureof opium;(vii) codeine;(viii) ethylrnorphine; (ix) etorphinehydrochloride;(x) hydrocodone;(xi) PotDlp;,lllt" Tk U4^;fu4fiafa, hydromorphone;(xii) rnetopon; (xiii) morphine; (xiv) oxycodone;(xv) oxynnrphone;and (xvi) the- The United States lawmaking bodies have, of course, baine. handeddown their versionof the opium poppy law (note: (2) Any salt,isorner,derivative,or preparationthereof poppy seeds,unlike marijuanaseeds,are legal). This con- that is chemicallyequivalentor identical with any of voluted and multi-faceted passageis the FederalInclusion the substances referredto in subsection(b) (1) of this list for Schedule II drugs as it pertains to the Papaver section,but not includingthe isoquinolinealkaloidsof somniferum: opium. ScheduleII. (a) The drugs and other substances listed in (3) Opiumpoppyandpoppystraw. this section, by whatever official name, common or (4-5)Concerningcocaine. usualname,chemicalname,or brand namedesignated, are included in ScheduleII. (6) Concentrateofpoppy strawCfhecrudeextractof poppy straw in either liquid, solid, or powder form (b) Substances.(Vegetable origin or chemical synthe- which contains the phenanthrenealkaloids of the sis.) Unless specificallyexcepted,any of the following opiumpoppy.) substances,except those listed in other schedules, whether produced directly or indirectly by extraction As you may alreadyknow, the United Stateshas much from substancesof vegetableorigin, or independently more stringent drug laws than Canada.If a grower is by meansof chemical synthesis,or by combination of caught cultivating or extracting the latex from opium extractionand chemical synthesis: poppies,he will more than likely be chargedwith conspir- acy to traffic morphine.Trafficking a ScheduleII narcotic (1) Opium and opiate, and any salt, compound, de- carriesa n&styminimumof three yearsfor a first offense. rivative, or preparation of opium or opiate, excluding If the grower has a prior drug-relatedconviction in this apormorphine, dextrorphan, nalbuphine, nalmefene, arena,10 years.The third convictionwould fall under the Hydroponic Heroin ChapterTwo How To Grow Opium PoppiesWithout Soil WamingTo WouA-BeGrowerc 16 17 "habitualoffendet'' statuteand the grower would spenda of the raw opiur4 the arnountof product that was refined minimumof 15yearsto life in prison. would be +10 grams.As you can see,the United States If the wily grower wereto extractthe opiumanddiscard hascorryensatedfsl this power increaseby increasingthe the seedcapsulesbeforebeing caught,the offensewould marijuanaconversionby tenfold. The punishmentwould be lessenedto possession(if no puriffing chemicalsor be ttte sarre for 4-10 gramsof morphineHCI as 4G100 glasswarewere uncovered).The thing to do to lessenthe gramsof raw opium. chancesfor a harsherpenalty would be: harvestand ex- Possession of heroinis probablythe worst dnrg offense tract latex from the poppies, throw away ALL leaves, one might imagire. If the cbemicallyinclinod grower arn- podsandstemsandthenbuy your purifying chemicals. ped the morphineup to diacetylnnrphine, the penaltiesif The charges,should you be caught with the purified caught are staggering:4-10 gramsof pure heroin would opiates,arebasedon a marijuana-weightconversiontable. get the first offenderat leastten months.If the drug war- rior is caughtwith the upperlimit, he canexpectto ponder OPilil.+4aa;4aana (bxnbt* life in an institution for aroundtwo years.This is far too much tinrc, considering4-10 grarnsof heroin could only Accordingto the USCA,Title 18 ChapterI toZ: bring $80G2,000if sold. Obviously,the best idea is not to get caught! No one I gmmof raw opium = 50 gramsof marijuana thinks they will anyway, so it is suggestedthat only a I gmmof morphine= 500 gramsof marijuana rnodestgardenbe grown Don't do the crire if you can't 1 garn of heroin= I kilogram of marijuana do the time. (Seechartat the endof the chapter.) Below is a tabb which will clue the potential grower in For a first offensewhereone gramof opium wasseized, asto the severitythe US Governrnentputs on the poppy's the possessorcould face anywherefrom probationto six constitrrentopioids. rrcnths in custody. This is the least offense, and the chancethat the hone grower would possessthis srnall arnountis slirn If you grow a decentgardenof poppies' U^;fA $afa ScLh,le Talrl^o your yield could be 40-100 gramsof raw opiurn The pm- ScheduleI Nancotics: istrmentfor being caught with this anrcunt(first offense)' No bgal useknown, not availableeven with presctip rangesfrom six to 16months. Supposingthat the opium was purified to nnrphine hy- tion Abusepotential- higb. Such dnrgs are heroinb drochloride,the weight would be lesseneddue to the re- ISD, rpscaline, marijuan4 PCP, peyote and Quaa- npval of plant acids.Sincernorphireis a tenth the weight hdes. These rocrcationalchemfoalscarry the stiffest Hydroponic Heroin ClnpterTwo How To Grow Opium PoppieslVithout Soil Warning To Would-Be Growers t8 T9 penaltiesfor possession,except for marijuana,which narcoticover-the-counterpain killers, antipyreticsand now has legitimateusesthanls to California'sArticle weak opiates.Anacin, Motrin and St. Joseph'sfor 215. Childrenfall underthis category. ScheduleII Narcotics: FederalMarlluana{plate ConverslonLevel Table For Poesesslon Usuallyavailableonly by non-refillableprescriptionor tfure-delay prescriptions. Abuse potential - high. OdrrnSf.XorphlnrWt )lorcln St ldlu.m Wt Oflrnr trvrl rg - 5og o Suchdrugs are amphetamines, cocaine,rnorphineand : t_, - sms 8 19 tkg tO nethadone.Close records are kept about dispensers log -5(x)co toj skg and users,and pharmaciesusuallykeep thesegoodies : - 109 to kS 12 16 locked in a sensitizedfloor safeto preventdrug fiend 50g - 2.5kS 12 25 l(g holdups. _1s - 5og Sokg i8 zl FederalSenterclng Table ScheduleIII Narcotics: t Ytl Ottrrr. I Availableby refillableprescription.Abusepotential- 6 I Tlm. ln ton$r 0€ rnoderate.Suchdrugs are watered-downversionsof 8 2 1-7 t 2{ strongerdrugslike Tylenol with codeine,Phenobarbi- 2 +1 0 10 1 &12 tal and Vicodin. Only hard-up narcotic addicts and 2 &14 12 desperateburn-outsabusetheseweakchemicals. 2 I 10.10 12.18 14 1 1$21 2 1&24 SchedulefV Narcotics: 16 1 21-24 Availableby refillableprescription.Abusepotential- 18 2 I 2+g 27-c3 low. Drugs includedare anti-anxietybenzodiazepines 2 3GC/ n 1 3+41 like Ativan, Valium and Xanax. Despitethe IV classi- 2 37-a6 2. 1 fication, these non-recreationalchemicalsare abused 2 41-5t &gl by peoplewho usuallyhave accessto thesedrugs for 24 I 5t{l 2 57-71 treatmentof mentaldiseaseor defect ScheduleY Narcotics: Availableby refillable prescriptionor no prescription. Abuse potential - low. Included drugs are non- ChapterThree TheOpiumPoppy 2T Chapter Three THEOPIUHPOPPY PA44kaLW The opium poppy (Papaversomniferum),alsoknown as the White PoppyandMawseed,is an erect,annualrosette plant that glows nearlyworldwide from SoutheastAsia to Europeand the Anrericas.It is a long-dayplant; that is, it will flower most efficiently when the photoperiod(total daylight hours) is between15 and 16 hours. This photo- period, combinedwith indigenoushabitat,puts the poppy in the winter annualclass of plants. It ttrives in cooler weather,and is often plantedin late summerin the north- ern hemisphere.It has the exact opposite flowering scheduleas marijuan4 which flowers fastest when the photoperiodis lessthan 13hours. Unlike marijuanaand most other narcotic plants, the opium poppy is responsiveto the critical photoperiodas early as two weeks after ernergence.It variesin flower- petal color from pale white (rnostpotent) to red and pur- ple (wild strains).Its statureis alsowildly variant,ranging from a two- to six-feetmainstalk with six to 12 minor off- shoots.Its seedpo4 or capsule,which perchesatop a ring Hydroponic Heroin Chapter Three Ifow To Grow Opium Poppies Without Soil The Opium Poppy 22 23 on the main stalk, varies from hemisphericalto ovoid, de- pressedor non-depressedand delineatedto smooth. This pod can range in size from egg to orange-sizedand its top is crowned with a group of star-shapedstigma rays. The tiny kidney-shapedseedswithin the green pod can be col- ored white (most desirable)to dark puple. t\ &"". ,b &':ta " This variety displays a nearly pumpkin-shapedseedpod. q4Du:"^een/,il.a+" Life cycle (from germinationto senescence)varies with strain and location from six to sevenmonths - a few of the papaverswill even grow all year. Since the poppy is a classic weed, it can thrive in a variety of soils; sandy to moist and rich as long as the plant isn't killed by frost and is kept watered. Intense sunlight is also preferred, as this Large Turkishvariery. HydnoponicHeroin Clapter Three Eow To Grow Opium PoppiesVYithoutSoiI TheOpiumPoppy 25 factor directly contributesto the plant's overall size and entsinclude:morphirrc,codeine,codamine,nrtopon, rulr- pot€ncy. ceine,narcotine,papaverine,thebaine,rhoeadine,and np- The poppy's opium gum yield is relatedto the plant's conic and sulfuric acids.The meconicacid is usedin toxi- sizeas well, so strive to find the largesthytrid straiq as it cology and drug screeningto determinethe presenceof will producethe largestseedpods.Also, the longer a Par- opiatealkaloids,specificallymorphine. ticular plant takes to flower, the larger the seedcapsule Sonreother non-narcoticchemicalscontainedin the la- will eventuallybe. Suchinforrnationis usefulwben estab tex are: albumin,calcium salts, caoutchouc,magnesiun; lishinga desiredinbredline. mucilageand sugar.Tlpse agentsact as bindersand make Contradictoryto old popular belief, lower tetrperature up the gum asthe waterin the latex evaporates. doesnot havean effect on the flowering tire of poppies. It does,however,positivelyefrect ttrc potencyof the ex- uded latex. This widely held fact conrcsfrom the knowl- edgethat npst otber rosette plants' flowering cycbs are enhanced by ryriods of cold lessthan50" F. CAar'*aL CoNfifuril Dtring the last stagesof flowering, the opium poppy will drop its petalsandproducea millcy-whitelatex within the lactiferous vessel system of tbe egg-like capsule's outer wall for a period of no longer than ten days.If al- lowedto maturepastthis tirne,the seedpod will changeto yellow, then b,rown,and the peak harvesttime will have passed.Oncethe capsuleis pierced,or slice4 tightly along its bngitude (over a perid of four to sevenduyt), tbe la- tex will ooz€ out and hanlen into opium, a psychoactive substancethat contains nunrerous narcotic cbemicals. Theseeftaloids, which arc bound to 'flant acids," make up 6 ?n% of tbe weight of the uffiPe seedpod. Sore of Latcx ooztslron tfisftcshly-pked large f, tbe better known and rcre powerfirl twodozen constitu- Chapter Three HydroPonic lleroin The Opium Poppy IIow To Grow Opium PoppiesWithout Soil 27 26 especiallyresistantto punishment, but stompingthe Impe- The seed capsule is not the only source for the latex' rial White, PersianWhite and Hens and Chickenshybrid When the main stern, branches or leaves have been sev- varietiesprobablyisn't a good ide4 sincefine imported ered, latex will weep from the slice. This latex is not as seedscanrun as high as $8.00per gram.Most other pa- potent as pod latex, but there is no use in wasting any! To paver seedsbought from magazinesourcesare 509 per collect this low-grade opiate, snrcar a cigarette with the $am. cut end of the branch or leaf. Ba.r/;^e a^"/" Varr;d+ Patnerl Starnd&^r ah"l, Weab^ana Unlike marijuana,it is very easyto inbreedthe papaver As powerfula plantasthepoppyappea$to be in nature somniferumto achievethe desiredplant characteristics. Frostanddry An andcontent,it is not withoutits weaknesses. inbredline (IBL) hybrid will not expressgeneticdrift and weatherare the plant's worst enemies,yet it does prefer lose potency or vigor, no rnatter how many times the cold nights (50'D and rather warm (85" F) days.Too poppy is bred to its cousins.This is excellentfor all those much rain or constantdew formation can causethe plant breedersout therewho would try andbreakthe ITVoalka- to succumbto a fungal attack (dampingoff) and nrin the loid level in the mostpowerfulnaturallyoccurringstains. pod color andpotencY. Strainvarietiesdiffer greatlywhenit comesto potency Becauseof its odd stature,the poppyis top-heavyand and yield. When tested,poppiesfrom Yugoslaviaappear can be stem-bentand broken by a gust of npdium-speed to be the most potent (due to harshclimateconditions), wind. This is especiallytrue when flowering, as the seed with up to a lTVoalkaloidcontent.Runners-up from Asian capsuleis large. and Middle-Easternsourceshave only half the amountof As you will soondiscover,papaversdo not take well to alkaloids,sochooseimportedstrainswisely. beingtransplianted, so a modifiedgerminationtechniqueis calledfor. If the transplantsare conductedin an improper rruulner,the poPpy will repay the grower with stunted bt,*t ^ot" tl4.r growthandless-than-bountiful yields. The strengthsof the poppy are uncorlmon for an alka- The poppyhasbeen,cultivated and collectedfor centu- loid-producing psychotropic plant- Poppies can be ries and usedas an analgesic(externalas well as internal), stomped into the ground when they are sprouts and astringent(skin bracer),cure antidiarrhetic,antispacmodic, plantlets,and it only makesthem grow faster and larger! for alcoholisnl expectorant,hypnotic, orgasmintensifier, The wild versions(red to purple and spotted strains)are sedativeandstimulantnarcotic. ChapterFour OvemiewOf Hydroponbs ChapterFour OF OVERV/IEW HyDROPONICS Hydroponicsarcn't new at all The HangingGardensof Babylonwerehydroponb.So were tbp floating gardensof ancientChinaand thc royal garde,nsof tbe Aztecs,Egle tiens and Mayans. Tbese technobgy defcbnt cutures nanaged to gtow without soil, and so catr tbe hore grcwerof today! B€ing hirly cost prohibitive and dangerousto buy through the meil, hydroponb syst€,ms and otbr assorted equipmentarc not easilyacquiredby tbc av€ragegrcwer without arousingsuqplion How can ore grcw opiates indoorswitbout spendinga forture or risk beingcaughtby the infra rgd devilsin tbe skf Easy.By nnlcingorc's own systemandlight barrbrst For thc prbe of an ource of fire marijuane orr can build a homc syst€mthat will wort with minimqlupkeep,and will enabbtbe growerto realize a year-roundhuvest Sorc thingswillhave to be bougbt,zuchas a TDS rc- ter and pH test kit. Most gnrw storescarry tbese,and if the grower doesn't rct suspbiouswhen hying tbem, no onewillbe the wis€r. Hydroponic Heroin ChapterFour How To Grow Opium PoppiesWithout Soil Overview Of Hydroponic s 30 31 leaves'breathingapparatus(stomata),in order to use the Nuh;afu ;rt* tll tl1laDph;e Sri.n" availablelight andcarbondioxidemoreefficiently. Along with the prirnarynutrients,there are also secon- Nutrient concentrationis the amountof primarychemi- darynutrients.Theyarecalledsecondarynutrientsbecause cals(macronutrients) presentin the watersolutionin a hy- they are not neededin the amountsthat N-P-K are. These droponicsystem.The basicchemicalsneededfor anyplant secondarynutrientsare: Calcium(Ca), Magnesium(Mg) are describedas the N-P-K percentage. The N-P-K num- and Sulfur (S). Theseelenpnts are inportant in chloro- bers are often found on the front label of gardening phyll synthesisandsoil detoxification. amendments. In additionto prinraryandsecondarynutrients,thereare The N, or nitrogen, is the most important chemical trace elerpnts (micronutrients)to account for. These neededfor the vegetativestageof plant growth.Nitrogen chemicalsare only neededin minuteamounts.Thesetrace regulatesprotein uptakeand is heavilyinvolvedin chloro- elernentscommonlyusedby plantsare: Boron (B), Chlo- phyll (plant pigmen$ synthesis.Nitrogen is also responsi- rine (Cl), Copper(Cu), Iron (Fe),Manganese (Mn), Mo- ble for leaf and stemgrowth. Nitrogen addsto the overall (7n). As with any other chemi- bbdenum(Mo) and 7-nc healthand vigor of the poppyplant.A shortageof nitro- cal, too high of a concentrationof trace elenpntsin a so- gen is diagnosedas yellowing leavesand a generalslow lution can be detrinpntal to a poppy's health.If a grower downor halt in growth. decidesto add micronutrients,it is suggestedthat he only The P, or phosphorus,providesa deviceby which en- dosesonceperharvest. ergy is transferredin the plant. It is also the chemicalthat The pH level of the nutrientsolutionis as important to is responsiblefor diseaseresistance,seedand fruit forma- the plant's well-being as nutrient concentration.Poppy tion, and strong root growth. Phosphorusuptakepeaks plantsaren't as sensitiveto pH as someplants, but there during the budding and flowering stages.A shortageof remainsan idealrengeof 6.5-6.8.V/ithin this range,the phosphorus causesdark greenleaves,stuntedgrowth,and poppy can rnost effectively assimilatethe nutrients and a reddeningof stemsand leaf junctions. As with other waterof the solution. primary nutrient deficiencies,lower leavesare the first to An acidic(or low pH) bindsthe nutrientsin the solution be affected. to acid saltsandpreventsroot absorption.An alkaline(or The K or potassium(potash),is neededto facilitatethe high pH) harmsplantsby buildingup toxic saltsand roots rrovement of food within the poppy plant. It also helps from absorbingwater. Always test pH after mixing nutri- $owth by aiding cell division. Potash regulatesthe ents with water. pH kits are readily available in pool arnount of chlorophyll in the foliage and controls the stol€s,hydroponicgrow storesand better gardeningout- lets. pH can be brought into line by using commercially Hydroponic Heroin Chapter Four How To Grow Opium PoppiesWithout Soil Ovemiew Of Hydroponbs 32 33 availablepH up andpH down. Honp rerne-dies includethe (TDS, or total dissolved solids, is a measureof salt additionof distilled white vinegaror a crushed aspirin so- shength within the solution. It is similar to tbe salinity lution to lower pH; baking sodaor dilute lye solution to mea$[e in oceanwater.) raisethe pH. pH shouldneverbe altereddrasticallywhen the plants are young, as they are sensitiveand will suffer F day,50' F night Atnospherict€mperahue.................75o shock. (NighafuF terperatures of 50oF havebeenshownto in- In discussinghydroponicgrow systemsfor the poppy, 6ease the potency of the final opium resin Since the we will start with the smallestand simplestand work our poppy is indigenousto very cold, arid regions,one would way to the enorrnousand corrylicatedsp:rce-age systems. only be doing naturc a favor by mimicking the flower's Before construction,thereare a few constantsfor the hy- naturaltemperaturerange.) droponic poppy garden that beginnersmust familiarize themselveswith. RelativeHumidity.. min, 65%max ............25% (Humidity below 25% maydehydratethe plant, sustained P4ry1 qpal& Copiladl bvels above65% will clog tbe breathingapparatusof the H1la+q;e cold-weather,arid plants, causingthem to gaspfor frresh air.) All successfulhydropooicpoppy gardenssystems,no matterhow conplex, must fall within theseparanreters.It stagemax2U2U?-O Fertilizermix N-P-K ..........vegetative only takes a mild variation of one of theseto throw the floweringstagemax lG'35-10 whole gardenofr-kilter, so maintainclose toleranceson (No morethanonescoopper two gallons) your parameters. With thesestandardsin min4 we cannow take a look at pH of nutrientsolution..... ...6.5-6.8 sorlE coflunon,aod not-so-cornmon,hydroponicsysterns. F Chooseaccordingly,becauseonce you commit, it is pur Temperature of nutrientsolution ........65-75" duty as a grower to be Mother Nature.Tbe more comPli- (If the terperaturegoesabove75oF, the roots will cook. catedthe sptem of your choice,the moreof a motberit is If the terryeraturegoesbelow 65" F, the roots will have to naintain! somerouble absorbingnutrientsdueto root shock.) Eventhough),oumight be tenpted to nrsh out and buy a shitloadof higb-techequiprent, resistthis urge untillou TDS of nutrientsolution..... 3OG90OgramVtitne get tbe hnngof growingwith your own seE-builtuoit. This HydnoponicHeroin ChapterFour How To Grow Opium PoppieslVithout Soil Overttiew Of Hydroponics 34 35 way, if your thumbis not as greenas you would like, the AggregateCulturc equipmentwon't be a lossif you havea garagesale. Before we can go into the different tlpes of aggregate growing systerns,we must first explorethe differenttypes T,1po4 S,,.l,t of aggregategrowing mediumsand the pros and cons of each.As with other systems,pick the one which is bestfor Paa aa"l eols 4 EarI" your growing needs.As you will see,sonp of the aggre- gate mediumsare strangeat best,but whenit conrestime There are three tlpes of hydroponiccultrue that one to harvest,you won't give one thought to what the plants could use for poppy gardening:SandCulttlre, Aggregate aregrowingin! Culture,andInorganicExperinrentalCulture.Revieweach carefullyand choosethe one that is most suited to )lour lifestyteandlevel of gardeningexperience. Wxgil. Hd;r',,lo SandCulture Broken Bricks Sandculture is a npthod by which cleanedsandis used Broken bits of brich if scrubbedthoroughlyand broken for the growingnredium-It is easyonceyou get the gtstof into small enough pieces,can make a cheap aggregate it, but canget out of handquickly oncethe grower turns a nedium. If they are not cleanedthoroughly,chemicalsthat watctrful eye away from tbe system-Sand is about tbe are usedto help the bricksconreout of their moldscleanly cheapestthing in the world (exceptfor advice),andmakes canleachinto the nutrientsolutionandkill your poppies. for a unique style of gardening. Fluids drain quickly The bricks must be brokeninto bits no larger than two ttrough it andarecapturedin a reservoirbelow the plants. fingers' width. Any larger and the surfacearea used to It is nearly impossibleto overwateror overfertilizeusing catch and hold nutrients, oxygen and water would be sandas a growth npdiunr. On the other hand,a sandsys- greatly diminished.Also, when the shardsare too htg", temcan alsobe a poPpygrower's worst nightmare,for the theycancut into the stemsandroots whenthe containeris sandis not asforgiving as soil whennot wateredregularly. moved. Let two things stick in your mind when dealingwith sand Bricks are only good for onegrow cycle,asthey tendto culture systerns:a grower can kill tbe poppiesby using a breakdown in water. KeeppH checkeddaily when using strongfertilizer solution,and the grower cankill the pop bricks, becausemineralsare leachedfrom the bricks that piesby forgettingto water frequentlyenough.It is bestto canalter waterhardness(high TDS andpH). eurploya recirculatings)Btemand rnrnitor tbe TDS and pH daily. Hydrcponic Eeroin Clupter Four How To Grow Opium PoppiesWithout SoiI Oveniew Of Hydroponics 36 37 CatLitter gilDrl) microscopb porcs to form on tbe exterior of the balls. Most people think that cat litter is only good for one Thesetiny hobs mp the nutrient mixture and oxygen in thing. At a recent horticultue exposition,I saw a uun the perfectcombinationWater rushingover the clay pel- gowing strawberriesfrom a garbagebag filld with cat bts is mademore turbulentby the pores and is aerated, litter. Tdk aboutcheap!The super-absorbent natureof oil like a nrshing$trearnSincethe raw materialthat makesup dry allows the gardenerto water less frequently,but this thesepelbts is bakedclan water solutionsthat passover doesnot rpan it is suitablefor beginners.If you overrilater will retaintheir pH balarce.BrandnatrEsof clay pellctsto or overfertilizewith cat litter as yoru subotratgit can't be look fon Golite, Cirorocks,Gronoxand Hydroton. leachedout. What goesinto the redium staysin tbe np- dium! Try using a 5U50 sand/catlitter mixture. This will Gravel (Pca) be a muchmore forgiving plantingmix for the novicegar- Gravelis the perfectmediumfor tbe hydroponicnovbe. dener. It is'easy to fin{ cheapif you have to buy it, inert, fast drainingand easyto keep clean Peagravel drainsso fast Centrul HcatlAb Filton that it bas to be combinedwith sandto slow the nutrient You heardit herefirst! With a hydroponicgrow s)tstem, mixture. The gravel-sandnixtut€ works spergistically in all the plants need is sorewhere for their roots to take that the sandkoepsthe water fromnrshing though unused bold. By srnash-stacking ten or twelve filters from a cen- and the gravel preventstbe sandfrom becomingsodd€n tral ah unit (clean ores!) and eryloying a constanttoP and st4gnant.The gravel-sandratio shouHbe around5:3, drip inigation sptem, you can have a no-fail hydroponic on how fre the sad is. If usingthis r€cipe,be system.If the wetrbingisn't tigbt enough to place pre- sur€to mix veryevenly,as alopsided conceirtrationgadi- germinatedseedlingscomfortably,place a layer of fiber- ent could spell disasterfor yotr plants.Evenwith the cor- gilassor cotton tbneelayersdown andplant tbe seedlingon rect mixture, this urdium will baveto be wateredseveral top of that. tires per day. This rneansthat an automatedcolbction andwateringsystemmustbe eryloyd unlesstbe grower ExpandalClay BaIIs haslots of sparetime. Rapidly becomingpopular armng marijuanagrowers, expandedclay ballsarethe rext bestthing to slicedbread! Perlite Clay balls can be uscdin any hydroponicsptem because Perlite is a very usefulgrowing medium,being extraor- of tbeir sirryb makeup.They are mlded and then fired in dinarily light when dry and having t high wat€r retention a furnaoeat exherely high teryeratures (2,000oF!) to rate (up to 3Wo).It is mde by superheatingvobanic rock make tbem porous.The intensebeat causesthousandsof past its relting point. This causesthe rock to elEand and Chapter Four Hydroponic Heroin Oveniew Of Hydroponbs How To Grow Opium Poppies\ilithout Soil 39 38 one growing vesselto another.A grower can germinate shatter,baving thousandsof flakes of porous material seedsin one-inchplugs, transferall the good starts into Perlite has the odd characteristicof being able to abso$ two-inch cubesfor further growttu and finally placethem water, but not nutrients.This is good for your plants in that the nutrientsax€not boun4 as in soil Although per- into four-inchblocts on a four-foot slab.Whenemploying lite canbeusedby itself, its cost canbe prohibitive,so mix a topfeed system,a slick of blue-greenalgaewill form on with sand50150%.Thereare two differenttlpes of perlite the blocksandeventuallyon the slab.Thereis no causefor on tbe market;the redfum grade(3 mm in diareter), and alafin, this is surply nature'sway of saYrng,'Everything is working fine!" The algaeis beneficialto your pop'pies;it the fine grade.The npdium gradeshouldbe used as the providesdissolvedoxygento their roots and removescar- fine is bettersuitedfor cloning.Usecautionwhenopening a bag of perlite.Fine dust particlescausedfrom vibrations bon dioxide from the nutrient mixture. Your plants will during strippingcan enter your lungs and eyesand cause thankyou for it! irritation" While nbt toxic, itchy lungs suck! To deal with Rockrvoolmust be handledvery carefullywhen dry be- the cloud of irritating dust, opena smallhole in the top of causeof its glassy,fibrous naturc. If you do get a rock- the bag andpour in sonp water. This keepsthe dust from wool splinter, alleviateit by running water over the irri- flying into tlre atnolphere. tated area.This will causethe splinterto softenand come out. Rockwool A problemnpst new rockwool usersencounteris that Rochnool is a rclatively new growing medium (est. whenit first getswet, it froths yellow! To avoid introduc- 'E2). It is made by pouring a mixture of liquid basalt, ing this harmlessfoam into your hydroponicsptern, pre- linpstore andsilicaonto a spinningcylinder.Tbesernolten wash all rockrrool with tap water prior to use. Another elernentsstrike tlp wheeland are flung far from the heat, minor problemwith rockwool; its pH can be as high as 9! wbere they are collected as fibrous strands.This is the Be sureto addpH down to your nutrientmixtureuntil the sarneprocedureby which fiberglassinsulationis fornpd. pH nurnbersfall into line in the nrnoff water. Sonreexcel- The strandsare then sprayedwith an adhesiveand mlded lent brand narps of rockrnoot Cultilene, Grodan and into blocls, cubesor slabs,andthenoven-cured. Hortiwool. This cheap,light materialhasa veryhigh waterretention rate (up to 80%), makingit very easyfor tbe amateurgar- Seashells(Crushed) dener to drown the roots. Rockwool is best suited for Cnrshedseashellsare an uncorilnon, but worthwhile, slow, topdrip intermittent-flowirrigation due to its water npdium to usein a hydroponicsptem- Whencnrstredfine absorptionabilities.Tbe bestthing aboutrockrvool is that enough (similar to saltwater aquarium substrate), and it allowsplantsto be transplantd andre-transplanted from mixedwith perlite, seashellscan add mineralslike calcium Eydmponic Eercin ChapterFour How To Gmw Opium PoppieslVithout Soil OvemiewOf Hydroponics N 4t andmagnesiumto tbe nutrientmixture.Not only are these Y*t, et@irrl ninerals important for the plants' metabolisrn,tbey are alsoexcellentpH bufrers.Cnrshedcoral and dolomitecan This chart allows tbe gardenerto determinewhich ag- alsobe usedasbuffersin hydroponicsystems.This tlpe of gregateis tbe bestoverallfor his living conditions(e.9.,no aggregatecanbe found at any saltwateraquariumshop.If you alreadyhave a systemin use, and you would like to large lava rock gardenson the secondfloor!), mnetary sinrationandgardeningexperiene. add theseanpndrnentsto the mix, just throw a coupleof handfulsinto the reservoir. Cod ttDrY, LllrrPrn ll20l}l T.E W.t tur. Vcrmiculite Bdc*s m trlglVuncNr6 monlhs lbk&ood Ca, Sl Catutiar kry low/Hdt 6 monft8 hlgtula'F Ca, Sl Vermiculite,like its cousinperlite, is a high-tenperature lil,lovv lndellrilie brvrfiur Ined ArFlie|3 bf, treatedmineral Mica is pressurecooked until it expands Cqd low trlgtYnnctt lndoltnlb pocrgood Ce,LlS ClayBat3 rpd meduncit lndefrnlto Itgh,t{gh ln€rt to 2,000tirnesits originalvolurne,while retainingits initial lrldvuttctt lnddrille lil/rned Ce"Sl Gratrgl h werght. Its water retention properties are nearly double P€rb h lor{med 1 yes rnedm€d lmd Fodalod bf lourmed 2yeeF trlgh,low hrtt that of perlite! It tends to bneakdown after a seasonof lrr lilffidt 6 months ilgh,lor lneil Vemlodlto Sowing. For thesereasons,vermiculiteis more of a soil VolcanlcRod( h hldunctt ktdoinlb medfn€d Ined enhancerthan a soleaggregate.As with perlite, be caleful not to bneathein the dustfrom a bag of vermiculite. Bllt Wryil. Fot *fp*? Volcanic Rock(Lava Rock) This chart demonstrateswhich aggregateis best suited Nature's best for an ebband-flow system!Thesebrick- for a particular hydroponicsysteno" No additivessuch as red porous rocks can be found at rnany garden stores, sandare included,so each redium must standon its own nurseriesand retail stores.They are inert, non-toxic, can- properties. not becornewaterloggedor rot, hold the perfect arnount The tpes of systernsto grow opiumpoppbs are as fol- of air and nutrientsin their pores,and best of all - they lows: topdrip, which seesthe plants receiving constant can be usedindefinitely!The only drawbackfor volcanic drops of nutrient solutbn from above the root line; ebb rocks is that if you chooseto createa large garden,it will andflow, which seestbe plants' roots floodedand drained weigh a ton! However, for a smallersysten, it can't be with nutrient solution at intervals;ad wick' in which the beat. plantsare in a containerfilbd with a redium that will act Hydroponic Heroin Chapter Four How To Grow Opium PoppiesWithout Soil Overview Of Hydroponics 42 43 as a capillary agent, drawing nutrient solution from a 30Vowater andTUVoair! Comparethis to rockwool's 807o lower reservoirthroughcloth wicks. water and 20Vo air, and one can clearly see that it would For the amateurgrower, a wick systemis the absolute be nearly impossible to overwater plants using foam slabs best,requiringlittle attentionand still producingexcellent as a npdiurn The only adjustnrcnt that would have to be results. made using foam slabs is the feeding schedule.Due to the high flow-through nature of the slabs,feedings would have Ebb lnd Flow to be much more frequent, even constant. Bridc falr good poor CatLltbr poor poor good Light Systems Air Fllter good poor poof Coral good falr poor After weeding through the nunrcrous hydroponic sys- Chy Balb good good poof tems and picking the one which is right for your situation, Grawl lalr tair Poof Pedib Poor poor good you have one more important choice to make to complete Rodcod good poor fair the unit; a light source. The most important (and expen- Vemlculite poof Poor fair lava Rock good good poor sive) decision you have as a guerrilla gardener must be made.Although we havecheapskatedour way through the hydroponic systernslabynnth, we cannot scrimp one bit on lrcryt*WeA,h,4. light choice. The two types of lights that are acceptablefor growing poppies are fluorescent tubes (which are the best Polyuretlune SlabM ethod choice) and high-intensity dischargelamps. The polyurethane(or PU) slab npthod is the newest crazn,to conp out of the Netherlands.The slabs,which Fluorescents can be found at any carpetingor warehouse-t)?egarden- Fluorescent lights are a great alternative for someone ing store, are used in topdrip systemsin the place of who wants to grow, but can't afford the heat output of the rockwool The advantagesare quite clear: foam slabsare high-intensity discharge lamps due to confined grow pH neutraf rockwool can raise your pH; foam slabsare space.Fluorescent or tube lights are filled with inert gases, not irritating to the skin and lungs, rockwool posesthe mercury vapor and phosphor. When the current is passed sanp healththreatas asbestos;foam slabsare reusablein- through the tube via ballast, the chemicals are excited and definitely(they offer a ten-yearguaranteeon horticultural emit a glow. Most of the heat that is emitted by a fluores- slabs),rockwool bneaksdown after a season;and,possibly cent system is by the ballast. If you choose tubes and heat the best reasonto use foam slabs over rockwool, is its is a problern, ask the light store attendant about a rernote water retention property. Polyurethaneslabs hold only ballast. They cost more, but the crop will be worth it! Eydroponic Henoin Chapter Four How To Grow Opium Poppies\ilithout Soil Ovemisw Of HYdroPonics 4 45 Fluorescenttubes fall under thre power categories: ticed that they were doing twice asmuchwork' Turns out standard,HO (high output), and VHO (very high output). that thesenew nptal halide lanps were keepingthe trees The standardtubesusuallycolnurte 10 watts per foot of bathedin light all night and they were getting a double- length.The HO tubesconsunefive or six tirrBs the watt- daylight photoperiod! age, and the VHOs can consunrcas much energy as a fne t,OOOwattnptal halidestandsfar abovethe rest of high-intensitydischargelary. Tbe ballastsare tbe same the pack, producing 110,000lunrens!For a few dollars for the standardand HO, but difrer for tbe increasedvolt- ,*ri, you qrn buy superhalidesthat produce 117,00G' ageneedsof the VHOs. 125,000.The best singlebulb on the marketis the Agro- The bestfull-spectrumtubesto useare the HO T-10's. sun HO halide. Ttrese color-correctedhalides not only They are made by Vita-Lite and produce a whopping have the blue spectrumthat the other halidesare known 2,750lurpns per four-foot tube (non-twisted).A lumenis for, they alsohavereds that maximizefruiting (especially a standardunit for rreasuringlight flow. One lumen is in marijuana).These enhancedspectnrmbulbs nrake all €qual to the amountof light that ore candlewould pro- other singlebulb systernsobsolete.Theycost a little lmre' duceon one squarefoot of surfaceonefoot away.The T- but you get what YouPaYfor. l0's are guaranteedto match 9l% of the sun's color fitr run nptal halide lanp produceslight by passing spectrumandlast \&0 hours(five yean). voltage through halide gaseswithin a quartz arc tube'- Always useelectronicballastswben they can be found. They-mustbe usedin the position stampedon the baseof They arequite costly,but are well worth it in the long run. the bulb (HOR horizontal'VER vertical' I'JNW universal), Ebctronic ballastsare silent, extendtube life up to 30%, so it is suggestedthat a lary be bought with a universal reduceluren depreciationby l0%, makeHO tubesburn stanping.This rerpn"s the hasslesassociated with baving 4O%brighter, and use only 62% of the power a normal to positiona bulb a sPecificwaY. bdlastwould. If you live in an areathat has frequentpower outages' this may not be the best bulb for you, becausethere is a n<$,v,ta*\ D;trdaae l;$,fi five minuterestriketinp after a MH is shut off due to in- ternal gas cooling. Each consecutiveoutage will' like McbI EaIilIcs bumpsto a hot bulb, shortenthe life of the bulb' Metal halideswenediscoveredfor horticuhuralpurposes ff, zu sorre strangereason you need to remve the by, of all peopb, tree-trimrremin the suburbsof large cit- bulb, wait until it bas cooled ofr coryletely. The beat bs! When tbese citbs replrced standard incandescent causesthe baseto expandand it couH break offin yow sheetlarys with HID retal halides,the tee trimmersno- band.Superhot glassfragmentsin your handcould crary yo* ttyt"t Also, if the bulb ever bneaks(if a droplet of Hydroponic Heroin ChapterFour How To Grow Opium PoppiesWithout Soil Overview Of Hydroponics 46 47 waterwereto hit it), turn it offwithout lookingat it. Even Yow CA^akt though it might still be operating,UV radiation will be leakingout of it. Llght Type Watts Lumens Llfe-hours Prlce lncandesc€ntGro300 1800 6,500 $5-10 High-PressureSodiumLamps 40 1500 12,0.J0 $8 Fluorescent High-pressuresodium lanps have been a favorite of HOTube n 2100 24,000 $15 V H OTube 11 0 27fi 24,06 $40 guenilla marijuanagrowersfor years.You have probably 400 34.000 20,000 $60 HIDHalide seenthem on top of light poles illuminatingdark parking 1000 117,000 12,000 $80 HPS 400 50,000 20,000 $60 lots in industrial areas.This heavy-dutyusageatteststo 1000 140,000 24,W) $80 their remarkablelight output; one l0Gwatt bulb can pro- duce140,000lumens! This is equivalentto 3,500standard Below is a chart that will show the complete costs of fluorescenttubes! buyrng a lighting system for a medium-sized (10'x8') Therearetwo sizesof high-pressuresodiumlights asfar opium poppy garden. The prices include all of the neces- as the closet gardeneris concerned:the 400-watt and the sary hardware such as hangers, lens, reflectors and an king 1,00Gwatt.If you decideto buy oneof theseelectric electronic timer. Try and buy the most expensivesystem stars,splurgeandbuy the l.,00Gwatt.It illuminatesbetter, you can afford, as it will usually last longer (and can be reducesharvesttinp and increasesthe vigor in all photo- used to grow marijuanaand other illegal species!)and give syntheticcreatures! better results than a cheaperone. Also, the more expensive The HFS lanps work by sendinga current through va- lights conre with warranties, which can be useful should porized mercuryand sodiumin an arc tube. The sodium your high-dollar, fake sunbreak down. glows a rich yellow that is high in the red-orange-yellow System Watts Wan. Bulbo Prlce spectrunlmimickingthe fall sun. The HPS canbe positionedin anydirection"unlike some lncandesc€nt 1200 no 4€00 watt $60 of the metal halides. The ballast for a 1,00Gwatt unit Fluorssc€nt 160 m 4-40watt $65 HOFlrcrescent 160 y€s zl-zl0watt $235 weighs60 pounds,so be sureto get one that hasa remote VHOFluorescent 560 yes &140watl $350 ballastunlessyou want your ceiling to cavein at somein- HIDMetalHalile 2fi y€s $20s 400 yes $250 opportunemoment. 1000 yes $'315 HPS 400 y€s $26s High-pressuresodiumbulbshavethe longestdurationof 10@ y€s $410 any high-intensitylight. Used for Vl lroun per day, the HPSwill burn for ?r4,0Uhours. Hydroponic Heroin Chapter Four IIow To Grow Opium Poppies Without Soil Overview Of Hydroponics 48 49 the window all around. If you can get a black or white fAuaat Tl. hal ahf "ag blanket, all the better! The quilt is to absorb (or reflect, in Ul,laap;ale Ddali,ot" the caseof the white one) any stray radiation that makes it past our heat barriers. If you don't live in a big city with As you may alreadyknow, the Man has conputeizpd millions of dollars to spend on black helicopters and all systemsthat enable him to catch the unwary guerrilla that garbage, you can probably stop here and be safe. If grower. After you read this and put these npthods of the city you live in hasheavy air traffic, read on! "hide andseek"into action,you will no longerbeunwary! Take severalslabsof styrofoam and make a solid wall of Thermal and W detection stemsfrom the advent of them the size of your window by taping them together HID lights comrnonlyfound in indoor gardens.The ther- with duct tape. Tape the plate of styrofoam to the wall maf or heat-seeking,radar uscs super-cooledgasesto around the window. DO NOT nail the plate to the wa[ as detect abnormalheat emanatingfrom a source.The W this would give radiation a way to escape.The styrofoam scannerenploys a filter, suchas a butterfly has,to detect could shift as the nails tear into it creating an unseen abnorrnallyhigh amountsof the normallyunseenultravio- breach. The styrofoam serves as a heat insulator againsl let radiation. Fluorescentlights are exerpt from these infrared detection, and serves as a physical barrier against tlpes of scans.Keepthis in mind whenplanningyour sys- all W waves. tem. Finally, take a couple of sheetsof aluminum foil or my- How can we keep the fuzz at bay with his super- lar and cover the window completely, shiny side toward sophisticate4hieh-dolar light finders?Easy:with a little you. This will be the primary reflector and barrier for all commonsense.Theseforms of radiationare just like any wavelengths. other in that they can be contained.Preventingthe pigs When done, shine your brightest and hottest lamps di- from peepingis the least expensiveand the nrost stress- rectly on the window from the inside. Go outside at dark rcducingthing you cando beforesettingup. and see if you can see anything coming through the win- To be 100%surethat the copscan't detectyour lighting dow, and put your hand on the glassto test for heat. More systemfrom the great outdoors, follow these no-brainer than likely, the job is done. steps. Your total cost may be as little as $5.00 for this barrier Placea couple of black sheetsover each window that that the police have paid $1.5 million to break. The funny the grow room might be locatedin. This step is for your thing is, they can't! Score: Clever gardener-2,Silly cops-0. nosy neighbors.Next, place a blanket or quilt over the Sorry, Mr. Policeman,no doughnut! plastic sheets.Make sure that this corryletely covers the If, after you have set up and your opium poppy garden wholewindow. It shouldbe at leastfour incheslargerthan stops flourishing, use this nutrient deficiency/overload Hydroponic Heroin Chapter Four How To Grow Opium Poppies Without Soil Overview Of Hydroponics 50 5l checklist to cross-referencethe problem with cure. Most horne-grown stones,he will re*oguzn imnrediately that the physical signs of distress can be cured by simple npans benefitsof a superior gardenfar outweigh the initial costs. (change nutrient solution concentration,alter room tem- Keep in mind these products are ONLY for the most seri- perature, pH, TDS, etc.). This list is very basic, and the ous and experiencedguerrilla gardener. avid grower may want to buy a more complete how-to When inquiring about these products, don't act strange hydroponicsystemdiagnosismanual. or make any referencesas to what they are for. If you are asked what tlpe of garden you have, tell them a flower garden. DON'T pay for the items with a check or credit fltfu/r.,?e D<l;v;all0vcnlnaL ClunlJ'rat card, as these types of stores have been busted by the Symptoms Deflclency DEA and their salesrecords used to gain accessto illegal gardens. Gowih slows, lourerleaves yellow Nitogen x Leaves discolor brown or purple, curl backward Phosphorus x Chmate Controllcn Leaf tips displaya 'bum' Nitrogen As a cold-weather plant, the poppy could benefit greatly Lower leaveslum brown, dry out Potassium x Leafveins remainsgreen,remaining from a climate controller. These electronic units contrin a leaf pales lron x pre-set thermostat that activates an air conditioner or ex- Black spots after iron rem€q Leaves display yellow spots Copper X haust blower when atnnspheric conditions start creeping Newest growing tips die, bro$,nspots into the hot zone. Therc is also another type that regulates app€ar on poppy capsul€ Calcium x Capsule ripening delayed Nitrcgen humidity as well Ideal mountain-like growing conditions Yellowing leaves, capsule laib lo bbom Manganese can be duplicated with this type of s)rstern Price: $l2G Plantsturn brown and die All nutrients r80. l14a4 HW+r.1, CO2Systems Carbondioxideemittersor generatorsare a heaven-sent qail.4^rv^* e4,;pnta*l for the guerrillagrower. CO2gas increasesplant size and speedsgrowth up to 100%. A carbon dioxide emitter There are a few high-techgardeningimplementswhich works by usinga tank of conpressedgas (easyto find), can be bought at your local hydroponicgrow store that and a generatorproducesgas by burning liquid propane will ensurea vigorous indoor crop and substantiallyin- fueLThe emitteris the only systemwhichis plausiblefor a creaseopium latex yield. Sonp of theseitems are quite poppy garden,as the generator tends to create excess costly, but if the grower is seriousabout havinghis own heat. Price:$160withouttankrental. Hydroponic Heroin Chapter Four How To Grow Opium Poppies Without Soil Ovemiew Of Hydroponics 52 53 Dght Balanccrc rays. This kills all of the bacteria (in solution) and viruses Light balancersare a must for a large indoor garden. to which nutrient rich water eventually gives rise. The The light is affixed to a moving chain on a rail and the poppies will be less susceptible to air and waterborne dis- rroverrcnt imitatesthe east-westsun cycle. Light balanc- ease,and this will buy the professionalgrower sonrepeace ers also keep equal amountsof light on eachpart of the of mind. Price:$50-150. garden,sonrcthingnot possiblewith a single-fixedlight systen A largerindoor gardencanbe realizedwithout the excesscosts of electricity bills and of providing an extra high-intensitylight. Price:$11G300. Liquid Nutrionts Liquid nutrientsare a boon for all hydroponicenthusi- asts.Most of them are all-natural,addingan organictaste to your opium insteadof a ctremicaltastedue to the pres- ence of inorganic fertilizen in the comnon hydroponic nutrient solution. Sonp of these fertilizers even contain helpfulbacteriaculturesand naturallyoccuning horrrones to boost the plant's growth and overall yield. Price: $25- 50 per gallon. Protein Skimmercand Ultraviolet SteriHzen For the hardcorehydroponicgrower with thousandsof dollan of psychotropicplants on the line, thesetwo de- vices are necessarywhen the guenilla grower makes a living by sellinghis greenwat€s. Protein skimmerswork by rennving all organic waste from the reservohby foam fractionalizationThe d re- suft is a super-cleannutrient solutionthat will las bnger benveensfuanges, therebypromotingvigorouspoppies. Ultraviolet sterilizersare placedin-line in a recirculating systemand work by radiatingthe passingwater with W Chapter Five From SeedTo lYeed 55 Chapter Five FROI' SEEDTO WEED The first thing the guerrillapoppy gtower needsto ac- quire is a good supplyof poppy seeds.Surprisingly,you can get some high-germinationrate seedsat your local grocery store in the spice aisle. Dependingon freshness and the sourcefrom which they were exported,gtrocery- store seedscan be a cost-effectivealternativeto over- pricedmail orderseeds. If you havethe moneyand would like somereally pow- erfut hyfuid seedsthat would producehugelatex-steaming rnonsterpoppies,there is an excellentsource for rnail- order somnifenrmseedsin Canada For $27.00 they will send you five grams(5000 seeds)of fresh poppy seeds takenfrom giant plarrtsin ASoa Turkey! They also guar- antee a rearly lW% gerrrination successrate! Contact themaf [email protected], or write themat: Iznir Oil & SpiceCompany P.O.Box 316GangesStn. SaltspringIslan4 B.C. V8K2V9 Canada Hydroponic Heroin Chapter Five How To Grow Opium PoppieslVithout Soil From SeedTo Weed 57 For a better deal, but of unknown origin and germina- mediunr, water heavily, and place in a sunny window. tion rate, there are a few seed dealers to be found in the Germinationfor the Poppy is alnpst immediate(three to classifieds n High Times. They sell the Papaver somnif- four days), with the seedlingsbecomingleggy two days erum seedsfor about $15.00per ounce. after enrcrgerrce. Make sure the nrediumstaln moist, not soggy,and don't fertilize at this point. Ttrc poppy's root SeedTech HawaiianSeeds systemconsistsonly of a tap and a coupleof micro-hairs, 1935S. PlumRd. P.O.Box 4908 so anynitrogenwould burn andkill your plants. Palatine,IL60067 Macon,GA 31208 Whenthe seedlingsshow a secondset of leaves(at five to ten cm), the baby poppiesare ready to transplantinto Obviously,the best deal is at the grocery store. A 35 the hydroponicsysternUse a weaknutrient solution(257o gram bottle of McCormick Brand Poppy Seed contains of recomnpndedamount)combinedwith a splashof B-12 roughly 35,000 seedsand goes for $4.00! Most of the and Rootoneat first, and keep fluorescentslG24 inches growersthat I know usetheseexclusivelyand claim a 75- directly over the s),sterL High-intensitydischargelanps 9OVosucrnssrate. During my research,I germinateda to- require more distance(30-36 inches),as super-hot bulb tal of 500 grocerystoreseedsand found that, surprisingly, temperatures cancook the tenderseedlings.A good gauge $U9OVo of themwereviableandgerminatedvigorously! for distarrceis the handtest. Placeyour barehandover the seedlingsandrmve the light systemup anddown until the heat from ttre lary no longer burns your hand after 30 seconds.Set the light timer on a scheduleof 12 hours ontt} hours off. During the off-cycle, no stray light can Germinatingpoppy seedsis a very simple task that enterthe grow arca,so makesurethat whenthe lights go leavesthe grower with limitlessoptions. Sincethe poppy off, th plants are bathed in conplete darkne.ssfor 12 is not too keen on being transplanted,the glower must hours. attemptto germinatethe seedsdirectly in the hydroponic True to their classification,the poppieswill grow like system (quite difficult unless using a wick system),or weedsunderthc correct light and nutrient conditions.Af- germinatein a transferablemedium such as peat pots, ter the plantsbreakpastthe ten cm barrier' changethe di- polyurethaneslabsor rockwool. lute nutrientsohrtionandreplacewith a haf-stnengthdos- After choosing your hydroponic and lighting systern, age(no rmre tban250-350TDS aboveyour water solids). and nrakingsurc that the hydroponicsptem doesn't leak This ircrerrental ircreasewill easetbe poppiesinto major after a couple days of usage,stick hundredsof the tiny growth mde without shockingtbe bn out of them with a seedsan eighth- to a quarter-inchdeep into the chosen full nutrientload all at ore. Tbe gradualircreasealso at Hydroponic Heroin Chapter Five IIow To Grow Opium Poppies Without Soil From SeedTo Weed 58 59 lows beneficial nitrogen-fixing bacteria to form and mass changedevery ten days to two weeks. Also, watch for in the mediaof the hydroponic system. signsof nutrientoverloador deficiency,asthis canhappen As the plants grow, raise the lights accordingly. If fluo- at anytime afterthe nutrientsolutionis at full strength. rescentsare being employed, they may be allowed to come Light systemtimer should now be bumpedup to 13 within six to ten inches of the fast-growing poppies. No hourson/I1 hoursoff. provisions for metal halides can be made at this point, due to the fact that opium poppies suffer in hot conditions. If you have a metal halide in your grow roorn, it will rnore Srr,il.n- Rg,l"d,@4- T;''r,a than likely raise room temperature 15-20 degrees.Remedy this situation quickly by keeping a wall-unit air conditioner Specificsystemsrequire specificnutrient solution feed- aimed at the plants. Remember that the maximum daylight ing tinresto be programmedinto the electronictimer that temperaturefor the poppiesis 75'F. controlsthe system'ssolutionpump.Below is a timing list for the most plausiblehydroponicsystems.Not included are the wick systems,as they are self-regulatingvia mois- TA;**a* ture gradient. The painfultask of thinningthe weakfrom the strongis Type Syslem eCglogato nm€ or/off at hand.By the tinrethe largestplantsarc 20 cm, a notice- sand 10minorVl houroff Flow-lhu.rghor able vigor gradient will have appearedas plants with Ebb& Fbrr grawl i0 minory'1Ominoff clayballs 10minon80 minoll weakergeneticslean over and tend to be stunted.Take a perlite 10 minory'1houroff pair of sharp scissorsand weed out the smallerplants, P.U.slab 10minon6 minoff roclelrool 15minory'4hoursoff leavingonly groups(4-6) of largeonesspacedsix to nine vermiculite 15minor/8 hoursoff inchesapart. volcanicrock 30 minory'4houa off To cope with the pain of losing so manyplants, make Togfeed rccirculating sand conbnUl drodsec tea as describedin Chapter7, if you have enoughthin- grar/€l constantstream claybalb constanuldroC4s€c nings. perlite constanuldoC10 sec Changehalf-strengthnutrient solution and replace it P.U.slab consiantsfuearn rochrool constanuldrcpAOsec with full-strength.By now, the poppieswill be usedto the wrmbtdiie notapplktble fertiltzer and will experienceanother spurt of growth. vdcanh rcd< constanUldto/lO s€c From this point on" the nutrient solution will need to be checked daily for pH and total dissolved solids and Hydroponic Heroin Chapter Six How To Grow Opium Poppies rilithout Soil Optimal Harvest Parameters 6l 60 After the plantshavereached12inches,cull the weakest from eachgroup, leavingonly the singlestrongestplants six to nineinchesapart.Changethe nutrientsolutionfrom one high in nitrogento one high in phosphorusand raise light scheduleto 14hourson/10houn off. Chapter Six ],nlut'tt od, 4 FlDtteArr,h* OPTIHAL HfrRVEST Once the critical photoperiod has been bneached,tlrc PfrRfrI'6TER5 rernainingpoppieswill prepareto go into full flowering D<1<**,an"a1;ot* S."l' UP4^le rnode.Whenthe poppiesare 28-30 inchestall (aroundthe "[ fourth or fifth month), turn on tbe light and leave the Rirle<r^zt4 plantsin the fake sunshinefor 72 burs. Monitor the pop pies' room tenperatureclosely during this stage,as high There are three deciding factors when preparing to heatcan ruin all of the care that you haveput into thern harvestopium from the seedpods: petal dropping, capsule After the thnee-dayperid, start tbe lights back on a 16 color and firmness. When the opium poppy nears hours on/8 hours off schedule,which is the oPtirnalpho- senescence(death) by dropping its flower petals, the time toperiodto induceflowering in thesomniferumspecies. is nearing for latex gathering. When half of the petals have This play with the lights mimicsthe onsetof spring,with fallen and the capsule'scolor is a pale green, start gently ever-increasinglight hours. Ttre plants will reqpondby squeezingthe capsuledaily. When the walls of the seed producingflowers rapidly to manufacturetheir seedsbe- pod fill with the liquid, they will start to firrn By the time fore the burningheatof "sumtrtf,'"arrives.Oncetbe flow- the last petals have dropped, the seed pod should be the ers start to fill out, you can reduceth light cycle to 15 perfect color and firmness. If it is not firm yet, it is hours onlg hours off. This slows tbe flower production" probably still manufacturing latex and needs a few more allowingtirre for largerflowers (capsules)to fornu This is days to collect and build up wall pressue within the orrc of the best reasonsto grow poppiesindoors(besides capsule. not beingarrcsted).With a variablelight cycle,the grower Collection ternperaturehas always been debated anrong cancontrolhow largeandhow fast his poppiesgow. poppy growers. Some growers swear that morning (coldest) collections are the best, and sorne live by the noon (hottest) collection rule. My personal experience is Hyroponic Heroin Chapter Six How To Grow Opium PoppiesWithout Soil Optimal Hamest Parameters 62 63 that there is no right or wrong time of the day for refrigeratorin an airtight container.Continuethis process collection, but there is an optimal time for opium potency. until you havetakenall the latex from the plants,at which The cool morning temperatures allow the latex to ooze tirnethe smartguerrillagrower will disassemble down and without having to struggle against the evaporating heat of hide the hydroponic and light systerns,and discard all midday, but it has been my experience that when the latex vegetativematter (thoroughlychopped)in a public trash is collected in the heat, a protective fikn (like the skin on receptacle.To get a second flower crop from your old Jell-O) dries on and protects the flowing resin. This hydroponicsystern,cut the usedseedpodsoff wherethe keeps the opium fresh (12-137o moisture content) and stalk attachesto another branch. This will cause new maintains maximum constituent potency. It is also how flowersto form (if you arelucky). opium as been collected in India for a thousand years, so You can also boil the chopped and spent capsules, who can argueagainstits effectiveness? flowers, leavesand stemsto mrudmizeyour yield. This At 7 a.rn, no more than three days after all of the petals concoction will make a much more powerful tea than have dropped, bend the main stalk over so that the opium plantlet thinnings. Knead the dried opium into a single seedcapsuletouches the ground. This will causeall mobile gum ball and weigh it for researchhistory. Also, kneading fluids contained within the plant matter to move dowr; the opium distributes the variant constituents into a increasing poppy head pressure,and thereby, firmness. homogenous,narcoticmixturewhich is easierto store and Be sure to allow the largest plant to mature and die, transportthan flakesor grains.This ball of opiates,now because this will be your seed stock for the next crop. rr-ady for abusageor refining, will remain fresh much l-arge, high-yielding plants come from the best seeds, so longerthanthe averagegrowercanresistsmokingit. don't give in to temptationand slice the biggestpods. By noon, the lowered heads will have firmed and you Aal;'a6 a. Ho+"rtlL *.A Stocl. can now take the first of four opium harvests.Take a new razor blade and make several shallow incisions, tightly If you have realized an excellentharvestand want to together, along the capsules' longitudinal planes from continueto grow poppies,you cantakethis wholeprocess bottom to top. a stepfurther by selectingand breedingyour own private Only harvest a quarter of the poppy's latex per day, as it stock. To breedor inbreedpoppiesindoors,wait until the will continue to give a harvest for four consecutivedays. flowers have fornpd and brush the flowers with a small The latex will flow freely IF your cuts were not too paintbrush.This takes the place of insect fertilization, deep. If they were too deep, the latex will spill into the which probablywon't happenindoors.Allow the plant to seed hollow and be hell to collect. Allow the latex to dry rnatureand die, then smashthe dried headto pick out the on the capsules' surfacesuntil it becomesbrown and tarry, nunprous seeds.Seedsplacedin fihn containerswith a then scrape off with a butter knife and place in the Hyroponic Hercin Chapter Six IIow To Grow Opium PoppiesWithout Soil Optimal Harv est Parameters & 65 desiccantshould be viable for up to two years (some ernalt;*'r,t 4 ab IBL breederssay tluee, but I like fresh seeds' germination speedbetter). For the most seriousopium lover, an inbred line (IBL) canbe established. The advantages to havingan inbredline are obvious: constant high-performingyields, increased diseaseresistance,narcotic profile blend of choice and identicalmaturities.Someinbred lines have alreadybeen establishedfor the opium poppy (Inperial Whites), but you cancreateyour own familiarblendafter a bit of opium smokingandsamplingfrom variousvarieties. To start an inbredline with poppies(it would only rnake senseto do it with weakervarieties),breedthe strongest and largestplants (rarents, or Pls) and use the resulting seedsto breed with another large, constant vegetative plant that is directly related to the Pl. A constant vegetativepoppycanbe obtaineduntil the seedsare rcady by keepingthe ptant on a 12 hour on/12 hour off light schedulewith a steadyatrnosphedctemperature. Cloningmaybe an option for the experiencedgrower in establistringan excellentinbredline. Siryly cut peripheral branchesfrom the poppy of your choice and root them in rooting hornpne-soakedrockntoolcubesundera moisture lid. When the clonesextribit roots in two to four weeks, place them in your hydroponicsystemand rnaturetbem normally. When the flowering stage starts, breed the clones togetber. Since the clones bave tbe sarr exact genetic code, the grower will end up with seodsthat carry the traits of the clore donor. This can causemrtations wbbh may house desirableor undesirabletraits, so if, whc'n Dricd poppy seedpods restin a bowl inbreedingby cloneor otherwise,you get a mnster popPy until thc nen planting season HyroPonic Ileroin Clnpter Seven How To Grcw Opium PoppiesWithout Soil CreationOf MedicinalAnd Recreatiorwlproducts 66 From ExudedLatex 67 Chapter Seven CRERTNNOF HEDICINfrL frA/DRECRE frTIONAL PRODUCTS FROtt EXUDED LNTEX Medicineis poison in the tunds of the inexperienced; poison is rnedicinein tlu han^ of thc experienced. Once you have taken the poppy harvest and have a reaff supplyof opium later; the,stageis set for refining andcreatingnur'rous medicinalandiecreationalconcocl tions andderivatives.Thereare a slew of dnrgsone could tfo" from raw opiur4 but the onesmost gardeners(and drug usen) are concernedwith are morphineand heroin Thesearethe opiateheavyhitters. Sy.-:!gi.:!!.$.,j-!.!s;::.v.!is;l!5F:r.:!i$t:nir::i::l::1i If a gardenerhasa decentlevel of basicchemistrytrain- How big-timegrowerstaketheir pods to town! ing, be can supporthimselffinanciallyby sellingtn" p*i- ThispicturewastakeninTurkcY, fied productsto acquaintances. When,"fioiog, -A*"y, ,"t up, cook and finish in the shortestamountoi tir* possi- ble. Dawdlingandprocrastinationleaveyou wide open to a conspiracycharge. HydnoponicHeroin Clnpter Seven How To Grow Opium PoppiesWithout Soit Creation Of Medicinal And Recreational Prodrcts From F.xudedLatex 68 69 lp+ Ilo^. Rdi.w';64 Eiaad;o+" 4 Ho4qA;aaHA ITIEYER:leavethe lab while in progress,smokewhile What you will needfor every 10 gramsraw opium: 'tooking," aoswerthe door while cooking, buy chemistry 500 ml demineralized water glassware,tell anyonewhat you ate up to, cook underthe 60 gnms calciumchloride influenceof any drug, refine heroin if you are not chemi- 200 ml concentraled ammonia cally inclined,buy the chemicalswith a credit card, show 4 coffeefilters your real identification,cook in rnetal kitchenware,use nrtal utensils,refine heroinover an open flanrc in an un- The removalof the basic constituentof raw opium is ventilatedspace,cook when you have warrantsoutstand- relatively easy and can be done without purchasingany ing, cook when sonpore knows you grow poppies,nrn expensivechemicals.Even the chemicallychallengedcan with scissors,cook if anyof your friendshaveoutstanding oUt"in a decent supply of morphinefrom three to four warrants,take your chemicalsstraight to the lab, drive dozen average-sized Papaversornnifenrms.This refining yotr own car to the chemicalsupplyhouse,buy acetican- processis not worth the trouble if a small gardenis har- hydride,or spill aceticanhydrideon younelf. vested;the theoreticalyield of morphineis aroundl0%oof' ALWAYS: cook conpletely at one interval, destroy the weightof the raw latex. glasswareand chemicalcontainemafter cooking, discard Add 1G'30gams opium latex (dry) to a liter of demin- poppy capsulesbeforeset-up,stealchemicalsand supplies eralizedwater (availablein grocery storeson the bottled when possible,use a fake identification"use friend's car, water aisle) and slowly raise the terryerature searchpurctmsedchemicalsand glasswarefor tracersbe- (approximately l70o-190'F) while stirring,until the latex fore returniqgto lab, drive aroundtown beforereturning conpletely dissolves.Removefrom heat and add enough to lab, keeppoppy cultivation secret,use adequateventi- lime fertilizer (calciumchloride)so that the plants' organic lation whsarefiningheroiq havea fire extinguisherhandy, matterfalls out of suspension. This milky top layer of the cleanand desEoyglasswareafter cooking, follow refining solutioncontainsthedissolvedmorphinehydrociloride' proceduresto tbe letter, look both ways before crossing Briskly stir the liquid and pour the solution through a the road, and concealthe refined substancein an area a coffee filter. Discardfilter and placethe solution back on narcotics-sniffingdogcannotreach. the heat until it reaches170o-190'F. Wben the solution beginsto steam,add concentratedannnonia(antrydrousis noi nocessary)until cr5rutalsstop forming. White crystals will fall out of solutionandcanbe collectedby pouringthe Hydroponic Heroin ChaPter Seven How To Grow Opium PoppieslVithout Soil Creation Of Medicinal And Recreational Products From F.xudedI'atex 70 7T solutionthrougha secondcoffee filter and allowing them Cookingheroinalsorequiresa larger gardenof poppies to dry overnight.The crptals shouldbe chop@ fine and due to the multiple stepsinvolvedin its refinement.Each are usableat this point. Snortingwould be the preferable consecutivestepwill reducethe actualyrelda little more, administrationroute here, as inexperiencedcooks could so a gardenof 60+ poppiesis calledfor- Don't fret, as I fuck somebodyup if impurities remain and tbey get in- have'tiends" who havegrown 400 plantsin a singlebed- irted. On the other hand,if the gardeneris a chemist,the room! fluS crystals can be dissolved in distilled water and banged.Keepin mindthat most usersconplain that intra- Whatis neededfor every 10gramsof morphineHCI: venousinjection of morphineHCI causesunpleasanttin- 15gramsof aceticacid gling sensations.See Dosage Chart (CtrapterEight) for 50 gramssodiumcarbonate adrninistrationartounts. 200 ml water 50 gramsactivatedcarbon Nuhlta r anl 4 lle 0:6" 200ml chloroform 200ml ethyl alcohol There are two gradesof heroin: number3 and nurnber 200ml muriaticacid 4. Thesenumbersrefer to the correspondingstepsin the 200ml ethyl ether four-stagerefinementprocess.Only gardenerswith at least 4 coffeefilters two yearsof college-levelchemistrywould havea ctrance StepNumberI of symthesizing srnack The key ingredient,acetic anhy- Add equal amountsof morphineand acetic anhydride dride (concentratedaceticacQ, shouldonly be handledby andbring the tenperatureto 185' F. Use cautionif you experiencedclandestinechemistsor govenuFnt bureau- don't live in a rural area,as aceticacid is what gives the crats. Acetic anhydrideis also a listed chemicalon the "smell" to vinegar,and is closeto unbearable if the chem- DEA's rnost-watchedchemicallist. This is the bestreason ist is not cooking in a barn or other well-ventilatedarea. for nraking friends with chemistswho have accessto a Onekeepsthe temperatureconstantand stirs periodically collegelab or breakinginto chemicalsupplyhouses. for a period of no less than six hours. At this point, the Tlrc chemicalsused, unless specificallycalled for, are chemisthasbondedthe acid to the opiateto form a crude not neededin exactanpunts.Most tirnesthe underground heroin(diacetylmorPhine). chemistaddschemicalsuntil the precipitatestopsfalling. Heroincookingisn't an exactscience.It basicallyinvolves cornmonsenseanda keeneyefor clandestinechemistry. Ilydroponic lferoin Chapter Seven How To Grow Opium Poppies Without Soil Creation Of Medicinal And Recreational Products From Exuded l-atex 72 73 Step Number 2 Number 4 Heroin can kill in low dosesin the intolerant The product is mixed vigorously with water and chloro- individual SeeDosageChart (ChapterEight) for admini- form (l:l rvater:chloroform)and drainedoff. This extracts strationamounts. any unreactedproducts or impurities. Pour off the water- chloroform mixture and add sodium carbonateto the her- Laudanum oin solution. This will cause heroin crystals to form and The cure-allandbe-allof the 19th century,l,audanumis fall out of the solution. easily preparedand does cure nuny ailnpnts. Maladies curedinclude:generalaches,nervousness, congestion, di- Step Number 3 arrhea and dysphoria.Due to its alcohol content, the Filter the solution through a couple of coffee filters to opium is takenup quickerthan if eatenby itself. It is very collect the heroin crystals.Dry the crystals overnight and pleasurableto abuse,evenmorethanopium alone. then add them to a portion of alcohol and activated char- The ingredientsare srmpleandeasyto conrcby; distilled coal chips. Shakevigorously for a couple of minutes and water and the clear, high-proof alcohol of your choice filter chips through coffee filter. Evaporate alcohol off (clearrum l5l, vodk4 pure grain alcohol,etc.). [,auda- with a low heat.The product remainingis known as Nunr num also has the prestigeto be able to be cookedin the ber 3 Heroin. It can be usedin this form or further purified kitchen without the normal safety constraints.Also, no to 99Voin stepnumber4. chemicalskills areneededto whip up this old favorite. In a cleanPyrexpot, combinetwo fluid ouncesof water StepNumber 4 and two fluid ouncesof alcohol Add 1-2 ouncesof raw This step takes the heroin and turns it into super-potent, opiumand slowly raisettre temperaturewhile stirring until super-purecrystals.The purity will vary, but even an aver- the opium completelydissolves.Removefrom heat and age chemist can realize a product that is 75Vo pure! The pour into a dark glasscontainer;keep out of sunlight.It dangersof acetic anhydride are mild compared to the pre- storeswell and will cure syrptoms you didn't evenknow cipitator in this case:ether. youhad! Dissolve heroin crystalsin a portion of alcohol and add simultaneously: muriatic (HCl) acid and ethyl ether. This Anodyne will precipitate the Number 4 Heroin. Filter the crystals as Anodpe is an old brand of British topical anesthetic in the previous step and spreadthem on a glass plate. po- which sports an opium active ingredient.This liniment is sition a standard40-watt light bulb 16 inches above the good for bruises,muscle soreness,ilint pains, strains, plate and allow to dry overnight. When the crystals are dry sprainsandtears. and crunchy, they can be used accordingly. CAUTION! Hydroponic Ileroin Chapter Seven How To Grow Opium Poppies Without Soil Creation Of Medicinal And Recreational Products From ExudedLatex 74 75 Anodyne is very srmple to make; combine one bottle of Seed Tea Laudanum and an equal bottle of soap liniment or skin lo- If you get impatient waiting for your capsulesto ripen, tion. Apply salve to affected area; the alcohol is evapo- there is a recipe that allows the grower to experiencethe rated by the skin temperature, and the opium osmoses alkaloid "trip" without sacrificingplants. The seedsof the (slowly, but very effectively) through the skin. poppy (most varieties)contain the samealkaloids,savefor morphine,as the matureplant, only in minule amounts. Opium Tea To benefitfrom this knowledge,the grower would need If you have managedto get away with having a large to acquire 9-10 35 gram bottles of poppy seed from the garden,you will have poundsof trimmings from removing local supermarket(steal thenr, or it will run you $36-50). less vigorous plants. What to do with them? Make a po- While you are there, steal a half-dozenlemons.Empty the tent narcotic tea! Studieshave shown that thesetrimmings bottles into a large glass container and cover the seeds contain high percentagesof alkaloids. Just because the with the lemonjuice. Allow to soak for at least 15 minutes poppies are 10 centinpters tall doesn't mean that they and then add somehot (185'F) water and allow to soak don't pack a major punch. If the youngstersare healthy, another 15 minutes. Strain out the seedstlrough a coffee they will contain close to I mg of opiates per gram of filter and boil the remaining liquid until it takes on the ap- dried trimmings! So, if you have a pound of trimmings, pearanceof syrup. you will have nearly half a gram of alkaloids (five or six Choke down the synrp and find somewhere safe to glasses). vegetate for about five hours. The alkaloids in the brew Boil each pound of dried trimmings in two quarts of will hit the user in about an hour and will keep the opiate- water until the water has been reduced in volunp to one head tripping for three to four more, depending on the quart. Strain the mix through a coffee filter, add six tea freshnessand strain of the seeds. bags and a lemon, sliced thin. Makes five moderate doses of foul-tasting elixir. If effects are not noticed within an Other Assofted Opiates hour, boil remaining tea until the volume is reduced further Many other opiates can be synthesizedusing morphine and bry again. as a base.If the grower is also a real chemist and has ac- This recipe can (and should) also be used with the har- cess to a labratory he can manufacture dntgs up to nine vested seed capsules, chopped flower petals, leaves and times as powerful as morphine! Such a drug would be in- stems. This makes for a very strong alkaloid brew. The valuable on the street. The profit potential for such a po- only drawback is that this solution will not store very long, tent dmg would be phenonrcnal due to the minuscule so you should use it within a week of brewing. amount neededby an addict. To rnanufacture such a face-
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