MAN – GOD WALKING PAST Vol 2. (1972-1976) - UPDATE – 10/9/2023 Firstly a big thank you to all who responded to our request for angel funding. I’m continuing to receive offers to contribute but we now have sufficient funds to complete the project. Back in June during the early summer heatwave we travelled to Swansea with three interviews arranged. Unfortunately one of these fell through at the last minute but the remaining two interviews were highly successful. Firstly we were delighted to be able to interview the one and only Terry Williams. As the only ever present in the Manband other than Micky Jones during the period covered by Vol. 2 of the film his contribution was of course essential. Despite recent times having been very difficult for Terry he was on great form and his interview was informative and full of humour. We were also pleased to interview George Jones in his studio. George has been a big supporter of the GWP project from the start and involved with the direction of GWP2. He is the only person on GWP2 who was not actually around during the period covered by the film, nonetheless as the son of Micky Jones, friend of the original band members and having performed Man’s songs with both Man and Son of Man he is in a unique position to comment on the band’s music. He also showed us Micky’s Gibson SG and some of his effects pedals explaining how Micky got his guitar sounds on those ‘70’s albums. We were also able to get an impromptu interview with Geraint Watkins. Geraint is a South Wales contemporary of the band. He is keyboardist with Slim Chance and formerly Balham Alligators as well as being a solo artist in his own right. He has played keyboards for the likes of Paul McCartney and Van Morrison and was recently named by Bob Dylan as being his favourite keyboard player! We have contacted various people to request interviews; unfortunately many of which received no response. So it goes. We are planning to film further interviews during October and then draw a line so we can work towards a final edit. For various reasons (mainly the possibility of interviews falling through) I don’t want to name names, but we are in touch with two people fundamental to Man’s story with a view to arranging interviews. One is highly likely to happen, the other a lot less so! There is also the possibility of short interviews with two high profile musicians who are Man fans. These are difficult to arrange because we are reliant on their generosity and they are busy, but fingers crossed... We are looking towards a release date via streaming next spring. The film looks to be running at over 4 hours long so it may well end up split into two parts. That’s all for now and thanks again for everyone’s interest and support. Gavin 10 September 2023