Abby 07944 574 202 Aldridge Saffron 4 7 l.idbroke Rd Abousleiman, Joanna London W11 3PD 0603 338 787 0207-7271006 Email: 001 212-879-7653 joannacheva!ier@hotmai!. c Email: [email protected] 0207•221-3621 Adam, Nick AJexander Pam 19 Rue De Lille 01415 644 305S(i 65~QJf ~~~7260tw) 00 331 40150061(h/ 01 415 515 9708{p Email: patexander alexanderrogil 00 33 607 341 980 p} Alaranti Giacomo Ftar4 83 Dllke St Agag Alejandro 83 DUke Sl 00 44 771 730 6038 Flat4 Email: London W1 aagag@as! 0207-493 6171 0385 261 390 0208-969 0027 (hi 0208-7461181 w 0207-746 1157 I) 0207--930 3703 9w) 0386 438 218 {PJ Allan Paul 001 206 355 5777 Email: [email protected] Alai Azzedine 00 331 4272 1$19 Allan, Nick & Sarah Albermarle, Rufus & 65 Banyan Villas Sally 9 Stanley Village Road Hosq Kong, 511 6th Ave 00-852-813-0762 P.O. box 394 N"ew York, NY 10011 1212465 9867{w) Email; rufusa® Althorp, Charlie 1 917 969 2158 {pl Rufus 1 917 257 9735 {p Sally A!!hOrp 212 271 3481 (try his firsl) 0207-229 1573 {h) ,.,- 0207-637 8655 {w} 0207-235-7769/9169 (2nd home phone & fax} Alun..Jones, Carella 34 Eaton Place Amon, Roberta & London SWi, Maurice 0207•235 7500 (h) 4 East 72 Streel 0372 58158 (c) New Yo,iMY ~0021 001 212 s 9 77 0012123192020 w) fl Alun.Jones, Jeremy & Deborah Old Park Anastos 1 Lisa Fishbourne 200 E 72nd New York ~t~ Kf8~8a~{J18 8AP NY 0124 357 2102 hr 10021 rnfaH: d~@o!,uk "!J21 . James Square on on SW1Y 4JP 001 2i2 446 47611,w) 001 212 737 1722{ ) 001 917 923 4513 !e..b bJe,em!1 777 4 1212 fDW 001 212 446 4900 0207 930 4237 w) And_erson, Lulu 0207-937 7730 Alvarez, Senor 0976 287 202 Vincente 00 34 1 276 6697 bhl, 011 34 915 90349 w} 00 34 1 563 8466 (fj Appleby, Robert & Alex 16 Grafton sauare London SW fi,3P7-498 3400 (h) Amon, Mr Philippe Oomaine de Bougy Ema : 1170 Aubonne ~Hm)House rr Swi!Zerland, Consort Rise Pok Fu Lam 41 21 681 5555:/wl HK ··oo 41 21 a212 2 (h) Email: 00 00 852 852 9104 2817 2651 4181 h 00 852 2817 4281 h Hm 5 Eaton quare (2nd omfo Fla! 88 ~g~ ~¥l, ~i1! ~w> 00 852 9104 2615 RJ) I Lon on SW1 41 21 821 2200 ~hO '~' 0041 79210317 JP) oo 41 21 627 592 ~wl > 0041 21 821 220~ f) Arango, Maile 41 21 627 5925 ( Espaller #10 (home) 9C Mad~d, Spain 28014 Armstrong, Arthur & Assaf, Charlotte & 001 201 659 3299 (hl 011 34 91 5 6 10 011 34 91 420 3776 h ~wr Emal/: maraooo~mai! Cathy 001 212 737 7290 {h) Vittorio 21 East 66th S! (h) 001 201 83121s21wl 00 34 63 913 6063 ( ) New York NY 10021 , AznarJose Aron, Herve & Marine 001212688 3820 (hj S&S Cap:ital 001 212 593 9040 140 West 57th Slreel AreUano, Victor 15 Cad~an Square New York NY 100r 32 East 67th Street 001 212 535 8623 h} Email: [email protected] 001 917 3314656 (p} 646 431 3052 {emergency con• 7lh Floor ~8Fs~W~3~~e29 Londo~ nBJ!nd SW1X OHT 001 212 988 5248 m) tact) Email; jose@s!scapita!.com 0207~2 5 6 4 0207~245 606~ 0012126067 001 212 772 3880 h lw/ Ash,Lorinda Astaire, Mr Simon Baddeley, Jean h!g Park Ave 60 Calhcart Road London SW10 Fine-a las Cotinas Lista de Correos 001 212 535 8835fhl 001 212 353 1285 (h) 29100 COIN Arion Joaquin 001 212 734 0100 w) 0207-351 7973 /;") Mala~a, Spain Fernandez de 001 212 235 57 Ema ; Cordoba 34952 12814{ Castillo de Mafpicas 00 34 52 783865 Mafpicas de Tago Ashley & Allegra Hicks 0295 768 285 ProviBcia di Toledo 32 Walpole SI. Astor Vlscount William 0385 770 977 {p) ~HmJ !dasoa 6 · London 0207-412 0703(w) 80 2 SW34QS Madrid 07973 134277 0207 7303130 (gJ Bahrke Peter s3a1n 0 34'25 877113 003414117575!) (ii/ Atkin Helene 508 and a half connelicu! St 0207-973-8250 00 46 707766655 00 34 1 262 4531 w} SF 94107 Email: [email protected] Ashley, Nick & Ari 001 650 851 2669 57 Ledbury Rd 001 650 851 2689 Arion, Fernando London W11 2,M 001 650 9878 \Wk Baker Danny r) 0207-22 1221Jw) 001 650 224 2 9 ~Pl 120 & 1/2 E 65th Strael 650 851 2689 (h) ome 001917647 9649 NY NY 10021 0207-937 106 (ti) ooi 212 826 7426(»;) 0207-937 1086 001-212 772 1029 { 0207•7366700 WJ 0207-221·1221 w Atkin, Mike & Ami Bakhtiar, Shariar 0159 12461 825 Was~nyton Street #SA Hoboken 07030 USA 2~~r~'clr:~~e~fJ~ ~fuss 3 - 0285 770067 0285 770146 ti) (fi +44 7831 136 210 A/fee {p} 00 1 917 873 9156 Georgetfl scheduler) (Hm)103-87/97 Yammabbe Gar- +44 7836 747546 George Keel! 941 349 6467 douy/ands h dens 917 887 8-468 Jim en- Darling Point . Balazs, Andre nedyJ~ress1 . S$dnefO Austraha 212 7 11 0 (guy Doug tnend h) The Mercer 142 Greene Slreef #SA (h) Bamford Sir Anthony and Lady C 914 861 9380 no.it2 do not use ~raVfs 01734 slJ4ao Portahie 398 Country ~.fl2\°if~rs! ftP 212-226·8224 wf} 12 018895 90312fsa) 01608 659777 le} 001 9-1 02011 fo . 6-5946 (p} Emat!: hotersatifiao!.com Bannister, Clive 612 93 h-Auslrah~) HSBC Investment Bank pie 612 9328 hf-Australia) fuHmfe3 Nos!ran Parkway . .,i he er Island. NY 11965 8 Canada Sguare K London E74 SHQ U 00 614 O 7 (other porta• ·;J 212 869 3050 Ans.Svc. 212 226 1555 Home Bands,Ooug 011442079916182~ 8~J 7389 5019 w-direct line a j 3 1 6~\ 2\11\ 1ii-w 646 221 7221 /gpl Office of William J. Clinton 55 Wes! 1251h St New York 44 207 991 4320 { 44 1n 1840 228 ra able 44 20 7221 1878 ome 020 7389 5015 (Asst. Helen Andrew5J 020 738 5011 {wf} NY 10027, 001 212 977 112 011442079914320 fax . .·j 6317490494 6317490512 h ~~~ ~ia ~Jg~ p 011442079916182 Clive Direct al work kl 212 226 5656 X ~01 (W) Email: \Hm)20 pl. 22G esl 60 Barnes, Peter 001 213 621 2332 (w) ·· ltjf., Baldwin Alec 001 212 769 7975fhJ 001 516 205 2532 C NewYotk 2 ~{i 1~i £7s1 David Slade 202 406 8002 Mikel:•• 301 627 8125 Mike ee h F 914 806 0462 Mike Lee car) Sanon, Javier /FB / Finance Sank 55 East 59th Slreel New York NY 10022 001 212-:!08-0300 001 212-250 7545(w (pl Barnett, Craig 983 Park Avenue 001 212 272 4012 877 741 2905 Mike Lee b} 001 212 249 0259 {h 001 917-754-7456 {p) r"1~ Balliol College, Oxford Mike lee email . 001 212 687 2816 ~ ~lJ%r~'l~R~and OX1 3BJ mlee~usss.treas,gov 07 7 524 101 Sara Latham 001 646 734 7618 (p) q Bamford George/allce 646 227 4930 Denise Diorio spkii scheduler 212 8 0452 Joe Cashion asst. director sch & Bastone, Hillary 0207-259 6070 d 202 236 5546 Uma n Daylesford House Moreton- in- Marsh 914 806 0463 Mark Galesre 202 288 5192 Mike Lee(p Batstone Hillary !I Gloucestershire ~,t.t&it~77 212 828 8321 Jim Morrison 212 348 9245 fax W1W 81Y, 67601"\ 8 Holbein Place London SW1 W8NL d 212 348 4963 Hanna Richert 5010 w 0171-730~5335{wf I) Email: :[email protected] 212 3481779 laura (Clinton's Email: lHmJ24, 1st Slree [email protected] on on SW1 W8Nl !;} '<1 0171-581·2554(h) •• u ,~ rni'.4 M 0836-594.908(p), 212 24~ 6801 (Asst Erin Eagan} Berkman, BUI Bismarck, Debbie & The Associated Group Bola Von Batstone, Tim Natasha 650 Madison Avenue Benson, Steven 25th Floor 1 Gerald Road 01492 580274gh) 01492 876593 w) 001 212 11s 13s2 001 212 832 0091 hJ iwi New Yoris NY 10022 212 301 ,aoo (o) London.-t SW1W 9EH 0207-8u8 4800 fh) 0492 860584 ( ) 212 301 2811 ([) 0207-808 4801(hf 0492 76593 (w) Hm)158 Mercer St (home) Email: bis- [email protected]. \ 0012 0207-730 6224 Bentinck, Baron 001 917 520 8910 07 77 05 23 026 {p) Baumer, Lorenzo 001 212 625 0066(h 00 33 1 4286 9933 f:fi?J~r~~tear Halstead Esse~ EnQ!and C094BP 00 33 1 4286 9944(1) 01 44u730396fol Bismark Vanessa Von Email: 001 917 734 4663{µ} Bernard, Tara Email: Ste- 07 770 523 149(p) 43 Wes\ 13th St. ven [email protected] Apt. PHF New York Beaumont, lord & Lady oo ~68 864 22'1 \Pl 01440 730073 {h NY 10011 40 Elms Road Birchall, Martyn oo\ 917 497 4970 Londonsw1..,, 001 212 741 0141lw} 44 E 12th Street (Hm)112 Wes! 271h (w) 0207498 8!W4 Beraaruen, Nicolas Alphaiirvesimant Management 212 254 1548 212 253 0437 o Wt NewYork, NY 10003 Suite 401 New York Beckwith, Tamara 110 East 59th Street (w} 33rd Floor 212 253-0438 ice Fax 6331 (h) 001 212 529 3400 001 323 864 4005 New York:, NY 10022 001 212 5115697 001212 421-0110 (w 001 212 741 0630 {wf) 001 212 421-0169 (f Email: Belzberg, Lisa nicolasb@alphai; (HmlPierre fiotel tn) 7 E. 67th Street 795 Fifth Avenue · Bisson, Jean Marc New York NY 10021 001 212 ~47 7777lmw) Suite 3104 001 212 989 4228 001 917 699 4523 ) w.) NYC 10021 001 212 517 5009 h) 001 212-838-BOOO~hi 001 917 983 0642 eeper (HmlPenc/1 001 786 553 7277 p 30 West 261h Street 001 212 702 0611 w 2nd Floor 646 824 0111 {Emergency Con- New York NY 10010 !acl) Bjorlin, Jean Paul 001 914 234 3087 (h) Juif!iard School 212 249 7742 {hf) 60 Lincoln Center Plaza 646 638 0565 {wJ Box 800 ' NY, NY 10023 , f-' 0 917 822 9168 Blaine David 0208-964 26B2(hl Bookls Nicholas 917 523 4567(f<} 917 771 7977 co/in hiss assl) 001 212 265 6930(h) BJack, Conrad & Barbara Hollf'/ffier lntemstfonal 712 tfth Avenue Sodini, Daniel New York. NY 10019 American Properties Blair Tony Booth Mark & Lauren 0207 938 1416441274 1177J7h) sec Katfe KaK 0207•321 0 05, 400 Park Avenue New York New York NetJets 001 212 826 9700 (W) 60 Sloane Avenue Email: {Co ~H1!fi(london omeJ 4 ottesmore Gar ens r°Jiio~tJi~'1g1:,a 5PR Bloomberg Mlke 212 935 0773 {h} rm,Home) 00 ifth Avenu8 New York, NY 1 021 020 7590 511~, London SW3 300 J 0207-373 9847 h . Email· mboolh 14152160401 wl 499 Park Avenue 151h Floor lHmJi3 Colling am Gardens on on 0208 341 3693 0207 538 6219 ( [ London 1 416 441 0591 { Toronto 0207 460 8888 )~ ondon home) NewYor~ NY 10022 ~afi!2 72 1061 (h) mbloomber~b! Bolsgelin, Edward de 69 Stanho~ Mews East SW5OHS (h{ 0207 7590 5 17 07711 110123 (p I 020 7373 1350 { ) t') 1 212 588 5666 o!!inger London S 7, 1 212 452 1301 1 917 754 3721 ffil (Hm.f.17 Est th SI 1 2 2 318 2000 ext 2005 (w) 0207-584 1456 0207-867 4056 W) !h) 07711 795782 (car), 020 7590 5112 (w-Chrect) 001 914 273 2198 Maria Bevan (asst) 1 212 988 4853 Ass';/ enny {Barbara's . 001 917 692 9244f 001 212 772 1081 g 1 41 363 2454 h'Yf) Toronto Boisguilbert, Pierre de 442074608688 ~) Boothe, Christina A, 561 833 7139 P 0033145630362 44 20 7937 2686 London (hij 00 33 14771 08 54 0207 -774 9857 {w) 212 452 1306 NY 212 452 1306 NY lh8 hf Boardman Samantha 001 212 737 4058 oo 33 140261529 fax Email: [email protected] 011 561 659 7~99 Bond Anabelle Borgese Paulo Blacker (Biogs & Jill), Mr 00 39 06 320 3804~hl &M Boardman Serena 0776 6012181 Email: [email protected] 00 39 07 44 71029 Oak Hanger 001 212 628 7542(h) 00 39 6 6880 46 51 (p) Reeds Lane 001 4711329{w) 00 39 348 410 9589 Liss Hanis 01730 892114 Bonomi, Andrea & Gioia Boden, Johnie & Sophie Via della 'if,i~a 26 Milano, 2 1 1 Borrico, Michael Ptesident 1 Dawson Place 02 454 71579 Certified Contractlnfi 1nc. L6ndon W2 4TO 0041795426093fGp} 623 Wesl 51st St. h/W) 0207~221 6013 ('N) Email: [email protected] NY NY 10019 001 212 397 1945{w) -~ 001 212 397 4454(h) 0207-589 8919 Emad: [email protected] 001 646 641 65T1 Cell 001 5617954128 {f) Bram, Ben 212 902 8620 Brachet!I Peretti Bossom, Hon Bruce and ferdinando Branson, Richard •P enefope Via Pincina 13 Brand Tony 80 Oxford Gardens Rome London SW10, 34 Princeda!e Road Pleln Sud London W11 4NJ 0386 89303 yh) ' 00198 0039 335 377 377!~) 212 431 6500 212 431 6724fD 8~Bi~,:ns;'2bh1 (h) 0207-286 1213 {W) 0386 89528 fax} 00 39 0684 93 775 w Email: [email protected] 0207-727 51 7 (h} 0039 0688 45000 I / Brandolini d' Adda Briatore, Flavm . Boucherie Sylvianne Brachelti, Hugo F'rosidenl-E.xor Fingest Manoz 90 ~ve Du Maine Pans 00 39 0688 41867 00 39 335 377 377 p) lh) Georg/111 & Tiberto 19 Avenue Montaigne Fingest Hanley on Thame 75014 Ema1r: u.brachettiperetti@apioi! Paris 75008 44 1608 678 000 (w) O0 39 0684 93404/3 {w) 060 751 7935aeorgina 44 1608 678 804 (f} 00 33 1 4321 6090fh) 01 44 4343 35' Email: [email protected] 003~ 1 4321 0786(f} 01 4 952 0916 fax fHm)Renault Fl Ltd. (W) E ma1f: s_ylvibou@club-itilemet fr Enstone 3 3 607 559712 fp) ' Chloping Norton Bralne, Caroline Oxfordshire,>.. OX7 4EE U.K. 0207- 351 1499 (h) 0207-3511499(h) +44 7785 3v7 306 +441491 639 610 (h (pj +44 7831 675 888 Rosella (Flavio's asst) -+44 1491 638 012 /hf) Braine, Ms Katie & +44 1608 672 410 Direct Serge 00871323271610BoaUPlane 2fJ Clieney Row +44 7785 307 306 Erner London SWJ SJB 0956 505 321(h} • 0372 58158 fcl 0207-351 6216 (h) Broadhurst, Julia Bowles, Hamish 0207- 350 1614 {w) Speedo Vouge 001 212 286 6077 0207- 352 0030 "(o iii8 ~o\5lz~0795 (Carera} tt£fa ~d~a9foo 1 881 ~l~ ~hij gg8J<1U 00 33 145441489)hl 00 33 90 05 7956 Gagetown SA 00 27 21 881 3235!hl 00 27 21 534 1431 w 0033 1441178 31/37 (w) Brandt, Peter Email: julia@cygne 001 561 798 0460 (h) Broglie, Louis Albert de 14 ~ue de Franqueville ~boulet@eas_ynetJr Pamela Pans 75116 France 646 2867000 lol , 84 rue de Ranel 011 336 1472 72'62 Michael Paris, 75016 646 638 3722 x222 Eve (Jean Luc's PIA! 646 638 3738 Eve's fax # . 011 5511 8135 8000 (Pl Brazil Bron/man, Jr. , Edgar Lexa P#rlners, Lf..,C 390 Park Av~nue Burckle, Ron New York, NY 10022 BrverTania 9130 West Sunset Blvd. {w) 212 433 1212 fwl FJi,(2 W,1dto11 Hse LA CA 90069 212 422 1213 wf) Bruce, James & London SW3 310 995 6995p Lucinda 0207• 584 4410 310 789 7295w 1st Peter's Square 310 271 0098 (h) London W6 9AB 8 rooks, Christoper & 0208-741 2276 (ti} Buck Joan Juliet Amanda 0207-382 8617 (w'} Burney, Mr Jules 191 Chryslie Street 001 505 983 8683 Apartment5R 58 Bradboume St New York, NY London SW6 3TE 10002 Brunel, Jean•Luc Buffet, Jimmy & Jane London SW6, 212 614 2870 fhl , Karin Moae/s 0207-736 2644(hg 001 ?12 583 3234(aw} · 991.. Boulevard Haussmann (h) 540 South ocean Drive 0207·352 4001(w Email: BrooksACC@aof com 75u08, Paris, France Palm Beacl)., Florida 33480 001 917 859 909 0011 917 496 9772 (apf 9Avenue 001 407 650 3668 0207-352 4001 (w) 347 865 1847 {cp} Part~ Fra 1~h~~g B urtril, Martin Emai/W:·ea · Bull, Bartle f;,./ .~ . Brooks, Miranda Hm h 7 venue 49J Jcmvs, Hirsch, Conner.I & Bull 001212941 1105 14th Street 3rd fl00r 439 E. 51st Street 34 KirlQ Slreet be 51h/6!h New York, NY 10022 New York 10014 001 212 255 0395 New York, NY 011 331 4265 1835 (h) 212 593 1694 212 527 1360 w g") Bushnell, Candice 001 917 378 3718 001 331 4563 0823 (w) Email: bbu!l®j Email: . 1 212 750 3649 !hl 845 373 8586 {h) 001212 886 3787 mHirandabrooks®mlndspring. on 336 0956 20D0 {Pj 00 212 734 3877 (h} fl ITTI001 212 243 2062(W) +3314640 0503 Pame a (hJ 001 212 757 8100 212 982 2860 Emergency Canta t 011 331 4563 5818 {w f) 001 212 472 7400 - Brother 1 516 537 3014 (Pamela hj Bullough, Hamish and 1305 672 8300 Karins Emma +3314563 8949 {Pamela w} Ashbocking Hse67 Abingdon Viii Ashbocking I-' w Busson, Arki 125 East 64 Street ~!d7~°9S·s~6o10021 usf\ 0207-730 4665 fhl 0207-836 2002 w) 001 212 620 9081 001 001 ftv 212 755 7766 A ) 631 283 1966 ampton 001 310 625 5500(~) Email: 4284063@s reLcom tHmwo NC Connec 00 41 22 3636464 001 212 847 2759 car 01 es! 26th Street Suite 1150 88J212 472 8757 fhl 212 75145 00 33 1 4727 201~ ~) Cadenet de Alain 30 Queensgate Place Mews 001 001 212 463 8897 fhf) 917 355 5~37 mp) ~f78l~i3~i9 1~g1? 1 London SW? 001 917 654 2 861f, 0207-373 3802{h) 001 917 856 9980 p) 310 276 6780/6 home 0207- 584 5511(w} 347 922 14ss WI, 212 320 3636 Connect {w) Butter, Charlie 001 347 922 1456 r°~ i2 Pelham Crescent Cambell Roddy 00 55 11 9998 625 p} Brazil CaJacanls, Jason 0012124890039 (h MM?si~o/lsfifl,· UK 07-569 7245 f) 0207-495 4939iw} ~n ¼fs261h Street {h) 917 597 ~~g3xrn 1 0207-221 4264ih} 0370 60606~~ 0207-292 56 office 212 320 3640 Ass!. rrel 212 320 3725 {wf) NC Connect 8fs90\fii ~Ot\ ~oiW~118nd 212 627 9907 (h) Cambell, Alistar Campo del Brooke & Emiho Button Terri Caledon , Nicky Caledon Casue 6~o~~SWi4513 0207 930 4433 #10 Downing 33 ~ e Park Gate Lon on SW7 SON 0207•584 7886(h) fondon \Ilsa lntern4tfom1J Smilh Terrace Caledon Nt Armagh Co Tyro Street SW3 4Dl B?507 351 ooss l~l 842 7638 ~3fiern Ireland, ne 1-568232 ,.. Camerana, Giancarlo Candole, Andrew de Email: terri buttonlho!maif com i~?ribgd~~mpson C ~$8 (parents} gg6~ 5~\~J~bi? {Verbier) 1 0207-626 217 <2 00 41 1 201 5930 fwf Flat 1 6 Lowndes St 00 41 1 910 3735 h 0861 568 232 Ire and London SW1 Oxff,rdshire OX 4 5RB 0207- 3514544 (hb 3Petyt Place Lon 8l~l??1fa3l cw> 81~3~ ~g\\26 w1s1e,l 431sos aren s on SW3 SDJ Cammy 0207•736 9669 0831121988 0207 7 917 859 5005 0207 351 76~~ fr:{! Calvo-Platero Marlo/Ariadne Candy, Nicholas AC 251 West 19th SI Campbell, Naomi Candy anil Candy Ltd Byng, Robert ~ew Yor~ NY 10011 Bef~ravia Court l3 lury Street 12 620 9081 212 463 8897 h /hh 126-127 Pi~House 31 Cheyne alk London 50 Lower Belgrave St. London, En,and SW1W ONR Email: nick on on SW1, &J°la~~ 8P-later~aoJ;,com SW30XX, [o!j4 [OJ 2 7824 7526 27557 6( W) 0207-376 7306(h) p 4 O 7770 868130 - (1)44 (0)20 7824 7521 Caruth, Sophie 01672 521 237 0705 0096823 Castaneda Debbie Caprice 0797 476 7885 0207-834 3840 001 310 344 89 w (p) J:B Belle Vue Road S andsworth Common W17 7EG, 0208-672 8276 335 634 9863 Cecil, Dr. Mark 7 Alexander Square Gator, Alby and Victoria London 55 Me!bury Road SW32AY UK g~rvalho, Michel & Flat 1 London, Wl4 8AO 207 225 0031 207 225 0081( 11'~ Carello Sara Massimo arlene Email: [email protected] 0207-584 6919 rs 7Pcerton Cresent on on SW3. 0207- 602-9377 (h) 01603 721050 Email: 0585 336319 07456 262626 ~) , 784 488 8890 ( ustique) 0207-730 1679 (h} Carey, Willlam & Carina 57 Basuto Road Cecil Mark & Mini Cerina, Fabrizio London SW6 4BZ, Casagrande, Guido PO Box 49428 Credit des AJfes 0207-7311826 (h) 5 Via BorPvonuoo Nairobi Ke~a Via Nassa 5 00 501 50 /8 6901 Lugano · 8o8 J9 2 878451 (wT> MIian /fai 00 501 754(1) 001 s11 ;;gs oso~) 0 39 2 a 464so2 011447900 8886 (Pl Carlbom Camila 9 3053341 (c( Email: fc~creditdesa 157 W 4Ih St 00 39 29 06 262 tJMllan NYNY10014 ii392878734J •~) Cecil Mark & Mini 00 39 02 659 580 (wf) 39 3352844 7(p 001 212 2422 8445 001 516 537 5487 The lawn H~ 00 39 026318 ~w~ 001 212 371 6 5 (h) 001 917 539 1033 Hatfield Park Halfield oo 41 91 923 7185 00419192314as r1Lugano wb Case Simon ~tftt 251395 00 41 22 731 8001 wr eneva Carmine 00 62 21392 9866 004122 731 8077()) +44 7900 8888 83 ~ 00 39 0823906750 00 62 811 803090 +39 335 4214 14 (p 00 39 3933323678 917 496 0606 +41 91 923 71 fl'J . (Giancarlo Cammarata. PA) Carrera, Barbara Case, George & Pauline 001 21g 476 6885 !~ 001 21 476 9867 f X) 34 ;f,lbotRd Lon on.W2 5J!3, 0207-229 1022 Cerutti Gian Carlo !!h2221fw/ 584-2001 h : ce=aurelia_! Y~t~1 8 00 39 )42 459443 ti 8"1a~~ve Monferra!o 992 00 39142-459439 w - • •. ,! :J 00·34 52 855247 [ marb) Chatwal Vikram H:impsh!re Hotel.s & Re.son.s 00 34 52 855010 little t\ouse) 0207 373 3131 0468 275 OSO{p) 0207-7302851 0207-982 2085 w) t) 595 E!evenlh Av~. bet 44th & 451h t. Cicogna, Gianfranco New Yor~ NY 10036 70a Fulham Road Cipriani Guiseppl Clive,Lucy 1 212 47 9880 (W} 1 212 320 2900 London SW3, EmaU: f,;'°iHJ11"rsusteJ .net 212 499 0599 fw/ 917 353 3445 p 45 El · Crescenl ~Hny1 Central Park West #32F 00 3 · 0207-5 5 6 ~f 1 917 442 7425 (p} 0207-5 1 3880 h 00 f7 11 80419 6 (Q 02 1-7677 44-262 P: !hl 07 976 1224 (faxJ 0860 363891 · Cisneros, GuStavo and hvejboi:len co uk Pally 3-1 5 work Chenevix-Trench, John 81~27 54 3311191 (S, Africa-h} 001-908-234-2554 New Jersey 0 7 833 23 0000 (p) 950 5th Avenue 0207-235-1186 Uncle & Lucy .. New York. New York 10021 001 516 353 1926 (Pl 4Albert Pia~ 001212717-5880 (h) London wa SPD 0207-376-1193 Clcogna, Marina 0385 778862 00 39 6 67882341 RomeJ Goben, Lar[Y {iwJc) 00 33 53 90 3937 00 39 6 9026023 Rome Claverino, Amadeo Stmrl$f! Capita/ Partner$ 0207-425 7672 00 41 82 34584 ( t MJ oo ag 2 600 3666 ~> 101 W 12th Street Appl 35 0207-376 1193 ij 00 39 2 583 05 00 (w) NY NY 10011 USA 001 212 996 6266 Clcog"nani, Pietro 212 sa2lcoban Emal!: 301iJfl h Clcogna Gianluca &AleJancjra Claverino, Isabel ftim)685 Thi Av~ 15th Uoor 1020 5th Avenue 125£: 741h St 00 3902 7231 8479 ew York NY 100 7-4024 14th floor New York NY 10021 011 39 0272 3181\rJ 001 212 675 3385 (hi. New Y, Y 10028 (Hm)OO 39 335 82 541 001212 582 3015 {w 001 212628 766~hJ 001 84 0207-2 10{w) ('ll 001 212 245 486 001212249 8812r (w\ 212 497 4259 dlrecl cf!al {w) crmau: e .com 001 212 308 4811 w 21 001 917 24 p 8110 /hi 001 212 249 7514 w Cleese John Alice Fay seciary Cochrane, Ms Mandy 020 -229 6344fh) 2 P°/cfar GrovflF 0207-221 2472 w) Lon on W6 7 Clerach, Linska 0494 672492 ~w~) Cicogna, Geoconda The Studio 0207-603 680 (5ondon Queens Gate Gdns SW7 1c Clarevtlle Grove Clempson, Graham & London 0207-589 19Sj/581 451 (h) SW73AU, Emma 30 Sloane Court West Cohen Dali! London SW3, 76 Elm Park Mansions , ~~ Park Walk London SW10 Colle Jeffrey 0207-995 898t,f,w) New York NY 10021 001212308 855iw) Cooke, Clive 00·1 212172 1029 , 8?°lit}~f~16 le11 001 212 988 4410 hJ. ttil ;zffmh Avenue #63H 00 34 11 75 75 SQarn 0207 573 0055 (wt) 001 407 796 060 001 516 537 2203 h 001 516 324 8500 w} New York NY 10022 001 212 421 5085 {ht 881 ~1~ !~~ Ij~8 t:l 001 516 443 8500 p) 001 212 668 9668 w Cohen Peter NY NY10036W: \9 Water 400 South Point Drive ~~8h12126°68 9668 Cotterell, Harry 51 5 283 1839 Southhampton: B)'!ord Court . ~~Jftfach FL 33139 Collins Phil & Orlanne 41 22 994 40 14 fw} 07715 172 772 Byford Herefordshire HR4 7LD Email: oriannecoliins@ltltledrea 0981-22227 (h) 001 305 531 5370/h/ 001 305 772 3966 p 4122 994 4o 11(hl Email; [email protected] 41794149405{p Cordle, Ms Rachel 305 588 9931T 54A Radcliffe Square Courcel Martine De London_ SW15 68L 0033607559699 Conrad, Henrietta 0207-370 3943 (h) Coleman, Jo 0207-581 7034 {W) 4a Pambridge Mews London WTI. 881 ?U ?~7 !ll2,hi) \\l;i'/166 E. 63rd St. 0207-221 6310 (h) 07831 372264 (Pti) Cordle, Rupert & Cowdrav, Marina Ths Vfscounfess Cawd 0207.792 3933 fax Cowdray House New York 0207-712 9300 (w) Camilla Cowdray Park, Midhurst NY10021, 72435101 33 Albert Bridge rd Wes! Sussex London GU29OAY, SW114PX 01730 812461 0207-738 8997 01730 812122 ({) Coleridge, Nicholas & Constantine, Susannah 0836 323616 (Cpl . Email: uk Georgia Sten Ber Emal!' 11,1pert [email protected] [email protected]. 40 81YmerRd (Hm)34c Alb.ert Bridge Road (wJ 38 Prlnceda!e Road London SW11 4PY London. wn 4NL London Swt1 4EW 207 498 564 91w) ) 01144 207 221 4293(h 0207-376 3212/Wl 07831 584 05 3 fRp . Cowie, Colin Email: 0207 720 8882 h) 207 498 5689 (Asst Ahse) Email: 11 E 68Ih Street [email protected] New.York. NY 10021 020 7499 9'080 Nick (W! [email protected] m1Susannah,{w) 001 212 396 9007 020 7499 0052 Nick (wt) 91181 5695 p 001 212 396 gq1,,1 020 7221 4293 (h) ~ 33 9054 35 2 ( Fra) Cordova Hohenlohe, Email: cawcowIe aotcom Fernando de 001 917 601 120 Stuart Bidasoa #6 'd 917~SS?~7870 Colin Portable 28002 Madn 120 1/2 Easl 651h St. Crabbe, Sophie ~estWral!ing 223 Cranmer Court ambnt:estirre Davies, David & Linda ~~e£R&d Grove, London 0223 29 341 0207-352 7 t~ Dabbagh, Amr A. 011 966 2669 7220~w) 85 Eaton Place London SW1 - 01144207-581 8920(h) 011 966 2669 6184~ 0207-730 1517 lh) on6a 20a 209 can Email: amrdabba~h· ao\.com 0207-730 2931 (f) 01144 778 533 3 6 Pl d'abo, Mrs Jennifer 13 Wilton Crasent Cudro, Afalstar London SW1X BRN Davis Michael 003314252 7234 t) 00 3315 389 4762 w) 0207 245 6447 jh) ' 4 0223 290328 {c Dahl, Sophie 01 212 925 8484[hJ 001 310 503 22331f) 001 212 9882386( ). 01 646 244 7739 p Email: [email protected] Cur7., R. Bo,r.kln D'Afessie, Carman Eagle rlfltal Man gument 001 212 245 9914 Darrin, Drake DW, Nick and Heather 49 Pa Avenue 1 West 81st S!reel p&, Development Compi'lny N ew York, NY 10022 New York PO Box34 f 1 2 2 293 4001 ~ 212 293 4045 XHm}106 Central ark South pt. 27A New York NY 10019 d'Ar-enberg 1 Prince Pf. erre 1ZSe.st72nd ~tio24 001 212 580 0555 001 212 644-6001 001 212 273 0643 P r)wl 2 Rumuruti Kenra 12 Faw 00 2545 002 00 2 Slree Flat #3 483 d~y 11 ml (fax 001 917 572 4659 {p) 003360918642?/l)j 020 -352 2553 {h) 212 752 8888 ~ ~~mJ~ Route e la Batiaz 0 ouxtens-Mezery Dartmouth WIiiiam Cutter Amanda Swilzerland 0207-225 0404(wf 16 Westboume Terrace de Andrade, Marcelo and Brooks, Chr/$tophQr 0207-3515428 f London W2 3UW 191 Chrystie Sireet Rua EucHdes Figueiredo 7,6 Apartment 5R oo 33 4864 so1t lhl 0207-7236728 Jardin So!anico, RJ Brazil New York, NY 00 33 248 64 80 6 (~ 0207-224 8446 (n . 22261-070 10002 001 212 734 9400J,'rjXia) Email: wi!llam@wdlratndartmouth. 001 212 717 7109 {W) 212 614 2870t} Di152 315 35 101 axIca (w} Email: mcado.c@at ~ba!.ne~ 917 -496 9772 a g-1m)Av, Pres1dente llsan, 1 4 ober1ura Centro RJ Brazil Email: Brooks- [email protected] Davies Jeff 347 865 1847 (cp) d'Ozes Jacques de a8~:W,?i~. 8496sfl } d'abo, Henri & Tatiaria crussol 00 33 66 221896 [ 00 33 42 888688 h wr 001213280 6686(p) Ema!I· 818 9!354 3 3 obert Maron {ent magr} 88~~~1 005521 005521998g Jf:Pi t West Wratting Park 001917699 &w 88 33153599 33 1 1544 4713 pf ..... co __ ....... 55 21 2524 5682 (wf) De Soto , Fernando Ninez De Balboa 81 011 917 592 6424(dp) de Baecque, Patrick 33 6.11879260 tat1:s%~Ws~goo5 /Hrn}28 E. 63rd Sl New York Emarl: [email protected] NY 10021 Dic.kenson 1 Debbie 001 212 605 6824 !oh) 240 E. 75 St Dedieu, Jean & 001 212 570 0751 ) NY NY 10021 Paulette· 001 212 838 1400 w) ooi 212 734 3455 de Cabral, Milly Port de Lanne M.ilson Tarta.$ 001 516 267 3643 c) 150 E!lst 72nd Street 001212687 3500 fw) 4F0300 Peyrehorade New YorkiJ NY 10021 ranee 001 212 88 4912 001 516 725 7225 {Hm)001 917 533 5580 Jef p 00 33 g8 8916231 h) 00 33 1423303f9 Dickinson, Janice Derby Earl /Cntess Cass 001 310-441~0048 & Tea 001 310-441- 068 f . 001 212-245:8713 hns Royer Ir 1 Netherton Grove DelBono Luca London,. sw10 9TQ De Cadenet, Alen Oulnlessent1a}!y 0207-302 5959111 0207-5 84 5511 l15-19 Grea\ Titchfield Streel 0207-352 4468 f) Dietrich Marc Antoine 001 213 654 0384 8'jJ._don, United Kingdom w1w Email: [email protected] it,'m}Vinowsley amt Cath 02207 908 7270 (Wl 51 Ave Montigne OE 07'. 908 7495 {Wf) iji~~o~!de L34 4AF UK Paris 75008 mad: 0151ts96147 fhlMersey,ide 00 331 4256 9672 de Cfermont..Tonnerre ldHa!bono®.quintessenUal/y 0151 4821988 {f)MerseY.s1de Hermine Pn"nces.s ' ' 07000 0DERBY personabll ~lhmJ~~road Streat 07785 904 624 D- porta e 19 ~ue de Saures New York. NY 10004 0774130 526 CD.portable Dietrich, Paul & Laura Pans 75018 00 331 4050 90 11 (h 1291217632 837 7740 fw1 320 6405 {WfJ 0207 409 5600 0207 409 5710 w-direct) !wJ ?resident Meridian Emerging Markets, Ltd 00 33 6 07243091 p 01 64 5689 0151 482 1988 wf) 1141 Cuslis St. (n&w} 0771 886 0683 0796 629 0008 (p) Alexandria VA De Georgiou, Anouska Dell, Adam 651°1i3 660 9080 (hi 001 703 768 9780fw rm 28 Porten Road Email: ljdyoCci!wor! ~ 0011 917 414 2676 (p} 703 768 9779 {h&wf• Londo!J,, W14 OLQ 07775 ,38784/p) 00 212 219 3931 (W"} 001 703 927 7090 001 703 927 7090 lp llpl 0207 602 7213 mom's friend [I,R Dheluca & Fouard C artuum Dimbelby Johnathan 1001 Fifth Avenue Di VIia, Charlotte 0207-221 4545 New York, NY 10028 917 539 0769 (p) 0207~792 1068 . . J •.s -·-·-.·-·'"-~ . Email: 0171-2431643{f} Haskalon Nr. Woodbrl~ Driver. Minnie i Suffolk]1P13 Q UK 01473 38 130~h~ Douglas, Diandra 001323656 8199(~ Email: minxed@ea ! Diniz, Pedro 01473 735 180 w 123 East 69th Street i. PPOSpot1s E sdo!bey J New NY 10021 l: Rua AmaufiB255-1. Andar San Paulo, razU 01448 OQ(N,P , e de Badia 001 2 01 91 6411 8442 rf!@yaho~cfom Dubb; Anthony V. 6 East 79111 sl I' 01133 614 14 84 84 55 11 3077 5151 011 5511 9981 7005 Braz.ii France ob< 07778 305 335 \~\ 0207-221 6158 rce!I 8 NYC.NY 10021 212 734 6060 Email: [email protected] 0115511 388601-666 (Paula} i1 Bacon {p) I''i j 55 11 3079 9938 (wf) Dixon, Alexandra 17 Seaton Close 0842 765800 hNor'fo !~ 0207 307 888 r'ex- irect w) 0207 307 8888 Alex-main w) 0207 307 6880 A-wf) · 07960 71 88 69 {Answering svc) m§!~~ 9090 C home phone) Dubbens, Peter 0207 376 8755 (h) ~nden Gate. utney Heath Donne, Aiegra Dr Eli Wiesel londan SW15 3TJ UK 001 212 371 7029 Dubin Glen +44 20 8785 2518 gi> 0114.4794 768 993 (p) 416'Fu!ham Road London SW6 · l]ubfn & Swieca- 1010 Fifth Ave· Apt 110{h) 11 ii Email: , 0207-381156'6fhl. 0207-498 2355 w) NY NY 10028 9 Wesl 57th Street, 27th floor Drax, Jeremy 11 i1 1,Hm)Kisme rav,esa 7 Los Monteros . Marbella Malaga Spain Dori ~~[ulham Road 0207-352 2090 fhl 21 21 87 977 7 4936 f) t> New Yo~ New York 10019 ytenn@ ;J 0207-978 2318 w} [" 808 887 7599 office in Hawaii 1917476 7742 NH urkey Hill Road 1l! +34 952 82 5331 S~ain h o NY 10560 11} I: +44 20 8788 3975 arenls Oreesmann, Bernard 212- 212 ~i Dorri! 917 ar i" DJerassl, Dale 0207-235 5957 5 Pier House 212-287-4977 direct 914-66§:4651 North Salem 001 650 747 0608 ES~Jgi113 ri 0207-351 0449 91.;4-66 8157{f) 001 415 699 0636(p) Doss! David & Christy 0207-274 6246 w} 0372-272911 {c Pruner Dubin, Louis & Tiffany Do Ibey, Alex & Suzie 315 Riverside Drive TM Athima- Group V r Short Hoo New York, NY 10024 ~~ai?2 327 0883(h) L ' ,· ,f:'~ N 0 t Louis.dub!n@lheathenagrou 212419 7493 Jenean f (.l'!r;n).29 E.64fu SI. 07930-382 959 Sophie 1e1 x NYt.1i~21 8lg!3:~ti83o/~ ~~r:~~arl x 0207 7024 4275 Equeny • Robert 001 212 459 2602llwf Ducrey-Glordano, Olney 001 212 327 0883 h) Francesco 001 212 506 0662 lw) 001 212 506 0673 tw) Sir Anllca Di San Vito 36 1 Dutliie, John & Charlotte 6t£f1 Dunbar Johnson I r~505432 (h\ 34 Queens Gale Terrace 00 39 1 8221015 {W Miranda & Steph London SW7, Dubin, Peter 27 A Leamington Rd Villas 0207-589 7993 (h) 0207 376 8755 London W1f 1HT Dueslna Paul 0207•2291894(h\ ,, Duchess of York L~lsure & t:1'/estyle Venfures irmount d House 0207-873 3696(w DzhabraiJou, Umar 00 7 095 233 7000(p) Ii Sunninghill Park lhl Ascot Berkshire St5 7TH 2 X 75201 0212 Dunne, Griffin 00 7 095 745 5228(w} Email: umar® I! 01144776 151215{p) 01344 214 7 1691 cell 145 6th Avenue New Yt'.lrls_, NY 10013 00709 5920 '5U00 (p) ' Emal!: ox, 214 720 0082 {wf} 001 212 .,43 8830 lw/ (ws 001 212 614 0921 h 001 212 603 4337 cynth~ Eccleslone, Bernie fo¾'D~ NYO • John 28 Chelsea Square London SW3 6LX UK 86110 Kale Dunne Philip & 44 207 584 66 68 !w) 44 207 589 03 11 Q Domin 1ce · {Hml6 Princes Ga e 7505 fol 3 Sterne Streat Knighlsbridge 307 1750 (w) London W12 Lontlon, SW7 IQJ UK 9955 m · 0208-7::i.3 4!i!85 {h) 3515 Arebe!la (h) -5568 Bahamas 917-7 -3377 John o· Sullivan Eckon, Paul port 917 743 3377 P. Johnnie Duona Anh 0378 77 8888 '"\ · 917 202 6260 Janine-assistant as 353 W.1'1lh, 10014 oo 27 82 990H1 of 1-10-03 01 212 627 0955/h) +44 1344 8731 87 lh/ 01 917 213 7515(p} +44 1344 8456 88 (h} Edsel, Lucinda +44 207 307 1753 direct +44 207 307 1751 (wf) - 53 The Chase 212 419 7493 Janean Durso Luigi London SW3, Ines de !a Fressange 0207-622 8738 {h} - Elingworth, Charlie & lHmJ15-19 Great Titchfield S!reel Edwards, Andrew & Tracy 9 Eaton Mews Soulh Amanda The Basement 80 Oxford Gardens , 8 ~ 0207 908 7270 0207 436 6980 w r, on, United Kingdom W1W 001 917 553 67 4 {p) Erba Noona W'0"39blohde. armanag 02 481 734 (h} 0039 02 550 D510(w London SW1W 9HP 0207-2354121 (h) ' b~8R~GsfJ9g 0208-743 5129 (h~ EsP.irito Santo, Manuel 0747 870754 ~car Elllot, Gail & Joe Coffey ana Ros 0208-994 378 (w 00 35113974740~w} 72 Reade ~reel #5 Elian, Johnathan New York Y 10007 00 35 936 44587 {p) 7 H!!! Road 001 212 571 6153 (hl 0207-730 7768(h) Greenwic~ CT ~830 Elizabeth 001 917 s12 2299[pJ 001 203 4 2 77 001 203 496 625 p 1\w/ 0033 660 596 267 01 212 57 6178 fax Email: Estlin, Jean~Marc 1 203 249 8 eel! 7 Rue des Sainls-Peres Ellenbogen Eric Ellison, Mandy & Ralph 75006 Paris fi~W~'V8fflYtark 218 Mediterranean Road ~:\~~f~rr4[L 33480 88 1~1 ~~j§ g~J~W) I (i Elias, Brian 00 55 11 852 246 iome 001 305 798 3831 001 305 789 9242 w 881 ~Hg~ rnfg!h'/ 561 881 5749 \0 561-881~9093 ti} 561 863 4791 Voice Mail 00 331 4020 0763 881 ~g i~l ~i~gcr~d hJ Email: 001 305 5~ 010 home 00 55 11 9935 3391( atazi! p 561 881-5748 (h) ,Ellingworth, Mr & Mrs .~ j;1 fl Ellasch, Johan & Amanda 31 Chester S~are London SW1 9HT UK ~Hij_J~a ~¥l~r0r The gid House 0208-734 5129 h 0747 870754 {c Leics Elwes, Anabel 41A Umersion Street Loodo~SW10 0207~ 9 5955 Estrada Juffall, Chris- tlna Juffall, Walid 50 ide Park Gate +44 201 730 6459 ih} Lon on i +44 207 629 4399 ~ Email: aeratba~ao .com SW75OH 0207-823 8822 (h) wm)71 South Oley STreet Elllot, Ben Epstein1 Ed 07769 678776(p} IK 15A +44Il 67' 87 2059 Amanda (p} 9173 06039 Qufntes.sentlalfy 80 Broad Slreet 430 East 86th St. Email: christinaeslrada@hotmai!. SHmJP-0. Box 1049 0013t7672 7268 00 43 6 4381 472 i3. ohan (p) 5th Floor New Yor~ NY 10004 001 212 31 i1•0 <wJ ~87'2~~~4~~68828 ed ah 21431 Saudi Arabia 00 9662 6600005 Home and 001 917 320 405(wf fax-Saudi Arabia Email: [email protected] 07769 678 776 (p} , N ~- N t' ~ L90iner Han London SW10, Falletans, Olivier de g!fff~Shrewsbury 0207-8i3 3990t\ 0207-3 2 2707 w 18a Alexandra Ave London SW11 Evans ChriS 0207-663 3601 4f1 922 14009 Email: ruf1artfairfax@!horowgood. 0207-622 9550 0207-489 2017 h fhl 0441 077441 01922 7 1676 {W} Fakhre, Danny & Chris- 07801248146 {firt) 01743 709353 h) tine · 0468 857769{p Evehart Angie 001 310 560 5150(h) 97 Eaton Place London SW1, 97 Ealoh Place Fanjuf, Pepe 561 655 6303 561 655 1814 w 212 472 6696( ff! Email: [email protected] Fairweather Natasha MO$COW 00 795 2436722t) Fall, Meredith 00 795 2439762 I) 114 Rue du B8ch Fautkner, Terence & Faber David 0207-598 4300 Paris France Cornelia Fairweather, Ms 00 33142220741 0207-580 0381 0207-9371992 W) fhl Catherine Faber Sally & Brook 162 lancas!er rd Fallah, Mrs Johnson London W11 4 Bainey Gale Feeley! Fiona Charlton Down Eslate 0958 726887 Ennismore Gardens Charlton Oown,Tetbu~ 0207439500bl~5560 London SW7 19 Chesler Row Gloucestershlreh Gl8 TZ 0207-792 8247 h 0207·584 730'7 lhl London 01666 880 011\ ~ , 0207-792 82 0207-584 8238 w) SW1X9JF 07770 988 908 p 0207-371 5877 ~n1g !Wb'd~~(h hotmaitcom ~2~,-3s2 10331l'b Email: (NY~HE I [email protected] 0798 611 4004 (car) Fairweather,AmbaSsa• B'1m}Ashe ouse dor& Lady FallahRMs Christina verton Patriek & Matfa &Jon obe Ha~hire flat i 012 771 411 Faibairn, Charlotte 18 Weihe~ Gdns 41 Fitzjames Ave 07778 000 170 (p} & Hamish Fraser London S OJP 0774 130 526 109 Elsl§(,vRoad 0207-244 9602{h) London 11 4449fj 0207-223 1801 (h) 1 5877 IJ 5039 79 Fekkai Frederic F~khre, Armado & Jas- Fredririr; i!ekkal Beauty Center 15 East 57th Street mme NY, NY 10022 Fairfax, The Hon Rupert 19 The Boltons {btwn 5th & Madison) The Coach House ' tv ~- w Ferragamo, Leonardo & I it 01253 2901297(h) FiRg, Christopher & Beatnce 01492 860815{w) C arlotte Vlllale Rosa Uttle Hampden Farm Via Brancolano 2 Great Missanden Tavarnuzze 11a~ 50029 Flenne's, Martin Bucks HP16 9PS 0039552317 4 31t 44 Cathcart Road 0494 488254 {h) oo 39 55 33s op• w 0039553752 2{ London SW10 0208- 968 5957 {h) e 0 Assis an ~Paige llf3~6st~~•vc, Finch Charles Philllpe {h) Ferranti, Hugo 0207-373 2634(h) 0207-257 8720 Phillipe{P.) 01253 2901297{1i) 0207-937 9870 1887196 frencti cell 38 Evelyn Gardens 01492 860815(w) Email: finch~artis!sindepeodant, Sebastian-makes appls. London SW7S 07768 722 5 (p) 8989 !") 078531534 0207- 792 3163 8817 AJ_p) 0207--6 7 4727 {W) 001 212 343 0069 0836 369118 Fiennes, Ralph 079 795 95706 (P} 01276 696912 {w} 001 917 250 6629!~l Feldman, Andrew ~ 212 334 7333 1 00 2, 2 945 221• lt/ Ferr}' Brian ail: rat,hfiennescost@ralphfie hHmf-20 -995 739 {Tern asst) Finklestein, Howard I 00 212 7991229 Sftldfo Ono 20 - 743 8785 (h/ij 310-392-4893 Avonmore Place 07973 261659 (p) Londoi W14 8RY 0171 6 2 3330 Felix, Helena 01716030549 Firyal Princess i2 Middlew'ai Email: , Fiennes, Suzzana 1 East 66th SI Homstead G n s~urb [email protected] 9 Bank street 2nd floor NYNY ~ fr London NW1165 0208-455 0807 0207-734 6090 w) r,. between West 4th S!reel and ~1W0 2"12iii~~i$W'I r 0il 212 879 3900 mJ34 Chaf°I SI on on SW 0207-4394781 f} Flennes&,Martin 001 212 741 8658 h 0207- 235 2143 Broughton $tie 07 790 231 537 ( ·p) Banbury 01295 262624 Fell, David & Anne 85(~1; 5EB Fisher, Dan lhl 0207-372 1967 p 001 212 744 0341 721 5th #739 001 212 376 1225 o 0836 717333 Fifer, Chuck NY Email: -dirslhbfelsui',uk 0208- 968 57 {h) 0295 262624 (c) 001 212 744 5707 0012128321177 w t~ ooi 212 421 ,o67 001 212 421 4222 w 001 212 421 4067 c) 0253 29045·1 0207-373 2634(h} -- §ffllW?fT_W'T Flick Mook Forbes, Steve & Sabine 0012126641734 001 917 359 3280 P lH/ Park House Southdown 7-11 Onslow si London SW7 3 J Btirnl Mills Road Fraiser, Violet Bedminster, N.J. 07921 001917414 0922 0171-225 3147[w) Forman Johnathan Emal!: [email protected]! 0171-5811186 h) 212 242 5607(n) 001 212 930 8545 Ford, Katie 00 1212 664 1734 FordModf/lf'S {Hm)001 917 359 3280 Foman Bobby & 142 Greene st. #5 ~~ Francesco de la Garda, Jeane!1e New Yor~ NY 100 Mr 212 219 5ooiw/ Formby, Nicola 212-628-1561Ji 212 ?26 1555 h Cameli & 10 spa 212-888-6100 w 4353 Fulham Road Via Roma 81A 0207-235 997 ome en!. London SW10 9TX 16121 Genoa llalY. 07831 fa7575 (P} 0207-5811044 (Ii) Forbes Zandy S:~s rents Email: formb3~tuebfonde, 0207 3600 (N) 0207 352 0504 00 39 10 55081JW) 00 39 10 55083 ( w) 001 212 353 9755 2 direct (A) 001 212 829 4051 (WI rinyswo 001 91T846 7617 p 63 749 646 541 2000 l 212 343 3884 re!ler Island 212-219- 6190 Downtown Office F.orbes, Chris (Kip) Astrid 212 226 8224 t::Jre·s private Forte, Rocco & Aliai 10 Lowndes Place London SW1, Francey, Kathy 001 917 497 4510 001 212 734 0747 l~l ¥:"c"Cl orl>es ~gazlne fax . 212 226 8224 KATIE'S FAX 0207-235 8565 (h) Fraysse, Isabel 95 Old Dutch Road {h} Far Hills 6317490512 fh? 212 219 6119 w 14 rue des Fjlles NJ Calvaire Par1s 75003 3 Fox.Andrew 00 33 1 4277 9106 (h) ~\~ stu~~~o 00 61 3 822 0735(h) Ford, Tom & Richard 6 212 2431509 ~m)60 Fifth Avenue ewYork Bucliiey 88 ~llla°6 8~ 8333(wt oo 613 as9 Freud Mathew Gucei 00 613 69 8398 fax NY 011 44 207 898 3000 0207-291 6400 10012 Email: [email protected] 0410 637383 '!/\\'Ng ':1'2'if3(h) 719 379 3608 Fox, William & Lucinda 0207-351 2626 (wJ Forman John 110 Chesnut Grave London SW12, 001 212 930 8545 (W} 0208-675 5625 {h) N U1 -- Frost, Mr David & Lady Furstenburg Buravelll, 001 646 251 2211 Carina Garson Jeremy Nina 0207•771 3264 22 Carlyle s3uare via Delle Man!elfante 26 London SW 6EY 0207-351 3035 !h! Ro]•· lta1 4 Ganoza, Esteban Juan 0207-241 0317 h 00 9 0658331144 338 671195~gt Avenida El Rosario 450 00 39 San Isidro Lima 27 Peru Gaspar, Nacho Email: 00 39 0564 0 077(coun• 43 Camino de! Sor try) +5114426734 (h) +51 1 264 427'b1hf) La Moraleja Frostrup, Mariella Email:jganoza,pe Madrid 1Rain 28409 07970 727 272 0207-7922976 rmtrzarro 42lr (h&w) 00 34 1 500325 h)f 00 34 1 5645030 w) Fyson, Edwina Email: [email protected] 13 Ives street +~~\1~3~~]oo ~f{ . . 001 212 625 23 rnend NYJ in London SW3 001 2f 941 9341 when in NY 0207..S84 557'7fB) 00 345 661 30 3 (w) +51 4 2454 02/01 {w) Gaufi Harriett Fry, Cosmo & Amanda Pe,gi;Lod3e 29 Stnhoge Gdns 15 C rist hur~h ~d London t7 London SW14 A 0207-373 3'5(h0 Gaetani, GelaSlo Garcia, Ludmila 0208-878 0111(w Los Jeronicos t 4-22 0208-392 9171{ Via Gre~iana, 5 Calle 9, 0208-878 0111 Fulhurst Teresa 001 917705 7230 Roma 187 06 678 1781 28014 0034 0034 0034 p am h) w 0207-499 9080(w) & vma es Geary Tim Gaetani, Rufreldo Camino ea! 001917566 0551 Furstenberg, Heinrich & 001212 3714136 Marbel!a ~ain Email: mJf @t 0034527 4594(h) [email protected] 1m Milana TT1 Oonaueschingin ,I Gallman, Kukl 1: i Hofserber\Gennan~ 00 49 771 6508 h 00 49 771 86423 w f 80~45593 Gig rf Road Gardner, Adam 001 212 691 9660 Gelardinf Jack 28MallardS r' Nairobi London SW3 Ke'!,'f;a . 0207- 376 849ih) 00 %2520048 { h) 0 07- 409 2324 w ',. ,.t Furstenbu'l,Alex , Alexandra • Garland Michael 1 0101 212 734 sHs (hJ 001,212 396 4393{h) Ganero, Mario Jr. &Mt-~I! ll/JfJ> 55 1199701020 (p) German-Ribon Catriona fu 0779 965 1673 , i· .._ N ' O'I ;~ w Email; [email protected] Gibson, Caroline 212·572-5090 43 Camberwefl 212-572-8400 London SES 407-835-8760 Palm Beach Gertler, Erle Goldsmith, Isabel Prlvlsta 0207-703 59t1 /h\ 11 E. 26th Street 0207-937 604 w 1362 An~e!o Dr. Beverly ills. CA 90210 151htoor Giussani Luca 11 Tregunter' Road ~erss~l 917 797 10010 Glllfllan, Andrew 011 3056739811 011 305 4677737/fc). , London En~!and SW10 9LS 4471 3/3 7 67 Email: Box 65014 Email: !giussani@ 4471 373 1762 21265 iprlvlS! Beamarie 818 783 7048 Home 310 271 7150 LA-\-!om~ Sandlan 201 O ~bufh Africa 52 5 540 7657 Mex1e9 C~ 00 27 11 78326 0 (p) Glanville Mary 52 5 540 7658/9 Mexico ity - 0207-730 3412 (w) Getty, Mark 58a Radnor Walk ~f:i\!11161 (hf) 0207-446 0560 (w} London SW3 0207-352 3436(h) 0836 285 485 London - Car 0207-495 B865(w) LA Fa:< 310 271 3273 O:i107-821-B581 (Ii) GIiiford, Lord & Lady sec 52 328 555 00 12 Ashcomba Street {0468} 90 8514 Mobile London SW6, 0207•314 2129 fh\ Glass, Charlie Getty, Pia and Chris 0207-2 5 1245 w 07 727 763"Jho 20 East 78th Street 07 979 857 1 (p) Golinkin, Sandy New York NY 10021 220 E 72nd Apt. 17G 001 212 717 6599/h\ Giffmour, Andrew & NY NY i¥9~1s949 001212297172 w Email: ~! 001 91 9 6788 Emma 001 212 533 0656 (h) Glentworth, Edmund & Emfly 881 ~12 286 7666(w) Email: • d 0207-735 2832 ( San~Go!inkmfcon enas 917 4002 {p Gibbs, Emma Ginsberg Gary Garden Frat 001 212 852 7016(w} Goess, Pilar 61 lfield Road 001 917 679 744;p) 00 43 1 505 1775 Gomez, Thomas Londo~ sw10 9AU UK Email: gginsberg newscorp,com 00 43 1 713 39~5 220 E. 65!h Slreel 0207•3 1-3772fgJ . 00 33 1 4722 4 37 Penthouse 8 +44 7710 815 3 {p) 00 16 4 453 3098 001 212 826 2766 Email: emma:3' 0207• 2 304 work Gilli~rews- MaeAn Howard 35 Easl New York, 62r.,ctYStreet 10021 Goldberlj&, Ellen Sanfe Fo Ins fe- 505 946 3643 {W) -,_ -- Gomme, William & Emma 27 ladbroke ;Square Graff, Francois London W11 ~ft..'}Plg Dtractor Greece, MC & Pavlas· Gregg Geordie &Kath• 0201-221 ,oags {hl hft1 Madison Ave. hrh Prlm:a Pavlos 001 212 452 1542(hl . erlne 36 Kensinijton Park Grdns 10021 001 860 868 1737 . Email: 0207-499 080r) Gordon, Jacobo CG lnvastrmmts 001 212 355 9292{w) 0207 584 8571/4 hHmlP 1 917 O 2 2 (pp) 0207-221 5758 hJ 0207- 351 141 kPe de Vergara, 128. nlre_tanta [HmJ6 &7 new bond Street on on . 01 12 692 6362~h'/ 001 212 861 6492 212 861 6963 MC w) OTT 47 695 830 cell 2800 Madrid W1$ 3SJ j4 917 453 540 4 914 111 988 m1 Grenfell, Natasha Granby, David Green, Deborah 19 Ch~ne Place 0207-235 8305 Royal os?-:,tal Road 51 Seymour Walk London S 3. Gore, Juliet 49 Smith Street London SW10 01476 870798,f"li 8814ll.P~a6ls\s (h} 0207-351 1413 {h) Londoi];SW3 0207-352 407 J} I 0207-3 21317 fhl 0207•5814178 w) 0629812014Jh 01476 87024 (ph) 01629 812014 Green, Jeremy 4 Avenue Fontainb!eu(h) Griffen, Ted 001 646 486 6573 I Fresnaye,8001 . Gottfleb, Steve CaQetown, South Afnca Grange, Jacques 001 212 713 0572 001 212 979 6410 lh1w ?s~8/ePans B~a~olais 27 83 323 7007{p) 07947 131910 Email: trem& Griscom, Nina asst. Kelly ranee 640 Park Avenue 00 33 1 47034455 (h) kHml1 1 Vic ona Junction (w) New Yor~ NY 10021 res wich Street 001 212 44 0442 Green Point. 8005 . g Goulandris Dimitri c¥:e Town South Africa 001 631 283 8505 .,, 0207-221 2532fhj 0207-425 3640 w Grant Jamie 2 21 434 8189 00 27 21 461 38 (f} ~tg Email: 00121287 3(h) 0468 615060 001 212 861 6571(h} 27 21 425 6383 Jeamne 212•744·1805 Home fax f Grabau, Lorenzo Greece Princess Olga Green, Judy Gross, Pamela & 0207-370 6454fh) 0207-867 2925 w 001 212 626 1237 555 Park Ave. New Yor~ NY 10021 Jimmy Finkelst 655 Park Avenue 001 212 86•1077 New York, NY 10021 00 39 6 320 1435 /Rome) t 21 737 42921"! 63 2831144 h Emait:cfs1fi9~ao .com {pamela) (Hm)5 Firs Neck Lane Iv co -- ?r~~r¥1m~~~r 11968 ~~§: 631 287 5597 h? 212 830 5025 w ~if :H c:fes 917 825 029 J amela p 212 689 1470 James w P ~µeyroitz, ICO as ' Solina & ~:1~·1mfrcof1oad & f$ulu$' btt!ftfr/~ds ~f1~'}fff~is1~1r1w SLJ Los 63 E New 212- 212-772- 323-650 - Homa Guttfreund Susan &John 212 517 3455 212 956 1283 john work 508 228 1776 ji~ gs~ ~g?g ~mefa w 01144207 730 1441( . 323-650- 212-265 Home Fax NY - Barbara Home 508 325 5480 Sec Diana 310 211 i,'§~9 001 33 Grossman Lloyd Guerini Maraldl 001 33 1 0487 Hahn, Dr & Mrs Alessandro ' 310 201 Burt's work PO Box 383 0207-736 7376 1 kRd. 212 265 Burt NY home Porto Rotondo Sardinia L 0 0 ~13 ~gJ g~l ~=~JPJouse & Rothehof 3180 Wolfsburg Genn Gubefmann, Marjorie 07 ~o East 62nd st " Guiness, Sabrina N~w York Hall, Pippa 001 561 964'8316 0804 25302 10021 Guerrand-Hermes 001 213 656 0470 {h) 212 758 0508 Vafesca ' 917 2822112 mathfas 1 West67th Halpern Jen #614 Guinness1 Mr Hugo 38 Ringmarthe Street SW6 New York 29 Brechin Place ~Hm_J_Ha!pern Associates Guccionl, Tony NY, 10023 001 212 941 8303( l 1 212 579 7572 5~81?1h?~~'7 (h) 50 KinAA, Road London s 3 sue 001 212 226 6751 ~ 1 917 400 1144 (p) Guissalnl, Luca 0207 351 2888, 0201-736 9940 0207~589 3614 w 0777 419 7871 p) I"\ &3udefin, Christian Guest, Cornelia 001305673 9811(h) eutshee Bank 81212 250 6468( 212 722 3747 h 01 88) gJl ~~i ~t?a!P) 011 305 467 7737 Hambro, Clementine 8maH~ ~h?'~&i~'fiP(¼[email protected] Gumberg, Ira 001'917 405 6490 0207--823 4115 g201~sa4 9668 [h~ 207-901 3333 w £'Hl.~il:.9im, Barbara 001 412 244 4007 BarbBn:J Gugganhefm 8328 Marmont Lane Hamilton, George 21 Eaton Mews South SW1 • N -~ \,0 tmJ139 uite 233South Beverly Drive Bever~Hills Hanson, Brook ~ 9 212 0 7-2355338 001 310 276 56 w 65 Eaton ~uare Lond'.'£ S 1 0207- 35 B179 /h\ Hapsburg, Marie 31 Femshaw Road Hay, Henry & Patricia 24 E84st 001 12 543 5513 001 310 278 6578 feggy wJ 0207 245 1245 w 4 ~~81?fs~1J9t (h) ~ 61 ~'ii3i~ l!~5b~)TI 28 001 303 925 1000 spen) g~a~!oo1 603 51 PP) 001 310 702 8055 ) 001 310 503 1930 Hanson, Lord & Lady Harvey Victoria ttage 07 798 555999 Hay:,;;orth Reggie Hammond, Dana Bra we/ grove Burford 117 East 72nd S!reet Harvie-Wat~ Isabelle 88) ~H ~HJ ~~2¥ <1' 8l~S3 s22134 00 561 588 7632 gg0/g~~o~~t; f!'\ Hanson, The Hon Rob- Hazelt-lveaghl Clare ert Elveden Farms L1mi ed Handler, Sharon The Garden House Haslam, Nick Thetford 530 Park Avenue Wes!onbirt 0207-730 080Btl ~orfolk Apt5H New York fgY 10021 · J1fifslYaai ~ifltf aoo 1 0207.-584 0 978 [email protected] 51fn)Q§';g5sJiu l P24,ra9 7~ 7 1!Jl 001 212 a'. 8 7y7B 001 758 9 29 h fw/ 01666 880 313 (fiij. I 31!(?k.t~i~i c::'~h 212 1445 fhf) ~~1aton Place lf,386 91 1445 Pl SW1 X8AL 8)fland 079331 38273 v1cton1 500 In July try John 0207. 235 3aa {48 Eaton Hatkoff Craig & Jane 0114479326227fQ~ (P ffii• . homw Vietor c~!tal Group 1 We~ 2nd St. 0207-8819847 01842 890 223 (w) w If'l 6 65 weekends 013• 880 334 76 320 9800J'll NY N 10023 020,•••7 090 ooi 212 B77 f042~h J;!anover Ernst & chantal urtlnglram rd . 3 8J~ ~1~1ii w g2or- 45 1 45 ~~afi! 001 212 273 16 car Heal'n Barry & Susan M,itchroom London SWS - ~~~ ~f~ i~i3°f>fr11 Une 860 502722 10 Western Road 0207-7314422(h) 0207-3514380rfCaxJ Rornford ~5t(fx 001 619 320 98 Parents 917 434 1600 cell 01708 82 go, 908406 1<2•/~J 01 212 355 2514 0207 235 3892 hf 8Uff.211-11 f23425Jfl,,, me Hauteville, Marc de 00 33 142244385 {h) w 0 - ,,._ .._ Hefner Ill, Bob 001 405 843 4773 001 405 948 9B98 f 881 ~8~ ~ :§u r Sira,w 001 646 872 9583 0~1646613 6100 Heseltlne, Ms Annabel Husband: P,Her 8u(/i,r 4 Palace GardensvJe(i~cp Himmelstein, Howard zyzzx 212·620·0949 Hermes, Olga & Olaf London En~land 8 165 West 66th Street 0777 442 0 13{p) Heiden Lisa New York NY 10023 0207 727 9907 0207 727 9907 {h) Hirsch, Jeff ~it~t S~#118 001 212 iJ74 2527 (h) 01295 712774{c) Photo Cari, 136 W. 21s1 Street 001 305 436W,ar bet 6th/7th 212 741 2990 ~m)f?4 odf1b~ 141 I Ian Herrero, Juan & Helen Fransisco Morenol Heselllne, Rupert 917 842 5755 Scott f 201 493 7647 Scot! w P\ 0o 917 ij(h 917 319 550 sistl!'( Leslie (pJ Madrid 28001 00 34 1276 6157 {h) 881 ~1~ ~l~ i~~8fm 0776 6044218 (p) 0207-221 6201 (h) 071-351 5776 Hissom, Robert & Andrea Hersov, Robert & Kim Sa Herbert Cresent Heineken, Mr Fredia 15 Thurloe Sq Hicks India Knmrtsbrid~t London g_omaine de Grange London SW7 Oavld Fll11twood 02 - 584 0(h) F ap d'An!ibes - 0~07-584 0154/hl Hibiscus Hm 01428 656744 ranee 0 07-439 5184 w PO Box 225 Email: · 00 33 93 814101 ( h) 0374 810898 !§j Harbour Island 001 303-920 80 01144207590 52 Robert's w ~8t~w~~33 2180 001 242 333 2180fr 0207-589 8555 0017137390750t/ 001 713 956 5613 h Helen and Tim Shifter 001 242 333 2060 001 713 965 5613 784 PArkAve Haseltine, Mr & Mrs 0208-8780111 , 07836 360 460 (p) NYNY 10021 rgenford House T enford Nr Banbu-fs Oxon 0295 711 5 (h) Hill, Anthony Hoffman, Dustin Helvin, Marie 105 Oxford Gardens 001 212 207 8127(W) 0207-834 5321 (h} London W10 Heseltfne, Mr & Mrs 0208-960 1982 0207-283 8577 w) ihl 30 Chapel Street Clifton CasUe Hoffman, Hetty Herbert Jason Londonsw1 R~n N Yorks 0207. 373 429\(h ~ 0207-292 9600 0295 712 012 O 65 89326 {h) & Brocas Elhs e1 0797-4 084233 0295 712 013 Nr Basin~toke, Ha nls 0256 83 9 b"J 0207-373 42 (h) w ----- .... & Brocas El/isfi eld Nr Batnz1toke, Ha hts 02ss a 9l~ 0207-730 4068 07768 258 126 p /hi 305 466 0677 {h) 0207-229 7566 (h) 0207-589 35 Email: Email: adarTl,ca!edonpartners.COm ftm) roadmoore Farmhouse (2 omei h'North 6Wd!f~We19 Place Miami Bea{ FL 33179 Hunter, Carlyn & Laurie. Hoffman, Jessica ~8~ :~~ §§~1 {~tJ Near herboume and Clapton 185 Fiddlers Hill Road on 9 Mallard S\ d SWJ SOT London EnH an the hill, Bourton on the Water Ndv~~'f&a~si!fnd 21031 Gloucestefshfre 6l54 2Lg 0207 756 871 fvana Bashani 0207-376 7 52 h 0207-584 4168 ~~ Holland-Martin, Ben bass/sf.ant) 207 758 2876 f' 01451 820 403 na home 0207 758 2871 WQ Howegego Lucy (Johnnson) o• 10 a41 ao•jgl 001 307 733 71 · Huntsman, Jon & Mary Radnor Wa!k 0207-903 53 London SW3 0207-242 3136 Kaye 0207-351 3631 (h) Hovenian, Nina 1369 Milit't1 warah 84103 001 212 996 1687(h) Hsu, Peter ~8\t §8} 354 ~998 {w) 6 Holfo~d, Mr & Mrs James 001 212 734 6007{h} ' ~~:0~~1nap/g! Pror:tucts Ld 45 Rutland Gate~h) Hovnanian, Shauot Hurd, Nick & Kim I l 71P Hovanlan Grr,up HartleY. Court 520 NaversJnk River Road Hunt, Laura Three Mile Cross g "Mi /~J 6 Red Bank, NJ 07701 tr« Ste 12 Da~Hammarsk o a_ Bfvd 1 E. 62nd, 001212 64 ~P{ ~20f1¥Si861~lW:f Fre-ehol~ J 07728 0781 804 8464 w~A 001 212 35 rtheacJ Lodga 908-462 200 Email:li\ on ead St. Andrew 908--452-278f ~Hm)352 U N, Shanesbuiil' 908-~30-851 Sal~ p!.12B Chepslow Place Oorast, SP7 9 B 908- 41-0076 (h} ahkn - Iha ~ 0207 439 9061 (w} dad Da!la~219 881 ~1i ~~~ i1~~0 i~ ~) 917•763-6444 MB 0208-995 30~11ff 07802 757 520 car 0207-792 53 I: 077860 66671 {olh~r) 212-996-1687 Nina 0993 841828 (rip 1',. 0207 201 9258 (wt) g~l Xti il~i?fi <~p r Howard J. Kaplan HurleX, Liz Simian llms I• Horne Adam & Tierney- 1717 N. Bayshore Drive 14 Eaton Terrace Suite 2000 Hunter Gordon, Kit & 3 Cromwell Plac~ London SlJV1 WBEZ Miami FL 33132 Georgina London SW7 2J (305) 539---5115 0207-589 6822(w) 31 Alexander Street London W2, · w N i'- l< - , Hurst, Anne 0207-727 8782 {h) 212 744 3485 212 475 2180 776 9000(p) 6315377668 917 561 6744 (p) We Toledo 531 5370(h) Hutley, Lulu & Edward !;tursll!!,obert J ~fa Edna Slree{, London SW1J Ind, Charlie 00000 68298 fu~J Alan pilot Br des Fann, homcombe R , 1@cs,com Alan pile! d~rd~~. Sa~hs & Co • 6 U~ar Cheyne Row ~ear Surrej GS OLT Lon on W3 85 Broad Street f{r'eb~~2s1~,J: • 04 201 8if& 5 735 /twl 0207-351 4117 \h) 0207~753 5353 w) I I lw 2346~50 /l1"rif/§siJ [email protected] York, NY 10021 0207• 0483 0483 0207- 8 14sgar w 8 w ¥(h) ,J, lnzeriU0 1 Gerard J. 211 Madison Avenue (h} isamel Abdullah 96 62 671 2203 96 65 535 8000 p ti amptons Phone Apt 18A 'I New Yor~ NY 10016 Isham, Chris 001 212 91514 {i I Hutley, Mr & Mrs 001 917 306 08~5 001 212 496 5842{w) rE't,SSain, Ayla Winlershal! Email: jeny.inzen!lo kerzner.c Untf•rf NrBramfey vHm)Kerzner lntema anal New i1r West Broadway Guilford Surrl 1~tFifth Avenue Jackson, Michael I Nufe404 0483 892167 ) 5th Floor Samuel Gen~AttomeK6 2fra~i"he~6[11° 12 212 ?43 1671 Q New Yer~ NY 10019 001 212 92 2030 wildfire 240 Central ark Sou New Yor~ NY 10019 Ema,r: [email protected] Hulton, Lauren 2p 659 5180 ~-dirE!Ct) 2 2 659 5200 w-mam) . j212 97 1117 f.l - 212 374 0577 wf) 212 254-'6980 212 659 5202 Asls. Carohe, 614-0787 boyfriend Luca Einail: JustineJ [email protected] .· Hussey Simon 917 92 4947 (p) 27 HolY"(ood Rd London SW10 9 HT H1,mes Ivan Jacobson, Julian 0207-352 2310(h} ~ dlt:'s Irv frlem1,/. Ireland, George 0207-567 4726 w 0 35 387~34 1 89 0207-589 2237 (h) K1 Top AlbaWi Piccadily London W1 9RQ 0207-287 5114 {h) Hutley, Henry Inca 0207•822 2498 w} Jagger Mick 29 Lansdowne Crescent London W11 i1wGr:>ercy Park South 212 2456055 0208-8713100(0) 04as 32345 <hJ 17round comer of 20th & Park) Irvine, Eddie ew York, NY 0786 660 7693 (p) w w - ~- Jagger, Hatti Pe'8); Lote ('M, Road Jarecki, Nancy & An- 310 969 0898 (b-f) 15 C tist hur drew Jeffries, Tim Londo'!, En9i1and SWl47AB hft '1wf-ound rttnnfn~ films 74 Corna wall Gardens Emal!:"j:f 07f O 28 05/fJ 200 e t 57th st {w Andrew London SW 7 each oad 02 8-878 0111( ) 'Room 1 s East 68th Street an 90403 {h) Email: harri~aff§! hH"Jl-8.8.C. New ~ 10019 New York, NY t\ 818 560 0606 # ss1~n1ntl~ o i e 0 ood Lane London E [~h 0207-937 4002 310 310 383 9640 ~~ 434 5969 h 1 310 344 3718 ar} W12 U.K. 0208'-392 9171{ht) ~D 31E661h om 11e1ns sog 235 2168 b-beeper} 31 383 596Jl pp) NYNY 10021 39 06 69200457, 00 39 06 310 567 7630 p jake 699211 21271714009 Nancy Johnson Richard & ¥J8 5l~ 1~42 a~te's paren!s in country . 1 011 34 669 467 504 212 717 3900 Andrew Nadine Barry_ emad lm net 32 Pe{{)' Stny~ 0014 ~f~~~~e.fohsf8{~~m ·Jan 2004 Jameel, Mohammed 00 966 2 628 3931 001 214 740 9191 Jarecki, Nick Fat~nwood 565 Fifth Avenue ggf~1tllg ~~ij~Jf~ 001 51 286 564 C Karella, Kalliope 3Rf floor 21 2 982 9939workfax n Email: [email protected] NewYoriNY10017 . & Michael Rena 01 212 9 4 147otwi 11b.31 East i2 01 212 593 0434 h) 10021 Emal/: Johnson, Lucy ~6l"2';1"':1fs 0438 James, Susie 01 917 59 15 cell 001 212 303 5916 W 212Plcidl~ 2 Cheste~~n]~BB London 001 917 453 4503 P London 0207-229 'J64BJwf 9LO 0207-235 2088 0207•378 7070 w fh\ 0208·960 9987 h Jason (canada) Kastner, Ron Email: [email protected] 001 514 989 9797 001 514 979 6010{p) 0207•235-2337 Jones Ann & Mick 07930-561-888 001 212 799 7424{h} 001917-539-9601, 001 Janklow Linda 212-977-345 llrrco/11 Cenler Theatre Javier 150 West 65th Slreef 001 646 734 761B New Yo~ New York 10023 001 212 62-7600 Email: [email protected] Josephson, Barry & Katz Anton & Robin 001 212 873-0761 f Jackie Pian! wafryri"Jd CA 90038 3ffTs9 7497 (b•w} 200 E. 66th st. C2004 New York, NY 10021 , 212 754 0070 (h) 253 484 4258 IQ Email: [email protected] Email; nkatz® 917 400 3613"'/robin p) Kennedy Jr, Ted Kennedy, Senator Ed• 917 400 2613 anton P\ Keller Georgie Box 447 ~anannis Port ward 212 284 2502 anton w s-X1~ 88l gg~ ns 1400 (W) exi 2216 001 760 324 0046 Mass02 {h) 636 Chainbridge Road 07712 421842 McLean VA 2210 1 001 703:524-0733 Home (Hm}0171-589 6929 Katzenellenbogen, Mark Capetown, South Africa 001 27 21 4613601 w Kennedy, Bobby & Mary Kersner, Sol 0-01 2783 375 9908 p Kellett Fraysse, Caro- 326 $, 8,edforNdYRo1aOd549 line Mount Kisco, ,loanmarc FRayne 914-241-2313{h)) 8r-r~~2r·1it3,g'ooo9 ( 56 Christchurch St 914 422 4343 {W d 011 271465 7 Keeling, Sarah London SW3 4AR Email" [email protected],e u 809 363 3000/3 16 0410--657-887 0207-795 0323 Hm)Pac:e Environmental l1bga- 07958 401436 I Email: kelfetlfraysse@bl1nlerne! t~i~ic 78 North Broadway Khayat, Antoine, Jana & George Kegan, Rory White Plains NY 10603 17 Redcilffe Place Kelmenson, Leo-Arthur 914422 4437 (wf} t7 ~irry'E~sd3sN Street London SW10 0207-349 0414(h) and Gayl Boz~ll, J11t;ob$, Kenyonn & Eckh Blj 804 §14 Ji{~'~"JfJRol ~lf 0058 o~81-f31 s110 (h} 0956 312754 914 715 2004 Mp) ta t 0207- 790 3346 fh) 40 Wes! 23rd St 0207-790 3346 (h) NewYork NY 917 885 4411 mergency Con c: Kidd Jemm~ 10010-s2b1 21~ Ji~~fjfJ(w) Kerry Cuomo 001 64 a 229 2502 tpl 001 646 638 31 78{11 Keldan, Amanda Kennedy, Ethel Am1mda Keldan Jowelry 750 Third Avenue Hickol}'.Hi!I 61h floor Kennedy Cuomo, An- 1147 Chain~~ctge22R1oOa1dUSA King, Abby drew & Kerry Mclean Virruma ~l'i'9~1~.fil' (12i°17 212_ 922 5537 (PT 001 305 865 4875 (h} 10 Smeaton RoaQH London SW18 5J 1344 Kfrby Road 020 7642 9813(hl Mclean, VA 22101 07944 57 420ffi2(P,,. g@hotmai!.co 001 202 333 1880 (w Kennedy.Jo Email: abyru. es11.m {Hm)Bemn;iars Keidan, Jon 73 Bigelow st USA Middle Lypiatt 212 210 0066 BriQhton Mass 02135 Nr Bls!ey . ?LN 917 626 5860 oor 202 225 s111 (h} GlouceStQershirl~l6 ~f1Hf~~~ {W) w {J1 - . _:z;;;.:w;w Z)W'Fl Koch, David K1rwIn Taylor, Charlie & 001 212 832 1036 ihj Kudrow, Alistar Lambert, David Heen 1 001 212 682-5755 W) 011 331 538 94762(w) 212 864 1535 {h} 21 R8dciffe Square 011 3342527234{h) 917 748 3946 (p) London sw1 5618634140 8~8?:t~g :888 (~~ Kohl Astrid 5 Rue Bonaparte Lal Dalamal Paris 75006 7 York Gate Lambert, Edward Kirwin Taylor, Peter 88 ~l 14i1j ~T~§[h> lhJndon NW1 40G, ESL Partners 11 S East Pulnam Avenue Greeriwich 001 212 888 0020 ~Wf'~td' Email: [email protected] {HmJAkron House Conneticut 06830 00 49 171 3326239 (p) 86A Allen Avenue 33t~83-ti~ ~~ii {h) Kolle Boby 020, s3s10,2 Nl;ri,I li:"4ia, Laoos, 001 212 886 5640 Calhfh) 001 212 727 13361 Cath(w) 0207 935 6178 2341493 0305 w hJ 001 310 255 2202 _ 001 ;3_10 731;16668(p} 2341493 6291 w Lambos Duff & John Email. Bl<[email protected] ~5411§~ ~~lij : 23414936311 w . 001 212 807 91851h) 001 212 761 8094 w) Kotze, Alex Von ~~1 2a6o?7~o5~~J)(w) direct line Email: [email protected] (Hm)001 860 54;2 1616(h) 44 7710 056624 (UK p) 27 Rosary Gardans LOndon SW7 0207-491 4366 (W) ~ee, Rupert & Charlotte Lalaunls, Demetra E~n~~~siwJon Palace Gardens Kravetz, Anna 47 East 641h Street NY: NY 10021 001 212 265 0600 (h) 0207-221 7853/"J 0012122882815 0207•408 1455 w 0860360643 Krooth Caryn Lambert, Christopher 001 213 557 1401 (h} Lange Dieter Klesch Johnathan 001 323 882 6328(h) 038~ 372672 001 21-3 276 4337 {W} 00 331 4723 0184 828fjH Email: dla 18~0 w> Email: [email protected] 0039554 0039554 001 3955 ' -~zz:a;. ceU 07 78S 996600 asst (h)0208-673 5090(renafa} Lawton Paul 212 734 6968(h) j!;im)1425 North View Drive (w) 07946 584700 iami Beach, FL 33140 Larsen Janet 0207-5771835 (w} 011 3os-s31.9911 01305,672.2494f, 1 Jhl 3~Ruthn~t'1 Lea, Piers 305,672.249 london S 16 Talbow,oad 001 305 491 0005 fr-'PJ, 0207-581 7073 Lazar, Christophe & London 11 001 305 450 3255 1qa s cell marie 0207-727 4677 {h) 305 491 i998 Roy,-Dnver l'oron~rie 0734-33260 !,'ii 0207-792 84 (w) 305 496 5141 V1'c aria {p)-House- 95590 res/es ~t~P:fja 5S78 Sonia(p} House- rsLaurie,sw1Jonathan CheSham Place ondon 00 33 1 3470 0656(h} 003361780384 ) ~iiPtffa7623 Jerry (p} 0207-235 6691 0207-709 4222 w I"\ Emal!: c 00331 0207-35 r@aol com h) . Leeds, Jeffrey 570 Park Ave BA 305 534 1188 Jeny fiome 305 673 9944 (wf) 0207-49 00322356403 w}pJ. NY NY 10021 ooi 212 835 2ooo~w/ Lavlada, Laura 0.B. de 001 212 754 5813 h 00121~8352020 Fax Uman 1 Doug 525 540 5803 i 52 55 5540 7444 Email: llaviada &Hmw2 55 541 3366(p) Le Bon, Simon & Jas- mine Leeds 001 917 733 3165 001 212 809 3202 !:mail: [email protected] . 2 5 5540 7444(h) · 397 Upper Rich~nd Road London SW155T LefCourt, Jerry 00 52y 261 2717 0208-878-5858 (h/ 212 737 0400 Lindeman-Barnet1 Stoan j 881 2 717 9055 1 58 735 64941 p & Roger 001 305 935 7202 001 212 754 2144(w) 41 795045812 eurcfeel[ Le Fur, Jean-Yves Lester, Dominick 001 561 790 4516 50 East 781h St, Email: sfindem406~ao!.com 104 Rue de l'Universite 7eme i ewoork 12c f,Hml!'01 203 629 21 01 61 655 3011 George 1ean awtord Christopher & 00 33 4705 4601 00 33 4705 4602 001 331 0752 6726 NY 1 021 88~ ~l~ ~~! o/iig · f/ 001 516 726 6894 917 453 5097 'ftSloan 001 212 826 3 3 Fax . 1150 Monument Streel 001 646 206 2410 Roget s cell . 001 917 721 6861 P Patific Palisades Jt0-505-9940 portable 001 631 287 2233 lfcparef')) 001 212 605 0811 oger w 12 7900519 310 456 6633 CA office Le Marg, Willle 001 917 592 3179 55 E. 76th St Levine, Philip 011 874 762 463283 The Adela 310-505--89:40 Portable 310 230 33 home Office ~3dI.lthl 03 3507(w} S~s°~fjWsoQ;t~~, ~ff~s1 655 2926 (s!oane direct) 001 21 501 305 775 0 5 (p) Email: [email protected] w -..J - Lindemann, Adam & Eliz- Lindsley, Blake a eth Love, Courtney io2.4 Bonsall Drive Loeb, Alex 730 Park Avenu3i aft 10A altbu, CA 90265 9536 Healher Rd ~f2W1i1~5~~ h02 001 310 472 3820 001 310 699 5180 {p) 71 Horatio ~J1 ~r2 752 9043 Beve~ HillsSCalifornia 90210 310 6 6 194 t~Dana~ 917,7417531i 310 275 4205 Dana Nma~~~'~J~s 001 212 627 9675 (h) 001 310 666 1 001 310 275 4205 5 tm Da~__,,,,., Dana ~ 881 ~1? ?g~ ~¥fl [~\ Linley David 0207•730 7300(w) Lonsdale Richard Email: rlh@r! Lowell Ivana 265 Easl 66th St Lindemann, NYNY 10021 George(Sr.)&Frelda Licigos, Babls 001 212 988 4829 60 Bfossom Way 001 212 986 4850 (w) Lorenzoti, Eva Vivre ll b8~°!Beac~ FL 33480 61 83 0557 00 33 1 607 24200 001 212 888 2000 , 125 East 72 NYNY 10021 001 561 655 3011 001212739 6221fwf Loyd Mark t Lister, Paul 001 212 879 6420 h 917 385 8157 (p) 197 Kni~tsbrim 7th floor London W7 1 wf Lindsay, Alex & Jaclyn 0201-431.1340 0207-835-1098 h lr:I 0207-584 3333f 07771 547199 p Studio 5 Lorimer, John & Lollie I Necklnf.r Mills 162 Ab I s1,eet London E1 2AN 33 Chiddini Stone Street London S 6 3TQ · Lucas, Colin 0207-252 0569{h) Livanos, Arrlelle 001 212 265 2300 0207~736 1454 070 500 99678 P fhJ . 01865 270 243 07812169411 Emad: alindsa 0870 139 251 deepllght co uk · ' 001 212 980 6863 (h) 0207476 3055 )w Email: lotte! rl!< · 0207~351 3557 h Mack, Carol & Earl Lindsey, Ludovic tfo Cascio Robert VVW/n,- 003fl64459 0 00 33142 724068 · The Mack Campany 370 West Passaic Street Rochelle Park, NJ 07662 12 r;jcGrwar Rd 462 7th Ave 2nd Fl. 2013465400 Lon on 11 201 368 0349 {f) 0207-221 5353 [h) ~flshi~2~6 1001s Louthan Guy J. ~Hm)860 UniteO Nations Plaza 212 (W9 4220 (D 323 876 0345jCA.) pt. 35B Emad: [email protected] 07788 748 31 . New York NY 1Q017 Email: [email protected] 212 387 7'003 i;,nvate 212-750-8007 fu"Fk 212 755 2518 Y ome ' w CX) ······------·-~-,--~-· ' Macmllan, Dave & Bella Maller, Michaef 5 StJntey Cl'$seent Londonwn 0207fiNJ,·607000? 28 Old Fulton St, f!1tH 1"'t':i . +44 207 219 2632 01429 766 713 rrun(WIi h) 0114420721945 5 wor fax 09762 6f2' 8 4 0 0 11201 Mallinckrodt, Mr Philip 0207-88 8 h) 343 7916(w) 8 Graham Terrace ~ '2;aifr@b! London SW1 Am reenWich Streel, Suite Manfredini Alessandro Magaziner, Ira C. New York, NY 10013 o201.30 4166 0207-516-371 () Jl 0201..s1s 1944hw> 117 Walton Slreel London SW3 2HF) England 617 774 0110 fWi 0207· 460 6600(W 617774 0220 0385 322730 Emaif: [email protected] Mailman Josh 001 212 262 4782 Manconi, John 48 Albermenalre street Mang~e Eddie Maguke, Jennifer 0207-4090466 140 w.16fh Sireet . (hJ 0207-352 4662 ('l,l 0207•409 2217 o ce fax Lu· Arca ilS Lll''1~•rd P•rk Monabat Ho 28 7 ~w Yor New York 1 023 Malek, Harry & Didi 0207• 352 3021 home fax offi P.O. Box 245 r) ' O 1 21;! 49P 2664(h) B Ennismore Mew.$ 00 41 22 3j 1 4680 Geneva !CB Buhrmansdrie l London SW71AN 00 27 183861212 .Emal/: 1enn1fer.maju1re@tumerc 001 9 7 539 960 (p) 212 941 2015 ' 0207-584 1576 0207-584 9161 w t\ 00 41 22 3 1 4675 Geneva office ~f7 s4 431 552 Wisteria Cottage 00 27 183814044 212 941 2015 direc1 line) I ~1~ 8j11399wf} 39~1 Elsa Hurley) ManJ.lers, Eddie I ~alen~a (Mandela) Mandelson, Peter 49 ladbroke rd ache 80 Archel Road p UK 00 08299Q8000(SA) b~39?fsflh1f[/ Mahler, Giovanni 00 41 91 227904 ( Lugano} 07958776807 Email: [email protected] ~~tfo"t r,1,4,\9li"l +4 7860419 93 P 0717-727 4260 [email protected] Email: pe- w Mahoney, Sean Malina, Marjorie ~m The Righi Honorable Peter Manners Miss Lucy I' anij p . t 19 Kflrsle S1 I:' ~is ~1fomit Street #1004 00 33 1 46053266 (h) Member of arl1amen House of Commons Lond 11 4PR ' ool 212 90~ 2951 /"l 00121272 3777 w) London En~nd Sy,/1 AOM 07 9 77 b01 4 Remaldo 07831 0207 Jfi/, Malkin Shelly & Tony 107 Doublin Road .we. !z".t 1 120 391 °o~°rii· 8 {) 0831 527770Aftce Greenwic~ CT 06830 01144 201219 49 Peter's d!rect 001 203 6 9 5772 ~! 1 0 2d~ 2iJ91s8rr:)' - > r Manners, Terssa fBon~ryomaer Rd :i!fa~f,O 4228 Grainne Jones {as. on sw11 Apt 213 Massimo Parisi 0207•498 6755 No 4 Farm Lane Baltic Modef5 0956 477184 London SWG 10G 01139 335 360 89~m Marks, Stephen & Alisa 01635 299 933 0113902 58316 26 f 07785 317 999 p} Emai!::.fbmode!s~in.Jt 23 The Boftons 077.99 658 128 car 01137 646 438 stonia London sw10 9S0 UK 020 8392 6820 dirJct) ~arJzano, Jose Luis & eiandra +44 207 259 2266 E~"a~p1 2ss 2211 /I;/ 0208 392 6642 wf) Ast Tash Courar natasha.cour• 01l372 646 4387 Estonia (f). 01 370 866 9537 Lithuania (p) 001 202 337 1133 ( age@te! u iil1J5586 532 Jli' a25 os11 ft:frenchconnection. urther Lane Mattsson, Carolina 00 54 61 298411 00 54 1150 0571 64 63 1rul'"hNY 11934 4 amp!ons Marterler Astrid ¥~~,J1fP.i%1u~da +4J 5~8"r319"h!ons wl, fax 350 East 52nd NY NY 10022 Gothenber~ Sweden 011 46 311 1594 Jh) 011 4~ 7074 9299 ae) •44 201 ~9s 15a4 001212753 0003(hJ Mappln, John 001 212 753 1t11(w 011 4 737 854 49 ~} Father 30 Southacre 001 917 734 0404 (p) 011 47 760 100 {wJ om-Dr. Sy!• ryde park cross Marocco, Manilo & Pia via Mattsson ondonw2 ggJ0\191i5st5478(h) 57 0 London S Caoeqan s:i, 1 OH Martins Peter 8207-912 158°,lhl\ 20;:. 349 882 (W ~VJi;llet 212 870 5655 Mavroieon Caitlin 0207-225 0350 uwalf: §lBlmamo co Uk 07831 575541 ~<1,i;g,011s, Erfc 774 82(wj'' 9:.:J~-:f,, Laboratorle.s 07776253561 onas /IP 001 347 742 5116 2 St. Clair Ave. West# #1600 (w) 0207-259 6380 0207-349 9377 f~ 737 673 ia (p} Marzotto, Matteo Valentino ~avroleon, Basil & Ca- J1~ ;~'ij 8d'~!a M4V 1L5 0 39 02 62492 600 39 02 62492 571 {ij rma 416{J090506\pJ Email: Marsh Jerem,r. 001 212 223 0090 001 212 510 8902 w} tl Swafte.s Farm 8 Gira es Rd w14 0207•233 9767 London fJl:!§~1isffYrilgncorrespon aowew, Hyde Lane Mason, Christopher 10 1 Ecchins Well 330 East 59th SI Toronto Berks Canada, M4V 2¥9 416 323 0078 !!:Ii 0 01 . /ls2s1b1'' ~5f2\J~fsbJ~&i) 001 212 517 6632 (H) Mavroleon, Carlos 143 Beaufort St. 416 960 1769 ~% 17remy,[email protected] u u mam Village • • b~81?:I1s1 ~Jg - Mavroleon, Manoll 00 33 4 4238 6529(h) 32 Princess court oo 33 442913784(w) Email: Email: [email protected] Maxwell, Isabel 88 Brom~on Road {Hm)Montagnac sur Leda chrisline@chrislinesworld 1775 Green Street &~~~s\9-~jJES Hm 95 Riller Drive Fraytet dels Boscs Lot et Garone 47150 San Franciscoi,CA94123 , CA 54618 001650 864 2.J77assl 0724063. bfia~~]s 336 5179GuyandAnne 001 650 864 2277(d} Mavroleon, Mr Bluey 1 510 548 7035 ihl i15 732 6170 G(oba! track- Thone!!e oo 33 s s33 e309s m Email: [email protected] La Gordanne 00 33 5·533 63091 (Ii) 001415771 4650 !hi 1166 Perray 510 841 8556 (hO 001 415 298 0009 p) Switzerland 00 33442933242 (ij sg~~2~1'W~s<rJi 001 415 771 4678 h 001 510 381 8865 017881 622653/ol , 88 j5t :~ SJ if ~j a&i~ I:: 0207- 730 928i;J {f) see notes ematl 001 415 203 56'!'3 Isabelle scar 01491' 652780~) 07881 622 653 Mavroleon, Nicholas & 00 33 619787391 (zavier p) 01491 652781 . 001 415 420 0308 Alexander Barbara 001 213-476-6885 h 01133 680 45 9447 {rodger p) 01865-7262971 Pl) &611i~ 747 0608 Dale Djerassi 2nd email . 001 331 42 669025 w [email protected] Maxwell, Debbie Maxwell, Ian & Tara 0207736 3570fhj 18 Hyde Park Gate (h) 07967 681 607 p Maxwell & Laurens, Ms Flat;, Maxwelt 1 Kevin and A nne London Pandora Ho/vu SW75DH, Telemonde fnt:. 1j O';J/,';akeshott Ave. Maxwell, Dr & Mrs 0207-591 0416/h/ Mou!sford Manor . H1g ta 0207- 584 4883{h) Lon on Philip Emaif: Mou!sford, near Wallingford 26 Florence St imaxwell@te! Oxon N66NT. 0X1 9HU Hendon - (HmlTe!emonde Networks Lid {w) 01491-651247 (hl 0965 441882/pi London 40 Portman Square 0207-681 9127 h) NW4 London 01491-652263 (hf} 0207-482 J248 \ii) W1H 6LT, . Email: ij~ 0208- kmaxwe!l®le! an 1~82 02d07 ax 248 Laurens practice 0208- 0207 467 5851 D1recl {w)) {Hm)230 P'ark Avenue 0207-681 0127 b~3'Jg 0207 935 0922 Direct (wf 0786 486 0207 778 6300 0865 w Suite 1000 NYC 10169 0207 487 4001 w) 07990 525855 <osm) 001 917 862 9g35 1p Maxwell Malina, Christine Maxwell, E. 0207 4~~ igg~ wf) 001 212 68349 99 {w 1 18 Les Jardfns du Monlaiguet P ont des lrois Sautets 11 lochmore House 873t:rss 493 ara (Pl 0207 467 5850 Dirac (w~) 07979 597899 Pan!d:/oraN F ranee, 13590 Meyreuil Cundy Street 001 646 435 5645 w London 001 646 435 5595 l NY SW1W9JX, 07887 525655 Ade dnver 0207 486 6300/4900 (w) 3201- 487 •001 -0 f07•4869300 wt •BJ f,I 651 7821/Jy p} MC & Allenor limecfose New Yor~ NY 10021 561655 0114 WPS 212 715 2810 work fax 078 792422 212-489· 339 8iytd"h1bingdon xorsire 2J2-632-6973 212 715 2801 Todd Work 01- OX144HU 0 I 212 288 1385 {h) RECT Maxwell, Marcella 01235 531231Jh) ~3 Penn Road g~];;:622 841 (ti) omron Ni; Mclaney, Gas Mendoza, Neil 0207-609 1377 {h} Po~ on 0107-730 2779 ih) 14a Nevem Mansions I I Mayhew, Mr John 0207-62 0831 861 Speet 0 831 400034 Email: [email protected] 0019172 37 1 Warwick Road London SWS, 927 685 6583 212 784 9608 JgJ I ~e%etIW Lartfngton ~Hm)99 Jana treet #7F t). ew York, NY 10014-7221 t es Teesdale 50571 McA!fiine Alistair & Rom,ly Mclane, Shannon CoseBe/111 0207-373 9593 0207-734 2303 w) t1 Lenno~ardens 001 212 988 4210 212 4141710 {f ondon S 1X ODF c/o The fcorters 8~07-584 1544 Grim Pa ace Hotel 07-3790258 WJ t 0207-836 5314 w ijan Marco "r'"" 01 39030J21 4 5 36541(11) Mcleod Jock & Pru Menzies, Kate I 00 39 41 5210040/Q 4 Lansdowne Cres 32b Queensp:ate Mews London SW 0207-723 9309(W) b~81~f4fJ61gmJ !i'Iw c1Mazandf, Yassi- Cheyne Walk ondon SWJ 5LP 0860 203310(car} · 0207•234 802 0201-584 9397 0201.581 0384/ 001 917 453 6633( } 0207-351 7333 ~'1/p McDonald, John f:, 001 212 001 212 751 03 fh' 751 0270 f) 001 212 966 2727 {w) Meister, Todd The Reiency Hotel Merison, Guy & Caroline 001 212 628 5661 "\.< 001 310 475 8987 0207~3511030 (h} 540 Par Avenue New Yor1g NY 10021 212 476 236w McFarland, Anthony Merlvale-Austen, Bruce Mazzotl, Mateo· 007 095 242 2723 007 095 960 2633 w fh\ 212-476 9236(w Email: · . ncterockfunds.c 35 Moore St. 00 39 335 1331 3333 W~l8 212 44 }?~3480 w} Chelsea London SW3 0207-581 4026 2124 w . 0207-867 3978 (w} McKenzie, Raymond 917 568 27 atrma Lazard Freres Co, 917716 9 g:1 . 65 East 76th Street 212 476 9245 aml Neiss 212 759 4100 Regency ,.,. N ., ...,iJ;::.--,.,~,...,::,,;.o-.-c,;,,;,-'"'~.:".,,;,;--"=<'->sJ~ - T Mermagon, Mr Jonathan 001 561 891 2399 P.o {9 :eatherb; Gardens Mills, Cheryl on 0207- 0:11 SW 0Jt 73 1938 0207-351 6755 w 001 202 244 14 1 l\' 001 917 783 4076 Juslin p) Metz Robin Milford Haven George and Clare Great Tr~pe!s Farm 01 202 258 5666w Email: cdmonline Millan~ r. Liphook, Hampshi Nomi's 001 212 644 8211 001 917 566 0466 8}!1i 11XM,~ h 01<28 1,bo1 !hi, - Mihot, Carie & Bell, Metcalf Justin 0207-591 8807[w} lHmJ12 Soudan Road on on SW11 4HH UK George 001 516 671 0338 0207-591 8800 h 020 7409 0451 !wf) Meyer, Tony 020 7499 9080 w) 6t3Broadway #SW a leeker 020 7720 4031 2n home) 020 7617 5867 2n~ home fax) Minot, Susan Metcalf Melanie & Julian New York NY 10012 50 West 9th Slreet #20 ;; Htgh Lodge 001 212 771 8616 (hf New York. NY 10011 ' Blenheim Park Woods~ 88~ i1? ~f~ 3~88<; MIiford Haven, Sarah 001 212 420 1072 I Oxon O O 1QA 07977-273-659 (p) ~~~ethwait, Fev & 31, Victoria Road London WB 0207-938 4794(h) 0831 099099 Mischer, Kevin ss1 Jrn ~~9 gt§~! I 00 33 93 410073 tletcalfe Julian & 38 Sosse;,, SI (Hm)001310456 heh) elanle t',:tander House h~~ii7~~bVtRH 020J'.-630 ossi!\J1 Miller Nicole & Kim l orttJ Terrace Email: Talpa 1e Modafferi, Daniela ondonsw3 ,J 0207-827 6300(w) fuHmhHigh Lodge ,~"lf~elt~Jtirrgfnomis 100 Hudson Street {h) #10E - Via S.Marta 11 Milan Ital~ Jil fen eimParJt ooP2i'3lMBJ!1 6 New York NY 10013 ~12 !J~ 3~88 frrl 00 39'2 8 451573 (h} Ii gombe Whilne£ xon OX88N 01993 898828 (h) 881 Email: 8800 ~ij39 81~ 3~l~~"5tJdij 575 293 ( ~Hm}525 th ve, 20th floor 00 41 82 43363 (S l ) Milani, Gianluca aw Yorlc Metcalfe, Justin & Joane ~°1 Sunset Rd Vfa Cenisio 47 i81t'~lOJJ~~ h 10018 001 212 391 4327 001 212 334 5064 h fW Moncada Cico FEAm Beach 8337 294298 J90Ja bie/ 39 2 7600 13 (w) 001 917 513 7400 p) 0410352999 001 561 804 6646(h) - Monckton, Rosa A$prey & Gerat/ Ltd. · Moore Deborah 0207-584 8764 fW)' Cox,'s Mill (homel ~JlJington, East ussex TN21 lit iccelston Sq 0207-839 9060 lw) Munro, Donald 970 Chestnut Slreet #10 London sw1 SF Ca 94109 020, 493 s1s~wl 0207-834 9067(h) OOj 415 567 5401 (hl 01 4~5 831 07 (h 0777 1664133\i'} Mortimer, Gigi & Averell ffM'* 01435 SOnl) 5 Pr1ya1e omm1cs 001 310 456 4 n Jeffrey ~~~ 0 A1se·t Management,, Inc. 2 East 67lh SI. 00 4156272615 w) 44 7 0207 33 por1ab!e New Yor~ NY 10021 Murdoch, Rupert +« 1435 As3rey Fax Moore, Jullfet &Chris 1 212 77 7590 (h) 0013"10203-1226 44 7774 s ~5 C:!) 136 Eas! 79~ Slreet #78 1 212 751 5252(aw} 001 212 852-7100 [< 44 1435 831075 Emerg U3f2\°ih~ 2i~21 E~~ime~ardenasset~m t8m)350 ark Ave. 29th oor !:: ewYor~N.Y. i0022 Murray Philipson Kate "" f 'k1fY Kryle, Mr Charlie Moore, Mr Geoffrey 22 Ea!on iWuare , 1 212 77 3113 {hf) 212 751 5252 {w) 0207-371 2571 07973 176369 (02 Albert Palace Manslonsma London S 1W 90E *ft ouhne Gdns Londond sw11 40H 0207-350 2067jh) 0207-235630511 88lJo~\1;~7J¥1 ,S(t}rance) Morton, Peter 001 31 O854 3366{w\ t Murray Philipson, Mr & I 0207- 321 017 (w) 001 213 273 4036 Mrs 0207~508 8964(w} 001 213 276 1182 w The Cottage Blasten . Morris St~hen Nr Market Harborough Lmcs Capita Adv/so , fne 0858 892333 (h) Montemayor; Cesar 001 212 769 9760 W,J Uo~WYOrk East 63rd St Morton, Robert Pnxlucer Letterman s 11 001 212 51 9600 10021 1 00 2,2 541 6364n 00 3.10 457 0594 h Murray Threipland ~ 011 33115491611 aris {h) 00 528 368 0068(w/ 00 528 338 9242 h ggJ 212 5 813 0347{w) 2 001 310 888 3200 (o) Tertious/Cla 01ab1 f33~\i 01722 42115~ 01593 73120 07765007007 Mruvka Alan Monti Riccardo 001 310 274 5227fw) 00 39 335 71 64427 Morris, Nick & Lucy 0013109901171 Ph Murray, Jean Pierre - 1 Airlie Gardens Email: amruv~1W\'h~(h)om (Hm)001310 001 213 550 0516 (h) London WB 00 33 1 4720 0233 0207-792 8734 (h) 00 33 94 97 0197 (SI Trop} Nadler Emanuel 001 212 758 5430 Nell Andrew ~Ion Oakham Leice stershire 55 Onslow Gdns 1588N London SW] 3QF 0780 86488 (h) g207-5811655 Niarchos, Constantine Nagel Adam 00f 212 873 8622 0207•242 9636 mail: [email protected] Nell, Andrew 0207•3 o 7648 0207•629 8400 w r~ 33 Grosvenor Square londor, SW1 0041 8234410 3 938{StM) Noef 1 Vanessa 12 East 86!h St #535 New York. NY 10028 I 235 E 491h St#118 212 gos og~; t ' [ Nagel WIiiiam 0207~242 9636 NY NY10017 001 212 888 9060 001 212 5S6 8555 {w) Nickerson, William & al001i~ 212 ~~~ g,, 5\13 I"\ 737 0115 w ! Nardi, Dolt M Jacope Jayne 131 b Portland Road !'ll Newman, Hetty London W1 Noha, Cecma 0335 683 1385 3 Pe!lyPJaca 0207-221 1ijo5 (h) 001 212 683 4649 Email:<Bnarmunoif L~do'b England 0039 23 26/h~ S 35 J 00 39 02 8360678 w 0207R351~44 V.,a Nishio, Yoshi Noonan, Tim H 400 SJt1cCadden Pl. 001 212 446 3661 LA C 90020 I Nastasse Ille & Alex Newman, Mr & Mrs oot213 9_34 0714 {h) j4 t~eJ 67th Street John 0207~291187J~ 0207 93 708 { Nuttall, Harry N~ NY 10021 Compfon Park 0207-6373429{w ool 212 472 2543 ~m~ton Chamberlayne ms W1J~1%f~natlonat Ltd .r,1 oo oo•oii210 4 1 23022a2 1 048~ ffb Ira 0207-370 01a9 &l 15 SJoane Court Wes! {h} London SW3 0207-930 3007 w Noel Alix p 07270 294 {'1) 0207-823 4308 1; Negrete, Jelltza 812 Park Ave 10021 001 203 661 09fi3(h~ 0207.590 s2•2r Email· r5sport 1 ~m)-i7 ueens s Gate _lace gg3 Park Avenue , Ng, Clive 001 203 661 05 5 W . ews{w) London G New Torte NY 652 Broadway SW758 OOJ 212-144-8771 51h Floor 00 917 783 7753 Naw York, NY 10012 Noel, Hon Thomas ~f}sa 004 32s (P) 212 5980203 0207-~35-9686(<;t 24 LennoxGa1ffd London SW1X 0207- 59-5599 ( ) 0207-5891841 {h). The Grange Farm .,, U1 - ,, . - -"~:.-.<¢,""· ,;t•---•~,;,,,,..,,,="'''"""'=:,,,.
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