Star Trek Finale: The Turnabout Intruder Twist (Janice and Her Dreams of Revenge) Dr. Janice Lester is obsessed with Captain James T. Kirk. She is highly skilled in her profession, but Captain Kirk broke her heart a long time ago. The Federation starship that James T. Kirk captains was called to investigate a distress call from the Planet Camus II. Captain Kirk has had many romantic interests over time. Some females either hate him or love him. There is no way that Captain Kirk would know what is about to happen, but anything is expected as they travel through space and time to explore the universe in their 5-year mission. It is reported by Dr. Arthur Coleman that Dr. Janice Lester is suffering from radiation exposure. Captain Kirk is not coming alone on his mission to save her as Science Officer Spock and Dr. McCoy accompany him on the planet. They arrive on the planet and the crew attempt to save the survivors. “Kirk, can you be here with me as a favor to an old friend?” asks Janice. He nods as Spock lifts an eyebrow while looking at Kirk. Spock attends to the other survivors outside the door. “I do not know why this happened or what will happen, but we will make sure that you and the rest of the survivors of this unfortunate tragedy be beamed up onto the Enterprise for further assistance”, says Kirk. The room fills up with red smoke. “You have been summoned as a prisoner to my world against the Federation and we will place an evil clone on your Enterprise to destroy the foundation of what you represent,” says Janice to Kirk as the rest of the crew are beamed up to the Enterprise. Spock looks at what appears to be Captain Kirk and he feels something is wrong. The survivors are in sick bay and they appear to be in perfect health. “Captain, do you think that there is something wrong with all of the survivors being in perfect health? It was a call of distress yet we here with no issues,” Spock says to Kirk. Kirk looks at him and says, “We check on all of them and Dr. McCoy says that we are all fine.” Spock runs to the elevator to go to sick bay, but it is stuck. Spock heads over to the captain’s chair but he becomes paralyzed. “Take Officer Spock to sick bay,” commands Captain Kirk. Spock’s eyes turn completely red in color. Back on Planet Camus II, Captain Kirk is hanging from a very tall tree in the middle of the forest. Janice appears and screams to him, “What will we do with our love? What will we do about your love thereof?” Kirk is trying to find a way down without falling to his death. The color of the sky turns from red to black. It seems like Captain Kirk is about to blackout from the red smoke from before. “Wake up, honey,” says Janice with a smile on her face. She is sitting next to him inside a room that looks very much like sick bay from the Enterprise. “Is this the real Enterprise?” asks Kirk to Janice. “Do you want it to be? It can be. I need you to think of what you want more than anything in the world. Do you want to exist or co-exist with me in sick bay?” asks Janice as Kirk is confused. “WHERE ARE WE?” screams Kirk. “We are very much in sick bay. Look around you. Do you remember when you left me as if I was nothing but a lover with no value? Do you remember what you did on your rise to the top, Captain?” asks Janice. The room turns black again and Kirk is asleep. Janice laughs and grabs Kirk’s communicator. “Do what you love. Do what is needed to survive. Leave this space and destroy everything. Back on the (real) Enterprise, Kirk is seen smiling and nodding his head at the same time. Sulu turns around and asks Captain Kirk if he is okay. “Sulu, you are so precious. You need to focus on your work and not worry about me. We need to warp speed out of here,” exclaims Kirk to Sulu. “Captain, we cannot move, and you are acting strange. When is Science Officer Spock returning?” asks Sulu. Captain James T. Kirk being questioned by a lower ranked officer is puzzling to him. He is getting angry, but he shakes it off. “We are going to Benecia Colony and we must drop off Janice there.” Janice appears and says, “The captain needs us to go where my help is needed.” Sulu is about to go to sick bay to check on Spock, but Janice touches his shoulder. Suddenly, Sulu starts to plot a course to Benecia. There is one problem: The Enterprise will not move. Montgomery Scott appears out of thin air. “Captain, we can not move an inch. The engines will blow if I precise. Can you see me?” asks Scotty. The crew is trying to figure out what is going on when the Enterprise is starting to move. Scotty is trying to say something else, but he fades away. “What is going on with this ship? WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS SHIP? WE NEED TO GO NOW!” exclaims Captain Kirk. The problem that is happening now is that the ship is going up and down slowly, but it is not moving forward. Kirk is on Planet Camus II once again. Janice is there with him but this time, she is trying to seduce him. “So, you wake up fair king? What is your pleasure?” asks Janice to Kirk. “Is this the Roman Times? Is this the Depression era?” asks Kirk. Half of the room is from the Depression era as the other side is from Roman Times. Captain Kirk stares at Janice to figure out what is going on. “Is this real or is this in my mind?” Janice laughs. “I’m a doctor not a brain surgeon.” Dr. McCoy appears. “Wake up, Jim. Wake up!” exclaims Dr. McCoy. “Bones?” On the Enterprise, Captain James T. Kirk and Janice are in sick bay along with Spock. Spock awakes first and tries to mind link with Janice. He wants to know what is going on. Sulu is taking the job of captain due to everything that is going on. He wants to send a message to the Federation on everything that has happened. The message will not go through. He is growing tried but Scotty communicates to him that the engine is in cool down mode and that they will be able to move in 2 hours’ time. The Enterprise has stopped moving up and down. Screams are beginning to be heard and no one can make out who or what is screaming. (Captain Kirk screams on Planet Camus II) No one knows that the Kirk on the Enterprise is not what he seems to be. Kirk looks at Janice across from him in a bed that is red velvet, but it is floating in the air. “Did we make love, Janice,” asks Kirk to Janice. “We did whatever you mind can dream up. If you want to wake up, you will get a surprise,” states Janice to Captain Kirk, which lets him know that this is a dream, or he is in a coma. “Can I leave now, Janice?” asks Kirk. “So, you want to leave after making love? That is very typical. The next thing you know, you will say that you do not remember our love that was shared. Every moment means something, James T. Kirk. EVERY MOMENT!” states Janice. She starts to turn into an angel, but she turns into a demon when Kirk looks away from her. Kirk immediately wants to wake up. This was a huge mistake as Kirk wakes up in Janice’s body. “Spock why are you mind linking with me?” asks Kirk (in Janice’s body) “You had vivid dreams and ambitions. Why would you want to kill Captain Kirk?” ask Spock. Dr. McCoy wonders the same thing. “This may seem confusing, but I think that I was in a coma after we left the Planet Camus II and Janice is in my body, but she is asleep,” says Kirk (in Janice’s body) “Impossible,” says McCoy to Kirk (in Janice’s body). Spock says “Wait. I need to mind link with you again.” Captain Kirk’s body wakes up, but Janice is inside him now. “She needs to go to jail after what she did!” exclaims Janice (in Kirk’s body) The Enterprise is almost ready to leave. Spock, Scotty and McCoy look at Dr. Coleman’s body. He was not sick, but he is here in sick bay. The survivors are okay also. “I know who the real Janice is. Only I would know,” states Coleman. He hugs both Janice and Kirk. “I know that Janice is Janice because she is the love of my life. Kirk is insane,” Coleman explains. Janice screams “ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I NEVER HEARD OF THIS MAN BEFORE WE BEAMED DOWN TO THAT CRAZY, INSANE PLANET THAT HAS RUINED MY LIFE!” Janice looks at McCoy and states, “Bones, you are a horrible psychiatrist.” Janice looks at Spock and says, “I will never attempt to fake my death for you to avoid marriage ever again!” Spock and Dr. McCoy grab Kirk at the same time. They both realized that Janice is really Kirk. Coleman grabs a taser and holds Janice hostage. “All you had to do was live in your fantasy world. That is all you had to do, Kirk! We would have ruined your career, your legacy and your ship! Your precious ship means nothing to us but to be a vessel to destroy the Federation!” states Coleman. They all circle around each other. Spock wrestles the taser from Coleman as Janice (in Kirk’s body) gets out of the clutches of Dr. McCoy’s hands. Janice (in Kirk’s body) runs to the brig. “It is time for us to leave this planet,” says Janice (in Kirk’s body) to Sulu. Sulu turns around and just looks at Janice (in Kirk’s body). “Hey, Captain. Do you think that I will make a great captain one day or am I limited to my current position?” Janice looks the elevator. Janice answers “It would not be wise to test me.” Sulu sets his taser on stun and stun’s Janice. “You are not Captain James T. Kirk and you will never be,” says Sulu as he stands over Kirk’s body. Janice and Kirk are in sick bay to figure out how to get them to switch bodies before something tragic happens to Captain Kirk. This is where Dr. McCoy injects both with a toxic substance to reverse their bodies. Kirk wakes up with a slight headache but otherwise fine. Janice is awake but she is crying and angry that he plans to destroy all the Enterprise and the Federation was stopped. “One day, you will look at what you did as a terrible dream as you should know what nightmares are about. Going to jail and explaining what has happen would be complex so I believe that all can be forgiven. Coleman, protect and love her. Always remember to never try to break a bond, kill or destroy what others love as love is the only way that we will survive,” states Captain Kirk to Janice. Coleman nods as Janice screams and they are beamed back to their planet, Camus II. “Sulu, you will be the best captain ever seen. Now, let’s get out of here!” commands Captain Kirk. Sulu smiles and they warp speed away from Planet Camus II as Janice screams fade away in the distance.
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