TimestampName (Optional) Gender: SatisfactionHow Levelhave withyou IfAcademic the spent Pandemic most IExperience assisted of affected your the Give Pandemic society you, a clearer didbattling Doyou time? idea youdothe know about something Pandemic ahow friend/classmate about you andwent it? its effects about who wb 2021/09/29Ratul 5:16:01 Ghosal pm GMT+5:30Either way,Movies I'm good.andYesGames, yo. Assisted GOs/NGOs with awareness campaigns, helpline ma 2021/09/29 5:16:17 pm GMT+5:30 Either way,Movies I'm good.andNo Games, yo. Helping small businesses with technology and market ideas 2021/09/29 5:17:56 pm GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotOnline do digital classes, Maybe classes trustanymore me. Nss and donation 2021/09/29Arkadeep 5:18:22 pm GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotOnline do digital classes, No classes trustanymore me. Assisted GOs/NGOs I did a fundraising with awareness with ancampaigns, NGO for the helpline Covid-19 ma 2021/09/29 5:19:22 pm GMT+5:30 I hate it butOnline i needclasses, it No trust me. Re-employing out-of-work individuals by skilling and equipp 2021/09/29Rishabh 5:20:17Ranjan pm GMT+5:30Na, I cannotAdd-On do digital Certifications No classes anymore No 2021/09/29Ishwor 5:22:28 Mahato pm GMT+5:30I hate it butMovies i need and it No Games, yo. staying at home 2021/09/29 5:22:33 pm GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotI code, do digital decode Yes classes andanymore design. Volunteering for relief efforts like food, medicines and cash 2021/09/29Seemran 5:22:37 pm GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotOnline do digital classes, Yes classes trustanymore me. Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29 5:22:42 pm GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotSocial do digital Media No classes mostly.anymore VolunteeringI used for relief a partItefforts of would moneylike notearned food, be appropriate medicines through to internshi andname cash 2021/09/29Abhrajyoti 5:23:17 pmGhosh GMT+5:30 I hate it butMovies i need and it No Games, yo. Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29 5:26:05 pm GMT+5:30 I hate it butOnline i needclasses, it Yes trust me. Volunteering for relief efforts like food, medicines and cash 2021/09/29 5:27:27 pm GMT+5:30 Either way,Add-On I'm good. Certifications Maybe Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29 5:27:42 pm GMT+5:30 Either way,Social I'm good. Media Nomostly. Helping small businesses with technology and market ideas 2021/09/29Supratik 5:28:40Santra pm GMT+5:30Can we have I code, online decode classes Yes andlikedesign. forever? Helping small Many businesses government My with cousinschools technology reallydon't workand have hard market online in theideas pan acc 2021/09/29 5:30:36 pm GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotI code, do digital decode Maybe classes andanymore design. Nothing 2021/09/29 5:31:27 pm GMT+5:30 Either way,I I'm code, good. decode Maybeand design. Assisted GOs/NGOs with awareness campaigns, helpline ma 2021/09/29Dhrity 5:32:25 pm GMT+5:30 Either way,Online I'm good. classes, Yes trust me. Assisted GOs/NGOs I'm a NSSwithvolunteer No awareness so wecampaigns, all had various helpline groupsma 2021/09/29 5:34:31 pm GMT+5:30 Either way,Add-On I'm good. Certifications Yes Assisted GOs/NGOs Creating awareness with Notawareness as suchthroughcampaigns, posters andhelpline videosma 2021/09/29 5:39:28 pm GMT+5:30 Either way,I I'm code, good. decode Yes and design. Assisted GOs/NGOs helped inwithmultiple Lalitawareness Bhaiya: awareness Made campaigns, campaigns, a taskforce helpline to helplin find ma 2021/09/29 5:39:45 pm GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotOnline do digital classes, Maybe classes trustanymore me. Nothing NaN No 2021/09/29Keshav 5:41:32 Shyam pm GMT+5:30I hate it butMovies i need and it YesGames, yo. Helping outUrged friendspeople and Spriha relatives to getShashi vaccinated, with shekhar medicaland - she duties my distribute dad andbeitr 2021/09/29 5:42:21 pm GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotAdd-On do digital Certifications Yes classes anymore Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29 5:47:42 pm GMT+5:30 Either way,Online I'm good. classes, Maybetrust me.VolunteeringI won't for relief say Yes, that efforts his I had name likea food, bigiscontribution Simar. medicines - He volunteer and in helpin cash 2021/09/29 5:49:05 pm GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotMovies do digital andMaybe classes Games,anymore yo. Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29Ebrana 5:53:56 Naurin pm GMT+5:30 Karim Oh, it's better Online thanclasses, in-person Maybetrustclasses me. Assisted GOs/NGOs I donatedwith money awareness campaigns, helpline ma 2021/09/29Anvesh 5:55:27Pathak pm GMT+5:30I hate it butI code, i needdecode it Yes and design.Helping small businesses with technology and market ideas 2021/09/29Ayushi 6:00:33 Sinha pm GMT+5:30Can we have I code, online decode classes Maybeand likedesign. forever? Assisted GOs/NGOs with awareness campaigns, helpline ma 2021/09/29 6:01:25 pm GMT+5:30 Either way,Online I'm good. classes, Maybetrust me.Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29Ishani 6:02:12 pm GMT+5:30 I hate it butSocial i needMedia mostly. Helping outWe it Maybe friends and Srishti relatives and Kunal with medical I saw there duties stories and trh 2021/09/29Shubham 6:03:32 pm Singh GMT+5:30 Either way,Online I'm good. classes, Maybetrust me.VolunteeringDonating for relief forefforts the relief like efforts. food, medicines And encouraging and cash 2021/09/29 6:13:23 pm GMT+5:30 Can we have Online online classes, classes Yes trust like me. forever? Assisted GOs/NGOs with awareness campaigns, helpline ma 2021/09/29Dreamly 6:18:23 pm GMT+5:30 Can we have Online online classes, classes Maybetrust like me. forever? Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29 6:19:02 pm GMT+5:30 Either way,Add-On I'm good. Certifications Yes By not being bother to anyone, which most of us become o 2021/09/29 6:20:20 pm GMT+5:30 Add-On Certifications Maybe Assisted GOs/NGOs with awareness campaigns, helpline ma 2021/09/29Dipesh 6:23:49 Joshi pm GMT+5:30I hate it butOnline i needclasses, it No trust me. Helping outMy friends wholeandfamily Norelatives was covid with medical positiveduties duringand the tr se 2021/09/29Maan 6:24:10 Singh pmChauhan GMT+5:30 I hate it butAdd-On i need itCertifications Maybe Spread awareness I wrote about through No how articles people with canthetake medium some medica of coll 2021/09/29Rishika 6:28:22 Swaraj pm GMT+5:30Can we have I code, online decode classes No and likedesign. forever? Helping small businesses with technology and market ideas 2021/09/29 6:28:44 pm GMT+5:30 I hate it butI code, i needdecode it Yes and design.Assisted GOs/NGOs I joined robinhood with awareness army and campaigns, suppliedhelpline relief matema 2021/09/29Moinak 6:32:35Bose pm GMT+5:30Either way,Add-On I'm good. Certifications Maybe VolunteeringI worked for relief with Ujjwal efforts my Kumar, friends like food,abd he worked medicines helped with people andDesire cash with 2021/09/29Rupabarna 6:34:22 pm Dastidar GMT+5:30 I hate it butAdd-On i need itCertifications Yes Assisted GOs/NGOs I'm an active withvolunteer awareness atcampaigns, NSS SCE helpline ma 2021/09/29Debsweta 6:35:23 pmDutta GMT+5:30 Either way,Add-On I'm good. Certifications Yes I am Assisted GOs/NGOs with Yesawareness I know a lotcampaigns, of them. Somehelpline of the ma 2021/09/29 6:37:35 pm GMT+5:30 Either way,Social I'm good. Media Maybe mostly. Helping small businesses with technology and market ideas 2021/09/29Sharanya 6:45:32 pm DashGMT+5:30 I hate it butSocial i needMedia it Maybe mostly. Volunteering for reliefNah efforts like food, medicines and cash 2021/09/29 6:46:49 pm GMT+5:30 I hate it butOnline i needclasses, it Yes trust me. Helping outThefriends journey and was relatives a roller with coaster medicalride. duties I gotanddepretr 2021/09/29 6:56:49 pm GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotMovies do digital andYes classes Games,anymore yo. Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29 6:58:44 pm GMT+5:30 Can we have Add-On onlineCertifications classes Yes like forever? Assisted GOs/NGOs with awareness campaigns, helpline ma 2021/09/29 7:06:14 pm GMT+5:30 Can we have Add-On onlineCertifications classes Yes like forever? Assisted GOs/NGOs with awareness campaigns, helpline ma 2021/09/29 7:29:12 pm GMT+5:30 I hate it butSocial i needMedia it Maybe mostly. Volunteering for relief efforts like food, medicines and cash 2021/09/29 7:30:37 pm GMT+5:30 Can we have Online online classes, classes No trust like me. forever? Helping out friends and Bishal relatives Kumar withRoutray medical duties and tr 2021/09/29Pratik 7:36:30 pm GMT+5:30 Either way,Online I'm good. classes, Yes trust me. Volunteering There's for relief an elderly Not efforts as such. couple like food, Most in mymedicines of neighborhood us had their and cash own an 2021/09/29Pratyush 7:37:37 pm GMT+5:30 I hate it butI code, i needdecode it Yes and design.Helping small businesses with technology and market ideas 2021/09/29Aditya 7:38:44Kumar pm GMT+5:30 Chaturvedi I hate it butOnline i needclasses, it Maybe trust me.Volunteering for relief efforts like food, medicines and cash 2021/09/29 7:38:50 pm GMT+5:30 Either way,Online I'm good. classes, Yes trust me. Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29Koustav 7:39:05Sarkar pm GMT+5:30 Either way,Add-On I'm good. Certifications No Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29Bhaswar 7:45:59 pm GMT+5:30 Either way,Add-On I'm good. Certifications No Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29 7:46:44 pm GMT+5:30 Oh, it's better Movies thanand in-person Yes Games,classes yo. Helping small I would businesses haveYesdone with a lotmore technology of guys& utilized in my andYRC my market society,I timeideas bettd 2021/09/29 7:51:54 pm GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotOnline do digital classes, Maybe classes trustanymore me. Nothing Missing my kiit 2021/09/29Rahul 7:52:16 Chowdhury pm GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotMovies do digital andYes classes Games,anymore yo. Assisted GOs/NGOs with awareness campaigns, helpline ma 2021/09/29 8:00:32 pm GMT+5:30 I hate it butOnline i needclasses, it Maybe trust me.Volunteering for relief efforts like food, medicines and cash 2021/09/29 8:11:13 pm GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotOnline do digital classes, Yes classes trustanymore me. Volunteering Myfor entire relieffamily efforts was likecovid food,effected medicines all together and cash 2021/09/29Mayur 8:12:08 pm GMT+5:30 I hate it butAdd-On i need itCertifications No Caring for theIt was lonely mostly senior NotEmpty incitizens, my,circle pandemic travellers, timestruggling in 2021/09/29 8:16:26 pm GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotAdd-On do digital Certifications Maybe classes anymore Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29Chiranjeet 8:17:20 pm Gorai GMT+5:30 Oh, it's better Online thanclasses, in-person No trust classes me. Assisted GOs/NGOs I helped outwith None reaching awareness peoplecampaigns, from different helplinestate ma 2021/09/29Ritik 8:24:29 Patelpm GMT+5:30 Either way,I I'm code, good. decode Yes and design. Re-employing out-of-work individuals by skilling and equipp 2021/09/29 8:25:02 pm GMT+5:30 I hate it butAdd-On i need itCertifications Yes Helping outOne friends of our andfamily relatives friends, withweremedical affected dutiesbyand COVtr 2021/09/29Amit 8:25:19 Kumarpm GMT+5:30 I hate it butOnline i needclasses, it Yes trust me. staying at home I stayed at home No for as long as possible. 2021/09/29Shashank 8:31:43 pm GMT+5:30 Oh, it's better I code, thandecode in-person Maybeandclasses design. I didn't. I stayed I stayedat home. at home. No. I don't have friend's anymore, as 2021/09/29 8:34:24 pm GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotSocial do digital Media Yes classes mostly.anymore Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29Rak 8:50:55 Kingabed pm Prefer GMT+5:30 not to Na,say I cannotAdd-On do digital Certifications Yes classes anymore Assisted GOs/NGOs Joined anwithNGO Nope awareness developedcampaigns, a react webhelpline applicatio ma 2021/09/29 9:10:33 pm Male GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotI code, do digital decode Maybe classes andanymore design. Helping outInitially friendsI and fel like relatives all thiswith would medical go away duties butand it did tr 2021/09/29Adrita 9:14:20 RaypmChoudhury Female GMT+5:30 Either way,I I'm code, good. decode Yes and design. Helping outI friends joined several andYes, relatives my whatsapp friends withgroups Tisha, medicalSalokya which duties provided and andSay tr 2021/09/29Anshul 9:26:45Jhapm Male (The GMT+5:30 Math Na, GuyI 😅) cannotMovies do digital andYes classes Games,anymore yo. Helping outOn friends the 4thandMayrelatives 2021 ,with I lostmedical my father duties , like and mantr 2021/09/29 9:32:29 pm Female GMT+5:30 I hate it butSocial i needMedia it Yesmostly. Helping out friends and norelatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29 9:42:13 pm Male GMT+5:30 Either way,Movies I'm good.andYesGames, yo. Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29 10:11:45 Male pm GMT+5:30Either way,Online I'm good. classes, Yes trust me. Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29Harshit 10:25:14Anand Male pm GMT+5:30Can we have Movies onlineand classes Yes Games, like yo. forever? Helping small businesses with technology and market ideas 2021/09/29 10:32:01 Male pm GMT+5:30Either way,Online I'm good. classes, Maybetrust me.Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/29Utkarsh 11:34:16Kumar Male pm GMT+5:30Either way,Online I'm good. classes, Yes trust me. Assisted GOs/NGOs I was actively with Ik many member awareness of myof campaigns, acolleagues. nss what'shelpline They app group werema 2021/09/30 12:04:33 Male am GMT+5:30Oh, it's better Social than Media in-person Maybe mostly.classes Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/30AYNDRILA 12:07:26 ROY Female am GMT+5:30Na, I cannotAdd-On do digital Certifications Yes classes anymore Helping outI friends was part andof HRITARATA relatives a group which with MONDAL medical was assisting duties people and tr 2021/09/30 12:38:30 Female am GMT+5:30I hate it butAdd-On i need itCertifications Yes Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and tr 2021/09/30Disha 6:49:06 am Female GMT+5:30 Na, I cannotOnline do digital classes, Maybe classes trustanymore me. Assisted GOs/NGOs Me and my with Me family awareness andtried my friends tocampaigns, helpformed my domestic helpline a grp. Whhel ma 2021/09/30 7:20:53 am Male GMT+5:30 Can we have Movies onlineand classes Maybe Games, like yo. forever? None 2021/09/30 11:12:49 Male am GMT+5:30Na, I cannotSocial do digital Media Maybe classes mostly.anymore Volunteering for relief efforts like food, medicines and cash 2021/09/30 11:14:55 Female am GMT+5:30I hate it butOnline i needclasses, it No trust me. Helping small businesses with technology and market ideas 2021/09/30 12:09:29 Male pm GMT+5:30Can we have Add-On onlineCertifications classes Maybe like forever? Volunteering for relief efforts like food, medicines and cash ow a friend/classmate who worked for the betterment of the society through above activities or other means ? Name them and describe ness campaigns, helpline management, etc.;Volunteering for relief efforts like food, medicines and cash.;Helping out friends and relatives echnology and market ideas;Assisted GOs/NGOs with awareness campaigns, helpline management, etc.;Volunteering for relief efforts like th an NGO for the Covid-19 affected ones. iduals by skilling and equipping them. ke food, medicines and cash. s with medical duties and transport ot be appropriate to name them, but I encouraged multiple of my friends/classmates to contribute the self earned money to help out pe s with medical duties and transport ke food, medicines and cash.;Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and transport s with medical duties and transport echnology and market ideas;Assisted GOs/NGOs with awareness campaigns, helpline management, etc.;Volunteering for relief efforts like n really work hard in the pandemic times ness campaigns, helpline management, etc.;Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and transport ya: Made a taskforce to find resources for then. Priyadarshni Dey: I remember her work day and night for the relief throught the peak, she ashi shekhar - she distributed food packets to thr needy people s with medical duties and transport ame is Simar. - He volunteered at a gurudwara. - He was always available to help be it day or night. s with medical duties and transport echnology and market ideas;Assisted GOs/NGOs with awareness campaigns, helpline management, etc.;Helping out friends and relatives w ness campaigns, helpline management, etc. s with medical duties and transport d Kunal I saw there stories helping poor by providing them food ,idk them in personal ef efforts. And encouraging friends for the same. ness campaigns, helpline management, etc.;Volunteering for relief efforts like food, medicines and cash. s with medical duties and transport which most of us become one way or another ness campaigns, helpline management, etc.;Volunteering for relief efforts like food, medicines and cash. echnology and market ideas;Re-employing out-of-work individuals by skilling and equipping them. my and supplied relief material in slum and other area in lockdown. mar, he worked with Desire Foundation for similar goals as of mine. er at NSS SCE w a lot of them. Some of them are from the rotaract club i mean to say all the members of the rotaract club, hard to name them each! Ap echnology and market ideas;Volunteering for relief efforts like food, medicines and cash.;Helping out friends and relatives with medical du ller coaster ride. I got depressed, anxious and had anxiety all the freaking time. But if this pandemic had not been there I would have neve s with medical duties and transport ness campaigns, helpline management, etc.;Volunteering for relief efforts like food, medicines and cash. ness campaigns, helpline management, etc.;Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and transport ke food, medicines and cash. mar Routray ch. Most of us had their own restrictions. 😅 echnology and market ideas ke food, medicines and cash. s with medical duties and transport s with medical duties and transport s with medical duties and transport of guys in my YRC society,I don't know them personally ,but i contributed capital as much as I can , God Bless My Pockets So that you can u ness campaigns, helpline management, etc.;Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and transport ke food, medicines and cash.;Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and transport;Caring for the lonely senior citizens, trave covid effected all together and my family have lost 5 members. Although my parents had life risk but by God's grace they are fit now. I w s with medical duties and transport;Caring for the lonely senior citizens, travellers, struggling institutions and stray animals. iduals by skilling and equipping them. ends, were affected by COVID. The whole family of 4 had COVID. We helped them by transporting food and necessary help from a distanc t have friend's anymore, as I lost my communication skills staying at home since 2019. s with medical duties and transport is would go away but it did not and took away some of the people I knew. Then I started to understand the gravity of it. From there on I t iends Tisha, Salokya and Sayan made a web app named Sadbhawna. There people can donate money or their leftover medicines, so that 1 , I lost my father , like many others I was angry as to why him ? Well the Indian Navy lost a senior Captain , his coursemates lost a dear fr s with medical duties and transport s with medical duties and transport echnology and market ideas;Re-employing out-of-work individuals by skilling and equipping them. s with medical duties and transport f my colleagues. They were also a part of these local NGO's helping out to the extent we could in and around the city giving them updates s with medical duties and transport s with medical duties and transport my friends formed a grp. Where we regularly called/visited local medical shops to see if they needed any supplies, we also contacted the D ke food, medicines and cash.;Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and transport echnology and market ideas;Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and transport;Caring for the lonely senior citizens, trave ke food, medicines and cash.;Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and transport;Caring for the lonely senior citizens, trave ? Name them and describe their contribution in brief. ng out friends and relatives with medical duties and transport teering for relief efforts like food, medicines and cash.;Helping out friends and relatives with medical duties and transport;Re-employing o rned money to help out people with their medical needs, as pandemic has not only increased medical costs but also decreased the amou teering for relief efforts like food, medicines and cash.;Tried to arrange plasma, blood, medicines and hospital bed for the needy ones dur elief throught the peak, she was up for a week almost with little to no sleep, Neha Bhagat: did most of the calls to confirm the leads.... Th ng out friends and relatives with medical duties and transport ard to name them each! Apart from this I know a guy named debanshu datta from csce who helped small organization with technologica nd relatives with medical duties and transport een there I would have never realized the importance of exercise, good times with family, healthy diet. So somewhat it went good-bad. G My Pockets So that you can use it for more needy people e lonely senior citizens, travellers, struggling institutions and stray animals. 's grace they are fit now. I was covid effected twice and had a serious kidney operation. But still fought against it and did whatever it was tray animals. cessary help from a distance for safety at both the ends. After 2-3 weeks they started to recover and it was an amazing feeling. avity of it. From there on I tried to go out of my way whenever possible to help someone battling tha ailments of this and I tried to develo leftover medicines, so that others can use them who are in need of that medicine in their locality s coursemates lost a dear friend . But the biggest loss of all was of my mother. I was helpless, couldn't console her , and the worst part my he city giving them updates about their requirements. es, we also contacted the DSP of the region to help such stores out. lonely senior citizens, travellers, struggling institutions and stray animals. e lonely senior citizens, travellers, struggling institutions and stray animals. nd transport;Re-employing out-of-work individuals by skilling and equipping them. ut also decreased the amount and sources of income for a plethora of people in our country. bed for the needy ones during pandemic. ls to confirm the leads.... There are more names that should be here anization with technological knowledge. I know a girl from ETC Aditi who is also in a rotaract club of Bhubaneswar. But even most of them mewhat it went good-bad. Getting the time to analyze what basically I want in my life. t it and did whatever it was possible to be at people's side and help them. amazing feeling. s of this and I tried to develop an app that will help find plasma donors though it was not a success. her , and the worst part my dad's side of family still believe that we are responsible for his death( basic indian family drama ). But I am no swar. But even most of them i don't know i know they are doing something right for the society through any simplest means. Thank you s n family drama ). But I am not writing this out of an internal conflict, no , I am writing this to tell folks around that I am indebted to the Def implest means. Thank you sir. hat I am indebted to the Defence Forces and to our immediate surroundings. We have been helped emotionally , logistically and most imp ly , logistically and most importantly financially. I didn't do anything exceptional but I have seen something exceptional ,people from all w ceptional ,people from all walks have come together for my family. This is just to tell thank everyone around for their support. I write thi for their support. I write this to say I am the one who recieved the help and I am grateful to them all .
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