Protecting yourself from EMF 1. Turn off your wifi router and put your phone on airplane mode when not in use. Do not sleep with your phone or your router near your bed. Your phone and router are probably the most dangerous items in your home (as well as your microwave, I don’t use one anymore). The levels of dirty EMF they emit are not safe in any exposure, especially not blasted for long periods of time while your body is trying to rejuvenate itself through sleep. 2. Hardwire your internet. New technology comes out and people forget that there is another way that is much safer, you don’t have to use your wifi, you can simply…plug it back in. Unless wifi is absolutely necessary, (it’s not) you can use internet on a wired connection. Wifi signals are everywhere and it’s hard to control them, but at least you can control the connection in your own home. 3. Use Orgonite to protect against EMF. Place orgonite around your home, wear an orgone pendant, gift orgone to various locations or in direct sunlight outside, place orgonite near electrical objects. 4. Place plants in and around your home that absorb EMF. Cactus, Snake plant, Spider plant, Betal leaf plant, Stone Lotus Flower, Aloe Vera, Ivy, Asparagus Fern, Mustard Greens, Sansevieria are some of the plants known to absorb and protect against EMF. 5. Place crystals around your home or on your person which offer EMF protection. Shungite, Tourmaline, Fluorite, Smokey Quartz, Amethyst, Hematite, Obsidian, Lepidolite, Pyrite, Amber. 6. Place protective covers and stickers on cell phone and other devices. Purchase Orgone or Shungite stickers, or radisafe stickers which can be found on Amazon. Cases can be found at 7. Go outside into nature and ground yourself. You have probably heard the term “Earthing.” If you haven’t, it is an easy way to create health in many ways, including detoxing from EMF exposure. You simply put your bare feet on the ground and allow them to soak up the Earth’s negatively-charged electrons. 8. Purchase a Somavedic device to place in your home. Somavedic is a device that can reliably eliminate and then completely remove unwanted influences of EMF radiation, geopathic stress, psychosomatic zones, water crosses or Curry and Hartmann lines. It also eliminates other negative influences that affect the cellular structure of the physical body. 9. Remove Smart Meters from your home. These don’t save you energy and are constantly emitting erratic, high intensity pulses — some meters pulse up to 190,000 times per day. That is essentially all day every day! And these pulses can travel up to two miles. Research also shows that in many communities where there are wireless smart meters, residents complain of symptoms that did not exist prior to Smart Meters being installed. In fact, the residents often didn’t know that smart meters had been installed. Some of the symptoms include: Headaches, insomnia, fatigue, hearing loss/tinnitus, heart palpitations, weakened immune function, irritability, and decreased cognitive function. 10. Eat Superfoods to quicken your healing and improve your body’s ability to protect itself. Here are some of the most nutrient-filled vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds on planet earth: kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, turnip greens, spinach, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, green tea, eggs, turmeric, garlic, ginger, lentils, peas, peanuts, alfalfa, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, kefir, yogurt, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, and seaweed. Supplements for Protection From EMF • Iodine - The MOST important supplement to help protect against the damage of all types of radiation AND helps repair the damage after exposure. The main reason iodine protects against EMF damage is the support it gives the thyroid which gives EMF protection, it ensures programmed cell death of damaged and diseased cells (cancer cells shrink when given iodine), iodine helps remove heavy metals (heavy metals encourage electromagnetic radiation damage) and has a protective effect on brain tissue. In order to properly utilize iodine take selenium, magnesium and vitamin C with it. The most effective iodine I found to help my EMF hypersensitivity and to protect from EMF exposure is Lugol's iodine. • Spirulina - Having electromagnetic sensitivity, I have found a strong protective effect of taking spirulina on a daily basis and especially before I go into environmental EMF radiation areas. Provides cell protection and proper bone marrow functioning including production of red blood cells (red blood cells are destroyed by EMF radiation), provides carotenes that protect against cancer cell generation. Spirulina is a whole food so you need to consume at least the recommended serving amount or more for best protection from EMF. • Noni - Has stabilized iridoids which are powerful adaptogens. This plant enhances the overall ability of the body to adapt to the stress of the electromagnetic radiation by targeting and correcting imbalances before bodily systems are affected. Strengthens immune system, helps maintain a healthy heart (EMF radiation is known to damage the heart), helps protect from DNA damage (even wireless EMF is known to damage DNA), detoxes damaged cells and assists proper functioning of lymph. This product had the most powerful effect of all supplements in supporting my body when I had cancer and electromagnetic radiation poisoning. • Curcumin - Neutralizes free radicals which protect against cell damage, protects from detrimental effects of radiation by regulating cell division. Also reduces inflammation caused by radiation. Prevents and eliminates plaque in brain associated with alzheimer's and can be caused from EMF radiation exposure. • Vitamin B6 - B6 (pyridoxine) helps rebuild neurotransmitters in the brain which have been damaged by radiation and so much more. • Algin - Detoxes the body from ionizing radiation like strontium 90, cesium 137, along with blocking their absorption and also detoxes heavy metals like mercury from the body which magnifies EMF radiation damage. • Melatonin - Production is decreased by exposure to EMF’s, probably second most important supplement consideration for protection from EMF next to iodine. New study shows it helps reverse damage to brain neurons caused by EMF exposure. Necessary for good sleep, regulates gonadal hormones, moods, behavior, key component of immune system, regulates internal clock and has direct effect on the growth of breast, prostate and colon cancers. Take only at night. • Tryptophan - Extra is needed with increased EMF exposure. A precursor of melatonin and serotonin thus restoring these hormones destroyed by EMF exposure, has a calming effect and supports deep sleep. Minerals for EMF Health When exposed to EMF radiation, the protective calcium coating is removed from the outside of the cells allowing the cell to dump its selenium, potassium, lithium, calcium and magnesium causing a shortage in these minerals which must them be replenished for best protection from EMF. • Selenium - Exposure to EMF’s cause a loss of this mineral, protects DNA from radiation damage, assists in the proper utilization of iodine in the body, known to have a protective effect against the production of cancer cells. • Potassium - Exposure to EMF’s cause loss of this mineral, deficiency associated with Alzheimer’s, muscle/nerve weakness, mental confusion, heart disturbances, water imbalances, pH balance, kidney and adrenal malfunction. • Lithium - Protects brain neurons from radiation damage, exposure to EMF’s cause loss of this mineral, loss of this nutrient contributes to stress, ADHD, depression and other psychological disorders such as declined mood and lack of calmness. Use organic aspartate plant source and start out with much less than recommended. Full dosage on bottle is rarely needed. • Magnesium - Exposure to EMF’s cause loss of this nutrient, helps neutralize bad effects from exiting calcium, has a calming effect, second in concentration amounts in the cells, deficiency associated with muscle/nerve weakness, mental confusion, heart disturbances, promotes restful sleep, supports regular bowel function, assists potassium and calcium metabolism, regulates blood pressure. • Copper - Alternating magnetic currents deplete this mineral in the body which is responsible for protecting the myelin sheath. Myelin sheath damage is what causes multiple sclerosis. MS is one of the health problems associated with EMF radiaion. See more about diseases associated with EMF exposure. Deficienies of copper also affect connective tissue (arthritis issues), heart function, colon problems (including cancer, IBS, diarrhea), hemoglobin production, choloesterol, thyroid, mental and emotional health, seizures, skin, bone abnormalties. Copper supplementation must be balanced with zinc, selenium and vitamin C supplementation and used only if the body needs it as too much is as much of a problem as not enough. (A side benefit is that my gray hair goes away in about a week of taking 1/2 tablet of copper per day.:) • Calcium - Exposure to EMF’s cause loss of this nutrient, exiting calcium causes arthritis, kidney stones, osteoporoses, pH imbalance, required for mood stabilization and calmness. Homeopathic Radiation Detox
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