GRATEFUL FOR THE FAITH (English Translation of "Salamat han Pagtoo" | 500 Years of Evangelization Theme Song) Lyrics and Music: Fr. Neil Tenefrancia Arrangement: Miko Llauderes = 120 Adaptation: Dwight Gatchalian Jr. Soprano G D /F♯ Em Bm Alto Tenor As wise men from the East, through tem pest and the winds, God's Bass As wise men from the East, through tem pest and the winds, God's 6 S. C G Am D And A. And T. faith ful ser vants jour neyed with their e ver bur ning love. B. faith ful ser vants jour neyed with their e ver bur ning love. 10 S. G D /F♯ Em Bm C on the land of gloom, a won drous light has shown the light of the truth of A. on the land of gloom, a won drous light has shown the light of the truth of T. B. 15 2 S. G F FM7 Dsus D G Christ which shall ne ver fade a way. We are grate ful for the faith, A. Christ which shall ne ver fade a way. We are grate ful for the faith, T. We are grate ful for the faith, B. We are grate ful for the faith, 21 /F♯ S. D Em Bm C G for the hope, and for the love; grate ful for ma king us one in God's A. for the hope, and for the love; grate ful for ma king us one in God's T. for the hope, and for the love; grate ful for ma king us one in God's B. for the hope, and for the love; grate ful for ma king us one in God's 26 S. Am D G D /F♯ world wide fa mi ly. Thank you for Your li ving Word and for Your A. world wide fa mi ly. Thank you for Your li ving Word and for Your T. world wide fa mi ly. Thank you for Your li ving Word and for Your B. world wide fa mi ly. Thank you for Your li ving Word and for Your 30 3 S. Em Bm C G Am pre sence in our lives. With grate ful hearts, to ge ther, we say thank you, A. pre sence in our lives. With grate ful hearts, to ge ther, we say thank you, T. pre sence in our lives. With grate ful hearts, to ge ther, we say thank you, B. pre sence in our lives. With grate ful hearts, to ge ther, we say thank you, 35 S. Dsus D G D /F♯ Em Dsus D7 G thank you, Lord! Five hun dred years have passed A. thank you, Lord! Five hun dred years have passed T. thank you, Lord! Five hun dred years have passed B. thank you, Lord! Five hun dred years have passed 41 /F♯ S. D Em Bm C still Your Word and love shall last. We will e ver praise You, O A. still Your Word and love shall last. We will e ver praise You, O T. still Your Word and love shall last. We will e ver praise You, O B. still Your Word and love shall last. We will e ver praise You, O 45 4 S. G Am D G D /F♯ Lord and You'll al ways be a dored. Your truth shall be our guide and the A. Lord and You'll al ways be a dored. Your truth shall be our guide and the T. Lord and You'll al ways be a dored. Your truth shall be our guide and the B. Lord and You'll al ways be a dored. Your truth shall be our guide and the 50 S. Em Bm C G F trea sure of our lives that the reign of sin and dark ness will now end A. trea sure of our lives that the reign of sin and dark ness will now end T. trea sure of our lives that the reign of sin and dark ness will now end B. trea sure of our lives that the reign of sin and dark ness will now end 55 S. FM7 Dsus D Fsus F7 B♭ F/A and will not pre vail. We are grate ful for the faith, for the hope, A. and will not pre vail. We are grate ful for the faith, for the hope, T. and will not pre vail. We are grate ful for the faith, for the hope, B. and will not pre vail. We are grate ful for the faith, for the hope, 60 5 S. Gm Dm E♭ B♭ Cm and for the love; grate ful for ma king us one in God's world wide fa mi ly. A. and for the love; grate ful for ma king us one in God's world wide fa mi ly. T. and for the love; grate ful for ma king us one in God's world wide fa mi ly. B. and for the love; grate ful for ma king us one in God's world wide fa mi ly. 65 S. F B♭ F/A Gm Dm Thank you for Your li ving Word and for Your pre sence in our lives. With A. Thank you for Your li ving Word and for Your pre sence in our lives. With T. Thank you for Your li ving Word and for Your pre sence in our lives. With B. Thank you for Your li ving Word and for Your pre sence in our lives. With 70 S. E♭ B♭ Cm Fsus F Gm grate ful hearts, to ge ther, we say thank you, thank you, Lord! A. grate ful hearts, to ge ther, we say thank you, thank you, Lord! T. grate ful hearts, to ge ther, we say thank you, thank you, Lord! B. grate ful hearts, to ge ther, we say thank you, thank you, Lord! 75 6 S. Gm/F Cm Cm7 Fsus F7 B♭ We say thank you, thank you, Lord! A. We say thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord! T. We say thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord! B. We say thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord!
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