18347.001 4819 - 4922 - 2137.1 PI Trademark Usage Guidelines The trademarks PI, PI NETWORK and the Pi logo, (the “Pi Logo” and, collectively, the “Pi Trademarks”), are valuable intellectual property assets of Pi Community Company and its subsidiaries, affiliates and associates (“collectively, “PI”). T o preserve and protect our T rademarks, it is essential that they are used properly. Follow these Guidelines for using PI’s T rademarks properly in all apps, communications, documents, and electronic messages. These Guidelines apply to an y third parties who may use Pi T rademarks, including but not limited to PI developers, partners and licensees. If you are a Licensee of a PI Trademark or L ogo pursuant to a written agreement , your lice nse agreement may have particular usage guidelines different from or in addition to those provided here. You may reference PI ’s products and services using the PI T rademarks, so long as such references are: (1) truthful, fair, and not misleading, and ( 2) comply with these Guidelines, which may be modified from time to time by PI in its sole discretion. The PI T rademarks should never be used in a way that could cause anyone wrongly to believe that your products or services are offered, endorsed, or spons ored by PI or any of its subsidiaries , associates and affiliates PI reserves the right to terminate at its discretion any party’ s use of a PI T rademark that does not comply with these Guidelines. BASIC GUIDELINES When you use any of our T rademarks, you must do so in a manner that will not cause confusion. For e xample, your use of any of our T rademarks must not suggest, either directly or through implication, that your product or website is a Pi product or website, or that your product or w ebsite is sponsored or endorsed by Pi Similarly, you may not use a T rademark that is too close to ours, such as an obvious variation of one of our marks. You may use our word marks to truthfully refer to the PI™ N etwork, following the guidelines below. General Guidelines Trademark Notices • Properly designate the status of PI ’s T rademarks by using the correct trademark symbol (® or ™) reflecting PI ’s ownership of part icular marks as set forth below, and as this may be amended from time to time. o PI ™ o PI NETWORK ™ 18347.001 4819 - 4922 - 2137.1 o ™ • Use trademark notice the first or most prominent time you use a PI T rademark. • I nclude attribution of PI ’s ownership of the T rademark in the following format: “_______ is a trademark of PI Community Company .” Trademarks are Singular Adjectives, Not Verbs and Should Not be Made Possessive Use the PI T rademarks only as adjectives followed by the appropriate generic product or service noun describing the relevant product or service (e.g., “the PI ™ app”) PI Tr ademarks should n ot be used in plural or possessive form or as verbs. Ownership In general, you may not incorporate a Pi Trademark into your own product or service names, trademarks, logos, company names, or domain names or seek trademark or domain name registration for any term that includes a PI trademark You may use PI in the name of an app only if you enter into a PI Trademark license. PI Logo Use You may not make unlicensed use of the PI L ogo. Use of the PI L ogo requires a license from PI If you are interested in obtaining a license to use a PI Trademark or L ogo, contact us to discuss your proposed use. Style of Use When using PI ’s T rademarks: (i) u se our Logo exactly it appear s here, and do not alter or distort its appearance in any way, for example, by adding your own design elements or changing the font, colors, or size; (ii) allow for clear space around our Logo; and (i ii ) maintain the legibility of our Logo and keep it sharp, clear, and well - produced. When using our word Trademarks , you ma y not change their appearance by abbreviating them, incorporating them into acronyms, changing their spelling, using them in parts, or using improper capitalization. No Trademark Bidding Unless expressly permitted in an agreement between you and PI , you may not bid on a PI T rademark (or any variant or extension thereof) as a keyword on any search engine, or use a PI T rademark (or any variant or extension thereof) in any form of paid advertising including, but not limited to, paid social and display advert isements. Use of PI with PI Compatible Apps You may use the Tr ademark PI to truthfully specify that your app is compatible with the Pi Network. Correct Usage: “This app works on the Pi Network.” 18347.001 4819 - 4922 - 2137.1 You may NOT use PI in the name of your app without permission and a license from PI: Incorrect Usage: “ The PI QuickApp” Other Trademark Use Specifics: • Do not use any PI T rademarks to imply sponsorship or endorsement by us, or create confusion with our brand and any other brands • Do not place our Trademarks or Logo on your website unless you receive written permission from us • Do not use or register a domain name that inc orporates or is similar to our T rademarks • Do not combine any of our Trade marks with your name, your marks, or any gener ic terms • Do not incorporate any of our Trade marks into your name or logo • Do not change the color of our logo or pho toshop or otherwise modify our L ogo • Do not add words or other shapes to our L ogo • Do not a ssociate our trade marks with any vulgar, obscene, in decent or unlawful material • Do not use a trademark, domain name, or logo that is confusingly similar to our Trade marks • Do not use a PI T rademark in a disparaging or degrading manner.