Chapter 1 Jake Rowe is a 25 year old white American, who is currently between jobs, but not actively looking for a new one. He is 5'8”, thin but not scrawny, and has brown eyes and jet black hair. He has always been average in most aspects in life, neither popular, nor an outcast. Recently, he began dating a woman named Noella Wiles on Tinder. At the time of this account, they've been together for two weeks, and she's been dropping hints that she's ready to see him in bed. What Jake doesn't know is, he's about to undergo the most extraordinary experience of his lifetime. Bzzzt... Bzzzt... Jake sleepily reached for his phone to turn off his alarm. While doing so, he noticed a message from Noella. [Heya stud! Why don't we finally go back to my place tonight? <3] Jake smiled. She had been letting it slip for a while now that she wanted him now rather than later. Heh, guess she's finally done beating around the bush. he said to himself, before typing back. [Sure thing, babe. Do you want me to bring condoms, or do you have some?] [Don't worry, I've got it covered. ;)] Jake yawned, and got up out of bed. [Alright, I'll be there tonight then.] he typed back. [I'll be waiting!~] Later that night, Jake picked out a brown t-shirt, gray shorts, and a pair of boxers to wear to her place. He got dressed, drank a glass of water, and headed out the door to his car, locking it on the way out. As he took the long, out of the way road to the city's outskirts, he could barely contain his excitement. A super hot girl was going to have sex with him! He hadn't had any sexual partners in over a year, and none were as drop dead gorgeous as her. As the city gave way to sparser dwellings, Jake saw Noella's house up ahead. Slowing down, he pulled into the driveway out front. Once parked, Jake took a moment to compose himself, smoothing his hair down, and pulling down his shirt. “This is it.” he said, psyching himself up. “This is the night I've been waiting for for over a year. I can't screw this up!” With a newly reforged resolve, he emerged from the car door. Taking a breath, he walked up, and knocked on Noella's door. “Heeeey, you came!” Noella said, answering the door. She was roughly 5'5”, with light brown hair and green eyes. She had slightly tanned skin, which peeked out from underneath her bathrobe, which, other than a bra and some panties, was the only thing she was wearing. “Of course. How could I reject a girl so beautiful?” he said, giving her a sly grin. “Oh come on, that's just cheesy.” she said, chuckling slightly. “But thanks, I'll take the compliment.” Jake entered the house, and looked around. The house was lightly decorated, but not with much. The bed had fresh purple sheets, with fuzzy green pillows, and there were dark curtains on all the windows. The floor was carpeted, a mild gray in color. There was a well stocked bookshelf, though the books that occupied it seemed to follow no discernible pattern. “Wow, this place looks pretty well tidied up.” Jake commented. “Don't tell me you did all this for me?” Noella chuckled again. “No, silly! I always keep the place clean. That's just how I like things.” she said, smiling. “Though, I won't mind messing it up a bit for you.~” With that, she pressed a finger to his chest, backing him up against the wall. “Let's get started, shall we?~” she said in a seductive voice, before tracing the finger up to his neck, beckoning him to meet his lips to hers. The two then began to kiss passionately, starting slow at first, but gradually rising in intensity. As their tongues caressed each other, Noella let the robe drop to the floor, and wrapped her arms around Jake's back to lift up his shirt, only breaking the kiss briefly to free it from him. With the initiative now his, he began to undo the clasps on Noella's bra, freeing her of the offending garment. The two moved over to the bed, where Noella pulled down Jake's shorts, revealing his bulging boxers underneath. She then sat him down, slipping a hand into them and slowly beginning to stroke his member. As she hovered above him, she broke the kiss briefly, flashing her emerald eyes at him, before beginning to kiss his neck. Jake exhaled at the sensation, and grasped at Noella's breasts, kneading them and caressing them. She moaned slightly, and then... “Ow!” Jake said, wincing in pain. “What the... did you just bite me?” Noella pulled away from him, smiling. “Yep, I sure did.” she said. Jake started to feel dizzy, and fell back on the bed. “Ugh... what the...” he started, before realizing that he could no long move his arms or legs. “What... what did you do to me? I can't move!” Noella stood up, and sighed. “You humans leave yourself so vulnerable when aroused... it's honestly kind of cute.” she said. 'You humans'? What is she going on about!? Jake thought, gradually becoming more and more confused. “What... what are you saying?” “Oh Jake... haven't you figured it out by now? I'm not like you. Here, I'll show you.” Noella said, before dropping her panties. Jake was left speechless, as a thin, skin covered tail began to protrude outward from where Noella's tailbone should be. She stretched, as it continued to make its way out of wherever it had come from. “Ahhh... there we go. Much better.” she said, exhaling. “My species can retract our tails into our spines, but it's suuuuuper uncomfortable! It's nice to be able to finally show it to you.” Seeing that Jake was still in shock of what he was seeing, Noella decided it would be best to explain things plainly to him. “I am a member of a declining alien race, known as the Xoe.” she stated. “We recently lost most of our males in an interplanetary war, far from where this planet is located. We won, but only just barely, with roughly only 10% of the male population left intact. To avoid war among the females, our Great Queen held a mating lottery, pairing each of the surviving males with a female bride. To the rest of us, she gave us the instruction to spread ourselves out among the small list of planets whose occupants were sexually compatible with us.” “That's all well and good, but that still doesn't explain why I can't move!” Jake said, a bit of panic in his voice. Noella sighed. “When I bit you, I injected a small dose of neurotoxin into your bloodstream through my fangs.” she said, showing him them briefly. “They also are retractable, which is why you didn't notice them when we were kissing. Don't worry though, the dose I gave you is only enough to paralyze you temporarily; just for long enough for me to do what I have to.” “Which is?” Jake asked, afraid of the response. “Well... you're going to like the first part.” Noella said, smiling devilishly. “First... I'm gonna ride you til you cum.” Noella gently slid Jake up on the bed, resting his head on the pillows so that he could watch. She then pulled his boxers down and off of him completely, spreading his legs out as much as possible. Letting saliva pool in her mouth, she began to lick and drool over Jake's 6- inch rod. “A-ahh...” Jake clenched his teeth at the feeling of Noella's slick tongue dancing about him. “I... thought you were going to ride me?” Noella smiled. “I am. I was just making this guy a bit easier to fit.” she said, before crawling over top of him. Straddling him, she hovered her pussy above his throbbing member, and began to rub against it. After a bit of teasing foreplay, she lowered onto him fully, swallowing the whole of his dick inside her delightfully tight entrance. She began to rhythmically bob up and down on him, the clapping of the two meeting sounding like an applause. In no time at all, Jake pressed his head back into the pillow, and let out with a moan. Noella pressed him inside as far as possible, letting out with her own cry of pleasure as he came inside her womb. “Ahh... now see, that wasn't so bad, was it?” She said, still panting. “Not so bad? That was amazing!” Jake said, smiling. “But... why paralyze me if all you were going to do is have sex with me? I would've gladly done that willingly.” Noella smiled shamefully. “Well, in truth, this was only half of the process.” she said. “You see... my species is not directly compatible with humans. Instead, an alternate breeding process must be used...” Noella's tail began to peek over her shoulder, overlooking a worried looking Jake. “What kind of process?” he asked, once again unsure that he wanted to know the answer. “It's goes like this. Xoe eggs can combine with many different types of sperm from similar species.” she began to explain. “However, when combining with non-Xoe sperm, the development of the eggs is unsupportable by our wombs. To counteract this, DNA from the male's sperm can be used to re-code our eggs to develop in an alternate way. Then, the eggs can be injected into the male, who can then impregnate a female of the same species, in order for the eggs to fully develop correctly.” “Um... what?” Jake asked. He had been following what she was saying for a while, but that was too complicated even for him. Noella sighed. “I'm going to shove my tail up your ass, and I'm going to inject my eggs into your balls through your prostate gland, while they're still undeveloped.” she said. “I know it sounds painful, but trust me, I'll make it as pleasurable for you as possible.” Noella reached into a drawer in the nightstand next to the bed. From inside, she pulled out a round, unmarked container. “This cream will relax your anal cavity, and numb up the area in general. If you feel any pain at all, it will be drowned out completely by the pleasure you'll feel. Jake shook his head. “W-wait, if you inject eggs into where my sperm is, won't that just fertilize the eggs!?” he asked. Noella laughed. “Of course it will. That's part of the process.” she said. “But don't worry. Xoe eggs are much more complex than those of your species. They won't begin full development until three days after the initial injection.” “And then!? What'll happen once they start to grow!?” he contested. “What'll happen to me then!?” “Well... I guess your balls'd just explode.” Noella said, taking a dollop of the cream and spreading it over her tail. “But hey, all you need to do is have sex again. I'm sure that won't be too hard for you.” Noella began to angle her tail towards Jake's anus. She used some cream on a finger to lubricate the opening. “E-explode!?” Jake said, visibly shaken. “N-no wait, please, anything but this! I-I'll do anything else, but don't put eggs in me!” “Sorry. Too late now. Your DNA is already in my eggs.” Noella said. “Welp, here we go!” “W-wait! No no no-- AHHH!” Jake cried out as Noella slipped her tail into his asshole. “Take it out! Take it out!” “Oh, don't be such a baby. My tail is only as thick as your thumb, nothing you can't handle.” she said, moving it around inside him. He shut his eyes tightly and grit his teeth as she did with him what she wanted. “Now... where is it...” she mumbled, feeling around for his prostate. “I think... ah-ha! Found it.” “No! Please don't do it, I beg of you!” he pleaded once more to no avail. “Boy, you sure don't know when to give up, huh?” Noella said, slightly annoyed. “Now, it'll just be a minute...” Suddenly, Jake felt a sharp pressure inside his prostate. Inside of him, the tip of Noella's tail produced a small, incredibly thin needle-like barb, which she used to pierce through the wall of his rectal cavity, and into the prostate gland. Noella closed her eyes can began to breath slowly, apparently focusing on drawing something through her tail, and into Jake. By this time, the numbing agent had kicked in, and all Jake could feel was a faint outline of where her tail had come to rest. After about a minute, the barb once again retracted itself into the tip of Noella's tail, which she promptly removed. “Haaah... there we go.” she said, exhausted. “They're inside of you now.” Jake opened his eyes. “Why... why did you have to do this to me...” he whined. Noella rose back up off of the bed, and started to get dressed in a more presentable attire. “To answer any real questions that you might have; the neurotoxin will wear off in about 10 minutes. In that time, the eggs will begin their primary 'pre-development' stage of growth. They will each grow to roughly the size of a small ball bearing.” she said. “This house is one of many locations I have at my disposal, so feel free to stay here during the entirety of the process. The fridge is stocked with food and drink, though nothing alcoholic. There's a washer and dryer; the closet by the bathroom has all the supplies you should need...” Noella looked at her phone. “Ah shit, I gotta go. See you in a few days sweetie!” she said, before blowing him a kiss and heading out the door. All of this was too much for Jake to handle. Had he really just been impregnated by an alien? And how would he convince a girl to have sex with him in only three days' time? Exhausted, and unable to move, Jake passed out on the bed. Chapter 2 A couple of hours from when he passed out, Jake woke up with a start. He had had a nightmare involving aliens that violated him and used him as a seedbed for their offspring. Catching his breath, he looked down at himself, still naked from his earlier encounter. “...It was just a dream, but...” Jake said to himself. He decided to take a look around the room. On the table, his clothes were still in a pile, right where he had left them the previous night. On top of them however, was a note. Jake slowly got up from the bed, and walked over to the clothes pile to get a better look at the note. [Heya. If you're reading this, congrats! You're carrying what will be my children. It also means that I'm probably not there with you, as I most likely would've left before the toxin wore off. Stay as long as you need to. I've set up several homes for cases like this. The place is well stocked with food and supplies, and there's a washer and dryer for your clothes. Try not to stress out too much, and relax while you're here. Good luck! Noella] Upon finishing reading the note, Jake crumpled the note and tossed it into the nearby trashcan. Try to relax? That's gonna be easier said than done... Jake thought. ...Maybe a shower will help. Grabbing his clothes, he walked over to the bathroom, and chucked them in the washer, before grabbing a washcloth and moving into the bathtub. Jake pondered about his current condition as he let the hot water cleanse his body, and breathed the steam of the shower. Reaching down, he went to wash his balls. “What the...” Jake said, as he noticed that his sack was fuller than usual, and with a more bumpy texture. It felt like his testicles were filled with small BBs. Damn, they're really in there... Jake thought, feeling around them a bit more. He also noticed that his balls were a bit more sensitive than normal. As he felt around, he had an idea. If I get rid of these now, I don't have to worry about them anymore. he thought. With that, he moved his hand from his balls to his member, lathering soap around its shaft, before beginning to stroke it. Jake handled himself to completion, gritting his teeth as he came. As he did, it felt like something tugged at his balls from the inside. He reached down to them once more, only to find that they were in the same condition as before. Damn, they aren't coming out! Jake thought. What am I supposed to do now? Jake quickly rinsed off, and exited the shower. He toweled off, and immediately went to his phone, opening the Tinder app. [Noella, are you there?] he quickly messaged her. [Oh hey, you're awake. Did you get my note?] Noella responded seconds later. Jake ignored her question. [The eggs. They aren't coming out!] he frantically messaged back. [What am I supposed to do now?] Noella's side was silent for a while, before she responded a few minutes later. [I'm assuming you tried to get them out by yourself?] Jake paused before sheepishly responding. [Uh... yeah?] [lol, of course they're not gonna come out that easily!] she messaged back. [My eggs can sense whether or not a suitable vessel is nearby. The only way to get them out is to have sex with a woman, otherwise they'll latch on to your testicles.] Jake breathed a sigh of slight relief, despite his failure. [...Noella, why did you choose me to carry them?] he asked. [Isn't there anyone else that would've been a better fit?] [No, silly!] Noella replied. [You were the most eager human male I could find. Technically, just about anyone could've underwent this process, but that eagerness, paired with your relative lack of social connections, made it easy to choose you.] Jake hung his head a bit as he responded. [I see...] [Don't worry, Jake. You'll be fine!] Noella responded. [All you have to do is have sex one more time, and you'll be rid of the eggs completely. After that, I'll take over from there.] [Alright...] Jake responded. With that, Jake changed his Tinder profile, and began swiping for new partners. Over the course of the next day and a half, he had messaged dozens of potential mates, but all to no avail. He had just began to lose hope, when all of a sudden, he got a Tinder notification. [Hey, whats up?] the message read. It was from a girl named Phoebe Webber. Jake checked her profile, before responding. [Nothing much. You?] [Same. Nothing fun to do around here...] Jackpot! He knew from reading her profile that she was looking for quick sex too, and knew the perfect direction to steer the conversation. [I could think of a few fun things to do.] he responded. [Oh? Like what?] [You, for starters. ;)] [Mmm, that does sound fun... ;)] she messaged back. [I'm free tomorrow around 7:30. Your place or mine?] [Mine. I'll send you the directions to get here; it's a bit off the beaten path.] [Sounds mysterious~] she replied. [I'll be there by 8.] [I'll be waiting. :)] Yes! Jake smiled to himself. I feel bad dragging a random stranger into this, but at least I don't have to worry anymore. I better let Noella know. As Jake sat up in bed, he noticed that, in the time it had taken him to find a host for the eggs, they had grown slightly in size, filling his balls out even more than before, and making them more sensitive. Ugh... not a moment too soon either. he thought. Shaking it off, he sent the message to Noella. [It's done.] Jake sent. [A girl named Phoebe is coming here at around 8.] [Wonderful.] Noella responded after about ten minutes. [See? Was that so hard?] [Harder than you'd think.] Jake replied. [Especially when you're under both mental and physical pressure.] [Oh, please. It's not like you have to marry her or anything.] Noella responded. [If you want, I can erase both your memories afterwards. Or... maybe you'd want to do this all again. :)] Jake shook his head. [Believe me, this hasn't been pleasant. I don't think I'll be doing this anymore than once.] he sent back. [As for her, something tells me she'll feel the same way.] [*shrug* Suit yourself, but I think you should at least consider it first. After all, it basically means free sex for you.] [...I'll keep that in mind.] he replied back. [I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Noella.] [Nite, Jake. See you tomorrow. ;)] With that, Jake sat his phone back down on the nightstand, and went to sleep, in preparation for the next day. Chapter 3 Jake woke up late into the morning. Looking at his phone's clock, he had about eight and half hours until Phoebe would be over. “...Today's the day.” Jake said to himself. “I guess I better get this place cleaned up a bit more...” Over the course of the day, Jake did his best to prepare the place for Phoebe's arrival. About an hour in, Jake noticed that the eggs in his balls had grown once again, the pressure increasing even further. Gritting his teeth, he did the best he could to ignore it. Soon... soon this pressure'll be gone. I just have to last a little bit longer! he thought as he swept the floor. I just hope Phoebe doesn't have to go through all this... As the day began to draw to a close, Jake put on his freshly laundered clothes, and waited by the door for Phoebe. At 8:10, a knock was heard at the door. “Coming!” Jake said, pausing to compose himself, before opening the door. On the other side was a girl with blond hair, in an outfit consisting of a button down shirt that looked two sizes too small, a strapless bra, and a pair of jean shorts. Her breasts hung at at least a C-cup, and her hips filled out her shorts nicely. “Wow... you're gorgeous.” Jake said, not sure what on her to stare at more. “Aw, I'll bet you say that to all the girls.” she replied. “Only the ones I like.” he said, not able to resist flirting with her. Phoebe smiled, and looked Jake over, stopping at the noticeable bulge in his pants. “My my, you must be really happy to see me.” she said, drawing attention to it. “Oh trust me, I am.” Jake replied. Phoebe giggled. “Well then... I guess we'd better get to business~” she said, before pushing Jake back slightly, and stepping inside the house. No sooner had the door closed behind her than they began to make out; their tongues wrapping passionately around each other, and them struggling to undress one another. They finally managed to rid themselves of the offending garments, and ended up atop the bed. “So how do you want it?” Jake asked breathing heavily. “Fuck me like a dog!” she responded. “I want to feel every inch of your cock inside me.” “With pleasure.” Jake said, grinning as he did. The two got into position, and Jake began to enter into Phoebe's tight cunt. His testes throbbed as he parted Phoebe's labia, causing him to nearly lose it there. No, not yet...! Jake thought, gritting his teeth. Just a little bit longer! With the pressure mounting in his balls, Jake quickly began thrusting with renewed vigor, every second threatening to be too much for him to handle. Phoebe began to moan loudly. “Oh, yes! Fuck me harder!” she yelped, grinding against Jake's cock as much as she could. “Fuck me until I can't walk!” After only a minute and a half, Jake couldn't take it anymore. In one powerful motion, he pushed into Phoebe as far as he could, and came like an explosion against her cervix. As he did, he could feel the eggs free themselves from his testicles, and come out with the torrent he had unleashed within her. As Jake's orgasm began to subside, he slowly pulled his now depleted unit out of Phoebe's slit. A bit of cum leaked in it's absence. “Ah... holy shit that was great...” Jake said, needing to catch his breath. Phoebe, also still panting at this point, looked a bit disappointed. “Aw... you're done already?” she asked. “And I was getting close, too...” Jake frowned. “Uh... sorry. Normally I can last longer than that, but... you were just too hot for me.” he said. That perked Phoebe up a bit, a smug smile now filling her face. “Heh. I guess I can't blame you for getting all tuckered out--” she started to say, before suddenly bringing her hands to her stomach. “Ugh, what the hell...” Suddenly, Phoebe went limp against the bed, falling into the pillows. “W-what the fuck? I can't... move!” Jake backed off of the bed. “Oh great, they do that too...” he said. “Alright, just stay calm.” “Calm? What the fuck do you mean, 'stay calm'!?” Phoebe asked angrily. “What did you do to me? And what do you mean by 'they'?” Jake sighed, before attempting to explain. “Alright, so...” he began. “About three days ago, I hooked up with this girl named Noella. We made out on her bed; the one you're on now, and then she bit me. When she did that, she injected some sort of toxin or something into me, and I couldn't move. She then said she was part of an alien race, and needed my help to reproduce.” Jake sighed. “After she had sex with me, she used her tail to inject eggs into my balls. Then, she told me I had three days to find someone to put them in, otherwise the eggs would expand and my balls would explode. After trying to get them out myself and failing, I had no choice but to start looking for another hook-up on Tinder.” he said. “And that's... where you come in.” Phoebe glared at him. “You think this is a joke!? Aliens aren't real, and if they were, there's no way that they'd need a human to reproduce with.” she said. “You must've drugged me or something!” Jake shook his head. “You'll soon see. She's coming here soon to collect the eggs.” he said, frowning. “I'm sorry that you had to get caught up in all this, but...” “Quit lying, or at least make it believable!” Phoebe said, her anger increasing. “There are no eggs! You're just spouting a bunch of--” Phoebe was once more cut off by the sudden growth of her lower abdomen. “W-what the hell is happening to me!?” “It's started.” Jake said. “The eggs are growing, and they won't stop until they're full size.” Phoebe was speechless as her previously flat belly continued to expand, looking at first like she was 2 months pregnant, then 4 months, and then 8. She could feel her skin getting tighter as they continued to grow inside of her. Just then, the door opened. It was Noella, dressed the same way that Jake had last seen her. She was carrying a bag and some sort of container. “Oh boy, looks like I got here just in time!” Noella said, walking over to the bed. “Wow, Jake. You sure chose a cutie to knock up with my eggs.” “Wha... who the fuck is this bitch?” Phoebe asked, breaking her silence. Noella smiled. “My name is Noella.” she said, opening her bag. “I came here to help you with the birthing process.” Jake shut the door. “How did you know when to get here?” he asked. “I didn't message you yet...” Noella pointed with her tail to the corner of the room. “I set up a camera in the corner of the room to watch you.” she replied, still looking through her bag. Phoebe suddenly felt something shift in her stomach. “Ugh, what are they...” The growth of her stomach gradually began to slow, until it stopped completely, with her now looking fully pregnant with twins. “It looks like they've reached full development.” Noella said, smiling. “Soon, your nice, tone belly will be as flat as it was before.” Phoebe grit her teeth. “I don't care about any of that, I just want these things out of me!” she said, before suddenly feeling a new sensation inside of her. “Well, good news! That's about to happen.” Noella said, finally pulling something out of her bag. “A-ha, found it. This cream will help relax your vaginal muscles, letting them come out a lot easier.” Jake interjected. “Is that the same cream you used on me?” he asked. Noella nodded. “Yep. It works wonders on all sorts of things!” she said, before taking and applying a dollop of it directly onto Phoebe's pussy, which was now leaking fluids. “Augh... it hurts so much... but it feels good too...” she said as the eggs began to move down into her birth canal. Noella spread the cream all across her entrance, before pressing her fingers inside of her as well, gradually numbing Phoebe of the pain she was feeling, leaving only the pleasure. “Ugh... I think they're coming out...” Noella got ready to catch the eggs as they tumbled out of her. “Jake.” “Yeah?” he responded. “I'm gonna hand you my eggs one at a time. I need you to put them into that container I brought with me.” she said, pointing to it. “Be careful with them, will you?” Jake walked over to the container. “Got it.” he said. He didn't know why he was helping her after everything she had put him through, but something told him that he wasn't going to like what would happen otherwise. “Alright, Phoebe. Push!” Noella said. Phoebe pushed as best as she could, resulting in another gush of fluid from her nether region, as the first egg gingerly made its way down and out of her, lubricated both by the cream and her own juices. “Ahhhh...! It's so big...” “You're doing great, hun.” Noella said as the first egg slipped out and into her hand. She carefully handed it to Jake, who was waiting with the container beside him. As Jake took the tennis ball sized orb in his hand, he noted it's deep blue color, before carefully placing it in the container. As he did, a flash of light surrounded the egg, and in an instant, it had vanished, presumably transported elsewhere. Another egg made its way through Phoebe's birth canal, and into Noella's waiting hands, before being passed to Jake and placed into the container. Phoebe writhed in pleasure as each egg stretched her pussy as it left her, far more than any cock could. She must've orgasmed at least three times as the eggs freed themselves from her. The cream that Noella had applied made it so the entire experience was only pleasurable for her. Slowly but surely, as egg after egg left her, Phoebe's stomach began to shrink, until eventually, it was back to what it had been previously. In all, twenty eggs had emerged from her pussy, each one coming out more easily than the last. “Finally... they're out...” Phoebe said, panting. “You did so well! I'm proud of you.” Noella said, smiling. “Both of you, that is.” Jake frowned. “Yeah, well... now what?” he said. “You got what you wanted, now what are you going to do with us?” Noella paused for a moment, before giving him a sly grin. “That's up to you two.” she said. “I could erase both of your memories, making it like this all never happened. Or...” “Or what?” Jake asked. “Or... I could let you two help me some more.” she answered. “My planet needs as many new children to be born as possible, meaning I need to reproduce a lot more before leaving Earth. If you two agreed to help me with that, my job would be a whole lot easier.” Jake lowered his brows. “Ugh, no. Why would I want to go through all that again?” he asked. “I was miserable all that time.” Noella giggled. “Aw, don't answer so fast! Think about it.” she said. “If you already had someone to transfer the eggs to, you wouldn't have to suffer like you did this time. It only takes around ten minutes for the eggs to become viable for transferring, and then you get to have sex again afterwards. You'd never need to look for sex online again!” Jake pondered this. He did have fun during the good parts, and most of the bad was simply due to necessity. Still... “I'll do it.” Phoebe said from behind Noella. “That was the most I've ever orgasmed at once, and the feeling of being full was just unexpected, not unpleasant.” Noella turned to her. “Wonderful! I'll bring you back to my base then.” she said, before reaching into her bag, and pulling out a device that looked like a collar of some kind. “This will instantly teleport you there. Are you ready to go now?” “S-sure...” Phoebe responded. “You'll help me get some of my stuff from home later, right?” “Sure thing!” Noella responded, before placing the collar onto Phoebe's neck, and pressing a button. In a flash, Phoebe disappeared, just like the eggs placed in the container. “So. How about you, Jake?” Noella asked. “Want to come along too?” Jake paused, before responding. “...I need more time to think.” he said, smiling. “I'm not saying no, but... just give me a bit more time to get things straight in my head, ok?” Noella nodded. “I understand.” she said. “I imagine this whole thing has been a lot for you to take in.” She walked over to the container on the ground, and picked it up, along with her bag, before heading to the door. “Message me when you've decided, ok? I'm only a moment away.” She went to leave, but turned back one last time. “Oh, and before you leave, get yourself something to eat. You haven't ate a thing all day!” she said, grinning. Jake smiled back. “Thanks. I will.” With that, Noella left, and closed the door behind her.
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