1 i. .. .. ,e h the 1ield, U o.t.obar 1944. SUBJICT. Historr.r '7~ Tank Ihtteif... TO I H1a~r1 ... nrthnny,' .. P .0.',"", V. S. Arm3'. 1. "raudtted he:reuth !!iD~Report of the 760th Tank Battalioa twthlt plr10d 1 ,;eptea'lJUt 1944 to ]0 Sept_ber 1'44. 2. " __ .,t .ebowlc;c>'C!::ent of Nee1pt by lBdor&ellent hftl'eon. , Por the COl!lr.c.nd!Jlg 01'n.... , , ;o:'JLLWI C. IlLLIAafS, ", ,.<,' 1st Lt., 760th Tok Bn., Adjatant • .. ;' ..... .."'\' ',' ' l , \' --------- • ./ • SFCRFT HEADC'UABTERS 76C\~"iT TANK B.i'TTtLmN ---_ ... - - OPERATIONS L~ ITALY SECRET I r- .. t id U SECRET • • a HEADQUARTERS, 760TII TANK BATTAIICN OPERATIONS IN 1Tm SEPTEMBER 1944 SECTION I Florence Sector SECTION II Road-bound Operations SECTION III Mountain Infantzy ANNEX ~A" Roster of Officers 1 September 1944 ANNEX "B" Battle Casualties ANNEX "C" AVl?,:,ds, !,itations and Commendations ANNEX ttD" R0 .. ,_,j.' of Offioers 50 8eptent>er 1944 MAPS I~ 1:50,000 (Sheet lOS m) Jtaly 1:50,000 {Sheet lOS n} ltaly 1: 50,000 (Sheet 106 I) Italy 1:50,000 (Sheet 98 II) ltaly 1:50,000 (Sheet 99 tIl) ita~ 1:50,000 (Sheet 99 IV) italy 1:200,000 (Italy Road Map Sheet 15) Italy 1:200,000 (Ital¥ Road Map Sheet 11) SECRET -" • • J S E CR ET' SECTION I FLORENCE SECTOR The attachment of the Battalion to the 44200 Regi:rE:ml Combat Team was ':L11 in affect at the beginning of the month ot StptSlbElr'. ComlRn~ a 'lJl and liCit were in defensive positions generally along HigJ:lway 67 (690685 to 755 685), just South ot the Arno River. Comparv "A" was in reserve in the vic >r.tty of S. Paolo (7264), Headquarters and Service compm:iss were bivouacked i :tr Pian dei Cerri (705653). The Assault Gun Platoon emti. med in firing IC'31tion with the 557th Field Artiller.r of the 88th Divisbn, near Scandicci (718660) • Compat\Y liD" (minus one Platoon) cont-tImed to raai. n in the vicini'tiY of Etol!, I~ (near Salerno) assisting the m.r~OUSA Replacement Training Command throughout the entire month of September. 011400 Comparw ItC", commanded by Captain FBZDERICK L. lW 30N, crossed the Arno River, by meane ot a ford 1n the Western outskirts Gf Florence, with the assigned mission being the occupation of patriolo (755715) and supporting the Illtantry 1l'l the advance. Upon crGssing the ford (772690) ~ the tank. were joined by Partisans l'I ... l0 :.ci.ded the tanks l¥ point.ing ~t eneuu mines am assisting in the locating of. 8. passage over a canal at the outskirts of' Florence. Having found a route out of' Florenoo, tho tanks pusht.'<i ronal'1 in tho direction of Petriolo, west or Florenoe. Not having met enemy resib tance by the time they reached the ol;',skirts of' l'et.e:tol.a (749720), the Platoors 5:·;para.~: the First Platoon, c rnmandec1 l¥ Lieutenant ElJGENE E. GLEISSNER, movud up the road towards Co. ')i B.c.senzio to a position at 755724; the Second Platoon, commanded b~-,ieutenant JAMES B. FULTON, moved up thu Auto strada, past the airfield, t.) a position &'0 755'32; tho Tbi:!'d Platoon, temp orarily commanded by Staff Sergeant Miohael P. Birk, moved through ~1 .~ I Petriolo, and to La Sala (726712). Thus, by 1915, unsupported by Infantry, ';:'e l;:1reo Platoons of Comparv "C" had Ildvanooo. up tho three main roads lead L ~ from the west a.nd northwest of Florence to about 5,000 yards bey-old tho VI. From this position, Major jJ DREVi R. CHEEK, Battalim Executive Orficer, ·"dioed. back for instructions for the night since the Infantry of the 442nd kgimental Combat Team had not kept pace with the tanks. At 1955, orders '"ro received to withdrnw the Compo.z:v for the night to the villages of Ptrstola L~:i fetriolo where they wt:re joined by the; Infantty Forces. During the Afternoon of the first, the First ~nd Third Plutoons of Compa~ ,.~n moved to the vicinity of Settimo, (70469~), about 50q yards South of tl'B; ·10 River. Vhile attempting to prepare Il crossing of tho Arno, tha.t evening, . ) Comp -my "B" Tank-dozer h:i j a mine on thu bonks of' the river (701702) and furthJr attempt wns made t) cross that night. c.s tb:]re was no need for add iona.l '.;anks. Thu Assault G.ln Platoon, utta.cb;d to the 357th Field .Arfil.lery t.talio:l, crossed the rivJl' in support of t~10 opernc.ion and took up firing 3ition3 near a glass factory in the west6rn suburbs of Florence (755767). SECRET 1 • • \ r SECRET On the morning of the Second, the FjTst Platoon of r;Cl.1pa~T r,,", supported by Partisans, moved 'i':lto tho ':i,lJ.age of Campi Bi ~;')nzio (702743) a~'i assumed defensive posit':', ' ,.', Hure ~he Platoon undur'!I.mt h~avy urtill.cry sholling whic 1 ".'. .,-,d in one man killed and s(;vor'll oth~rs W'oun(hd - t.he p3.rtisaX" ';:1'Tilil1ns had a IIlTf;C rum[ ,~' of ('asual ti0S. Tho Secone: Platom' ot ,-'c· ,J.J:.CY nc n m::·vvd In+ \",G u; ·,,'>::tc7,S oJ.' Sl£to (743765). T:'J.8 to''ll (,~ 8'~:to 'mg sti~L (,':;('l'.p,:,)(l 1:u onml1;, patrols and t}, t~,mks ass'W'o~ a. dt:fel1S~vo p(;:;'"c'Gion. The 'Ih::rd Pl0.toon eyf Compru:J;Y IICtl, :0 t 1 commanded (}If Licuknant PAUL Tff,;:;, m')vc'Cl th:;.'c-.:;.f'.i: tho First Platoon .1 COHpi Bisenzio> tcrough Lo cm'to, ::ctri j.:1 bho nfl..·,,1'~1o:m crassvd the G::. Bonzio Hi v0r, on tb 8 :;:'i);J~li~1.S of a br:1dge '~l1'.l(, t.nu enemy hud blmm, and took up dEoJ:en8i-:.re positbns in the tmm of S. Lic.ri.a (S95747). Infantry po.. trols acco:;npaniod th\.l Secon~ and Third Platoons and r~mD.in(,'Cl as out posts. The same afternoon, the Socond Platoon of Company,., liB", commanded by Lioutunant GE0RGE E. COX, crossud the Arno Rivur and moved into a rv s~rvQ position on -t.he Campi B:i.sonzio - Florence Road at 730725. During the nights of the 2nd-5=d and ;'Td-4th of September, tho 549th Infantry Regiment rolieved tho 442nd Regimontal Combat Team. Tho tanks contin~~ in place and became attach(,'Cl to the 549th Infa~try Regiment tL~til tho night of 7 September. Du,",:,'mg th..: night of the 7th, tho First and Second Platoons of Company "c" nnd the Sacond Pln·~nO:1 of comptmy "B", withdrew across tho Arno Ri..,br to :1 Battaljon Asseml<l y pos:i,:':'ion near Lor~nzo (745676) nnd reverted to Battalion control, the B.J.ttJ.J.ion boing attached to the 88th Division. On the morning of thd 8th, tho :~ird Platoon of Compal\Y "C" also withdroV7 to this position, thtJ 6th South Jfrican Armored Division had tn'{en over tho 349th Sector. The entire Battalion, Minus CompDXW "D" (minus one Platoon) and the Assault Gun Plate "~.} [' S sembled in tho Battalion ass<.;mbly [, 'oa (745676) on the 8th and 9th. Training of Personnel, inspection of oquipment, and maintenance of vehicles constitiuted the Battnlion program. Offirere made rinily reconnaisanca trips to the :front lines to fnmiliarize ',!.1' sc::lvos viith the terrain and thc: situation. The :34:,h, 91st, and 85th DLvisions had attacked the;, ':':''1.C Line and the mission of the 88th Division, nnd attached L- 't'"3, ,las to be prepurod to relieve 11l'JY of th(j attacking Divisions. SECTrCN II ROAD-BOUND OPERATIONS The ufternoon of 18 Septembor, Companies "All and !lBlI movod from the B~'.ttalion Assombly ,Arl:.:J. th:'ough Florence and to an assembly o.roa north of the Sieve River and about 2,500 yards SSE of Scarpuria (888906). Hare they were joined on the 20th by Compa.nies "C", Hoadqurtl;;rs, and Sorvice. The Assault Gun Platoon moved on the 17th to un o.ssombly area 0,'\:' 845850, a.nd on tho 20th, to a firing position at 916007. Again, on the 21st, the Platoon moved to a novi position at 952029, SE of Firenzuolo. and on the 28th, to Valsnlvu (005152). SECRET 2 • r , • • ~ SECRET .J;.;" The night ot the 19t~;-~omp'lIU "A" Will! attachoo to the 349th Inf antry Regiment and Comprul'i- .)01 to the 550th Ie/'nntry R<';jiment, in pre paration for the exp 10'::. ~D. tion of a. bree '-: 5.n tt ' Gothic Lil",; b'J II Corps vlith the 54til, S:::;'" 3f.:,~, nr.::i 63th Div:lsir:n:s attacki~g abro[1.st. The remflinder of th(; Batto.lion romained ~J1 Divisin'1 rUS0T~'() for further ex ~ loitation missions. The Sector assiE.10': ",0 the S8':.n D:'_7ision was gon t'i·'n.J.1¥ o.stride Highway 6524 Hhic h runs irora F lronzuola (9G 4067) to Imolo. , ~30350). The mornL1g of the 22:::ld of S0.p·~C!abcr, th,; ?~.rs·:', P:J~ 7/.1011 r:f COI:1pany ; ii!l, cOl!:1nc.ndf-1d (7 Lio'J.:,e!1ll~lt ~-,T'}j}~E EQ GLE:':SSlJSn, ~y.·~_th one _).lu toon 0.:: '1.J's from the 8CZt:h 'i'nnk DestrG:ror Battalion nJ~~t:1C~1(;j, moy<.:Q 'to a position East ~ FD-cnzuc,b. ['.long Highway 6524 to 92800 7 to be pr(;po!'eC. to a8s~,.st the 3,19th Infa:r..tq Rsgi:::::;r:t. Thn morning cf thu 23:rd} tho Fi.rst Pl,'1toon ;- oved up on H'i.ghw£r'.f 6524 in s:.~pport of 'the Infant.:':.1 jIl the v:i.cir.~·;:'y of lamaggior& (965096). The t[1'kr, wer\;) ablo to bu of only vnry J.:0:J~l·:-'8d assistance and do only a s;]a1.1 amount of fir~ i.1 g in t.".C1. t t.hcy Vi ere cODplete J1 road b01lllnd and lud smn,l: ::ields o:f fir,e. '1".", 0.11'1'n0011 c:,,' '~he 23rd., t21e Third Platoon of C::)ffipC1.~:r HAil D....'1.d COfllpan,y :j ~adn~:~,.'.:'-t._~"3 closed at 928067. The Second Plat001: of CompUI:\V IIP'II, commandt-'<i by :.J1outcnl1nt CHARLES A. NEELEY, was equi~:::>E;d with a secret r')cket projectj:1g devico and was attached to the 757th Tank Battalion. Orders W0re :: .;.::eivod on the 28th of Septomjor to remove the devices, but because of the .inabilit.1 tv lOCUlte the Platoon" o.ction ilO.S not taken until the 1st of October. On the morning of the ?5.1.,1 of Sertomber, the Third Plntoon of C,",pany "AII, commanded by LieutGnaLl~ LESTER D. FENNER, reliovoo the First platoon at 969007. In the meantime, Comparv itA" had passed to the control of the ~5lst Infantry Regiment by the cmnging of Regimental boundaries. ~"1 the ufternmon of the 25th, the Third Pll1toon nccomplished some erfuctiw ~~·\.ring into eneIIU forces in th:: 'j"j cinit.1 of Moroouccio (992127) and (:J.usad an estilIlD.ted 25 dea+, ...... s to the eneIi\V. The following dJ:v, the } latoon continued assisth,' 'he Infantry in its advance [I.nd moved to ',,-,lsnlva (e04l34). On the th, tho First Plntoon jo:.i.nod the Third Platoon and throughout +.he remnim.er of the mor ~h, the 28th, 29th, and 30th, the Platoons noved to Castel Del Rio (007167) and took up defensive posi tions. The Compazv If A'" renr ho.d moved to an area at 978016. SIDTION III WUNTAIN DWANTRY The 25rd of September, Companies "Btl, "C", Headquarters, nnd Service, r!.)ved across the range of mountains botween Scarperia and Firenztbla to 0. Battalion Assembly area in tho vicinity" of 920020, about 5,000 yards SSE of Firenzuola. SECRET 5 -- • .' SECRET At 1845 that rdght, en urgent me~s'lg8 uas received from the Command ".-,meral of the 88th Di,'isio,l t::> prepare to send a maxj,mum number of men, ctismounted, to garrisscn Mo'mt Faggif)la (0],09). Fifty-si:~ men and captain KRE'RS, Lieut£ncmt KELLY, and Lieutenant EASTMAN from Company liB"; and, :"ifty men and Captain NELSON, Lieutenr.nt FiSH, and Lieutenant BR~ZITIS from Compat\V' "C"; as well as, twer..ty men from Headquarters Company, were immedi ttely allerted. At 2250, these IOOn, inadequat<.\;r equippe1 as Infantrymen by lack of proper pacl:s, weapons, and int,renching tools, were trucked up High way 6524 to the vicin5_ty of Mount Faggiola. J)Ur:!.ng the balance of the tight and the morning of t...'1e 24t.h, these men climhed to the top of Mount ragg::'01a (1051 met&rs high) ind relieved elements of the 350th Infantry =g:'..rner;.'.,. The mission of ":.ho c.i.ismountod dutf"chrr.[mt~ cor.llnandect by Captain r,;CBS, vm.s to pat:-ol to the: East, South, and ~J~:::,thc[~3t and to protect the :'':'irj sian I a right flank. 'J'he men from Compa::'lJd I'B:; and Pen occupied the mountain while the twenty mon (later joined by five more men~ and on.thu last dny, by three mules) f:;:oom Headquarters CO!lrpany, u.."1d.er t' '.) supervision of Lieutenant MOBTjE'{ of Compa.rrr "B", perf'ormed the duties of supply. ~ On the night of the 26th, the 88th Division, in a directiYe, organized a special force 00I:.:n.' ~ _,: J,/ ~:'~j(:t='1 J.. 'R. CHEEK" consisting of -;:'he disr.J.ounted. d0ttWhtlent of th", 73V:h Tr-n!: B;~ttc-.lion and. ,a rlisinforcl#d· COrJpnny of the .14th ~..:,red Infa.ntr.r ,&.~tt..-~1on. Bio#sides th(;j hclclil:.g of ii:O\llltFnggiola, the forae bed the furtber uission,of ocau~J1ng the high ground in the O~ll ~quar&. The morning of the 28th, thu otticers and men of Comparv liB", on dis mounted duty, were relieved, TJ::.:, same night, an urgent massage was reoeived for these men to re-oecupy- 'eir positions, which the.r did on the morning c: the 29th. The evening c_,. 1:.he roth, the Offi~ers nnd men of Compaqr "Gn were relieved, and tM informntion received that on the morning ot the Is":. of October, the Officers am men of Compat\V' lIB", as well as the men !'rom Headquarters Company, wera scheduled to be relieved. Throughout most of the tlme that men of the Battalion served as Infantrymen, there was a downpour 8: rain as well as 0. strong, cold. wind. 'A miaeroi>le time was had by n.ll.. During the time that dismounted detuchments of Companies fiB" and 44C" r) ~cupied the mountains, the Comparu rear vlith tanks made two moves. On tho Z'1th, the Companies moved to 928067, a position formerly occupiod l:u CompaI\Y iI~". Then, on th(: 28th, because of risL."lg water in the stream bed in which the.r were bivouacked, the companies moved to positions on higher ground, further up Highwgy 6524, to positions at 994129. Headquarters Comparw also :j](\veci during the day of the 29th to a.n area at 988127, and Service Comparw ,-r,ved to 905061. By a Division directive issued on the 27th: the tanks of Comparv 'IB" '; d been attached to the 550th Infantry Regiment and the remindE;;r of the ,,_~c.tc..lion to the 55lst Infantry Regiment. Company "A" h-'ld passed to 55lst rc ,,1trol on the 25th as result of a chnnge :in boundo.Iy lines. SECRET 4 • • SECRET On the afternoon of the 30th, Cor:·any "CII was at~:achcd to the 349th infantry Regiment. Orders were received for one Platoon to move out immediatelY. Since no complet& Platoon was present, it was nec~ssary to form a composite Platoon of mon from Companies 'IB" o.nd "C", the tanks of Comp:l.D1 "cn were used. Lieutemnt GEORGE E. COX, of Complll'ff "Bff command ed the Platoon. The Platoon movod up Highway 6524 toward Castel Del Rio :' nd experienced considerable difficul tor in crossing a ford, caused by a blonn bridge,at 004140. Four .tanks of the Platoon - CoupUl\Y "C" Second Platoon tanks - r0c,ch(;.'<l Cnstel Del Ria the night of the 30th. During a major pOl~ion of the month, the trucks and Personnel of the 'ra.nsportation Plntoon of Sc..~v:\.ce Compan;y, wore on the move both night : !ld day taking care of the needs of the Batte.lion and aiding the 88th Division. This Platoon, c':JT]ffinnded by Lieutcno.J.t ALLAN B. CONOVER, per formed a very commendable job. Positions as of 30 september 1944: Head~larters Compa~ - 988127 Assault Gun Platoon (attncbed to 537th Field Artillery Bntto..~ion) 005132 Service Compmv - 905061 ~I\V -A" CP - 978016 1st p:;.C't,,'on (attached to 351st Infantry) 007167 21.( P1~'.:LOon (a.ttached to 757 Tank Battalion) vicinity of 805065 5rt. Platoon (attached to 55lst Info.ntry) 007167 Compnny "Btl CP - 994129 1st Platoon (Infnntry) - 015097 2nd Platoon (Infantry) - 015097 5rd Platoon (Infantry) - 015097 m>mparw "e" CP - 994129 1st Pluto on (Infantr,r) - 015097 2nd Pl~ to on (attached to 349th Infantry) 007167 Brd 1:'13. toon (Infantry) - 015097 C'ompD.I\Y I'D" 1st and 5rd Platoons (attached to NATOUSA Repl~ca mont Training command) Eboli, Italy 2nd Pl~toon (attncheJ to Compp.~ "A") - 978016 " .,.1 ~. i " , I _ ~ ,/, --'.' ~.... , i/ i h' .',.' ! 1/ /' / .n .. ,!' /l ..... 0'ffU,~ HELMUTH o. FROE~CHLE, Cap';~~.i..'IJ, 760t.h '.<..tnk En, Historian. SECRET 5 , ) / ~ ""'t o u (v -.l • '';It,.. , " ;;w , '/ , J - , .... I , : . 71 - '/ " . . '" "" , - , , ...r ' " I I + I " , ... " , / I ... / ~( I - " f \ , / '\ , , ~'i I j II I ~ I " + ! I \ / ; ( I / / I \ I ; 7 - - , • SECRET ,uTNEX "A" :le following :l.S the officer ; ~i"::;rilllel1t v::i. thin the Batta.lion 1 september 1944. "; '"TfL":ON HFADQU1',RTFRS "\~. ,;EADgJ ART}<~PS COMP ·\NY cornrnmding officer - L:l.CutE.:ntmt Colonel GFORGF H. DAVIS {xecutive officer - Hajor JI.NDREP R. CHFEK 8-3 - M1:1.jor CLAIRE S. CURTIS Cvmmunication officer ::md S-5 Air - Captain HFLMUTH O. FROESCHLE 8-4 - Captnin JOm~ T. ROSBOROUGH S-2 - 1st Lieutenant LAHAR M. PROSSER 8-1 - 1st Licuteucont ,rrLLHM C. "ILLUMS Liaison officer - 1st Lieutenant PAUL F. SCHOLER compf1IlY Commnnder - 1st Liuut(;nant JOHN F. VISHFR Assault Gun platoon Leader - 1st Liuutunnnt CHARLFS C. BARR Reconnaissmlce officer - 1st LieutE:;n1.'.Ilt PILBUR R. CROf!LEY lttached for Training - 2d Lieutenunt GRANVILLE O. BLACK SERVICE COMPANY compnny Commander - Captain ELMO E. PARKER Battalion Mo.intrnance officer - Captain DAVID GRATZ Special service officer - 1st Lieutenant ROLAND V. CROUSE company Maintenance orf1c~r - 1st Lieutenant RALPH K. EDWARDS Battalion '!'rElllsportation officer - 1st Lieutenant .ALLAN B. CONOVER Assistant BD.ttalion Mnintennnce officer - C~ CLFTI!FNCE l(OSCHUIltA Assistant $-4 - r{)JG ROBFRT M. SKINNER COMP ANY "Ii II ca.pta.in ROBERT F. MOORE 1st Lieuten['nt DALE F. PRIDE * 2d Lic:utcni",.~:.t JOHN A. SHINSKY 2d Li'_'!.tcnax.t LESTFR D. FFNNFR 2d Li,.L _,£Hmt RAY R. RJ'DFORD 2d Lieutenant CHARLBS A. k-?LY - iltt[~chcd SECRET e ... • , --,~ SECRET cm'IP I\NY liB II captain JOHN E. KRFBS 1st Lieutcniillt GFORGE E. cor 1st LicutF;nunt FU'JfR R. KFLLY 2d LieutcnLllt PAUL V. DlVIS 2d Lieutcmmt GlOHGE B. EAS'I'l\:f.N 2d Li8ute:nt,nt PjUL L. JONES 2d LiLutcnnnt TOM B. ~.10BLFY - Attached COW"FNY "C" cnptn:m FRF'DFRICK L. nrLSON 1st Lieuten,mt J l\::FS B. FULTON 1st Liwton,'l1t VICTOR R. RFf,rFR 1st Lieutenant EUGHIE E. GLfISSNER 1st Liwt"-l1tUlt PAUL FISH 2-' Liellt(';ntUlt JOHN Gn.EGOR Li8utonant r.rlILTr. E. BR1\ZITIS - .At ..,ached COMP.nU "D" Capt2.in '·7f:;·',iH R. CEOT''DER" JR. 1st r, i. (;u'lC .' In t CHESTFR M. l''RIGHT 1st 'Jtuil<:mt HARRY G. DElIVFR T 1st :L,;utcnnnt JOHN I,. CH~~S 1st Lieutonant CLINTON F. DES JARDINS MEDICAL DETACHMrNT captain SIDNEY J. KAPLAN 2d Lioutenant J i\UES J. CARELL * 1st Lieutenant DALE F. PRIDE, Company "ft", V!OO joined this organiza tion on 7 october 1942 at Fort Ben.'1ing" Georgia, returned to the United states under the Rotat~on Plan, during the month of september 1944. SECRET 9 • • SECRET .,.:]'r '{ "B" BATTLE CI:'.)U~'b.':'IES HOSPIT"~.LIZED NAME A S N TYPE OF wounD D/'· TE COMP fINY "A" Ennis, Hiram J. Sgt 54256745 LPA 50 sept 44 COHP ;";NY liB II ~)ck, Bobby pvt 5'A~.155l LIA 2 Scpt,44 ~ ::ncock, Pillard B. pfc ~444.,)509 L1 r2 Selt 44 l' k'~_rini, r.ril1iam J. pvt 31255571 LI"II 2 8.cpt 4-4 McVey, Harvin D. pvt 2094968 V"A 25 S8pt 4L~ COMP ~\HY "C II callanan, David 1'7. pv-c. 32285677 LVIii 2 sept 44 ~-. swajnos, Joe p,"t 35739607 LV-TA ~ sept 44 schroed~r, Harry F. i"f. ',"1 4 56230825 L1"A 2 sept 44 Mendeola, Charles M. Tec 4 39015952 L1i!A 2 sept 44 High, Lawrence T. pvt 16170558 LTIA 2 sept 44 r:tshop" chox1ie L. Sgt 58062748 KL~ 2 Sept 44 F;Jpinozn, Andres pvt 599 ::~~:(1.4 LPA 5 sept 44 BllTTLE CASUflLTIES ..:ION -HOSPITALIZED A S N TYPE OF r~UND ~ HEADgJARTERS AND HEAJQJHRTERS COHPANY L'l'cU1dt, Edgnr E. Sgt 58075675 LfTA 25 sept 44 ;: "rker, paul E. pfe 54456740 LWA 24 sept 44 H';'.k1es, oren pfe 35252571 L~A 27 Sept 44 loyd, Arthur L. Tec 5 18054118 L~A 28 sept 44 COMP ANi ".~ 11 'qach, Frank p,. pvt 35812451 L~A 25 Sept 44 r.ll-:.gee, David t:, Tec 4 56510526 L"A 25 sept 44 COftlp ANY IIC II ~eff, Raynard L. pfe 15058931 LrA 2 sept 44 SECRET PLACE OF RESIDflTCE nunn, North Carolina Doerun, Georgia Nas::'vil1e, Georgia Tl.lrners Falls, HD.SS. Sheridan, ~-ryoming Auburn, Nevl york r1epcndence, \i. Va. Ob 0ma , 1.-Tisconsin J',rtesia, California llvin, ::J.i'· , .3 Bluejacket, Okla. phoenix, Arizona PLACE OF RESlt. NCE Piemar, Toxas Rocky Haunt, N. C. Norman, Indiana Juy, Oklahoma P. Terre Haute, Ind. Chicago, Ill. Phiting, Ind. I •• _S E eRE T CITATIONS (1) Silver star: under the provisions of )R 600-45, as amended, a Silver star is awarded -'~o the following named enlisted man per Gen€ ral order No. 48, Headquarters, 85th Infantry Division, dated 5 Sept8mber, 19 .. ~ 1. RALPH J. SERRA, (51160::'D5), private, Armored Force, company IIA ", 760th Tank Battalion, united States Army. For gallantry in actior, ·)n 22 May 1944, ~n Italy. ~hen Dis tank was hit by an enemy rocket type pr~jectile and be F,an to burn fiercely, pTivate 8NL~" a tank cannoneer, voluntarily covered the withdrawal of the other members of the tank crew Vlith a "'ub-r:laehine gun. observing that the -::''''' drivej.- was missing, he returned to i ,e tank under in tense close range enemy fire to rescue and evacuate the driver who had been wounded and ''las unable to leave the tank. A::!.though t,Jice k10cked ,.,rf hL feet by concussion grenades in the C01lI'se of the re~~i.1e, ~r_vate SZ;ffill. per "isted courageously in his he:r()~_ ,:; mission until t~1e \iounded had reached a. position of safety. His galle. ,7 and initiative in carrying out his heroic <:',ct is in keeping with ths-~gh ~raditions of the Armed Forces. Entered the L:ilitary servioe from ~.!id(4_ oro, Massachusetts. under the prOvisions of IIR 600-45, as amended, a Silver star is awarc>~d to the follo\ling named enlisted men per General order No. 54, Headquarters, 85~~ Infantry Division, dated 15 september, 1944. LLOYD A. MILLER, (56164995), Corporal, Armored Force, Company "A", 760th 'I'ank Battalion, united States Army. For gallantry in action on 22 Hay 1944, in Italy. Al though ordered to remain \1i th his tank "hen its forward movement ·.as blocked by a large shell crater, corporal MILLER, a 'tank gunner, upon _ :)serving that a reconnaissance party lilhich had gone out from the tank to ascertain whether the engineers could repair the damaged road were pinned dO\'/!1 by enemy machine gun and sniper fire, boldly drove the tank out into the open Gnd rescued the endangered men. Bhen the tank uas then hit by a rocket pro ;..)ctile, he courageously ,rithdrew tho tank despite its damaged condition to a position where it could be safely repaired. His gallant acceptanco of dan g'Jr to roscue his comrades from a hazardous si tUt'..tion ~7as in the best trndi tions of the Armed Forces. Entered the militnrj ser'lice frow Gulion, Michigan. SEORET II 41. SECRET • ANNEX "C" (COl-IT'D) i: 2) Bronze star: undor the provisions of 1\R 600-45, {LS amended, a Bronze star r-;ednl is ('\'1ardcd to the following named officer per General order No. 48, HeadquHrters, H5th Infantry Division, dated 5 Soptember 1944. FREDERICK L. NFLSON, (0-1010507), Captain, Armored Force, Company "C", 7S0th Tank Battalion, united Stat0s Army. For meritorious service in combat en 26 r':[1.y 1944, in Italy. Entered the military se:::-vice from port Richey, :;;'loridn.. under the provisions c·~ IIR 600-45, as run8''1ded, i:1. Bronze star Medal is awarded to the following na"llcd enlisted mEln ;icr GC113ral ()rd~r No. 59, nead quarters, II Corps, dated H. September 1944. V!ILLIilM C. BROrn, (1624804, Technical sergeant, InfanL',T, Company "C", 760th Tank Battalion, TJnited States Army. For heroic action on 10 January 1944 near staz Di Rocca, Italy. Home address: pensacola, Florida. DANIEL R. BUCK, J~, .• , (36164718), sergeant, :rnfrultry, CompDnY "C", 760th Tank Battalion, United St::.tcs ,~rmy. For heroic action in Italy fro~ 1(1 .-uly 1944 to 50 JUly. 1944. Home £lddress: Battle creek, Hichifo.n. S.Al;iIE R. TFDFORD, (580'~.~ '5~), Technical sergeant, Infantry, Comprmy "A", i'80th Tank BllttnlionJ Unit ..... ;, st, es Army. For meritorious service in support d' combc..t o;?(;rations in I tr,' - from 11 May 19·1:4 to 29 JUly 1944. HomE..; address: Talco, Texas. SECRET 12 • , SEC R r T MTi.- SX If C If (emIT' D) CIVTIOtTS (3) purple Heart: under the prmTis~ons of fJ.rmy Regulation 6C0-45, as amended a purple H2~,.rt is a-,:arded to the ~ ollo'iing na.rDed individuals for \lOunds rec:civcd in 9-ction on dates and at locat~ons as indicated belo\;~ _ ;'CU.~RTFIlS AND ~1E; ''.: lUARTERS COMPANY ARTHUn L. BOYD, 1805· .1.18, Tecbnic1c'.n rii<l Gracle, wClmded in action on 28 ceptfJmocr 1944 in tile vicinity of Ve.lsalva, Italy. jlvlarded purple ll'-~:'.rt per GI':meral Order #lC, Headquarters, 7S()th THnk Battalion, dawd 4 October 1944. Home address: Jay, okh.mma. OREN HIKLES, 55252571, private first class, wounded in action on 27 Septemb~r 1944 in the vicinity of Valsalva, Italy. Awarded Purple Heart per General Order fflO, Headquarters, 760th Tank Battalion, dated 4 October 1944. HOille address: I'lorman, IndiE'.na. PAUL E. PARKER, 5445674n, Private First Class, wounded in action on 24 September 1944 in the vicinity of Conicue, Italy. Awarded purple Heart per Generel order #10, Headquarters, 760th Tank Battf:l.1ion, dated 4 October 1944. Home address: Rocky Mount, North Carolina. SERVICE COMPANY LESTER SCHACHNER, 32655691, Corpora1~ wounded in action 19 July 1944 in the vicinity of Barbial1a, Italy. Awarded pUrple Heart per General order I{J.fJ Het~dquarters, 760th Tbnk Battalion, dated 4 October 1944. ~:ome address: 9rooklyn, New York. COHP ANY 11 A II EARL G. TACFl', 57266158, Technician Fifth Grade, wounded in nction 16 July 1944 in the vicinity of Honte :r'oscoli, lta.1y. Awarded purple Her1rc. per General order #102, Headquarters, 21st Ge:neral ~spita1, dated 12 August 1944. Horne address: Osmond, Nf'braska. DAVID fT. HAGFE, 563:: -26, 3ergeant, \]ounded in action 25 Soptember 1944 ' in the vicinity of ValSe,:;' , Italy. Awarded purple Hcr .. rt per General order I17l, Headquarters, 5rc: CCillV; HOspitfl.l; datE;- 2 october 1944. H:lme addr(j~·s: Chicago, Illinois. FRANK f.. BACH, 55812459, private, '\7ounded in action 24 September 1~44 in ~'b vicinity of va1snlva, Itoly. Awu:::'de:d purple Heart per Gonor€'.1 order ;:~10, !i<x.dqunrtcrs, 760th Tank BL'.t ,u.ion~q .... ted 4 October 1944. Home addresfJ: ··TE:wt T.::rre Hrutc, Inliana. , SECRFT 15 • • SECRET 'lINEX !!~II (CONTID) CITATIONS ::3) Purple Heart (Cont I d): COMP il.NY II B II PET""R P. CAL1UIDRO, 1216249(), privn.te, wounded in uction 29 July 1944 in the vicinity of c. Volpo.jo, Ituly. 1\1Jardcd purple Hf::art per Gf;neral order #22, "eadquarturs, 6th General Eospitc:tl, dnhd 22 ,~ugust 1944. Home address: Lodi, l"ew JfJrsey. ID17.~RD L. f;CHROCK, 53395470, private First Class, woundr'd in action 15 July 1944 in the vicinity of Lcgoli, Italy. j\i'Jarded purpl (; coart per General crder #22, Headquarters, 6th G(;ncrn.l Hospi tnl , dated ~2 August 1944. Home ['ddress: Derry, pennsylvania. WILLARD B. HANCCJCic, 34440509, private First Cln.ss, :lOUllUed in action 2 September 1944 in the vicinity of piscetto, Italy. AYJardcd purple Heart per General order #10, Headquarters, 760th Tank Battalion, dated 4 Octooer _,~44. Home address: Na,shville, Georgia. BOBBY BECK,54441551, """ivu l", wounded in action 2 september 1944 in the vicini t:>r of Piscotto, Ita2-.· /\whrded purple Heart per General order #10, Hend quarters, 76()th Tfl.nk Batte':" ,J.l, dated 4 octooo:- 1944. :-{ome address: Doerun, Georgin. 1?1JLLIAM J. ~IARINI, 51255571, private, wounded in e.ction 2 September 1944 :kl the vicinity of piscetto, Italy. A~artied Purple Heart per General ordor #2.0, H:'n.dcluartcrs, 760th Tn.nk Battc!.lion, dated 4 october 1944. Home address: '/urncrs Falls, Massaclrusetts. ISAIAH EARLS, 55263609, private, P~rsonnol center Number 6, on Temporary =)uty ','i th Compnny fiB", Hounded in action 14 July 1944 in the vicinity of C~lli, ItfJ~y. Awarded Purple Heart per Ganere]. Order #10, Headquarters, 760th Tnnk Battalion, dated 4 October 1944. Homo uddr8ss: Huntington, west virginia. COMP MIT "c II 'DAVID ? Cl1LLAN,~N, 5228G677, priv['.te, ·,.,oundcd i:'2 action 2 September 1944 in tIc vicinity of Patriolo, Itc~ly. Am',rdcd puq)l_C He;: ct per Goneral Order jJ77, dc.adquarters, 16th FV/lcuo.t:Lcn Hospitr.l, d,)tod :3 S(;ptombcr 1'J44. Homo address: \uIJurn, Now York. ,I\NDrtF,s ESPINOZl', 39852114, private, Hounded in Llction :3 September 1944 in , :;) vicin~,ty of petriol\.; J Ital J r • IliT·_rded purple Heart per General ord~r #78, , -n.dquarters, 16th Evacun,tj on ~iosp:l tal, dated 6 September 19~/, ~Iome n.ddress: )onix, "'.rizona. SEC RET 14 .. • SECRET }. mmx lie If (CONT I D) CITATIONS (0) purple Heart (Cont'dl: L:.rffi.r."iJTCE T. HIGH, 16: ~\,')58, Private, wounded in action 2 September 1944 in the vicinity of petriol0, ~.:.cly. Awo.rded Pur;,J.8 Hee.rt vel' General ord".)r 1177, HeadqU:.1.rters, 16th :Evacuation Hospit.c.'1.l, dated;) September 1944. Home address: .Alvin, lllinois. CmRLES M. 1'iF~m:roLA, 59015952, Technician Fourth Grade, Hounded in act.ion 2 September 1944 in the vicinity of petriolo, It[Lly. Awarded Purple Heart per Gonor~~ Order #77, Headquarters, 16th Evacuation Hospital, dated 5 Soptember 1944. }i:>me address: J\rtesia, California. JOE S1'T.AJNOS, 55759007, private, Vlound,::d in action 2 September 1944 in the "Jicini ty of petriolo, Italy. i,\-:arded purple Heart per Genercl order 1177, Head quarters, 16th Evncuntion Hospit,,\l, dated 5 September 1944. Home address: Independence, q,;st Virginia. HAY,rARD L. STEFF, 10058951, private First Class, i'founded in action 2 Soptember 1944 in the vicinity of Petriol0, !u~y. 1iwarded purple Heart per General order #10, Headquarters, 700th Tank Battalion, dated 4 october 1944. Home {l.dclress: llhiting, Indinna. under the provisions of Army Reguletion 600-45, as runsfJdEod, the follO'."·ring named individual is awa.rded the Onk Leur Cluster, in additioll to a Purple Hea.rt j,-'rcviously [mnrdcd, for ,10ul1ds received in action on the date and at the loca tion ~s indicated. HEADQUARTERS liND HE;lDQUARTERS COHP ;\NY EOOAR F. BRJ.NDT, 5807:3675, Sergeant, Hounded in action on 23 September 1944 in the vicinity of ColL.':·\.;cia, Italy. J\rmrdl,d Oak Letl.f Cluster per J-enera! Order #11, Head'1,u:,:,'t,J,I'Sj 760th Tank Battalion, dr.ted 6 October 1944. Homo address: ",Iiemar, TG SECRET 15 ., • SE.C RF T The follo'.-:ing is the officer assignment ,u thin the Battdion 30 september 1944. BATT/ILION HEl\DQU1'.RTFRS NJD HE ADQU IlRTERS COl':lP fNY commanding Officer - Lieutenant colonel GrDRGF d. DJ'VIS i"":ecutive Officer - Mnjor LNDRFT' F. CHF:"K <'_3 - M'1jor CLf,IRE S. CURTIS I.Jmll1.mico.tion officer and 8-3 tir - Captain HrU1UTH O. FROFSCHLE '_'_4 - Captain JOHN T. ROSB01;OUGH 8-2 - 1st Lieutemmt L.I\tit,R r,t. PROSSER S-l - 1st Lieutencmt T'IJLLL'r: C. ''ILLILMS company commnnder - 1st Lieutenant JOF-N 1!~. VISEE.:T.l j~ssault Gun platoon Lender - 1st Lieutenant CHARLFS C. Bf,PR /,ssistnnt f,ssau1 t Gun platoon Leader - 1st Lieutenant GH1\NVILLE O. BLACK Reconnaissance officer - 1st Lieutenant nILBUR R. CRO''LFY company officer - Cc,)~:';"l HENRY F. r;{)ODFARD SERVICE COMPANY company Commander - ClI.ptain ID10 F.. P MUCER B:lttolion Maintenance officer - C[l.ptuin DliVID GR1:TZ Company r,:eintenance Office:,:, - ls:~ Lieutenant RlLPH M. EDT'Tf,RDS Buttalion Transportation C"!~ '. cer - 1st Lieutenant ALLlN B. COnOVER Special service officer - ;2 ~ Lieutenant PAUL V. :9!:VIS P.ssistDnt Bntta1ion r1pi;:ltenance officer - CT"U CLEMENCE KOSCHUIKJi l\ssistant S-4 - 11JJG ROBERT ;iol. SKnnmR personnel Officer - 11UJG Df.LE R. HUMRICH '* COMPANY "A II Captain ROBFRT F. ?TOOP.E 1st Lieutenant EUGENE E. GLEISSNER l~t Lieutenant CHIlBLES ii. NEFLl Int'Lieutenunt'JOHN L. SHINSKY 2d Lieutenant LESTFR D. FRNNF,R 2d Lieutennnt R.I\Y R. RADFORD - f,ttnched SECRET l6