518 Gebauer, Jan teristickych promén hlaskoslovnych a tvaru flexivnich, Praha. (1875): “O vétach slozenych a o vyvoji formy podiadné ze souradné”, LF 2, 30-38. (1876a): Uvedeni do mluvnice éeské, Praha. (1876b): Novd rada. Baseri pana Smila Flasky z Pardubic, Praha. Ed. (1877): Hlaskoslovijazyka éeského, Praha. Ed. (1880a): Zaltar Wittembersky, Praha. (1880b): Pravidlo o staroceském ‘e’ a ‘€ a nové namitky proti jeho pravosti, Praha. (1881): Staroéesky zlomek Evangelia Svato-Janského, Praha. (1883): “O negaci, zvlasté staroceské”, LF 10, 240-45. (1888): Prouzky rukopisu Krdlovédvorského dukazem jeho nepravosti, Praha. (1893): Mluvnice éeska, Praha. (1894a): Krdtkd mluvnice éeska, Praha. (1894b/96/98): Historickad mluvnice jazyka_ éeského, Praha & Viden. Hldskoslovi, (71963). Tvaroslovi, I: Skloriovani 71960). Tvaroslovi, Tl: Casovani 71909, 31959). (1903): Slovnik staroéesky (A-J), Praha (71970). (1904): Slovnik staroéesky) (K-N), Praha (71970). (1929): Historické mluvnice jazyka &eského. Skladba, F. Travniéek ed., Praha. (1941): Stati litera- rné déjepisné, A. Novak ed., Praha. Bity, F. (1919): “Z mych vzpominek na Jana Ge- bauera”, NR 3, 1-5, 41-47, 105-11, and 167-75. Gr- BAUEROVA, M. (1926): Rodinné vzpominky na Jana Gebauera, Praha. HLAvsova, J. (1988): “J. G. a Ceska dialektologie”, NR 71, 193-200. Hopura, K. (1957): “J.G. a Cesky spisovny jazyk”, ib. 40, 185-90. MacuaAckova, E. (1986): “J.G. na prazské univer- zité”, ib. 69, 89-91. MasrAn, M. (1972): “Jana Ge- bauera slovnik starocesky (A-N), 2. vyd. Praha 1970”, ib. 37, 73-74. Kucera, K., ed. (1991): J. G. Sbornik ke 150. v¥roéi narozeni, Praha. PECIRKOVA, J. & NEDVE- pova, M. (1988): “Prinos Jana Gebauera k historické lexikografii”, NR 71, 184-92. Perr, J. (1987): “J.G. jako slavista. K 150. vyroci narozeni”, SS 48, 259-77. Id. (1988): “Ke Gebauerovu pojeti jazyka”, ib. 49, 3— 29. ScutEsZL, J. (1955): “Co je s vedeckou pozustalosti Gebauerovou?”, NR 38, 104-49. Sytiapa, T. (1979): J. G. Bibliograficky soupis publikovanych praci s uvodni studit a dokumentaci k 100. v¥roci Gebauerova slo- vanského seminafe, Praha (biblio.). Id. (1983): J. G. na Prazské université, Praha. Id. (1986): J. G., Praha. VASA, P. (1947): “J.G.”, NR 31, 137-42. VaLASeK, M. (1998): “J. G. a slovansky seminar”, Cestina doma a ve svété 6, 31-37. WeEINGART, M. (1939a): “Ke stému vyroci Jana Gebauera”, CMF 26, 1-3. Id. (1939b): “Z Gebauerovy korespondence”, ib. 3-15. Anna J. Bluszcz, revised Jan Holes Gedney, William J., b. Apr. 4, 1915, Orchards, WA, USA, d. Nov. 14, 1999, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; specialist in Thai and Tai linguistics. G., a giant in the field of Thai/Tai language and literature, graduated magna cum laude from Whitman College in 1935, after which he became a high school English teacher and where he developed an interest in linguistics. He pursuedthis interest at the Universities of Washington and Chicago and at several Lin- guistics Institutes. At the outbreak of World War II, G. was drafted and assigned to the Army Language Unit in New York City to work on the Thai language. At the same time, he completed a Ph.D. in Sanskrit at Yale Uni- versity. After graduating in 1947, G. went to Thailand where he continued his studies of Thai language andliterature. During 1959 and 1960, he was Professor of linguistics at the Uni- versity of Ceylon. Then, in 1960, he began teaching linguistics and Thai at the University of Michigan, first in the Department of English and then the Department of Linguistics, where he served as chair from 1972-75. Following his retirement in 1980, G. served as Vice President of the American Oriental Society in 1981 and then as its President in 1982. Beginning with studies of Thai (Siamese) language and literature and then moving to other languages in the Tai family, G. became the preeminentfigure in the comparative-histor- ical study of the Tai language family. In partic- ular, he became known for his meticulous at- tention to phonological and tonal systems. Working with a native speaker, G.first elicited the tonal system of the language with a limited word list. He then continued his elicitation us- ing a list arranged according to cultural and semantic spheres. In cases where the informant proved to be especially adept, G. was able to elicit every phonologically possible syllable in the language and then check which were actual words. Amonglinguists, this exhaustive method came to be knownas ‘doing a Gedney’. For the interviews, G. would use Thai or some other mutually intelligible language, often Lao or Black Tai. Using these languages rather than English or some other western language made explanations easier. Moreover, the cultural and linguistic similarities between Thai and the lan- guage underinvestigation allowed clear and ex- act one-word translations. Among the lan- guages intensively studied by G. were Yay, Lue, Saek, Shan, Nung, Black Tai, White Tai, as well as a variety of regional dialects spoken within Thailand. Most of the inter- views were conducted in Thailand, Laos, Viet- nam, and Hong Kong, during the 1960s and 1970s. G.’s extensive collections of data and his own scholarship have significantly contributed to the understanding of the divisions within the Tai family, the reconstruction of proto- Tai, and the genetic relationships that exist within the immediate and the more extended branches of the Tai family. In addition to the lexical data, G. also elicited texts in the form of illustrative sentences, songs, poetry, folk tales, and legends that provide a window into the sociolinguistic and cultural components of these languages. (1947): Indic Loanwords in Spoken Thai, Ph.D. Diss., Yale Univ. (abstract in Linguistics 20, 94). (1961): “Special vocabularies in Thai”, Mémoires de la Soc. Finno-Ougrienne 14, 109-14. (1964): “A comp. sketch of White, Black, and Red Tai”, Soc. Sci. Review1, 1- 47. (1965a): “From ancient Thai to mod. dialect’, ib. 3, 107-12. (1965b): “Yay, a northern Tai lang. in northern Vietnam”, Lingua 14, 80-93. (1967): “Thai- land and Laos”, in: Sebeok, T. A., ed., Linguistics in East Asia and Southeast Asia 2, 782-814. (1970): “The Saek lang. of Nakhon Phanom Province”, Journal of the Siam Soc. 58, 67-87. (1972a): “A puzzle in comp. Tai phonology”, in: Harris, J.G. & Noss, R. B., eds., Tai Phonetics and Phonology, Bangkok, 52-57. (1972b): “A check list for determining tones in Tai dial.”, in: Smith, M.E., ed., Studies in Linguistics in Honor of George L. Trager, The Hague, 423-37. (1976a): “Notes on Tai Neua”, in: Gething, T., et al., eds., Tai Linguistics in Honor of Fang-kuei Li, Bangkok, 62-102. (1976b): “On the Thai evidence for Austro-Thai”, Computational Analyses of Asian and Afr. Lang. 6, 65-82. (1979): “Ling. diversity in Indo- china”, in: Whitmore, J. K., ed., Introd. to Indochinese History, Culture, Lang., and Life, Ann Arbor, MI, 37— 46. (1985): “Confronting the unknown: tonal splits and the genealogy of Tai-Kadai”, in: Thurgood, G., et al., eds., Linguistics of the Sino-Tibetan Area: The State of the Art, Canberra, 116-24. (1986): “A Gallery of Picturesque Personalities,” in: Bickner, R. J., et al., eds., Papers from a Conference on Thai Studies in Honor of W.J.G., Ann Arbor, MI, 1-18. (1989a): “Tai Names for the Ox”, in: Davidson, J.H.C.S., ed., Southeast Asian Linguistics: Essays in Honour of Eugénie J. A. Henderson, London, 111-27. (1989b): Selected Papers on Comp. Tai Studies, R.J. Bickner et al. eds, Ann Arbor, MI. (1991la): “Comments on the ling. arguments relating to inscription one”, in: Chamberlain, J., ed., The Ram Khamhaeng Contro- versy: Coll. Papers, Bangkok, 193-226. (1991b): W. J. G.’s The Yay Lang.: Glossary, Texts, and Transls., T. J. Hudak ed., Ann Arbor, MI. (1991c): WJ G.’s The Tai Dialect of Lungming: Glossary, Texts, and Transls., T.J. Hudak ed., Ann Arbor, MI. (1993): W.J.G.’s The Saek Lang.: Glossary, Texts, and Transls., T.J. Hudak ed., Ann Arbor, MI. (1994): W. J. G.’s Southwestern Tai Dialect: Glossaries, Texts, and Transls., T. J. Hudak ed., Ann Arbor, MI. (1995): W. J.G.’s Central Tai Dialect: Glossaries, Texts, and Transls., T.J. Hudak ed., Ann Arbor, MI. (1996): W.J.G.’s The Lue Lang.: Glossary, Texts, and Transls., T.J. Hudak ed., Ann Arbor, MI. (1997a): ““Near’ and ‘Far’ in Tai”, in: Edmondson, J.A. & Solnit, D.B., eds., Comp. Kadai: The Tai Branch, Summer Inst. of Linguistics & Univ. of Texas at Arlington, 267-89. (1997b): W.J.G.’s Tai Dialect Studies: Glossaries, Texts, and Transls., T.J. Hudak ed., Ann Arbor, MI. (1997c): W. J. G.’s Thai and Indic Lit. Studies, T. J. Hudak ed., Ann Arbor, MI. (2008): Comp. Tai Source Book, T.J. Hudak ed., Honolulu, HI. BICKNER, R.J., et al., eds. (1986): Papers from a Conference on Thai Studies in Honor of W. J.G., Ann Arbor, MI, vi—rx. Compton, C.J. & HARTMANN, J. F., eds. (1992): Papers on Tai Lang., Linguistics, and Literatures in Honor of W. J. G. on his 77th Birthday, DeKalb, IL, vn—xix. Hubak, T. J., (2000): “W. J. G. (1915-1999)”, The Journal of Asian Studies 59, 223 Thomas John Hudak Geiger, Wilhelm 519 Geiger, Wilhelm, b. July 21, 1856, Niirnberg, Germany,d. Sep. 2, 1943, Neubiberg, Germany; Orientalist. G. studied Classics and Oriental philology in Erlangen and wrote his doctoral thesis on Die Pehleviversion des Ersten Capitels des Vendiddd. After working as a lecturer and a school teacher for Greek and Latin for a few years, he was appointed professor of Indo-European Studies at Erlangen in 1891 and became professor of Indo-Iranian Studies in Munich from 1920 until his retirement in 1924. He continued working on his projects together with his wife Magda- lene until his death but withdrew from public life after the beginning of the Nazi era. G. was one of the most outstanding scholars of Oriental languages of his time and wrote a large numberof pioneering works. Heclassified several Iranian and Indian languages and wrote important grammars of them, often the first one at all. He also wrote several etymological surveys. During the first part of his academic life he mainly focused on Iranian languages, on the ancient languages of the Zoroastrian religion like Avestan and Middle Persian, but also on less known modern languages like Balochi, Pashto and the Pamir languages. Together with E. Kuhn he brought out the Grundriss der Iranischen Philologie (1895-1904), a com- prehensive encyclopedia which wasthe first to describe the Iranian languages and cultures known at the time and remained the standard reference work for several decades. Laterin his life he became moreinterested in Indian languages, the history of Buddhism and especially in the languages and culture of Cey- lon which he visited three times. Heclassified Sinhalese as well as the language of the Vadda and Rodiya people and also Maldivian as Indo- Aryan. He worked not only on the grammar and etymology but also on the ancient histor- ical chronicles Dipavamsa and Mahdvamsa, for whichheisstill held in high esteem in Sri Lanka up to the present time. Manyofhis workslike his Pali and Sinhalese grammararestill used by students and scholars today. (1877): Die Pehleviversion des Ersten Capitels des Ven- didad, hg. nebst dem Versuch einer ersten Ubersetzung und Erklérung, Erlangen. (1879): Handbuch der Awe- stasprache: Grammatik, Chrestomathie und Glossar, Erlangen. (1882): Ostiran. Kultur im Altertum, Erlan- gen. (1887): Die Pamirgebiete: Eine geographische Monographie, Wien (Geographische Abhandlungen, A. Penck ed., vol. 2, pt. 1). (1888): Elementarbuch der Sanskritsprache: Grammatik, Lesestticke und Glossar, Miinchen. (1890): “Etymologie des Baliict’, Abhand- lungen der Kéniglichen Bayerischen Akad. der Wissen-