1 The First Visions of Enoch (Chapters 1-36) The Lord Comes To Judge CHAPTER 1 1.These are the blessings and words of Enoch, which bless the righteous and chosen ones who will live in the Tribulation when the godless will be removed. 2. So Enoch began his story by saying, “Enoch, a righteous man whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Lord in Heaven, which the angels showed me. From them I heard everything, and from them I understood what I was seeing. But it was not for my generation, but for one in the future.” 3. I said to the chosen people, concerning them, “The Great and Holy One will come from His house, 4. And the eternal God will walk on the Earth, on Mount Sinai. He will appear from Heaven with great power. 5. All shall be struck with fear and the watchmen shall tremble greatly from one end of the Earth to the other. 6. The mountains shall shake before Him, and the hills shall be made low and melt like candle wax. 7.The Earth shall be torn in half and everything on it will die. Then He will judge them all. 8. But He will make peace with the righteous and protect His chosen ones and show them mercy. They will all belong to God and prosper and be blessed. He will help them all and show them Light, and He will make peace with them. 9 Listen! The Lord is coming with countless thousands of his holy ones to execute judgment on the people of the world. He will convict every person of all the ungodly things they have done and for all the insults that ungodly sinners have spoken against him. The Heavens Show God’s Glory CHAPTER 2 1. “Observe everything that takes place in the heavens, how their orbits do not change, and the stars in the sky, how they all rise and set in their seasons, and do not stray from order. 2. Behold the Earth, and pay attention to the things that happen; how nothing on the Earth strays from order, but instead all of God’s works are evident. 3. Behold the summer and the winter, how the whole Earth is filled with water, and clouds and dew and rain lie above it.” Trees Show God’s Glory CHAPTER 3 “See how before winter all the trees seem dead and have lost their leaves, except for fourteen trees, which do not lose their leaves but remain evergreen for two to three years until the new leaves come.” 2 The Sun Shows God’s Glory CHAPTER 4 “Again, look at the days of summer; how the sun is above the Earth and you must seek shade and shelter because of the heat. The Earth also burns with so much heat you cannot walk on the ground or rocks.” Man Contrasted With Nature CHAPTER 5 1. “Look at how the trees clothe themselves with green leaves and bear fruit. Pay attention and recognize how He that lives forever has made them this way. 2. All His works go on from year to year forever, as do all the tasks they accomplish for Him. Their tasks don’t change, but instead do what God orders. 3. See how the sea and rivers, in the same way, fulfill and obey all His commands. 4. But you have not been obedient to the commandments of the Lord. Instead you have turned away and spoken prideful and evil words against His greatness with your impure mouths. You who are hardhearted will not find peace! 5. You will curse your remaining days, and your life will be cut short. The years of destruction shall be an eternal curse to you. You will be given no mercy. 6. Your name will be like a curse to the righteous; by your name will they curse. And all the sinners and the godless will also curse you, and for you the godless there shall be a curse. Then all the godly shall rejoice, and there shall be forgiveness of sins by mercy, peace, and patience. They shall see the light of salvation. But for all of you sinners there shall be no salvation, but instead a curse. The Righteous Will Succeed; The Wicked Will Fail 7 But for God’s chosen there will be light and joy and peace, and they will inherit the earth. 8 Then God’s chosen will be given wisdom and they will live and never sin again, either through ungodliness or through pride, for wise men are humble 9 They will never sin again for all the days of their life, neither will God’s anger and wrath cause them to die. They will live a full life. Their lives will be filled with peace every day, and He will multiply their joy eternally in gladness and peace.” The Fallen Angels CHAPTER 6 1 After a time, very beautiful daughters were born to mankind. 2 The angels, the sons of Heaven, saw and lusted for them, and said to one another, “Come on, let us have children with these beautiful women!” 3 3 Their leader Samyaza said to them, “I do not believe you will actually follow through with your plan. I alone will have to pay the penalty of this great sin.” 4 They all replied, “We promise not to abandon you or the plan we have come up with.” 5 Then they all bound themselves by a mutual oath. 6 So two hundred angels came from Heaven in the days of Jared to the summit of Mount Hermon (which is now called Hermon because they had sworn their oath upon it). 7 And these are the names of their rulers: Samyaza, their leader Arakiel Ramael Kokabiel Tamiel Ramiel Daniel Chazaqiel Baraqiel Asahel Armaros Batariel Ananiel Zaqiel Shamsiel Sathariel Turiel Yomiel Sariel 8 These were the rulers of tens. The Nephilim CHAPTER 7 1 Every angel took one wife for himself, and defiled themselves through sex with them. They taught them charms and enchantments, the cutting of roots, and plant mysticism. 2 They became pregnant and gave birth to giants, some 4,500 feet in height, 3 who took all of man’s possessions for themselves. When mankind could no longer support them, 4. the giants turned against them and ate them. 5. They began to sin against all kinds of creatures and to eat one another’s flesh and drink their blood. 6. Then the Earth declared its accusations against these lawless men. The Angels Teach Men CHAPTER 8 4 1. Azazel taught men to make swords and knives and shields and breastplates. He showed them metals in the Earth and how to mold them. Also he showed them how to make bracelets and ornaments, the use of antimony, the usage of makeup to make oneself more beautiful, all kinds of precious minerals, and paint. 2. The men were godless and committed fornication. They were led astray and became completely corrupt. Samyaza taught enchantment and root cutting; Armaros taught how to break enchantments. Baraqiel taught astrology, Kokabiel the constellations, Chazaqiel meteorology, Arakiel geomancy, Shamsiel the signs of the sun, and Sariel the course of the moon. As men perished, the angels cried, and their cry reached Heaven. The Archangels Take Action CHAPTER 9 1. Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw all the lawlessness and death on the Earth. 2. The men said, “The Earth which was made empty now cries out to the gates of heaven! 3. Now to you, the Holy Ones of Heaven, the souls of men are petitioning, saying, ‘Bring our cause before the Most High.’” 4. Then they said to the Lord of the ages: “Lord of lords, God of gods, King of kings, God of the ages: Your Glory is enthroned above all generations, and your name is holy, glorious, and blessed. 5. You created all things and You have power over all things. All things are made plain as day before Your eyes and You see all things. Nothing can hide itself from You. 6. You have seen what Azazel has done, teaching unrighteousness and revealing all the secrets of the Earth that men desired to know. 7. Samyaza, the one you put in charge of all the other angels, has also done so. 8. They have had sex with the daughters of men and taught them all sorts of sins. 9. The women have given birth to giants, and the whole Earth is filled with blood and sin. 10. Look! The souls of those who have died are crying and airing their grievances to the gates of Heaven. Their cries have ascended and will not cease because of the evil deeds done on the Earth. 11. You know all things before they happen. Indeed, You see these things and You allow them, and You have not told us what to do about them!” God Prescribes Certain Punishments CHAPTER 10 1. Then the Most High, the Holy and Great One, spoke to Uriel and sent him to the son of Lamech. The Lord said to him, 5 2. “Go to Noah and tell him in my name, ‘Protect yourself!’ and reveal to him that the end is near. The whole earth will be destroyed, and a Flood is about to come upon the whole Earth and destroy everything on it. 3. Now tell him that he may escape and his children will bear the world’s future generations.” 4. Then the Lord said to Raphael, “Bind Azazel by his hands and feet and cast him into the darkness. Make an opening in the desert of Babel and cast him into it. 5. Place rough, jagged rocks on him and cover him in darkness. Let him remain there forever; cover his face so he may not see the light. 6. On the day of the Great Judgment, he shall be cast into the fire. 7.This will heal the Earth that the angels have corrupted and proclaim it healed, so they might heal the plague and so all the children of men will not die because the Watchers have taught their sons such secret and terrible things. 8. The whole Earth has been corrupted through the things Azazel taught them. This entire affair is his fault.” 9. To Gabriel the Lord said, “Act out against those illegitimate children and sinners, against the children of their fornication. Destroy the children of fornication and the children of the Watchers from among the children of men. Cause them to war against each other and destroy each other in battle. Their lives will be cut short. 10. Don’t grant a single request from their fathers, for they want eternal life. Each one of them will only live five hundred years.” 11. The Lord said to Michael, “Go, bind Samyaza and his cohorts who have fornicated with unclean women and defiled themselves. 12. Once their sons have slain one another and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth until the Day of Judgment and of their final days; until the eternal judgment is complete. 13. In those days they shall be led into Hell, to the torment and the prison where they will be confined forever. 14. Samyaza will be burnt and from that point on be bound with them; together they will be bound until the last generation. 15. Destroy all the spirits of the sinners and the children of the Watchers because they have wronged mankind. 16. Destroy all evil from the face of the Earth and let every sin come to an end. Let the seed of righteousness and truth appear. It will be a blessing, for the works of righteousness and truth shall be planted in truth and joy forever. 17 Then the righteous will escape and live till they beget thousands of children. They will grow old in peace. 18. The whole earth will be filled with righteousness and will be planted with trees and full of blessing. 19. All kinds of trees will be planted on it, and they shall plant grapevines, which will provide much wine, and every seed that is sown will grow a thousand plants, and every measure of olives shall yield ten measures of oil. 20. Cleanse the Earth from all oppression and unrighteousness and sin and godlessness. Wipe every unclean act from the Earth. 6 21. All the children of men shall become righteous and all nations will offer adoration and praise Me, and all will worship Me. The earth shall be cleansed from all defilement, sin, punishment, and torment; I will never send these upon the generations again.” God’s Blessing CHAPTER 11 1. In those days I will open the vaults of blessing in Heaven, so I may send it down on the Earth to the labors of the children of men. 2. Truth and peace shall be one from this point forward, for every generation. Enoch Speaks To The Watchers Chapter 12 1. Enoch was hidden before these things, and no one of the children of men knew where he was hidden or where he lived, or what had happened to him. 2. He acted in reference to the Watchers, and he spent his days with the angels. 3. I, Enoch, was praising the Lord of majesty and the King of the ages, and behold! the Watchers called me, Enoch the scribe, and said to me, 4. “Enoch, scribe of righteousness, go and declare to the Fallen Watchers from the holy eternal place who desecrated themselves with women, and have done as the children of earth do, and have taken wives, ‘You have brought destruction on the Earth. 5. For that you will not have peace or forgiveness of your sins.’ Even as they delight themselves in their children, 6. they will witness the murder of their loved ones. They will cry over the destruction of their children and will beg for forgiveness, but mercy and peace will not be given to them.” Chapter 13 1. Enoch went and said, “Azazel, you will not have peace: a severe sentence has been leveled against you to put you in chains. 2. No request or leniency will be given to you because of the evil things you have taught them and because of all the works of godlessness and unrighteousness and sin that you showed man.” 3. I spoke to them all and they were terrified, and fear and trembling seized them. 4. They begged me to intercede for them, that they might be forgiven, and to air their grievances in the presence of the Lord of Heaven. 5. From that point, they had such shame they could not speak with Him nor lift up their eyes to Heaven. 6. I wrote out their requests and their prayer in regard to their spirits and their individual deeds in regard to their requests that they should have forgiveness and a long life. 7. Then I sat down at the waters in Laish, in the land of Laish to the south of the west of Hermon. I read their petition again and again until I fell asleep. 7 8. Behold, a dream came to me, visions accosted me, and I saw visions of punishment. A voice came to me, begging that I tell the angels and reprimand them. 9. When I awoke, I came back to them and they were all gathered, weeping in Galilee, which is between Lebanon and Senir, with their faces covered. 10. I told them all the visions I had seen in my sleep, and I began to speak the words of righteousness which chastised the Watchers. Enoch Sees Heaven Chapter 14 1. This is the book of righteous words and of the reprimand of the eternal Watchers in accordance with the command of the Holy Great One in that vision. 2. I saw in my sleep what I will now say in my own words, with my tongue of flesh and fallen mouth that the Great One gave to men to talk and understand in their heart. 3. “As He has created and given men the power to understand the word of wisdom, so He also created me and gave me the power to reprimand the Watchers, the Children of Heaven. 4. I wrote out your request, and in my vision it seemed that your petition will not be granted to you from now to eternity, and that judgment has finally been passed upon you. Indeed, your request will not be granted to you. 5. From now on you will not ascend to Heaven and in the power of the Earth a decree has gone forth to bind you for the rest of time. 6. Previously you saw the destruction of your beloved sons and you shall find no pleasure in them; they shall fall before you by the sword. 7. Your request on their behalf will not be granted, not even by your hand, even if you weep and pray and speak all the words I have written. 8. This was how he showed me the vision: Behold, in the vision, clouds invited me up and a mist surrounded me, and the orbits of the stars and the lightning’s path led me on, and the winds in the vision caused me to fly and lifted me up and carried me to Heaven. 9. I went in until I came to a wall which is built of crystals and surrounded by fire, and it terrified me. I went through the flames and came to a large house which was built of crystal, and the walls and foundation of the house were a crystal mosaic. 11. Its ceiling was like the orbit of the stars and lightning’s path, and between them were fiery cherubim, and the sky was clear as water. 12. A flaming fire surrounded the walls, and its doors blazed with fire. 13. I entered into that house, and it was both as hot as fire and as cold as ice. There was no pleasure within it; fear and trembling seized me. 14. As I quaked and trembled, I fell on my face and saw another vision 15. Behold! There was a second house, greater than the first, and the fiery door was opened before me. 16. In every way it was so beautiful that I cannot describe it to you. 17. Its floor was made of fire, and above it was lightning and the orbit of the stars on its flaming ceiling. 8 18. Inside, I saw a lofty throne. Its appearance was crystalline and the circumference was like the shining sun, and around it were cherubim. 19. From underneath the throne came streams of fire so bright that I could not look at it. 20. The Glorious One sat there, and His clothes shone brighter than the sun and was whiter than snow. 21. None of the angels could enter and see His face because he was so magnificent; no man could look at him. 22. Fire surrounded Him and stood before Him, and no one could come near. One hundred million souls stood before Him, and yet He did not rely on them for counsel. 23. The most holy ones who were near Him did not leave at night. 24. Until then I had been bowing on my face, trembling. The Lord called me with His own mouth, and said to me, ‘Come here, Enoch, and hear my words.’ 25. Then one of the holy ones came to me and woke me up. I stood up and he led me out the door. The Giants Are Declared Evil CHAPTER 15 1. “He answered me, and I heard His voice. 'Fear not, Enoch, righteous man and scribe of righteousness, approach Me and hear My voice. 2. Now go, say to the Watchers of Heaven who have sent you to intercede for them, “You should intercede for men, and not men for you. 3. It was you who left the high, holy, and eternal Heaven and slept with women and defiled yourselves with the daughters of men and took wives for yourself. You have done like the children of Earth do and had giants for your sons. 4. Though you were once holy, spiritual, and living in eternal life, you defiled yourselves with the blood of women and gave birth to children with the blood of flesh. Like the children of men, you have lusted after flesh and blood like mortals who die. 5. That is why I had given them wives, so that they might impregnate them and have children through them, and enjoy everything the Earth has to offer. 6. But you were formerly spiritual, living the eternal life, and immortal from the beginning. 7. For that reason, I did not give you wives; because, like the holy ones of Heaven, you were to live in Heaven forever. 8. Now the giants you produced from spirit and flesh will live on the Earth, and they will be declared evil. 9. Because they have human blood, they stink of evil; because they are born of the Watchers, their spirits are evil. This is why they are declared evil. 10. The spirits created in Heaven should live in Heaven, and the spirits born on the Earth should live on the Earth. 11. The giants’ spirits cause strife, make war, oppress, attack, destroy, and cause calamity; they are hungry and thirsty, so they act out aggressively. They will rise up against the true children of men and women, because they are half-breeds. 9 No Peace For The Watchers CHAPTER 16 1. “‘“From the days of the death and destruction of the giants and the souls whose flesh birth their spirits will destroy, but I will not judge them. In this way they will utterly destroy until the day that all is completed, the great day of judgment in which the age of the Watchers and the godless will end. Yes, in those days it will be finished.” 2. Now to the Watchers who have sent you to plead for them, who were originally from Heaven, 3. Say, “You have been in heaven, but I had not yet revealed its finer workings to you. You knew but a little, and in your hardened hearts you showed these to the women. Even with the little of what they knew, they caused great evil on the Earth.” 4. Tell them they will have no peace.’ CHAPTER 17 1 “The angels then brought me to a place where there were beings of flame; however, if they wished, they could appear as men. 2. Then they took me to the Place of Darkness and to a mountain that reached up to Heaven itself. 3. There I saw the treasuries of the stars and the storehouse of the thunder, and in the uttermost depths I saw a fiery bow and arrows and their quiver, a fiery sword, and the stores of lightning. 4. They brought me to the living waters and to the firey sea in the west into which the sun sets. 5. Next I came to a river of fire where fire flows like water and empties itself into that great sea. 6. I saw the great rivers and the darkness, and I was taken to a place where no man has been before. 7. I saw the mountains of the darkness of wintertime and the place where all the waters spring. 8. There I saw the mouths of every Earthly river and the mouth of the Depths. CHAPTER 18 1. “I saw the places the wind is stored up and how He had built up the whole of creation and the firm foundations of the earth. 2. I saw the corner-stone of the earth, the four winds which the Earth rests upon, and the reaches of Heaven. 3. I saw how the winds span the vaults of Heaven, and the distance from Heaven to Earth. These are the pillars of Heaven. 4. I saw the winds of Heaven which cause the sun to spin and all the stars to set. 5. I saw the winds on the Earth carrying the clouds, which are the paths of the angels. At the end of the Earth I saw the firmament of Heaven above. 6. I went forth and also saw a place which is ablaze both day and night, where there are seven mountains of magnificent stone, three of them to the east and three to the south. 7. The eastern three were made of colorful stone: one was pearl and one was jacinth. The southern three were made of red stone, and 10 8. the middle one reached to Heaven like an alabaster throne for God. The summit of the throne was made of sapphire. 9. All around me I saw a fire. Beyond this ring of mountains is the end of the Earth. 10. This was the extent of Heaven I saw. 11. I also saw a deep abyss with columns of heavenly fire which fell like a waterfall, so tall and deep I could not measure them. 12. Beyond that abyss I saw a place which had no sky above it and no solid ground beneath it; there was neither water upon it nor birds above it, but instead was a horrific wasteland. 13. I then saw seven stars like flaming mountains. When I asked the angel about them, 14. he said, ‘This place is a prison for the stars, which are the fallen Heavenly Hosts, until the end of Heaven and Earth. 15. The flaming mountains are the angels which have broken the commandment of the Lord when they rose, because they did not come forth when he commanded. 16. In His anger against them, the Lord has imprisoned them until the time when their guilt is paid off, even if it takes ten thousand years.’ CHAPTER 19 1 “Then Uriel said to me, ‘All of the angels who defiled themselves with the daughters of men, especially their leaders, have defiled mankind in turn. Disguised in many forms, they led man to sacrifice to demons as they would to God. For their sin, they will remain here until the day of judgment, 2 where they will be judged and destroyed. The women who went astray shall be judged also for seducing these angels.’ 3 Only I, Enoch, saw this vision of the ends of all things; no one else will see what I have. CHAPTER 20 1 “These are the names of the archangels who watch the Earth: 2 Uriel, who rules over the world and over the deepest Hell. 3 Raphael, who rules over the spirits of men. 4 Raguel, who punishes the world and its kings. 5 Michael, who rules all nations and brings order. 7 Sariel, who rules over the souls of the children of mankind who sin. 8 Gabriel, who rules over Paradise, the serpents, and the Cherubim. Ramiel, who God appointed to rule over those whose souls rise to Heaven. CHAPTER 21 1 “Next I came to an empty place where nothing was made yet. 2 What I saw there was terrifying: 3 I saw neither a sky nor solid ground, but a place without form, ready for creation. 11 4 Once more, I saw seven stars that looked like burning mountains, which are the fallen angels, bound together. 5 I said, ‘What crime are they imprisoned for, and why are they here?’ Then Uriel, the chief archangel who was with me, said, 6 ‘Enoch, why do you ask me this, and why are you so eager to learn the truth? These are the angels of heaven that have broken the commandments of the Lord, and are imprisoned here ten thousand years. 7 By that time, they will have paid for their sins.’ From there, I went to another place, worse yet than the first, and I saw something terrible: a great fire, burning within an abyss. 8 The abyss was filled with flaming columns like waterfalls so large I could not measure their height or depth. 9 Then I said, ‘What a terrifying place; I can barely look at it!’ Then Uriel, the archangel with me, answered me, ‘Enoch, why are you so afraid?’ 10 I answered, ‘I am afraid of this awful place, and because of the suffering I see.’ He said to me, ‘This place is the prison of the angels, and they will be imprisoned here forever.’ CHAPTER 22 1 “From there, I came to another place where I saw a great, tall mountain to the west, made from strong rock, and four lovely, hollow places. 2 These places were deep, wide, and as smooth as if they had been flattened. Three of the places were dark and one was bright, and there was a fountain of water in the middle. And I said, ‘The hollow places look so deep and dark!’ 3 Then Raphael, one of the holy angels who was with me, responded, ‘These are the lovely places created for a specific purpose: the souls of the dead will be collected here. Yes, all of the souls of the children of men will be collected here, because these places were made for them. 4 These places where their souls dwell are made to be occupied until the day of judgment. Once the long period of time they have been appointed to serve is finished, they will come under great judgment.’ 5 Then I saw the spirit of a son of man who had already died who was raising his voice to Heaven to gain the Lord’s favor. 6 I asked Raphael, the angel with me, ‘Whose spirit is that? Who is raising his voice to Heaven to ask the Lord’s favor?’ 7 He answered, ‘This is the spirit of Abel who was killed by his brother, Cain. He will continue to accuse his brother of this injustice until his children are wiped from the face of the earth and his bloodline is removed from among the children of men.’ 8 Then I asked him about the hollow places reserved for judgment. I said, ‘Why are these places separate from one another?’ 9 He replied, ‘Three of the places were made to separate the spirits of the dead into three groups. The spirits of the righteous have been separated for their benefit in this way: 10 By a chasm, a life giving spring of water, and light resting above these. 11 In the same way, the spirits of sinners are separated when they die, and they are buried in the earth. They will not be judged within their lifetime. 12 12 Their souls are separated here and suffer greatly until the day of great judgment. They shall be whipped and punished and tormented in order to exact justice on the spirits who are eternally cursing God. These sinful souls will be imprisoned here forever. 13 It has been this way since the beginning of the world. Therefore, those souls who complain to God are separated from those which await their destruction. They will be slaughtered when the day of sinners comes. 14 These places were made for the spirits of the unrighteous and sinners; those godless spirits who committed many transgressions shall be the companions of the lawless. Their souls will not be punished or destroyed on the day of judgment, but they also will not be raised up again.’ 15 Then I blessed God, the glorious Lord, and said, ‘You are blessed, O Lord, the Lord of glory and of righteousness, who reigns over the whole world forever!’ CHAPTER 23 1 “From there, I went west to another place beyond the ends of the Earth. 2 There I saw a blazing fire which never burnt out and remained the same for all time, never ceasing. 3 I asked, ‘What is this thing that never stops?’ 4 Then Raguel, one of the holy angels with me, answered me. 5 He said, ‘This blazing fire, which you have seen burn in the west, is the fire that punishes the luminaries of Heaven.’ CHAPTER 24 1 “From there, I went to another place on the Earth, and he showed me a flaming mountain range which burnt both day and night. 2 I ventured toward it and passed beyond, and there I saw seven magnificent mountains, all different from each other. 3 Their stones were brilliantly shining and beautiful, looking completely wonderful with glorious exteriors. Three of the mountains stood in the east, all built on one another in order to strengthen each of them. Another three stood to the south, also built on one another to make them sturdy. In the same way there were deep, rough ravines and valleys, except these were completely separated from one another. The seventh mountain was in the center of the rest, and was also taller than all the others. Together they looked like the seat of a throne, and fragrant trees encircled this throne. 4 Among these was a tree which I had never smelled, and its smell never ceased. It was unlike any other tree present or in Eden, and smelled far better than them all. It’s leaves, flowers, and wood never withered and its fruit was beautiful. 5 This fruit resembled the dates on the cluster of a palm. I cried, ‘This tree is so beautiful and smells amazing! Its leaves are also gorgeous, and its fruits are very delightful to see.’ 6Then Michael, the holy and honored archangel who was with me, spoke to me. Chapter 25 13 1 “He asked me, ‘Enoch, why are you asking me about the smell of this tree? 2 Why do you wish to learn the truth about it?’ 3 Then I, Enoch, answered him. ‘I wish to receive instruction about everything, but I especially want to know about this tree.’ He answered me, saying, ‘This high mountain you have beheld, whose peak is like God’s throne, is the throne of our Lord, where the Great and Holy Lord of Glory, the Everlasting King, will sit when He descends again to visit the Earth with His goodness. 4 No one alive may touch this tree with an unearthly fragrance until the great day of judgment, when God shall punish all sinners and finally completely consume them forever. 5 Then the humble and righteous will inherit the fruit of this tree. The fruit will be the food of His chosen people and the tree itself will be planted on the north side of the holy temple where the Lord, our Eternal King, dwells. 6 Then they will rejoice and be glad, praising the Holy God and entering His holy place. The sweet smell of His courts will be in their bones and they will live long lives like their forefathers once did. There will be no sorrow, sickness, distress, trials, torment, or disasters for the rest of their lives.’ 7 Hearing this, I blessed the God of Glory, the Eternal King, for creating this tree and promising it to the righteous. Chapter 26 1 “From there, I went to the middle of the Earth, where I saw a joyful, fertile orchard of beautiful, blooming trees. The branches of these trees grew continuously up to the sky. 2 There was also a holy mountain overlooking a river to the east which flowed southward. 3 Even further eastward lay another mountain taller than the first. A deep but narrow canyon separated the two mountains. 4 Another stream ran westward under the taller eastern mountain toward the shorter and smaller mountain, which had another smaller mountain underneath it. 5 A deep, dry, and narrow canyon below, separating the two mountains, and another deep, dry, and narrow canyon lay to the far side of all three. Each canyon was deep and narrow, formed from solid stone where few trees had been planted. 6 And I stood in awe of the rocks and valleys. Chapter 27 1 “Then I asked, ‘What is the meaning of this blessed land of trees and the cursed valleys separating them?’ 2 Uriel, the archangel with me, replied, ‘The cursed valley you saw belongs to the cursed forever. It is here that all the cursed will be gathered; those who speak blasphemies against the Lord and deny His glory. They will be gathered here to one day be judged, and they will live in this land belonging to them forever. 14 3 At the end of time there will come an eternal day of judgment in the presence of the righteous in order to make an example of them.The righteous ones who God has given mercy will then bless the Lord of Glory, our Eternal King, forever. 4 On the day of judgment of the cursed, the righteous will bless Him for the mercy He gave them richly.’ 5 Then I blessed the Lord, praising His glory and His greatness. Chapter 28 1 “From there I travelled east and found a mountain in the desert overlooking the wilderness, of which I could only see the very surface. 2 The wilderness was full of every tree and plant, and waterfalls fell upon it from above. 3 A large waterfall, like one made from many smaller waterfalls, flowed toward the northwest, the west, and the east. This flowing caused trees to grow on one side and a fine misty cloud of water and dew to rise on the other. Chapter 29 1 “From there I came to another place in the desert east of the mountain I had previously seen. 2 It was there I saw fragrant trees of judgment which smell of frankincense and myrrh. These trees look like almond trees, but are unlike any other tree I have ever known. 3 The easternmost mountain was nearby and towered over the desert. Chapter 30 1 “Far east of these was another place with valleys of water that never ran dry. 2 In this place was a beautiful tree that had both the color and smell of mastic sumac trees. 3 On the eastern border of these valleys were sweet-smelling cinnamon trees. I continued past these to the east. Chapter 31 1 “I saw more mountains covered in groves of trees. Water flowed down these mountains like nectar, and styrax and galbanum grew plentifully there. 2 Another mountain rising from this mountain bore aloe trees. These mountains lay to the east of the ends of the Earth. 3 These trees were like sturdy almond trees, and their fruits were full of stacte; incense made from them smelled sweeter than any other scent. Chapter 32 1 “I saw seven mountains northeast of these fragrant trees, covered in sweet-smelling plants bearing the purest nard, cinnamon, pepper, mastic, and papyrus. 15 2 From this place I passed above the peaks of every mountain toward the east, and I also crossed the Red Sea. Far beyond these, I passed over the angel Zotiel, 3 finally reaching the Garden of Righteousness. Beyond this in the distance there were many more large, fragrant trees than I had seen before. Two great trees stood in this garden, very beautiful and glorious, distinct from the ones before, and larger than the rest. This was the Tree of Knowledge and Wisdom, of which the righteous eat the holy fruit and become wise. 4 This tree, which looked like a tamarind, was as tall as a fir and its leaves were like those of a carob. From its leaves grew fruits like clusters of extremely beautiful grapes, and its smell drifted far from the tree itself. Then I cried out, ‘This tree is so beautiful; it is a delight for my eyes!’ 5 Then the archangel Raphael who was with me said, ‘This is the Tree of Knowledge and Wisdom, the same one your old father Adam and your aged mother Eve ate from before your birth. Their eyes were opened and they were given wisdom, but they realized they were naked and were driven from the Garden.’ Chapter 33 1 “From that place I came to the ends of the Earth and saw many different large creatures. I also saw many birds with different songs and unique, colorful feathers nested here. 2 To the east of the creatures was the horizon where Heaven meets the ends of the Earth. The Gates of Heaven were open here, and I saw all the stars approach these gates. I counted these stars as they entered through the gates and wrote down their names, numbers, courses, and positions above. I recorded all of their seasons and times as the archangel Uriel who was with me showed me them. 3 He showed me everything and wrote down what I had seen. 4 He also wrote their names and explained the laws which govern them, along with their roles. Chapter 34 1 “From that place I went north toward the ends of the Earth, 2 and there I saw something so wonderful I cannot explain it. 3 There were three open heavenly gates, separated by a great distance. The northern winds passed through these gates, and when they blow, the winds are cold and bring hail, frost, snow, dew, and rain with them. 4 Through one gate, the wind is calm and peaceful, but through the other two, the winds are violent and strong, afflicting the whole Earth with their force. Chapter 35 1 “From there I went west toward the ends of the Earth, 2 and there I saw three more open heavenly gates, both as large and numerous as those I had seen to the northeast. Chapter 36 1 “From there I went south toward the ends of the Earth, and there I saw three more open heavenly gates which provided the Earth with dew, rain, and wind. 16 2 From there I went east toward the horizon, and there I saw three more open heavenly gates with smaller gates above them. The stars entered through these smaller gates and began to cross the sky from east to west on paths only they know. 3 Whenever I saw them, I praised the Lord of Glory who made these glorious signs and wonders to show His glorious works to angels and demons and the souls of men, so they would praise His mighty works and the extent of His power. They will praise Him and the work of His hands forever.”