1 Magic ........................................................................ 80 Contents Casting Spells .......................................................... 80 Magic Disciplines .................................................... 80 Spells ........................................................................ 81 Introduction .................................................. 3 Healing ..................................................................... 85 What’s in this book? .................................................. 3 Runesmithing .......................................................... 87 The World of Albion...................................................... 4 Core Rules....................................................................... 6 Part II: Playing the Game ............................ 90 The D20 ..................................................................... 7 Checks ............................................................................90 The GM is always right.............................................. 7 Characteristic Checks ............................................. 90 Skill Checks ............................................................. 90 Part I: Character Creation ............................. 9 Combat ..........................................................................91 How to build your character .......................................... 9 Rounds and Turns .................................................. 91 Step One: Characteristics........................................ 10 How Combat Works ............................................... 91 Step Two: Origin ..................................................... 11 Actions ..................................................................... 91 Step Three: Background.......................................... 18 Movement ................................................................ 92 Step Four: Motivation ............................................. 19 Move Actions........................................................... 92 Step Five: Class and path ........................................ 20 Combat Actions ...................................................... 93 Step Six: Spend Experience Points ......................... 22 Other Actions .......................................................... 95 Classes ........................................................................... 24 Combat Conditions ................................................ 96 Missionary ................................................................ 25 Making Attacks ........................................................ 98 Rogue ....................................................................... 26 Damage ..........................................................................99 Soldier ...................................................................... 27 Types of Damage: .................................................... 99 Witch........................................................................ 29 Special Damage ....................................................... 99 Hunter ...................................................................... 30 Critical Damage....................................................... 99 Scholar...................................................................... 31 Injury and Healing ......................................................107 Advanced Ranks / Prestige Classes ............................. 32 Monster Template .......................................................108 Alchemist ................................................................. 33 Assassin .................................................................... 35 Dreadnought ............................................................ 37 Gunslinger ............................................................... 39 Hospitaller................................................................ 40 Inquisitor ................................................................. 41 Lore master .............................................................. 42 Marauder .................................................................. 44 Musketeer................................................................. 45 Occultist ................................................................... 45 Priest ......................................................................... 46 Runesmith................................................................ 48 Saboteur ................................................................... 49 Siren ......................................................................... 50 Thaumaturge............................................................ 51 Skills .............................................................................. 52 Using Skills .............................................................. 52 Skill Description ...................................................... 54 Talents ........................................................................... 58 Gaining Talents ....................................................... 58 Talent Description................................................... 62 Currency and Equipment ............................................ 67 Money and Wealth .................................................. 67 Costs of Living ......................................................... 68 Food, Tools, Clothing and Housing ...................... 68 Weapons .................................................................. 74 Armor ....................................................................... 79 Magic ............................................................................. 80 2 Introduction What’s in this book? 3 years they had taken over the entire religious The World of infrastructure and simply called themselves ‘The Church’. This time is often referred to as the time of Illumination. Albion To many this is just a dark page in history and life resumed to normal after that. Just a few know what the Illumination truly was: The first discovery of the church that magic was real. The Gothic Chronicles is set in Albion, an island in the sea covered with thick forests and known for its rainy Of course many, if not most, of the victims were weather and dark days with dark clouds shrouding the innocent people, but this was a cost the Officium gladly world from the warm touch of the sun. paid in their search to root out this threat for good. Although they let the world believe they were successful, magic was a problem that most likely could never be Horror in Albion neutralized. The Illumination laid the foundation of Imagine that all folklore and classic horror stories are many of The Church’s dogmas and …. In present day true. Imagine a world where witchcraft is real, where Albion. vampires lurk in the cities. A world that could have been ours. The Gothic Chronicles is set in a parallel universe Four hundred years ago the world was very primitive. very similar to the historic eighteen hundreds. The time People lived mostly in villages and lived from the land. of Sherlock Holmes, Jack the Ripper, Mr. Hide, Dracula They worked the lands with horses and poor equipment, and Frankenstein. Of course these monsters would not fought with bow and arrow, lived at the mercy of the sun be known to the whole world. Commoners and citizen and their candles and feared the night. Cities were small would just live their daily lives and would only read and governed by guilds of craftsmen and scions from about these monsters in books like we do. Authorities noble families. would put a lot of effort in hiding everything supernatural from the world. Mysterious disappearances Now these four centuries later, times have changed. and murders appear in the papers as simple homicides or People now rely on more modern technologies like steam industrial accidents. Just a few know the threats in the power and even electricity which is transported through dark. metal wires through the cities. It’s a time of science and social reforms. Doctors discovered how microscopic organisms could transmit diseases and discovered how to cure them. No longer was the unexplainable a design of A Short History of Albion the divine, but something men could unravel and It has been close to four hundred years since the great discover. Information travels faster with new equipment witch trials. Witches, vampires and other monstrosities like the telegram, and people read newspapers printed by roamed the world preying on the innocent and a new a press, that inform them on topics from daily gossip to power rose up to deal with these new threats. A fanatic groundbreaking national news. pillar of the church, named the Officium, graduate gained power by monopolizing their knowledge and Steam power and Electricity is commonly used in persecution of witches and other enemies of the households and industry in the cities. Factories now common folk. It was a time of chaos and fear. Thousands produce products and made craft guilds obsolete. This of people were burned at the stake only with the slightest also caused a major shift in power. No longer did guilds suspicion of witchcraft. The Officium was feared by all rule the city, but those with wealth and power did. Not due to their almost untouchable position. Everyone who nobility but entrepreneurship and connections decided would criticize the clergy of the Officium risked being who had power and influence. executed for witchcraft themselves. With a rising industry, many people migrate to the cities In the end the Officium turned on the church itself in search of work, which causes cities to grow. To house eliminating all high ranking offices and replacing them all these new workers slums are built. Due to with members of their own order. After about a hundred 4 overpopulation, people live in extremely poor conditions and crime rates are skyrocketing. Factories pollute the air, traffic jams are common in the small streets of the city which are not build to harbor so many people and new means of transportation. Because of these poor live condition, the life expectancy of an adult person is just a few decades, not to mention the risks of diseases spreading rampant through the city because of low hygiene standards. Admits all this, the threats of old still exist in this world and The Church does everything to fight it and keep it silent. Missing people and corpses drained of blood are blamed on simple criminals and murderers. Both The Church and the authorities hush up cases of witchcraft and make sure that any witnesses are either silenced or put away in insane asylums to deprive them of any credibility. You play a character who lives in this world. Not a simple civilian, but a strong warrior who knows what terrors lurk behind these cover-ups and masquerade. Either in service of the church to fight the demons of the night or in the employment of a wealthy patron who is in need of your services. You are powerful enough to face these fears and make your way and find your fortune in the world of Albion. Magic and Witchcraft The world has almost forgotten the witch-hunts of the Middle Ages. Those who wield the power of magic have The Church Life in Albion 5 6 Core Rules The D20 Game Dice The only dice you need to play ….. are twenty-sided dice. Everything you do in the game will be decided by these dice. Sometimes the game calls for a dice roll with fixed numbers, such as 1d20+5. In this case the fixed number is added or subtracted from the result of the dice roll. Rounding Up and modifiers If a fraction is generated when dividing, round the result up, even if the result is less than one-half. When two multipliers apply to a value, add them together to form a single multiplier. When more than one modifiers apply to a value, just calculate them as is done in general mathematics. Thus 2d20–5+6 is 2d20+1. The GM is always right The most important rule in the game is that all players should always listen to the GM. It is always useful to Determine the threshold bring issues to the attention to the GM and ask how they Everything the character attempts either fails or succeeds will rule about this when no proper fix is found in the by rolling the dice. What roll succeeds and what roll fails rules. Lengthy discussions about the rules often prevent depends on the threshold you need to roll under. When you from having fun, which is the most important reason the character wants to perform a task, the GM chooses a to come together and play a game. skill or characteristic they seem fit for this task. The However a GM should never use this rule to justify player refers to their characters sheet to determine the decisions or house rule situations that prevent players threshold of that skill or characteristic. from having fun. The rules in the book should always After that modifiers are applied. These are found on the function as a guideline. Depending on how the players character sheet as well, or are given by the GM because want to play the game the GM can deviate from the rules of in-game circumstances. These modifiers are often to tend to the wishes of the players as long as this serves called difficulty levels. The modifier can either be all players involved. positive or negative. The modifier is then added to the existing threshold. For example: Tessa wants to jump a cliff. She has the Jump skill as a trained skill so she can use this skill with the full characteristic which is 9. She also has a bonus to jump checks of +4. However the jump she is about to make is quite far and the DM issues a -3 difficulty level. This means Tessa needs to roll below 10 to succeed in this jump. Roll Dice Lastly dice are rolled to see if the task will be successful. Note that the value of the roll needs to be equal or below the threshold. Lower is better! See page …. For a detailed description about how to make skill checks. 7 8 Part I: Character Creation character to do what they do. Why did they choose this How to build your life and what do they hope to gain from it? The motivation can be a good point to work from when character working out their personality. What will be the ultimate goal for the character and what keeps then loyal to their group? The best way to start out with the character is with an idea of how your character will be. This can be something Step Five: Career and career path small, like a quirk or a personality trait. In this chapter This step will determine the career of the character and the process of building the character will be explained their role in the group you play with. There are six basic step by step. Each step will grand certain bonuses to the classes and each class has three path options which are character and give them a rich background with where specialized career paths the character can choose from. they come from, what their reason is to do what they do Each basic class is a separate architype that is based on a and their values and morals. All these aspects can be characteristic. The solder for example is a career based on chosen in the different steps and will bring your character strength and combat, while the missionary is a more social to life along the way character who excels in healing and using their willpower in combat. Step One: Generate Characteristics Step Six: Flaws and Merits In step one the foundation will be laid by generating the Still need to figure out how this works, will the character characteristics of the character. These characteristics will building give them points or do you just spend points as determine everything the character does, thinks, wants you like? and can. The higher a characteristic is, the better the character performs in that field. Step Seven: Spend Experience Points Each character starts out with an amount of experience Step Two Origin points which can be spend on talents and skills. These Each character has an origin, a place where they grew up talents and skills are not assigned to the character like in and determines some core aspects about the character. A the previous steps, but can be chosen as you see fit from character who grew up in a sophisticated environment the talents and skills that are available to the character. most likely develops other skills and values in life than one who was raised on the outskirts of civilization. The background also provides the character with their first Step Eight: Wealth and Equipment feature, their aptitude or tendency as it were which will Of course the character won’t face the horrors without decide how easy the character will learn certain skills and the proper equipment. Each character starts out with an talents amount of currency depending on what career they are. Some careers make more than others. This is also Step Three: Background reflected in their income which they receive every week, or Not only the pace but also the environment makes up for month (this can be chosen by the GM). With this a large portion for how the character will be during their currency you can choose new weapons and armor for the life. In the back round the core values of the character character. Note that most weapons have a specialization will be chosen. Maybe they grew up in a very criminal requirement, so chose carefully what weapons the environment or they were served and smothered in character will use. luxury. Step Four: Motivation This fourth step lets you chose a motivation for your character. A Motivation can be anything that drives your 9 Skills Step One: Score Significance Characteristics 1-2 Feeble 3-4 Poor Characteristics represent your character’s ability in a wide range of mental and physical areas. They are rated on a 5-6 Average scale of 0 to 20. The higher your characteristics the better 7-8 Great you perform in certain tasks that require these abilities. 9-10 Amazing Ranged Skill (RS) 10+ Heroic Ranged Skill reflects your character’s accuracy with ranged weapons, like guns and rifles, but also throw weapons. Charisma (Cha) Charisma shows how well you characters can interact with Melee Skill (MS) others and how well they can use their social skills to get Melee Skill measures your character’s ability in hand-to- what they desire. hand combat with weapons or their own body. Perception (Per) Strength (Str) Perception describes how well your character perceives his Strength reflects how physically strong your character is surroundings and how well they can put their strength to good use. How to generate Characteristics Toughness (Tou) Each character starts out with a base value of 4. On each Toughness measures how sturdy your character is as well characteristic they receive a bonus value that will be added as how well they take pain and injury and resist poison or to this base value. This bonus can either be rolled for or harsh environments. chosen from a fixed set of values. If you decide to roll for these bonus values you will roll a D20 for every characteristic. 1–5 will grand a +1 bonus, 6–10 will grant Dexterity (Dex) a +2 bonus, 11–15 will grand a +3 bonus 16–20 will Dexterity reflects you character’s agility, quickness, ability grand a +4 bonus. to balance and dodge, but also their manual dexterity, You can also chose to apply a fixed set of bonuses to the sleight of hand characteristics. One characteristic with a +4 bonus, two with a +3, three with a +2 and four with a +1. The last option is to take a more average route and apply +2 on Intelligence (Int) each characteristic which will result on a 6 on every Intelligence describes your character’s knowledge as well characteristic as how fast they learn, their wits and reasoning. Other Characteristics and values Willpower (Will) Besides these characteristic, all characters start with a base Willpower demonstrates your character’s ability to endure value of 10 sanity. During the character creation this mental ordeals and can also measure their ability to tap value can be modified by choosing certain character into and use magical powers building options. See page …. For how sanity works in the game. All characters start out with a base speed of 30ft. Sometimes armor can influence this value. 10 Step Two: Origin Your Gothic Chronicles character may have a very different life now. Maybe work for the church, or be a mercenary for hire. Whatever their career does now, many of the things that makes them who they are, were defined by where they grew up. You can choose a random origin from the table below or choose a specific origin yourself that suits the concept of your character that you have in mind. 11 Countryman Countryman Features Life on the Countryside Life on the countryside is relatively primitive to the more Character Modifiers urban places. Most people live in villages and farms and work on the land. Some are craftsmen and make extra +1 Toughness, +1 Strength, money by making fabric and tools. Their main products –1 Intelligence are food which is in high demand in the cities. Most villages do not have electricity or steam power and Countryside Skills rely on older technology in their day to day life. Families life together in houses and farms together with their extended family as well. Younger people often travel to the city for work and education leaving their families behind. Sometimes they return to take over the family Countryside Traits business, but with more modern machines and technologies work on the land becomes more efficient and less in need of manpower as it did before. Therefore more and more people settle in the city. Those who grow up on the countryside are used to hard Health Sanity and Reputation labor and living without Health 4 Countryside Characters Countryside Traits As someone who lived in a small village you are not accustomed to strangers and people outside the small community you lived in. You gain the Crude talent. 12 City Dweller City Dweller Rules Life in the City Cities grow in a dramatic rate Features Filthy, dangerous, hygiene, high crime rate Industrial growth change the face of the cities. Charisma Noise traffic jams, slums air pollution from factories. Factories also produce more wealth and luxury products Neighborhoods are the center of community life Character Modifiers Infrastructure Work and income +1 Charisma, +1 Intelligence, –1 Toughness Admits all this monsters, mad scientists trafficking corpses, experimenting with electricity, vampires hiding in plain sight Countryside Skills Countryside Characters City dweller Traits Countryside Traits Your whole life you have lived in the city and always had to move through crowded streets and busy market squares. Because of this moving through a crowd is Health Points normal for you. You gain the Crowd Tactics talent. When living in crowded places, news travels quickly and 3 you have developed a keen ear when it comes to news and gossip. You gain Gather Information (•) skill and a +4 bonus to Gather Information checks when in familiar situations and places with many people. 13 Military Life in the Military Military Rules Military Characters Features Military Traits Strength As someone who worked or works in the army you receive easily the respect of others, but first and foremost by those who chose a similar path as you. You speak the same lingo and just easily get along. You gain the Peer (Military) Character Modifiers talent. Whether you actually used weapons or not during your +1 Strength, +1 Toughness, service, you at least have basic knowledge about how they –1 Willpower work. Even as an army cook you have seen firearms on a daily basis. You gain the Gun Maintenance talent. Countryside Skills Countryside Traits Health Points 4 14 Life of Devotion Life on the Countryside Life of Devotion Rules Countryside Characters Features Countryside Skills Willpower Countryside Traits Character Modifiers +1 Willpower, +1 Charisma, –1 Strength Countryside Skills Countryside Traits Health Points 3 15 Noble Born Noble Born Rules Life on the Countryside Features Countryside Characters Intelligence Countryside Skills Character Modifiers Countryside Traits +1 Intelligence, +1 Charisma, –1 Willpower Opera Countryside Skills Countryside Traits Health Points 3 16 Captivity Life on Imprisonment Captivity Rules Characters Aptitude Skills Toughness Traits Character Modifiers +1 Willpower +1 Toughness, –1 Intelligence Countryside Skills Countryside Traits Health Points 5 17 Step Three: Persecuted Background Benefit: Text Survivor You are a survivor. Diseases in cities can claim high tolls and claim the lives of who families, but you are the sole survivor and carry this weight with you. Maybe you returned from war and one of the few who can tell tales about the horrors no the battlefield. Either way you are Revered hardened by your experience and know what it is like to lose everything. Benefit Benefit Criminal Whether you were a goon in a criminal organization, a highwayman or just a simple burglar, you used to steal and commit crimes for a living. You served your time and carried out your punishment and now have returned to civilization. You might know some people here and there, but with your current position, your life has changed for Destined for greatness the better. Benefit: Benefit: Zealot Benefit: 18 Step Four: Motivation Everyone has a motivation, a reason to do what they do Prestige and a moral compass they use when making life decisions. You wish to become someone of significance. Your goal is In this step you can choose what motivation your that people on the streets know your name, praise your character has and what they try to accomplish. What is deeds and toast to your wellbeing. Prestige can be found the goal of the character and by what means do they try to in many ways. Fulfilling your orders as well as you can and reach that goal? get rewarded for your effort can be perfect way to get the recognition you desire. Others reach for the sky and don’t rest before they reside with the highest classes in society. Fortune The main focus of your character is to make profit or gain wealth in one way or another. Maybe they wish to start a Benefit: venture and become a prominent figure in the economical world. Maybe they wish to become rich by stealing from others and make a name for themselves in the criminal underworld. A more lawful individual would rise in the rank of their organization and gain more salary or gain influence over the treasury of that institution. There are many ways to become rich and you know that Acquisition money is the most important thing in this world and do There is this one thing you crave most in the world. It can anything to gather as much as possible. be an object, a person a feeling even an addiction. You need to find it and have it. It can be a lifelong quest for an artifact or even the daily fix for adrenaline or Benefit: satisfaction. This motivation can be implemented in to story if the GM seems fit. Vengeance Benefit: You have been wronged in the past and are looking for revenge. Someone might have taken something or someone from you. The will to find the one who hurt you is so strong that you made it your life’s mission to settle this dept. Power Benefit: You crave power above everything else. Of course power manifests itself in many forms. Maybe through wealth, influence in organizations or having contacts who owe you favors. Money itself does not interest you. It’s what Benevolence money can buy that motivates you. Friends are important You are here to help others. You know that your skills to you, but often people are simply tools or leverage to and powers are a gift to you so that you can give to those gain more influence over others. On the other hand can who cannot fend for themselves. Ways to do this, are to bonds of friendship go a long way when reaching for that protect the innocent, help those in need and give to those position of power you need so badly. who are poor. Whatever you do, you do it for the greater good. Of course there is no reason to not benefit from it, but the main purpose is to do good in this world. Benefit: Benefit: 19 their lives buried in the pages of books, others search for Step Five: Class and the impossible and improbable. They all have in common that knowledge is sacred and that there can always be found and learned more and that is it men’s duty to do path so. Scholars can choose the following Career Paths: Loremaster, Alchemist and Runesmith. For more In this step the most fundamental aspect of your character information see page … will be chosen: their career. The career is what the See page …. For more information about the Career character does and what role they play in the group. All Paths. Careers come with starting skills, talents and gear. Also they have special features which will be used when buying Soldier Features: new advancements and talents. Starting Skills: Some starting talents have perquisites. For the purpose of Starting Talents: starting talents, characters may ignore these prerequisites. Starting Gear: Soldier Soldiers are fighters and rely on their strength and skill Missionary with weapons. The Soldier can take heavy blows and are Missionaries are devoted characters and members of the not easily scared when fighting the terrors in the night. clergy. They can be the local priest of a village or sent to They are experts with both gun and blade, although they spread the faith to places outside the watchful eye of the can use a wide range of weapons. church. Some are zealots, determined to cleanse the world Soldiers can choose three career paths. The Hospitaller, from evil and disobedience, others are more benevolent Dreadnought and the Marauder. See page …. For more and task themselves with tending to the common people, information about the Career Paths. bringing them solace and warmth. Soldier Features: Missionaries can choose the following Career Paths: Starting Skills: Inquisitor, Priest and Thaumaturge. See page …. For more Starting Talents: information about the Career Paths. Starting Gear: Soldier Features: Starting Skills: Starting Talents: Witch Starting Gear: Witches are trained in arts of magic and have often unlocked their powers at a young age and have had their Rogue whole life to train and master the elements. Witches can Rogues are thieves and scum of the underworld. Some are either be solo practitioners, hiding their secret from the expert burglars and master thieves, others specialize in common people and the church, although most are in more lethal skills. Rogues know how to navigate through service of the latter using their powers to fight magic and the dark alleys of the city, they know who to ask when monsters alike. they need something and always see an opportunity in a Witches can choose the following paths: Archon, dire situation. Occultist and Siren See page …. For more information Rogues can choose the following paths: Master Thief, about the Career Paths. Assassin and Saboteur. See page …. For more information about the Career Paths. Soldier Features: Starting Skills: See page …. For more information about the Career Path. Starting Talents: Starting Gear: Soldier Features: Starting Skills: Scholar Starting Talents: Scholars are hardcore scientists ranging from Starting Gear: Frankenstein type mad experiments to the bearded inventors working in their workshop. Some spent most of Hunter 20 Hunters are more than someone with a gun snaring rabbits. Sure, some Hunters prefer a more solitude lifestyle on the countryside, but most are found in urban areas. They are gunslingers and expert marksmen selling their skills to the highest bidder. If you want someone found, a hunter is your best choice. Hunters also form an important part of the military where their ranged skill are put to good use. The church often employ hunters to find certain individuals or train them as expert warriors to defend the innocent from harm. Hunters can choose the following paths: Bloodhound, Gunslinger and Musketeer. See page …. For more information about the Career Paths. Soldier Features: Starting Skills: Starting Talents: Starting Gear: 21 Step Six: Spend Skill Mastery A character gains skills when building the character. They Experience Points can also buy skills with experience points during the game. Every time they gain multiple skills during Everything a character learns during the game is expressed character building, they gain a rank in this skill instead. in experience points. Experience points are awarded by Note that a character must advance through each rank the GM when the players defeat enemies, solve mysteries before they can buy the next. or show exemplary cunning, creativity or roleplay skills during the game. The experience points can be spent on a Table X–X: Skill Ranks Aptitude Table lot of different advanced which will make the character Rank Normal Cost Aptitude Cost stronger and better at what they do. A player can always Trained 100 100 decide to save up experience points for a larger purchase Rank (•) 125 (225) 100 (200) ow when they do not know yet what way they want to Rank (••) 175 (450) 125 (325) advance. Rank (•••) 250 (650) 150 (475) Rank (••••) 350 (1000) 225 (700) Starting Experience Rank (•••••) 500 (1500) 300 (1000) Each character starts out with 2000 experience points to spend as they see fit. The character can buy talents, skills, skill ranks, trait ranks and even a higher characteristic Talent Mastery score as they see fit. They must meet any requirements When building the character, multiple talents will result when buying new advanced. in only gaining the talent once. Any multiple instances of the talent are lost, unless otherwise specified. Competence (Aptitude) All characters gain an aptitude when they choose their Characters can almost learn all talents during the game. It base career. This aptitude reflects how much effort it costs is shown in the prerequisites in the talent table if a to learn new skills and talents. Characters with an character is able to learn the talent. Nevertheless some aptitude for a certain skill or talent need less experience learn them with more ease than others. This is, again, points to gain ranks or learn new talents that matches reflected by their aptitude. Each talent has an aptitude their aptitude. which shows what class will have less difficulty obtaining the talent. Classes listed as having an aptitude for the Characteristic Scores talent use the reduced cost in experience points when buying the talent. All characters start out with a characteristic score for each Also advancing in a talent tree will cost more experience of their characteristics. During the game a character can points. The tiers are shown in the talent description. improve their score by spending experience points. TO gain a higher characteristic score is a very intense task and will cost a lot of experience points. Note that a character Table X–X: Talent cost must advance through each rank before they can buy the Normal Cost Aptitude Cost next. Tier 1 200 100 Tier 2 300 150 Table X–X: Characteristic Cost per level Tier 3 400 200 Score Normal Cost Aptitude Cost 1 150 100 2 300 200 3 450 300 4 600 400 5 750 500 Path Trait Ranks In both the basic path and the advanced Path, a character 6 900 600 can learn specialized traits. These traits are exclusively for 7 1050 700 that path alone and cannot be learned by characters who 8 1200 800 have chosen a different advanced path. 9 1350 900 10 1500 1000 22 There is only one cost for each rank of the trait and the character can advance in any trait they choose at any time. As long as they meet the requirements for advancing to the next rank, they can spend the amount of experience points listed in the table below and gain the new rank. Note that a character must advance through each rank before they can buy the next. Table X–X: Path Trait Ranks Rank Cost Trained 100 Rank (•) 100 Rank (••) 125 Rank (•••) 175 Rank (••••) 250 Rank (•••••) 350 23 Classes Path of Building Basic path Advanced path 24 Missionary Missionaries are devoted characters who often possess Missionary magical powers and are all kinds of clergymen and women found in all forms of religious life. Missionary Aptitude Missionary Aptitude As a Missionary you learn certain skills more easily than Charisma, Intelligences, Willpower, others. You use the Aptitude table for determining the Social, Offense cost of buying skills and skill ranks for the following skills: Missionary Skills Inquisitor Inquisitors are a very specialized group of people who Advanced Knowledge (Witchcraft), often work on their own and infiltrate occult circles of magic users and have a keen sense when it comes to forbidden practices. They are highly trained in operating in the shadows and influence the right people to get what Missionary Talents they want. Often they also are high ranking officials within the church and can use military resources as well to root out threats when they encounter them. Basic Weapon Training (Pistol), Melee Inquisitors Weapon Training (universal), Magic User, Priest Thaumaturge Missionary Traits Thaumaturgies are very strange devoted figures, even in the eye of their religious peers. Theumaturges are workers Smite the Heretic of miracles and often pose themselves as being in contact with the divine themselves, which goes against the dogma of the church. In the past Thaumaturges often have been persecuted for these practices, but also always have been revered but the people for their seemingly wondrous ways to cure the ill and perform minor miracles. 25 Rogue Text Rogue Rogue Aptitude Rogue Aptitude As a Rogue you learn certain skills more easily than others. You use the Aptitude table for determining the cost of buying skills and skill ranks for the following skills: Dexterity, Melee Skill, Charisma, Alertness, Finesse Assassin Assassins are the masters of shadows, liquidation and Rogue Skills being unseen killers from both afar and lose by. They use all kinds of exotic weapons and poison, although some just prefer a simple gun or knife to make their kill. Advanced Knowledge (Witchcraft), Sometimes in the employ of patrons or contractors, sometimes as a member of a cult or organization they can hunt down any target and kill them unseen and Rogue Talents unnoticed. Master Thief Basic Weapon Training (Pistol), Melee Master Thieves are the ultimate masterminds and come in Weapon Training (universal), Magic all sorts of appearances. Often they use their skills to disguise themselves and use this to work their way into User, the most heavily protected safe. Master Thieves have a wide range of skills at their disposal Rogue Traits and prove to be extremely useful in groups. Their knowledge of both social skills and things like streetwise often come in handy when trying to solve mysteries and Saboteur Saboteurs are, different from Assassins, master of trickery and deception. They use traps and illusions to confuse and eliminate their enemies, often throwing some explosives and strange technology in the mix. They use science as a sorcerer uses magic and always carry a wide range of weird looking weapons and bombs on their belt. 26 Knight Hospitaller Soldier This ancient order of knights is one of the best kept The soldier is a warrior trained in combat. They often are specialized in both shooting from range as fighting at Warrior close quarters with the enemy. In civilization soldiers can be found in all corners of the world. Some are policemen, others are guards or work as jailers. Of course most of Soldier Features them are paid military people in the army. Often the church recruits soldiers in their ranks. Most of Melee Skill, Ranged Skill, Strength, Offense, them fulfill simple duties like guarding important figures and being the backbone of their private military force. Defense Sometimes, when one shows exemplary potential, they are trusted with the church’s secret knowledge and trained to Warrior Skills fight the real monsters. These warriors of the church often called legionnaires or redcoats due to their distinguishing red uniforms were trained in specialized Advanced Knowledge (Witchcraft), combat and each soldier is assigned to a specialized squad and send out to do the church’s divine work and keep the innocent safe. Soldiers do not have a special privilege except for being Warrior Talents military. Most people just perceive them as watchdogs from the church, since only a few know what tasks they perform when the world is asleep. They’re not always ALL THE WEAPONS welcomed with kindness and especially in the more rural villages people rather have them pass by than make their Warrior Traits entrance. Despite this most people treat them with respect Role of the Soldier secrets of the church. Most people believe them to have In Game name Soldiers are the core brute force of the died out about a hundred years ago, but this chapter of group. They are the front line and are trained to eliminate knights still operates in the shadows of civilization. the enemy as fast and efficient as possible, which is often Although they wield no magical powers, most Hospitallers by using big guns and heavy weaponry. use all kind of sacred weapons and trinkets to fight evil wherever they go. Sometimes called witch hunters, this order is tasked to be the shield against magic. Soldier Traits Whenever magic is detected, Hospitallers are send in to either Soldier Aptitude Neutralize the threat or recruit any magic user they seem As a Soldier you learn certain skills more easily than fit to fight on their side. others. You use the Aptitude table for determining the Besides this holy task the Hospitallers are known for their cost of buying skills and skill ranks for the following skills: exquisite healing abilities. Most of the Hospitallers are trained in the most modern technologies of medicine and many scientists, although not military provide this order with the most recent discoveries about diseases and treatments. This knowledge is not only useful when Soldier Paths tending to the sick and wounded, but also to know when Soldiers are assigned to specialized groups befitting their something is simply scientific or indeed magic and skills. There are three paths you can chose from when dangerous. playing a soldier each with their own unique set of abilities and preferred style of combat. 27 Dreadnought The dreadnought is one of the most fierce and fearless warriors existing. Often they are veterans and have seen more than any sane man can handle and recognizable by their use of armor. These expert warriors fight the most gruesome of beasts and proud themselves with the scars of battle and dents and claw marks in their armor. The more a dreadnought has endured the more worn and patched- up his armor is. Marouder/Raider/Something more midrangy 28 Witch Text Witch As a Witch you learn certain skills more easily than others. You use the Aptitude table for determining the Witch Aptitude cost of buying skills and skill ranks for the following skills: Intelligence, Charisma, Willpower, Occultist Resolve, Offense Siren Witch Skills Elementalist Advanced Knowledge (Witchcraft), Witch Talents Basic Weapon Training (Pistol). Witch Traits 29 Hunter Text Ranger Hunter Aptitude Hunter Aptitude As a hunter you learn certain skills more easily than others. You use the Aptitude table for determining the cost of buying skills and skill ranks for the following skills: Ranged Skill, Dexterity, Perception, Offense, Social Gunslinger Hunter Skills Musketeer Advanced Knowledge (Witchcraft), Bloodhound Bloodhounds are bounty hunters who specialize in manhunt and tracking. Most of them are found in the more rural areas and Hunter Talents Basic Weapon Training (Pistol). Hunter Traits 30 Scholar Text Mystic Alchemist Alchemists are masters of elixirs, potions, and advanced Mystic Aptitude technology to accomplish experiments no one would thing to be possible. Unclear if they possess actual magic Intelligence, Willpower, Perception, or just have knowledge of science no one else seems to comprehend, the works of Alchemist are feared and Knowledge, Defense respected. Always searching for ways to do the impossible, some Alchemists experiment with powers even they don’t Mystic Skills fully understand, resulting sometimes in explosions, deadly diseases or walking corpses. This is why Alchemists are often seen as a danger to the world and solo Advanced Knowledge (Witchcraft), practitioners are often dealt with by the church. Those who offer their service, are strong allies and useful members of groups, although often a little crazy and less interested in protecting than to find new technologies Mystic Talents even if this would be at the cost of a few lives. Loremaster Weapon Training (Pistol), Weapon Although they do not excel at combat, Lore Masters are Training (Blade), Magic User, wise and very knowledgeable characters. What they lack in combat they make up in their sheer knowledge and skill Mystic Traits in a lot of unorthodox topics. Loremasters are scientists, seers and provide their companions with … Runesmith Runesmiths are skilled at both magic and craftsmanship. They can craft the most balanced swords and imbued rifles. Although often hardly noticeable these Runesmiths possess a strong magic with which they enchant objects to make them more valuable and useful when fighting enemies who cannot be harmed by normal weapons. When fighting incorporeal beings, the runesmith is the one who can provide you with the necessary equipment. Like a priest can bless objects to make them harmful to those who are harmed by goodness and the light, a Runesmith enchants their tools with all sorts of magic to make them work in all kinds of situations 31 Advanced Ranks / Prestige Classes 32 Alchemist Alchemists use their magic to imbue weapons and armor to give them bonuses. Skilled alchemist can even animate objects or transmute one material into another. Alchemists are a very useful magic user for groups since they can enchant and enhance all kind of objects the party can use. Transmute Rank (•) Rank (••) Rank (•••) Rank (••••) Rank (•••••) Craft Elixir Rank (•) Rank (••) Rank (•••) Rank (••••) Rank (•••••) https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/spell-lists-and- domains/formulae-lists-alchemist 33 Archon Spellcaster The Archon can cast spells. They start off with knowing simple spells from the …… discipline. Rank (•): The Archon can learn and cast rank one spells. You need a willpower score of 6 to advance to this rank. Rank (••): The Archon can learn and cast rank two spells. You need a willpower score of 7 to advance to this rank. Rank (•••): The Archon can learn and cast rank three spells. You need a willpower score of 8 to advance to this rank. Rank (••••): The Archon can learn and cast rank four spells. You need a willpower score of 9 to advance to this rank. Rank (•••••): The Archon can learn and cast rank five spells. You need a willpower score of 10 to advance to this rank. 34 Assassin The classic assassin type. A master of disguise, shadows and misdirection. Using exotic weapons and poison to misdirect and harm their enemies from a distance. Assassinate Bonus on attacks and damage against target who are unaware of the attack or combat advantage. Rank (•) Rank (••) Rank (•••) Rank (••••) Rank (•••••) Sharp Shooter No penalty when shooting on maximum range. Penalty on more than twice max range Rank (•) Rank (••) Rank (•••) Rank (••••) Rank (•••••) Lethal Weapon Rank (•) Rank (••) Rank (•••) Rank (••••) Rank (•••••) Improved Poison Use Rank (•) Rank (••) Rank (•••) Rank (••••) Rank (•••••) 35 Bloodhound A Bounty Hunter is a specialized tracker and slayer of specific foes. They have all kinds of bonuses and knowledge of specific types of enemies and use exotic weaponry to hunt them down Become the Hunter Rank (•) Rank (•) (•) Rank (•) (•) (•) Rank (•) (•) (•) (•) Rank (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) Choose two of the following: Favorite Enemy (Vampire), Favorite Enemy (Lycanthrope), Favorite Enemy (Monsters), Favorite Enemy (Undead), 36 Rank (••) Dreadnought Rank (•••) Rank (••••) Rank (•••••) Dreadnought Traits Dreadnoughts have the following Intercept Rank (•) Heavy Armor Rank (••) Dreadnoughts are known for their tradition to fight in Rank (•••) heavy armor. Something that is normally considered Rank (••••) something from the past. A steel plate doesn’t stop Rank (•••••) bullets, but it still proves to be very useful when fighting against primal foes that attack with claws and jaws full of Damage Reduction sharp teeth. The more damaged the armor is, the more revered the Dreadnought becomes. They wear their scars Rank (•) with pride and will never change their armor. The Rank (••) Dreadnought gains the Armor Proficiency (Heavy Rank (•••) Armor) talent and can’t sell or dispose of their armor. Rank (••••) Rank (•): Rank (•) (•) Rank (•) (•) (•) Rank (•) (•) (•) (•) Rank (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) Bulwark Rank (•) Rank (•) (•) Rank (•) (•) (•) Rank (•) (•) (•) (•) Rank (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) Fearless Rank (•) Rank (••) Rank (•••) Rank (••••) Rank (•••••) Immobile The Dreadnought cannot be maneuvered or pushed away from the spot they are in. Any event that would do so, just fails to move the Dreadnought, although other effects might still apply. Rank (•) 37 Rank (•••••) 38 Gunslinger Desperado type. Two guns shooter figure. High reflexes, good at dodging Gunslinger Talent No penalty when shooting with two weapons 39 Hospitaller Full Plate The Hospitaller gains the Armor Proficiency (Heavy Armor) talent. Rank (•) Rank (••) Rank (•••) Rank (••••) Rank (•••••) Combat Medic Rank (•) Rank (••) Rank (•••) Rank (••••) Rank (•••••) 40
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