FI RST PRIZE A pretty nice toaster - ovens - toasters_B09TQZC7HF_0 SECOND PRIZE An American W erewolf In London Action Figure ng=UTF8&psc=1 THIRD PRIZE This “ Ask Me About Hentai ” Shirt Available up to 3XL E0V RULES: 1. You must b e over 18 years old. 2. Ent ries may take the form of a video under 1 minute in duration or a wor k of art or performance of some kind. Any talent will be consi dered , so long as it can be disp layed in under 1 minute. 3. All entries must be SAFE FOR WORK. HOW TO ENTER: Send the media file documenting your talent to talent@deepfatfriedpodcast .com T he subject of the email must be TALE NT SHOW EN TRY Include the following information : Your Legal Name , Age, Address, and P hone Number Yo u must also inc lu de the media file, vi deo, drawing, etc. that displays your talent or ability in one minute or less. Thou gh the talent show is free to enter, you can DM any of the pessimists to discuss potential bribes to curry ou r favor in the comp etition.