Deputy Chief Cristina Tobon is creating a hostile work environment, creating discord, and fostering an environment of distrust. This is creating an environment in which officers are hesitant to do their jobs thereby creating an unsafe Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System community: Unprofessional Conduct Inappropriate Relationships Lack of Candor Making false or unfounded statements, which are slanderous or defamatory, about other employees or officials Personal Action in violation of 5 U.S. Code § 2302 - Prohibited personnel practices Alleged legal or policy violation(s) or other misconduct: Deputy Chief of Police Service at CAVHS, Cristina Tobon, has had, and continues to have unprofessional and inappropriate relationships with subordinates and, continues conduct unbecoming of a VA employee. She has developed personal relationships with officers she hired that has divided the service. Tobon has a history with this behavior as she was suspended in 2017 for Conduct Unbecoming at the Miami VA. The counts are: +Tobon recruited dispatcher 1 from the Miami VA to be a dispatcher, a GS- 5 Position, at CAVHS. Upon her transfer here dispatcher 1 lived with Tobon for several months paying $400.00 a month for rent. Dispatcher 1 also told several fellow employees she was living with Tobon and she was specifically brought here to be the Dispatcher Supervisor. Dispatcher 1 also told fellow employees Tobon had to co-sign a car loan due to her poor credit. This is supported by written and signed statements. +Officer 1, GS-6, has told several officers he has had a personal relationship with Tobon. He stated he has been at her house multiple times for private cookouts and has been out several times on what he considered dates. He has told his co-workers he brings her lunch and they text a lot. Officer 1 has also told fellow employees he has seen multiple tattoos, in personal areas, on Tobon, and can describe them in detail. He also told officers you can see her in different stages of undress on her Tinder account. This is supported by written and signed statements. The hiring and maintaining of officer 1 has also been called into question. Last December Tobon was at an event with representatives of Benton Police Department, where officer 1 use to work. Officers from Benton PD told Tobon he was trouble as he was fired for inappropriate contact with an underage girl and lying about it. Tobon never shared this information with leadership nor did she investigate to ensure officer 1 was truthful during his hiring process. Having someone of this character and with his history of misconduct places the police service and VA at risk if he was to continue acting this way as a VA Police Officer This is supported by written and signed statements. + Officer 2, GS-6 has also told fellow employees he has had a personal relationship with Tobon and he was tight with her because they use to have cook outs, swim, drink, and go camping with Tobon on several occasions. Officer 2 said his relationship with Tobon became very personal as she helped him through his separation from his wife. This is supported by written and signed statements. + Lt. 1, GS-8, has been at pool parties and other gatherings with subordinate officers. Supported by written and signed statement. Tobon also told lieutenant 1 she did not like the Captain and Investigator and that both needed to go. These types of statements are very inappropriate comments to make to a subordinate about leaders in police service. This is supported with written and signed statements. OSLE and their current investigations into police service: +Officer 1 told fellow employees that during his interview with S/A Matthew Fahey and S/A Leonard Daniel, he felt like he was being led into answers they were looking for by them winking and using hand gestures. They seemed concern on getting specific answers they were looking for, not necessarily the truth. + S/A Fahey and S/A Daniel also had inappropriate communication with Tobon leading up to and during the recent investigations. Agents told Tobon about subjects/witness testimony going so far to tell her some were lying. These allegations are supported by written and signed statements. This calls into question the validity of the investigations as the agents seemed to be looking for a specific finding instead of the truth. Effect of the wrongdoing: These actions by Deputy Chief Tobon has created and continues to create turmoil within the Police Service undermining the leaderships ability to lead. This turmoil has created a hostile work environment and low morale for employees who do not agree with or hangout with Tobon. The overall effects have been diminish and poor work placing the facility at a security risk as officers are afraid to do their job. The OSLE investigations are also facing scrutiny as fair and accurate due to the agents actions. If indeed these accusations prove to be true the findings of the investigations will be in question because of their unprofessional conduct. Date(s) when the event(s) occurred: Approximately 1 January 2019 to present. Names of witnesses: All witnesses have provided statements and will provide more information upon request. A concerned Veteran.