APPENDIX A QoS MODELS DESCRIPTION 1. SMI (2014) SMI Security and Accountability Agility Assurance Financial Performance Usability Privacy 2. CSQM (2012) CSQM Service Quality Manageability Quality Service Level Integration Security Usage Metering Quality Quality Quality Manageability Quality 3. CLOUDQUAL (2014) CLOUDQUAL Usability Availability Reliability Responsiveness Security Elasticity APPENDIX B QoS CRITERIA DESCRIPTION QoS attributes Description Response time Refer to the time between when a service is requested and when the response is available. Uptime Refer to the amount of time that a CS hosted by a CSP is accessible to end users. Latency Refer to the delay between a client request and a CSP's response. Durability or execution time The execution duration between arriving a request and obtaining the result. Data transfer speed Refer to the data transfer between internal cloud service instances. Contracting experience Refer to client satisfaction with the process of the agreements required to use a service. Ease of doing business Refer to the client satisfaction with the ability to do business with a CSP. Ownership Refer to the client rights level has over data and intellectual property associated with a service. Provider business stability Refer to the ability of the CSP to continue the exist throughout and contracted term. Provider certifications Refer to the CSP maintains current certifications for standards relevant to their clients' requirements. Provider contract/SLA verification Refer to the CSP makes available to clients SLAs adequate to manage and mitigate risks of service failure. Provider ethicality Refer to the CSP ability to conduct business practices and ethics outside the scope of regulatory compliance. Provider personnel requirements Refer to the CSP personnel skills, experience, and certifications required to effectively deliver a service. Provider supply chain Refer to the CSP ensures that any SLAs that must be supported by its suppliers are supported. Provider support Refer to the CSP capability to make available assistance to the client in their efforts to use the service. Extensibility Refer to the ability to add new features or services to existing services. Resiliency/Fault tolerance Refer to the ability of a service to continue to operate properly in the event of a failure. Service stability Refer to the degree to which the service is resistant to change, deterioration, or displacement. Serviceability or Efficiency Refer to the ease and efficiency of performing maintenance and correcting problems with the service. Installability Refer to the time and effort required to get a service ready for delivery. Learnability Refer to the effort required of users to learn to use the service. Operability or Usability Refer to the ability of a service to be easily operated by users. Understandability Refer to the ease with which users can understand the capabilities and operation of the service. Availability Refer to the appropriateness of the service availability window, as well as will actually be provided to clients. Reliability Refer to the ability of a service operates without failure under given conditions during a given time period. Access control & privilege management Refer to policies and processes in use by the CSP to ensure the appropriate privileges in use of data. Authentication Refer to the providing authenticating to the parties involved in cloud service. Encryption Refer to providing confidentiality and non-repudiation by encrypting to the parties involved in cloud service. Data geographic/Political Refer to the client's constraints on service location based on geographic or political risk. Data integrity Refer to keeping the correct form of created, used, and stored data to make clients are confident. Data privacy & data loss Refer to client restrictions on use and sharing of client data are enforced by the CSP. Physical & environmental security Refer to policies in use by the CSP to protect the facilities from unauthorized physical access. Proactive threat & vulnerability management Refer to mechanisms in place to ensure that the service is protected against threats as well as vulnerabilities. Retention/disposition Refer to the CSP’s data retention and disposition processes to meet the clients' requirements. Security Refer to the capabilities of CSPs to ensure service and infrastructure security. Suitability Refer to the capabilities of the proposed service match the features needed by the client. Auditability Refer to the ability of a client to verify that the CSP is adhering to the standards, processes, and policies. Governance Refer to the processes used by the CSP to manage client expectations, issues and service performance. Scalability Refer to the ability of a CSP to increase/decrease the service available to meet client requirements. Portability Refer to the ability of a client to easily move a service from one CSP to another with minimal disruption. Transparency Refer to the user’s ability to determine when changes in a feature or component of the service occur. Cost or Price Refer to the client’s cost to consume a service over time. Billing process Refer to the level of integration that is available between the client and CSP’s billing systems. Financial agility Refer to the flexibility and elasticity of the financial aspects of the CSP’s services. Financial structure Refer to how responsive to the client’s needs are the CS provider’s pricing and billing components. Compliance Refer to standards, processes, and policies committed to by the CS provider are followed. Elasticity Refer to the ability of CS provider to adjust its resource consumption for a service to meet client demand. Bandwidth Refer to the network's ability to achieve maximum bandwidth and deal with other network performance. Flexibility Refer to the ability to add or remove predefined features from a service. Sustainability Refer to the impact on the economy, society and the environment of the CS provider. Adaptability Refer to the ability of the CS provider to adjust to changes in client requirements. Maintainability Refer to the ability of the CSP to make modifications to the service to keep the service in a good condition. Disaster Recovery Refer to a backup and restore strategy for restoring critical services from the cloud in case of an emergency. Functionality Refer to the specific features provided by a service. Accessibility Refer to the degree to which a service is operable by users with disabilities. Interoperability or Composability Refer to the ability of a service to easily interact with other services from the same/other CS providers. Accuracy Refer to the extent to which a service adheres to its requirements. Reputation Refer to the ranking given to the service by end users according to their own experiences. Trust Refer to consider users’ trust relationships for finding and ranking optimal cloud services. Throughput The number of Web service requests served at a given time period. Energy Refer to the environmental effect of the cloud service employed such as cloud services energy. Succesibility Refer to the number of service request response or communication message.
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